Linkages & Combos / WT 2013 BREAKDOWN

  1. credos
    Date: Sat, Mar 23 2013 22:42:27

    I was getting too bored so i thought breaking down a few combo and try to copy them .Since i broke down few i thought to submit them here. Note:- 1) I am not very good at breaking and maybe i don't recognize few if you found faults tell me i would correct them. 2) i cannot breakdown 1p2h or 2p2h or 2p1h. since i dont know how to write them in the notation system which exists. 3) wherever i could not break down i added few notes in brackets. [B][COLOR=sandybrown]IF YOU WANT ANY SPINNERS BREAKDOWN JUST TELL ME OTHERWISE I WILL DO RANDOMLY ANY VIDEO THAT I LIKE IN WT 2013[/COLOR][/B] [SPOILER="round 1"][SPOILER="GROUP A"] [video=youtube;uLw73RF2ArI][/video]

    Spoiler [B]BREAKDOWN- twisted sonic 23-12>neo sonic 12-t1> pd neo sonic rev t1-12>twisted sonic rev 12-23>pass rev 23-t1(directly)>raise your hand up and turn your hand sideways leave pen and catch in palm>palmspin>fl ta rev t1-23>middle bak 1.5x3 23-23>pass 23-34>charge 34~sonic clip 24~middle around rev 24-23>pass rev 23-34>ring around rev 34-23>pass 23-34>pass rev 34-23>twisted sonic 23-12>inverse reverse twisted sonic 12-23>charge rev 23-23>pass 23-12>reverse twisted sonic 12-23>twisted sonic 23-12>pass 12-t3>neo sonic rev t3-34>pass rev 34-23>pseudo sonic 23-23>pass rev 23-34>pass 34-23>ta t2-t1~palmspin to fl ta to air catch in 12>bak rev 12-12x2>pass 12-23>twisted sonic rev 23-34>pass rev 23>twisted sonic 23-12>pass rev 12-23>twisted sonic bust 23-12>ta t1-12~back spin catch in palm(like a hai tua but caught in palm and not at thumb) [/B]
    [SPOILER="EagIE"] breakdown---> twisted sonic 34-23->neo sonic 23-t2->wiper t2->palm down ta~>catch in t1->pass rev 12-23->mid bak 23-34->pass 34-23->sonic rev 23-34->pass 34-23->flush sonic 23-14(initial part)~>wiper 14->flush sonic (later part) 14-23->sonic rev 23-34->pass 34-13->(pull 3 down and catch in 14 like flush sonic)->pass rev 14-23->pass rev 23-12->wiper 12~>shadow rev 12-23->pass rev 23-34->pass 34-13->pass rev 13-23->(pull 2 down and catch in 13)->finger around rev 13-23->pass 23-12->pass rev to 13->catch in 14 by pulling 3 down->pass rev 14-23->pass rev 23-34->charge rev 34~>catch in t1->fl ta rev t1-t1 [/SPOILER] [SPOILER="Enigma"] breakdown--->mirrored powerpass normal 34-12->index bak 1.5 12-12->riser index bak 12-12->bak 12~fl ta rev t1-12->neo bak 12-34->pink bak 34~grab the pen with hands one above the other (see video)->slide pen from the hold to palm of left (second)hand->some hand movements(see video)->fl ta rev t1-12->wiper 12->triangle pass infinite hybrid t12-t2->wiper t2(with 2 bent)->wiper t3(with 3 bent)->wiper t2->infinity t2~>pass rev t2-t3->wiper t3(3 bent)->wiper rev t2~>charge rev 23->throw in air 23~catch in 12->pass 12-23->charge 23->twistd sonic 23-12->index bak palm up~palmspin->inverse shadow 12->neo sonic 12-t1->thumb charge ~catch in 12->inverse rev twstd sonic 12-23->pass 23-34->pass rev34~catch in t3->palm down ta t3-t1->balance pen with 1 palm down->air->catch in back of your hand->(turn hand and catch pen in 34)->sonic 34-23->twisted sonic 23-12~mid spin->(pen basses from 12 and is caught in 23)-> pass 23-34->ring around rev 34-34->air->caught in t1->air->caught in 12 [/SPOILER] [SPOILER="Gland"] breakdown---> twisted sonic rev 12-23->charge rev 23->neo sonic 23-t2->(bring 3 close and remove 2)->neo sonic rev t3-34->charge 34->pass rev 34-12->inverse reverse sonic 12- 13~pass13-34->sonic 34-24~catch in t2->neo sonic rev ~ catch in 12->neo sonic 12-t1->fl ta rev t1-t1->inverse reverse sonic 12-13~pass 13-34->pinky bak~catch in t1(hand around)-> pass rev t1-23->fl middle around rev 0.5 23-12-> fl index around rev 12-12->pass rev 12-23->middle around 0.5 23-12->inverse reverse sonic 12-13~pass 13-34->pass rev 34-23->inverse sonic 23-13~wiper 13-23->wiper 23~finger around23-34(taking 1 2 as a single finger and catching in 34 instead of 23)->pass rev 34-23->pass 23-12->pass 12-t1->fl ta rev t1-12->pass 12-23->pass rev 23-34->sonic 34-23->(pull 2 up and catch in t3)->ta t3-t1->air~catch on back of 12~air~banance on front side of 12->drop pen~catch on back of 12(see video)~>air ~catch in 12->reverse twisted sonic 12-23->fl ringaround 0.5 23-34->pass 34-23~ta t3-t1->fl neo sonic t1-12->pass rev 12-23->devils around 23~pinky bak rev 34-34->swivel 34-12->(let momentum transfer it to t1)->palm down fl index around 12~catch in 234 [/SPOILER] [SPOILER="gollusmsk8"] ta t2-t1~spiderspin ->pinky spread 34-23->ringspread 23-12-> middle spread 12-12 x2->middle spread 12 ~catch in 12(other side of hand)->bak rev 12-12->pass 12-23->middle around 0.5 23-12->pass rev 12-23->pass rev 23-34->pass 34-23->pass 23-12~pass rev 12-23->pass 23-12->neo bak 12-23-> ring bak 23-123->pass rev 23-34->sonic 34-24~catch in t2->neo sonic rev t2-24->pass 24-12->fl middle around 0.5 12-34->pass 34-23->pass 23-t2->neo sonic rev t2- 24->fingeraround 24-24->pass 24-12->index around 12-14->index around 14-14->index around rev 14-12->pass rev 12-23->neo sonic 23-t2->pass rev t2-23->ring bak 23-12->neo bak 12- 23->ring bak 23-12->pass rev 12-23->pass rev 23-34->pinky bak 34-34->reverse ring around 34-34~palm spin->fl ta rev t1-12->pass rev 12-23->twisted sonic 23-12->triangle pass 123->triangle pass t23->triangle pass t12->extended ta t1-12->fl ta t1-t1->index spread x2->middle spread 12-12(other side of hand)->bak rev x2 12-12[/QUOTE] [/SPOILER] [SPOILER="kin"] charge 23->psuedo sonic 23-23->charge 23-> psuedo sonic 23-23->inverse flush sonic 23-23->neo sonic 23-t2->tipped sonic t2-t3->reverse sonic 23-24->pass rev 24-12->pass rev 12-23->devils sonic 23-12~catch in t1->wiper t1-> pass rev t1-12->pass 12-24->wiper 24->pass 24-12->pass 12-14->wiper 14-> pass to 13->wiper 13->pass to 14->pass to 23->pass 23-12->pass 12-13->pass 13-34->charge rev 34->bak (taking 123 as a single finger and catching in 12)->neo sonic 12-t1->pass rev t1-12->index bak 12-t1->(raise 1 and catch in t2)->neo sonic rev t2-12->pass rev 12-23->devils sround 23-23->mid bak 23-23->pass 23-34->pass 34-23~ triangle pass (using 1234)->swivel~hand around and catch in t1 [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [SPOILER="group b"] [video=youtube;Ba55evkd8n8][/video] [SPOILER="Zkhan"] [I] BREAKDOWN-------> sonic 34-24~index around 14-13>reverse index around 13-12>pass rev 12-23>fingerless ring around 0.5~spiderspin>catch in t`1`>tranfer to 12> reverse sonic 12-13~air>catch in 23>reverse sonic 23-24>pass to t4>pass to 24>pass 24-12>neo sonic 12-t1>neo sonic rev t1-12>fingerless index around 12-12>sonic rev 12-23>pass to t3> ring around pushed by thumb~spiderspin>catch 12>reverse bak 12-12 ~ reverse thumb spin >catch in 234> swivel~ catch in t1>fl ta rev t1-12> fl neo sonic 12-t1>pass to 12>index around 12-12>pass to 34>pass rev 34-23>twisted sonic bust23-12>aerial bustx2 12-12[/I] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [SPOILER="group h"] [video=youtube;bizsSFWQlDo][/video] [SPOILER="fel2fram"] BREAKDOWN---> [B]neo sonic 14-t1>neo sonic rev t1-24>leave the pen and catch in palm>pass 24-t1~catch in 34>pass to 24>pass to 12>pass to 23 >wiper t2> wiper rev 23>pass to 24> pass to 14> pass to 23>wiper 13> leave the pen and catch in 12~catch in t3>push with pinky and catch with t 1,3and 4> wiper 13>catch in 12>catch in t1 supported by 4>catch in 23> wiper 13>catch in 24>catch in 23~sonic rev 23-12>neo bak 12-23>pass rev 23-12>neo sonic 12-t1>(push with thumb and catch in 12)>bak 12~fl ta rev t1-12>bak 12~hit with 2 to get airx2 and catch in 12[/B] [COLOR=royalblue](fel2fram brings his 1 near pen which looks as if he is hitting it with 1 do a sort of bak in air but he does not hit with 1 i guess.) [/COLOR] [B][COLOR=red]NOTE ---> WATCH THE VIDEO IN SLOW MOTION ALONG WITH BREAKDOWN . THERE ARE FEW TRICKS AND HAND MOTION WHICH IS DIFFICULT TO WRITE IN NOTATION[/COLOR][/B] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [SPOILER="round 2"] [video=youtube;djMyWYEIFIU][/video] [COLOR=yellow]note- eriror brokedown his combo i did not[/COLOR]
    [video=youtube;1kuA3BAjymg][/video] [SPOILER="cLear"] [B]BREAKDOWN--> (twisted sonic 23-12~index spin) +(twisted sonic 2`3`-1`2`~index spin)->pass rev 12-23->sonic 23-13->fingeraround 13-12->twisted sonic rev 12-23->middlearound 23~catch in 12->pass rev 12-23->twisted sonic 23-12->index bak~air~catch in palm~air~catch in 23~air~catch in 12->reverse twisted sonic 12-23->twisted sonic 23-12->ta t1~palmspin 2.5~swivel 34~catch in palm with 23->air~catch in 12->reverse twisted sonic 12-23->twisted sonic bust 23-12->charge 12~spiderspin(with all fingers bent)12-34->demons sonic 23-12->charge rev t1->neosonic rev t1-12->reverse twisted sonic 12-23->twisted sonic 23-12~indexspin 12-12->pass rev 12-23->twisted sonic 23-12->ta 12~air~catch in 34->spread 34-34->spread rev 34-34->spread 34-34->pinky bak 34-34[/B] [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] [SPOILER="round 3"][video=youtube;9v3h4G0KO1U][/video]
    Spoiler[B]BREAKDOWN:- charge rev 12>inverse shadow 12-23>neo sonic 23-t1>fl ta ~palmspin t1-34>charge 34~fl pinky around~spiderspin>fl pinky around ~spiderspin>fl pinky around 34> pinky bak 34-34>pinky spread 34-34(supported by 1)>pinky around 34-34>(flatten pinky by striking pen and stopping pen by 1)>index bak 12-12~fl ta rev~spiderspin rev~push to air~index bak (while gravity pulls pen down)~(turn your hand and catch in 23)>shadow rev 23-23~(instead of catching in 23 pull 2 down .pen will fall down . rush down and catch by 2and 3 {making shape like spiderspin palm down})>throw pen in air and catch in t1>hit the pen again and catch in23> middle bak 23-23>pass rev 23-t1>catch in 2 {like doing an antigravity}> middle antigravity 0.5 ~catch in23>shadow 23-23> around reverse 23-23(raise the pen up while doing this)>pass rev 23-t2>wiper>fall through>pass rev t2-34>shadow 34-34~bak rev 34-12(do a bak rev instead of catching in 34 move your hand and catch in 12)>bak rev12~(dont catch in 12 let the pen fall from the back of your hand and catch in 34>pass rev 34-23> fall through>pass rev 23-34>inverse sonic 34-24~throw in air {keep all finger straight except middle which is at right angel to other and let the pen hit 2}~pass 2-23>pass rev 23-34>pass 34-t2>fall through>thumb around t2-t1~[fl ta to air]x4~hai tua>fl ta to air~hai tua [/B]
    [SPOILER="updated breakdown"] thanks to RPG charge rev 12>inverse shadow 12-23>[COLOR=red]ma rev 23-tf[/COLOR]>fl ta ~[COLOR=red]fl[/COLOR]palmspin t1-34>charge 34~pinky around~spiderspin>fl pinky around ~spiderspin>fl pinky around 34> pinky bak 34-34>pinky spread 34-34>[COLOR=red]tipped sonic 14[/COLOR]>pinky around 34-34>index bak 12-12[COLOR=red][p 1][/COLOR]~fl ta rev~[COLOR=red]riser[/COLOR]spiderspin rev~[COLOR=red]riser[/COLOR]index bak>shadow rev 23-23~shadow rev 23-23 ~ middlearound 0.5 2-2233 > fingerswitch release 2233-T1> middle bak 23-23>pass rev 23-t1>PD fl charge T1-22> fl shadow 22-23> around reverse 23-23(raise the pen up while doing this)>pass rev 23-t2>wiper>passthrough>pass rev t2-34>shadow 34-34~bak rev 34-12(do a bak rev instead of catching in 34 move your hand and catch in 12)>bak rev12~(dont catch in 12 let the pen fall from the back of your hand and catch in 34>pass rev 34-23>passthrough>pass rev 23-34>riser inverse sonic 34-24~pass 2-23>pass rev 23-34>pass 34-t2>passthrough>thumb around t2-t1~[fl ta to air]x4~hai tua>fl ta to air~hai tua [/SPOILER] [video=youtube;D5cvk0TAA_4][/video] [B]
    SpoilerBREAKDOWN :- thumb around t1-t1~>hand around(catch in 12)>charge rev 0.5 12 ~> pass rev 12-34(fingers in inverse flush sonic shape)>pass 34-t2(2 and 4 raised up and 1 bent down)> palm down ta t2-t1>fl ta rev t1(turn your hand a little and bend all fingrs except pinky)>pinky around 34-t2(start with pinky around and push in air when it is half completed and catch in t2)>palm down ta t2-t1>fl ta revt1-34>charge 34>fl pinky around ~>palmspin> fl pinky around~>palmspin(catch in t1)>fl ta rev t1-t1>pass rev t1-12>neo sonic 12-t1> tipped sonic t1-t2>pass rev t3-34>pinky bak 34(instead of catching in 34 catch in 12)>bak 12 (palm up and dont catch let it be on palm)>(turn hand and catch pen in 34 palm up)>demons sonic 34 -12>inverse sonic 12-13>pass rev 13-34>pass rev 34-23>pass rev 23-34>demons sonic 34-12>pass rev 12-t1>(catch in t14 like triangle pass remove 1 )>thumb ring dual pass ( do a push from t and get a basket ball spin reverse )x2>(bring pinky close to t 4 and let the pen fall in 34)>demons sonic 34-12>charge rev 12>neo back 12-34>pinky bak 1.5 34-34>pinky bak 1.5 34-t1(instead of catching in 34 turn the hand and catch in t1)>(using the momentum leave the pen on palm { palm spin }and catch in 34 palm up)>hand around~>pinky bak 1.5>pinky bak 1.5~>(hit the pen i air while getting that extra 0.5 rev and catch in 34) x2> pinky bak 34-34>
    [/B] [video=youtube;_pZZmgjlJGM][/video]
    Spoiler BREAKDOWN l stands for left r stands for right [twisted sonic 23-12 >pass 12-t1>neo sonic rev t1~ power pass t1-34]R L >bring left hand above right>leave pen on left hand and catch in R t1>[fl ta palm down ~ catch in t1]R> leave pen in r t1 and catch in l 34>spread 34 l ~ catch by t in r ~ leaving pen and catching in 34 l { left--spread 34~catch in 12>pass rev 12-23>twisted sonic 23-12> charge rev 12 right--sonic 34-23>thumb around 23-t1 }//simultaneously happening leave pen in right hand on floor wiper 12>wiper rev 12~catch in t1 r> neo sonic rev using both hand t1 r l-12 r l> trans pen from t1 r l-12 r l to palm r l> arm rooll bring 3rd pen from somewhere and land it in arm l r again 2p2h {left-- raise hand up and let the pen spin on palm and catch in2and 3>swirl 2 an 3-t1 right--raise hand up and let the pen be in air and catch in 2 and 3> transfer from 2 and 3 to t1}//simultaneously fl ta tev t1- t1 l r> inverse sonic 12-13>pass 13-34 l r >pass 34 -23 l r>pass 23-12 l r> pass rev 12-23 l r> charge 23 l r>swirl 23-12>sonic 12-t1 l r throw pen in left right and land it in a spiderspin hand form>neo bak12-34>pinky around 34-34 catch one of the pen in left hand and drop it down 1p1h(right) spread t1~catch in 34>fl pinky around~catch in t>fl ta to palmspin>spread index~catch in 34>fl pinky around~catch in t1~spiderspin~fl ta>index spread~hai tua
    [video=youtube;jC6bvfU8qOQ][/video] [COLOR=red]NOTE-THE BREAKDOWN IS DESCRIPTIVE[/COLOR] [SPOILER="fel2fram"] BREAKDOWN hold the pen in 34 palm up>bend down 3 raise 4 > raise your hand up . pen begins to fall>turn hand down and catch in 12>neo sonic 12-t1 interrupted by raising 1 and catching pen by 23 > rest the pen on thumb while holding by 23>raise 234 and catch pen by 1 and t > raise hand let the pen go and catch in 34> leave the pen from 34 and while moving hand down and catch in t1~fl ta rev t1-4>swirl 4-12~catch in t2>transfer to t1 through wiper>wiper t1>ta t3~raise index .get t out of way and catch in 12>wiper(try to copy by seeing slowmo)>transfer to t2>wiper~leaving pen and catching in 34>transfer to index(try watching slowmo and copying)>raise hand up along>transfer pen to 34>pass 34-23>twisted sonic~ instead of raising index while doing twisted sonic bend it more down and turn your hand sideways>catch in t1>try do an index around rev by pushing through t and catch pen at the same place>try to ta in that awkward hand position and catch in t2>pass 23-12>index bak rev~by a catch in 23>(make some akward shapes by looking in slowmo)>when in t2 with index bent down>grab index by t. pen in t2> move your hand a little and by help of 3 do a ta with pen being on 1>raise index while still being bent >straiten index and push pen by t>grab pen in t1>tipped sonic t1-12>bent 2 and catch pen in t1>push the pen with t around 1 ~spread fingers and grab pen in 34>pink around 34>bend down 234 and stick 1 out [/SPOILER] [video=youtube;NJ8r4lPMdF4][/video]
    Spoiler[B]BREAKDOWN charge 12>inverse shadow~fl index around~palmspin12-23>pass rev 23-12>neo bak 12-23>fl ringaround~spiderspin (catch in 12) >pass 12-23>palmspin (catch in34 going back of 3)>pass 34-13>wiper 13-t4>wiper t4-12>pass 12-t1>pass rev t1-12 >charge rev12~handaround 12-12>pass 12-23>pass 23-t1(directly)>neo bak t1-23>pass 23-t1(directly)>bak starting 12, middle and ring bent ,catch with 4 and 1 >let momentum pass it from 14 to 34>twisted sonic 34-23~spiderspin>catch in 14 (like flush sonic)>spiderspin> fl middle around rev ~fl index around rev 0.5 12-23>pass 23-34>ringaround 34 ~fl pass 34-23>fl middle around 23-23~neo sonic >fl ta rev t1-t1>inverse sonic 12-13>pass rev 13-t1>wiper t1-t1>balance on 2nd hand at cop>with first hand strike at one side of pen to set it in rotational motion and catch in 12 [/B]

  2. Nashi
    Date: Sat, Mar 23 2013 22:48:46

    You might want to change the title into "WT 2013".

  3. Xitra
    Date: Sun, Mar 24 2013 00:08:00

    O_O wow you are amazing! :D I think you can just do [Left] and [Right] or like right them in 2 lines, and note that tricks are kinda simultaneous by adding numbers like (2).. infront of the tricks.. :/ Or just do seperate breakdowns for each hand! :D

  4. credos
    Date: Sun, Mar 24 2013 13:35:28

    Xitra wrote: O_O wow you are amazing! :D I think you can just do [Left] and [Right] or like right them in 2 lines, and note that tricks are kinda simultaneous by adding numbers like (2).. infront of the tricks.. :/ Or just do seperate breakdowns for each hand! :D
    thanks for suggestions

  5. shoeman6
    Date: Sun, Mar 24 2013 15:08:23

    Great job, keep up the good work

  6. RPD
    Date: Sun, Mar 24 2013 18:52:31

    @credos thats amazing! If you want, i can search faults in the three first breakdowns ^^

  7. credos
    Date: Sun, Mar 24 2013 19:14:31

    RPD wrote: @credos thats amazing! If you want, i can search faults in the three first breakdowns ^^
    yeah sure .

  8. RPD
    Date: Sun, Mar 24 2013 20:50:00

    first of all, for xp2h, i think that the best notation is, using simultaneous tricks ( "+" linkage) and non dominating hand notation (if the spinner is right handed, notate left fingers as T' 1' 2' 3' 4') It was really good, only minor faults. Also, some tricks were pretty difficult to notate, and you made it good :D BTW, what is fall through? never heard of it

    Spoiler charge rev 12>inverse shadow 12-23>[COLOR="red"]neo sonic 23-t1[/COLOR] Neo sonic is deprecated, just name it as an around, MA rev 23-tf >fl ta ~ [COLOR="orange"]palmspin t1-34[/COLOR] its fingerless, fl palmspin t1-34 > charge 34~[COLOR="orange"]fl pinky around[/COLOR] its not fingerless, pinky around ~spiderspin>fl pinky around ~spiderspin>fl pinky around 34> pinky bak 34-34>pinky spread 34-34[COLOR="red"](supported by 1)[/COLOR] you can notate that "support" as a tipped sonic 14 >pinky around 34-34>[COLOR="orange"](flatten pinky by striking pen and stopping pen by 1)[/COLOR] its not necessary to notate this. If you want to say it, we can consider the "stopping the pen by 1" as a push, and in the trick, use formal notation. Here, for example, index bak 12-12 [p 1] >index bak 12-12~fl ta rev~[COLOR="red"]spiderspin rev~push to air~index bak (while gravity pulls pen down)~(turn your hand and catch in 23)[/COLOR] "push to air" and "while gravity pulls pen down" are just riser pushes. So add riser modifier to both tricks. Also, "turn your hand and catch in 23" is added in trick slots. spiderspin rev riser ~ index bak riser 12-23 >shadow rev 23-23~[COLOR="orange"](instead of catching in 23 pull 2 down .pen will fall down . rush down and catch by 2and 3 {making shape like spiderspin palm down})>throw pen in air and catch in t1[/COLOR] You can notate this slot change as a fingerswitch (you pass from a slot to another w/out doing any concrete trick) or an hybrid middlearound 0.5 Any of this trick is release, because "throw pen in air" before any spin and also "catch in t1" is included in slots. So... >shadow rev 23-23 ~ fingerswitch 2-2233 > fingerswitch release 2233-T1 or >shadow rev 23-23 ~ middlearound 0.5 2-2233 > fingerswitch release 2233-T1 [COLOR="darkorange"]>hit the pen again and catch in23 [/COLOR] same as before. or fingerswitch release or middle bak rev Tf-23 > middle bak 23-23 middle bak rev >pass rev 23-t1> [COLOR="orange"]catch in 2 {like doing an antigravity}[/COLOR] PD fl charge T1-22 [COLOR="orange"]> middle antigravity 0.5 ~catch in23>shadow 23-23[/COLOR] fl shadow 22-23 > middlearound reverse 23-23[COLOR="orange"](raise the pen up while doing this)[/COLOR] not necessary saying it (sun) >pass rev 23-t2>wiper>[COLOR="orange"]fall through[/COLOR] wiper rev T2 >pass rev t2-34>shadow 34-34~bak rev 34-12[COLOR="orange"](do a bak rev instead of catching in 34 move your hand and catch in 12)[/COLOR] not necessary saying it (sun) >bak rev12~[COLOR="orange"](dont catch in 12 let the pen fall from the back of your hand and catch in 34[/COLOR] bak rev 12-34 >pass rev 34-23> [COLOR="orange"]fall through[/COLOR] wiper rev 23 >pass rev 23-34>inverse sonic 34-24~[COLOR="orange"]throw in air {keep all finger straight except middle which is at right angel to other and let the pen hit 2}[/COLOR] add riser/release modifier to past trick ~pass 2-23>pass rev 23-34>pass 34-t2>[COLOR="orange"]fall through[/COLOR] wiper rev T2 >thumb around t2-t1~[fl ta to air]x4~hai tua>fl ta to air~hai tua

  9. credos
    Date: Mon, Mar 25 2013 07:59:52

    RPD wrote: first of all, for xp2h, i think that the best notation is, using simultaneous tricks ( "+" linkage) and non dominating hand notation (if the spinner is right handed, notate left fingers as T' 1' 2' 3' 4') It was really good, only minor faults. Also, some tricks were pretty difficult to notate, and you made it good :D BTW, what is fall through? never heard of it
    Spoiler charge rev 12>inverse shadow 12-23>[COLOR="red"]neo sonic 23-t1[/COLOR] Neo sonic is deprecated, just name it as an around, MA rev 23-tf >fl ta ~ [COLOR="orange"]palmspin t1-34[/COLOR] its fingerless, fl palmspin t1-34 > charge 34~[COLOR="orange"]fl pinky around[/COLOR] its not fingerless, pinky around ~spiderspin>fl pinky around ~spiderspin>fl pinky around 34> pinky bak 34-34>pinky spread 34-34[COLOR="red"](supported by 1)[/COLOR] you can notate that "support" as a tipped sonic 14 >pinky around 34-34>[COLOR="orange"](flatten pinky by striking pen and stopping pen by 1)[/COLOR] its not necessary to notate this. If you want to say it, we can consider the "stopping the pen by 1" as a push, and in the trick, use formal notation. Here, for example, index bak 12-12 [p 1] >index bak 12-12~fl ta rev~[COLOR="red"]spiderspin rev~push to air~index bak (while gravity pulls pen down)~(turn your hand and catch in 23)[/COLOR] "push to air" and "while gravity pulls pen down" are just riser pushes. So add riser modifier to both tricks. Also, "turn your hand and catch in 23" is added in trick slots. spiderspin rev riser ~ index bak riser 12-23 >shadow rev 23-23~[COLOR="orange"](instead of catching in 23 pull 2 down .pen will fall down . rush down and catch by 2and 3 {making shape like spiderspin palm down})>throw pen in air and catch in t1[/COLOR] You can notate this slot change as a fingerswitch (you pass from a slot to another w/out doing any concrete trick) or an hybrid middlearound 0.5 Any of this trick is release, because "throw pen in air" before any spin and also "catch in t1" is included in slots. So... >shadow rev 23-23 ~ fingerswitch 2-2233 > fingerswitch release 2233-T1 or >shadow rev 23-23 ~ middlearound 0.5 2-2233 > fingerswitch release 2233-T1 [COLOR="darkorange"]>hit the pen again and catch in23 [/COLOR] same as before. or fingerswitch release or middle bak rev Tf-23 > middle bak 23-23 middle bak rev >pass rev 23-t1> [COLOR="orange"]catch in 2 {like doing an antigravity}[/COLOR] PD fl charge T1-22 [COLOR="orange"]> middle antigravity 0.5 ~catch in23>shadow 23-23[/COLOR] fl shadow 22-23 > middlearound reverse 23-23[COLOR="orange"](raise the pen up while doing this)[/COLOR] not necessary saying it (sun) >pass rev 23-t2>wiper>[COLOR="orange"]fall through[/COLOR] wiper rev T2 >pass rev t2-34>shadow 34-34~bak rev 34-12[COLOR="orange"](do a bak rev instead of catching in 34 move your hand and catch in 12)[/COLOR] not necessary saying it (sun) >bak rev12~[COLOR="orange"](dont catch in 12 let the pen fall from the back of your hand and catch in 34[/COLOR] bak rev 12-34 >pass rev 34-23> [COLOR="orange"]fall through[/COLOR] wiper rev 23 >pass rev 23-34>inverse sonic 34-24~[COLOR="orange"]throw in air {keep all finger straight except middle which is at right angel to other and let the pen hit 2}[/COLOR] add riser/release modifier to past trick ~pass 2-23>pass rev 23-34>pass 34-t2>[COLOR="orange"]fall through[/COLOR] wiper rev T2 >thumb around t2-t1~[fl ta to air]x4~hai tua>fl ta to air~hai tua
    sorry i named the trick wrong it is passthrough not fall through [video=vimeo;28204574][/video] and thanks for correcting my breakdown :)

  10. Ceru Seiyu
    Date: Sat, Mar 30 2013 00:29:25

    isn't the passthrough just a wiper normal?

  11. Xitra
    Date: Sat, Mar 30 2013 11:04:25

    eurocracy wrote: isn't the passthrough just a wiper normal?
    I think its just like, letting the pen go from more mass on one side to the other side of the hand by letting it "drop" ? ...

  12. Switcher97
    Date: Sat, Mar 30 2013 19:50:45

    awesome hey very thank u :)

  13. RPD
    Date: Sat, Mar 30 2013 21:23:33

    eurocracy wrote: isn't the passthrough just a wiper normal?
    I think so. Theres no need to add a new name for wipers.

  14. shoeman6
    Date: Sun, Mar 31 2013 00:01:05

    It is a wiper, but no worries! Some countries have different names for tricks. Great breakdowns, looking forward to more.

  15. Walkaz
    Date: Sun, Mar 31 2013 02:15:35

    fel2fram r1 bd plz

  16. credos
    Date: Sun, Mar 31 2013 10:22:50

    Walkaz wrote: fel2fram r1 bd plz

  17. credos
    Date: Mon, Apr 1 2013 18:42:18

    EagIE Enigma Gland BEN_Z combos broken in round 1 group a .Most probably in 2 days group a would be done . Since my school holidays will get over on 15 th of April , i will try if i could complete group 1 and group 3 ( i am not sure about group 2 completely but yes most of them would be done ).

  18. Walkaz
    Date: Wed, Apr 3 2013 10:36:11

    from my bd for tgn i thought people might be interested in it too a13x r3 hand ar t1 - 12 > rev devil sonic 12 - 34 > pass 34 - 13 > pd ta 13 - tf > flta rev tf - 34 > pinky ar 34 - 12 > pd ta 12 - tf > flta rev tf - 34 > charge 34 - 34 > palm spin 34 - palm > pinky punew palm - palm > lever trick t1 - 12 > charge 12 - 12 > neo sonic 12 - t1 > sonic t1 - t2 > pass t2 - 34 > pinky ar rev 34 - 12 > lever trick 12 - 34 > devil sonic 34 - 12 > rev devil sonic 12 - 34 ( srsly wtf ) > pass 34 - 23 -34 > devil sonic 34 - 12 > change finger slot 12 - t1 - t3 > dual pass x4 t3 - 34 > devil sonic 34 - 12 > charge 12 - 12 > neo bak 12 - 34 > pinky bak 1.5 34 - 34 > hand ar 34 - palm > 0.5 palm spin palm - palm > pinky bak 1.5 palm - 34 > pinky bak pop spin cont 34 - 34