General Discussion / How did you start pen spinning?
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 21:13:34
i started pen spinning after i saw my friend goraikou do sonic and TA. We both found a website and started learning more. its been 10 months already =D
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 21:55:14
well basically i was in school, and me and my best friend (at that time) saw this kid doing TA harmonic and we thought it was pretty cool. Then, my friend asked him how he did it and he showed us. Of course if your friend is practising the TA normal (sitting right next to you) then you also practise since he was doing it. Then, after i finished learning TA normal and reverse, i wanted to know if there were more tricks that i could learn, and sure enough, i searched "pen spinning" on youtube and saw sooooooo many other tricks that were possible XD Some random youtube video recommended UPSB forum, and here i am now after 20 months of very casual pen spinning.
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 22:34:36
Taylor. AKA spinneraddiction. i saw him spinning and ya. he started cause he saw a fat asian kid doing TA's haa
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 23:40:50
my dad and bro can do TA harmonics, didn't have much interest... i think saw a friend do sonic XP learnt that tried to learn the TA afterwards =P failed searched for pen spinning failed managed to do TA searched for pen spinning again failed found upsb success! XD
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 23:52:51
Let's see...somewhere in the late school year of 2009 (april or something) My dad showed me that he could do thumbaround, of course... he did it a different way ._. and used his finger to support the momentum, but then i got interested and tried it, and got it after 5 minutes of spinning the pen too lightly or too hard, then i gave up xD, saw Jae Jeong(Goldstars) do sonic and twisted sonic and such with an mmx, i asked him how he did that and all he showed me was a thumbaround...and then i did it and he said "what the heck" Long post is long? :D oh and then he made me my FIRST MMX :O of course...i thought those were cool at the time ._.
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 00:18:56
Some kids at my school starting taking up psing but eventually quit after a few months. I started to get more interested in it so I found UPSB and started.
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 00:28:42
started back in highschool '05 I think some guy in my class was awesome at it the pen just flies all over his hand, he did coin tricks too and now into card tricks needless to say I spent the next two years playing with my pen in class and learnt a few basic stuff off him like the thumb harmonic and used to lurk this site and (it needs a login now?).. till I got bored with it and just spin unconsciously Till today, I was falling asleep in a boring lecture when I saw someone in front of me doing sonic harmonics (the reverse part which I could never do!) and posting on this board I was like "woahhh that brings back memories" I suspect it was Kari-Chan but I could be wrong :P
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 01:08:04
I have absolutely no idea. I'd heard of pen spinning a few times, but I'd never seen it. I spontaneously youtubed it in 7th grade and started learning from Eso. I still don't know what made me think of it.
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 01:39:59
I saw JEB 1st cuz it was in related videos of some other video
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 02:30:37
well basically i was in school, and my best friend (at that time)[XxArray] told me him and his friends were starting this psing thing, and i thought it was pretty cool. Then, i asked his other friend to see his mod [ISAQ] and he was like back the fuck off nigro. then i started to learn the funds, and mastered them in like a week or so. i searched "pen spinning" on youtube and saw sooooooo many other tricks that were possible XD Some random youtube video recommended UPSB forum, and here i am now after 5 months of very serious pen spinning.
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 02:49:29
JapEn 1st nuff said
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 03:09:37
My teacher. I always saw her doing the charge with her pen in GR 5, and one day, I asked her how she did the charge (I called it the spinner-ing pen thingy-meh-bobber trick) and she agreed to show me how to do it. I then stayed inside one recess with her in the staff room spending an hour with her learning how to do it. (that was alright cuz my teachers were awesome outside of the classroom.) Then she gave me hot chocolate, and we grew as friends (weird, huh?) learning pen spinning together. And then I faithfully and determinedly practiced the charge, and now I can execute it in perfection for 30 seconds.
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 03:49:16
Simplex wrote: JapEn 1st nuff said
This -
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 05:04:52
My mom randomly showed me a video of someone penspinning on some Korean TV show, and I jumped on my computer, and found upsb :P
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 05:17:47
yeah jeb 1st. I'm assuming a lot of people found out that way since that is the most viewed pen spinning video on youtube. I think i was trying to figure out how to make a pen should ink cause i was so bored haha, and saw it in the related vids or something.
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 05:39:54
japen 1st when i first learned psing [video=youtube;3z17c9K1Md8][/video] and this when i got into psing again :3
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 05:51:22
saw my dad and some friends doing TAs, then searched 'pen spinning' on youtube --> JapEn 1st
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 07:50:42
learning charge and sonic from a teacher and then i got a spinz ronin pen and yeah
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 07:58:09
when i was in 7th grade i saw a couple of my 8th grade friends do it in algebra, about halfway into the year and after a couple months of seeing them do it i asked them to teach me and i ended up buying a Sunburst MX from my friend ^^ although i didnt find upsb until wayyy later because i didnt spin that summer. and eventually i started watching youtube videos and saw eso's vids referring to upsb and now im here after about a year and a month or two.....
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 08:03:36
Jay wrote: started back in highschool '05 I think some guy in my class was awesome at it the pen just flies all over his hand, he did coin tricks too and now into card tricks needless to say I spent the next two years playing with my pen in class and learnt a few basic stuff off him like the thumb harmonic and used to lurk this site and (it needs a login now?).. till I got bored with it and just spin unconsciously Till today, I was falling asleep in a boring lecture when I saw someone in front of me doing sonic harmonics (the reverse part which I could never do!) and posting on this board I was like "woahhh that brings back memories" I suspect it was Kari-Chan but I could be wrong :P
ehhhhhhhhhhhh????????????? what? what? what? where?? =O where are you exactly? O.o -
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 09:08:01
I saw WT07 Final battle and fell in love! The music, the spinning, EVERYTHING. I absolutely adored PS-728's combo! In fact, I'm gonna go copy it now :p What I love about pen spinning at the moment is the infinite amount of linkages possible (which is why Vicgotgame is my favorite spinner).
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 09:14:49
Nachoaddict wrote: Some kids at my school starting taking up psing but eventually quit after a few months. I started to get more interested in it so I found UPSB and started.
same here. Only, they used drumsticks. -
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 10:29:37
me my friends started pen spinning at school last and then i found UPSB and PPSC it's been 8 months goin to 9 at september
Date: Sun, Aug 22 2010 15:18:22
Was really bored in class one day and just saw other kids doing TAs, so what do I do? I try it out. Next thing you know....Japen 1st. Haha And now, been spinning for 6months. :P
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 05:08:25
Kari-Chan wrote: ehhhhhhhhhhhh????????????? what? what? what? where?? =O where are you exactly? O.o
lol 9am fit1013 lecture -
Date: Tue, Aug 24 2010 06:09:41
Saw TEK doing it. Was interested. Got interested. Failed horribly. Don't spin anymore.
Date: Tue, Aug 24 2010 23:48:30
My 7th grade teacher was just doing fingerpasses, and I asked her how she did it...never stopped spinning since
Date: Fri, Aug 27 2010 19:48:56
see this video, instant hardon for psing.
Date: Fri, Aug 27 2010 21:27:26
What started it for me was a video recommendation of Eriror on you tube about a year and a half ago. Link: After seeing that I was like "Hey that is really cool!", and after that I built a crap pen mod and started practicing.
Date: Fri, Aug 27 2010 22:21:28
My cousins can all do atleast one COOL trick while I was left behind with a laggy gay fingerpass, then my cousin taught me the sonic and now, i surpassed them! :hah:
Date: Fri, Aug 27 2010 23:03:58
hoiboy goes to my church, so yeah on another note, i got into snsd because of pen spinning. david got into pen spinning because of snsd. :rofl:
Date: Sat, Aug 28 2010 01:45:36
no mention about how you spent half a year just "borrowing" pens from me? *pouts*
Date: Sat, Aug 28 2010 02:03:18
Learned TA and charge randomly... Then searched penspinning and found JapEn 1st... And I was like "wtf I'm so going to be better than them"
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 02:25:12
I started penspinning during my whole school year, not even knowing it was actually called penspinning. I just thought spinning the pen around seemed cool. All I did was what I though was a thumbaround. When I thought I had mastered it, I searched "penspinning" on Youtube, and found out I had been doing it wrong all along. I had pushing the pen with my index finger instead of pushing it with my middle finger. So I practiced doing it the right way for about a week, and eventually I got the hang of it. I also found out about mods, and since I've been using a regular pencil/pen, when I built my Bictory, it seemed really smooth and awesome. And that's my short penspinning story.
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 03:30:40
well my dad showed me the TA and my friends were doing the charge, so i ended up going on youtube and learning them both.
Date: Sun, Aug 29 2010 03:38:48
Man, watching some of these videos makes me actually want to start spinning again.
Date: Tue, Oct 12 2010 00:22:51
I started spinning 2007(6th grade)...I was just looking for "how to make a pen gun" .30 minutes after, I saw this video called "JapEn - Japanese Collaboration Video" and then, I checked it out, it was pretty cool. but then, I just ignored it...I didn't pen spin at all. 3 days after, I saw it on Philippine news. they featured JaPen on Philippine Television. they showed charge, thumb around, tornado(pass), and back and fourth. I got so in to it, so...I pen spin. :D --->but I quit. but now,I'm back pen spinning again! :D
Date: Tue, Oct 12 2010 01:05:06
Video on the yahoo homepage :] Back in uhhh 2006 teehee
Date: Tue, Oct 12 2010 20:27:35
hoiboy influenced me. and davids story wins ;) edit: i already posted in this thread :s delete post plz? ._.
Date: Tue, Oct 12 2010 21:11:24
my brother linked me the youtube video of bonkura vs eriror and i wanted to be like them so i started psing and at two months i can do bakfall =D
Date: Tue, Oct 12 2010 21:41:23
I've always loved card flourishing and sleight of hand. I found pen spinning and it appealed to me so I picked it up 3 days ago ^.^
Date: Tue, Oct 12 2010 22:18:06
Someone posted a video of a penspinning collab, it might have been JaPen, I thought it was cool but I didn't do anything with it. Later I remembered the video and googled pen spinning after I saw a receptionist doing thumbarounds, but I gave up. A few weeks after that I decided to pick it up and now I'm not TOO bad.
Date: Wed, Oct 13 2010 02:51:17
Friends and I was on youtube one day and saw a thumbspin that went on forever. 'nuff said.
Date: Wed, Oct 13 2010 03:47:52
My friend showed me this: ps-728's combo was what got me started. It was epic. And also bonkura's. I still have never got a breakdown of ps-728's, though...
Date: Wed, Oct 13 2010 14:04:01
Japen 1st and my sister did charge and TA
Date: Wed, Oct 13 2010 17:21:35
in ninth grade my frend was doin a ta and thought it was pretty sik. so i learned how to do by myself after 10 mins of constent trial and error. lol. i was doin ta for a year. and was getting bored with it. then my frend showed me sonic in Jan 2010. and i started sonic. then for the next 3 months was juss doin ta and sonic. after that i got really bored of the same thing. so naturally youtube was my source of searching. nd i search penspinning. found Japen Collab nd Unofficial Pen Spinning Promo. then picked up from there!
Date: Wed, Oct 13 2010 23:42:45
I saw a video on the thumbaround a few years ago, but got annoyed because I couldn't get it lol. Then I saw my friend in class doing fundementals and a weird infinity variation. Now I've been spinning over a year, glad I learned.
Date: Thu, Oct 14 2010 00:27:12
WhatsOfTheUp1 wrote: My friend showed me this: ps-728's combo was what got me started. It was epic. And also bonkura's. I still have never got a breakdown of ps-728's, though...
Ah that was the one. -
Date: Thu, Oct 14 2010 23:40:10
I saw on a movie this guy was spinning like crazy then i searched youtube penspinning. And wow look at here I just learned the fundemental tricks!
Date: Fri, Oct 15 2010 04:02:09
my friend introduced it to me by showing me the thumbaround. i said i didnt want to learn b/c it was a waste of time but he forced me too. now i love penspinning all b/c of him. thnx Raymond! :D
Date: Fri, Oct 15 2010 04:07:03
was just chillin, checkin out youtube vids with my friend, when i came across japEn 1! i was like dam, i can do this. it dosent look so hard... little did i know, that it was f-ing hard!!! and i like a challenge, and i have some free time, so i thought hell with it... now im hooked and i want more ane more........ im still new , but i think im getting better.. 5 months down and a life time to go :)
Date: Fri, Oct 15 2010 05:05:35
:D I started around October of 2007, but at the time, I was in 8th grade, and I was only doing charges, thumbarounds, and sonic rises and all the boring shit. I was inspired by my pal ricky, where I first saw his spinning during band XD, and now he is my bestest pal in the world, and I love him so and we continued pen spinning as we went through to high school. As we got better, I saw that our styles grew differently as his spinning is more quick, varied, and consistent, as mine was more focused on smoothness and difficulty. I started getting serious around January of this year, where I got into pen modding, and started learning more and more varied tricks and linkages. I guess now I have the skill of a 10 month pen spinner, even though I've been spinning for 3 years XD
Date: Fri, Oct 15 2010 07:15:26
i started pen spinning when i saw the japEn 1 vid on my friends ipod. I then learnt the charge and thumbaround and was content with just doing them for 2 years, Then i started to seriously pen spin again and i managed to learn the sonics, reverse charge, reverse thumbaround, sonic rise and fall, twisted sonic, fingerless thumbaround in about a month
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 16:50:00
Saw my classmates doing charge ... was kinda amazed, Learned it ... One day searched pen spinning in youtube found some epic spinning ... And here i am being a PS-addict ... Happy Spinning:spin:
Date: Tue, Nov 16 2010 02:34:29
I was watching some youtube video when i accidentally clicked some pen spinning video, then searched up pen spinning on youtube and thats where it all started
Date: Thu, Nov 25 2010 12:23:39
Cheezpaper wrote: My teacher. Then she gave me hot chocolate, and we grew as friends (weird, huh?) learning pen spinning together. And then I faithfully and determinedly practiced the charge, and now I can execute it in perfection for 30 seconds.
WHAT?? its very weird -
Date: Thu, Nov 25 2010 12:25:30
i saw my classmate doing twisted sonic and some other cool tricks he made into combos, then he told me it was pen spinning and so i searched it on google and thats why i am here right now
Date: Sat, Nov 27 2010 06:25:34
It is when i saw JaPen 1 in youtube and that was awesome... And now, i'm spinning almost a month...
Date: Sat, Nov 27 2010 08:40:04
Well it all started by watching "The forbidden Kingdon". i saw how that guy with the pole could spin a pole so i went on u tube and search it then saw jaPen 1st, I was impressed, i search pen spinning and... TA DA!! :D
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 00:18:25
well i have an Asian friend from china (he just like came over from china like 5 months ago lol) anyway he was doing TA reg and im like "ive seen that before" (ive known about PS for about a year before but never really was in it cuz i was in PK at the time not anymore though lol) so i tried to learn it but fails after fails so i looked up PS on youtube and learn alot a tricks before the TA lol but thats about it ive been spinning for like 2 and a half months lol and i love it so much fun
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 01:29:04
Well, in seventh grade i was taught the TA, i never thought much of it, until two years later in the summer of august 2010, i saw penspinning basics by rukariorey, the video still holds a special place in my heart lol
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 01:43:17
I first saw my friend in my Middle School do a charge, and I'm like I WANNA DO DAT! So I was practicing it myself, and I finally got it and I was really happy for like Half a month just with a charge (LOL) (and later I found out that I was doing the Charge REV not the charge lol) Then in my Jap school, I see my friend do a TA and the sonic, then I learned the TA by myself, then the Sonic. Sonic, I had to look up on google "pen tricks" then i found websites with descriptions. Then it said "Sonic" and I'm like WTF sonic??? Wat kind of name is this?? And even more of Pen Tricks have a NAME???(LOL) And after I learned the Sonic Rise, I stopped learning tricks until 2010, end of October. This guy in high school did the Sonic Rev, and I wanted to learn the Sonic Rise Fall Harmonic. Then i found ppl like eso, Ktrinth93 and ppl like dat. Then following links on YouTube, I found many tricks, and again, I'm like WTF there's this many tricks?????? Then i SOMEHOW ended up on FPSB 3rd, then Bonkura Solo videos. Those videos really got me in to Penspinning because it was COMPLETELY different than wat I thought was Penspinning (AKA TAs, and Sonic rise)
Date: Tue, Jan 11 2011 14:38:28
Browsing some drumming forums, a topic was created there asking if you could do some tricks with a drumstick that you could with a pen. The linked videos were on Kam's old Pentix site, I got really intrigued by the whole thing. Got linked to UPSB from Kam's site, realized that there was a whole subculture for this kind of thing, registered for an account. Bam.
Date: Sat, Jan 15 2011 16:48:16
I wanted to search something on google but I forgot what it was. Then I don't know how the idea of pen spinning came across my mind and I searched it. I learned the TA from a tutorial on ehow but after some time I found the UPSB wiki and forum.
Date: Sun, Jan 16 2011 05:37:34
Let's see... Back in March 2010 I was at a fundraiser with a whole bunch of friends. One of them had a pen that looked like a baton and he was throwing it up in the air aimlessly. I thought it was cool so I found one too. Spinz pens, anyone? So after that, I didn't know a single trick so I looked up tuts on youtube and found Eso's videos which linked me here. Then I made a signo tipped RSVP MX and that sold the deal. I've been hooked on penspinning for the past year.
Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 18:10:55
I saw a Asian at my school doing tricks so I asked him how he did them and he told me to come here.
Date: Sat, Feb 5 2011 19:48:08
I saw some student in my class do a charge, after that I found Ktrinh's videos and here I am now =D
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 10:08:21
*start pen spinning after watch video titled "HADURI" *Watch other video, found "pentrix" *Open pentrix, found "UPSB" (Success spinning
) *Found local site (more interested
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 11:37:17
1 year ago I saw my classmate who was doing the charge. Then I was like "WTF?" how does he do that? I asked him how to do it. Then after a couple of weeks i finally learned it. I searched in google pen spinning then I saw a vid entitled "Pen Spinning basics" by RukarioRey, I clicked it then I saw the name of trick I was doing. Then I found KTrinh93 videos I learned the TA. I stopped after that because I got bored since that was the only tricks I was able to do. Then after a year I remembered pen spinning, I looked it up again then i found pen mods, other tricks. I went to this wordpress for penspinning, then it lead me to UPSB. That was when I started spinning seriously. Then I found my country's PS community. I made my first MX. Then I ordered a Buster CYL after 6 months.
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 18:32:16
I just saw penspinning videos on the web and I liked it and I thought giving a try. And I did. Yesterday I succeeded thumbaround twice but nothing more. It it VERY hard just to make the pen spin on my thumb, no way I can talk of backaround stuff. Hope I'll learn more soon.
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 19:41:02
i met this guy in my woodshop class and i saw him doing a charge with a bictory. i was interested so i asked him to teach me. after that i became good friends with him and now he quit cuz he got together with some old bboy friends and started bboying again.
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 22:17:55
I was browsing @ the internet, and I found the Japen 1th video. and I thought: "I want to learn that" and found other youtube video's (eriror, eso, enteralspin , seven) and UPSB and now I am here, typing how I started penspinning...
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 22:55:38
a classmate taught me how to ta but i couldnt do it and gave up few years later, i searched psing tuts on youtube
Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 01:36:03
I joined the debate team and pretty much everyone there knew how to TA, then I met another kid on the team who could TA, charge, and sonic, and then I was like holy shit. Then I started learning basics through Eso, then I started modding, etc...
Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 02:07:56
i got bored one day and saw car commercial of a guy spinning a pen so i looked it up and i found upsb now in class i cant stop spinning and when i do my fingers feel very energetic for some reason
Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 14:47:02
3 years ago i saw Ligth/Raito doing a fulltap in ''Death Note'' and i tried to do that, i didnt do it, then 2.5 years later somebody bought me a pen, and i wanted to see if there is an art of pen spinning, and then i got in to it...
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 05:05:49
I saw my cousins do charge and neo sonic so i learned those 2, but it was actually my friend that showed me all that i know today
Date: Mon, Nov 28 2011 01:11:33
December 2008 ish when i learn neosonic then i had a break and started in 2009 march again when school started.
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 21:49:36
I saw my teacher doing TA's so i learned that. Then my friend showed me how to sonic and thats when i was hooked lololol
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 22:52:39
Substitute doing fingerpass
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 23:47:08
well my cousin told me about it when i was 9 but i couldn't even do a ta so i gave up and just a month ago i started learning the funds
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 23:47:19
I learned penspinning through my cousin in Japan
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 23:52:37
Jan (Walrus) was doing the Charge in 6th grade math class.
Date: Sat, Dec 3 2011 07:40:20
My mom taught me my first Thumbaround when i was 9 =P
Date: Sat, Dec 3 2011 10:24:48
My friends became obsessed with pen modding so I started to bring pen spinning to my school =D
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 16:55:58
my friend showed us his skills if he came to our school. But now he doesn´t do Penspinning no longer and now I`m better than him ^^
Date: Fri, Dec 9 2011 04:36:41
I began spinning wen i saw my friend being totally boss in spinning. so i got into it
Date: Fri, Dec 9 2011 15:30:57
i started pen spinning one day when i was really bored and looking for stuff to do i read on the internet HOW TO SPIN A PEN AROUND YOUR THUMB soo i was like holy crap im doing this then i found out its called PEN SPINNING soo i just stuck with it
Date: Sat, Dec 10 2011 18:20:14
hmm....after my fren buying a china penz gear...i buy too...i got so many type...i m interested to its i buy one and leArn....
Date: Fri, Dec 16 2011 14:38:20
Personally I saw it on facepunch, learned the thumbaround and thought nothing more about it. I came back like a year later and started picking up tricks like crazy. I am now probably the reason a whole bunch of new spinners are going to end up here, my personal pen mods I use are catching the attention of people and they try and make their own good looking mods. That double sided Z-grip one of them showed me was damn good too... They don't know any tricks, but I told them to come here, so hopefully we'll see some new spinners.
Date: Sat, Dec 17 2011 07:22:29
.re vids on youtube.
Date: Sat, Dec 17 2011 08:06:46
First : I found my classmate was playing with a pen that he modded . Second : He teach me and told me youtube got many video tutorial to learn Third : I found MYPSC forum Fourth : Leanrt many knowledge in there Fifth : Found UPSB and learnt more !
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 23:40:36
Not sure if I already commented on this but anyways: That car commercial with the sales person spinning the pen: And also the dark pen spinning recruiter
Date: Tue, Dec 20 2011 00:48:24
there was a giant fad about thumbarounds and simple tricks when i was in sixth grade. the eigth graders were all like, "i can do this, so im cool. you cant, so your not." kind of deal, so EVERYONE had to learn how to do thumbaround, or face being a nobody... LOL. anyhow, people were buying mods left and right, and someone even offered me a "KT" mod and a "Dr. KT" mod. i asked what the difference was, and he didnt even know. (There is no "KT" mod, btw. it's just a marker.) and so i was genuinely fascinated by these tricks, and wanted to learn. I have a buddy whom i am always trying to level out with; im better at linkages, him better at power tricks. and so here i am. penspinning is dead at school now... ;-;
Date: Fri, Jan 6 2012 11:15:07
i started when i saw my classmate spinning a pen mod
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 12:03:15
I started pen spinning is because I want to get some girls ? :D
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 12:32:05
Synchronize wrote: I started pen spinning is because I want to get some girls ? :D
Ahaha, you must be new here. Seriously, if you want to get girls, then do it directly, because people's opinions on penspinning are mixed. It's better to do it for fun like with most things in life. -
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 12:38:42
webspider wrote: Ahaha, you must be new here. Seriously, if you want to get girls, then do it directly, because people's opinions on penspinning are mixed. It's better to do it for fun like with most things in life.
Eso would disagree. -
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 13:34:00
How i started? @mapjay is my answer (:
Date: Sun, Jan 15 2012 22:42:44
I actually saw a guy in the class next door to me when I was in high school pen spinning. He was fascinatingly good, and I filmed a good minute of him. I've been thinking about that guys' crazy hands for at least the last 6 years now, and I just kind of randomly got the itch to start spinning myself, so here I am. :)
Date: Mon, Jan 16 2012 01:55:31
can i ask something about what pen mod is better to just a beginner ..thanks sorry if this question is kind of out of place just new here in the upsb ..
Date: Sun, Jan 29 2012 08:16:08
I watched an episode of Super Sentai three years ago, where the main characters were PSing~ I didn't actually get into PS until this year, though, mainly because I never really tried. XD I'm still pretty new to it all, I guess?
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 04:35:33
I was in high school and Great teacher Onizuka had just come out. One of the characters, Urumi Kanzaki, was doing a thumb around. I looked it up online and practiced in every class. I then slowly learned the sonic and charge. That was 11 years ago. Only this year did I decide to become more skilled.
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 04:51:33
It all started here...
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 08:00:25
This video :o
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 08:40:58
I don't even remember. I think I found JapEn 1st on youtube somewhere and the proceded to google "pen spinning" and found upsb v3 yeah.
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 05:18:23
the first time i look at penspinning.. it was really useless.after that i went home and googled pen spinning. then i saw spinnerpeem doing awesome tricks from that day i start spinning 3 months already :)
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 15:11:31
14keichi wrote: can i ask something about what pen mod is better to just a beginner ..thanks sorry if this question is kind of out of place just new here in the upsb ..
BICtory mod -
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 15:17:26
i started pen spinning when i was 14 i guess that was when i first learnt TA from my friend.Then i learnt TA rev and so i master ta harmonic. then i thought thats all for pen spinning (TA and TA rev). But then i was wrong, i realised that there are sonic, fingerpass, infinity etc... By the time, i was 17 and i started to learn all the fundemental tricks and advance tricks. Its been 3 months now and i am currently learning Hai Tua... Thats all for me
Date: Thu, Feb 2 2012 15:44:43
This is weird I know, I saw this kid at a party a couple years ago doing it and I asked him how he learned to do that and he was like "Theres a site you can go on like UPBS or something so I google'd penspinning and eventually got really into it.
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 13:18:39
i saw it a million times in animes/movies/tv shows when i was like 6(?), then few years later, when i was searching for a pen magic trick, japen1st popped out of nowhere so i click it, jawdropped and remembered what i saw back in my childhood and decided to learn it. Anyone have same story here? XD
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 19:50:27
I watched a hk drama where bosco wong was psing a lot wherever he was
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 20:24:57
I saw a car commercial where a guy is spinning a pen (maybe an rsvp) so I looked pen spinning up on youtube. The first thing that came up was WT 2010 I idolized Peem. Then I found out how to do some of those things with tutorials by alfreeman. I showed pen spinning to some kids at my school and now about 30 people can pen spin, but 15 of them can only do the fundamentals.^_^
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 22:21:43
I was on a group trip to UK when a korean spinner taught me the thumbaround and showed me some JEB collab. I bought a giant pencil and practiced with it. I never found out what his username was. His name was minsoo. Anyone know him?
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 22:22:31
Karrot wrote: I watched a hk drama where bosco wong was psing a lot wherever he was
That was a good tv show :) -
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 22:26:08
i thought wutever my cousin is doing is cool, and asked him to teach me
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 11:18:41
my exam invigilator was doing TA harmonic because he was bored (he's a terrible invigilator). and because i was sitting right in front of him and IT WAS SO DISTRACTING. i gave up on checking my work and stared at him do TA harmonic and tried to figure it out for the rest of the exam :P
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 21:50:37
Supergirl wrote: That was a good tv show :)
you watched it? it's from 2010 I think -
Date: Thu, Feb 9 2012 15:51:22
Karrot wrote: you watched it? it's from 2010 I think
Yup, i really enjoyed it :) -
Date: Thu, Feb 9 2012 22:39:53
swa my friend doing charge 5 years ago...........last year i saw him do a thumbaround and i was like....... IMMA TEACH ME SOME OF THIS WITCHCRAFT yea, pretty much sums its up LOL
Date: Thu, Feb 9 2012 23:02:00
Supergirl wrote: Yup, i really enjoyed it :)
Yes it was pretty good, although I don't think it was nominated at the TVB awards ceremony -
Date: Sat, Feb 11 2012 00:25:16
I saw a guy on some commercial doing fingerpasses. I didn't know the official name so I just tried to practice from memory. After I mastered it and got it smooth, I just went on google and typed in "pen spinning" and it turned out that there was the sonic. I learned it, but then I stopped. In the school I was in, no one except me pen spinned (coincidence?- i was one of the few asians in my school) so when I did my fingerpass and charge combo people thought it was amazing so I had to urge to go further. I did the same 2 tricks for about 5 months. When i moved to my new school, half the school was asian and almost everyone knew how to charge or ta. I was the only one who could fingerpass. Then it turned out my friend could do the sonic rev and shadow and sonic rise, so it gave me the urge to learn tricks again. I'm currently trying to master all the reverses of the fundamentals and learn a few other tricks along the way. So far, I'm one of the best in my grade, but considering im in 8th grade and no one actually tries except for a few people, I can only feel accomplished in my own mind compared to all you guys.
Date: Wed, Feb 22 2012 05:59:04
My friend would do it everyday in math and i finally asked him about it and got him to teach me a little bit.
Date: Fri, Mar 2 2012 20:13:30
I used to do magic tricks and XCM and saw pen trick on YouTube thinking it was a pen 'magic' trick, turned out to be pen spinning, I was like "WHAT" dropped my cards, tried it, failed,a year later got back into it and loving it. :)
Date: Fri, Mar 2 2012 22:50:01
IKON wrote: I used to do magic tricks and XCM and saw pen trick on YouTube thinking it was a pen 'magic' trick, turned out to be pen spinning, I was like "WHAT" dropped my cards, tried it, failed,a year later got back into it and loving it. :)
:o I use to do magic too, but only for a while -
Date: Sun, Mar 4 2012 05:55:28
o man i started pen spinning about 6 years ago when i asked my dad about the pencil flippy thing he always does. turns out it was a thumbaround. from there i saw my student teacher doing charge so i picked it up pretty quickly. i already did stuff like yoyo and diabolo and speedstacks and cubing so hand manipulation wasnt somethin too new to me, but i got into like serious pen spinning when i first picked up a spinz axis from wal mart.
Date: Mon, Mar 5 2012 01:39:40
French exchange students are to blame. And Galileo, the german tv-show with its presentation of the first German Gathering. And so i googled and ended up with DontKnows tutorials and wondered, if I would be ever so good. And yeah now here I am, lol.
Date: Mon, Mar 5 2012 02:32:02
Nashi wrote: French exchange students are to blame. And Galileo, the german tv-show with its presentation of the first German Gathering. And so i googled and ended up with DontKnows tutorials and wondered, if I would be ever so good. And yeah now here I am, lol.
hmmm funny how you didnt say you are dating one of the best spinners in the world :trollface: -
Date: Mon, Mar 5 2012 02:35:37
And what has that to do with how I started Pen Spinning? I didn´t learn pen spinning because of him but we got together because of Pen Spinning. (:
Date: Mon, Mar 5 2012 03:06:07
Nashi wrote: And what has that to do with how I started Pen Spinning? I didn´t learn pen spinning because of him but we got together because of Pen Spinning. (:
eaxctly -
Date: Mon, Mar 5 2012 03:14:43
A friend of mine talked to me on MSN and he said "hey, let's become penspinners lol". By that time I didn't knew at all about penspinning, so I checked the url he sent me (SPSC) and I thought "Hm, why not." after lurking for some weeks, I decided to register and start penspinning. It's funny how I'm the admin of that site now lol (sun)
Date: Wed, Mar 14 2012 11:34:49
Watching my mom do the Thumbaround =D
Date: Fri, Mar 16 2012 13:17:59
my cousin taught me TA and TA Rev .. but i fail .. so i don't care about it ... after that ... i suddenly did TA and Charge when I'm during the Exam ... after the exam .. i force my friend to learn it ... then i almost taught 8 person TA ... then i feel boring so i just search in youtube pen spinning in chinese .... so i found taiwanese . After that , Eso , and more .....
Date: Sat, Mar 17 2012 07:11:44
Was bored, and I broked up from my gf. Got nothing to do because of that :rofl: Saw @Axeeeel (his real name is Axel lol) and he started learning ps-ing). Quite confused on what he was doing. So I asked "What's that?". He replied "Penspinning". Then I was quite interested. So I started using his mod when he wasn't using it. Tried to join the forum. Then I met new people, bought a Buster on Gathering lolololol. Then I started learning tricks and stuff until now. ^_^
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 04:13:36
had a huge pencil and started moving my two fingers and it went in a circle so i googled pen spinning and saw ktrinhs vids. you know it from there