General Discussion / Pen Spinning Popularity
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2013 18:23:52
Has the popularity of pen spinning peaked?
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2013 18:32:14
I think yes. One year ago, we were only two spinners in my school. Now we are about ten!
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2013 18:34:12
No it hasn't
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2013 18:41:18
Awesome wrote: No it hasn't
How popular will it get then? What are you basing your no from? @Valentin - I meant globally, or at least individual countries. -
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2013 19:30:39
In Germany it's almost dead now compared to the huge hype a couple years ago. Most came because of a Galileo special on penspinning, but not a lot stayed.
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2013 19:37:42
I think I'm only active spinner in my country.
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2013 20:11:31
Not yet.
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2013 20:21:22
if new tricks are being created, then penspinning has not peaked. If there's something new to happen in the penspinning community, I do not think it's possible we've reached the pinnacle of popularity.
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2013 21:09:06
drgripable wrote: if new tricks are being created, then penspinning has not peaked. If there's something new to happen in the penspinning community, I do not think it's possible we've reached the pinnacle of popularity.
New tricks are being created in all manipulations, but the popularity of them is not increasing. Many manipulations have such a large number of tricks that they will never all be performed. So do you suggest that popularity will continue to rise forever? -
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2013 21:12:34
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2013 21:40:44
one of the bigger factors against a huge rise in popularity is that even though a lot of people may have seen penspinning, it's hard for them to grasp the huge huge difference in skill between me and say someone like mesi, because they don't really understand linkages, and even though the masses are impressed by power tricks, they will never have any idea how difficult it is to pull off any of this stuff until they try. Like sports, it's relatively simple. Player scores a lot of points, has lots of assists, whatever (I don't watch sports), and they're a good player. For penspinning, a normal person would sit and drool if they tried to figure out what the heck was going on.
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2013 22:48:19
I would say yes. 4 people have begun pen spinning from watching me 2 of which have accounts on this board. The popularity of pen spinning is slowly increasing as you can also see many new people join our board everyday showing that pen spinning's popularity is always increasing.
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2013 22:58:13
i think it will continue to increase for quite sometime now i have seen about 8 penspinners in my school and before i started pen spinning around my school no one there ever knew penspinning ever existed i have also heard of this happening other places too from these things i have gotten a strong idea not many people have heard about penspinning in there lives and alot of people that havent may really like it and bring it to more parts of the globe
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2013 22:58:53
Well. When i think of pen spinning in its peek i personally don't think pen spinning is at its peek at the moment but instead peaking in the past (2+years). Perhaps popularity and interest has increased after "Kams Spinz" TV appearance in Chicago and Vicgotgame and Teks appearance on TV when interviewed but theoretically with our generation using pens less with the increase of modern day technology such as the computer we are starting to think less of the old ways such as pen on paper and more of convenience and practicality. As the use for pens is becoming less theoretically pen spinning would become less popular. So i believe pen spinning will only become less popular. ~ Tommy
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2013 23:11:05
Well it kinda however... in Toronto.. its dying... we used to have the wind, simplex, hope, winner, roxar, light, watever you name in UPSB v3 but now i think two are left haha!
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2013 03:27:54
I think it's passed in Thailand. In 4-5 years ago, it's really popular, most of boys in my age have to said "WOW, HOW CAN YOU DO THAT. TEACH MEEEEEEE". Today, we have a lot of people who know what is penspinning but they all think it's too hard for them to practice or it's only for gifted people so they stop practicing. Most of people in my age can do TA, Sonic, or 3-4 loops of Charge but nothing more than that. We have only few new spinners who start spinning seriously. I think it's because penspinning is TOO popular to make everybody know what is it, it's not new and can't attract people anymore.
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2013 09:08:39
in malaysia its going down down down down
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2013 09:41:54
Don't worry, guys. I made a pen spinning thread on some other random forum which now has 1000+ views. That means 1000+ more people now know about this pen spinning thingy. You're welcome. :trollface:
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2013 12:48:52
not yet we are still in the process pf exploring stand up spinning,more and more spinners are starting to do it if a lot of spinners can perform stand up spinning well then pen spinning will get more famous
Date: Fri, Jan 18 2013 06:40:32
Never started for sg. Many nonupsbregistered beginners but not much seriousness :/
Date: Fri, Jan 18 2013 12:07:05
In Japan,I think it's increasing far as I know. lol
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2013 12:13:49
its popularity rate increase XD maybe because of television shows or other programs that include the topic (pen spinning)
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2013 12:30:29
hmmm pen spinning has never hit the media in singapore D:
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2013 12:32:16
@Pixels maybe on Stomp if we continue doing stupid stuffs for every mini gathering
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2013 11:43:32
Yes it has. This is from google trends. Pen spinning was biggest in 2007 and the amount of people that kept spinning (note spinning taken form the search results from "UPSB" and "Pen spin") after the JapEn hype has been quite consistent since.
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2013 13:09:22
Twine wrote: Yes it has. This is from google trends. Pen spinning was biggest in 2007 and the amount of people that kept spinning after the JapEn hype has been quite consistent since.
I don't think quite consistent is the word. The graph is reducing over time since then and still is... Also, that 2007 peak. That was the first WT. That was on the news and in the papers in the UK. Was it anywhere else? And perhaps this is why there is such a spike there? -
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2013 20:45:25
Mats wrote: I don't think quite consistent is the word. The graph is reducing over time since then and still is... Also, that 2007 peak. That was the first WT. That was on the news and in the papers in the UK. Was it anywhere else? And perhaps this is why there is such a spike there?
Hmm when I was talking about the consistent amount of spinners, I was looking at the UPSB and Pen spin data, not "pen spinning". I assume once most people have found a forum such as UPSB, they don't really need to search pen spinning on google. I didn't hear about it at all in New Zealand but I think that's 100% plausible. -
Date: Thu, Jan 24 2013 07:54:12
well its a bit sad that pen spinning never made my school amazed about it = ="
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2013 00:39:16
Only pen spinner in my school that I know of :) I live in the uk ( hence my name ) :D @DangoodwinzIFP
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2013 10:19:23
half class spins on my school section ..even my teachers(influenced too)
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2013 10:49:07
I think that we live in time when pen spinning again went underground. It was and still will be closed community becouse a lot of factors, i.e. that it is hard to learn basics. Unless it will be in media again, it will fall - older psers will go, there will be not many new. A few years ago ps had a bit of interest in media, now not.
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2013 12:45:52
Pari wrote: i.e. that it is hard to learn basics.
I think it's easier to learn the basics than many other activities. Consider the following, more common activities: Gymnastics, juggling, piano, violin, tricking, slackline, parkour, skateboarding, Go..The list goes on. I'd say these would all be far more difficult to get started in than pen spinning. I've seen a lot of people learn their first two fundamentals in under an hour (myself included). It actually doesn't seem to matter all that much how hard the most basic skills is to learn.