Off-topic / Google+ hangouts (a possible alternative to tinychat)
Date: Wed, Apr 24 2013 07:15:48
Hey guys, let me introduce a tinychat alternative that we could use: Google+. I know what you're thinking: another social network, I already have a facebook, I have to make ANOTHER account?, hell no I aint doin this shit GTFO FAGET. Lol......BUT IT'S WORTHWHILE. The camera quality and FPS for Google+ hangout is AMAZING. The settings and features for Google+ hangouts are pretty awesome. -Video chat with up to 9 friends and it's FREE. Not like skype where you have to get premium membership. -The hangout is in browser. -The host can kick people out. -You alone can block a person too. -It lets you set bandwidth just in case you lag. -Mute mic, toggle broadcast. -Has chat. -You can take screenshots. -You can broadcast the hangout LIVE on Youtube (if you connect your youtube channel with google+). People on youtube can interact with the public broadcasters by posting comments. -Screenshare: Let's you broadcast things on your computer (say like you have a program like Sony Vegas, you can broadcast what you're doing on Sony Vegas!) -Has special effects lol [spoiler=broadcast example...don't ask....T_T]
[/spoiler] Yeah, unfortunately you can only view a a broadcaster at a time. The cam switches to whoever is talking in the mic but you could always set it to one person. You can still view everyone else only tinier (refer to the image in the spoiler). I also have to address that we had two incidences of adults broadcasting their private parts and other derogatory material on tinychat. With Google+ hangouts, we can prevent this (and no more annoying GREEN BAR). All you need to do is just send an invite with the hangout link. Anyone with the hangout link AND a Google+ account can join, unless you want to set it private with a password. Just go directly to the Google+ website and make an account (if you're g-mail user, then use your g-mail). Here's more info: To get in Google+ hangouts, you'll need to install a plug-in. You can either host or join a hangout and it should prompt you to install a plug-in. It's shouldn't take very long to install, only takes a few seconds. If your g-mail contains a Youtube account, then youtube will get really annoying about setting your real name. <_< You don't have to put your real name, you could some how incorporate you user in the first last name (e.g. Jacky Macky, JackyMacky UPSB hehe add me). That way, we'll know who you are. Or you know, you could use your real name too. And because Google+ is just another social network, we can create a community in there. :) Yeah there was a dead thread on this. Moderators delete or append?
Date: Wed, Apr 24 2013 07:21:42
Date: Wed, Apr 24 2013 08:27:58
It fucking is, you seem to forget how much tinychat and skype suck. Only thing bothering me is how you need to register an account (and get banned for not using your real name), but oh well. I should have one thanks to gmail.
Date: Wed, Apr 24 2013 09:09:20
JackyMacky wrote: The Host can kick people out.
This. ^^ -
Date: Wed, Apr 24 2013 09:45:19
Its decent i recently bought a c920 full HD 1080 p and fps at like 1000 but i havent been able to record anything with it :( so i just use google+ to record reviews and stuff. Its works decent
Date: Wed, Apr 24 2013 10:45:47
sounds greta ^^
Date: Wed, Apr 24 2013 13:37:16
Great idea! I cant seem to access tc on my computer, so i would finally get the oppurtunity to meet the community if using hangouts :)
Date: Wed, Apr 24 2013 19:54:21
This is awesome. I already have Google+ but wasn't very active in it. Btw @JackyMacky , I added you on it, if that's ok. :|
Date: Thu, Apr 25 2013 08:02:18
I support this, because firewall in my uni's network blocks tinychat connections > < but srsly, please.
Date: Mon, Jul 1 2013 22:11:12
For the hosts and the participants in the group chat, google+ hangouts is definitely better than tinychat but you won't easily be able to get watchers except if you link it to your youtube channel. There is also this website that has a feature called Kickbacks which is probably a good medium between tinychat and google+ hangouts. It's called Reflap, you can check it out at