Advanced Tricks / Sidespin

  1. Eso
    Date: Fri, Jun 18 2010 22:18:52

    The Sidespin is a trick where the initial push is the same as a Thumbaround, but the pen does not go around the thumb. Instead, it spins on the side of the thumb before falling back to the original slot. This trick is commonly used as a top spin trick where the pen spins for 1.0 or more revolutions below the base of the largest knuckle of the thumb. Video tutorial by Freeman

  2. Hippo2626
    Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 08:26:04

    The most common way of doing the sidespin is shown here: Tutorial by Minwoo:

  3. Krypton
    Date: Mon, Apr 18 2011 16:04:14

    Bump. For some strange reason I can never get how spinners like TEK or Vic start their Sidespin with the pen resting parallel on the index, and how it gets onto the thumb area. I can do it the Minwoo way. Help please? :)

  4. Jacob8185
    Date: Wed, Apr 20 2011 04:14:47

    Just try to do a fingerless thumbaround, but instead of catching it, turn your hand sideways, and use the same techniques used for the Palmspin. I'm not really good at it, the most I can get is around a 8.0 -_- But anyways, just try to learn the palmspin first, well at least learn the techniques used for it, and make sure you are doing it right. Also, learn the FL TA before, too. At around 1/4 of the rotation, turn your hand so that the pen will just slide down, performing a .25 spin. Adding force while still hitting the pen lightly will cause more rotations, and make sure that the pen spins near the part near the thumb. Hope this helps!

  5. Elune
    Date: Wed, Apr 20 2011 05:01:11

    Do it in Minwoo's way, that's probably the easiest way to get a 4-5.0 Sidespin However, if you want more spins, you have to "start their Sidespin with the pen resting parallel on the index" because it gives you more power to continue your sidespin :) that's my experience, but I can only do a 10.0 sidespin =.=" Don't know how to improve it =.="

  6. Krypton
    Date: Wed, Apr 20 2011 09:02:45

    @Elune Yes, I can do it that way, and my best is probably only 7.0-ish. I just want to experiment with TEK's way and see if I like it better that way. :)

  7. Jacob8185
    Date: Wed, Apr 20 2011 22:35:06

    @Krypton So... do you mean the hint that Minwoo gave at the end of the tutorial? Cause I don't really understand what you are asking.

  8. Krypton
    Date: Thu, Apr 21 2011 08:03:34

    @Jacob8185: Yes, that type of push. If you watch TEK's sidespins he starts it that way.

  9. Jacob8185
    Date: Fri, Apr 22 2011 01:27:19

    right. So you don't understand how you can use that push to start the sidespin? Is that what you are asking?<_<

  10. Kill
    Date: Fri, May 13 2011 22:05:01

    after the fl ta, i cant get it to keep spinning it just stops on my hand after .5 rotations -.-

  11. V-Storm
    Date: Sat, May 14 2011 06:19:19

    I do a push like an flta, but instead of going around the thumb, I move my hole hand like a palmspin. is this right? feels different and weird.