Fundamental Tricks / Fingerpass Normal
Date: Tue, Jun 8 2010 08:38:22
[B]Fingerpass Normal[/B] This fundamental "trick" is actually a combo composed of 4 "passes". It starts between the index and middle finger, and the first pass involves simply letting the pen turn 180 degrees into the middle and ring finger position. The side of the pen that tips downwards first is the one on the palm side of the hand. The combo is continued by letting the pen tip downwards again and spinning another 180 degrees so that it lands between the ring and pinky finger. The 3rd pass is usually the most difficult and it involves having the side of the pen that's on the outside of the hand tip upwards and pushed back into the middle and ring finger slot. The combo finishes by doing another pass into the index and middle finger slot. Each individual pass is very easy to learn, but the fingerpass combo will take a lot of practice to master and perfect. Video Tutorial by KTrinh93 Video Tutorial by Pari UPSB Wiki entry Fingerpass Reverse has it's own thread, so post any questions or discussion regarding that in that thread.
Date: Sat, Jul 24 2010 17:55:09
T.T i still didnt learn finger pass yet.
Date: Sat, Jul 24 2010 18:42:13
well learn it :P, and a tip that helped me learn this was to have a miror beside me and look at it from the side, idk why but ti helped my technique alot
Date: Mon, Oct 18 2010 16:33:29
I learned it, but I haven't mastered it yet xD It's actually really difficult for me, some of my friends that don't penspin already know how to do it and I'm just amazed. Once you get faster it's pretty awesome, I can't get the neosonic to fingerless reverse right though x_x
Date: Tue, Oct 19 2010 23:47:07
hey guys so i know how to do it but it is really slow and it gets stuck at my pinky alot. how do i improve pinky strength and dexterity and also make the fingerpass go faster?
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 11:46:54
[video=youtube;Y3m_Y8TRUXM][/video] Incredibly helpful video, I was shit at finger pass untill i saw this, a week later and now i can finger pass very well.
Date: Sat, Oct 23 2010 00:43:12
the guy can do it with both hands! *amazed look on my face* and at the same time!
Date: Sat, Oct 23 2010 17:15:39
bonkura's insane, this video's awsome
Date: Sat, Oct 23 2010 20:44:17
Does anyone have the same experience as me: I noticed that after few turns of fingerpass( like 4-5 around the whole hand ) I loose 'connection' with my fingers. I just stop feeling them, insane feeling, the pen drops and everything is back to normal. Is it lack of concentration?
Date: Mon, Oct 25 2010 06:44:39
How long does it usually take to get the fingerpass to be smooth looking?
Date: Mon, Oct 25 2010 07:23:56
It took me two or three days of practice during school
Date: Mon, Oct 25 2010 07:38:14
ok, thank you
Date: Sat, Oct 30 2010 05:00:40
Jbjb1228 wrote: How long does it usually take to get the fingerpass to be smooth looking?
It took me 2 weeks to get it to about 60 per minute. (pretty good) But it varies, I read a comment on Youtube with someone asking, and someone replied 3 months. -
Date: Sat, Oct 30 2010 07:54:54
I'm practicing it for 3 years and keeping it smooth for several repeats is still a bit difficult. But continuous pass isn't so important as the single ones in linkages I think.
Date: Sun, Oct 31 2010 18:57:03
the finger pass only took me 2 days to perfect it literaly. For beginngers try passing the pen through the fingers facing side ways cuz gravity helps when you reach the pinky.
Date: Sun, Oct 31 2010 21:53:56
@BlazinAsian [video=youtube;2TZa480laW8][/video] this is perfecting it.
Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 02:57:29
Seriously, wtf? Took me like half a year to 'perfect' it and I still don't consider it perfected. o-o
Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 19:53:26
lol what "I" meant by perfecty it was that I got it to be smooth.
Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 11:17:51
i have some problem.... i get the pen smoothly from 12-23-34. but again when i try to pass the pen from 34-23, i cant get the middle finger back in position in time to receive the pen. Help me plz... (i am new to pen spinning terms, so if you dont understand, let me know. ill post a vid for better understanding)
Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 12:04:31
That's a common problem. Most people who are new to penspinning have problems with Pass 34-23. The only way to solve this problem is practicing. But if you practice the wrong way you'll never get better. There are some points you have to pay attention to if you want to master the fingerpass: 1. There has to be no tension in your fingers/hand while doing the fingerpass 2. Start practicing really really slowly. And speed up slowly. If you do the fingerpass to fast you will loose controll and drop the pen. 3. Keep the angle of pen-palm. If this angle is changing all the time the you will have less controll over the pen -> drop. I do the fingerpass with a pen-palm angle about 30°. For a "correct" angle watch this video. 4. Prefer getting the fingerpas smooth over getting it fast. For a good (and later fast) fingerpass you have to be able to execute every pass with the same speed, Pass 34-23 either. 5. One of the most important tipps is to spin the pen at your fingertips while doing the fingerpass. 6. Keep practicing. To improve your Pass 34-23 (or any other Pass) start your fingerpass from 34 (so it is Fingerpass = Pass 34-23-12-23-34...) or practice Pass Harmonic 34-23-34 (Pass 34-23 > Pass Reverse 23-34). Same principles work for the Fingerpass Reverse. If you compare Fingerpass to Fingerpass Reverse then you might notice that the finger movements are switched -> The Indexfinger does the same movement as the pinky finger does while doing a Fingerpass Normal (and vice versa). I hope I was able to help. greets MM
Date: Mon, Nov 8 2010 23:26:19
Another tip is to pass between the top of your finger and the line crease thing on your fingers. If you pass below, it's hard to do it smoothly.
Date: Mon, Nov 8 2010 23:37:38
Rememeber, if you fail at fingerpass normal, just say you're doing fingerpass abnormal! That way, you can only fail if you do it right!
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 18:45:44
such a simple trick, anyone can get the motion, but to get it smoothly takes time took me a week of practice to get it smooth. aprrox 5-60mins per day for a week training on the fingerpass
Date: Wed, Dec 15 2010 01:53:46
Honestly, fingerpass is the hardest fundamental trick! I always get stuck on 12 -> 23, any tips?
Date: Wed, Dec 15 2010 02:13:39
Im about to really annoy you, and no matter if it seems your doing something wrong, you are not, you just need practice, this is easy to learn, hard to master, practice practice practice! OH and one thing I did which helped a little if you're completely lost is do a 1.0 charge at the top them come back down, but don't only try that, practice normal too.
Date: Wed, Dec 15 2010 05:51:05
I think it is difficult to make faster pass.
Date: Mon, Dec 27 2010 18:49:22
Hi Everyone, I've been spinning for about a month now and I know a couple of tricks. I can fingerpass but I want to do it faster, any tips on how to fingerpass faster? I've seen them done at a very high speed....
Date: Mon, Dec 27 2010 19:07:17
Just keep practicing
Date: Mon, Dec 27 2010 19:20:55
So the speed just develops as I continuously Fingerpass?
Date: Mon, Dec 27 2010 19:33:25
Yes. It does. Just keep focusing/practicing it and it will go far.
Date: Mon, Dec 27 2010 20:03:28
just keep practicing and youll get it :)
Date: Mon, Dec 27 2010 20:26:20
Make sure you are passing the pen on the ends of your fingers. If its too close to your palm it will be slow and hard to do. But mostly its just practice like these other guys said
Date: Mon, Dec 27 2010 22:05:31
Ok, thanks everyone!
Date: Tue, Dec 28 2010 06:16:10
Also, it helps if you think of it like the pen is falling through your fingers, or falling down rather than a passing motion.
Date: Sat, Jan 1 2011 16:28:12
Can someone help me by telling me what each of the passes are? :huh: [video=youtube;os0BFD7fJuw][/video]
Date: Sat, Jan 1 2011 16:35:13
1.pass reverse 12 -23 -> pass reverse 23 -34 2.pass 34-23 - > pass 23 -12 3.pass 12-23 -> pass 23-34 4.pass reverse 34-23 -> pass reverse 23 -12 Alternatively you could specify where the fingerpass starts and stops designating that the combo is truncated half way through by the finger notation at which it ends. The "passes" linked together in that form are called a fingerpass, it's one of the fundamental combos of pen spinning. For use of the fingerpass in notation (naming) rather than pass follow these guidelines.
Written Naming Convention [B]Fingerpass (Direction) (number of spins) (starting position)-(ending position)[/B] When writing the Fingerpass combo in breakdown form, the above convention will detail what happens throughout the entire combo. The name of the combo, Fingerpass, is written first. The direction can be omitted. When direction is omitted, the combo is assumed to be a Fingerpass Normal. The number of spins can be omitted. Fingerpass has 2.0 pen rotations total. The starting and ending positions can be omitted. Fingerpass starts and ends in the same finger slot by default. When both positions are omitted, the combo is assumed to start and end the 12 slot.
for notation of passes, follow these guidelines[B]Pass (Direction) (number of spins) (starting position)-(ending position)[/B] When writing a Pass in breakdown form, the above convention will detail what happens throughout the entire trick. The name of the trick, Pass, is written first. The direction can be omitted. When direction is omitted, the trick is assumed to be a Pass Normal. The number of spins can be omitted. Pass only contains 0.5 rotation. The starting and ending positions can be omitted. When both positions are omitted for a Pass Normal, the trick is assumed to be a Pass Normal 12-23. When both positions are omitted for a Pass Reverse, the trick is assumed to be a Pass Reverse 12-23. If only the ending position is omitted for a Pass, the trick is assumed to travel up or down one slot.
Copied directly from the wiki.~ which also happens to be hot linked from the first post on this thread, and the reverse thread; please use your resources... -
Date: Sat, Jan 1 2011 16:52:48
@shoeman6 thank you so much :)
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 15:58:42
Hello, I wanted to see if im doing the fingerpass well. Thank you if you are kind enough to see this video. its 10 seconds. When you say you have to do thefingerpass smoothly, umm... is this called smooth? thanks .......................................................................................................... EDIT: Sorry, what about rapidshare? : If you still cant see it then i'll delete this post. I can't upload files on youtube. ...................................................................................................................... EDIT::: finally uploaded on youtube
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 01:29:02
your link is crap its in some other language im guessing iranian and i still cant view the video because of some restricted public download maybe try youtube video? EDIT: im not gonna download your video just to see you do fingerpass and for somereason rapidshare is marked red by mcaffee
Date: Tue, Jan 25 2011 11:03:56
i cannot keep my fingers making contact to only the middle of my pen. as in when i do the fingerpass a few times my fingers start to go to one end of the pen. how can i stop this from happening?
Date: Tue, Jan 25 2011 15:10:34
practising ... And (maybe) lift up your hand a little to adjust the position of the pen :D
Date: Wed, Jan 26 2011 08:18:53
you do it at the tips of your fingers and you start a little bit up so when you spin it it will be in the middle it will alternate between being in the middle and beig a little up
Date: Thu, Feb 3 2011 21:37:09
When i do the FingerPass i stuck on the 34 - 23 The pen FLY from my hand Any tips?
Date: Thu, Feb 3 2011 22:19:13
Go slower, and practice the pass only, rather than the whole combo, just practice rocking back and forth smoothly. :]
Date: Fri, Feb 4 2011 02:54:40
Lol I seem to be able to go one way only... I can do it 34-23-12 smooth, 12-23-34 smooth, but I can't put them together -_- Y?
Date: Fri, Feb 4 2011 03:14:46
@Van you kinda have to cross your pinky and ring finger for the pen to go 34-23 and same for 12-23. You have to cross your index and middle finger so the pen turns around do the whole fingerpass slowly you will increase speed once you get the movements right dont do it going down and stop and do it going up that really screws you up.
Date: Fri, Feb 4 2011 03:19:42
So I should practice it as a whole, not by parts right :P
Date: Fri, Feb 4 2011 03:47:45
@Van yup! thats how i got it. Its hard at first to do the turns but once you get it down... its all practice do it when you get up or eating breakfast or something like that thats what i do everyday
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 23:26:06
For those of you that have a good fingerpass, did you practice the fingerpass a lot? Or did you simply learn other tricks that involved passing, allowing your fingerpass to become better naturally?
Date: Thu, Jul 21 2011 17:24:52
umm would it be easier to use a longer pen for this?
Date: Fri, Jul 22 2011 13:10:04
@platinumsj: at the beginning, a long pen should be easier, in order to learn the trick yes ;) and a pen with lot of inertia (heavier at the extremity)
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 20:02:18
I actually do have a long pen its like 7 and a half inches Its an RSVP Mod i lost the first one i made then made another
Date: Sun, Aug 28 2011 14:02:37
OMG THIS TRICK IS SO FREAKING HARD...... due to the fact that i have short fingers.... Can you believe can do twisted sonic triple bust (80% success) and Hai Tua (also 80% success rate) and thumbspin x10 BUT NOT FINGERPASSSSS DX (going to set aside a week just to train fingerpass... just you wait... XD)
Date: Mon, Sep 19 2011 08:53:09
I can do almost all the "basic" tricks except for fingerpass.. it's so frustrating.. :/
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 20:04:18
how fast can u do it
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 20:05:16
haha nice youll learn it after awhile
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 16:37:11
me broder oncea time fingered my passhole. it hurt for 4 a days a.
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 02:14:43
Well it helps practicing holding the pen near the tips of your fingers. You will want to do fingerpass at the tips of your fingers. It just doesn't work any other way. You don't want the pen to touch the first joint at the tips of your fingers. Good luck to you guys. ^_^
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 06:17:01
dang this is way harder than it looks. im going really slow right now. how do i get faster around my pinky?
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 07:04:20
You practice
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 07:42:37
kungfumaster1111 wrote: dang this is way harder than it looks. im going really slow right now. how do i get faster around my pinky?
What eruption said. You can only better that with practice. Doing it over and over again. And don't worry about speed yet. Just work on smoothness and consistency. ^_^ -
Date: Mon, Nov 7 2011 07:58:20
So basically, in order to have the fingerpass perfected, we must have the passes smooth with control and in a fast spinning motion and must be able to do at least maybe 60 [raise/lower the limit or...? Is there even a minimum or just suggestions?] fingerpasses per minute[?] I got the smoothness, speed and control right, but what about the fingerpasses per minute part? Is it the manipulation part that just counts or both the manipulation and the record fingerpasses, is what counts? [Off-topic [I think], I made a status stating that I was close to mastering the FP, but I'm still unsure if I have or not. I know it was a stupid thing to say, but I learnt my lesson.]
Date: Tue, Nov 8 2011 13:46:40
Honestly, I don't think the speed matters. As long as you can control fingerpasses smoothly, you will learn the speed in other tricks that require passes. (Such as Twisted Sonic, Warped Sonic, etc.)
Date: Wed, Nov 9 2011 06:17:14
iColor wrote: Honestly, I don't think the speed matters. As long as you can control fingerpasses smoothly, you will learn the speed in other tricks that require passes. (Such as Twisted Sonic, Warped Sonic, etc.)
Okay. I understand now. Thanks iColor. -
Date: Thu, Nov 10 2011 03:09:04
ron-g wrote: Okay. I understand now. Thanks iColor.
Well... I know the trick for fingerpass. If you're at some place boring, try to do it consciously, over and over again until you feel like you're proud of it. I repeated Pass consciously over and over in school all day, and all it took was about 2 weeks to smooth it out, but 2 months to master it like a Sonic Rise :D -
Date: Thu, Nov 17 2011 02:50:32
I've been doing this for years before pen spinning, and mine is incredibly slow and not smooth, how can I learn to make it smooth and fast? D: For one thing, I was doing it in the middle of my fingers until I saw that video on page one, and I find that I grab the pen in random places every time.
Date: Wed, Nov 23 2011 01:48:06
Im not sure if your in school or not but just while you are working just do it. You would be amazed how many tricks i've perfected in math class.
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 09:40:45
@Argothman you just need to practice
Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 06:23:13
Hi, I've been practicing this motion for one good day( like 5-6 hours no joke lol) and i've noticed that when i do it two things happen. 1. I end up at the end of my pen which makes it much harder to spin 2. It often falls down to the lower parts of my fingers How do i fix these problems? Edit: I fixed number 2. I had to consciously force my pinky and ring fingers straight through practice. I still have no clue why I move around the pen so much though Edit again: Nvm i fixed the issue. I needed to grab the pen with the next set of fingers earlier which again, was achieved by lots of practice. This trick really is about nothing but tons of practice.
Date: Fri, Dec 30 2011 07:50:22
@Frozen Spam practice , Last time i spent half days to master my fingerpass
Date: Fri, Dec 30 2011 18:27:19
What is the best move to start with. I quasi spin while I draw and I want to learn tricks.
Date: Fri, Dec 30 2011 20:31:08
@gabs Learn the fundamentals. First trick i learned was thumbaround.
Date: Fri, Dec 30 2011 23:01:22
@gabs Learn charge , thumbaround , thumbaround reverse , fingerpass , sonic in order .
Date: Fri, Dec 30 2011 23:43:59
that was great! Bonkura makes it look effortless. @Nikolaos; I know what you mean, i think the sensitivity of the fingers gets used to the pen pressure and it kinda becomes like desensitized, as if you were to have your hand in warm water for a while, it will adjust to the temperature after a few mins and it won't feel warm anymore, does that make sense??? Just my 2 cents worth...
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 03:53:49
Just a question. Do you think having short fingers (as in total length frm tip of middle finger to wrist 17.5 cm, middle finger 7.5 cm, palm 11cm, pinky 5.5cm, ring 7 cm, index 6.5 cm) affect fingerpass? because when i bend my fingers to do fingerpass, the pen will hit my palm, and if it doesn't, it'll slip and fall off when it reaches 34 =( and yes, i have been practising like crap almost everyday for the last few months.....
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 03:56:32
So, any tips on smoothing out my fingerpass. Getting it to go through each finger is easy since I have been doing this for years, but it looks jerky and has no flow. If I slow it down I can almost make it completely fluid.
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 22:53:32
Zidago wrote: So, any tips on smoothing out my fingerpass. Getting it to go through each finger is easy since I have been doing this for years, but it looks jerky and has no flow. If I slow it down I can almost make it completely fluid.
Do it at the tips of your finger. Keep practicing it, it will smoother and faster but it takes a lot of practice. And maybe try doing it with a chopstick, I've never tried it, but people say it worked for them. -
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 23:10:25
Karrot wrote: Do it at the tips of your finger. Keep practicing it, it will smoother and faster but it takes a lot of practice. And maybe try doing it with a chopstick, I've never tried it, but people say it worked for them.
Sorry, that is how I picked up the skill in the first place, playing with chop sticks in restaurants. Unfortunately, my girlfriend starts freaking if I play with the cutlery, so I guess I will hide in my bathroom away from her prying, judgmental eyes. -
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 22:21:33
Zidago wrote: Sorry, that is how I picked up the skill in the first place, playing with chop sticks in restaurants. Unfortunately, my girlfriend starts freaking if I play with the cutlery, so I guess I will hide in my bathroom away from her prying, judgmental eyes.
then you're going to have to go to the bathroom for a long time and wouldn't someone get curious? -
Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 08:16:17
Things are getting better.
Date: Tue, Feb 21 2012 03:37:17
I seem to have a problem: When doing a fingerpass 12-34 the pen starts to slip towards my palm at around 23 and 34. I'm holding the pen using the first joints in my fingers, but it just slips by some amount anyway. I also noticed that 1 and 4 on my right hand are shorter than 2 and 3 when my fingers are bent at a 90 degree angle. If I'm to be strictly limited to using the tips of my fingers, I don't have much space to work with when doing each pass. Is there anything I should do in addition to constantly practicing each individual pass and the entire trick overall? I don't know if this is a factor for anything, but I'm using a BICtory.
Date: Tue, Feb 21 2012 22:49:52
MugenModus wrote: I seem to have a problem: When doing a fingerpass 12-34 the pen starts to slip towards my palm at around 23 and 34. I'm holding the pen using the first joints in my fingers, but it just slips by some amount anyway. I also noticed that 1 and 4 on my right hand are shorter than 2 and 3 when my fingers are bent at a 90 degree angle. If I'm to be strictly limited to using the tips of my fingers, I don't have much space to work with when doing each pass. Is there anything I should do in addition to constantly practicing each individual pass and the entire trick overall? I don't know if this is a factor for anything, but I'm using a BICtory.
doesn't matter what mod you use actually. I learned with a bictory too. you should practice overall (imo). basically it's just practice, keep practicing and you'll be able to do it smoothly and fast. start off slowly but smooth, and try with a chopstick maybe? when you do your passes, it does a little jump (I think thats what you mean) and so it slides, I just kept practicing and it never happened again -
Date: Mon, Mar 19 2012 22:10:25
I am still struggling to bring the pen from the bottom back to the top. Mainly the probly is because my middle finger gets kinda "stuck" because I am not always able to bring my middle finger behind the pen to grab it. Does anyone have a solution for me so I can bend my finger more or something like that? Btw, I already tested out some strechting methods but they mainly hurt and dont really help :P
Date: Tue, Apr 24 2012 11:32:11
I've got this trick pretty fast and smooth I'm trying to be able to do it for longer though I've been practicing so much today that my thumb is aching lol. Probz coz I tense my thumb while I fingerpass
Date: Tue, May 22 2012 15:30:09
I've been practicing it for two weeks already but still I can't seem to do it smoothly. I can already execute pass 34 23 12 fast and smooth but 12 23 34 is very slow. Any suggestions?
Date: Tue, May 22 2012 18:20:01
XXVIII wrote: I've been practicing it for two weeks already but still I can't seem to do it smoothly. I can already execute pass 34 23 12 fast and smooth but 12 23 34 is very slow. Any suggestions?
Keep the pen near ur finger tips Other than that, just practice ALOT -
Date: Mon, May 28 2012 14:42:32
The pass at 23 to 34 is quite hard for me,any tips? do I need to be able to bend my pinky to do that pass?
Date: Mon, May 28 2012 20:40:29
Icefire wrote: The pass at 23 to 34 is quite hard for me,any tips? do I need to be able to bend my pinky to do that pass?
you do need to be able to bend your pinky, but just enough to allow the pen to pass through. i dont have independent control of my pinky, but i can still do passes just fine. i would suggest trying to keep all your fingers straight, and try bending your pinky from different joints. once you find the one easiest for you, stretch and move that joint so that it becomes easier to bend your pinky. -
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 00:49:27
do you keep your hands and fngers tightend up or loose?
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 01:38:56
Tightend, for the most part
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 03:08:58
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 03:54:37
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 06:07:08
Loose. It's easier to do Fingerpass quickly.
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 06:29:13
you want loose, relax your hand and your smoothness and style will increase.
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 10:20:30
Apparently ,i can only bend my pinky from the joint nearest to the palm..when I keep my other fingers straight while bending my pinky,my pinky will be very straight and cannot bend
Date: Wed, May 30 2012 07:26:01
well you can bend your pinky with your fingers straight. thats good since your fingers will be slightly bent during fingerpass, so it'll be much easier to bend your pinky. its just a matter of practice and maybe strengthening your pinky. this video may help:
Date: Wed, May 30 2012 10:32:40
it's hard to do it fast. Any tips?
Date: Wed, May 30 2012 12:02:12
Do it slow, get it smooth. slowly speed up. or in other words. pratice. like everything else. i thought that would have been obvious enough?
Date: Thu, May 31 2012 11:47:02
Kyoflow wrote: well you can bend your pinky with your fingers straight. thats good since your fingers will be slightly bent during fingerpass, so it'll be much easier to bend your pinky. its just a matter of practice and maybe strengthening your pinky. this video may help:
what i meant was that i cannot bend the pinky -
Date: Thu, May 31 2012 14:14:30
@Icefire wait i thought you said you could with your fingers straight...well either way, the video should help you with your pinky flexibility.
Date: Thu, May 31 2012 23:00:44
Lol what I meant was that my pinky is perpendicular to the ring finger when bend C
Date: Fri, Jun 1 2012 00:38:16
Lol @Icefire you should definitely be fine then, just practice some more
Date: Fri, Jun 1 2012 08:07:38
no no no lol i cannot bend at all at that part and the pass there has kind off a drop at that point instead of a pass
Date: Fri, Jun 1 2012 10:12:03
Icefire wrote: no no no lol i cannot bend at all at that part and the pass there has kind off a drop at that point instead of a pass kind of confused now. upload a video? -
Date: Fri, Jun 1 2012 12:45:41
Err I wanted to post pic but dunno how
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 03:25:57
When I am just doing a fingerpass it's tightened up. But if I'm using it in a combo it's usually loose.
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 14:01:05
@Raiz next time ask here
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 15:06:59
What is dp? Edit: Oh, just realised it is a typo for do. Lol, silly me.
Date: Fri, Jun 8 2012 09:24:24
loose for better
Date: Sun, Jun 10 2012 23:34:24
usually loose
Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 21:01:54
I do loose. Keep it relaxed.
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 10:20:09
[SIZE="7"][COLOR="red"]R A P T O R[/COLOR][/SIZE] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm an advanced pen spinner. I've been spinning for 3 years and a half but I can't seem to master the fingerpass. I can do a lot of combos but I [SIZE="4"]CAN'T[/SIZE] master the fingerpass. It's been bothering me for 2 months now. Can you give me some tips? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SIZE="7"]- R A P T O R[/SIZE] :sfsr:
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 10:34:53
@Raptor wow your posts are colorful and big anyway, there isnt much to fingerpass other than alot of practice to make it smooth...what about the fingerpass cant you do?
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 11:41:47
Kyoflow wrote: @Raptor wow your posts are colorful and big anyway, there isnt much to fingerpass other than alot of practice to make it smooth...what about the fingerpass cant you do?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I can't make it smooth I have to stop when its on the pinkie and the index and I have a hard time doing the fingerpass when my mod is under. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="7"][COLOR="red"]R A P T O R[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] :sfsr: -
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 12:46:06
Raptor wrote: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I can't make it smooth I have to stop when its on the pinkie and the index and I have a hard time doing the fingerpass when my mod is under. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="7"][COLOR="red"]R A P T O R[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] :sfsr:
You don't need to add a signature to your post when you already have the forum one active... Anyway, advanced spinner... I don't think so if you can't master the fingerpass. You have to grind it and practice it a lot, there's no secret trick to it. -
Date: Wed, Jul 18 2012 19:45:38
Im having trouble getting it to come back up. When I get to my pinky, I just cant seem to get my middle finger up to grab i and roll it over my ring finger
Date: Wed, Jul 18 2012 20:55:00
Maybe try bending the ring finger a little more?
Big Yoyo wrote: Im having trouble getting it to come back up. When I get to my pinky, I just cant seem to get my middle finger up to grab i and roll it over my ring finger
Date: Wed, Jul 18 2012 21:02:31
You must push your ringfinger a little bit down and you must raise your middlefinger a bit. Try to do the Fingerpass slowly first and than faster untill you can do it. It can take a very long time to make the Fingerpass very fast and smooth. Don't learn the Fingerpass the whole time, because in Combos you only will need single Passes.
Date: Sun, Aug 19 2012 15:08:06 i can't get my middle finger around fast enough. any suggestions?
Date: Mon, Aug 20 2012 12:43:51
how about try to spin it with your fingertips.
Date: Tue, Aug 21 2012 11:35:06
i actually pushed the pen doesn't really touch the pen all the pushing u get a faster time to move ur finger out@flyingpanda
Date: Sun, Sep 23 2012 11:44:05
my ring finger is my problem the mod hitting it when im getting the mod to my index finger
Date: Sun, Oct 14 2012 08:17:54
Arghh Still Practicing :P
Date: Mon, Oct 15 2012 00:02:24
Don't give up,dude.:)
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 03:56:39
So, I have the fingerpass and the reverse down, but it isn't fluid at all. Other than practicing a lot, how can I improve it(e.g. tips), and how long will it take?
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 03:58:04
No tips other than practice, but it will take at least forever, perhaps longer.
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 03:59:21
How long is forever, you have to be more specific Mats. This is why people don't like you.
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 04:05:43
Sequiture wrote: This is why people don't like you.
oh snap -
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 04:07:59
Sequiture wrote: How long is forever, you have to be more specific Mats. This is why people don't like you.
[QUOTE='[TGN];248165']oh snap[/QUOTE] Wow you two guys don't like me? Well I'm sorry for whatever I did to you two guys. =/ -
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 04:09:23
You were very vague, and that annoyed me. We can still be friends if you make up for it.
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 04:52:22
I placed weights on my pencil, tried fingerpass and it was 1000x smoother then without weights.
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 05:11:27
Really? What kind of weights? Mods don't close this, I want to know! :P
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 05:19:31
Well I was looking for something to put on the ends of my pencil to spin better. And I have a lot of pens and pencils. So I found 2 same grips attached them and placed 2 pen front cap thingys in the grips. My pencil looks like this :
Hope this helped.
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 05:19:38
u have to practice fingerpassing everyday mate. practice everyday so that u'll get used to the fluidity.
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 05:29:17
@EffecT: Ok. :)
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 05:34:42
Sequiture wrote: @EffecT: Ok. :)
Just make a UPM. :wiki: -
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 05:57:09
Like I said on SB, I will have a metallic comssa, but it's cool that you invented it.
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 09:29:46
Sequiture wrote: You were very vague, and that annoyed me. We can still be friends if you make up for it.
He's right, you just have to grind the shit out of fingerpass and there's no ways about it. Bitching about how he's not being specific isn't going to help, fingerpass isn't a complicated trick. -
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 11:04:28
FingerPass ain't a Difficult Trick, but to get it done Smoothly is what makes it seemed Difficult. After all, it is still a Fundamental. And, only way to get the Fluidity is to practice and practice and practice. If you are really keen to get it done Smoothly, you will. Good Luck.
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 11:17:12
Mats wrote: Wow you two guys don't like me? Well I'm sorry for whatever I did to you two guys. =/
whoa bro i didn't say i dislike you D: <3 -
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 11:20:57
[QUOTE='[TGN];248165']oh snap[/QUOTE] Snap means 'the same as' in slang. So I would say 'I don't like
' and then if my friend says 'snap' it means he also doesn't like them. -
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 11:40:40
How about try to do it with your might helps.
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 14:13:37
Giotto wrote: How about try to do it with your might helps.
Exactly. Lots and lots and lots of practice, as well as spinning with the tips of your finger will definitely help with smoothness and fluidity. Unfortunately, using the finger tips makes it considerably harder to hold on to, and youll drop it more. But after enough practice, you can hang on to it longer. -
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 14:35:11
Mystic wrote: Exactly. Lots and lots and lots of practice, as well as spinning with the tips of your finger will definitely help with smoothness and fluidity. Unfortunately, using the finger tips makes it considerably harder to hold on to, but use a little bit of glue. But after enough practice, you can hang on to it longer.
Fixed. ^_^ -
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 15:25:46
Darn it! I told you not to tell anyone! DX
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 16:03:50
@eurocracy: We're only joking around, because I <3 Mats.
Date: Tue, Mar 26 2013 17:40:25
hey i guess doing the fingerpass with the 3rd knuckle helps in making it a bit smoother
Date: Wed, Mar 27 2013 01:19:58
I don't really have any tips other than what you know. Practice is a key for sure. Get the motion memorized and it will eventually become reflex. I am still working on mine too. Just don't forget the 3 P's. Patience Persistence Practice That is the best I can say. Good luck
Date: Thu, Jun 20 2013 05:09:01
I haven't mastered it yet my pinky is just toooooo inflexible
Date: Thu, Aug 29 2013 08:03:30
Akashi wrote: I haven't mastered it yet my pinky is just toooooo inflexible
Try to do charge 34 continuously first so your pinky will be exercised.(no joke this is what I did before I learn finger pass) If it hurts,then stop.Then continue after rest. This makes your pinky muscles work and more responsive. This helped me a lot.Just remember that don't overdo this,or you will face the same [B]consequences[/B] I have before. :( -
Date: Thu, Aug 29 2013 19:08:23
The real problem with the trick is actually just trying to get it to go smoothly. I had a classmate that knew absolutely knew nothing about PSing but could do the Fingerpass smoother than a baby's bottom. I asked how he did it and he said he just kept doing it in class everyday and eventually just got it. So i followed his advice and it worked. To do it faster I recommend doing the Sonic Rise to get it back up again and then FingerPass-normal. You can also learn FingerPass- Reverse but you need to know FingerPass- normal so it defeats the purpose. Hope This Helps:) Regards, Zen
Date: Fri, Aug 30 2013 13:03:21
MarcusPS wrote: Try to do charge 34 continuously first so your pinky will be exercised.(no joke this is what I did before I learn finger pass) If it hurts,then stop.Then continue after rest. This makes your pinky muscles work and more responsive. This helped me a lot.Just remember that don't overdo this,or you will face the same [B]consequences[/B] I have before. :(
Thanks a lot! I'll try it out :) -
Date: Fri, Aug 30 2013 13:40:59
Usually what I do is move my wrist in a circular motion... This helps my fluidity (that a word?) Better
Date: Sun, Sep 8 2013 10:56:42
To help learn the Fingerpass easier and make it look smoother, you could always try exercising your fingers and wrist. Also build finger strength and dexterity, there are many videos out there which show you good exercises to build finger dexterity and strength. I have heard some people cannot complete the Fingerpass (smoothly) due to the lack of strength in their pinky. Can you stretch your pinky fully down your hand without pulling down any other fingers?
Date: Sat, Nov 2 2013 09:26:10
How smooth does a fingerpass have to be, does it have to be Gisele08 smooth or a bit less?
Date: Sat, Nov 2 2013 19:14:19
DarkNRGMustRule wrote: How smooth does a fingerpass have to be, does it have to be Gisele08 smooth or a bit less?
Define smooth. Pen spinning is a art. With art there will always be different interpretations of forms. Therefore, how smooth and how well something is preformed is all left to interpretion. So what differentiates a well preformed trick to a poorly preformed trick? Such is the philosophy behind pen spinning. Answer this question and you will arrive at your solution. Regards Zen -
Date: Sun, Jan 19 2014 00:00:13
My 1st penspinning trick was the fingerpass xD
Date: Mon, Mar 3 2014 02:11:48
I got the rising part in a week.
Date: Sat, Mar 8 2014 13:42:23
Zen wrote: Define smooth. Pen spinning is a art. With art there will always be different interpretations of forms. Therefore, how smooth and how well something is preformed is all left to interpretion. So what differentiates a well preformed trick to a poorly preformed trick? Such is the philosophy behind pen spinning. Answer this question and you will arrive at your solution. Regards Zen
How did I miss this haha Damn all the wannabe philosophers when it comes to pen spinning, it's silly :L -
Date: Wed, Apr 9 2014 23:49:17
I can do this well enough, but how do you speed it up?
Date: Wed, Apr 9 2014 23:55:46
What do you mean speed up? If you mean, preforming it more smoothly than what you really need is some practice. Practice, getting the motion done first, and then exercise this motion. Once you master it, you will not only be able to do it smoother, but also faster.
Date: Wed, Apr 9 2014 23:59:54
I see.
Date: Thu, Apr 10 2014 00:53:55
Shihab wrote: I can do this well enough, but how do you speed it up?
Keep pen at fingertips -
Date: Sat, Apr 12 2014 13:22:42
No, not at fingertips, at the indent just after the last joint.
Date: Fri, Apr 25 2014 03:56:17
Oh gosh, on the brink of insanity here... >.< Every pass is smooth, EXCEPT FOR 34-23. There's just this slight hesitation I keep getting, and I'm going as slowly as I can to try to fix it, but the pass is so disgusting looking in what would otherwise be quite a nice Fingerpass. T_T That being said, are there any tricks to help me make that pass smooth (other than just practicing Fingerpass, lol. My fingers get sore after a bit >.>). Actually, would Double Charge 34-34 or Warped Sonic 23-34 help my problem? ;P
Date: Sat, Apr 26 2014 02:38:26
@AnAsianBrony Those tricks might help you, but it would be much better for you to try to build strength and independence in your ring finger and pinky. Really the only trick that can help you learn the FingerPass is the FingerPass. Just practice the 34- 23 FIngerpass. You don't have to do the entire trick. Also if you want to gain independence try stretching your pinky so it touches your palm, while keeping your ring finger up. You will feel some strain, once this happens stop and do it again after rest.
Date: Wed, Jun 11 2014 03:40:24
Jbjb1228 wrote: How long does it usually take to get the fingerpass to be smooth looking?
It can take an awfully long time, at 1 year I still can't do it that smoothly :(