General Discussion / Penspinning Interactive
Date: Thu, Jun 6 2013 03:27:17
Hello everyone, I'm doing a final project on college, the goal is to create an interactive media and I chose pen spinning as a theme. I'm making IPSB magazine, the concept is like playing a game that you can select a spinner then they will show you an article to read or a tutorial :hmm: Please check out the preview:
[B]I'd recommend you to download the complete package so you can listen the audio (much better!)[/B] This project isn't finished, yet I need to finish the modding section, fix some issues and want to add more features (interviews, fun fact about psing or maybe secret character ^_^) I do want to make it english version/UPSB, however I'm not that good at writing and english. :? I wish somebody would help me to develop so it can be such a guide book for new spinners. please leave a comment and don't hesitate if you have any suggestion or critism. thank you![/SPOILER] [B]View on Newgrounds:[/B] Penspinning Interactive [B]Download The RAW file:[/B] DOWNLOAD (18 Mb)
Date: Thu, Jun 6 2013 03:39:19
Looking forward to the English version, looks very well designed, props!
Date: Thu, Jun 6 2013 12:55:43
Just looking at the screenshot its like "Woah o.o" Good job and good luck!~ (:
Date: Thu, Jun 6 2013 13:48:30
Look so awesome^_^
Date: Fri, Jun 7 2013 12:47:36
@Gland I'd be more than happy to help you with the english, if you want.
Date: Fri, Jun 7 2013 16:17:21
shoeman6 wrote: @Gland I'd be more than happy to help you with the english, if you want.
thanks, after I finish with Bahasa Indonesia, I will let you know (sun)