Pen Modifications / A13x's WT Mod
Date: Sat, May 4 2013 19:27:25
A13x said he may release a tutorial after he is out of the WT or it ends. But I'm still curious, let's take a look at the black mod:
So, it's asymmetrical, which is unusual for a DC mod, it has unknown tips, dr grip grips, unknown caps? and unknown other black grips. When the mod was being assembled:
And another angle of the mod:
What I know so far: - It uses Giotto Turbo Maxi felt tip pens, which come in a variety of colours, so it's hard to get specifically black. - It is 21.5 cm long. - The caps are unknown - The backplug in the assembly image looks like the front of a yellow giotto turbo maxi pen? - The tips are unknown. @A13x Help? xD
Date: Sat, May 4 2013 19:41:34
I know the caps, and the "in"body For the tips, it's weird, I don't know them
Date: Sat, May 4 2013 20:34:51
This is a bic velleda marker cap(old) cut, and a st cap ( not sur of this) cut too. The tips are random pub pen tips, I have one of those, it's the same weight as impact rt tips.
Date: Sat, May 4 2013 20:36:39
It's not ST cap. But let A13x make his tutorial, stop spoil the stuff ! :D
Date: Sat, May 4 2013 22:27:34
Well done. Another menowa mod, vgg emboss and baaron mod thread.
Date: Sat, May 4 2013 23:24:22
I will try to make replica of this mod :D
Date: Sat, May 4 2013 23:44:28
Tommy wrote: Well done. Another menowa mod, vgg emboss and baaron mod thread.
And you joined after all of those discussions finished, so you don't really know what you're complaining about. It's also not the same because a13x said he was going to release a tutorial eventually, so replicas aren't needed, it's just to ask for info from a13x and other FPSB spinners who recognise the parts. Partly because a13x is not even aware what tip he uses. -
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 00:50:21
the black grip has a circular bump which resembles rsvp grips.
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 02:10:24
Tommy wrote: Well done. Another menowa mod, vgg emboss and baaron mod thread.
yet you comment when 1. the real tut will be released 2. you weren't even part of UPSB when those threads started 3. everyone has the right to open a thread about a mod they want to replicate/make/ask questions on 4. just because your not a fan of how to make a secret mod fan doesnt mean you need to post useless junk, you could have simply just ignored this thread when everyone in this discussion is very interested in knowing how to make it -
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 02:29:55
flaming oracle wrote: yet you comment when 1. the real tut will be released 2. you weren't even part of UPSB when those threads started 3. everyone has the right to open a thread about a mod they want to replicate/make/ask questions on 4. just because your not a fan of how to make a secret mod fan doesnt mean you need to post useless junk, you could have simply just ignored this thread when everyone in this discussion is very interested in knowing how to make it
1. You do not know whether the tutorial will be 100% released 2. I still saw the threads 3. I never said you couldnt. 4. you just posted useluss junk just than. I simply just predicted the result of the result of this thread -
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 05:17:42
flaming oracle wrote: 4. just because your not a fan of how to make a secret mod fan doesnt mean you need to post useless junk, you could have simply just ignored this thread when everyone in this discussion is very interested in knowing how to make it
*you're not a fan grammar plz gaiz, even if you miss apostrophes please do not misuse 'your' and 'you're' (sun) edit: also the existence of this thread seems to be a sign of impatience, just wait a few weeks for the tutorial to come out...most speculation that may occur in this thread will be rendered pointless anyway without direct confirmation from A13x himself orz interesting that the mod is so thick though, i think it helps with pass variations (like dual pass) somewhat -
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 06:06:28
Is the tip Metal Supergrips or something?
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 08:16:02
+1 i.suk HEY @eurocracy would you like some aloevera? Because you just got BURNED!
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 09:02:39
Tommy wrote: 1. You do not know whether the tutorial will be 100% released 2. I still saw the threads 3. I never said you couldnt. 4. you just posted useluss junk just than. I simply just predicted the result of the result of this thread
1) It will be 100% released, A13x said so on facebook 2) Obviously not seeing the point of such threads 3) If you have no problem with it then why reply 4) You made no such prediction, only that it was another secret mod thread No shit sherlock. If you'd like a prediction, you could predict from previous threads that you would have a lot of pages culminating in multiple replicas. Not so here because it's going to be released. -
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 10:42:22
eurocracy wrote: 1) It will be 100% released, A13x said so on facebook 2) Obviously not seeing the point of such threads 3) If you have no problem with it then why reply 4) You made no such prediction, only that it was another secret mod thread No shit sherlock. If you'd like a prediction, you could predict from previous threads that you would have a lot of pages culminating in multiple replicas. Not so here because it's going to be released.
Your reply is invalid because you got burned badly by i.suk. -
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 11:52:19
Tommy wrote: Your reply is invalid because you got burned badly by i.suk.
i.suk replied to Flaming Oracle not me. There was also no burn. Please, learn to read. @i.suk Speculating is fun though. -
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 14:38:09
eurocracy wrote: 1) It will be 100% released, A13x said so on facebook
Because we all know penspinners deliver when they promise something. :D -
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 17:22:35
Erirornal Kraione wrote: Because we all know penspinners deliver when they promise something. :D
I trust a13x, I'm sure he'll come through :P -
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 17:32:07
LOL Tommy, we all know you're new here. Don't act like your the oldfags please. AND yes I use your instead of you're. Goodluck waste your time correcting it. About the mod, I really like to know how heavy that thing is. It looks huge on A13x and his hand is big.
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 18:51:19
I was talking with neirda last night who knows him in person. He told me he thinks it's about 50-60grams, and that the grey one is 95.
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 20:24:31
It's 40/45g, that's what He told me when I made my A13X replica mod. And The only part that we don't know, it's the tips.
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 21:14:51
How is so heavy when the tips are as heavy as impacty rt tips?
Date: Sun, May 5 2013 22:21:57
Weight from 40g mods does not come from what's visible, I speak from experience. there is likely something inside the caps.
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 00:56:57
GeeGeeGee wrote: LOL Tommy, we all know you're new here. Don't act like your the oldfags please.
*you're an oldfag, i'll waste as much time as i want :D 40g+ is rather insane though, seems unnecessary unless the weight actually increases consistency significantly... -
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 06:09:03
i.suk wrote: *you're an oldfag, i'll waste as much time as i want :D 40g+ is rather insane though, seems unnecessary unless the weight actually increases consistency significantly...
I love you. -
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 06:23:20
eurocracy wrote: Weight from 40g mods does not come from what's visible, I speak from experience. there is likely something inside the caps.
@eurocracy so you mean ALL the tips used in the mod are unknown? Or just the ones which are visible on the outside? And about the pic of when the mod was being assembled, do you know if all the parts were separated? So its more heavy stuff on the cap or MAAYBE the tips are extremely heavy? -
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 06:51:18
i.suk wrote: *you're an oldfag, i'll waste as much time as i want :D 40g+ is rather insane though, seems unnecessary unless the weight actually increases consistency significantly...
Notice how he said Tommy NOT i.suk -
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 07:02:10
put ball bearing inside cap?
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 08:21:59
I used a solid steel bar in my mod, I'm guessing it may be the same here. Or a hell load of tips.
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 08:43:56
these are special tips made of Uranium238, so heavy that you can die by spinning it. Don't try this at home ! x) jk jk . As Eurocracy said, i'll make a presentation of the pen, followed by a tutorial after WT13 .
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 08:54:49
A13x wrote: these are special tips made of Uranium238, so heavy that you can die by spinning it. Don't try this at home ! x) jk jk . As Eurocracy said, i'll make a presentation of the pen, followed by a tutorial after WT13 .
Looking forward to see it. _________________________________ Reading this, sounds like this is the Buster-generation all over, but with a (rumored) 40 grams mod is this going to a whole different level! xD -
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 09:00:53
now i shall use this mod to work out
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 10:13:12
hmm i guess the grey one was very heavy, not as heavy as neirda said though, but i think the black one for the wt is very close to buster cyl / air MS. the difference between buster cyl and my mod, is more like cause of the inside structure than just the weight in itself, which is similar. btw, i don't use the grey one, simply because it is too heavy , and it brings some pain in my fingers, when i spin it for too long. anyway i'll tell you and show all this in the tutorial / presentation. but just wait a moment, i'm very very busy with the wt ! Edit for Isuk : I agree that over 40 grm ( even 30 ) the weight don't help at all, absolute useless, and it's more like penspinning skills decrease when it's too heavy, pens that over 30-40 grm, just make counters tricks impossibles to me ^^'
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 10:55:09
Can you make your mod become a Tesla coil? I want to see electrical shit appear :3
Date: Mon, May 6 2013 15:42:21
mmmm another chubby shexeh mod i shall make... .... if i have the time that is >< Frog~
Date: Tue, May 7 2013 03:30:40
A13x wrote: these are special tips made of Uranium238, so heavy that you can die by spinning it. Don't try this at home ! x) jk jk . As Eurocracy said, i'll make a presentation of the pen, followed by a tutorial after WT13 .
How heavy are airfit tips? I just looked up that Uranium238 has a density of 18.95 grams per cubic centimeter. Is that heavy compared to tips like airfit or dr. grip tips? -
Date: Tue, May 7 2013 07:40:15
Demetrius wrote: How heavy are airfit tips? I just looked up that Uranium238 has a density of 18.95 grams per cubic centimeter. Is that heavy compared to tips like airfit or dr. grip tips?
:facepalm: do you even science? He said jkjk. -
Date: Tue, May 7 2013 16:55:37
Interesting, the only problem is that it'll be too hard to find the caps/tips. (T ^ T) Also it doesn't mean it'll be the best mod for us to do continuous tricks x3 Edit: A13x mod (even replica) gives you superpowers [video=youtube;CkGun7avQjE][/video]
Date: Thu, May 9 2013 17:21:57
Sekai wrote: Interesting, the only problem is that it'll be too hard to find the caps/tips. (T ^ T) Also it doesn't mean it'll be the best mod for us to do continuous tricks x3 Edit: A13x mod (even replica) gives you superpowers [video=youtube;CkGun7avQjE][/video]
Nice, what did you use for your replica? -
Date: Sun, May 12 2013 13:49:26
Hmm I read somewhere on his Facebook, him and dongza where discussing the tip
Date: Tue, Jun 11 2013 03:45:52
we gonna get a tut on it lol?