Trading / Buying / yo , i m sta812 from HKPSA ^^
Date: Sun, Aug 22 2010 08:16:34
Hi guyz , i m sta812 , i hav 80 +in hkpsa and no black list and i hav +1 in v3 upsb and + 1 here as well i come here to trade with you all ,and if you are interested in my stuffs or you hav things i want , feel free to pm me or you can add my msn ([email protected]) and we could work things out i hav [mods]
from left to right bspc , icemt mod [ metal with tornado grips on both sides and signo tip on both sides] , SEVEN comssa mod , comssa with bellcolor caps and anyball grips , tinted g3 mx , orange sb mx , f3000 barrel [ oops , this is not a mod lol ] [PENS]
[COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"]i only trade it for sets [/SIZE][/COLOR][ 1 yellow sb and 1 k116 hgg ] , only for good offer
silver hyper jell , light blue hyper jell , green cubix and sb , black sunburst , [COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"]clear metal g3 [/SIZE][/COLOR]
black sarasas and black befias
black lakubo grip , [COLOR="red"]white lakubos [/COLOR], [COLOR="red"]metallic gels [/COLOR], [COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"]white sarasa [rare][/SIZE][/COLOR] , um152 [ the grip for kuzu / ayatori mod ],bellcolor
brown hgg [ rare but not tip ] , emboss with single cap , [COLOR="red"][SIZE="5"]namaes with pattern [rare] [/SIZE][/COLOR], comssa barrels , red lakubo grip
i only sell the tips [ sorry , because i fell in love with the barrels]
muji kt [rare] , x-power , hybird gel roller [ grips only,for moonz ]
zhi gao spinning pen [ chinese version penz gear ]
ajisai sc mod , for extremely good offer plz , because i hav used real m&M barrel ===========================================================
for extremely good offer as well , the purple one is gone
[COLOR="darkred"][SIZE="5"]FLUROESECENT YELLOW SIGNO DX [/SIZE][/COLOR] RARE =========================================================== things i want: [COLOR="red"][SIZE="7"]IPHONE 4G [/SIZE][/COLOR] M&M packs pentel watercolors ppp wristband [ white or orange ] [COLOR="deepskyblue"][SIZE="6"]ICE KUZU [/SIZE][/COLOR] money PEOPLE TO TRADE WITH OR BUY MY STUFFSSS please don't ask me if i can get what or what , i don't hav money at the moment, or maybe u can give me money and i can buy them for you =p ============================================================ WISH WE CAN HAVE A NICE TRADE =]
Date: Sun, Aug 22 2010 08:28:25
please accept my msn :) i want many things from u
Date: Wed, Aug 25 2010 14:05:27
updated ..........
Date: Tue, Aug 31 2010 10:07:26
bring up my post >)<''
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 05:21:26
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 11:59:34
bump bump bumppppp =p
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 12:07:06
how much for dr.m&m?
Date: Tue, Sep 7 2010 12:30:27
3vil8 wrote: how much for dr.m&m?
pm me ^^ -
Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 10:56:19
bump~~~ =3=