Tutorials Pending Approval / Ajisai SC Discussion
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 21:10:59
is there a tutorial on this mod?
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 21:16:53
theres one in tytorials pending in v3
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 21:20:13
signo tip wrapped in anyball grip < emboss cap < anyball grips < miffy body < playcolor 2/kt backplug < playcolor cap < signo tip < jimnie cap
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 00:40:54
It's very disbalanced with these parts. I can't believe that Ajisai have been spinning [B]this[/B] shitty mod. You know, it really sucks. IMO, of course.
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 00:48:14
I made it for the looks, not for the spinning ability. However if you like the back heavyness of an MX, this is kinda like that.
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 00:52:47
this is such an awful mod...
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 01:59:36
I put tape on the front where the emboss goes... and put an hgg tip on the tip of where i put tape... this mod spins really great imo i love it O_o feels awesome to spin and looks amazing
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 02:02:25
Then why are you selling yours? do you have another one?
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 02:03:53
i salvaged parts for two of mine. I got sick of the mod.
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 02:16:08
im selling mine because my parents still dont know that i spend money on pens and now we need money :( so im selling everything that i have so i dont get caught and get in trouble and so i feel better knowing that the money didnt go to waste
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 08:49:28
Is it really that unbalanced? Did Ajisai release a tut or explanation?
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 10:43:08
Yes, it's really unbalanced. However, this can easily fixed with a inverted "secondary" tip from the zt pen in the M&M body.
Date: Sun, Aug 22 2010 06:48:12
This is the reason some tutorials are kept under covers. Stop complaining about it. Its all personal preference. Vicgotgame spins like 2 foot long mods. Baaron spins his personal DC mod. Does anyone complain about it? Then why complain about a tutorial that was kept under covers, until Yosky posted the link? From what I recall, no one's said "Thank You" or "ZOMGNOWAI? SHITBROTHX" . You made it solely because you wanted to. No one forced you to make one. Ajisai likes it. He's been spinning it for years. I swear, no one appreciates anything anymore. [hide]
[/hide] /rant
Date: Sun, Aug 22 2010 09:34:40
No one said you shouldn't mod it, but we express our opinions. Ok, it's discussion, isn't it? We DUSCUSS it. When I saw Baaron SC for the first time, I thought I won't mod it, but I've read some comments and finally chose to assemble it, and I wasn't disappointed, but when I made this mod, I was. So, I just wanted to help somebody make the right choice. I love Ajisai, it's my favourite penspinner, but I always try to appreciate any mod objectively. I don't deny Ajiasi SC has got a great, impressive, really awesome appearance, but it's spun like a piece of shit, IMO.
Date: Sun, Aug 22 2010 14:15:58
whizz wrote: No one said you shouldn't mod it, but we express our opinions. Ok, it's discussion, isn't it? We DUSCUSS it. When I saw Baaron SC for the first time, I thought I won't mod it, but I've read some comments and finally chose to assemble it, and I wasn't disappointed, but when I made this mod, I was. So, I just wanted to help somebody make the right choice. I love Ajisai, it's my favourite penspinner, but I always try to appreciate any mod objectively. I don't deny Ajiasi SC has got a great, impressive, really awesome appearance, but it's spun like a piece of shit, IMO.
I think it spins amazing O_o did you add an hgg tip in the front under the emboss cap? that helps to even out the cog a little bit to make it spin much better, unless you are totally unable to spin backheavy mods :dunno: -
Date: Sun, Aug 22 2010 15:49:20
All my criticism is related to the original version. I made Ajisai SC with HGG tip subbed with Signo in Jimnie cap, it spins normally, but not magnificently. Of course, everybody can make their version in that way that they want, but the way that Ajisai did is not the best. P.S. Also, maybe you can sub Signo tip in Emboss cap with Impact RT tip with HGG tip inside or something like that...
Date: Sun, Aug 22 2010 17:57:29
I think that the balance is perfectly bearable, maybe as much as a seven.(at least on mine)
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 04:23:44
impact rt will make the front look more blunt and fatter imo. I would go with adding hidden tips just cuz i personall like the outer look of the mod. If you do decide to change it of course
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 05:33:33
Stick an HGG tip on the M&M Body under the Emboss cap and its perfect just try it...
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 07:21:59
And to think..this wouldve been avoided if you didnt release the link tutorial
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 21:07:42
@Yosky thats what i said in my post earlier O_o
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 23:04:19
Colin wrote: And to think..this wouldve been avoided if you didnt release the link tutorial
o.O He released it, what are you on about? -
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 23:29:28
Well, no one knew about Ajisai releasing the tutorial. People only found out because you posted the link on v3
Date: Tue, Aug 24 2010 01:18:24
I think that if Ajisai decided to post the tutorial somewhere on the Internet (in the Internet??), then everybody should know about it, and it doesn't matter if the pen is good or bad. I came here again to say that if you'll try to sub Signo tip in Jimnie cap with G1 or Hi-Tec-C / G-Tec-C4 tip, then you'll get really awesome pen with not only amiazing appearance, but also with nearly perfect mass allocation (depends on how much grips have you put on a cap).
Date: Tue, Aug 24 2010 02:36:03
Gotta agree with whizz on the tutorial thing. but i wouldnt want to do anything to negatively affect the look of the mod just so its balanced
Date: Tue, Aug 24 2010 10:11:35
Nacho, do you think that my version isn't visually close to the original one?
Date: Tue, Aug 24 2010 14:53:12
Gah i thought you said something else in the post before this >< yeah looks close
Date: Tue, Aug 24 2010 20:22:07
Heres how i made mine... put a black anyball ring around the pc2 cap top in the cap, then the sections of anyball on the back
Date: Fri, Sep 17 2010 04:26:50
Colin wrote: [hide]
Date: Fri, Sep 17 2010 06:45:44
@Sylpheed wow that tutorial is helpfull thanks
Date: Fri, Sep 17 2010 18:43:10
LOL. I used a simple long screw like this one:
It's a very useful tool in penmodding when you need to pull something out of something :) [B]I strongly recommend it to everyone.[/B]
Date: Wed, Nov 16 2011 16:55:37
whizz wrote: I think that if Ajisai decided to post the tutorial somewhere on the Internet (in the Internet??), then everybody should know about it, and it doesn't matter if the pen is good or bad. I came here again to say that if you'll try to sub Signo tip in Jimnie cap with G1 or Hi-Tec-C / G-Tec-C4 tip, then you'll get really awesome pen with not only amiazing appearance, but also with nearly perfect mass allocation (depends on how much grips have you put on a cap).
Yep! So could u show me your tutorial? I want to make a version like you. -
Date: Thu, Nov 17 2011 03:35:18
I'm 99.999999% pretty sure that you can just PM him. But still.. good job on the revival. I like your style. Frog~
summon_rain wrote: Yep! So could u show me your tutorial? I want to make a version like you.