Off-topic / Korean/Japanese Dramas
Date: Sun, Aug 22 2010 19:29:10
Do you watch Korean or/and Japanese dramas? if you do, what are you currently watching/reading? why do you find it interesting? you can discuss and comment certain series too if you like :) (copypasta off anime +manga thread -.-)
Date: Sun, Aug 22 2010 21:25:08
Canto dramas are win.
Date: Sun, Aug 22 2010 23:12:56
buzzer beat!
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 01:36:53
im currently watching pasta. its pretty good i plan on watching kim tak goo after last drama i watched is Iris which was one of the best most kdramas have the same plot.. but not all most incorporate corniness + drama + humor + death + etc
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 01:44:11
I never watched any korean drama. I should probably start. Any recommendations? These are some j-dramas I really liked Densha Otoko - Like my life, just with a girl involved ;_; My Boss My Hero - Very amusing, anyone should be able to like this, even if its a bit cheesy sometimes Akihabara@Deep - Crap plot but I loved the setting. Life - feelsbadman.jpg Gokusen - At the beginning I thought it would be a cheap GTO (also a good series btw) ripoff but it was actually very very good. Also 2nd and 3rd season! Stand up! - Best opening song + likable characters
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 02:19:37
taichi xD But the only drama I ever attempted to watch was Hi My Sweetheart, BUT I COULDNT FIND ENGLISH SUBS.
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 02:47:58
jdramas One litre of tears RESCUE hana kimi atashinchi no danshi hana yori dango nobuta wo produce maybe some other dramas i can't remember i'm waiting for my friend to pass me kurosagi XP
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 02:53:49
taichi1082 wrote: I never watched any korean drama. I should probably start. Any recommendations? These are some j-dramas I really liked Densha Otoko - Like my life, just with a girl involved ;_; My Boss My Hero - Very amusing, anyone should be able to like this, even if its a bit cheesy sometimes Akihabara@Deep - Crap plot but I loved the setting. Life - feelsbadman.jpg Gokusen - At the beginning I thought it would be a cheap GTO (also a good series btw) ripoff but it was actually very very good. Also 2nd and 3rd season! Stand up! - Best opening song + likable characters
i've seen densha otoko and all seasons of gokusen, they were good =] right now i'm not watching any dramas just Unstoppable High Kick which is a sitcom, i might watch Chuno or The Kingdom of the Wind though for kdrama, i've only seen IRIS, Iljimae, and the Return of Ilijimae which were all really good :3 -
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 03:56:57
Currently i'm not watching any yet but i'm planning to watch this(see pic, i think it's called The Grand Chef or something in English) or Hwang Jin-Yi after exam. They're both k-drama.
Some old dramas that i watch before and i like them. J-drama - Ooku Dai-ishou [大奧第一章] (got other Ooku series but this is the best and i only watch this. :P) - Shomuni [ショムニ] (i'm more familiar with the name Power Office Girls or 庶务二课 actually. There are 3 seasons, i thought this drama is pretty funny, i was laughing most of the time while watching. xP) K-drama - Jewel In The Palace [Dae Jang Geum] (i think everyone knows this) - Sang-do - Painter of the Wind - Ho Jun [許浚 or also sometimes known as 医道 in chinese]
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 04:02:22
Jdramas I watched this past few months... Gokusen 1,2 and 3 Code Blue Code Blue season 2 Liar Game Liar Game 2 Tokyo Dogs Bloody Monday Bloody Monday 2 Kurosagi Boss Hotaru no Hikari Hotaru no Hikari 2 Yankee-kun to Megane-chan Ohitorisama Otomen Orthros No Inu Ryusei no Kizuna and a few others...
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 04:05:20
oh, more jdramas XP except they're jmovies... lol waterboys ramen girl (sucks >.>) densha otoko swing girls
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 04:12:53
IRIS Beethoven Virus Legend of the Patriots My favs. Wathing the first 2 online and the third on telly
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 11:15:32
How was the IRIS? i only watched less than 5 episodes online, can't tell whether i wanted to continue it or not...
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 11:23:51
IRIS=frickin pwnage
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 12:15:25
yeah i like IRIS. really good plot
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 12:52:33
gokusen ftw!
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 14:48:58
XYZaki wrote: taichi xD But the only drama I ever attempted to watch was Hi My Sweetheart, BUT I COULDNT FIND ENGLISH SUBS. -
Date: Tue, Aug 24 2010 08:42:50
Date: Tue, Aug 24 2010 09:01:55
taichi1082 wrote: Man I love this one...
trolololo! epic!@ XD -
Date: Tue, Aug 24 2010 09:37:36
hana yori dango kkotboda namja
Date: Tue, Aug 24 2010 10:17:23
korean, Crow Zero. People at my school love it for reasons i dont understand.
Date: Fri, Aug 27 2010 00:43:46
i watched Tokyo Boy/Tokyo Shonen and it's not very good D: but i only watched it 'cos it has Maki-chan in it =3
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 03:49:23
watched Chance! currently watching Taiyou no uta and Buzzer beat =] man i love my jdramas XD
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 02:06:49
I'm watching this kdrama on the Korean war right now called Legend of the Patriots. I found it worth watching so check it out if you have some spare time. I know a lotta u guys on upsb are constantly bored lol.
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 13:30:30
finished taiyou no uta =( so sad! well... not as sad as one litre of tears XD also watched nin x nin ninja hattori =P again XD it's a good movie =]
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 15:55:01
Nachoaddict wrote: IRIS
How is iris? Only watched to about ep 2.... -
Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 16:08:02
Pretty good I only watched snippets of it tho when it was airing. iirc it won a bunch of awards at the korean drama award ceremony or somethinf like that.