Spammer's Bin / The Correct Grammar 'Trend'
Date: Mon, Apr 22 2013 21:56:10
Seriously, fuck off man. ._. Writing using correct grammar and capitals and everything on forums doesn't always make you look smarter. I want to see all those random abbr words and all small texts again liek this if you used to type liek this then change to > Like this. Be yourself a little bit more pls. [spoiler=with respects] [spoiler=with respects] [spoiler=with respects] I fake it too [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [/spoiler]
Date: Tue, Apr 23 2013 00:01:52
Adhering to the standard conventions of written English makes people take you more seriously. If I have to spend deciphering what someone wrote, then I spend less time thinking about what they actually said. /ib4englishmajors
Date: Tue, Apr 23 2013 00:23:20
There is no such thing as "correct" English grammar.
Date: Tue, Apr 23 2013 02:37:15
Date: Tue, Apr 23 2013 04:48:19
i consider myself a grammar nazi but i dont really capitalize and punctuate mostly cuz im lazy im fine as long as i can tell what youre saying but when people start typing "wut iz diz? i cnt tel wut u sayin or can u breh? omgwtfbbq i snd lik an idiot" it drives me nuts.... also when people dont know the diff between youre and your, lose and loose, number and amount, etc