Pen Modifications / [Idea] Minor pen modification thread

  1. magykfawks
    Date: Thu, Jan 24 2013 16:04:14

    I do not know if there is a suggestion/idea thread, if so, I apologize for my ignorance and please delete this. Because a large amount of pen mods are not original and just change a few things that others have already made, I thought a minor modifications thread would be useful. For example, changing the tip and adding profile grips onto a RSVP mod does not count as a new mod. However, there are a fair amount of minor modifications that make the original mod spin much better. If I found something like this, (ex. g3 tip + ayatori grip on an mx) I personally wouldn't post it, even though it spins much better than the original. It is to unoriginal to deserve its own mod, yet its a good enough idea to be worth posting. But making a whole new thread for one small change or idea would be impractical. Even more impractical would be making whole new tutorial in the Pending Tutorials section and naming it the PenSpinnerName's personal mod, which actually has happened. A long list of Front of an MX: Weight 4 grams Tip---------Grip Signo------Profile G3----------Ayatori 3x Hgg-----Hgg Back of an MX: Weight 4 grams Back Cap----------Grip----------Tip--------Cap RSVP-------------RSVP ---------N/A-------RSVP Small CT Cap-----N/A----------HGG-------RSVP St Cap w/ tape---N/A ----------G3--------G3 (Did not weigh, just examples) Would be helpful not only for people looking to customize an MX, but also to people who have good ideas that are not good enough to be a different mod, but no place to put them.

  2. Ceru Seiyu
    Date: Thu, Jan 24 2013 18:00:03

    That list is not friendly to understand at all lol. We don't need this, if it's a tiny modification we don't need to discuss it because we're not stupid, we can come up with those simple ideas.

  3. xoxe
    Date: Thu, Jan 24 2013 18:10:51

    didnt undestan a shiat

  4. Soren
    Date: Thu, Jan 24 2013 22:06:28

    magykfawks wrote: Front of an MX: Weight 4 grams Tip---------Grip Signo------Profile G3----------Ayatori 3x Hgg-----Hgg Back of an MX: Weight 4 grams Back Cap----------Grip----------Tip--------Cap RSVP-------------RSVP ---------N/A-------RSVP Small CT Cap-----N/A----------HGG-------RSVP St Cap w/ tape---N/A ----------G3--------G3 (Did not weigh, just examples)
    I understand what you're saying, but this part needs elaboration. There is no clarity in this breakdown.

  5. LighT*
    Date: Fri, Jan 25 2013 00:22:50

    Supergirl wrote: I understand what you're saying, but this part needs elaboration. There is no clarity in this breakdown.
    agree. felt the same way.

  6. LightSpinner
    Date: Fri, Jan 25 2013 00:23:33

    :dunno: confusing

    Date: Fri, Jan 25 2013 03:22:06

    Uhh... general modification questions thread? I'm just judging by the title because the first post didn't make any sense to me.

  8. casual
    Date: Fri, Jan 25 2013 06:02:14

    You guys are all wrong. Every mod is a comssa variation or an mx variation.

  9. Pendragon
    Date: Fri, Jan 25 2013 07:15:10

    casual wrote: You guys are all wrong. Every mod is a comssa variation or an mx variation.
    definetly not

    Date: Fri, Jan 25 2013 07:54:19

    casual wrote: You guys are all wrong. Every mod is a comssa variation or an mx variation.
    Uh, what? Can a mod just close this thread? It's losing it's purpose with every post.

  11. Quake
    Date: Fri, Jan 25 2013 08:17:49

    I see what your trying to get across. The idea itself isn't too bad, but I just don't think this is really necessary.

  12. EffecT
    Date: Fri, Jan 25 2013 13:21:57

    I'm too confused about this. I can't really understand.

  13. magykfawks
    Date: Fri, Jan 25 2013 16:45:41

    I understand what your saying, and that list could use some reworking. To me it's not hard to understand because I made it, but since other people aren't me, I see how it could be confusing. The Following combinations of tip and grip, weigh equivalent to the back side of an RSVP MX so when put on the front of an RSVP MX, the MX would be balanced: Signo tip+Profile grip blah+blah That is essentially what I was going for, but went full retard and did it the previous way. This list is not really for the use of the you, the intelligent people who responded. If you have been modding for a very long time you obviously wouldn't need this, because you probably have all common tips and grips and can mix them around til the mod was balanced. The people who would use this thing are people like this guy no offense to him, but I personally don't think that that should deserve it's own mod, but it may spin very well. So his commssa cap thing would go under the The following combinations of backplug, grip in cap, tip in cap, and cap, weigh equivalent to the front side of an RSVP MX, so when put on the back of an RSVP MX, the MX would be balanced: RSVP Back plug+Commssa cap+HGG screwed onto the top of Commssa cap+Sailor grip on the outside blah+blah The description wouldn't be so long, just wanted to clarify. One of the main things this was supposed to do was give beginners a place to post their stuff without it cluttering up anything else. Your probably going to say that making a trash thread for people to post their shit is a bad idea, and I agree, the point is for people not to post their shit, rather the stuff that actually spins well. Ayatori grip and a G3 tip on the front of an MX? I'm positive someone else has done this before me, but I think it spins incredibly, and it doesn't look that bad either. SOYP wouldn't make anyone aware of this, a tutorial would, but no one would like it. Not because it spins badly, but because it doesn't deserve a tutorial. Well, thanks for the feedback, this was only an idea after all, and I now know that it wasn't a very good one. I would greatly appreciate it if a moderator deleted this thread.