Reports / Reported Post by JamTheKid
Date: Sun, Mar 3 2013 16:28:21
JamTheKid has reported a post. Reason:
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Post: [SALE] Forum: Trading / Buying Assigned Moderators: N/A Posted by: JamTheKid Original Content:Hello there UPSB! I'm from germany and have +80 Whitelistpoints in GPC ( Unfortunately i never traded here , so i have no feedback in UPSB. What i need: CT,KT,M&M Caps (no AC!) Modrod Black/White grips ans barrels Coulored comssa caps from Penwish Money (I have paypal for international and a bank account for EU trades) What i can offer: PARTS/PENS: KS Tips (for Stuhlmod) Grip Matics Superpirates Watercolor body sub HGGs (K-116) Airfit Grips MODS: Soschie G3 Mod [Black-Green-White] Coulomb g3 Mod [Black-Pink] Toneys EmbossMod [JellTips] Write here or pm me :)