Member Introductions / Hello!
Date: Mon, Mar 11 2013 01:40:14
Well, hello to everybody in UPSB! I just started pen spinning a week ago, but since then, that's all I've been doing in class....I mostly started because of two other pen spinners that go to my school, finding it really impressive. Ehh....there's not really much to say about me. So far, I can do all the fundamentals, but I AM having trouble with the stupid pinky, ring, and middle fingers aren't flexible enough -__- And since I'm just starting out, I just use unsharpened pencils~ I suppose I won't be thinking about mods for quite a while :) I'm a pretty normal person when I'm online (not in real life, though). I enjoy playing music, and reading manga. And of course, I like to pen spin, although I've just started. Quite the addicting activity. :D
Date: Mon, Mar 11 2013 01:53:57
Are the other two spinners in your class also on UPSB? Anyways, welcome. : )
Date: Mon, Mar 11 2013 01:54:42
:welcome: to UPSB. Good luck! It's good to know that you're not considering pen mods for learning fundamentals. xD
Date: Mon, Mar 11 2013 02:18:57
hey there WELCOME to UPSB! i hope you enjoy your stay, you sound like a cool person! if you need help with ANYTHING, please ask me at any time, and i will help you (please, dont hesitate to ask ;) ). i hope you enjoy your stay!
Date: Mon, Mar 11 2013 07:21:19
Date: Mon, Mar 11 2013 07:39:28
Welcome to the board. Keep spinning, this is a pretty supportive board. See you around.
Date: Mon, Mar 11 2013 10:08:50
Welcome! ^_^
Date: Mon, Mar 11 2013 11:42:07
if the pencil feels too light, just put a grip on each end to make the world's simplest mod :D welcome
Date: Mon, Mar 11 2013 19:00:53
Thanks for all the welcomes! @Mats: I'm not sure if either of them are members, as I'm not very close with either of them.