Tutorials Pending Approval / Bendable Flexible MX!
Date: Sat, Feb 23 2013 06:29:50
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TO CLARIFY: when you bend the cap, it makes a clicking noise and the lead advances [video=youtube;ojxznSwy1Zg][/video] Ok, so I have received a bunch of likes for my RFX mod. So I assume that you people want to make it. Well, I'm not so creative as it would seem. The real secret to the RFX is the Tombow Olno Body Knock pencil. Materials: 1x Pentel HGG 1x Dong-a Comssa 1x Dong-A anyball 1x Tombow Olno 1x Pentel Jedo/Sharp/Staples Metrix 1x Pentel RSVP or Pilot G3 Cost: $20.20 from Jetpens (all the parts are there, you could also try local Japanese stores for the Tombow) Notice that in the picture the body is clear. THIS IS PARAMOUNT TO YOUR SUCCESS. There are other solid body colors. Because the body of the pencil has to be removed to fit it in the cap, MEASUREMENTS are the only way to really do it correctly. BEFORE you remove the body (by whatever means you like, just don't ruin the inside mechanism) take measurements of the distances between the things. And before you start taking it apart, you have to know how it works. Figure it out first. The parts you need from the body are the mechanism in the very middle that bends and has a spring in the middle,
the orange thing that looks like a carrot,
and the white back piece with the inverted cone (sorry, I couldn't find a better word for it) in the front. The metal lead tube is optional, and the tip and eraser are also not needed. The grip I don't like, but that is optional. Now that you have your parts, you need to make the front mechanism from @TEK's MPFX mod Do not finish the cap. Side note: Although the real Flexible MX uses a G3 cap, I used a RSVP cap, simply because I had one and it was narrower. Next, you will test fit the bending mechanism from the middle of the pencil into the comssa body. You need to wrap tape around the thinner portion so that the spring has something to bump up against. It should go in to the bottom of the spring. Now, take either the metal lead tube or another Inktube and find a way to attach it to the Jedo/Pentel Sharp inktube.
This is entirely up to you, just find a way to do it firmly. Next, you will find a way to firmly attach the bendable mechanism into the comssa body. Insert the other side into the RSVP/G3 cap.
Wrap it in tape so it fits firmly. This is the tricky part. Cut the white back part so that with the Bendable mechanism in the cap it is the same distance as with the original pen. If you overcut, a good way to extend it is with a Signo inktube inserted inside it. Finally, cut the inktube or leadtube so that the orange carrot thing also fits with the original dimensions. Now, it's time to put it all together.
The orange thing goes on the end of the inktube/leadtube.
There are many things you can do to make it look better: 1. wrap tape around the cap to hide it. 2. put electrical tape under the spring 3. Dont make this mod: the back is undeniably ugly. Explanation as to why this style of tutorial: Well, this mod is only for pretty good mechanical modders only, and personally I think that it is more fun to have more decisions to make rather than just reading off of instructions. Heck, If you're afraid you'll break the Olno, then buy two! If you use the first correctly, then you will also have a pretty good writing pencil too. Finally, I was also lazy and I didn't want to tear my mod apart to make a tutorial. Comments appreciated Best of luck :) [/FONT][/SIZE]
Date: Sat, Feb 23 2013 09:16:51
like ? :)
Date: Sat, Mar 2 2013 10:50:14
cant believe thrs uses for olno!..gonna get some on jetpens for own use LOL
Date: Sat, Mar 2 2013 14:08:53
impressive man (Y)
Date: Sat, Mar 2 2013 17:01:15
So does the bending mech serve any other purpose but to simply bend? o_O I think it would be cool if you got it to bend at multiple locations.
Date: Sun, Mar 3 2013 17:55:24
@Nachoaddict the bending mechanism actually makes the lead advance...if i did a DC mod it could bend in the middle, I just had one Olno so I could only do one bending joint. If I had more Olnos, I would do more bending joints! You can both bend it and push it to make the lead advance.
Date: Sat, May 11 2013 19:50:40
How exactly does this work?!