Reports / Reported Post by N!k
Date: Fri, Jan 4 2013 22:32:14
N!k has reported a post. Reason:
I consider this spam because it is a horrible mod (and anyway, I made the thread)
Post: Stainless Style mod! Forum: Tutorials Pending Approval Assigned Moderators: N/A Posted by: N!k Original Content:Stainless Style mod I had extra Zebra F-301 bodies and I wanted to use them in a mod. I hadn’t yet created an SC mod, so I decided to use up some spare parts while making one. I suppose you could substitute a plastic body for the metal one, but it wouldn’t be the same. You can’t reproduce the feel of metal with a plastic body. Ta-Da! The Stainless Style mod.
----------------------------------------------------- Statistics COG: COP Length: 20.2 cm Weight: 0.6 oz, 17 g Style: SC Writing-Mechanism: N/A Ink-Type: N/A Estimated-Cost: $17.83 + shipping (pens from different places) online ----------------------------------------------------- Materials List (2x) Zebra F-301 (1x) Pilot G2 (2x) Uni Signo Broad (1x) Pilot Hi-tec c (1x) Emboss/Fabrico/Versamarker (1x) Bic Round Stic ----------------------------------------------------- Tutorial: -----------------------------------------------------
=========================== Q&A Q: How do I get the writing off the F-301? A: DO NOT FILE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First use Acetone with fine steel wool, then sand with 600-grit sandpaper and then finish with Crocus Cloth. Optional: Polish on lathe with polishing compound and leather. Q: Ummmm… Where can I get 600 grit sandpaper and Crocus cloth? A: The Home Depot. Q: What is a lathe and where can I get it? A: Look it up and Sears for $419.99. Q: Where can I find a Zebra F-301? A: Fred Meyer, Target (probably), online. =========================== Would someone please respond?Spoiler
1. Put Signo tip and insert into the Hi-tec C cap.2. Remove the Signo Grip (save it) and cut 3.5 cm of the body as shown. File down 1 cm from the back so that it fits into the F-301 body.
3. Cut off the small side tip of the Emboss/Fabrico/Versamarker. Attach Signo tip with tape.
4. Put Emboss small tip onto the screws on the Signo body section. Tape if needed.
5. Cut 2.5 cm of Bic Round Stic body and insert halfway into the side of one F-301 body. Push other F-301 body on.
6. Cut 1 cm of Bic Round Stic body and insert fully into the end of your F-301 assembly.
7. Take your G2 inktube and wrap with tape so that a Signo tip fits on firmly. Cut off below the Signo tip and layer more tape underneath so that it fits firmly into the Bic Round Stic Body as shown.
8. Put into the Side of the F-301 body assembly that has the 1cm of Bic Round Stic in it.
9. Cut the Signo Broad cap just behind the rings that hold the clip on.
10. Put a strip of Signo grip onto the end of the Emboss/Signo assembly. Then put your cut Signo cap, with an insert, onto the Emboss/Signo assembly and put onto the F-301 body assembly.
11. Put the Hi-tec C cap assembly onto the G2 inktube in the F-301 body assembly.
Date: Mon, Jan 7 2013 01:47:57
N!k has also reported this item. Reason:
I consider this spam because it is useless.
Date: Sun, Jan 13 2013 22:43:40
N!k has also reported this item. Reason:
please delete this because it is spam (not useful to the board, uses up space.)