Spammer's Bin / Will I be arrested for bringing pen mods on plane?

  1. miyat
    Date: Mon, Mar 25 2013 13:43:41

    but srsly, has anyone brought pen mods to spin in their seat while in flight, or even put them in their luggage bag? I haven't flown in a long time -._-.

  2. Mats
    Date: Mon, Mar 25 2013 13:45:15

    I would suggest not putting stuff like Dr. KT or anything else with clearly sharp tips. Mods like Rushon ect are never ever going to get taken, but a Dr. KT or something like that they might ask you to remove from your hand baggage. Edit: Flown quite a bit, but never brought a mod on board. I'm just saying what I think is sensible.

  3. shoeman6
    Date: Mon, Mar 25 2013 13:46:21

    Lol, you wont be arrested, I brought a number of mods (5-6) with me internationally, one on my body and the rest on my carry-on when I went to Taiwan.

  4. Awesome
    Date: Mon, Mar 25 2013 14:15:38

    I brought a pack of pencils to spin. If you drop a mod it could roll away so just spin stuff you don't mind losing.

  5. Shotty
    Date: Mon, Mar 25 2013 14:17:01

    I highly doubt that you would get arrested. If anything, they would question you and/or confiscate the mod(s). If you are worried, just don't bring a Dr. KT type of type of pen, like Mats said. Also give yourself some time (like be a bit early) just in case they need to question you. I doubt they will need to, but just be safe.

  6. i.suk
    Date: Mon, Mar 25 2013 14:22:16

    i've taken my main mod (white stick thing with airfit tips) onto planes a few times (australia, hong kong, japan) and it's fine although they might want you to run it through the x-ray scanning stuff before you board

  7. ItsNick
    Date: Mon, Mar 25 2013 14:58:07

    arrest lol btw..i ever bring my dr muji to plane..they did nothing

  8. shoeman6
    Date: Mon, Mar 25 2013 16:54:40

    Lol don't listen to Mats, Dr.KT or not they won't give a shit. At MOST they'll be like what's that? Just don't take it through the metal detector with you or you'll have to go through it a second time... so, 5 second inconvenience. lol. Don't take an RSVP XS, they don't allow blades, but honestly I don't even think an xato blade is big enough for them to care lol.

  9. chris
    Date: Mon, Mar 25 2013 22:49:19

    No. I even made a vid whilst on the plane. :-)

  10. Tentcell
    Date: Mon, Mar 25 2013 23:20:18

    Yeah, someone made a thread like this a while back, nothing happened.

  11. Frip
    Date: Mon, Mar 25 2013 23:35:28

    don't bring pens that you don't want to lose though, especially on overnight flights ...

  12. nateiskewl
    Date: Tue, Mar 26 2013 02:26:20

    It's pretty much a given that you'll lose something near your seat on a long flight.

  13. Nachoaddict
    Date: Tue, Mar 26 2013 02:39:00

    Obviously don't bring something like an x-acto mod but I put pens in my carry on and I just made sure to let the people doing the scans know, before my bag went through, that I had pens in the bag.

  14. shoeman6
    Date: Tue, Mar 26 2013 02:50:57

    you don't really NEED to do that tbh, just make sure you dont have anything metal as you go through the detector, and if you get patted down w/ a pen in your pocket just tell them it's a pen.

  15. miyat
    Date: Tue, Mar 26 2013 04:19:49

    Thanks all, I'll report back to say how it went. If I don't report back, assume the worst.

  16. Mats
    Date: Tue, Mar 26 2013 04:37:16

    miyat wrote: Thanks all, I'll report back to say how it went. If I don't report back, assume the worst.
    Massive meteor strike wiping out all of Earth's life and creating a second moon? Okay.

  17. funnky
    Date: Tue, Mar 26 2013 06:25:30

    miyat wrote: but srsly, has anyone brought pen mods to spin in their seat while in flight, or even put them in their luggage bag? I haven't flown in a long time -._-.
    i flew with pens to California and it was no problem.

  18. neXus
    Date: Tue, Mar 26 2013 18:37:56

    Joke 's on you, just asking this has put you on the no fly list.

  19. Clyde
    Date: Wed, Mar 27 2013 14:34:19

    yes now stick em inside ur angus, stop crying and fist yourself phaggot

  20. Shotty
    Date: Wed, Mar 27 2013 15:26:39

    @miyat How did it go? Everything was fine I assume.

  21. neXus
    Date: Wed, Mar 27 2013 17:00:42

    Shotty wrote: @miyat How did it go? Everything was fine I assume.
    No wifi in Guantanamo.

  22. Shotty
    Date: Wed, Mar 27 2013 17:12:36

    neXus wrote: No wifi in Guantanamo.
    Damn, really? I had no idea. That kind of sucks, but at least he has his mods :P

  23. shoeman6
    Date: Wed, Mar 27 2013 17:30:57

    We can only assume the worst

  24. miyat
    Date: Sat, Mar 30 2013 05:07:14

    I made it. Thanks guys. Assume the best.

  25. neXus
    Date: Sun, Mar 31 2013 14:18:21