The Vault / anonymous chatting

  1. SJ
    Date: Sat, Jan 5 2013 02:51:16

    is there any website or chat rooms where i can talk to someone in complete anonymity? no tracking and history and chat logs whatsoever and 100% free anyone? @strat1227

  2. spinford
    Date: Sat, Jan 5 2013 03:56:13

    Club Go chat with penguins =) after all they are penguins XD

  3. Raos
    Date: Sat, Jan 5 2013 06:08:15 ? I don't think there's tracking, history or chat logs for it.

  4. Alvaris
    Date: Sat, Jan 5 2013 07:34:06

    upsb tinychat?

  5. SJ
    Date: Sat, Jan 5 2013 08:16:45

    well, what if i want to speak to a specific person rather than a stranger

  6. King
    Date: Sat, Jan 5 2013 09:12:33

    Ther was that one guy who made something exactly like that.. The theme of the site had to do with some 8bit videogame. Hmmmm Found it, enjoy.

  7. Zombo
    Date: Sat, Jan 5 2013 16:31:14

    sounds like you're looking for formspring? not really chat tho

  8. Awesome
    Date: Sat, Jan 5 2013 20:34:00

    maybe those help lines like kids help phone or whatever.

  9. Sc00t
    Date: Sun, Jan 6 2013 09:38:14

    SJ wrote: is there any website or chat rooms where i can talk to someone in complete anonymity? no tracking and history and chat logs whatsoever and 100% free anyone? @strat1227
    find some kind of cgi based chatroom theyre all over deepweb its where the pedo's/terrorists trade their work/discuss ideas. doubt these people would be using it if it was logged. i used to lurk in some dark places u can def find them outside of the deepweb but it probs wont be safe/unlogged

  10. 20%
    Date: Sun, Jan 6 2013 13:49:10

    Cleverbot, fun to "chat" with him

  11. Mats
    Date: Sun, Jan 6 2013 14:03:44

    Someone's always watching what you write on the internet. :ssst: Meet in person if you want true anonymity.