Approved Tutorials / Minovate Dc (Eriror Version)
Date: Fri, Mar 15 2013 22:34:53
because there isn't any tutorial for this mod i'll make one This Mod is based on the version which Eriror use credits goes to @Syrti for inventing this version =========================== [B]Stats:[/B] =========================== Name: Minovate Dc (Eriror Version) Type: Double-Sided Non-Retractable Cog=Cop Length: 20,5 cm Weight: 13g (with hgg tips 14g) Estimated Cost:~12$ (with 2 sp 14$) =========================== [B]Materials:[/B] =========================== 2x Grip Matic 1x Superpirat (but u should get 2 for 2 identical caps and one cap for modding) 2x Hggs 2x Anyballs
=========================== [B]Tools[/B] =========================== Saw X-acto knife File
=========================== [B]Parts u need[/B] =========================== 2x Grip matic tips 2x hgg tips (optional; to make the mod heavier) 1x superpirat 2x hgg grips 2x anyball grips 2x hgg bodys
=========================== Tutorial ===========================
If u have any questions just ask sry for my bad english xDSpoiler
[B]Body[/B] [B]Parts for the Body[/B] 1x Superpirat 2x hgg Fronts[B]Step 1[/B] Saw off the tips on both sides of the Superpirat And sand away all the Bumps the inside diameter on the white side should be the same as on the blue side use nail polish remover to clean the body
[B]Step 2[/B] Now take your hgg front and cut 2cm from the beginning
[B]Step 3[/B] Take a superpirat caps which u don't need and place it on the front of the hgg (it should cover 0,7 cm of the front and it's a help, because it's much easier to sand the front down with the caps ) Sand the front down until it fits snugly in the SP body
[B]Finished Body
[/B] [B]Caps[/B] [B]Parts for the Cap[/B] 2x hgg tips (optional (to make the mod heavier) 2x GM Tips 2x Hgg grips 2x Anyball grips 2x SP Caps
[B]Step 1[/B] Take the hgg grips and put it on the SP caps (Put the grips in hot water or stretch the grips first. it's much easier if u do it)
[B]Step 2[/B] Remove the "mechanism" of the GM Tips and put them on the SP caps The hgg grips should hold them (if not stretch the hgg grips a bit)
[B]Step optional[/B] Stick the hgg tips in the GM Tips
[B]Step 3[/B] Now cut the anyballs (I used 7 rings, Eriror use 4 rings from the beginning of the grip) Put them over the caps
Put the caps on the body finished
Date: Fri, Mar 15 2013 22:50:10
Note: You don't need to empty the SuperPirat. Tipp: Cut 2x 2 Gripmatic Griprings and put them under the overlapping Anyballgrips to get an even look at the end.
Date: Fri, Mar 15 2013 22:52:41
@Syrti but it's better to empty the body thanks for the tipp i'll do that
Date: Sat, Mar 16 2013 04:59:02
nice tut! so making this!
Date: Sat, Mar 16 2013 15:24:31
Are the HGG backplugs needed? I have 2 HGGs, and I can get more tips or pens, but one is missing the backplug from the K4S RT Metallic Comssa tut. EDIT: How do you get grips off? EDIT 2: For the process, for cutting the SP, do you cut on the ridge closest to the center/words/etc? Also, if you covered the 'bumpy/ridged/etc' part of the HGG tip you cut off with a SP tip, then why does it show in the finished product for the body? Also, you need basically 3 SP caps and one SP body? Making sure.
Date: Sat, Mar 16 2013 16:38:08
1) [B]Are the HGG backplugs needed?[/B] No. check the parts used.. 2) [B]How do you get grips off?[/B] Sink the grip + the barrel into hot water. Wait 5min. Pull grip off barrel with cloth. 3) [B]do you cut on the ridge closest to the center/words/etc?[/B] u aint cutting the barrel by half... u're cutting the tip ends off. 4) [B]why does it show in the finished product for the body?[/B] sandpaper. sand till smooth. 5) [B]3 SP caps and one SP body?[/B] its covered, it doesnt even matter if it cant be seen. so 2 caps. Frog~
Neph wrote: Are the HGG backplugs needed? I have 2 HGGs, and I can get more tips or pens, but one is missing the backplug from the K4S RT Metallic Comssa tut. EDIT: How do you get grips off? EDIT 2: For the process, for cutting the SP, do you cut on the ridge closest to the center/words/etc? Also, if you covered the 'bumpy/ridged/etc' part of the HGG tip you cut off with a SP tip, then why does it show in the finished product for the body? Also, you need basically 3 SP caps and one SP body? Making sure.
Date: Sat, Mar 16 2013 23:31:07
thanks to @Froggy for answering didn't had time and you cut both sides off
Date: Sun, Mar 17 2013 04:21:01
You put the pointier HGG barrel front side into the SP cap bottom, you stick the SP cap into the SP barrel. So why is the HGG pointy front side showing in the finished product? I'm a bit slow on this. Apologies. What am I missing?
Date: Sun, Mar 17 2013 08:16:09
the pic with hgg barrel and sp cap is just there for u to check whether it fits and holds tightly enough or not.. then u have to remove the sp cap to do the HGG + metal tip + gripping package thingy. and reattach the package to the hgg barrel part (which should be attached to the SP barrel) or alternatively u could just attach the HGG tip + SP cap onto the barrel then do the package thingy on the SP caps that are attached to the barrels.... but trust me, you dont want to do that. Frog~
Neph wrote: You put the pointier HGG barrel front side into the SP cap bottom, you stick the SP cap into the SP barrel. So why is the HGG pointy front side showing in the finished product? I'm a bit slow on this. Apologies. What am I missing?
Date: Sun, Mar 17 2013 09:04:24
how do you remove GMtip mechanism?
Date: Sun, Mar 17 2013 09:33:57
@Spazmok take a pin and a hammer place the pin on the mechanism and then beat on the pin
Date: Fri, Mar 22 2013 06:56:13
awesome mod..
Date: Thu, Jun 13 2013 18:53:54
[video=youtube;IIeslHLQxWE][/video] Review from Supervvalrus thx @SuperVValrus there are black superpirats and i think u can use these for more color variations, but i'm not sure
Date: Tue, Jan 7 2014 23:19:40
Just made it, Very nice mod! I added the extra HGG tips inside the gripmatic tips. :)
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2014 10:39:10
smart use of hgg front, gonna be in my list