Advanced Tricks / Sonic Variations
Date: Sat, Jul 27 2013 19:00:35
[B][1 Hour Ago 07:03 PM] Awesome : you should put pictures of sonic the hedgehog in it[/B]
[video=youtube;tUSI2_HfLsA][/video] These sonic variations and the new way of notating them has been successful thanks to my "Fingerswitch" thread in the research department. Just showing some practical uses of decomposing tricks to modify them. Notations used in the video: Sonic 23-14-23 Sonic 23-14-12 Sonic 23-13-34 (Suggestion: Notate as Sonic 23-13~34 to use the ~ as an FL fingerswitch?) Sonic 23-T1-12 Cool, huh? ^^
Date: Sat, Jul 27 2013 20:03:58
flush sonic clip 23-xx
Date: Sat, Jul 27 2013 20:53:17
I just think they're not "new" sonics. Its just some linkages. Pretty useful through. Thanks
Date: Sat, Jul 27 2013 22:10:30
ChainBreak;265965]flush sonic clip 23-xx[/QUOTE] Doesn't work for all circumstances, plus flush sonic includes a pass... Just a confusing name. So actually just sonic clip 23-14-23. [QUOTE=DArKT wrote: I just think they're not "new" sonics. Its just some linkages. Pretty useful through. Thanks
Normal sonic is as much a link as these, they have the same BD, just different slots -
Date: Sat, Jul 27 2013 22:17:10
Cool, even thinking that this is not totally new. I mean, multiple slots in a single trick has been done before. I like it. Notation bitching alert, stop reading now if you dont like it (sun) Time ago you said me that you wanted clear definitions of tricks. Just as an extra info, if we consider sonic as half charge > fingerswitch > half charge > fingerswitch (which is the best def. ATM) your way is the formal way of notating it. Ex, regular sonic, sonic 23-12. That means sonic 23 (fingerswitch) 12, which is not true. If we were really strict, sonic 23-12 would be a half-sonic, because it has only one fingerswitch. It should be sonic 23-13-12. Dont know if you already considered that... Also, i dont get this Sonic 23-13-34 (Suggestion: Notate as Sonic 23-13~34 to use the ~ as an FL fingerswitch?) that would be confusing. We discussed in FPSB (the discussion is in english, you can read it) about the meaning of - > and ~ as slot linkages, and we concluded that trick slot-slot = trick slot fingerswitch slot trick slot>slot = trick slot > trick slot trick slot~slot = trick slot ~ trick slot So... that would not be a fl fingerswitch, right? it should be half sonic 23-13 > fl fingerswitch 13-34 > half sonic 13-34 or... better this way? half sonic 23-13 > fl half sonic 13-34 or if we respect a lot the definition 3/4 sonic 23-13 > fl fingerswitch 13-14 But that looks weird, doesnt it? D:
Date: Sat, Jul 27 2013 22:26:57
Oh, by the way, quick flaw in my video. I do clip sonics it seems (It's not a clip flush sonic chainbreak, don't even start) , one extra charge revolution. I'll check tomoorrrrow. Yeah, I know the hexbinmos way of 2 fingerswitches and two half charges. I prefer [FS ->FS] + Charge 1.0 personally, but same outcome. And yes making sonic 23-13-12 was the whole idea of this thread xD. As for using a '~', I beg you reconsider using a symbol like it, only for informal notation. Of course formally we can notate all the FS and charges. I wanted to make something easily understood here, what with the stigma about the crazy RD after all xD
Date: Sat, Jul 27 2013 22:27:09
The last one isn't even a sonic:face palm: it's a magic reset button 23-12. The sonic involving 23-13-34 doesn't make sense and is done too fast for me to even see if it is a sonic. Sonics 23-13-23 are just pseudo sonics. That flush sonic variation you did is just a charge 23-charge 14-charge 23 I don't see how a sonic is involved. Lastly, like any American I find your London accent cute:D
Date: Sat, Jul 27 2013 22:29:22
As for using a '~', I beg you reconsider using a symbol like it, only for informal notation. Of course formally we can notate all the FS and charges. I wanted to make something easily understood here, what with the stigma about the crazy RD after all xD I mean, the idea is nice, but i say that the symbol ~ has already a meaning. why not trick slot-slot(fl)slot or something? :D
Date: Sat, Jul 27 2013 22:33:10
@eurocracy every trick is a linkage if you "break it down". But this is a pure link. A mix beetween sonics that probably has been done before...
Date: Sat, Jul 27 2013 22:41:27
astronaut wrote: The last one isn't even a sonic:face palm: it's a magic reset button 23-12. The sonic involving 23-13-34 doesn't make sense and is done too fast for me to even see if it is a sonic. Sonics 23-13-23 are just pseudo sonics. That flush sonic variation you did is just a charge 23-charge 14-charge 23 I don't see how a sonic is involved. Lastly, like any American I find your London accent cute:D
Magic reset doesn't include a continuous charge motion, or any at all usually, but I see your point. Unfortunately this means I just destroyed the trick 'magic reset' by proving it's a sonic throigh notation :X I xplain early in the video how a sonic is a charge and two finger switches. All I am doing it changing the slots, so it's still a sonic xP. Also Pseudo sonic is a depreciated name as of 2007 or so if you check the wiki, it is notated such as sonic 23-23. It's not a flush sonic... no pass, notice the trick 'fingerswitch', I made a thread on it in the RD and it'll make thungs make more sense. [QUOTE=DArKT;265973]@RPD Good idea with (fl), so: Sonic 23-13-34(fl) I'll stick with that. -
Date: Sat, Jul 27 2013 22:54:05
@eurocracy Well, Sonic 23-13-34(fl) Is a combination of sonics and fl passes, isnt it? that would be a linkage...
Date: Sat, Jul 27 2013 23:00:11
DArKT wrote: @eurocracy Well, Sonic 23-13-34(fl) Is a combination of sonics and fl passes, isnt it? that would be a linkage...
No, it is not. It is charge -> Fingerswitch -> charge -> FL fingerswitch No sonic involved. Informally you could say sonic 0.5 ~ FL fingerswitch + charge 0.5, but that's silly and more complicated than saying what it is - a sonic. Sonic is charge -> fingerswitch -> charge -> fingerswitch, and all we're doing is making a modifier to a single switch. Actually a hybrid trick not a link - and a sonic is also a hybrid trick. -
Date: Sat, Jul 27 2013 23:08:39
I see.
Date: Sun, Jul 28 2013 10:09:28
I prefer slot(fl)slot instead of slot-slot(fl) but anyway, both are fine, none of them is really confusing. I'm doing a post in fpsb about this things and some more, thanks to everyone in this thread who showed interest ^^.
Date: Sun, Jul 28 2013 10:37:35
RPD wrote: I prefer slot(fl)slot instead of slot-slot(fl) but anyway, both are fine, none of them is really confusing. I'm doing a post in fpsb about this things and some more, thanks to everyone in this thread who showed interest ^^.
Ohh, now I see what you mean. Yeah, that's even more clear, thanks ^^ -
Date: Sun, Aug 11 2013 23:22:43
nice video bro :D
Date: Sun, Aug 11 2013 23:48:51
Nice to see a British pen-spinner who knows what he's talking about.