General Discussion / World Tournament 2013 - SF Results OUT!
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 13:17:00
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 13:25:49
bpsc: ctionist brpsb : sutomo a13x fpsb : sutomo gpc : sutomo ctionist hkpsa : sutomo a13x ipsb : sutomo draw lpsa: sutomo, draw ppsc: sutomo, a13x spsb: sutomo, draw thpsc: sutomo, a13x twps: sutomo, a13x upsb: sutomo, draw vpc: sutomo, ction Final round : A13x vs Sutomo
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 13:34:11
Uhh why are SPSC results missing? I sent them on Saturday morning :/ I have sent them again just in case. Anyway, the results won't change a thing haha. Go sutomo go!!!
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 13:35:26
OMG I Can't believe it, i'm too happy, that i have no words do describe o_O
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 13:38:31
added spsc
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 13:42:05
sutomo own this round
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 13:54:24
Not necessarily, I think a13x and ction are the stronger spinners of the four, it would have been nicer to have a13x vs ction as the final battle. A13x the world champion, sounds nice ^^
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 13:56:54
A13x wrote: OMG I Can't believe it, i'm too happy, that i have no words do describe o_O
Haha, good luck for the final round then -
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 14:06:00
Go a13x,win this.
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 14:19:18
and I was like o_O
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 14:45:10
congrats to sutomo and a13x. Will FPSB hold its grip on the pen spinning world championships? Or will Sutomo be the 1st japanese champion ? Find out next time on U ....P..SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 14:45:12
Good Luck,A13x! :D
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 15:03:20
neoknux_009 wrote: congrats to sutomo and a13x. Will FPSB hold its grip on the pen spinning world championships? Or will Sutomo be the 1st japanese champion ? Find out next time on U ....P..SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
^^^made me die.^^^ i was cheering for ction, but i have to say that A13x is one heluva spinner. this final round should be interesting. both unbelievably different spinners. -
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 16:22:15
eurocracy wrote: Not necessarily, I think a13x and ction are the stronger spinners of the four, it would have been nicer to have a13x vs ction as the final battle. A13x the world champion, sounds nice ^^
You've got such a great talent to say stupid things in every post bro (sun) Sutomo was better than Ction this round, A13x & Sutomo were the best, period :) Anyway Congratz to you two, I'm really happy to have reached the semi finals that was like the best thing that ever happened in my penspinning life, even better than winning the WC12 (sun) However making 10 WC/WT combos in two years completely killed me so you might not see me around for a few months. Good luck to the finalists -
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 18:55:18
Ok, prepare for an intense final round.
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 19:29:52
Ivabra wrote: You've got such a great talent to say stupid things in every post bro (sun) Sutomo was better than Ction this round, A13x & Sutomo were the best, period :) Anyway Congratz to you two, I'm really happy to have reached the semi finals that was like the best thing that ever happened in my penspinning life, even better than winning the WC12 (sun) However making 10 WC/WT combos in two years completely killed me so you might not see me around for a few months. Good luck to the finalists
I actually wrote up a full analysis of Sutomo and Ction, but then chrome decided to crash on me halfway through finishing sutomo's. It wasn't based on any point scores, just what I see. But honestly, you're not worth rewriting it for. You don't seem to understand what an opinion is when I say I think to be met by you saying "Sutomo were the best", claiming your opinion as fact and saying I make stupid posts. Of course, it's not stupid when I agree with your opinion, though, when I supported LeftFinger Vs Mind in the third round. You're all like: [B]Don't like what I don't like or what you say is stupid![/B] How immature. [B]Edit:[/B] You know what, while I'm at it, the only point disagreed with me before then was when I was talking about F2F vs Sutomo and saying Sutomo's combo was better. Which it was in the end, because it knocked F2F clean out of the tournament! How stupid I am! -
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 19:41:50
Yeah Ivabra is sooooo immature. He like knows nothing about penspinning and nothing he says can be correct. Who on earth would waste his time to even think a bit about his words? Using the brain is way too mainstream anyways. I'm too hipster for this shit. :trollface:
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 19:44:39
ChainBreak wrote: Yeah Ivabra is sooooo immature. He like knows nothing about penspinning and nothing he says can be correct. Who on earth would waste his time to even think a bit about his words? Using the brain is way too mainstream anyways. I'm too hipster for this shit. :trollface:
I said nothing about his penspinning or his knowledge of his penspinning. How well you spin a pen is not a measure of your maturity, which you've just said here. I also didn't say he was incorrect, can you not read? I was talking about him taking his view which is subjective and thus an opinion as fact and calling my post stupid when I clearly made out it was an opinion. It is very immature to think that your opinion is fact and start calling people stupid over it, would you not agree? [B]In short, you didn't read my post at all and you're backing him blindly because you dislike me, go home.[/B] -
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 20:03:24
eurocracy wrote: I said nothing about his penspinning or his knowledge of his penspinning. How well you spin a pen is not a measure of your maturity, which you've just said here. I also didn't say he was incorrect, can you not read? I was talking about him taking his view which is subjective and thus an opinion as fact and calling my post stupid when I clearly made out it was an opinion. It is very immature to think that your opinion is fact and start calling people stupid over it, would you not agree? [B]In short, you didn't read my post at all and you're backing him blindly because you dislike me, go home.[/B]
The thing you don't seem to understand is that I'm not expressing my point of view right here, I'm expressing a [B]fact[/B]. Every single thing I'm saying on these WT13 threads isn't based on my opinion(except when I'm telling my predictions), otherwise i'd say Rex is the WT13 champion lol. When I say something I try to be as objective as possible, even though you're right by sayin that skilled spinners aren't automatically the best judges, it still helps judging if you're yourself a good spinner. I've been around for 5 years and I've watched thousands of videos, I've had hundreds of debates and arguments on msn, fpsb & upsb about tournaments and top spinners etc, I made millions of analysis, reading people opinions and then making conclusions to improve my judging skills to be as objective as possible. You've got the right to express your opinion but you keep telling shit, I'm sorry. Even though you're telling your opinion, that doesn't allow you to force spinners to think the way you think. Adding "imo" at the end of the sentence doesn't make you somebody intelligent or anyway, and it doesn't mean that it is true either. And like I've told you millions of time, you should definitely try to learn more about penspinning. Otherwise F2F would be the lamest spinner on Earth (sun) -
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 20:28:08
4 years ago every people was totaly disapointed by the pretentious comment of a13x. It seems that things change oO... Do you read yourself ivabra? ..
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 20:30:39
Ivabra;258161]The thing you don't seem to understand is that I'm not expressing my point of view right here, I'm expressing a [B]fact[/B]. Every single thing I'm saying on these WT13 threads isn't based on my opinion(except when I'm telling my predictions), otherwise i'd say Rex is the WT13 champion lol.)[/QUOTE] Sorry but Sutomo having a better combo than ction is an opinion, you're even admitting that you think it's a fact now. There was no sutomo vs Ction battle and it hasn't been judged, There is no fact at all behind which combo was the best as it hasn't gone infront of a panel of judges. This is why we have [B]MULTIPLE[/B] judges from [B]MULTIPLE[/B] communities, because it's actually a collective of multiple opinions, everyone judges slightly differently. [QUOTE=Ivabra;258161]When I say something I try to be as objective as possible, even though you're right by sayin that skilled spinners aren't automatically the best judges, it still helps judging if you're yourself a good spinner.[/QUOTE] I haven't mentioned judging at all, and I also haven't said that skilled spinners aren't automatically the best judges (although this is quite true). [QUOTE=Ivabra;258161]I've been around for 5 years and I've watched thousands of videos, I've had hundreds of debates and arguments on msn, fpsb & upsb about tournaments and top spinners etc, I made millions of analysis, reading people opinions and then making conclusions to improve my judging skills to be as objective as possible.[/QUOTE] If I am still spinning and improving in even 10 years time, I will still not be able to say something is a definite fact in terms of two world tournament combos of such a high level like this. You're naive to think that your opinion is a fact. [QUOTE=Ivabra;258161]You've got the right to express your opinion[/QUOTE] Yes I do. [QUOTE=Ivabra;258161]but you keep telling shit, I'm sorry.[/QUOTE] Opinions are neither right nor wrong (or shit, as you'd put it), they are opinions. Which of these exceedingly high level combos is better is subjective, so it can only be said with an opinion. [QUOTE=Ivabra;258161]Even though you're telling your opinion, that doesn't allow you to force spinners to think the way you think.[/QUOTE] [SIZE="4"]I haven't done that at all, that's what you're doing here: Saying your opinion is a definite fact you stubborn [B]hypocrite[/B] and forcing it onto other people saying they are stupid if they don't agree.[/SIZE] [QUOTE=Ivabra;258161]Adding "imo" at the end of the sentence doesn't make you somebody intelligent or anyway, and it doesn't mean that it is true either.[/QUOTE] You're blabbering here, this has no relevance at all because:
This is also irrelevant, but I'll reply anyway: Learn more about penspinning? Honestly a large amount of tricks and information on penspinning is already in my knowledge, what is left to do is practice to bring my skills up to where my mind is at. Irionically I've made it quite clear that F2F is one of my idols and I respect him heavily, I certainly do not think of him anywhere NEAR the "lamest spinner under the sun", but what I do think is that people should not go around claiming he is the "best spinner in the world", because what makes the best spinner is also subjective, and it is claiming opinion is fact. Exactly what you're doing here.-
[*]I never put "imo" on the end of my sentence to begin with, I put "I think" at the beginning
[*]I never declared it made you seem intelligent, it just makes clear that it's an OPINION and that you're not pushing it onto other people.
[*]Saying that it's your opinion means that the topic is subjective and therefore what you say CANNOT be true or false as it's your subjective OPINION, not a presentation of facts
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 20:42:28
Simple example. Peter says << In my opinion, I've won the WT >> Ok, that is not wrong because its an opinion. Ok, IMO OK OK OK IMO. But, still, peter has no fucking idea about WT, how is the tournament going, what a TA is, and penspinning in general. Conclusion -> Arguing with opinions doesnt make you less stupid. If the name of any member in UPSB is peter, sorry, no offense. Take a cookie (::.) <3 Oh. Also.
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 20:48:37
RPD wrote: If the name of any member in UPSB is peter, sorry, no offense. Take a cookie (::.) <3
I'm offended! And i think @RPD pretty much shares all my opinions about all penspinning ever. and go A13x!!!!! That's all i have to say. -
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 20:59:56
RPD wrote: Simple example. Peter says << In my opinion, I've won the WT >> Ok, that is not wrong because its an opinion. Ok, IMO OK OK OK IMO. But, still, peter has no fucking idea about WT, how is the tournament going, what a TA is, and penspinning in general. Conclusion -> Arguing with opinions doesnt make you less stupid. If the name of any member in UPSB is peter, sorry, no offense. Take a cookie (::.) <3 Oh. Also.
That is not a very subjective example though RPD, so it doesn't really correlate here. It is more so: Spinner A thinks Spinner C is going to win the WT Spinner B thinks Spinner D is going to win the WT Spinner C and Spinner D are both in the WT and are at the same level (final round in this case), opinions are opinions. But I get what you mean. It's fine to argue opinions though, you CAN argue which spinner is better than the other, but it is in retrospect, quite stupid, I don't think I shall be arguing about another spinner again, regardless whether Ivabra is backing me up, because it's based on opinions and it doesn't lead to anything but wasted time. However, in this case it is not alright to claim your opinion is THE fact and that people who disagree with you are stupid. That's called being intolerant and a dick. -
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 21:04:08
Gratz to both! I am rooting for A13x. Note: At first the arguing in wt13 discussion was funny, but now it's gotten annoying. I'm just happy we we're able to have a wt this year thanks to Zombo, and many others.
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 21:17:46
euro, stfu nobody likes you anyways
eurocracy wrote: I said nothing about his penspinning or his knowledge of his penspinning. How well you spin a pen is not a measure of your maturity, which you've just said here. I also didn't say he was incorrect, can you not read? I was talking about him taking his view which is subjective and thus an opinion as fact and calling my post stupid when I clearly made out it was an opinion. It is very immature to think that your opinion is fact and start calling people stupid over it, would you not agree? [B]In short, you didn't read my post at all and you're backing him blindly because you dislike me, go home.[/B]
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 21:24:44
Fucking opinions
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 21:39:18
Alex wrote: euro, stfu nobody likes you anyways
Sorry I forgot you were such a nice, likable person. I'd consider it a failure if you liked me.
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 22:02:24
taichi1082 wrote: Fucking opinions
Imo Fucking opinions -
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 22:18:21
coffeelucky wrote: sutomo own this round
Poor Ivabra :( -
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 00:00:26
wow wow wow There is absolutely no reason to fight over something like this. Why can't we just hold hands and live in harmony? Please stop fighting. This is not worth destroying our friendship. lul just kidding. You're all fucking stupid
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 00:07:42
Everyone is rooting for A13x... Imma root for Sutomo.
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 00:20:16
eurocracy wrote: I said nothing about his penspinning or his knowledge of his penspinning. How well you spin a pen is not a measure of your maturity, which you've just said here.
Do you not know how to understand a message instead of just reading words? I hope you do understand that words don't only carry their own meaning, but there can also be a hidden meaning behind the obvious meaning of the words. But looking at your reaction I think I will be disappointed. -
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 06:18:22
ChainBreak wrote: Do you not know how to understand a message instead of just reading words? I hope you do understand that words don't only carry their own meaning, but there can also be a hidden meaning behind the obvious meaning of the words. But looking at your reaction I think I will be disappointed.
As I study English I should know quite well what semantics are and why you're trying to pretend you used it now. Incase you're unaware, semantics is the meaning of the text. Whereas the only meaning here is that you're using a strawman argument because you don't like me personally. This is an argument, not a discussion on the meaning of a poem. I'm nor sure if English is your first language, but it is mine, and I need no lecturing on what semantics is by someonw who cannot so much as know the word semantics itself. Perhaps you're referring to pragmatics, the individual connotation of each word? Nope, you're not, and I know you were never aware such a topic as pragmatics even existed. You know nothing of whar you're talking about. Incase you're wondering, no, neither you nore Iva really take use of pragmatics on this forum and exploit it, and it's main use to to help back up the obvious and establish the tone. Texts rarely have a different, unclear meaning, and they are usually satire. You are likely not skilled enough to write successful satire, much less something that hides a specific semantic meaning. But then again, the purpose of everything you write in reply to me is to argue against me and try to win, because you've argued with me before and you take everything I say like an attack to you and start whining how mean I am for not supporting your view after. So either argue for what you believe or keep on backing up people blindly like sheep and making laughable posts such as this one, claming you know but a single thing of English! Go to bed! -
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 06:26:00
somehow I really enjoy the argument like this in every round.
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 07:18:25
eurocracy;258157]You know what, while I'm at it, the only point disagreed with me before then was when I was talking about F2F vs Sutomo and saying Sutomo's combo was better. Which it was in the end, because it knocked F2F clean out of the tournament! How stupid I am![/QUOTE] because wt is the ultimate expression of what is considered 'better' in PS -sarcasm indicated because someone is bound to think i mean this- nah, it's just a competition of which 'pro' spinner can best understand the meta-game mechanics within the less-pro judges' minds [QUOTE=eurocracy wrote: Learn more about penspinning? Honestly a large amount of tricks and information on penspinning is already in my knowledge, what is left to do is practice to bring my skills up to where my mind is at.
plz just knowing something is light years away from the understanding gained from actual mastery and application i don't doubt your ability to make a breakdown and deduce what spinners are doing with 500% slomo, but merely knowing how the pen moves is nothing like being able to perform the combos yourself and even if you have finally mastered the breakdown, that is a mere fraction of what PS is about - refinement, subtlety, fine finger motions, rhythm and pacing changes etc so yeah, your knowledge is probably fine but the true learning i think the poster meant was being able to perform the stuff and refine it ^^ happy training on another note, so that this post isn't off-topic entirely: good luck both participants for R6 :D a13x gets the highest average score each round pretty much, but sutomo was the one who killed the supposedly invincible f2f (at least after wc12, f2f was considered rightly as such) disappointed at the huge number of 'draw' votes this round though for a13x vs ction, would've been interesting to see what would've happened if judges were forced to decide -
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 08:02:15
i.suk wrote: because wt is the ultimate expression of what is considered 'better' in PS -sarcasm indicated because someone is bound to think i mean this- nah, it's just a competition of which 'pro' spinner can best understand the meta-game mechanics within the less-pro judges' minds plz just knowing something is light years away from the understanding gained from actual mastery and application i don't doubt your ability to make a breakdown and deduce what spinners are doing with 500% slomo, but merely knowing how the pen moves is nothing like being able to perform the combos yourself and even if you have finally mastered the breakdown, that is a mere fraction of what PS is about - refinement, subtlety, fine finger motions, rhythm and pacing changes etc so yeah, your knowledge is probably fine but the true learning i think the poster meant was being able to perform the stuff and refine it ^^ happy training on another note, so that this post isn't off-topic entirely: good luck both participants for R6 :D a13x gets the highest average score each round pretty much, but sutomo was the one who killed the supposedly invincible f2f (at least after wc12, f2f was considered rightly as such) disappointed at the huge number of 'draw' votes this round though for a13x vs ction, would've been interesting to see what would've happened if judges were forced to decide
You replied only to the parts of my post that did not matter and were offtopic merely for the sake of tying up all ends. And I'm fairly certain I undrrstand difficulty and it's application quite well, I've found what I though the difficulty of tricks were when I was a newbie and which got me into a lot of arguments because "lol you're new you know nothing" turned out to be quite correct. So you're wrong, ou can very well know difficulty without having mastered the trick itself. I'll leave this out as a big "suck it" to anyone who claims I knew less about a combo than them after I broke the entire thing down as a 5 month spinner while most only watched it once. I still stand by my belief that I knew the difficulty of it then, now that I am close to being able to execute all of it. It doesn't take a genius to figure ASS is harder than spiderspin because it has a considerably smaller spinning space. Also you're talking about style and execution, you don't need to be a pro spinner to detect those either. This whole bragging about experience spinning making you more able to understand combos is complete bullshit. A 4 month spinner aware of advanced notation and researched all the tricks would be more than capable of describing intricate and difficult parts of a combo better than a 3 year spinner who knows only basic notation and doesn't do much research. This is because it's impossible to learn all the tricks and linkages in pen spinning and say which are better, so either all spinners know nothing and cannot understand a combo unless they can copy it, or researchers can understand combos. Otherwise we'd never have judges because thry would have to be as good as or better than the spinners to judge them. -
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 08:19:13
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 08:32:53
Stay on topic.
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 09:21:49
eurocracy;258236]This is because it's impossible to learn all the tricks and linkages in pen spinning and say which are better, so either all spinners know nothing and cannot understand a combo unless they can copy it, or researchers can understand combos.[/QUOTE] yeah, it's impossible to learn everything; and even if you learn A and B, there's probably someone who's learnt both too and disagrees as to which is harder/more beautiful/more creative but someone who can do both probably has a better idea than someone who can't; and someone who has a higher skill level can probably make a better guess than someone with lower skill (unless the person with higher skill overall hasn't really trained the trick family in question etc) maybe you happen to have godlike powers of prediction about difficulty of things you cannot do which the vast majority of the PS population lacks though, since people often find their perceptions changing when they try things/look back on combos from previous years etc [QUOTE=eurocracy;258236]Also you're talking about style and execution, you don't need to be a pro spinner to detect those either.[/QUOTE] regarding style: [QUOTE=eurocracy;255848]Nice style, like Makin, but nothing much to distinguish him from spinners like makin.[/QUOTE] from (sheep solo video) -------------------------- regarding execution: [QUOTE=eurocracy wrote: It's very barely noticable, you wouldn't be able to knock more than one point off it, while bio you could
from about execution in if you think sheep's style is not really distinguished from makin's and that knightling's execution mistakes are very barely noticeable..... then i have no words, we can resume this discussion when you reach the point where you can perceive these differences in a few years' time edit: lulz dis thread is getting so off topic more relevant to thread: given the abnormally high number of draws this round relative to previous rounds (i think), is it more because judges did scoring in one shot --> found out totals same --> give draw and not reconsider finding a way to split the results; or because they reconsidered and couldn't find a way to split regardless? also, brpsb gave a13x and sutomo 20/20... sure, it's the margin between scores that matters, but awarding so many 5/5 affects discernment since: if you set 5/5 at a lower level, then everyone gets 5/5 even if there's a significant difference between them -
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 10:08:45
-snip- Just for the sake that this is where it gets way too offtopic.
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 10:16:28
ok seriously. these arguments are getting pretty out of hands. sure, you're entitled to your own opinion, but i think this is getting a bit too personal.
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 10:21:18
eurocracy wrote: BlahblahIdonthaveaclueaboutlanguagesandshouldgobacktostudybeforeItrytoexplaintoagraduatehowtouselanguage
Yeah you sure are right. There cant possibly ever be any hidden meaning in normal text. How stupid of me believing there were such things as stylistic devices in a text that could have any meaning. It is so obvious that only poems can carry deeper meanings. Also my use of the trollface didnt indicate anything since I'm way too stupid for trying to integrate a deeper meaning in a text that is not a poem. /sarcasm off <-- I dont usually use this, but looking at your intellect I qould highly doubt you would get any of the meaning of the text. -
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 11:13:31
When did UPSB become Linguistics 101?
And when did it become such a shithole? Oh well, we all know who's to blame for that. -
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 11:15:56
VikroaL wrote: we all know who's to blame for that
...yeah... all of us... cough(who you talking about)cough... -
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 11:21:19
Hint: Five posts above this one, and probably a few ones below as well.
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 15:24:49
ChainBreak;258250]Yeah you sure are right. There cant possibly ever be any hidden meaning in normal text. How stupid of me believing there were such things as stylistic devices in a text that could have any meaning. It is so obvious that only poems can carry deeper meanings. Also my use of the trollface didnt indicate anything since I'm way too stupid for trying to integrate a deeper meaning in a text that is not a poem. /sarcasm off <-- I dont usually use this, but looking at your intellect I qould highly doubt you would get any of the meaning of the text.[/QUOTE] I gave the examples of a poem and satire stating there were others, too. And while texts can have specific hidden meanings, the meaning of the posts you write against me are quite obvious and I've pointed it out quite a few times. In fact, I doubt your posts really have a meaning other than to attempt to be annoying now. Your purpose is obviously to try and inconvenience me, which would explain why you try to get the fist comment in on any post I make, consistently. To say that your argument is a straw man is a compliment, you rather ignore everything I say and do not refute my point. So on the scheme of things, all the points unrefuted still stand against you and you've made no real ground. By now, you're not really having much effect on me ChainBreak, and you strayed off topic at your second post. [QUOTE=VikroaL wrote: Hint: Five posts above this one, and probably a few ones below as well.
You being unable to get over yourself after last year is not my problem. -
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 16:01:26
Please stay on topic, final warning.
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 19:36:53
eurocracy wrote: To say that your argument is a straw man is a compliment, you rather ignore everything I say and do not refute my point. So on the scheme of things, all the points unrefuted still stand against you and you've made no real ground.
Some nice Ad Hominem from my side: You don't know what you are talking about. Neither in linguistics, nor in penspinning. The sheep-makin comment and your post about semantics gave me the rest (Der Rest, jener wurde wieder gegeben) -
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 21:56:59
taichi1082 wrote: Some nice Ad Hominem from my side: You don't know what you are talking about. Neither in linguistics, nor in penspinning. The sheep-makin comment and your post about semantics gave me the rest (Der Rest, jener wurde wieder gegeben)
Points without any explanation and you know very well they're untrue. On top of which, this has gone heavily off topic, as somehow we've managed to branch out to this, with chainbreak spouting some random garbage that had nothing to do with what I said and then you replying to me pointing that out to him. So yes, a wonderful ad hominem, but even as a fallacy as you have made out, it's weaker than most! I mean, barely an attempt to poison the well at all from my point of view. If you'd like to speak more about my native language and how much I know about penspinning, do add me on skype: eurocracy2 Rather than end up getting infractions or bans, and so that I know you're serious and not out to harbor post likes. -
Date: Tue, May 7 2013 07:32:01
Why can't he just shut up? ._. :pan: This WT as actually surprised me in many ways. However I must say that I am not a too big A13x fan. Therefore I guess I'll just be rooting for Sutomo. ;) Looking forward to the final round. (sun)
Date: Tue, May 7 2013 07:53:30
Gogogo sutomo
Date: Tue, May 7 2013 11:00:47
why are there so many people who dislike a13x's style? I find his spinning way more dynamic, creative, difficult, and interesting than sutomo's. Both amazing spinners, but I think many people are just trying to be different and root for the underdog, so they bash a13x's style.
Date: Tue, May 7 2013 11:07:49
padrace wrote: but I think many people are just trying to be different and root for the underdog, so they bash a13x's style.
Nice projecting bro -
Date: Tue, May 7 2013 11:16:41
padrace wrote: but I think many people are just trying to be different and root for the underdog, so they bash a13x's style.
Yeah I'm sure that's why people dislike A13X. -
Date: Thu, May 9 2013 09:11:14
Expected bitches. A13x is the champion
Date: Thu, May 9 2013 16:12:33
Wow, going through this topic just shows that this WT has brought out the worst in our community. The WT is being taken far more seriously than it should be. Its supposed to be a celebration of a unique talent, not a bashing-fest on the opponents of the spinner youre rooting for, or other people who support them.
Date: Thu, May 9 2013 17:25:54
taichi wins WT13 gg no re noobs
Date: Fri, May 10 2013 18:08:35
Imagine how wt11 would've been if eurocracy was around back then
Date: Fri, May 10 2013 19:43:27
wotu1 wrote: Imagine how wt11 would've been if eurocracy was around back then
"Why the fuck did Kin beat supawit" -
Date: Mon, May 13 2013 22:20:02
I win WT13 PERIOD. <_<.
A13x is champion :party:.................. hopefully :?. Still, Good luck to Both :thumb: