General Discussion / Pen Spinning Jokes
Date: Thu, Jun 13 2013 12:49:05
Post your pen spinning jokes! 1) What's the difference between a pen and Justin Bieber? Justin Bieber is much more satisfying to accidentally run your car over! 2) How many pen spinners does it take to change a light bulb? Just one, but you need at least 6 light bulbs. The others got broken being spun... 3) How do you find the least popular kid in school? Find the kid even the pen spinners don't talk to! 4) Q: Does a guy always know where his pen is? A: Not if it's small
Date: Thu, Jun 13 2013 14:05:27
Date: Thu, Jun 13 2013 14:18:07
5) Do wou want to win WT? gg 6) and WC? gg 7) and UPSBT? gg 8) butbutbutbut cow > you 9) I'm creative? you arent 10) Is my combo difficult? nope 11) butbutbutbut you spin a tree. whole families can live there. 12) @Xienix ? proest <3 ... .. .
Date: Thu, Jun 13 2013 15:23:20
13) Greatest pen spinning joke? A: Orange
Date: Thu, Jun 13 2013 16:21:58
fel2fram can never light up a bulb he skips too much charge
Date: Thu, Jun 13 2013 16:22:46
Xienix wrote: :facepalm:
This. -
Date: Thu, Jun 13 2013 17:15:08
Xienix wrote: :facepalm:
Exactly my thought -
Date: Thu, Jun 13 2013 17:29:16
knock knock whos there? pen pen who? pen spinner.... lol tis thread isnt the best XD.
Date: Thu, Jun 13 2013 17:54:10
[SPOILER="not a real joke but still:"]When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ballpoint pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat the problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion to develop a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside down, underwater, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to 300 C. The Russians used a pencil. [/SPOILER]
Date: Thu, Jun 13 2013 17:54:44
Xienix wrote: [SPOILER="not a real joke but still:"]When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ballpoint pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat the problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion to develop a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside down, underwater, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to 300 C. The Russians used a pencil. [/SPOILER]
This isn't actually true. :rolleyes: -
Date: Thu, Jun 13 2013 17:55:33
If you're not going to post jokes, then please either 1) Start posting jokes or 2) :gtfo:
Date: Thu, Jun 13 2013 19:49:34
My songs are the jokes.
Date: Thu, Jun 13 2013 20:37:25
The U.S. should srsly make a new sign, with a ball on a road, to indicate no ball playing on the road... that'll be called a BALLSIGN! War har har har har har!
Date: Thu, Jun 13 2013 20:50:19
Why are penspinners so awesome... Cause they are so "HANDSOME"
Date: Thu, Jun 13 2013 20:55:31
Yo Momma's so fat her bust's look like pun kans.
Date: Thu, Jun 13 2013 21:12:52
pickup line: you must be a pro... cuz you have a sexy bust! -pen spinning is pointless -actually it has 2 points...(or one if you spin sc) a neutron gets on upsb shoutbox and gets flamed cuz he has no charge. fuck this.
Date: Thu, Jun 13 2013 21:58:17
Vikroal on the left, Eriror on the right, Syrti in center
Dis is ma Däne!
Date: Thu, Jun 13 2013 22:40:12
This whole thread is a joke.
Date: Fri, Jun 14 2013 00:16:10
Mats vs VGG
Date: Fri, Jun 14 2013 02:21:11
Walkaz wrote: fel2fram can never light up a bulb he skips too much charge
Snow always blows up bulbs he has too much charge -
Date: Fri, Jun 14 2013 06:57:31
Why did kin make it to the wt11 finals? He was able to out-wit his opponent
Date: Fri, Jun 14 2013 14:28:34
?) buster busting?! bullshit. ??) want a funnier joke? not from me, ask iMatt
Date: Tue, Jun 18 2013 10:38:06
Hipster Slofis, #-ging before it was cool
Date: Wed, Jun 26 2013 14:25:42
Walkaz wrote: Hipster Slofis, #-ging before it was cool
I see wat u did there