Off-topic / iPod/iPad/iPhone Thread
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 04:18:14
holy shit Apple's Media event is Wednesday!!1234321!@#$%$#@$%!@#$%^%$#@ So excited to see what the iPod touch 4 will have to offer :lol: (I'll buy one 100%)
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 04:26:29
i just want to know when apple can make a 1TB ipod classic....
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 04:28:01
What is this iPorn touch you speak of? I just use mines for portable watching ... educational videos. Don't lie, we all know you have ;)
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 06:21:53
k-ryder wrote: i just want to know when apple can make a 1TB ipod classic....
man i used to like large storage mp3 players, but with the iPod theres really no need. with foobar theres a really cool plugin easy to use to send and delete music, theres really no point in keeping a large amount on your player. -
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 06:31:14
Who needs 1 TB ... seriously. Unless you listen to FLACs only no one should ever be able to fill 1TB with music you like and will listen to.
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 06:36:19
do FLACs even play on iPod... if so will it even matter when playing through headphones/earbuds...
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 06:38:29
I don't know but they came to my mind first when thinking of commonly used codecs that produce large files.
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 06:58:46
Zombo wrote: do FLACs even play on iPod... if so will it even matter when playing through headphones/earbuds...
They play ALAC's. But it really doesn't matter, just get some 320's and you'll be ok. -
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 10:11:33
Wonder if they are gonna put a camera in the iPod touch this year. They probably wont. They will probably just put in a compass or something.
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 10:28:12
The Onion wrote: Wonder if they are gonna put a camera in the iPod touch this year. They probably wont. They will probably just put in a compass or something.
well a lot of rumors and speculation say that the new iPod touch will have both a rear camera and a front facing camera that will use iOS 4.1's ability to send FaceTime calls via email (since the iPod touch obviously cant make says to initiate them). Also, various LCD panels from the front side of the iPod have been surfacing for a while so the news and speculations point to Apple putting both, if not at least one, camera on the new iPod. -
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 10:42:09
The Onion wrote: Wonder if they are gonna put a camera in the iPod touch this year. They probably wont. They will probably just put in a compass or something.
Some dude that works for Apple said it's have a rear and front camera, as well as a retina display. -
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 10:43:58
jlsyber wrote: Some dude that works for Apple said it's have a rear and front camera, as well as a retina display.
really? where did you hear this?! i heard both of these rumors but never from an Apple employee. -
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 11:02:02
I hope they change the design for the ipod touch 4g.
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 11:06:40
Pen Island wrote: I hope they change the design for the ipod touch 4g.
this can go either way. from various cases from manufactures, the new iPod touch's design remains pretty much the same with the contoured metal backing. however, other rumors contradict this in saying that the new iPod touch's design will be similar to that of the original iPhone/iPod touch, meaning it would be flatter but still rather smooth to the touch instead of "hard" edges. -
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 11:45:46
KTrinh93 wrote: well a lot of rumors and speculation say that the new iPod touch will have both a rear camera and a front facing camera that will use iOS 4.1's ability to send FaceTime calls via email (since the iPod touch obviously cant make says to initiate them). Also, various LCD panels from the front side of the iPod have been surfacing for a while so the news and speculations point to Apple putting both, if not at least one, camera on the new iPod.
Well, there were rumors last year too, and what did we get? I think Apple have pretty much stopped adding features to the iPod touch out of fear that any improvements they make will cannibalize iPhone sales. -
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 11:48:26
KTrinh93 wrote: really? where did you hear this?! i heard both of these rumors but never from an Apple employee.
I think it was on Toms Hardware a few days ago. Edit: -
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 13:25:57
Mine is iPod Touch 3......
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 13:47:34
Does this mean video camera? if so, insta buy to use for filming.
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 14:30:03
i will buy ipod touch 4 i hav been waiting for it for weeks , although i hav an ipod touch 3 =[
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 15:05:09
sta812 wrote: i will buy ipod touch 4 i hav been waiting for it for weeks , although i hav an ipod touch 3 =[
If you already have one then you may as spend that money on a decent digital camera or something. And also, even though it's a frequent mistake, if you have an an 8GB I touch it is a 2G at max. 3G models only come in 32 and 64 GB. -
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 21:21:52
Zombo wrote: man i used to like large storage mp3 players, but with the iPod theres really no need. with foobar theres a really cool plugin easy to use to send and delete music, theres really no point in keeping a large amount on your player.
Thanks Mr. Advertiser. Anyways, if it's DivX certified I will most definitely buy one. But it probably won't be. -
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 21:45:48
XYZaki wrote: Anyways, if it's DivX certified I will most definitely buy one. But it probably won't be.
It certainly won't be since the iPhone 4 isn't either. -
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 22:42:19
My prediction: Front camera (VGA) Back camera 3.x mp -> Steve Jobs said to have over 10 million facetime users by the end of the year. k Built-in mic -> For video Faster A4 processor (was it 1 gHz?) -> iPod Touch being marketed as a gaming device. + to keep up with iPad/iPhone4 Retina Display -> OMG GRAPHICS If apple puts in the same 5mp camera as the iPhone they'll even kick Flip out of the market :O but that probably wont happen.
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 01:49:42
Do any of you even read Techblogs like Engadget or TUAW?
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 02:59:57
I do lmao why?
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 04:19:59
I read Dailymobile and Engadget.
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 11:43:06
Is a 3mp video camera good enough to film with?
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 12:39:04
I read Engadget, umpcportal and akihabaranews for Tech-related updates. And therefore I am amused by Frips post. Back camera? I doubt that, since it would overlap with the iPhone way too much. This is also the reason why the iPad has none. iPod/iPhone as a gaming device? lol. While it's pretty impressive considering these devices are originally phones/pmps, iPhone gaming is a joke without physical buttons. Since devices like the ICP won't ever become mainstream, iPhone gaming is pretty much a dead end. Also - inb4 all apple fanboys arguing with 3rd party support, good graphics and emulators via jailbreak. True hardcore gamers aren't impressed by the use of an onscreen analog stick.
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 12:59:26
....Apple said multiple times that they want to push gaming on the iOs system. Game center anybody? For camera.. There have been 348383759 leake cases with one so that's what I basE my prediction off of. And it also looks like the nano will be keeping it's camera. ... Oh gaming = casual gaming. LOL this post got autocorrect raped ._. sorry
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 16:23:21
Yh i totally agree with Frip with the gaming thing. iPod Touches are mostly targeted at teenagers so it would make sense to try improve the gaming exprience (with gyroscope, improved accelerometer, like the iphone 4), but it wont improve gaming Drastically, only a bit.
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 18:31:42
Frip wrote: I do lmao why?
Because a lot of these posts are sounding as if you guys haven't read anything, and it's amusing lol. -
Date: Tue, Aug 31 2010 00:22:22
Then whydont you post your predictions if you've read?
Date: Tue, Aug 31 2010 00:43:40
2 cameras, Retina Display, possible FaceTime, not going to be in white, and let's throw in some sort of data plan, just for kicks. EDIT: Basically a watered down iPhone 4.
Date: Tue, Aug 31 2010 01:40:04
...and how is that different from what I said? If it has Retina Display, it'll also have the A4 processor from iPhone4/iPad.
Date: Tue, Aug 31 2010 01:53:44
Frip wrote: ...and how is that different from what I said? If it has Retina Display, it'll also have the A4 processor from iPhone4/iPad.
I never said it was different, I just thought the way you guys were talking about it was amusing. -
Date: Tue, Aug 31 2010 02:09:42
Kirby wrote: Is a 3mp video camera good enough to film with?
As long as the video resolution is at least 320 x 240 and the frame rate is 30 FPS, you should be fine. -
Date: Tue, Aug 31 2010 02:20:30
Mike;18443]Do any of you even read Techblogs like Engadget or TUAW?[/QUOTE] lets see... AppleInsider, TUAW, MacWorld, MacRumors, Engadget, 9to5Mac, iPhoneBuzz, Gizmodo And i visit those at least 10 times a day.. no joke ._. [QUOTE=Frip wrote: Then whydont you post your predictions if you've read?
lets see.. starting with the iPod touch 4(G): Apple A4 Chip Retina display Front-facing vga camera for FaceTime back camera ~3.0 MP stills and video and LED flash(probably not 5 bc of the depth of the iPod - iphone 4 is 8mm deeper) probably built in mic if you have FaceTime and video recording not completely regarding the iPod touch 4 but possibly the current 3G models will drop to the 199 price and the iPod touch 4 will be the 299+ price range... iPod Nano 6(G) Small form factor that all the rumors and cases are claiming with the iphone 4 like volume buttons etc.. probably a hybrid between these two things: and First pic im just seeing that the interface might represent a similar look to what apple might do (nevermind the watch part) and im looking at possibly the 2nd pic of the 2nd link as a selectable cover flow option (but not likely on a small 3cm x 3cm touch screen) Apple will still need to have some awesome way to navigate the music though on a small screen that size. I'm kinda agreeing with the general statements here.. Chris Rawson seems to me the most like my thinking. -
Date: Tue, Aug 31 2010 09:43:45
I'm looking forward to tomorrow so much :P Hope they make a jailbreak for the itouch 4 soon
Date: Tue, Aug 31 2010 13:13:17
..! so there is a possibility that it may cost more than 199? (8gb)
Date: Tue, Aug 31 2010 13:18:24
I think so ohhun :/
Date: Tue, Aug 31 2010 13:34:39
Pen Island wrote: ..! so there is a possibility that it may cost more than 199? (8gb)
They may not make an 8GB model as they didn't with the 3rd generation. If they do make a 8GB model it'll be more than US$199 as the 2nd Generation 8GB has an RRP of US$199 and the new one comes with more stuff. I hope the price won't be that much more than $199. -
Date: Tue, Aug 31 2010 17:06:07
maybe they will have a 8gb version, with a price tag of 229 usd? which is ok
Date: Tue, Aug 31 2010 23:41:28
Just a heads up, there will be a live stream of the event on the Apple site.
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 00:34:24
What time is the media event thing?
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 00:38:03
Kirby wrote: What time is the media event thing?
It starts at 10:00 pacific time. Here's a link of when it should start in different time-zones: -
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 00:39:54
Thanks but fuck I'll be in school. I'm assuming they'll have it on youtube?
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 01:22:52
They'll have it on Apple's site as well.. I guess I'll watch it in school :D //fuck that's right when I have lunch w/e:peace:
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 02:46:32
jlsyber;18747]They may not make an 8GB model as they didn't with the 1st generation.[/QUOTE] What? i hope you know that they DID make an 8GB model for the 1G.. i have one <_< .. they added the 32GB later.. but the originals were 8 and 16GB [QUOTE=Kirby wrote: Thanks but fuck I'll be in school. I'm assuming they'll have it on youtube?
Probably. The thing is that the earlier uploads onto youtube will probably be someone recording the stream and uploading it.. i usually wait for Apple's official release of the event on their website. -
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 08:46:26
KTrinh93 wrote: What? i hope you know that they DID make an 8GB model for the 1G.. i have one <_< .. they added the 32GB later.. but the originals were 8 and 16GB
Oops, sorry I meant 3G :P -
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 09:08:16
"Viewing requires either a Mac® running Safari® on Mac OS® X version 10.6 Snow Leopard®, an iPhone® or iPod touch® running iOS 3.0 or higher, or an iPad™."
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 09:39:50
Prince wrote: "Viewing requires either a Mac® running Safari® on Mac OS® X version 10.6 Snow Leopard®, an iPhone® or iPod touch® running iOS 3.0 or higher, or an iPad™."
I think that's just some self promotion. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to watch it on windows as well. The last paragraph is such a blatant ad as well :P "Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world" -
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 12:09:25
Jlsyber and penisland, its 6pm our time right?
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 12:44:46
yes 6pm i dont know where you can watch the live presentation though. BBC NEWS 24?
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 13:45:50
I'm looking forward to the "iWatch" and for the iOS 4 to the iPad. However it will be interesting to see the features from the new devices.
jlsyber wrote: I'm pretty sure you'll be able to watch it on windows as well
How to you pretend to do this without the required program? Lol -
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 14:45:27
Windows users will have to use this method: I think I'll wait for it to be upped on youtube :p
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 17:16:59
iOS 4.1 out next week for iphone and touch!
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 17:32:13
The new touch screen ipod nano looks so cute :p
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 17:36:36
Pen Island wrote: maybe they will have a 8gb version, with a price tag of 229 usd? which is ok
i was right !! :D -
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 17:50:57
Omigosh! HD video! Awesome!I'll deffinetaly get the itouch 4!
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 17:54:00
it was lagging on my ipod and then it played a song and it covered the whole of the touch section. what happened anyone please? ipod touch only
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 17:55:40
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 17:58:58
out in september?
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 18:04:19
Yup, pre-oreders now. Out next week. I'm not sure if that's worldwide or just the US.
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 18:10:14
omg apple tv 99$!
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 18:11:30
Prince wrote: omg apple tv 99$!
Yeah, looks pretty good. -
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 18:11:40
why is everything so fucking cheap
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 18:12:52
how much were the different sizes of ipod touch 4's?
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 18:14:51
8gb - 229 usd 32- 299 64 - 399
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 18:15:18
8GB - $230, 32GB - $299, 64GB - $399 Beaten to it :p
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 18:17:11
are they doing 16gb or 32gb, you guys are conflicting lol ():
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 18:17:58
32 not 16!!!!! gb
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 18:20:46
What the fuuuu! wish i waited kinda now D:
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 18:22:04
FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 190 pound for 8gb in the uk
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 18:22:06
lol. $230 is about £150. That's not that much different from the cost of the 2nd Gen 8GB now. £200 for 32GB. £260 for 64GB. Is what they'd cost in $. However they cost, £190 for 8GB, £250 for 32GB and £330 for 64GB.
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 18:28:26
oh prices are higher in the uk? cant you order it over?
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 20:07:15
How many mega pixels will the cam be?
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 20:08:57
"HD Video Recording". Youll be able to do both, they wouldnt be able to NOT take photos
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 20:13:32
I must say I am surprised by the whole camera thing.
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 20:24:30
How many med pixels for video cam? EDIT: Prince I knew you'd be able to take pics but I was asking if it was also a video camera.
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 20:30:35
Its 5Mega Pixels Kirby EDIT: but some apps allow greater quality.
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 20:33:33
i dont think ipod touch 4g have fm radio :o could someone confirm on this?
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 20:41:42
maybe not built in. But there are loads of apps with it.
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 21:13:09
sweet, just found myself a cam for spinning.
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 21:23:55
I would wait to find out which camera the ipod got, it seems like it might be a lower resolution than the iphone. It says hd, but the still pictures it can take are only half the normal resolution, is the "720p" just 360 x2? SO there is some question about whether it is the same 5mp camera as the Iphone Also just to keep UPSB informed and not caught up in a fog. The nano doesn't seem to be able to play back video. It is unclear of the quality of the Ipod Touches rear camera. The iTV is nothing special and having only renting sucks ass. If hacked maybe it'll be something to consider. I am very excited with the new lineup though, and will probably pick myself up a new 32gb Ipod Touch 4g if the camera is the 5mp =P
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 21:31:42
shoeman6 wrote: I would wait to find out which camera the ipod got, it seems like it might be a lower resolution than the iphone. It says hd, but the still pictures it can take are only half the normal resolution, is the "720p" just 360 x2? SO there is some question about whether it is the same 5mp camera as the Iphone
I pulled this from TUAW... Back Camera specs broken down to understandable information: 960 x 720 = 691200 Divide it by 1000000 (or 1048576 for purists) and round off appropriately to get the value in MegaPixels 691200 / 1048576 = .65917969 or 0.7 (rounded) -
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 21:52:19
Which isn't worth it. Wait for next year ;]
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 02:19:27
I CAME. Gonna pre-order 32/64g one AFAP. And about the camera, it sucks for photos, yes. But Video is more about light sensitivity + fps.. But honestly, I don't care, this is much better than my 1G ipod touch :D:D:D
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 03:52:21
I checked out the new ipods. How do you go back to the home screen on the ipod nano?
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 04:30:08
clicking the button or by tapping in empty space
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 05:01:06
Wait wait wait. Does the camera record 1280 x 720, or 960 x 720? Also, according to the spec list on the site, it simply can't play 1080p videos -_- Meh, still not worth having to convert every video.
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 05:35:33
I would wait until the back camera is cleared up.
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 05:38:03
Whoa I just noticed something. Apple didn't mention what kind of focusing the camera even has. If it had the same touch focus as the iPhone 4 or even AF they would mention it...hmm starting to seem like rubbish ._.
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 14:31:43
Can you facetime with ipod touch 4 with an iphone 4g and vice versa?
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 18:16:07
Since this thread is about the new apple stuff... itunes 10 is shit. Deleted all my apps when I synced it. Put them back on-lost all data! :/
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 18:36:49
can the itouch video record with sound? does it have a mic?
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 19:52:10
ok basically will the ipod touch 4 be good to film with and will it be easy to upload?
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 19:58:09
Thanks PW
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 20:49:19
So true ell oh ell
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 21:21:00
XYZaki;19187]Whoa I just noticed something. Apple didn't mention what kind of focusing the camera even has. If it had the same touch focus as the iPhone 4 or even AF they would mention it...hmm starting to seem like rubbish ._.[/QUOTE] That's what people have been saying. Probably fixed focus, and any digital zoom will make it look like shit considering the the .7 mp -.- [QUOTE=Pen Island;19254]Can you facetime with ipod touch 4 with an iphone 4g and vice versa?[/QUOTE] Yes. [QUOTE=Prince;19283]Since this thread is about the new apple stuff... itunes 10 is shit. Deleted all my apps when I synced it. Put them back on-lost all data! :/[/QUOTE] That's why you should always back up, and basically everyone says not to upgrade right away. Sorry =\ [QUOTE=SJ;19285]can the itouch video record with sound? does it have a mic?[/QUOTE] Yes, by the back camera is a hole, which is the mic, (not flash) for both facetime and recording [QUOTE=Kirby wrote: ok basically will the ipod touch 4 be good to film with and will it be easy to upload?
It depends what you mean by good, the camera is absolute rubbish, i'd wait for some viewer recordings before you judge, but the camera is shit, under good lighting conditions... maybe a little better. Wait and see. The film will probably be easy enough to upload to youtube, but i'm really dubious of the quality. -
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 23:10:12
it says 30 fps on apple, and 5mp camera.
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 23:40:59
Oh? Hm I can't find the update... Link? If it's 5mp i'll buy for sure.
Date: Fri, Sep 3 2010 01:24:42
About camera: (Wall of text)
It isn't 5MP, but then again, it's an iPod. Nobody should be buying the new iPod Touch just because of the camera only, tbh. I see it just like an added bonus, maybe for a clip or two on the go, if it's possible :P //edit 32 or 64?Spoiler
legendarytrainer wrote: I see a lot of people on the forum complaining about the 0.7MP rear camera on the new iPod touch. I've come to say that everyone is probably worrying over nothing. Let's start with a common myth. Most people believe that the more megapixels your camera has, the better the quality of the photos taken will be. This is a lie. Megapixels are a marketing gimmick. A megapixel, by definition, is one million pixels. so a 15 megapixel picture will have about 15 million pixels in it. Pixels ar ejust a digital unit of measurement. A 15 megapixel picture is HUGE at full size. Think about your average computer screen. Mine, for example, has a resolution of 1366 by 768 pixels. Now if you multiply that you'll get 1049088 pixels total on my computer screen at any time. Divide that by 1 million and you get a 1 MP picture. Yes, one megapixel. That means that a 15 megapixel is 15 times bigger than my computer screen. If you've ever looked at different sets of camera, you would notice quickly that most of the compact digital camera are around 14 to 15 megapixels while the much more expensive dSLRs are generally a bit lower; 10 to 12 megapixels normally. Now why would you want to pay [B]more[/B] for a camera with less megapixels? Because megapixels have very, VERY little to do with the picture quality. The biggest determining factor in photo quality is the sensor size. When you click the shutter button on your camera, your shutter opens and exposes the sensor for a set amount of time. The sensor will pick up details of light and such and turn that into a picture. When the sensors are smaller, such as on most compact digital cameras, the quality will be cut by a bit. The reason why dSLRs are much more expensive is becasue their sensors are VERY large. They are large enough so that more detail can be brought into the picture. If you look at a professional picture and a comapct camera picture of more megapixels at a same small size they will look the same. Think of it this way. When you're resizing a picture to be smaller on your computer, its like the retina display. When you make it smaller, you cant distinguish between individual pixels because they are so small that your puny human eyes can't see each idividual one. Now blow both of the photos up (enlarge them, no dynamite use here.) Sure the compact photo will be larger, but because of the smaller sensor, the detail will be lost. If you've ever take a small picture from the internet and tried to make it larger, it ends up pixely. Thats becasue your trying to make something show more detail that isn't even there. With a large sensor, it puts more detail into it, so when its enlarged, the detail is much, much better. When people on these forums are complaining about the megapixels they think they're complaining about the picture quality. Here is a picture the size of one that a new iPod touch would take. Keep in mind this photo was not taken by by an iPod touch, I am simply showing off the size of the picture that will be taken. 960x720 Picture Now the size is really not that bad. 95 percent of the people owning an iPod touch will not use this camera for proffesional use. They will use it to take pictures of their friends or whatever and then upload them to Facebook or Twitter or Flickr. Most of these sites rezise your picture anyways! Go back to that picture and, if you have a capable browser, zoom out a bit to how big you think the picture would be on Facebook. Not so bad huh? Since the new iPod touch is capable of HD video recording (which if you didnt know, a single frame of 720p video is also less than one megapixel, it's about 0.9 megapixels) then the sensor in the camera must be atleast OK quality. Since the device isn't even out yet, we can't determine the quality of the photos. We can determine the size, but not the quality. Most likely the camera will be great for just web use like Facebook and such. Prints may be ok depending since most quality prints are printed at 300dpi (dots per inch) which is basically pixels per inch. Again this is why a big photos and a smaller photo of better quality look the same when at the same small size. I could be totally wrong and it could take the worst pictures on earth. I just want to point out that people should stop complaining (atleast for now while no one actually has the device.) I hope this helped and if it made enough sense, maybe it will be stickied and we can stop all of these threads about the 'sucky' camera. EDIT: There have been a few posts as to why you cant take a picture at the higher res HD resolution. The best solution that I can find is that its simply an Apple limitation. I found some info in another thread about a possible explanation. I can't remember the thread but if it was you that posted that, let me know in a post and I'll credit you. It seems like maybe instead of a 0.7 megapixel camera that upscales its video to HD, its actually a 0.9 megapixel camera which is downscaling photos. Im sure if thats correct than a jailbreak app would be able to override that limitaion. -
Date: Fri, Sep 3 2010 02:12:09
YES. I CAN'T WAIT FOR MY WATERED DOWN iPHONE 4. I'm getting a 64, since my 32 3G is filed to the top with music.
Date: Fri, Sep 3 2010 03:12:50
i have no interest in this apple bullshittery, but just to refute that wall of text that frip posted from legendarytrainer; the lens should be the most important part of a camera. yes the sensor has a large factor, but lets face it, the first thing an image has to do is pass through the glass, if the glass isn't clear, clean, and good quality, i don't give a fuck what sensor you have, it'll record crap. quod erat demonstrandum
Date: Fri, Sep 3 2010 04:10:32
um put something over the lens to protect it? :|
Date: Fri, Sep 3 2010 04:33:39
lol not quite frip, the lens quality itself is important, as in the content of the glass and the way it is molded is important. carl zeiss lenses are a famous one found on many a sony camera
Date: Fri, Sep 3 2010 04:48:57
Correction @Kirby, it says "Up to 30 FPS", this means that dimly lit situations (or even normal) might very well produce a low FPS
Prince wrote: Since this thread is about the new apple stuff... itunes 10 is shit. Deleted all my apps when I synced it. Put them back on-lost all data! :/
The whole Apple store is shit because they only let you keep the apps you bought in your iTunes account for 3 user licenses. If you install iTunes on more than 3 different computers, the 4th one won't be able to access your apps, so if you reformat more than 3 times you can't access the apps you paid for. -
Date: Fri, Sep 3 2010 20:34:40
XYZaki wrote: Correction @Kirby, it says "Up to 30 FPS", this means that dimly lit situations (or even normal) might very well produce a low FPS The whole Apple store is shit because they only let you keep the apps you bought in your iTunes account for 3 user licenses. If you install iTunes on more than 3 different computers, the 4th one won't be able to access your apps, so if you reformat more than 3 times you can't access the apps you paid for.
That's why you de-authorize your computer first before you reformat. :facepalm: I'm really stoked on how the nano is going to turn out. It looks really nice. -
Date: Fri, Sep 3 2010 22:01:43
No video though = \ and still the highly inflated price
Date: Fri, Sep 3 2010 22:21:42
@Frip: Don't forget to mention that too many mp's + small sensor size = some interference in the picture. Dude iTunes 10 is crap.
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 03:39:28
whysosrs wrote: That's why you de-authorize your computer first before you reformat. :facepalm:
That's why you just jailbreak it :facepalm: -
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 03:41:58
XYZaki wrote: That's why you just jailbreak it :facepalm:
What :facepalm: Picking up a 64 gen on tuesday@ Apple Store : OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO -
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 04:02:59
XYZaki wrote: That's why you just jailbreak it :facepalm:
Wow, your a genius. I never though of voiding the warranty or crashing my iPod. How dumb of me! -
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 04:36:47
I really like the nano, despite its small screen. I think it prolly wouldn't support apps other than those installed in the near future due the screen dimensions, but would be cool though.
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 07:10:32
whysosrs wrote: Wow, your a genius. I never though of voiding the warranty or crashing my iPod. How dumb of me!
Wow, you're a genius. You spelled "you're" incorrectly AND managed to waste money on apps when you already paid for an overpriced device. lrn2jb -
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 17:07:46
XYZaki wrote: Wow, you're a genius. You spelled "you're" incorrectly AND managed to waste money on apps when you already paid for an overpriced device. lrn2jb
Yea, I'm some kind of robot, not human, because humans can't make mistakes retard. Oh, and nice of you to assume I "waste" my money on apps, when all the apps I ever bought were "free". :facepalm: Bahahaha, genius... -
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 18:07:37
You guys are both idiots Anyways there are rumors going around that ipt4g has vibration, i'm dubious of this but if it does that could allow for jailbroken haptic feedback and stuff and I might actually put some money down for it.
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 18:54:13
shoeman6 wrote: ipt4g has vibration, i'm dubious of this but if it does that could allow for jailbroken haptic feedback and stuff and I might actually put some money down for it.
stop looking for new vibrators -
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 00:17:43
jaychou wrote: stop looking for new vibrators
Hahahaha:biglaugh: Nice one :clap: -
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 01:30:08
whysosrs wrote: Yea, I'm some kind of robot, not human, because humans can't make mistakes retard. Oh, and nice of you to assume I "waste" my money on apps, when all the apps I ever bought were "free". :facepalm: Bahahaha, genius...
You're just butthurt that you can't be a pirate. -
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 03:20:35
How did you buy them if they were free? WAT?!
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 04:02:22
thnikk wrote: How did you buy them if they were free? WAT?!
Well technically Apple does send you a receipt for every app you buy, even when it's free. -
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 06:02:47
XYZaki wrote: You're just butthurt that you can't be a pirate.
Really? Because I have no intentions on being a pirate >.> -
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 10:17:57
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 10:55:36
Prince wrote: jamal
Wat? But seriously guys, stop arguing :p Jailbreaking is the best thing to do, even if you don't want to get free apps. You can get non-apple authorised apps as well as being able to change some of the settings that apple don't want you to change. -
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 16:18:38
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 16:30:49
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 18:53:36
There's no point in owning an iPod Touch/iPhone if you don't jailbreak it, period.
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 18:58:16
XYZaki wrote: There's no point in owning an iPod Touch/iPhone if you don't jailbreak it, period.
Uhhh, jailbreaking voids your warranty. I'd rather not jailbreak mine and save money. -
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 19:11:52
Just undo the Jailbreak with the restore in iTunes if you're such a pussy.
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 19:16:05
But I heard that restoring it still leaves traces? Im gonna jailbreak when warranty goes.
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 20:09:47
DFU restore.
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 20:45:48
?? Whats that pls?
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 22:13:52
AFAIK, it's the best way to restore it. Google/YouTube it. Also they can't tell, restoring wipes the NAND and puts back the original firmware.
Date: Sun, Sep 5 2010 22:36:36
They can tell, but only if they REALLY spend time looking for it. And since they never do that, a simple restore is enough.
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 02:26:56
Yo guys, have you seen any cases for the new ipod yet? What other companies are there besides SwitchEasy, Griffin, Belkin, Incase? So far I've found these: (<- those are shit imo) :|
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 02:57:39 just pre-ordered that
Date: Wed, Sep 8 2010 02:24:40
Frip did you already get the touch4?
Date: Wed, Sep 8 2010 03:14:53
Everything is as expected, camera is shitty (imo) come on it's 2010, no hdr support,no flash, theres no confirmation on ram or vibrate, video is okay, but still need to see more better than expected... May consider buying when things are cleared up, honestly it sucks how apple cripp[les it's products and then adds it next year to continue the product growth, it works though so eh, we're all suckers. =] Ordering a 32gb as soon as more reviews are put out and i get a better idea of what I am buying.
Date: Wed, Sep 8 2010 03:34:58 This is a somewhat normal lighting condition photo with the ipod touch... ehhhh, videos is better with HD, not sure how good the fps would look for penspinning, again not awesome or anything that would be a dead seller, honestly I'm not sure if I want to shell 300 out for this...
Date: Wed, Sep 8 2010 03:42:25
I'll get mine tomorrow (hopefully?) but I'll wait until my invisible shield arrives. Once open I'll record some combos + do a review :)
Date: Wed, Sep 8 2010 03:55:07
Maybe if you do it early you can get pen spinning some good publicity.
Date: Wed, Sep 8 2010 05:26:00
shoeman6 wrote: Everything is as expected, camera is shitty (imo) come on it's 2010, no hdr support,no flash, theres no confirmation on ram or vibrate, video is okay, but still need to see more better than expected...
HDR Support? How many digital cameras have you seen with support for HDR photos? .__________. -
Date: Wed, Sep 8 2010 12:26:31
The iphone, nuph said.
Date: Wed, Sep 8 2010 15:59:06
Only 256n mb of ram, no vibration letdown
Date: Thu, Sep 9 2010 01:53:22
k I got a 32gb one here. Gonna wait for my invisible shield to show up and then i'll open it :P
Date: Thu, Sep 9 2010 02:06:49
I'm undecided on the iPod touch or nano. Both look amazing.
Date: Thu, Sep 9 2010 02:46:12
touch can do way more than the nano..
Date: Thu, Sep 9 2010 06:39:36
shoeman6 wrote: Only 256n mb of ram, no vibration letdown
Why the fuck. Would you want your PMP to vibrate. Fucking. Useless. And Frip, why a screen protector? Doesn't the Touch have a Gorilla Glass screen? -
Date: Thu, Sep 9 2010 15:12:19
get a walkman :)
Date: Thu, Sep 9 2010 19:25:18
Mike wrote: Why the fuck. Would you want your PMP to vibrate. Fucking. Useless. And Frip, why a screen protector? Doesn't the Touch have a Gorilla Glass screen?
I agree with you that that you don't really need an iTouch to vibrate, but I think that even with Gorilla Glass the screen protector would be useful. I would rather get a case than a screen protector though, I'll get an Otterbox Defender if they make one for it. -
Date: Thu, Sep 9 2010 23:08:29
Frip wrote: touch can do way more than the nano..
Wow really? I never knew that? And I'm guessing the case for the old iPod's won't fit the news one? -
Date: Thu, Sep 9 2010 23:15:48
Mike, the Ipod touch is advertised as much more than a PMP and vibrate adds a lot of accessibility and while it isn't neccesary would add to the accessibility and experience of playing games ... etc. If they added a vibrate function tot he shuffle I might agree with you, useless, but more functions is never really useless, plus apple advertised on their site vibration feature, and had their employees stating that there was in fact vibration...
Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 00:38:30
Vibration would also be helpful for times when you're in a noisy environment and some notification sounds (like mail or calendar events) are too quite. The vibration would add to the notification to make it more likely that you will get the notification instantly. I can relate to this personally because even just sticking my iPod in my jeans and walking around or sitting will be enough to muffle out the sound. I have a 1G so all the sounds are little beeps and bloops <_<. @Frip When you open the iPod and film a combo is it possible that you could do some tests spinning really fast (and smooth) in different lighting settings? I think I'm eventually gonna get one and I want to know how it will look considering that that will be my cam :emo:
Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 00:42:56
whysosrs wrote: Wow really? I never knew that?
You couldn't have, it was a well-kept secret :rofl: And well screen protector was wrong in a way. I'm mainly waiting for a protector that goes on the back, I'm not so worried about the front. -
Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 01:38:51
these guys obviously just want the thing to vibrate cuz they want a new sextoy
Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 01:44:30
A two in one. A portable machine where you can not only watch porn, but vibrate along with it!
Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 02:43:00
iPod Touch 4 cam test: Judge for yourself. I'll do an extensive review tomorrow evening.
Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 02:43:16
shoeman6 wrote: Mike, the Ipod touch is advertised as much more than a PMP and vibrate adds a lot of accessibility and while it isn't neccesary would add to the accessibility and experience of playing games ... etc. If they added a vibrate function tot he shuffle I might agree with you, useless, but more functions is never really useless, plus apple advertised on their site vibration feature, and had their employees stating that there was in fact vibration...
Access to what exactly? Besides, why would you want a rumble feature? PSP or DS don't have a rumble feature (DS has optional rumble pack but it's shit) Understandable if it's for a console, but even then it's useless. EDIT: Frip, I agree. I want the back to stay shiny D: -
Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 03:41:02
Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 04:01:41
Game Center: [email][email protected][/email] or Frip add me fagors ,/, and no comments about video quality?
Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 13:16:55
it sucks.
Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 19:55:52
Frip wrote: and no comments about video quality?
:O I think it's quite nice! I mainly focus on the fps, which looks rather good for a small camera that fits in a PMP ^_^ Looking forward to getting mine :) the thing is, how far away is the back camera focused (I know it's fixed focus so I'd like to know). -
Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 20:49:37
Out of intrest what is the fps?
Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 21:58:39
I don't think it has a fixed FPS, it's based on lighting conditions.
Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 22:02:43
@Mike, vibrate and silence features just would have been nice... Also can I be one to say that the video quality and picture quality really aren't that great? I mean sure... tiny little thing, look at what it can do. But it could do so much more... and apple purposely stunts it's products it's fustrating. The fact that they can, could say something about consumers and the fact that there really is no competition... anyways, the video quality is pretty bad... and the picture quality is worse, not even addressing the ticking problem. (wifi causes ticking sound while recording sound)
Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 03:25:05
All you seem to be doing is complaining. If everything is so bad then don't get it.
Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 03:39:47
complaining?... yes I am... =] and things are bad, and I don't plan on getting one, just trying to keep you guys informed... before you had the impression that it was 5mp, also costumer support doesnt know shit and tells you wrong info all the time. when is apple gonna get its ass sued for false advertising, please I would love this,..
Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 07:42:43
Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 12:47:40
It's not a PMP... "it's also, an iphone without a contract" that seems to be there goal...and even if that was just a sliip, they've added a lot of functionality which takes it out of the PMP category.... It has a PMP function... but if you're looking for a PMP you have the classic, or any other brand...
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 19:37:42
if i have an old itouch jailbroken iphone 3g i think(uses it as an itouch, not phone) which lags a bit, would it be worth it to upgrade and get the 4g?
Date: Sat, Sep 18 2010 18:05:41
jlsyber wrote: Out of intrest what is the fps?
In "ideal" lighting settings, it's around 30fps. In dimmer settings I'm assuming it can be as low as 15 =/ But in Frip's video, when the pen was in a lighter area, it didn't look that horrible so I don't think its really all that bad. -
Date: Sun, Oct 3 2010 04:35:49
bumping with game center name: Frip Got a $25 itunes GC :) bought worms, angry birds, flight control, civ rev, doodle jump, and cat physics :D
Date: Sat, Oct 9 2010 03:52:07
Looks like iPod Touch 4 jailbreak is coming on sunday :woop: on another note, I just bought modern combat black pegasus. pretty sick game :)
Date: Sat, Oct 9 2010 04:02:14
get robot unicorn attack.
Date: Sat, Oct 9 2010 18:13:14
Kirby wrote: get robot unicorn attack.
it's 2.99 :| -
Date: Sat, Oct 9 2010 22:28:11
Date: Sun, Oct 10 2010 17:20:24
duke nukem 3D?
Date: Mon, Oct 11 2010 04:03:28
I just played a little Robot unicorn attack... wtf is that shit.
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 02:24:36
bumping with 2 25% off codes: z6nbdsja zbn6dsj3 they work for 7 days
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 03:31:18
these are expensive man just go to ...
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 03:53:55
Apple = overpriced and "restricted"
Date: Thu, Oct 21 2010 05:02:36
Jailbreak? And yea zombo but I bought the IS way before DX had any It's pretty nice and the price dint matter back then haha btw I have 1 unused IS left. They sent me two replacements lol
Date: Thu, Oct 21 2010 11:29:49
Frip wrote: I just played a little Robot unicorn attack... wtf is that shit.
You know it made you happy. -
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 01:25:09
As I am fed up with the new lineup of crappy Android phones, I plan on buying a 4th gen iPod Touch, since Apple actually used square pixels this time. Does anyone wanna try oplayer out for me and see if it works decently with xvid/divx, h.264 playback? And does anyone have any problems I should know about (disregard camera)?
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 01:29:43
from what I've heard oplayer works perfectly, even on older ipods. I don't have any problems :D
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 01:30:15
yes, its $800
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 01:40:15
Zombo wrote: yes, its $800
??? wrong thread? -
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 01:55:42
Um, the price is ridiculous, realize you're paying a pretty high premium (build costs wise). Realize that the ram is only 256 or so mb, and with most portable deices with much more these days. Next year there will be a hardware update, better camera probably, better ram hopefully, better cpu hopefully. The screen is not the same, noticeably different and of less quality, It's slightly slower than the iphone 4 in tasks, will crash more, speaker can be quiet from annicdotes, microphone has a ticking sound when recording with wifi, no oleophobic coating... I know you said dont mention the camera but let me jsut talk about how crap it is for a second. The quality is shit, some of the best camera apps don'twork, no flash no flash web browsing wise, no hdr, sound quality is sub par.
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 02:04:39
shoeman6 wrote: Um, the price is ridiculous, realize you're paying a pretty high premium (build costs wise). Realize that the ram is only 256 or so mb, and with most portable deices with much more these days. Next year there will be a hardware update, better camera probably, better ram hopefully, better cpu hopefully. The screen is not the same, noticeably different and of less quality, It's slightly slower than the iphone 4 in tasks, will crash more, speaker can be quiet from annicdotes, microphone has a ticking sound when recording with wifi, no oleophobic coating...
The price is decent, most consumer electronics are sold for 200% their original cost, there's no circumventing it. IMO $300 for a 32 GB device that people actually make apps for and is updated on a regular basis seems like a pretty good deal to me. RAM really doesn't matter in practical terms. Also, I could care less about multitasking, I've had two Symbian S60 devices, which are based on multitasking, and I have intentionally ran multiple apps at a given time around...once. If anything, my OCD frequently makes me check to see if I accidentally left something running. -
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 03:47:57
sorry misread for iphone 4g
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 03:33:02
Okay so on Saturday I ordered my iPod Touch (made good use of my 10% off eBay coupon). I got the 4th gen 32 GB for $260 (would've been $250, but the person I was gonna buy from ran out T_T) Anyways, I've never had an iPod so how does it work...? Like I'm not sure what to expect, obviously I plan on Jailbreaking it but like when you plug it into your computer, I thought it would act as any mass storage device and let you transfer files to it through Windows Explorer. But then I heard otherwise from someone with a jailbroken device; apparently you HAVE to use iTunes and you HAVE to synchronize everytime? It sounds really weird to me. Plus MediaMonkey doesn't support iOS 4.2 yet :(
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 03:38:41
It doesn't act like a normal USB where you just plug it in, pops up and your good to go, it requires you to sync it because well it wants to be more organized and since apple thinks that everyone has iTunes plus ipod touch has apps ^_^ so it requires itunes.
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 03:44:01
>It doesn't act like a normal USB where you just plug it in, pops up and your good to go, it requires you to sync it because well it >It doesn't act like a normal USB where you just plug it in, pops up and your good to go, it requires you to sync >it requires you to sync >requires you to sync >requires you to >requires wat.
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 03:54:39
You can use iFile/SSH to access the entire filesystem, but just use iTunes, nbd.
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 03:57:52
What if I want to put files that iTunes can't read on my device? Obviously iTunes can't play .mkv or .avi, but with oplayer, my iPod will be able to, so how will I get those files on my iPod.
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 04:37:39
You'll have an extra tab in itunes
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 04:54:19
use foobar, install foo_dop, install itunes but never use it, transfer anything through foobar to ipod, profit
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 05:15:47
I don't think you'd be able to transfer apps/contacts/mail or anything like that using foobar.. And iTunes isn't that bad tbh
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 05:41:37
I won't need to transfer contacts or mail...because it's an iPod. And I won't need to transfer apps will I? Can't I DL everything through Cydia? I would transfer apps but I actually haven't seen any torrents for iOS 4 apps.
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 05:52:18
Most people just use Installous for um free apps. And since you're getting a 32gb you probably wont have to transfer apps.. I thought you were getting 8gb or something
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 06:00:27
Oh I thought you were implying that I install the apps from my computer. But yeah I plan on using Installous/Cydia. Also, does anyone know if the audio output quality on the 4th gen is better than on the other ones...I heard it sucks o_o And I think I'll just use iTunes. Foobar, Ubuntu, WinAmp, etc are for hipsters.
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 07:04:00
ubuntu is not even a media player and dont lump foobar with that trash called winamp, eww
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 07:11:04
I'm very aware that Ubuntu isn't a media player. But Ubuntu is for internet hipsters. Probably the most useless, hyped up OS. Only thing it's good for is a nice GUI and running fast on netbooks. taichi and thnikk agree.
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 09:11:09
Well, I use iPT 4G and I gotta say its sound quality quite between average and excellent For apps, you can either 1. Use Installous - only if Jailbroken (requires, I think, AppSync? Also from Cydia) 2. Download cracked apps (.ipa) from the Web on your PC then transfer via iTunes - only if Jailbroken 3. Buy them :P For file transfers, I recommend WinSCP only if your internet connection doesn't get cut off all the time. Requires iFile and Terminal App from Cydia I also getting recommend getting the VLC app, Facebook, Twitter, Mercury browser app, and Tapatalk app ^^ that is all.
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 09:36:07
Like I said, I couldn't find any torrents with iOS 4 .ipa files.
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 09:44:24
you can use, FileDude or mediafire -.- why torrent? :/
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 11:00:44
AppTrackr Plz. (include It has [B]almost[/B] all apps cracked there. repo: (for installous and appsync)
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 17:55:01
chrisPS wrote: you can use, FileDude or mediafire -.- why torrent? :/
Because I didn't know about AppZone until you told me :3 But searching for .ipas through a filehost search sounds like the easiest way to get a virus, plus it's a lot more tedious. Also, how can I tell if an app supports iOS 4? Like here, it doesn't really say, do all apps that support iOS 4 have 960 x 640 res? Because all these screenshots are 480 x 320 like the other iPods.EDIT: Okay I think I understand now. So iOS is backwards compatible, for the most part, with all iOS 3.x.x apps, but those apps obviously won't magically become retina display size, they'll just stretch to fit the screen...which kinda sucks IMO because 480 x 320 is a shitty res. But some apps, like Angry Birds v1.4.4 are made for 960 x 640 while retaining backwards compatibility with iOS 3.x.x So do all apps that are designed for, and only for, iOS 4 designed in 960 x 640? -
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 22:29:45
Well,files in filedude, for most cases, are included as links if you try to download from Installous, but that's a risk. But so far, I haven't got any viruses :D For iOS 4 apps, I'm guessing they are.
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 22:37:50
FileDude has some slow ass severs.
Date: Wed, Nov 24 2010 23:52:11
Yep, I noticed that. Part of their get-our-premium-for-higher-DL-speeds program that's why I try to find MF.
Date: Thu, Nov 25 2010 00:12:59
Date: Thu, Nov 25 2010 00:50:41
lol tell me how that case is
Date: Thu, Nov 25 2010 01:58:12
It's white. EDIT: I especially like how it comes with port connector/protectors. It makes everything flush, looks naice.
Date: Thu, Nov 25 2010 09:31:30
Jealous of your case D: congrats :)
Date: Fri, Nov 26 2010 18:32:05
Can't tell me nothing.
Date: Fri, Nov 26 2010 23:00:19
Why is your Rage HD in german? :P And what's your game center name?
Date: Fri, Nov 26 2010 23:43:17
you're still missing the bestest game on ipod, pathpix
Date: Sat, Nov 27 2010 01:30:38
Frip;37521]Why is your Rage HD in german? :P [/QUOTE] Cracked apps ftw. [QUOTE=Frip wrote: And what's your game center name?
Game center? I used SBSettings to hide that because I thought it was rubbish, what's it for? ._. -
Date: Sat, Nov 27 2010 01:47:37
Game Center is game center.. what does it sound like. it's used to track high scores and achievements. but also for online matchmaking.
Date: Sat, Nov 27 2010 02:23:02
Matchmaking for which games? o_o
Date: Sat, Nov 27 2010 02:32:32
Whatever games will come out in the future that will support it.. I know fruit ninja has it, some gameloft games have it as well.
Date: Sat, Nov 27 2010 03:01:30
I got a Red Nano 6g not too long ago red is the best ano (anodization/color) (-I just saw this thread randomly)
Date: Sun, Nov 28 2010 05:46:40
XYZaki wrote: YUS. ITS HERE.
how is this case? how much was it? and can i buy it online..? cause i can't seem to find it (or i just fail) -
Date: Sun, Nov 28 2010 06:01:57
You can buy all of them at their website, but you can find them cheaper on eBay and amazon. Except white is only available from the website (its sold out everywhere else). I hate the other colors so I just paid normal retail for white. My thoughts on it so far... I really couldn't use my iPod without it: -It makes the home button soooo tactile. It's lovely. -Also makes other buttons more tactile, IMO the volume rocker is only a little less of a nightmare >_>" -It's really soft O___O -Doesn't collect lint like other cases, whatever it does collect is really easy brush off. -It's a pretty tight fit, it's definitely not loose like a crappy silicone case, despite being so soft.
Date: Mon, Nov 29 2010 02:16:54
well I'ma wait til the rest of the switcheasy line comes out for 4th gen
Date: Mon, Nov 29 2010 03:21:04
i like leather cases
Date: Mon, Nov 29 2010 04:39:32
Leather cases are ugly and too big.
Date: Mon, Nov 29 2010 05:04:11
hmm not really
Date: Mon, Nov 29 2010 05:32:33
depends on your lifestyle
Date: Mon, Nov 29 2010 05:41:58
i can fit my ipod w/ leather case in my pants...
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 13:54:04
More video from the 4g [video=youtube;HB2RaY3RUwE][/video] And for comparison, the iphone 4 [video=youtube;tCedzLiSxCI][/video] As you can see, colors are a bit faded, a bit grainy, and fps is a little meh, even in the apple store setting with bright lights. Also, it might just be the vertical position but i found I had to hold the camera quite far in order to get a nice angle/view of the whole hand ( I didn't really manage that well) On a side note, I really LOVED how quick and easy it was to cut and upload to youtube... (insane) If they get a better camera, I would recommended one to buy just for filming >.< (imo, i really haven't seen anything that fast before 0 _ o) Would save a lot of frustration.
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 17:51:02
You forgot the fact that the iPhone 4 isn't fixed focus.
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 17:54:33
what a stupid resolution... who wants to see a video which looks like a vertical bar?
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 18:05:02
He filmed it with the iPod/iPhone in portrait...because he's dumb.
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 18:11:15
I'm actually thinking about getting one, just for spinning :3
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 19:32:14
Its not worth it, you cant even get a decent angle. You're better off getting a webcam and a nice floor lamp from IKEA.
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 21:23:36
Hey, I can get a decent angle for my iPod. Anyways, the thing with iPod cam's is that they work better in lower light conditions. With a bigass lamp on the desk, your vids will look like Kin's.
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 01:58:37
I have a big ass lamp on my desk and my vids don't look like kin's, he just has that going on because its a lower exposure, notice how clear the individual frames are. As long as there's no automatic exposure metering, you'll have a constant 30 fps with a webcam in any lighting condition.
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 02:03:07
How much space will a 1hr long 720p video take up on an ipod touch after it's been compressed by itunes?
Date: Wed, Dec 22 2010 07:53:06
BADUMP ok guys, I have a problem. How do I remove these errors? I know they're related to the repos, but I tried removing the repos, still no use. what to do?
i just don't want to see these errors again D:
Date: Wed, Dec 22 2010 07:57:17
@chrisPS Yeah Ive gotton those with my iPhone 2g before. HAvent jb'd my ipod touch 2g..just cause I dont know how to. Plus its an MC model so yeah. But I dont know how to get rid of that, to tell you the truth. I just removed the source, let Cydia be for a couple of days, then reinstalled that source. No problem But my Cydia doesnt work anymore. Not to steal your post, but halp me? >< It crashes upon opening.
Date: Wed, Dec 22 2010 07:57:30
Get a dog to fetch the data for you.
Date: Wed, Dec 22 2010 07:59:43
Colin wrote: I just removed the source, let Cydia be for a couple of days, then reinstalled that source. No problem But my Cydia doesnt work anymore. Not to steal your post, but halp me? >< It crashes upon opening.
EDIT: imma try this one: cydia crashes upon opening? idk about that .____. -
Date: Wed, Dec 22 2010 08:23:07
Well for starters, make sure you have Wifi open before starting Cydia. Secondly, Cydia is only good for getting obscure apps (relatively speaking), like emus and stuff. The rest you can just use Installous for.
Date: Wed, Dec 22 2010 08:30:43
EDIT: OK! I fixed the problem! Link to solution: kinda techy, but yeah. ^^
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 06:31:20
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 10:25:15
yea it's pretty slow
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 15:51:48
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 02:16:00
what're some apps you guys reccommend to dl?
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 02:17:40
Cooking Mama Gardening Mama
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 02:19:16
Loanshark;45654]what're some apps you guys reccommend to dl?[/QUOTE] Cydia [QUOTE=XYZaki wrote: SYNCING MUSIC IS ONLY FAST THROUGH ITUNES.
For me it's faster with foobar because it isn't creating a backup every single time. /EDIT: Syncing is gay anyways. Foobar is only "sending" them to the iPod, fast and clean (though the iPod most likely thinks it's being synced) -
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 06:10:02
I used to think Syncing was a stupid concept, then I realized how useful it is. I also get sick of songs often and delete them, along with adding new songs, so it makes my life easier, especially because I just keep all my audio files in one big folder.
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 08:30:55
Loanshark wrote: what're some apps you guys reccommend to dl?
VLC, ReelDirector, Momento, Infinity Blade, Pocket God, Skyfire, Mercury, Color Splash, Sketchbook, etc ^^ -
Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 01:55:58
OMFG OPERA MINI ON IOS SUCKS SO MUCH. /AN HERO I hope they make Opera Mobile for it soon, srsly, Opera Mini is so laggy, even browsing on S60 was a million times easier.
Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 02:21:07
I recommend Mercury and Skyfire for browsing. Mercury has a uber kewl update nao. Skyfire, for browsing some flash vids ^*
Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 02:28:38
whats wrong with safari? O.o
Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 03:18:12
Personally, I like Safari for it's simplicity. Skyfire just gives you the ability to view flash videos while it's embedded in the website which Safari doesn't let you do.
Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 03:38:24
Loanshark wrote: whats wrong with safari? O.o
1. I'm used to Opera when browsing on mobile devices, so its a matter of comfort. 2. Opera compresses automatically compresses pages you visit through their servers so things load so much faster. 3. Safari doesn't fucking remember passwords. EDIT: Also, am I the only one that doesn't like Gyroscope/Accelerometer controlled Games? It seems as if they're meant for technologically oblivious people so they can be like "OH SO COOL! IT DETECTS MY MOVEMENT, OMG I CAN CONTROL THE SUPER MONKEY BALL" It's just so impractical and makes everything a shitload harder. -
Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 03:56:13
I'm getting a 6th gen on Christmas ^^
Date: Sat, Dec 25 2010 04:23:21
OKAY QUESTION. Is it not possible to have two things have priority over a theme? Ex: I have User Lock and User Wallpaper, both checked and placed on top of Suave HD 4 Theme (which is also checked). Though, only the user lock works. Also, if I check "No Docked Icon Labels" I just get black docked icon labels, was the intention to blend in with the default black background, or is my Springboard just retarded?
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 02:49:05
new dock
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 03:20:02
Frip wrote: new dock
Whoa Cool sig, what is the picture of? -
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 13:06:20
with 4.2.1, bootlogos are the hype now lol. Got rubyrain bootlogo, but I also have code geass bootlogo because its cool. And
Fuck yeah, 160Mb RAM Edit: anybody know apps like Make It Mine that work in 4.2.1?
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 22:53:38
XYZaki wrote: Whoa Cool sig, what is the picture of?
Chicago snowstorm. The original is on gizmodo somewhere. Anyways splash top is pretty c0l -
Date: Fri, Feb 18 2011 02:57:01
@chrisPS I r jelly of your 160mb free ram. Well.. I suppose 256mb total. Max I can get is 60mb without anything running. Not even mail in the background D=
Date: Fri, Feb 18 2011 09:34:06
4.2.1 makes it a bit easier ^^ btw, why u no reply to my emails? D: @KTrinh93
Date: Sat, Feb 19 2011 04:22:41
@chrisPS so sorry D= been busy this whole week :(
Date: Sat, Feb 19 2011 05:01:53
i get around 100-120mb normally haha, i think it's because of my theme :/ takes up quite a bit of ram haha
Date: Sun, Feb 20 2011 22:42:07
ok problem: laptop broke -> new hard drive music is still on ipod How do I get the music from the ipod touch back onto the macbook?
Date: Sun, Feb 20 2011 23:26:18
there are a lot of free software that will do that for you
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 02:56:28
Frip wrote: ok problem: laptop broke -> new hard drive music is still on ipod How do I get the music from the ipod touch back onto the macbook?
iDump. -
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 04:21:53
shoeman6;66488]there are a lot of free software that will do that for you[/QUOTE] This is an example of a useless post. [QUOTE=Mike wrote: iDump.
This is an example of a useful post. -
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 04:25:43
XYZaki wrote: This is an example of a useless post. This is an example of a useful post.
This is an example of a useless post. I personally use Idump as well, but spending some time searching you might find better alternatives, I know on my computer I used a different software that worked better but I forget the name. A simple google search should give you a wide variety of options :] -
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 06:19:15
shoeman6 wrote: This is an example of a useless post.
Actually, I could argue that it is education for the masses of what type of input has any value as opposed to just typing words. -
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 16:49:58
kk senudi (wrong name idc) worked gon change invisibleshield on my ipod now :D
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 17:56:53
kk add me on GameCenter since I just got it working for ipad lol GC: Frip
Date: Tue, Mar 15 2011 01:09:42
ok i renamed this thread... hopefully all the questions/etc will come to this thread so we can have 1 big thread.. w/e anyways just ordered this: good deal for 1$ ;)
Date: Tue, Mar 15 2011 01:14:37
fucking shit. i just got an ipad 2 and now i hear(read) talk about and ipad 3 by the end of the year? apple is the biggest scam ever.
Date: Tue, Mar 15 2011 01:20:29
boshi wrote: fucking shit. i just got an ipad 2 and now i hear(read) talk about and ipad 3 by the end of the year? apple is the biggest scam ever.
lol personally I think it'll just have the retina display.. IF there should be one. -
Date: Tue, Mar 15 2011 01:38:28
aw fuck. no wonder ipad 2's camera is ballsack.
Date: Tue, Mar 15 2011 01:42:57
boshi wrote: aw fuck. no wonder ipad 2's camera is ballsack.
i like ballsacks though :( you should watch i really like his opinions, and agree to them to some extent -
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 05:29:53
Just upgraded to 4.3.1 - I lost tons of apps (idk, faulty backup?) but managed to restore some important ones really took a hard hit on the RAM. highest I can get now is 131Mb. and multitasking with 4-5 fingers seems weird but cool though O.o going back to 4.2.1. I'm unsatisfied.
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 05:51:13
boshi wrote: fucking shit. i just got an ipad 2 and now i hear(read) talk about and ipad 3 by the end of the year? apple is the biggest scam ever.
Are you still not aware of the blatant, yet effective business model that Apple has had for years? >release product >6 months pass >same product just with some new features that in actuality are completely arbitrary -
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 09:33:47
>People still praise the innovation and upgrade
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 11:25:54
Back to 4.2.1. Lol, highest I got now is 170MB. ^^ As for Apple's strategy? Part of it also is to make products which deteriorate easily and therefore making consumers upgrade or buy more. Also, the constant upgrade of iOS and Apple's compatibility issues with devices (which is of course innovation and upgrade) affects this as well. How about they just make a "supermodel" of each iDevice, like say upgradig hardware, but only limited stock?
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 05:21:36
New theme for spring break. kayso this is okay:
but this no good
so i'm liek okay lets mask dat so wallpaper shows moar end result :facepalm:
then i was like f this mang so much better
mishun success
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 09:11:39
I don't theme often D:
Date: Mon, Apr 11 2011 15:11:05
Hello, I got a question for my jailbroken ipod touch 3g Whenever I open cydia and go to mange, then i click sources it comes up with an Network Error ________________________ | Network Error | | | | Unable To Load | (resource unavailable) |_______________________|
Date: Fri, Apr 15 2011 00:10:59
o_O seems like you somehow have no sources installed @yeoh I just got World of Goo for iPod.... so good
Date: Fri, Apr 15 2011 00:17:19
When you load Cydia, let it download all the new packages. like at top it updates new tweaks and studf
Date: Fri, Apr 15 2011 05:00:32
Addictive, if I weren't for mofo'ing accelerometer based movement. So sensitive :/
Date: Fri, Apr 15 2011 05:17:43
Frip wrote: I just got World of Goo for iPod.... so good
They have it for iOS? The PC version is pretty fun. -
Date: Sat, Apr 16 2011 00:40:30
@chrisPS what game is that?
Date: Sat, Apr 16 2011 00:44:44
it's Cube. The control is pretty shitty, with it being accelerometer-sensitive :<
Date: Tue, Apr 19 2011 22:32:57 D: there's untethered jailbreak now, :] lemme try to save my SHSHs...
Date: Tue, Apr 19 2011 23:38:14
Is there anything better in 4.3.2 than in 4.1? Specifically pertaining to battery life? ._.
Date: Wed, Apr 20 2011 06:38:01
I'm so RAM-meticulous. perhaps I should hide the RAM above so I wouldn't worry. Imma test out the battery levels tomorrow on my 4G. there are some bug fixes, I guess.
Wth, awhile ago it was 100% at charging mode. when I removed it, it was at 99%. I turned off wi-fi and decreased brightness to about 20%, and it's back at 100%.darn, how is this gonna if I put it at 50% brightness? :? EDIT: wth, i remember having 29.4 GB of memory, now I only have 28.9 in my iPod? or did my eyes trick me? O.o
Date: Fri, Apr 22 2011 00:06:09
some firmware updates are bigger than others. anyways.. played a little game dev story and finished up angry birds rio :D still trying to get the 4th island in fever mode on tiny wings tho :D
Date: Fri, Apr 22 2011 01:55:59
Frip wrote: some firmware updates are bigger than others. anyways.. played a little game dev story and finished up angry birds rio :D still trying to get the 4th island in fever mode on tiny wings tho :D
Nah, it's because i used a custom firmware. I got the original 4.3.2 from Apple's site, then JB'd it using sn0wbreeze 2.6 and now it's 29.1, which is more substantial than 28.9 :) -
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 01:02:13
...still havent beat tiny wings FFS
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 01:42:59
how far does that game even go? i beat it up to x28 and it says i beat it on my ipod, but i can't go past that on the updated version? D:
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 02:37:54
I JUST BEAT IT ASDFGHJSDFHNJMHFDSASFHNJM LICK MY NIPPLE ISLAND 4 ME > YOU @JC are you sure yours is updated? o_O You're supposed to reach island 9, get 20 cloudtouches w/o fever mode, and complete island 4 in fever mode to get x30
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 02:46:30
no, mine's not updated, i can't get past those 3 objectives lol, i just beat x26 and have my nest at x28 is what i meant lol
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 03:04:36
Lol, addicted to Pocket Legends. Ragnarok Violet is out for iDevices...I was so happy...until I played it and it sucked. Most of the language were in Korean or Japanese :<
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 03:23:07
JC wrote: no, mine's not updated, i can't get past those 3 objectives lol, i just beat x26 and have my nest at x28 is what i meant lol
I think I'm at the same nest that you are.. or whichever one requires 34 seconds of fever.. -
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 04:13:22
jail broken ipods ftwww!!!!!
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 06:34:37
any good case recommendations for itouch4? (both hard and soft?) and can someone explain to me what's the purpose of cydia aside from using it to get installous? cause it seems i only need to use installous to find/install apps?
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 06:49:25
JC wrote: any good case recommendations for itouch4? (both hard and soft?) and can someone explain to me what's the purpose of cydia aside from using it to get installous? cause it seems i only need to use installous to find/install apps?
Switcheasy Colors Case should be quite a good case, since it also protects the home button, well almost all, except the back camera, mic, front cam, and screen. As for Cydia - you can downgrade your firmware (needs some requirement called SHSH) - you can tweak up your iDevice so it's more "user-friendly" and/or cooler. There are some cool tweaks that are worth jailbreaking for. :) - themes (but not really a big fan of those) - FileSystem? (iFile) - Free apps? lol that's what I can think of atm. -
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 11:52:44
x14 on tiny wings, YEEAAHHHH BOIIII ! Cydia is likr a car tuner for your ipod, tweaks, themes, free stuff etc OMGPOKEMON ! ITS BOOBILICIOUS.
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 17:06:33
JC wrote: any good case recommendations for itouch4? (both hard and soft?) and can someone explain to me what's the purpose of cydia aside from using it to get installous? cause it seems i only need to use installous to find/install apps?
As of now Cydia is down, but I'd say the difference is that Installous is for getting pirated apps that you usually have to pay for in the app store. Cydia is more for tweaks and themes and user made stuff (as opposed to publisher made). Though I prefer to transfer themes from my PC, but Cydia is a much easier way to get them on your device and install them. -
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 21:09:06
Man I really wanna get Football Manager Handheld...but it's $9.99. <_< All I have on my iPod is an Invisible Shield, which is amazing <3
Date: Mon, Apr 25 2011 00:23:19
Frip wrote: Man I really wanna get Football Manager Handheld...but it's $9.99. <_< All I have on my iPod is an Invisible Shield, which is amazing <3
Isn't your ipod jailbroken ? O: -
Date: Tue, Apr 26 2011 22:31:56
Man, I want Proswitcher for 4.x so baaaaaaaaaaaad Proswitcher > iOS Native Multitasking Too ba they didn't code it yet D;
Date: Tue, Apr 26 2011 23:10:01
Proswitcher would be awesome if they can code it to use the multitasking api in the built in apps so that it would actually be like multitasking.. proswitcher on pre iOS4 sucked because the apps couldn't go into a low energy state which always killed my ram D:
Date: Sun, May 8 2011 06:09:23
Anyone know/recommend an app for converting youtube videos to songs? thanks
Date: Sun, May 8 2011 10:01:34
not an app, but might help. also, 4.3.3 is out. I think it's only stated bug fix is the removal of location tracking data or whatever it was. As of the moment, it is already jailbreakable, with exception of iPad 2. Also, new version of TinyUmbrella can save SHSH of 4.3.3 and downgrade your iDevice as well.
Date: Mon, May 9 2011 13:05:26
Updated to 4.3.3 what I noticed atm. It added 900+kb worth of files O.o 29.15MB - 29.06MB plus some 0.28MB files (presumably my data) so far so good...
Date: Mon, May 9 2011 13:34:58
Anyone know a site/video tutorial to theme your iPod like these ones, Thanks.
Date: Mon, May 9 2011 21:56:49
whoa, those are awesome! perhaps you can try googling the theme names? (below the pics, lower left) then just SSH the theme files if you want EDIT: I think I'm just gonna turn off the battery percentage, because it seems that it still puts in inaccurate battery level. But at least I got 100% for once :P
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 04:47:40
Why is my iPod touch SO shitty at taking pictures? Like this is ridiculous. I honestly wanna get a refund or an RMA from Apple.
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 06:58:54
meh, mine too :[ testing out Dreamboard. 4.3.3 has a good battery life :O (if you have battery percentage off)
Date: Thu, May 12 2011 05:00:37
Colin;93323] Why is my iPod touch SO shitty at taking pictures? Like this is ridiculous. I honestly wanna get a refund or an RMA from Apple.[/QUOTE] Are you serious...? Did you not read the part of the specifications page where it clearly stated that the pictures are "960 x 720"? [QUOTE=chrisPS wrote: testing out Dreamboard. 4.3.3 has a good battery life :O (if you have battery percentage off)
Doesn't Dreamboard use a helluva lot of RAM? Or iin reality is there not much of a difference, performance-wise? Is the battery life worth upgrading from 4.1? I actually turned my numeric battery off to take advantage of the placebo effect. -
Date: Fri, May 13 2011 03:50:49
XYZaki wrote: 1. Are you serious...? Did you not read the part of the specifications page where it clearly stated that the pictures are "960 x 720"? 2. Doesn't Dreamboard use a helluva lot of RAM? Or iin reality is there not much of a difference, performance-wise? Is the battery life worth upgrading from 4.1? I actually turned my numeric battery off to take advantage of the placebo effect.
1. Perhaps he meant pixel quality? you can see pixels. :/ 2. Dreamboard does use a lot of RAM, but if you use Aero theme, you cannot seem to notice the huge use of RAM because it's so smooth in terms of animation and stuff. As for battery life, I guess 4.1 is the best, but for my iPod atm, the best firmwares, in terms of battery life are 4.1, 4.2.1 and 4.3.3. I also turned off the battery percentage because it drives me nuts. :[ my rant on iOS -
Date: Fri, May 20 2011 03:13:40
quit Pocket Legends. took a lot of my memory. I was like, wut, how come I already used 9GB of memory when I have only like 15 apps whose sizes are <80MB?
Date: Fri, May 20 2011 23:57:53
I have 77 apps, 1200 songs and only 3 jigabytes left :( 32 GB.
Date: Sat, May 21 2011 00:05:48
1384 songs, 8 apps. 19GB left not much of an app user. :/ dang it, why don't I get full 100% battery, unplugged? :/
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 02:39:44
I'm gonna jailbreak my ipod again so I can play pokemon again :D
Date: Mon, Jun 6 2011 18:20:38
iOS 5 is amazing. [11:02:35 AM] .-Frip: ios5 [11:02:38 AM] .-Frip: just saying
so dramatic
Date: Mon, Jun 6 2011 18:38:12
Frip wrote: iOS 5 is amazing. [11:02:35 AM] .-Frip: ios5 [11:02:38 AM] .-Frip: just saying so dramatic
Eh, not at all that great. They're making their notifications a LOT like Android. -
Date: Mon, Jun 6 2011 19:20:03
lol the pull down bar is copied 1:1 from Android :rofl:
Date: Mon, Jun 6 2011 20:33:19
Frip wrote: lol the pull down bar is copied 1:1 from Android :rofl:
I know, which is very stupid for Apple to do. They're suing Samsung for supposed hardware, and software copyright infringement, but look at what they're doing now. Seems pretty hypocritical to me. I wouldn't be surprised if they get sued. -
Date: Mon, Jun 6 2011 22:37:39
Oh lookie, iMessage. now I can text with people who have iDevices and iOS 5 via Wi-Fi. I think I'm gonna ask Mom for an iPhone 5...or an iPhone 4 then integrate iOS 5 into it. or just the former. :)
Date: Wed, Jun 8 2011 00:14:08
amf, said my UDID was activated, registered ( but still cannot update to iOS 5 to test it out (error 3194 and 3002)
Date: Wed, Jun 8 2011 04:17:13
iOS 5 screenshots on an iPod 4G 32GB [spoiler=tons of pics]
Date: Wed, Jun 8 2011 05:07:40
Good apps for iPad?
Date: Wed, Jun 8 2011 06:15:40
is there an OS update for ipad as well?
Date: Wed, Jun 8 2011 23:58:39
Mike wrote: I know, which is very stupid for Apple to do. They're suing Samsung for supposed hardware, and software copyright infringement, but look at what they're doing now. Seems pretty hypocritical to me. I wouldn't be surprised if they get sued.
Date: Thu, Jun 9 2011 11:41:10
going back to 4.3.3. so unstable atm. :[ WTH?
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 03:44:34
i got a ipod touch gen 4 32gb
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 07:14:19
Getting a working Jubeat Plus ipa is a bitch. Anybody have a working one?
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 17:49:20
What's Jubeat? :O
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 18:22:45
It's like DDR, except with Israelis.
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 20:09:35
XYZaki wrote: It's like DDR, except with Israelis.
o i c. no idea tho :/ Does anybody know a good source for ipad movies? -
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 20:31:46
@Frip if your iPad is jailbroken then UnlimMovies is the way to go
Date: Mon, Jun 20 2011 00:30:23
Got a working Jubeat .ipa. But it only has 3 songs >_> Anyways, how do I add icons to a theme? Gladhander comes with a bunch of alt icons and I tried adding them into the Icons folder but they don't work. wat do. Do I make a half size version and then name the original "@2x" or what..?
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 06:54:58
XYZaki wrote: Anyways, how do I add icons to a theme? Gladhander comes with a bunch of alt icons and I tried adding them into the Icons folder but they don't work. wat do.
Nah really, how the fuck y'all niggas do this. I looked it up already, nothing works. -
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 08:22:31
going to get an iphone, shuld i get g3, g4 or should i wait for g5 >.<
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 18:00:54
Did you rename the icons for every app?
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 20:25:13
Frip wrote: Did you rename the icons for every app?
Renamed them to the name of the app. And by alt icons, I didn't necessarily mean icons that you replace; they're just extras. -
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 08:07:13
Any of y'all Nigras know how to sync my music with iTunes without losing Cydia Apps/Tweaks? I've been syncing with MediaMonkey, but it messes up embedded album art, whereas when I first synced with iTunes, it didn't.
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 08:25:56
Wait, why would you lose your tweaks and apps? It shouldn't erase your data, unless you're doing something wrong. .__. I remember getting 170MB with my iPod. Now, I'm only getting 130MB max, after freeing memory. :/
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 08:49:23
chrisPS wrote: Wait, why would you lose your tweaks and apps? It shouldn't erase your data, unless you're doing something wrong. .__.
Wouldn't I lose it when it does the AppSync? -
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 09:09:17
Not unless you restore it :/ I've had no problems with mine, it just syncs the apps by itself whereas i set the music to be manually edited. FUCK. i wanted to update to 4.3 from 4.2.1 and someone i kept getting a "Your device is eligible for this action" or someshit like that, when i'm updating with a downloaded 4.3 firmware.. so now i'm stuck on 4.3.5 not jailbroken -.- fml
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 10:24:20
wait, why did you update to 4.3.5? :O
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 10:27:26
chrisPS wrote: wait, why did you update to 4.3.5? :O
i was trying to update to something with an untethered jailbreak like 4.3, but my itunes wouldn't let me do it >.< so i thought i could downgrade since i had the 4.2.1 and such ssh blobs saved. being the stupid fuck i was i restored which meant the deletion of all my ssh blobs :| -
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 13:08:17
aw, well you can't do anything about that now :/ <-- needs you to downgrade to 4.3.3? :/ :dunno: - tethered In other news...
3G version iPT 5G? @Krispy Kreme
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 21:33:26
chrisPS wrote: aw, well you can't do anything about that now :/ <-- needs you to downgrade to 4.3.3? :/ :dunno: - tethered In other news... 3G version iPT 5G? @Krispy Kreme
yeah i watch icu on youtube haha, his videos are pretty unique. -
Date: Sat, Aug 13 2011 13:20:08
Anybody Find that youtube sucks on theiPod touch 4g? I can browse safari and stream internet tv over wifi fine but youtube videos will only load within a decent amount of time 1/4 of the time. Also anybody experience a wifi death grip whilst holding this thing horizontally? Also anybody els hate the keyboard? Is there a way to get t9 on this bitch?
Date: Sat, Aug 13 2011 13:44:38
XYZaki wrote: Any of y'all Nigras know how to sync my music with iTunes without losing Cydia Apps/Tweaks? I've been syncing with MediaMonkey, but it messes up embedded album art, whereas when I first synced with iTunes, it didn't. -
Date: Sun, Aug 14 2011 23:32:56
Groove Coaster = best game :woop:
Date: Sun, Sep 25 2011 07:41:04
Alright so after using the Ubuntu font for so many months I decided to finally change it to something else, when I respringed my iPod got stuck at the boot logo. Is restoring the only way to fix it? And is there a way to restore without updating to 4.3.5? And is there a way I can get my files off...mainly my pokemon save?
Date: Sun, Sep 25 2011 16:53:07
Forget the Pokemawn save, I just want to backup my Calendar events T_T
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 01:51:35
What app do you use to change fonts? Try tinyumbrella's exit recovery or something. If you were able to backup those calendar events in iTunes, I am pretty sure that when you restore the iPod, it will be able to get those.
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 11:17:06
Back up your entire ipod on Cydia, if you use it. You can also update to a higher firmware, one that isn't the latest OS. 4.2.1 -> 4.3 instead of 4.2.1 -> 4.3.5
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 11:33:15
4.3.3 is more like it. But then, you wouldn't be able to get your calendar events. @XYZaki
Date: Wed, Sep 28 2011 08:14:52
Oh I use Bytafont. And I'm gonna try recboot. If I update, will it wipe everything? How do I restore in iTunes without updating?
Date: Wed, Sep 28 2011 09:04:43
@XYZaki Weird, bytafont didn't give me any problems... you can restore if you download an ipsw according to what you need. If you want to stay at 4.1, you can try the links here (I'm pretty sure you have an iPod 4G, but meh :P) if you want to update to say, a specific software (4.1 -> 4.2.1), you'll have to find ipsw's as well. As for the iTunes part, BEFORE you restore, don't forget to hold SHIFT button before clicking Restore. Hope this helps :) Just be careful though :)
Date: Sat, Oct 1 2011 06:12:46
suggest some good games to play on an iPod 4G. I've only got Angry Birds here and I don't even play it that much O_o @KTrinh93
Date: Sat, Oct 1 2011 07:37:48
chrisPS wrote: suggest some good games to play on an iPod 4G. I've only got Angry Birds here and I don't even play it that much O_o
I play with GPSphone a lot, playing the pokemon series + some yugioh games xD Doodle jump, tiny wings, battleheart, jubeat plus (only on apptrackr) an cut the rope -
Date: Sat, Oct 1 2011 09:33:16
Krispy Kreme wrote: I play with GPSphone a lot, playing the pokemon series + some yugioh games xD Doodle jump, tiny wings, battleheart, jubeat plus (only on apptrackr) an cut the rope
I think I'll give tiny wings a try. Also, I'll need other suggestions on time-waster type games. Not those that need a lot of dedication (e.g. RPG games). -
Date: Sun, Oct 2 2011 17:16:38
Casual games: #1 Fruit Ninja Then Tiny Wings, Jetpack Joyride, Bloons TD4, Game Dev Story/Grand Prix Story... and then Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, Contre Jour, etc. I'm loving FIFA 12 btw. Oh, try Firered Omega with gPSPhone, my favorite pokemon mod by far :D
Date: Sun, Oct 2 2011 23:29:07
Can't wait for the announcements. It's in 2 days! :O
Date: Tue, Oct 4 2011 11:33:26
hi, just checking if i saved my SHSHs blobs correctly, this showed up. 10/04/2011 19:28:40.495 For version [iPod4G 4.2.1 (8C148)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 10/04/2011 19:28:40.547 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 4.2.1 (8C148) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 10/04/2011 19:28:45.289 You have saved your iPod4G 4.3.5 (8L1) SHSH locally and the request was sent to CYDIA. This means that CYDIA DOES have your SHSH. Do NOT bug semaphore about the Cydia home page showing this version. 10/04/2011 19:28:45.613 Finished saving SHSHs for [1337] 10/04/2011 19:28:45.779 Caching shsh files... 10/04/2011 19:28:45.853 Found [1] shsh files to cache... 10/04/2011 19:28:45.908 Cached [1] shsh files i used Tinyumbrella, did it go correctly? i'm really new to this so yeah, thanks in advance :D
Date: Tue, Oct 4 2011 21:57:18
Not sure how the iphone contracts are used in US, but what does the free under the 3GS mean? FREE IPHONE 3GS ? =D
Date: Wed, Oct 5 2011 00:18:46
I guess free WITH contracts. I was actually waiting for a i5. SCREW YOU APPLE. Oh well, I shall just get an i4S. :/
Date: Wed, Oct 5 2011 10:57:40
/hax :trollface:
Date: Wed, Oct 5 2011 12:22:31
chrisPS wrote: /hax :trollface:
How'd you do that? Ultra combo+lots of criticals? :? -
Date: Wed, Oct 5 2011 22:17:46
@Jazz it's actually haxorz. modified ipa.
Date: Wed, Oct 5 2011 23:48:48
Krispy Kreme wrote: FREE IPHONE 3GS ? =D
Yup. It's free on contract. Phones are ostensibly cheap in America, but people don't realize that they're being overcharged for mediocre 3G data to compromise for the $999 MSRP device that you bought for 100 dollas. -
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 00:40:23 #legit much better than iPhoneBrowser updated to iOS 5.
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 01:47:25
ugh i really wanna get an unlocked iphone.. the question is whether it should be an iPhone 4, 4S or 5 next year..
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 05:15:55
Updated to ios 5 GM verison
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 06:29:37
There are times when the Springboard just gets stuck because of low RAM to open the app, especially when it is unlocked from sleep mode and then one quickly opens an app, which might mean that there are some other operations going on when iDevice is in sleep.
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 22:09:21
chrisPS wrote: #legit much better than iPhoneBrowser updated to iOS 5.
iPhoneBrowser is way too slow and it can't transfer files that have foreign characters in the name. I use Total Commander for transfers, I'll try this though. -
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 23:06:17
XYZaki wrote: iPhoneBrowser is way too slow and it can't transfer files that have foreign characters in the name. I use Total Commander for transfers, I'll try this though.
THis is basically a Windows extension, so you'll be opening the iPod's contents in a Windows Explorer Environment :) iOS 5 GM Note: Wi-Fi reception/sensitivity has been good so far, compared to 4.3.3. Loading speed of apps (particularly native apps) has been pretty quick. Sensitivity to hardware input is enhanced. Opening of folders is quick. Quirks so far: 1. Twitter Installation in Settings. Press Install and no feedback from the Device (if Wi-Fi is turned off.) 2. Lockscreen Music App - When skipping to another song, music app momentarily "pauses the music" then plays it again. If the music has album art embedded in it, it will result to a quick flicker of album art. 3. Wi-Fi sync is really "Wi-Fi sync" atm. 4. There are times when the Springboard just gets stuck because of low RAM to open the app, especially when it is unlocked from sleep mode and then one quickly opens an app, which might mean that there are some other operations going on when iDevice is in sleep. 5. Unable to open music containing very long lyrics in the info. Crashes. in other news...iTunes 10.5beta7 is unstable.
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 03:29:53
ipod and iphone 4s,which is better?ipod is alot cheaper in my country
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 06:54:04
chrisPS wrote: in other news... iTunes 10.5beta7 is unstable.
Wait, if I haven't synced with iTunes before, can I still get my calendar events from my iPod to iTunes? Does restoring with iTunes delete everything? -
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 08:24:43
Uh...nope. @_@ you also need to backup your stuff. And yep, restoring/updating means deleting everything.
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 18:24:51
Wait how do I backup before updating if I'm in recovery mode? Should I just use recboot to exit out of recovery mode? Will that get me out of the Apple logo loop?
Date: Mon, Oct 10 2011 02:11:48
Exit out of recovery mode first. Depends on what you do. But try this one: then, that's when you backup. And I think the infinite Apple loop is another story. :dunno: And WOW... Either the Wi-Fi here at uni is messing up or the iOS 5 GM is messed up. I opened the AppStore and searched the Facebook app. 15 minutes still hasn't resulted to any search results. Still searching/loading O.o
Date: Wed, Oct 12 2011 22:02:52
downloading ios5 at the moment.
Date: Thu, Oct 13 2011 00:12:52
updated to iOS 5 :D nothing much new from the GM. I hope notifications work now... T_T 3.3Mbps DL speed is sooo good. EDIT: I still can't believe they didn't fix the album-art flicker bug on the lockscreen. X_X
Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 09:02:09
Date: Wed, Oct 19 2011 14:16:56
Been a long time since I played this one again:
:wub: Oh yeah, been loving the new iOS 5 for now. Notifications are a bitch though if they keep coming in fast.
Date: Sat, Oct 22 2011 00:20:04
What game is that @chrisPS? anyways
#69 in the world for PIB Fruit ninja lolSpoiler
Date: Sat, Oct 22 2011 00:25:30
@Frip Pocket Legends. Still stuck at Level 26. :P
Date: Tue, Oct 25 2011 14:15:46
tethered JB. OmniStat:
Yep, sojourn.
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 06:00:39
But it's okay because I manually backed up my calendar contacts and got my pokemon save off. WAIT HOW DO I BACK UP ZENONIA.
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 11:48:14
That is awesome stuff :O
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2011 16:52:59
damn I need to jb again to play pokemon :D
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 04:14:34
Error 2005 :( I don't know what to do. I tried on three different computers. EDIT: Fixed! Turns out keeping TU's TSS server running was interfering....which is counterintuitive because I thought I needed it to avoid Error 3194. I think once it's in Pwned DFU, Error 3194 isn't an issue anymore anyways.
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 10:50:52
I just use TSS's Fix Recovery. :))
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 11:22:02
chrisPS wrote: I just use TSS's Fix Recovery. :))
That option isn't even for the problem I had... -
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 12:40:21
I actually did that for Error 2005. -.- :dunno:
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 19:44:01
chrisPS wrote: I actually did that for Error 2005. -.- :dunno:
Well what were you trying to accomplish as a whole? Were you just flashing a new firmware? Error 2005 is equivocal... -
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 05:28:55
Eid Lockscreen
November Layout
This is what I hate about California, if the high was supposed to be 82, WHY IS IT EFFING 88.
December Layout
Tried this, but Panorama sucks at scaling (the original wallpaper is 3840 x 1024, it shouldn't be zoomed in that much)
Then I used Simple Background, its much better for scrolling wallpapers.
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 09:15:56
Date: Mon, Aug 19 2013 20:16:05
I got a Ipod Touch 4g, recently jailbroken