Member Introductions / Why hello there!

  1. Invalid
    Date: Thu, Jan 10 2013 06:17:23

    I just so happen to be a new spinner! I've been spinning for about 2 weeks now and I'm currently spinning a comssa metallic. I can Thumb Around + Rev, Sonic + Rev(Sonic Rise sloppily, but I'm getting there), Twisted Sonic, Infinity, Charge, and I'm working on the index around, as well as the twisted sonic rise. What should I start working on when i get my twisted sonic rise and the index arounds down? I was thinking busts, but tell me what you think! :D P.S. I've been checking out some pen mods and I wanted to get some feedback on a couple mods that caught my eye. Waterfall seems popular, but I like the look of the Buster CYL. Any feedback is appreciated! c:

  2. NeoN
    Date: Thu, Jan 10 2013 07:11:17

    Learn all hybrids. I recommend you a KT + metal comssa + emboss pc2.

  3. Invalid
    Date: Thu, Jan 10 2013 07:31:35

    Alrighty, I'm on it! Thanks, yo.

  4. Giotto
    Date: Thu, Jan 10 2013 14:00:25

    Welcome to could get rsvp mx...buster cyl and waterfall is popular but not sure if it's too heavy though...buster is heavier than waterfall... also you could learn some hybrids... check this out for more informations :welcome2:

  5. Mats
    Date: Thu, Jan 10 2013 14:31:28


  6. magoochy
    Date: Fri, Jan 11 2013 02:35:03

    :boing:hope u have a nice stay here :bananalama: and my i recommend a CK (Comssa Keityo) Silver Mod or other version [video=youtube;oURLsZVQewc][/video] i made one a while ago and it was pretty good pen in my eyes not too heavy or too light i thing its just the tinyest bit lighter than a waterfall mod

  7. Solar
    Date: Sat, Jan 12 2013 11:45:14

    well others say that if you're just about to start pen spinning for couples of months, lighter pens is much better :D

  8. Sc00t
    Date: Sat, Jan 12 2013 11:53:26

    i never liked comssa personally, i think its too thin. you could use an mx or something

  9. Zelphus
    Date: Mon, Jan 14 2013 14:37:54

    Try to spin with an mx or comssa.

  10. Solar
    Date: Sun, Jan 20 2013 05:09:42

    if you want a fat but light pen, go order some emBOSS ! :)

  11. ninjamagic7
    Date: Sat, Jan 26 2013 15:28:24
