Pen Modifications / Pen Mod Recommendation / Comparison
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 01:27:31
Use this thread to ask for recommendations of pen mods to use, or to ask for suggestions on which pen mods to pick ------- Any good pens/pen mods that you could recommend for a pen spinning noob that arn't too heavy? I don't really like heavy pens. I can do basic tricks like the charge and the twisted sonic.
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 01:30:28
Metallic comssa is the best imo and i recommend it highly, cheap and very good to spin
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 01:55:38
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 02:13:40
My friend is willing to sell me some of these pens, can you help tell me if they are good for a noob or overpriced? SEVEN Mod - $15 (He said he'd sell it to me for $10) RSVP MMX - $6.50 R.I.P Bonkura MX - $7 Pink/Sky Blue Dr.AC (American Tips) - $15 I kinda like the R.I.P bonkura MX. BTW, what does MX/MMX mean?
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 02:18:46
a seven for only $10 seems a bit underpriced O_o probably subbed parts, mx stands for for maximum, no idea what mmx stands for O_o but they seem like very reasonable prices, the dr. ac is very heavy and so is the SEVEN mod, and you said you wanted lighter but if you want to get more used to heavy mods then go right ahead
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 02:26:30
Wonder wrote: a seven for only $10 seems a bit underpriced O_o probably subbed parts, mx stands for for maximum, no idea what mmx stands for O_o but they seem like very reasonable prices, the dr. ac is very heavy and so is the SEVEN mod, and you said you wanted lighter but if you want to get more used to heavy mods then go right ahead
Uhhhhhhhh... what are stubbed parts? And is the RSVP MX at a good price? -
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 02:38:47
ahhh, oh jeffery
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 02:52:34
Wonder wrote: no idea what mmx stands for O_o
Momentum MX -
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 02:56:22
I highly recommend the l33t mx from the deepest of my heart.
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 03:02:10
JexelD wrote: Uhhhhhhhh... what are stubbed parts? And is the RSVP MX at a good price?
SUBBED parts are substituted parts. the RSVP MX is at a good price, but no one likes the colour blue, its pretty dark. @Fripl33t mx extended is much better. there is more room for palm spins
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 03:38:22
Colin wrote: SUBBED parts are substituted parts. the RSVP MX is at a good price, but no one likes the colour blue, its pretty dark. @Frip
I gotta try this, I was wondering why my l33t mx was lacking in that area.l33t mx extended is much better. there is more room for palm spins
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 03:52:33
Would the R.I.P Bonkura MX be a good starter pen? I don't mind how the balance is not in the middle. Sorry for all the questions :P
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 04:06:55
hey, i learned all basic tricks with a MX, its pretty good, especially in school because it looks like a pen and can write...
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 04:39:36
The SEVEN mod isn't heavy... a completely different category from the Dr.AC But you should go with what you like. It doesn't really matter which pen if you don't mind the balance. Plus the mx is the lightest one.
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 21:16:33
@colin thats a fungly mod that ur trying to sell... @jexelD, MX means mix(im really not sure but something like that =D) and MMT means momentum
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 02:35:39
Jan wrote: @colin thats a fungly mod that ur trying to sell... @jexelD, MX means mix(im really not sure but something like that =D) and MMT means momentum
dude, MX means maximum. -
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 03:30:38
So the SEVEN G3 mod is a lot lighter then the Dr. AC... right? Is a metel cossma lighter then a MX, and the MX is lighter then a SEVEN right...? Is the MX completely different from a SEVEN? What kind of pen is a Buster? (like its wight, size, ... i know its a DC :P) Is it good?
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 03:32:45
Buster is DC, uber heavy go ahead and get it if you dont want to be spinning lighter mods
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 03:46:43
Yeah, much lighter. I wouldn't say a metallic comssa is lighter than a mx. Similar weight, but the metallic comssa is balanced. The mx isn't. The SEVEN is a bit heavier than both. And the Dr.AC is really heavy. Not Buster CYL heavy, but close. The SEVEN mod is more balanced than the mx, but it is a bit back heavy, so it's not perfectly balanced either. Much less noticeable though. And it's longer. Honestly, the only good thing about the mx for a beginner is that it is cheap and looks like an actual pen. It makes spinning harder, so if anything it's for better spinners. But if you don't mind how unbalanced it is, then by all means go for it. It's better looking anyways.
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 12:37:45
IMO the best begginer mod are grip aviaire or comssa cause cop=cog and they are low cost
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 13:08:44
there is no such thing as a R.I.P bonkura mx. Its just an rsvp mx with an insert saying rip bonkura, its not a mod its self.
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 15:53:37
Correction jan, it's been already sold
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 17:40:16
Is a RSVP MX a lot better then a RSVP v2? What are the differences between those two?
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 22:59:39
mx has moar spinning room and i like it better. if im not mistaken rsvp v2 is just an mx without the rsvp grip in the cap
Date: Tue, Aug 24 2010 04:03:50
can you do anything with a Jimmie body/grip?
Date: Tue, Aug 24 2010 04:06:37
jimnie grip is used in ayatori mod but you should ask in the "What mods can I make" thread instead of here ;)
Date: Tue, Aug 24 2010 08:37:56
wow pen can u give me xD
Date: Wed, Aug 25 2010 08:11:00
Nachoaddict wrote: mx has moar spinning room and i like it better. if im not mistaken rsvp v2 is just an mx without the rsvp grip in the cap
Right. But how does the MX have more spinning room o_o? -
Date: Wed, Aug 25 2010 14:55:44
well, i'm a noob ScaringChildren but i think bcause of the grip by blocking space the pen to go in (??)
Date: Wed, Aug 25 2010 16:59:34
Is a SEVEN good for a noob?
Date: Thu, Aug 26 2010 01:09:31
Rsvp v2 has no grip in the cap so the cap is pushed farther down on the rsvp bbody therefore a smaller mod ans therefore less spinning room than a regular mx. Jexel if you lile medium weight mods then yeah
Date: Thu, Aug 26 2010 11:21:24
Nachoaddict wrote: Rsvp v2 has no grip in the cap so the cap is pushed farther down on the rsvp bbody therefore a smaller mod ans therefore less spinning room than a regular mx. Jexel if you lile medium weight mods then yeah
Ah, makes sense. See, for most RSVP's I get, the cap is VERY tight. (Mostly with black rsvps), so I can only put the cap on so much anyways. That way it's the same for v1/2/mx's automatically. -
Date: Sun, Sep 19 2010 18:45:55
metal commssa's are good and so are rushon's both can be ordered for less than 10 bucks on the internet
Date: Mon, Oct 11 2010 06:33:23
lol man... i just spin a bictory with white double caps so it looks like a white comssa with no grips or tips i have no problem spinning it in class cuz it isnt too long and the body i took from some store advertising random stuff with free pens so i took one and wen i get home i just spin another bictory or my personal mx =D.
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 08:24:11
mmx means momemtum (not sure of spelling) maximum
Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 11:40:21
c'mon share your insights about ur fave mod and why so u can help other spinners choose their main mods For me i like RSVP MX's because its easy to customize(e.g. making it center balanced,putting designs etc.)and it has a classy,normal pen look how about you?
Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 12:48:02
MX is too short for my big hand, but I like light SC mods and Japanese style, so I chose Ajisai SC with Hi-Tec C tip in Jimnie cap. It's long (21,3 cm, if I'm right) and light (15 g or about that), so it doesn't look like a stick when it's spun, it also has a great appearance when it's static, and it's disbalanced a bit like RSVP MX, so it makes this mod even more interesting ^_^ It was a great fortune that I decided to mod Ajisai SC, I recommend it, it's my main mod for everyday spinning. If I'm learning something, then I train with Minwoo mod or Ajisai SC.
Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 17:23:52
i think i prefer a Buster CYL, and th SX Mod. the CYL is like my practice mod. to help me learn those power tricks and help me get down a combo. But the SX is my main spin mod that i use once ive gotten something down. and also the SX is lighter and i guess balanced(CoG=CoP). i dont like spinning such heavy mods as it feels weird to my fingers. so i prefer mods that weigh like a KT or less.
Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 23:34:54
What pen is best for me? I can do 2x busts, fingerless t-round, bakfall, neobak, palmspin(3.0ish) What is a good pen? Is a buster cyl good for me?
Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 23:52:49
Really depends on how well you can spin, the size of your hands etc If you're new, spin a lighter mod. If you hand is small, spin smaller mods. A pen from you middle finger down to the bottom of your palm is the perfect length.
Date: Wed, Nov 3 2010 02:30:28
no, a buster cyl is definitly not a good mod, I suggest maybe a momentum mx, or just a mod of medium weight.
Date: Sat, Nov 6 2010 14:45:38 I think it looks alright, but does anyone have any other suggestions?
Date: Sat, Nov 6 2010 15:12:43
If you're more so on the earlier steps of learning how to pen spin then this would be an excellent mod. Seeing as your profile information says that you started spinning in 2008, it's still a great mod for pretty much any level spinner. Plus it's relatively cheap as well.
Date: Sat, Nov 6 2010 15:46:53
Is it just a metal comssa with sailor grips? You could probably get it cheaper if you mod it yourself, 2 sailor grips for $1.20 each, a white DC comssa for $1, 2 HGG tips for $0.70 each. You could go fancy and replace the Sailor grips with dr grips for $2.50 each but that isn't necessary. Anyball grips work well too.
Date: Sat, Nov 6 2010 18:06:24
i agree with holypie, instead of buying that mod i bought all the parts to make it so i can get all the colors i want with the pen. also it's not that hard to mod there's a tutorial on it here i believe.
Date: Sat, Nov 6 2010 18:49:12
I don't think there is, but all that's needed is to screw the HGG tips onto the comssa caps, double cap and add grips.
Date: Sat, Nov 6 2010 18:55:12
It is always cheaper to make mods rather than buying it. (Unless the person is selling for less than the materials needed)
Date: Mon, Nov 8 2010 03:10:30
But he might not want to deal with grip cutting. If he wants the lower one, it would be 3 sailor grips.
Date: Tue, Nov 9 2010 04:17:30
I have no experience in pen modding, so I might as well just buy the thing.
Date: Tue, Nov 9 2010 08:57:56
Dowon wrote: I have no experience in pen modding, so I might as well just buy the thing.
i have no experience either, but jus for the experience and pleasure i bought the parts, and planning to attempt to mod it myself =] -
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 04:39:41
It's almost christmas and I want to buy a mod from penwish. My parents decided that i should just pick 1 mod, and im having trouble picking. please help me think of a mod for an intermediate spinner like me. THANKS!
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 04:54:56
i would go for a dr. Kt, buster, metal comssa, minwoo, or waterfall w.e u prefer idk.. lighter... heavier.. longer etc.
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 05:02:26
I thought this was the Secret Santa thread :facepalm:
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 05:06:00
^me too. title is misleading, please edit topic: I suggest Waterfall mod.
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 05:29:37
Get a Minwoo mod. I don't have one but I tried my friend's Minwoo and it spins awesome. It's a single sided mod but spins like a DC mod. XD
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 05:58:13
It's almost chirstmas, and by the time it comes to be christmas, i would have been spinning for about 3 months. What would be a good mod for me? I'm using an NX MMT right now, but I kinda like double sided mods better. So what would be a good mod for me? (preferably not too light, like a bictory, those are a BIT too light.) Also, my hand is about 17.5 or 18 cm. Thanks!
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 06:16:06
metallic comssa. nuff' said
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 06:39:41
well, I would second a Metallic Commsa, since it's cheap, a good mod, and not too heavy. Though, if you decided for something a tad heavier then maybe a signo comssa or something like that, depends on preference. Since you say a BICtory is only a bit too light, i'd say you'd really enjoy a Metallic Comssa.
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 06:48:10
eh, i liked minwoo mod at first as well, bu if ur gonna do that better to just get a straight KT. if you like a little lighter, then waterfall, or something like that
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 06:53:50
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 06:56:33
chrisPS wrote: ^me too. title is misleading, please edit topic: I suggest Waterfall mod.
how do you edit the title? -
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 07:31:21
GO to first post then click Edit then Full Editor ( AFAIK. ) and change title/ okay back to topic.. I suggest you a waterfall mod. its awesome.:xarrow:
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 08:08:21
WATERFALL mod, if u arent gonna make one urself, the colored caps are awesome, other than that i also like the flying panda mod, the grips are really nice.
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 08:55:54
Just trust me here please :) [B](basically) Signo tipped anything is good[/B] What you should get for sure because you'll want them later: RSVP mx Plain old comssa Seven mod Signo tipped comssa HGR tipped comssa Dr. KT Buster Dr grip grips (lots) Also, you may want to try this mod which is pretty cheap and spins great: Comssa with Signo DX grips on the caps and a Dr grip section (about 1.5cm long) on top of the signo grips, signo tipped. Costs about $8 and spins like a beast (my main mod :p) [/comssa fanatic]
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 09:21:38
Just trust me here please (basically) Signo tipped anything is good What you should get for sure because you'll want them later: RSVP mx Plain old comssa Seven mod Signo tipped comssa HGR tipped comssa Dr. KT Buster Dr grip grips (lots) Also, you may want to try this mod which is pretty cheap and spins great: Comssa with Signo DX grips on the caps and a Dr grip section (about 1.5cm long) on top of the signo grips, signo tipped. Costs about $8 and spins like a beast (my main mod ) [/comssa fanatic]
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 09:28:16
Gripless Waterfall mod is pretty beast, but its the naked feeling that puts you off :P
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 09:43:20
Twine wrote: Just trust me here please :) [B](basically) Signo tipped anything is good[/B] What you should get for sure because you'll want them later: RSVP mx Plain old comssa Seven mod Signo tipped comssa HGR tipped comssa Dr. KT Buster Dr grip grips (lots) Also, you may want to try this mod which is pretty cheap and spins great: Comssa with Signo DX grips on the caps and a Dr grip section (about 1.5cm long) on top of the signo grips, signo tipped. Costs about $8 and spins like a beast (my main mod :p) [/comssa fanatic]
Same post from lol -
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 13:48:31
[B]Use this thread to ask for recommendations of pen mods to use, or to ask for suggestions on which pen mods to pick[/B]
Date: Mon, Nov 15 2010 01:47:04
whats the difference between kuzu and kuzu extended?
Date: Mon, Nov 15 2010 02:00:03
Lol? It's pretty much exactly what the names are. Kuzu g3 is the original mod used by Kuzu and Kuzu extended is an extended Kuzu. I don't think there's a tut for extending it but people who use longer grips for gripcutting wanted to put their whole gripcut on the front so they made it longer.
Date: Mon, Nov 15 2010 02:27:43
you sure it isnt this ?
Date: Mon, Nov 15 2010 03:33:01
OH! :o well there you have it. I wasn't away there was a tutorial because I don't go on GPC much lol.
Date: Mon, Nov 15 2010 14:59:55
how much longer is a kuzu extended?
Date: Mon, Nov 15 2010 15:21:11
U can decide urself how long u want the mod to be. Use more of the g2 front=>longer pen use less=>short. The one alikebab did inthe tut is 21,3cm long
Date: Tue, Nov 16 2010 00:27:03
Ok i am a fan of home-made mods considering the fact ive made two what about you guys, do you like it or not and why? :hmm:
Date: Tue, Nov 16 2010 00:30:26
all mods are home-made /thread
Date: Tue, Nov 16 2010 01:29:30
not what i meant lol you can buy already prepared mods ( such as you can buy pens on amazon or penwish ect.) im talking about the mods you take time and effort to make yourself lol (as in you take apart different pens and make a new one)
Date: Tue, Nov 16 2010 01:45:40
... as wonder said, but put differently: any mod you can buy on penwish etc. can be made at home penwish just cuts out the part where you have to make it. there are pros and cons of buying a premade mod as opposed to making your own, i'm not sure where you want this discussion to go?
Date: Tue, Nov 16 2010 01:45:44
Well 1st, premade mods are ugh home-made? not counting Spinz, Penz Gear, etc. next, I like home made mods since it is satisfying to finish them in the end, plus you'll never regret it. Plus, you'll save off a few bucks if you do them yourself.
Date: Tue, Nov 16 2010 01:52:38
I don't understand. Like stated above, everything i've ordered from PW was homemade. I don't buy premade mods because they are a lot more expensive than to buy parts on your own and make it. I only use PW to order parts, but i've noticed that many many newcomers are buying the premade mods simply because "they are lazy", or "Don't want to try". And.. there are others who don't know how to mod.
Date: Tue, Nov 16 2010 01:55:40
well k-ryder its my first thread ok lol and its just opinions lol give me a break here ok so everyone understands lol opinion on whether to make one yourself or buy one (i hope that is easier to understand lol)
Date: Tue, Nov 16 2010 02:00:20
Premade mods are expensive for an asian lol but i like to make my own mods cuz you can always do it your way.
Date: Tue, Nov 16 2010 02:01:08
Ah that's much easier to understand. If you're interested in modding as well as spinning make it yourself. If you want to spin only, then buy it. Homemade mods cost less usually than premade mods and you get a surplus of extra unused parts in most cases. (useful to modding). However your first few mods might turn out kinda bad or you might make a few mistakes here and there but that's all part of the learning process. Even veteran modders make mistakes. But again if you just want the mod to spin, then buy it premade. It might cost more but you won't have to put time and effort to make it.
Date: Tue, Nov 16 2010 05:52:25
I like the Any-X...less used but my best mod by far. 1) Writable with RSVP ink! Bonus--retractable 2) Great look, doesn't stand out too much like the Buster 3) Light/heavy enough for beginning to intermediate spinners and useful for warming up before practices 4) Fairly easy to mod compared with other writable mods, also sturdy 5) Parts are cheap and easily found except for the HGG tip, ordered on penwish Thx Zaazu! =D
Date: Tue, Nov 16 2010 09:34:10
RSVP MX because it's very pen like. I only really use that and unsharpened pencils for spinning.
Date: Wed, Nov 17 2010 23:29:13
I like my BICtory for practicing but for showing tricks to friends or like a competition I use my mirror tipped because its long and it spins nicely because the even on both sides
Date: Fri, Nov 19 2010 18:18:29
hi my 1st spinning pen was the rsvp mx. i can do the fundamentals and some mini combos im thinking of getting the namae mod-white from penwish. the rsvp mx for me was a lil too light and a bit too short also. would the namae mod fit my needs? and what type of uniball signos model for metal tips? any other recommended mods that fits my taste will be thankful too :) thanks
Date: Fri, Nov 19 2010 20:44:12
what are some mods that are lighter then a rsvp mx, but heavier then a bictory? i've made both and it seems like something in between would be more suitable for me.
Date: Fri, Nov 19 2010 21:21:31
lagbeast wrote: what are some mods that are lighter then a rsvp mx, but heavier then a bictory? i've made both and it seems like something in between would be more suitable for me.
comsaa would be good for you. if you find that too light ,metal comsaa then but thats like similar weight with rsvp mx so in conclusion i would suggest you to try comsaa. -
Date: Tue, Nov 30 2010 21:55:04
Hey im looking for my first mod pen and im not sure what to use im looking at some of the rsvp's but im not sure, ive just been using a pencil with 2 erasers till now and I find I don’t have good control with it. I’m pretty much deciding between a rsvp or a Metal Comssa not sure if heavy = control plz help.
Date: Tue, Nov 30 2010 23:34:57
@brs Keep spinning the pencil with two erasers, you're just not used to the feel of spinning yet and you're only a beginner, of course you don't have complete control over the pen :P Spinning a lighter pen when you start of is always better than spinning with a heavy pen. If you're wanting to buy some mods, then a RSVP mx or a metal comssa with profile grips or sailor gel grips would be prefect if you want some more weight :) Heavy means you can do the tricks easier but its not good to spin a heavier mod when you start because you won't be able to spin lighter mods later on.
Date: Fri, Dec 3 2010 06:18:06
Oops sorry. Wrong thread
Date: Mon, Dec 13 2010 07:09:28
Hey all, I started pen spinning a few years ago and got really into it for a short while, but since then I haven't really payed attention to it or gotten any better. I'm trying to get into it again, so I figure the best place to start would be to ask what mod I should make/buy next. The only mods I have are an MX, a Commsa (which I usually use without the tips), and a custom Ballsign. The Ballsign is my favorite of the three, but it's a bit too light I think and too small for me (I have huge hands). So can anybody recommend a good mod for an advanced beginner/intermediate level spinner that is a good length, without being too heavy (being in the middle in terms of weight sould be the best)? Any advice would be much appreciated =)
Date: Mon, Dec 20 2010 22:54:07
So i learn harder tricks with a buster cyl and then learn how to do them with a metallic comssa Is this bad... sould i change my ways
Date: Mon, Dec 20 2010 23:51:50
If you can still spin the metallic comssa, then just do whatever floats your boat. It's only "bad" if you can ONLY spin a buster and can't spin anything lighter.
Date: Tue, Dec 21 2010 03:26:44
7ygy is right spinning an mod a fine the more variety the better is the best i say i alternate mods daily almost
Date: Tue, Dec 21 2010 04:45:54
I really don't think that this topic should be here. But, you should learn with a heavier mod first, gives you more momentum.
Date: Tue, Dec 21 2010 06:32:59
scout wrote: I really don't think that this topic should be here. But, you should learn with a heavier mod first, gives you more momentum.
Momentum isn't a big plus if you fail to spin with anything lighter later on. -
Date: Tue, Dec 21 2010 14:11:15
Yes, what you're doing is similar to what i do. I move down from buster to kt to mx to comssa and to pencil. for some tricks, pencil is impossible. Some of my friends that are drummers learn some tricks with their drumsticks, and can never manage to do them with a pencil because the drumstick is so frickin heavy
Date: Tue, Dec 21 2010 17:32:48
Its not bad if you learn it faster on a buster, because then you will be progressing faster and that is what you should really be aiming for.
Date: Wed, Dec 22 2010 23:48:39
herp derp, the whole point of learning tricks with a lighter pen is that you can do something with a lighter mod ! A buster is just a heavy stick that shortcuts all of your learning progress.
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 00:42:08
Krispy Kreme wrote: herp derp, the whole point of learning tricks with a lighter pen is that you can do something with a lighter mod ! A buster is just a heavy stick that shortcuts all of your learning progress.
Get a good i dea of how to do the trick with a buster, and actually learn the trick with an mx etc, then after you mastered it with an mx, buster cyl is sooo easy. Some of my drummer friends learned with their sticks, and can't do tricks with anything else. same concept for buster. -
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 07:34:39
I'm gonna get a mod from Pemwish this Christmas. Any recommendations? Also, I would like signle capped mods that aren't too expensive. Thanks :)
Date: Fri, Dec 24 2010 08:17:18
An MX is a fantastic single capped mod to use. If you already have an MX, then a Metal Comssa is a good mod to get as well. A Waterfall Mod would sum up your christmas too :D
Date: Tue, Dec 28 2010 13:44:13
thx :) can anyone tell me what's the best g3 mod>?
Date: Tue, Dec 28 2010 14:56:02
Personally, SEVEN mod
Date: Tue, Dec 28 2010 16:04:37
Too bad they're so expensive to make at $6 for just the needlepoint and metallic gel tips.
Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 10:43:10
is a g3 mx good? cuz i got all the parts and wanna see if it's worth moddin =d thx btw :)
Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 10:52:24
i would personally say go for a key-3
Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 16:57:52
Looks = F1r3fly's G3 for me. Spinwise = Turndont or Seven G3 Check em all out and compare weights and looks before you buy
Date: Wed, Dec 29 2010 23:34:33
I was wondering if the rsvg2 mod is good to make for a starter mod?
Date: Thu, Dec 30 2010 00:23:01
Nachoaddict wrote: Looks = F1r3fly's G3 for me. Spinwise = Turndont or Seven G3 Check em all out and compare weights and looks before you buy
A bit off topic but does the Turndont G3 use a plastic or a metal G3? -
Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 23:07:18
I'm deciding whether to buy the Dr.Kt or the Metal Comssa. What do you guy suggest me do? The Dr.Kt is $23 and the Metal Comssa is 6.99. Thanks ( I'm sorry if this is the wrong section):spin:
Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 23:11:08
Metal Comssa. Cheaper, and easier to spin if your'e new, get a KT when your fingers can handle heavy weight. Also, it would be less expensive if you make your own mod.
Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 23:22:31
@A.Sate, I live in the U.S and I don't think they sell the pen require for Dr.Kt or Comssa here do they? I try Amazon but no luck.
Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 23:30:17
@maple1100 its cheaper to trade with people. For example i have a dr. kt for sale/trade for only $20.
Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 23:51:07
@maple1100 That man lives in the US and sends nation wide as well as international. He is highly trusted. I suggest you get a metal comssa just beginning out, but honestly, it's your choice whether you get the KT or metal comssa. The metal comssa is a great beginner pen and the KT is as well, but the KT is significantly heavier than the comssa. It is easier AND cheaper to just buy the parts for the pens because not only do you save money, you gain more material that may be used for many other mods. There is also the choice of trading/selling/buying from other members on this board.
Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 23:58:14
By make your own mod, I mean order the comssas and hgg tips from Penwish. And trading with other people is also a good way to save money too, you could get stuff thats not on Penwish (mods like m&m)
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 00:24:44
Dude, if ur still a beginner, stick with the comssa.
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 00:45:06
comssa all the way !
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 02:25:30
Thanks for the reply guy. Now I figure I have a little more choice now. It either I buy the Metal Comssa + Dr.KT or Buster CYL+Metal Comssa +Any other mod. What you guy suggest again? =D
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 03:07:39
Get a dc comssa and 2 profile grips.
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 03:25:39
Which pen should I buy? ( I already have a Metal Comssa to practice as a beginner ) I want to know which one should I use as a pro. Thanks for your suggestion.
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 03:47:16
Neither, don't buy them until you actually are a pro. Stick with signo tipped mods, they're very nice. Things like Waterfall, Signo tipped Comssa, Emboss mod, Tornado mod (this isn't signo tipped but it's a decent weight and a nice mod).
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 10:04:57
At first you can use an unsharpened pencil and then use RSVP unmodded pen . Until you are a pro u can choose one of ur choice and I prefer Buster ( cheaper than KT )
Date: Sat, Jan 8 2011 20:33:18
Hi I am thinking what pen to choose. Emboss mod or key3, What you recommend?
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 22:27:42
I've been thinking about making the RG2T mod, nut before I make it I want to know what others think of it.
Date: Sun, Jan 9 2011 22:52:20
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 00:09:59
I'm starting to learn power tricks like multiple busts and palmspins. As of now, I'm growing out of my Signo Tipped MX and Ballsign Mod. I'm getting access to Penwish soon, and here's my list of mods I'm considering to get: -Bonkura KT. I already have the tips. -Namemory DC -Buster CYL -Vicgotgame Mod -NachoAddict's RSVP Mod Is there anything I should take out or add in? I'm still sticking with older tricks hence the RSVP Mod and the Namemory DC.
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 00:29:25
Nachoaddict's RSVP mod is very similar to a signo tipped MX. Waterfall mod or a G3 mod are nice, maybe you could research a G3 mod.
Date: Mon, Jan 10 2011 01:55:40
Holypie wrote: Nachoaddict's RSVP mod is very similar to a signo tipped MX. Waterfall mod or a G3 mod are nice, maybe you could research a G3 mod.
All right. Thanks :) -
Date: Fri, Jan 21 2011 21:56:41
Any recommends on a pen that is a bit heavier and longer than the Rsvg2 but shorter than 8". i was thinking Guitruim's g2 cte any thoughts
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 02:34:08
PSProdigy wrote: Any recommends on a pen that is a bit heavier and longer than the Rsvg2 but shorter than 8". i was thinking Guitruim's g2 cte any thoughts
G2-CTE is a little longer than 20 cm i believe. Try a KT or Namae mod. -
Date: Sun, Jan 23 2011 20:23:40
How does a saizen G3 compare to a vicgotgame or buster cyl? On the tutorial on....upsb v3? it said that the mod was 24 frickin grams
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 04:53:36
Does any one know of a mod longer then a buster with about as much weight as one. The only mods I know of longer then a buster are the Grip Aviaire (which is too light and I don't really like the middle grip) and vicgotgame's personal which seems impossible to make. Any advice?
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 05:50:49
@Rawrzapan you could buy vicgotgame's mod from penwish if you cant make it
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 21:51:34
Hi all, as i said im begginer, i can perform some tricks: -TR -FP (not smoth) -Sonic -Rise Sonic Im from Chile and here i dont hve too much variety of pens. Actually i have a bictory but not with ultra round stick grip, i cant find them here =s so i use this ones --> Is there any other easy made mod pen that a begginer like me can use, with easy found parts?? I need a new pen coz my mom took it and we cant find a tip with the grips and all stuff =s
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 22:17:02
crayola supertip, pilot g3, rsvp, there tons...
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 22:20:08
I think Pilots are available there, and you have bic, you may vary those bic by adding the grip from the other pilots, and that way, you are creating 1 or more mods ;). btw :welcome:
Date: Mon, Jan 24 2011 22:35:02
ty ty =DDDD btw im doing finger exercices xDD i think my fingers are too rigid and not independent =s
Date: Tue, Jan 25 2011 02:42:50
@Cloud Yeah I could... Do you know how long it actually is?
Date: Tue, Jan 25 2011 02:52:25
It depends on how long you cut the supertips.
Date: Tue, Jan 25 2011 04:17:31
@Rawrzapan according to upsb length varies and depends on the modder most people dont use the whole body of both supertips so it is usually cut. Im not sure how long penwish version is but since buster is around 20 -22cm im guessing 24-26cm that might be wrong though anyone wanna correct me?
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 19:59:07
Hey guys so here's the thing, I've been spinning the MX for over a year and I feel like it's time to change. I want something completely new something I've never spun before. If you know me then you know I hate heavy, the heaviest I'll go is Dr. KT which I think is 16g. The pen I have in mind would be double sided but honestly it doesn't matter I just want something new, heavier and longer than an MX so if you can, fire away. Oh and to not waste your time I've spun: RSVP MX RSVP CX RSVP MMT RSVP NX MMT Impact MX F-3000/3000*F MSXA Lemon Mod Key3's G-3 Mod Dr. KT Dr. CT Dr. AC Dr. ST Buster CYL Vicgotgame Mod v.1, v.2 Rushon Rushon Comssa Comssa Metallic Comssa Flexible MX Shadowserpant's Mod Stylish Pirat I think that's it... not sure, I dunno but if you suggest a pen I would request that you actually own that pen so I can ask you questions about it. Thanks.
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 20:08:47
well do you prefer sc or dc?
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 20:11:19
Ohayo wrote: well do you prefer sc or dc?
Well I've pretty much spun SC all my penspinning career, I'm thinking I want a DC. -
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 20:16:21
would this work?
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 20:17:34
Have you spun a Waterfall before?
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 20:19:31
Well, I found a very clever method for finding someone their perfect pen. Here is yours. [quote=Sangara]Thanks Fresh[/quote] No problem Sangara. Just make a card throwing video to thank me. :)
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 21:02:56
How about a ballsign?
Date: Sun, Jan 30 2011 21:34:41
I would say grip avaire.
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 05:07:27
ballsign playcolor?
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 05:57:31
BSKT, ballsign kt. Basically a KT with a ballsign body right ? or am i missing something -_-
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 04:19:26
Hmm... I am a beginner and I was told the best mods for me would probably be.... Ep Comssa Dc Comssa Cheat Comssa RSVP Mx Which is the easier and best for me to make? And will I be able to get the parts locally? I live in America. More specifically, Alaska. What seems like the best option. One last question. When modded, do any of these actually keep their ability to be used as pens? Or is the ink taken out, etc. Thanks so much. :D
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 04:24:02
This really depends on your personal preferences. If you have large or moderately large hands, like 19cm+, an ep comssa would probably be the best option. The MX is the easiest to mod and nice, but I wouldn't recommend it if it's the only mod you're going to buy, especially if you have large hands. The other comssas are nice as well, it really all comes down to your preferences and your hand size. BTW, you probably won't be able to get the pens for any of these mods locally.
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 04:48:39
Alright. Thanks. And also. How do you measure hand size? Is it from tip of thumb to tip of pinky spread out or something? :] Thanks. I'm a noob.
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 04:54:49
Isakale wrote: Alright. Thanks. And also. How do you measure hand size? Is it from tip of thumb to tip of pinky spread out or something? :] Thanks. I'm a noob.
Tip of middle finger to wrist. EDIT: Another great mod for a beginner is the BICtory. Writable on two ends, VERY cheap, and you might be able to find the parts for it in Alaska. Look for BIC round stics/Bic Ultra Round Stics. -
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 05:03:56
Thanks soooo much. :D
Date: Wed, Feb 9 2011 05:34:37
I completely agree with the comssas and MX's, and I recommend a BICtory Warning: You probably don't wanna use the BIC for collabs and stuff, because it's considered a "noob" pen, but it's excellent for practice. So just started?
Date: Thu, Feb 10 2011 10:43:22
I'm gonna make a Dr.KT but i wanna ask if can i use the nail polish remover to make it white body ??
Date: Fri, Feb 11 2011 10:53:44
Im sorry if its at the wrong place or smth or redirect me if im in the wrong place title says it all Thanks in advance.
Date: Fri, Feb 11 2011 11:27:13
There's none... If you find one, it won't spin the same...
Date: Fri, Feb 11 2011 11:44:36
aw... Its really hard to get the parts... is it really easy to mod? i may try and get the parts :D
Date: Fri, Feb 11 2011 11:52:59
just buy the original parts ok? then no problems <_<
Date: Fri, Feb 11 2011 23:23:42
i think you can actually sub a supertip for the body. im not entirely sure though.
Date: Sat, Feb 12 2011 00:08:14
No, supertip is far too thick. The 094 caps will never fit over it unless you use comssa backplugs in which case it'd just be a flying panda variation (different grips).
Date: Sat, Feb 12 2011 00:18:15
O.o thanks. Is it heavier or lighter then a baaron mod im using now?
Date: Sat, Feb 12 2011 01:02:27
it would be similar to baron mods weight. (if you are going to use panda mod) but it would be pretty different to waterfall mod. you can try subbing the body with bell colors. caps are pretty hard to sub.
Date: Sat, Feb 12 2011 01:56:47
Holypie wrote: No, supertip is far too thick. The 094 caps will never fit over it unless you use comssa backplugs in which case it'd just be a flying panda variation (different grips).
nope. if you use the old supertips, it will work and the 094 caps will fit... -
Date: Sat, Feb 12 2011 01:58:24
I don't think he can get old supertips very easily if he can't even get super pirats.
Date: Sat, Feb 12 2011 04:15:29
I suggest going on penwish and buying 1 super pirat, and 2 094 caps. then buy signo tips/dr.grip grips at home, and mod, I made one and believe me, it's well worth it!
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 02:30:33
can i have the stats for a waterfall mod? I could'nt find it in the tutorial...
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 02:42:07 the stats are right there...?
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 22:19:28
I've been spinning for about a year now, and i know most of the tricks. I decided it was time i moved on to a better mod, narrowed it down to 2 mods: Firefly's G3 and Minwoo Mod. I've already asked all my friends who pen spin, but i still can't decide. Which one would be better for me? Price is not an issue.
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 22:41:05
both of those are bad choices. use a signo tipped mod
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 23:16:05
Minwoo mod or Waterfall mod?
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 23:33:02
Waterfall. No contest there
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 23:49:47
Really? Is there Cons for Waterfall?
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 00:38:05
Not that I can think of. If you have smaller hands, then you can cut the super pirat. It's got great spinning space. I just wish it had a leeeeeeetle bit more momentum. That's why I added some Sailor grips to mine so that the (Dr. Grip) grip is over the tip a little. Not too much of a difference in weight, but better momentum.
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 05:45:28
Aesthetics, momentum, and weight preferences are all objective factors that play into "Pros and Cons".
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 22:01:15
Hello. I'm thinking of buying a new pen from Penwish and I can't decide whether or not to get the Buster CYL or Waterfall. I heard that they're both really good to spin and have a good weight. I can only get one or the other so I need help deciding. Does anyone know specific details about each pen (Length, COG, weight comparisons)? Also, for the Buster, is there really a noticeable difference between having the ballpoint or gel tips? To anyone that has tried spinning both the Buster CYL and Waterfall, in your opinion, which one generally has a better feel and momentum? By the way, I started with a regular No. 2 Pencil and I'm currently using a Bictory, but I'm starting to find that it's a little light and lacks momentum when I'm trying new tricks. I also have an RSVP MX but I like using double-sided pens better and prefer that the COG is at the COP. Thanks! ^^
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 22:28:26
So you want to go from a pencil/bictory/MX to something as heavy as a Waterfall/Buster? =_=;; Everyone says the Buster is a good pen due to it's amazing momentum HOWEVER, it is most likely way too heavy for you. I would, personally, work my way up. Try something like a cheat comssa (using a white comssa body to replicate the Buster barrel "feel", if you wish...) which is just a comssa with either 2 HGG tips on each end, 1 signo per end, or 1 signo tip + HGG tip per end. This pen has a lot of momentum compared to the mods you are using, and sometimes a tit-load of momentum (such as in the Buster/Watefall) isn't a good thing as it is tougher to change the direction of the pen/control where it's going vs. where it wants to go. The Waterfall and Buster are very similar in feel, imo. The Buster barrel is larger, and the Waterfall is longer, so between the two it is just personal preference. I prefer the Waterfall since I like thinner barrels (plus the color choices are nice~) but that's just me. Also, I like the weight being distributed all along the cap (due to the heavy grip) instead of all the weight at the end (the airfit tips are heavyyy), so again, that's just me. What I can say though is that it'll be easier to transition from a Cheat Comssa to a Waterfall - if you so choose to get a Cheat Comssa - due to similarities. but the choice is yours!!
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 22:33:50
waterfall mod ^^
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 22:35:44
I would suggest you move onto something else before using a buster. Seriously. Something like a metallic comssa or a maybe a tornado. Also, you should have posted this thread here:
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 22:41:07
drgripable wrote: I would suggest you move onto something else before using a buster. Seriously. Something like a metallic comssa or a maybe a tornado. Also, you should have posted this thread here:
Ahh I know, sorry. I noticed that thread right after I posted this. :$ -
Date: Mon, Feb 14 2011 22:58:17
i like the waterfall mod a lot more. its far lighter with better distribution imo, and its a weight that im used to since i spin MSXAs a lot. but like the others said, it might be weird to transfer directly from something so light to something far heavier. i would go for a cheat comssa before a waterfall.
Date: Tue, Feb 15 2011 00:41:53
Yeah. I went from self mods with signo tips straight to a buster. Now I ccan't spin pencils. I can barely spin a signo tipped bictory... definitely get a waterfall...
Date: Tue, Feb 15 2011 00:42:45
Adapt yourself to the heavy mods takes a while but IT MAY BE DONE. Try MSXA as a little bit longer and heavier than the RSVP MX, or Metal Comssa. I prefer BUSTER CYL of course because of its momentum, that's really good, it doesn't stop, and I am not saying is slippery, but as some already said, it helps you in the hard tricks. Buster CYL is heavier than the Waterfall Mod though, My personal preference Waterfall mod for me is too light, and it doesn't have any momentum lol, it just stops in the middle of a combo -__-. But then again, I wouldn't recommend Buster if you are barely spinning which I don't know how long u been doing it. :unsure: If you already spin a while, then yes, but if not, then, like some said it, a cheat comssa or metal comssa :D
Date: Tue, Feb 15 2011 01:13:25
Also, as you get further into spinning, i find that when i spin rsvp mx's it actually feels more comfortable than spinning a really heavy mod, but that's just me. I don't know about you.
Date: Tue, Feb 15 2011 02:45:04
Escorpio, the Waterfall has a LOT of momentum. "Stopping in the middle of a combo" is exactly the problem people develop by spinning heavy mods way too soon. You aren't supposed to just speed the pen up and then guide it, you're supposed to be constantly controlling the speed and direction of the pen. You should NOT spin a Buster if you are new. Develop some control (which includes speed control, mind you) by spinning mods that are (not necessarily lighter) but have less momentum. While it may be extremely difficult to do certain tricks on bictories and the like, you should more than be able to learn anything on a Cheat Comssa/Waterfall as you can on the buster.
Date: Tue, Feb 15 2011 02:47:27
As I said before in another thread. I LOVE the waterfall. I just wish that it had a teensy tiny bit more momentum and weight. I'm not a typical heavy mod spinner and I love it. I put sailors on mine ;)
Date: Tue, Feb 15 2011 03:44:44
I suggest before moving on to a buster you should use a buster with jell tips then move on to ballpoint tips. Jell tips are much lighter.
Date: Tue, Feb 15 2011 03:50:55
yeah... on penwish it says [B]"uses slightly lighter gel tips" [/B] how did you miss that... i personally like the look of a buster better cuz i dont like the long grips on waterfall i think theres no big differnce between spinning the two... so i use buster
Date: Tue, Feb 15 2011 04:32:09
it depends on your style/tricks you do. Obvisouly power tricks are favoured to the buster (ive always assumed it was named because its so easy to do cont busts with it) . Watefallfall mod is much different from buster. I dont know what people are talking about. Waterfall mod uses signo, buster uses Airfits. o_O and so it spins quite differently. The length of the 2 are pretty similar actually. WFM is easyier for sonic hyrbids, and directions changes but also has ability to to baks/bak revs rounds, cont tricks and palm spins also like the buster. Overall It has the flow of the buster, but with more control of the speed/momentum to you. (this is what it think anyway). So buster if you want primarily power tricks, if not use waterfall.
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 02:58:13
well, there bothe great pens in my opinion, BUT why dont u get a metallic comssa, i went to one of those and i LOVED it, theyre cheap and seem to fit your wants, both of the pens your looking at are pretty heavy, especially the buster and plus the black hoops metallic comssa looks REALLY great, or if u want a writing mod get a retractable comssa
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 03:35:09
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 08:14:18
Storm;64120]Escorpio, the Waterfall has a LOT of momentum. "Stopping in the middle of a combo" is exactly the problem people develop by spinning heavy mods way too soon. You aren't supposed to just speed the pen up and then guide it, you're supposed to be constantly controlling the speed and direction of the pen. [B]You should NOT spin a Buster if you are new.[/B] Develop some control (which includes speed control, mind you) by spinning mods that are (not necessarily lighter) but have less momentum. While it may be extremely difficult to do certain tricks on bictories and the like, you should more than be able to learn anything on a Cheat Comssa/Waterfall as you can on the buster.[/QUOTE] I did say that I don't recommend this to a new spinner -__-. [QUOTE=Escorpio123 wrote: But then again, I wouldn't recommend Buster if you are [B]barely spinning[/B] which I [B]don't know how long u been doing it.[/B] :unsure: If you already spin a while, then yes, but if not, then, like some said it, a cheat comssa or metal comssa :D
We all do experience some stopping at some point, that's why I said that's my preference, just like other people are saying about control smoothness and speed, at their points of view. Somebody that spins heavy mods could find the buster that has momentum, others NOT like Neo Said that WFM has more momentum, but for me, it doesn't at all -_-, it is about preferences :facepalm: -
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 21:05:13
Okay, based on what you guys are saying, I think I should wait a little while before I get either the Waterfall or Buster. I've only been spinning for like 2 months. :/ What do you guys think about the Metal Comssa and Tornado? I already know that the Metal Comssa is a great pen for beginners, but what about the Tornado? Is it any good? Should I get it instead of a metal comssa? Thanks again (:
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 21:11:09
The tornado mod is pretty nice.
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 21:11:33
Get a Dr. KT, they have the momentum in between waterfall and buster. I got one at 2 months, and absolutely loved it. Just get the original not the fancy shit (like the gold one). I later upgraded to a buster, and then eventually a vicgotgame mod. It is frowned upon by many, but you will love you KT, or Buster
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 21:14:43
Honestly, I've tried spinning the Tornado and didn't like it. My IRL friend KTrinh93 did like it, however. So it's preference. The spinning area on the Tornado is smaller than the Metallic Comssa and the abnormally large grips do not help. They are two completely different pens in every way. Body texture, different. Tornado is a little rubbery vs. the Comssa's plastically feel. Weight distribution, different. Tornado has weights all along its cap vs. Comssa's have the weight on the ends. Momentum, however, is pretty similar. But due to the Tornado's body texture the pen will lose speed faster. Nothing noticeable though. The Chinese Penspinning Board (MyPSA? Idk...) advocates Tornados towards new spinners, so it is definitely a mod I'd recommend too. Again, it's up to your personal preference. Metallic comssa's are a bit more customizable in terms of color, so if you want that appeal then go for it (I recommend Cheat Comssa over Metallic Comssa, just because a regular Metallic Comssa might be a tad too light...). Otherwise, Tornado is probably your best bet. Besides, if you don't like the Tornado you can always save up money to get a Comssa in the future since they come pretty cheap. Edit: Ninja'd due to my wall of text. Q_Q KT's are pretty darn heavy, and while they aren't as heavy as a Buster, they "feel" harder to move because they are shorter. Meaning, you'll have to push harder to get it spinning. So not recommending the Buster due to weight/too much momentum but recommending the KT is a little bit of a stretch.
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 21:28:52
Hey Storm, do you know if the Cheat Comssa can be made with parts from a normal metal comssa? I've been looking for a tutorial since you suggested it and I've only found that one video on YouTube, but I can't really see it clearly. :P No luck finding a written tutorial in the forums either :$
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 21:51:43
To make a Cheat Comssa you take a regular Metallic Comssa and glue on another HGG tip to both sides, so you have 2 HGG tips on each side. OR, instead of glueing on an HGG tip you glue on a Signo tip. This is obviously heavier and what I spun when I was starting out. **Recommended** OR, you can use Thnikk's method of attaching Signo tips to the Comssa caps so the only tips are the Signo tips, no HGG's used!! Pick and choose~
Date: Wed, Feb 16 2011 22:19:32
don't buy Buster CYL nor Waterfall Mod!:no: Try to spin heavier than bictory and RSVP MX but Lighter than buster CYL and Waterfall Mod.:mods:because your fingers aren't used to spin heavy pens.try to buy a comssa,metal comssa,cheat comssa,comssa MX, tornado mod,etc. because you might not spin a regular bictory or any lightweighted pens. :spin::2p2h:
Date: Thu, Feb 17 2011 00:43:43
what mods should I make? I have access to all of these supplies. Should I make the SEVEN G3, the Tornado mod, the MSXA Typhoon, the Buster CYL, Metallic Comssa, or the ZT Mod? I have been spinning for around, uh, 3 months, maybe? What should you think i should buy? Thanks.
Date: Thu, Feb 17 2011 02:07:33
3 months? It depends on the tricks you know, if you only know a few variety of tricks, then MSXA, if you are beginner, then Metallic Comssa, a little more advanced, then SEVEN G3. Stay away from Buster. ZT just fails (for me)
Date: Thu, Feb 17 2011 02:23:31
thanks. I know around 15 tricks. lol what should I buy then?
Date: Thu, Feb 17 2011 02:41:30
Metal Comssa or Tornado, but if your hands are bigger, get an MSXA.
Date: Thu, Feb 17 2011 03:51:14
Okay, so I'm trying to figure out which 3 mods I'm trying to buy- Seven Mod = Waterfall Mod = Bonkura KT = I'm deciding on MOMENTUM, not style. Thanks!
Date: Thu, Feb 17 2011 03:57:41
Best use Bonkura KT for just momentum. Bit heavy tho.
Date: Thu, Feb 17 2011 04:05:48
Thankssss =D
Date: Thu, Feb 17 2011 21:02:20
What's the difference between a Metal Comssa and a Metal SG Comssa? I realize that the grip is different, but do they feel the same or is one heavier/has more momentum than the other? (What does SG even stand for? xD)
Date: Fri, Feb 18 2011 04:36:59
should I get the flying panda or the minwoo mod? I am a 3 month spinner. I don't care about the price, I can afford all of it, so please reply. Thanks.
Date: Fri, Feb 18 2011 04:50:47
@Reggi SG stands for Sailor Gel, its the grip used. The SG will make it a tiny bit heavier, and it will feel different. Thats all it changes.
Date: Fri, Feb 18 2011 04:55:36
@Jacob8185 minwoo isnt perfectly balanced but its real nice... flying panda... eh...
Date: Fri, Feb 18 2011 13:43:43
I was just wondering if it would be a good idea to make a list of all the signo tipped mods... -Waterfall -Emboss -Comssa EP Please post any that I forgot.
Date: Fri, Feb 18 2011 15:05:35
You can put Signos on any mod you want, but if you just want to know signotipped mods, theres also marvys, namaes, ryo cheat comssa, and several G3 mods.
Date: Fri, Feb 18 2011 18:20:31
what about the vic got game mod?
Date: Fri, Feb 18 2011 19:34:03
@Jacob8185 long and heavy.. (length varies) but has high momentum..
Date: Sat, Feb 19 2011 02:04:18
thanks, bonkey12
Date: Sun, Feb 20 2011 19:10:29
What about the rushon comssa/metal rushon comssa? And what's with the S2? Finally, what about the SX Dr. Grip edition? Thanks.
Date: Sun, Feb 20 2011 19:12:09
Sorry to be a pain, but also, what about the reeder mod, the impact mx, the any-x mod, the twistable mx, or the hcmx retractable mx? Thanks.
Date: Sun, Feb 20 2011 19:58:56
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 17:11:56
In your opinion, is the MX^2 better, or the MSXA? And, yes, I already read the wiki on both articles/mods.
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 18:10:25
3 month spinner? wow. It's mostly personal preference. You shouldn't be even looking at those super heavy mods anyway. For me, MX^2 > MSXA Get a cheat comssa or a metallic comssa and you'll be happy for the rest of your life.
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 18:06:18
theres a mod on PW that i really want. i was wondering if anyone knew the parts so i can make it in different colors? clear isn't very effective aesthetically.
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 18:11:14
not sure about the parts dont make a new thread next time, at least look at the stickys first... you can use either one of those also you could just PM penwish and ask him yourself ._.
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 18:11:48
Looks like clear tornado grips, their white ring hoops/white sailors, hi tec c tip, and a jimnie/hyper jell cap with a clear jimnie grip in the back. And maybe a HGG tip in the back too. Not sure about the moday, maybe g3. You can email PW if you want too, I'm pretty sure he'll tell you.
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 18:15:20
thanks for the help, i totally forgot to search the threads :\
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 18:16:15
the tip in the back looks like a zt tip.. front tip looks like signo not for sure though..
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 18:17:40
I have one. Hyperjell cap. Jimnie grip + ZT tip in the cap. The cap is stuck on the body (without cap). 2 Muji caps on 1 side. Clear tornado grips with some PW rings hoops. Signo Tip.
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 18:22:50 Also is it the Muji gel stick? Or some other muji body?
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 18:27:38
Just put inserts for better colors...That's what I would do.
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 18:45:31
@Holypie, a Muji from PW...
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 18:52:28
@Saurkk A Muji what? Muji is a brand. Please, link me to this Muji. I doubt it's a Muji KT.
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 19:14:33
@Holypie, A Muji like that: The name of the pen is "Muji"...
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 19:20:30
Can you show me the link on PW?
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 19:25:01
i don't have muji anymore. it's oop only got a few dingles here and there
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 19:31:20
Alright, that clears up a lot.
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 18:45:44
I wouldn't say that the G.J.H and the MPFX are too heavy... so which one should I get? Thanks.
Date: Sun, Feb 27 2011 18:48:06
MPFX would be my choice. The parts are more accessible and it's easier to make, also you don't need to remove the cap in order to write. It's also EXTREMELY durable.
Date: Mon, Feb 28 2011 00:11:03
Should I get Clarity mod or SX Dr Grip Tip Version ?
Date: Tue, Mar 1 2011 14:22:50
I have thought of making a waterfall mod..but some say that it is a very average pen. So is it worth making?
Date: Tue, Mar 1 2011 14:43:46
It's not average. It's one of the best mods out there. Perfect length, momentum, weight, and balance. Yeah, it's worth making.
Date: Tue, Mar 1 2011 15:51:59
I would say the look is rather average but the feeling is rather magical. Something about those parts coming together just makes a pen that feels amazing to spin. I have two of them cuz they are fantastic :P
Date: Tue, Mar 1 2011 17:22:30
i love my waterfall mod. its light enough to spin fast, but heavy enough to do some power tricks. definitely worth making.
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 01:09:49
What G3 mod should I get? The SEVEN G3, the Key3 G3, or the kUzu G3, or the Coulomb mod? Is there a reason why I should get one?
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 01:24:19
kuzu g3 :) I thin cuz its got a great spinning effect and good momentum/weight/length, just idk about the grip cut....hehe....good luck
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 01:36:54
thanks, but i have heard that the kuzu is pretty heavy... heavier than the rest of the mods. I am leaning towards getting the SEVEN, because it looks better in my appearence. does that matter? sorry... i'm being a noob right now
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 01:53:44
Hey UPSB, Long time reader, first time poster. I've been pen spinning for about a year or so. My friends and I have used this site to learn all we know about PS. Anyway, I started with a pencil then went on to a regular RSVP with two caps. I was wondering what pen mod would be good if i planned to move up in the pen spinning world. Im not exactly a begginner, and money really isnt an object, so complexity and price really arent issues. Also, if the pen could actually write, that would be best. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 01:55:27
@Javafreak , get a metallic comssa from or make your own retractable metal comssa
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 01:59:02
Javafreak wrote: Hey UPSB, Long time reader, first time poster. I've been pen spinning for about a year or so. My friends and I have used this site to learn all we know about PS. Anyway, I started with a pencil then went on to a regular RSVP with two caps. I was wondering what pen mod would be good if i planned to move up in the pen spinning world. Im not exactly a begginner, and money really isnt an object, so complexity and price really arent issues. Also, if the pen could actually write, that would be best. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Since you're not horribly inexperienced I would suggest buying the parts for a Mesi G3 pen mod from Penwish. It's a good pen to introduce yourself to the world of pen modification, it's not HORRIBLY difficult. The only thing would be cutting grips straight and drilling a hole. Also it can write and it's a very nice pen to spin. -
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 02:26:18
@Jacob8185 Definitely Coulomb Mod IMHO. use black HGG grip too if u gonna do wiper tricks. Its also one of the easiest mods to mod out of the 4. PrinceXD
Jacob8185 wrote: What G3 mod should I get? The SEVEN G3, the Key3 G3, or the kUzu G3, or the Coulomb mod? Is there a reason why I should get one?
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 02:30:15
Jacob8185 wrote: thanks, but i have heard that the kuzu is pretty heavy... heavier than the rest of the mods. I am leaning towards getting the SEVEN, because it looks better in my appearence. does that matter? sorry... i'm being a noob right now
It's mostly personal preference. The kUzu G3 is very heavy. I'd stay away from that if you are a somewhat beginner. With me, I love the SEVEN mod. It's like, one of the best G3 mods for me. The Coulomb mod is also not bad, but I'd say a key3 G3 is more likeable. So yeah. If you are advanced, then go for the kUzu mod, if you are intermediate, choose SEVEN. It'll be awesome. -
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 02:46:49
PrinceXD wrote: @Jacob8185 Definitely Coulomb Mod IMHO. use black HGG grip too if u gonna do wiper tricks. Its also one of the easiest mods to mod out of the 4. PrinceXD
Seven is pretty easy to make too, there's nothing in it that's harder than any other G3 mod. -
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 03:03:14
@Holypie I'm aware that it is easy to make, but considering the grip rings needed in cap just makes grip cutting slightly harder for new modders. Also, the parts to make a SEVEN is much harder to get and it cost more compared to a coulomb mod. (and this is why my first G3 mod is a coulomb mod). But then again, I havent mod my SEVEN yet (i just got the parts), so I dont exactly know how it spins compared to coulomb G3 mod. PrinceXD
Holypie wrote: Seven is pretty easy to make too, there's nothing in it that's harder than any other G3 mod.
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 03:15:23
There's only 2 cuts that need to be done, the white signo in the front and the white grip at the back (usually signo). The latter isn't even necessary. Anyway he said price is irrelevant so if that's the case I'd definitely get Seven.
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 21:34:04
Is it writable because I'm looking on penwish for a good somewhat lightish mod that is writeable. It only has to be light enough that it won't injure my hand as I've heard sometimes happens when beginners use pens like the buster cyl. I was kind of leaning towards a CK mod "bumblebee" colored or maybe a ZT mod
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 21:35:17
Sorry about posting this I didn't look hard enough for the already posted thread for this :(
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 21:35:27
You're not going to injure your hand, spin what ever you want, just buy a pen and see how it feels.
Date: Thu, Mar 3 2011 21:44:23
@Frontiersmen Lol ZT is heavy... Your best bet is retr. Metallic comssa. PrinceXD
Frontiersmen wrote: Is it writable because I'm looking on penwish for a good somewhat lightish mod that is writeable. It only has to be light enough that it won't injure my hand as I've heard sometimes happens when beginners use pens like the buster cyl. I was kind of leaning towards a CK mod "bumblebee" colored or maybe a ZT mod
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 00:48:14
I have heard many good things about the Waterfall mod, and I am considering to buy/make one. Is there a reason why I shouldn't? Such as, if there is any disadvantages to it? I am an around 4 month spinner, so yeah. Thanks!
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 01:02:06
Im considering two mods right now, Coulomb G3 and Key3 mod. They both cost about the same price, and have the same weight and length, and IIRC are both front-heavy. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks in advance!
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 03:25:30
just a question: If you take off the metal screws on the end of the ZT mod, then how heavy will the ZT be? Like, compared to an MX or MSXA, how heavy will it be? Lighter? Heavier? Thanks.
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 03:38:45
Jacob8185 wrote: I have heard many good things about the Waterfall mod, and I am considering to buy/make one. Is there a reason why I shouldn't? Such as, if there is any disadvantages to it? I am an around 4 month spinner, so yeah. Thanks!
It's a beautiful pen and you should make it. -
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 05:46:06
Just another question, do you think that I should get the ZT mod or the Waterfall mod? I am pretty sure that I should get the Waterfall, because of its better spinability, but still, at the same time, I like how you can shorten the mod and lessen the weight, which I think is pretty sick. So which one do you think I should get? Thanks.
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 05:50:07
@A.Sate Personally I like Coulomb's better aesthetically. I don't know about spinning wise because I've never had Key3 so it wouldn't be fair for me to make that judgement.
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 06:31:24
Yea thanks nachoaddict. I was leaning towards coulomb cause it looked nice, and since I already had hi-tec c tips and HGG tips lying around And Jacob, go with the waterfall, Im sure it will feel more familiar. The ZT has a different body, and it might be hard to spin at first. Its also lighter too ;)
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 20:46:43
I have searched a lot of sites, and I just want to know: What is the Japanese color pencil? I mean, I know what it is, but how much does it weigh? Should I get it? Etc.
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 20:52:25
@Jacob8185 IMO.. Key3 G3 or SEVEN G3..
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 21:17:41
Jacob8185 wrote: I have searched a lot of sites, and I just want to know: What is the Japanese color pencil? I mean, I know what it is, but how much does it weigh? Should I get it? Etc. That's the pencil, I don't know about stats. It's a really light thin mod with little momentum but it's fun to spin anyway, and not too expensive from Penwish. -
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 21:24:37
what's so good about the coulomb mod? Besides that it is easily found and assembled.
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 21:55:33
I only made it for the looks.
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 22:25:17
Can anyone translate this tutorial
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 22:55:17
@Akura , i tried, but google chrome's supposedly AUTO translate isn't working.... -.-'
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 23:40:17
drgripable wrote: @Akura , i tried, but google chrome's supposedly AUTO translate isn't working.... -.-'
My Google Chrome translate won't work either! -
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 00:10:28
Is there a sub for the Staples Metrix for the MPFX by TEK? Thanks.
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 00:26:28
Try Jedo. And questions like that don't belong in this thread. It belongs here:
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 00:42:00
final question before I buy: Should I get the Waterfall mod, or the SEVEN G3 mod? I have limited my mods up to only those two. Thanks.
Date: Sun, Mar 6 2011 01:27:52
Waterfall Mod. Add some sailors to make it look better. and feel better.
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 06:10:27
Title says it all, again. Let's start off with the Saizen G3, which weighs around 24 g or so. List your pens below, and also, don't forget to write the weight, if you know it.
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 07:16:58
VGG mod, weights a lot?
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 07:36:12
I dont think there is a "heaviest mod" cause ppl can just put Signo tips and HGG tips into their Busters Comssa cap and theyve made a mod from about 27g. If you want to, you also can use a full metal or stell body and have an even heavier mod but that would be weird. I think everyone should figure out his/her personal favourite but everything about 25g is kinda weird imo, although VGG is one of my favourites. Just to list some heavy ones - afair!!: Dr KT = 20g kUzU Mod = 20g Buster = 22g VGG = 23g But everything depends on modding on the used tips, tape, if you used plasticine-like stuff to arrange tips or whatever. Differences of 1g are normal I guess.
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 08:48:10
PC2 Buster. Not sure of the weight but I'm assuming it's 22.5g
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 08:52:35
heaviest of 'common' mods afaik, KT = 17-18g, buster = 20g (ballpoint tips) , vgg = 21g (ballpoint tips) crew mod is apparently 25-30g, but not sure -.-
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 13:31:56
I made a personal mod with 3 of my flat small disc like batteries on each side, and tips, it was about 26g. Couldnt spin it...
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 15:08:31
Buster Cyl with mechanical airfit tips.
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 15:59:08
That mod that someone posted on show off your pens. It was a whole Dr. Grip grip on each side with airfit tip, signo tip, and dr. grip tip on each side.
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 21:33:50
I'm fairly new to pen spinning and am looking for a good double sided mod, I have a bictory and a RSVP toro right now, the bictory is a little thin and lighter than what I'm used to since my main pen has been the toro. Dr. KT sounds like a really fun pen but I'm just not ready for that weight yet, what would be a good pen to build? I don't really know how people measure their hand size but people have always told me I have small hands and I would have to agree, so a super long pen might not be the best idea. I read the faq but there are just so many options it's overwhelming, I guess what I'm really wondering is if there is a really popular mod that is highly recommended? I will provide more information if needed.
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 22:07:13
Search before you post. @Mageta
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 22:14:03
Vicgotgame Waterfall Mod Bonkura KT. They're medium to heavy mods though.. :/
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 22:33:41
Wisp wrote: Vicgotgame Waterfall Mod Bonkura KT.
not sure if troll :| I'd say metal comssa :D Great for a beginner And of course, most definitely not a Vicgotgame mod or Bonkura KT. Waterfall is good though. It's suitable for any spinner. -
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 22:36:26
I totally agree with happy_happy. You do [B]NOT[/B] want a long stick as your 1st mod. I would recommend the signo-tipped "ryo cheat" comssa.
Date: Tue, Mar 8 2011 22:50:21
Signo tipped with your choice of grips is about as much as you'll ever need. I personally use Signo + Hgg tipped DC. My recommendation is the Namae DC Mod. Dr.KT was my first "real" mod, kind of wish I had gotten something else, plus Dr.KT is a bit expensive.
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 02:44:49
My friend wanted to know if the Hybrid -DC- HGG is a good mod for him. He loves the MX, and he started spinning like a week ago. What do you guys think?
Date: Sat, Mar 12 2011 05:26:09
That's me. I'm his friend he's talking about, BTW.
Date: Mon, Mar 14 2011 20:05:43
Metal comssa "Green diamond" Or Waterfall mod? This will be my first mod. Right now i'm just using a pencil with 2 eraser things on the ends.
Date: Mon, Mar 14 2011 21:34:18
First mod, then use Green Diamond. Get the waterfall for later.
Date: Tue, Mar 15 2011 03:31:42
I have a BICtory which I use for a practice pen, and it's decent but the barrel/tube of the pen is a bit too light. So any suggestions on making specifically the barrel heavier or substitutes for that barrel part?
Date: Tue, Mar 15 2011 04:07:07
for more weight, add grips, tips or rings on the caps....idk abt the barrel
Date: Tue, Mar 15 2011 04:24:51
add grips/tips on both ends of the pen that will give you more momentum and make it easier to spin.
Date: Tue, Mar 15 2011 04:28:25
Get a bamboo chopstick, cut to size.
Date: Tue, Mar 15 2011 17:21:09
i strongly recommend the lemon mod for any spinner. It's amazing imo.
Date: Wed, Mar 16 2011 02:37:05
How long is it? And how much does it weigh + center of balance
Date: Wed, Mar 16 2011 03:36:43
How does the Minnovate DC (v.1 or v.2) compare to a Waterfall, and a normal Minwoo Mod to a F1r3fly G3? They seem fairly similar.
Date: Wed, Mar 16 2011 03:51:37
Advecticity wrote: How does the Minnovate DC (v.1 or v.2) compare to a Waterfall, and a normal Minwoo Mod to a F1r3fly G3? They seem fairly similar.
Regular minwoo and f1r3fly are much heavier than a minovate dc, and it's pretty similar to a waterfall. I'd say waterfall is a little heavier, with a little more momentum. -
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 00:49:10
Is there a mod like rsvp mx (long, single sided) but writes with the other side of the pen?
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 01:25:26
There's always a G3MX, and MX variations, like MMT.
Date: Thu, Mar 17 2011 01:42:40
@Javafreak TEK's Reeder Mod Tutorial available back in v3. PrinceXD
Javafreak wrote: Is there a mod like rsvp mx (long, single sided) but writes with the other side of the pen?
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 10:10:09
Hello im new to pen spinning and i have mastered half of my fundamentals(Charge Sonic) and some other tricks (Twisted Sonic, Infinity) So I recently made my own Pen mod from savaged It is quite long and heavy<3x of a Pencil and I don't know if I should be spinning with that much weight because i heard you should start out with a lighter pen(I use to spin with a Pencil) I like spinning heavy and Longer pens it feels like im in control. i was thinking of buying a RSVP MX or a Metal comssa Which one would you recommend
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 10:18:30
RSVP MX: Slippery body, cool stuff for newbie Metallic Comssa:Thinner body, almost like a round pencil but plastic, nice momentum, awesome mod for anyone I would recommend both :) @ILikePens
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 10:32:17
This is the thread for you : But besides that what Jazz said is what you'll hear from almost everyone else
Date: Sat, Mar 19 2011 10:39:49
Both are same weight, RSVP mx is back heavy but metal comssa is balanced
Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 23:45:32
Do you think I should get a cheat comssa? I know it is pretty heavy, for I don't like really heavy mods. I am around a 3-3.5 month spinner. Thanks!
Date: Mon, Mar 28 2011 05:39:19
what's considered a light, medium, and heavy mod? (weight wise), like is 14 grams light?
Date: Mon, Mar 28 2011 22:55:58
@jet To me, anything over 13 g is medium mod, and anything over 17 g is a heavy mod. Anything under 13g is a light mod.
Date: Wed, Mar 30 2011 06:15:12
bictory, comssa, or metallic comssa are probably your best bet
Date: Thu, Mar 31 2011 02:19:12
well, my buster got stolen (as well as my vgg) so i have no super long.heavy mods to learn power tricks (namely hai- tua) with anymore. I managed a hai-tua, once with my dr kt, and can do 7 busts with my kt. Should i stick with my KT or get another mod?
Date: Thu, Mar 31 2011 02:37:44
drgripable wrote: well, my buster got stolen (as well as my vgg) so i have no super long.heavy mods to learn power tricks (namely hai- tua) with anymore. I managed a hai-tua, once with my dr kt, and can do 7 busts with my kt. Should i stick with my KT or get another mod?
I'd say keep it, but get another mod with similar weight and different spinning space, since I, personally think the spinning space for the KT is a bit small for powertricks. But it's mostly up to you. Minwoo mod is a pretty good idea. -
Date: Thu, Mar 31 2011 02:38:47
alright thanks @V-Storm :) im getting one from riley XD
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 11:35:38
It has to write and be about 19 cm long
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 12:02:31
euh....are those really your sugestions? I would say, if your a beginner.. start with the RSVP MX, and a metal commsa! if you are a advanced, it depends on your style!!
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 12:35:49
the namae mod spins amazingly well... PrinceXD
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 12:40:33
I'd rather you get a pencase :P but if you want: pick RSVP MX or
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 13:28:25
msxa, metal comssa, comssa dc and buster. no kidding not the buster xD
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 14:22:01
rsvp mx or mxsa
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 14:26:23
You can try Metal Comssa? I think that's what you'd look for. You can make the Retractable version yourself, but it'll be quite hard for a beginner. :p
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 12:44:47
Get a Metal Comssa from Penwish then mod your comssa if you want it to be heavier e.g put signos on it or grips.
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 21:10:52
haha, I get to spend LESS than 50 on Penwish, what should i get? I already have a ZT Original, a Waterfall Original, a homemade MonAmi Retractable, a homemade rsvp, and a buster cyl. I've been spinning since late september of last year, but i would say i know quite a many moves (but just not good at linkages) so what should i get? o yeah and i'm also getting the material for fir3fly g3, so uh.. think of stuff that'll total under 35-40 please! thanks... and shuddup about me havin a buster so early. EDIT: wait i didn't mean to post it here... i was trying to start a new thread.. eh.. wutevs i already hav a new thread -__-
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 21:48:14
TheHawkeyeHuH wrote: haha, I get to spend LESS than 50 on Penwish, what should i get? I already have a ZT Original, a Waterfall Original, a homemade MonAmi Retractable, a homemade rsvp, and a buster cyl. I've been spinning since late september of last year, but i would say i know quite a many moves (but just not good at linkages) so what should i get? o yeah and i'm also getting the material for fir3fly g3, so uh.. think of stuff that'll total under 35-40 please! thanks... and shuddup about me havin a buster so early.
I'll sell you my f1r3fly for $15 at school... But I would suggest a cheat comssa. Very similar to a waterfall, and cheap. -
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 01:14:48
uhh no its ok :D heh
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 10:07:36
Hmm... getting back to the topic... Recommend me a great to spin mod? range it to Light-Medium?
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 11:33:55
Waterfall is perfect for you :) Or, a metal comssa, maybe ?
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 14:51:10
@TheHawkeyeHuH actually firefly g3 isnt hard... just a few small files and cuts. you could make product sc (recommended completely) or an ayatori (pretty heavy, but it writes)
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 20:52:05
@TheHawkeyeHuH maybe you should get a coupl light to medium mods like J74Q is looking for. its always good to have those light mods:D
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 21:10:17
I already have a waterfall and i'm planning to order a metal comssa soon. waterfalls are the best in my opinion, recommended for anyone
Date: Sun, Apr 10 2011 23:18:23
Hey guys :D what should i make? Rsvp mx, Rsvp nx mmt, Momentum Mx or RSVP ST? Finished fundamentals and now working on a few linkages :D Those mods are all light to medium weight mods because i love light or medium mods. Recommend pls :D Other rsvp mods also can be recommended and i have an msxa now :D
Date: Tue, Apr 12 2011 13:06:05
A little bump here? Sorry for double post i really need answers...
Date: Tue, Apr 12 2011 22:53:56
@J74Q: About how big is your hand? That will determine which pen you would like the best
Date: Tue, Apr 12 2011 22:55:43
Pretty much. Make a AMMX. You'll love it. RSVP ST looks weird.
Date: Wed, Apr 13 2011 01:07:21
small hands :D
Date: Wed, Apr 13 2011 01:48:08
mmm... somehow, nothing quite beats the good old feel you get from spinning a regular mx and its great for smaller hands and such
Date: Wed, Apr 13 2011 04:44:01
J74Q wrote: small hands :D
Then yeah. AMMX would work fine. -
Date: Sun, Apr 17 2011 05:15:58
Compared to the waterfall mod, does the seven mod have a lot of momentum? Thanks!
Date: Sun, Apr 17 2011 17:04:01
I'm looking for a pen mod with the following specs: Longish (20+ish CM) - I have Waterfall and Buster CYL. They are both pretty good lengths Heavier - my Waterfall Mod feels heavier than my Buster, but around the weight of either is fine Balanced Most importantly: WRITABLE! I'd stick with Waterfall/Buster except that neither of them write. I need a mod that I can take to class and write with. Preferably not too difficult to assemble, but that's not that important. Price range is very flexible. Let me know!
Date: Sun, Apr 17 2011 17:08:44
i have a Dr.Kt and its beast! but is a Buster CYL a better choice?
Date: Sun, Apr 17 2011 17:11:02
I'm a KT-for-life spinner. I have a buster and I hate it. I just wish that KT had more spinning space, so yeah. KT is good.
Date: Sun, Apr 17 2011 17:33:56
i dont spin a kt and a buster cuz theyre both too short for me -.- spin a waterfall :P
Date: Sun, Apr 17 2011 17:45:12
I'm a buster spinner, it's ok...sorta heavy stick with your KT, it's better (lighter, better body [I think]) ur choice though...I don't own a KT so I dunno...
Date: Sun, Apr 17 2011 17:56:28
Depends on your hand size. Dr. KT - Short Hands Buster - Long Hands
Date: Sun, Apr 17 2011 18:04:23
I like the buster and the KT. Its just that the buster for me feels kinda heavy and light at the same time while the KT is stable. I also believe that the KT is more durable and wont attract as much dust as the buster.
Date: Sun, Apr 17 2011 18:06:14
in my pencase there is only a Buster but I tried once EK his KT, and I think it is REALLY AWSOME!!! :P so I love the KT more than the Buster cyl!
Date: Sun, Apr 17 2011 18:09:56
making a frixion mod and putting your KT caps on it makes it a longer KT, the weight distribution is almost identical to me :3
Date: Mon, Apr 18 2011 20:47:15
Are there any other pens that are fairly light. Nothing too far off from a MX or really close to that weight. Right now i have a rsvp mx, metallic sailor grip comssa, comssa w/profile grips, Bictory w/rsvp grips. Going to make a retractable mx soon also xD
Date: Tue, Apr 19 2011 01:43:30
You could try some other MX variants? Or possibly a ballsign mod?
Date: Tue, Apr 19 2011 03:32:57
is there something wrong with me, if i think a 2g weight difference is harder to spin with? Because i thought that a rsvp mx/metallic comssa with sailor grips was kinda heavy until recently.
Date: Tue, Apr 19 2011 03:58:33
lagbeast wrote: is there something wrong with me, if i think a 2g weight difference is harder to spin with? Because i thought that a rsvp mx/metallic comssa with sailor grips was kinda heavy until recently.
Nope. -
Date: Wed, Apr 20 2011 01:58:27
Hi everyone..... I'm looking for a pen/pencil mod that WRITES. Preferably pencil, although I know there aren't that many out there. It would also be great if it were more lightweight and shorter than other mods, since I'm looking to spin during class without attractic too much attention. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance!!!
Date: Thu, Apr 21 2011 06:06:47
ynomir50 wrote: Hi everyone..... I'm looking for a pen/pencil mod that WRITES. Preferably pencil, although I know there aren't that many out there. It would also be great if it were more lightweight and shorter than other mods, since I'm looking to spin during class without attractic too much attention. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance!!!
Pencil, there is the GJH. It's a little heavy for a beginner but not too bad. try that. -
Date: Sun, Apr 24 2011 05:32:18
Best School mod of your opinion?
Date: Fri, May 6 2011 00:14:51
Do you think that I should get the SX by Charlie mod? What's so good about it, besides the looks? Thanks!
Date: Fri, May 6 2011 00:27:40
J74Q wrote: Best School mod of your opinion?
1. G2 CTE Evo by Guitrum 2. GJH by that Pendolsa dude whatever his name was 3. MPFX by TEK 4. M301X by K4s (I think) -
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 14:58:02
J74Q wrote: Best School mod of your opinion?
Rsvp mod, they blend in and don't cause distractions -
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 19:06:44
i need a mod that suits my hand and skill level my hand from the heel of my hand to end of middle finger is 15cm i can do these tricks
TA TA rev Charge Charge rev Sonic Sonic rev Fingerpass shadow infinity double infinity NeoSonic Neosonic rev Tw Sonic Tw Sonic rev Tw sonic bust Tw Sonic multiple bust Warped sonic Demons sonic Sonic rise Fake double Double Ta index bak middle bak ring bak pinky bak double charge palmspin thumbspin palmspin->FL TA inverse shadow moonwalk sonic hai tua pun new i might have missed some but u get the point -
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 04:36:20
Kiiro wrote: i need a mod that suits my hand and skill level my hand from the heel of my hand to end of middle finger is 15cm i can do these tricks
Metal comssa or Rsvp mx.Spoiler
TA TA rev Charge Charge rev Sonic Fingerpass shadow infinity NeoSonic Tw Sonic Tw sonic bust Tw Sonic multiple bust(2-3) Warped sonic Demons sonic Sonic rise Fake double Double Ta index bak middle bak double charge palmspin thumbspin palmspin->FL TA inverse shadow -
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 22:51:02
what mods should i get? my friend just found out about penwish and he says he'll buy me one (WOOT) i am a.. around 7.5 month spinner and i am not sure how to describe the amount of moves i know. I already have the following mods- Buster CYL ZT Original Waterfall Original Dr AC MX^2 S360 Color Pen Mod (not KT) F1r3fly G3 Personal MonAmi 153 Retract Personal RSVP MX and i dont want a MinWoo mod... my friend says that his friend would kill me if i got one. what should i get? :]
Date: Thu, May 12 2011 02:30:08
@XiX m301x marvy mod gjh namae mod seven anyways... whats the best, CHEAP AND USABLE mod. i kinda wanna leave one in the car so i can spin during long car trips without actually having to take the mod back and forth (i know, im lazy)
Date: Thu, May 12 2011 03:08:00
@Cloud GJH.. wut about the pencil gjh mod from penwish? would that work too? and for your question... if i were to do that i would just get a comssa and leave it there. but besides a comssa, maybe... a metal comssa.. besides that.. idk.
Date: Thu, May 12 2011 04:02:47
@XiX uh yeah thats is the one i was talking about only thing i dont like about pw is the insert... you can request another i think i got mine without an insert at all and put one in myself its pretty nice, you can write with it and all.
Date: Sat, May 14 2011 14:56:39
okayy so i want to get either 1. a Dr kt (dunno which one to choose from, is there much difference from the Dr AC Pink sky Blue to the Dr KT Original ?) is know Dr ac uses art color body, is there much difference from a keityo body? and i would prefer the dr ac because of the colors, so if there is a difference from keityo body to an art color body i might get the original one or 2. get an extra buster cyl and a s360 kt what should i get?
Date: Sun, May 15 2011 22:59:27
Supergirl wrote: okayy so i want to get either 1. a Dr kt (dunno which one to choose from, is there much difference from the Dr AC Pink sky Blue to the Dr KT Original ?) is know Dr ac uses art color body, is there much difference from a keityo body? and i would prefer the dr ac because of the colors, so if there is a difference from keityo body to an art color body i might get the original one or 2. get an extra buster cyl and a s360 kt what should i get?
I think you should get an S360 KT and the Buster, because the S360 KT comes in so many different colors. Just my opinion, though. -
Date: Sun, May 15 2011 23:02:08
@Supergirl definitely Dr.KT/AC. its value is way over buster + s360 KT.. PrinceXD
Supergirl wrote: okayy so i want to get either 1. a Dr kt (dunno which one to choose from, is there much difference from the Dr AC Pink sky Blue to the Dr KT Original ?) is know Dr ac uses art color body, is there much difference from a keityo body? and i would prefer the dr ac because of the colors, so if there is a difference from keityo body to an art color body i might get the original one or 2. get an extra buster cyl and a s360 kt what should i get?
Date: Sun, May 15 2011 23:54:36
I have tried a small variety of pens and I find heavier mods to be best for me. Got any recommendations on a penmod that is quite heavy and balanced? I have checked around and watched a lot of tutorials, but few mention their weight. Thanks in advance.
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 00:01:53
NoobsDeSroobs wrote: I have tried a small variety of pens and I find heavier mods to be best for me. Got any recommendations on a penmod that is quite heavy and balanced? I have checked around and watched a lot of tutorials, but few mention their weight. Thanks in advance.
You seem somewhat new. Try a waterfall. -
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 00:03:47
@NoobsDeSroobs VicGotGame mod (20g) Buster CYL (19g) Dr.KT (18g) Saizen's RSVP Mod (20g) Saizen's G3 Mod (24g) and.. The microwave mod (2kg) ^_^ PrinceXD
NoobsDeSroobs wrote: I have tried a small variety of pens and I find heavier mods to be best for me. Got any recommendations on a penmod that is quite heavy and balanced? I have checked around and watched a lot of tutorials, but few mention their weight. Thanks in advance.
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 00:15:07
PrinceXD;95009]@NoobsDeSroobs VicGotGame mod (20g) Buster CYL (19g) Dr.KT (18g) Saizen's RSVP Mod (20g) Saizen's G3 Mod (24g) and.. The microwave mod (2kg) ^_^ PrinceXD[/QUOTE] WTF?! 2 kg?! I need to see that mod! [QUOTE=V-Storm wrote: You seem somewhat new. Try a waterfall.
Does it shine through?! :P yes I am new, and as such I appreciate the support/help you guys give me. Thank you very much. -
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 00:23:21
@NoobsDeSroobs PrinceXD
NoobsDeSroobs wrote: WTF?! 2 kg?! I need to see that mod!
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 00:32:29
PrinceXD wrote: @NoobsDeSroobs PrinceXD
WTF! That was hilarious. Thank you for brightening my day. -
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 00:48:11
PrinceXD wrote: @NoobsDeSroobs PrinceXD
I made one, it spins GREAT! -
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 00:48:51
NoobsDeSroobs wrote: WTF?! 2 kg?! I need to see that mod! Does it shine through?! :P yes I am new, and as such I appreciate the support/help you guys give me. Thank you very much.
Haha. KT highly reccomended.And no, it doesn't "shine through" -
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 00:49:26
PrinceXD wrote: @NoobsDeSroobs PrinceXD
the top rated comment states it's not heavier than a buster -
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 07:16:13
PrinceXD wrote: @Supergirl definitely Dr.KT/AC. its value is way over buster + s360 KT.. PrinceXD
okay thanks, going to get a Dr AC pink and sky blue -
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 11:41:49
could some1 pls make a vid on how to make G2-CTE Vortex cos i dunno wat Guitrum is doing in his video....
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 17:56:54
which one do you think looks better
and... dr kt with sailor grips or with dr grips? which one would be heavier?
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 20:07:30
Ponkotu's tutorial looks different from the wiki. link: Ballsign mod (bonkura氏仕様) If you use google translate, it will say: Ballsign mod (bonkura spec says) I'm just curious, which one is real? The one in the wiki or the one in ponkotu's modding blog?
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 23:01:32
It's basically a change of grips. I dunno, but i think Ponkotu interchanged the Supergrip and Dr grip. In one of the tutorial videos, if i remember correctly, Bonkura used a longer length of Dr Grip and just 2 sections of Supergrip, for each side.
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 12:53:45 Bonkura used a Supergrip grip. 2 sections, 1.7cm each
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 22:03:53
im stuck between making a G.J.H. MPFX, or MPMX for school....any suggestions? any pros n cons i should consider?
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 00:39:56
Any good mods for a 7 month spinner that i can get in the USA not in penwish
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 00:49:49
lagbeast wrote: im stuck between making a G.J.H. MPFX, or MPMX for school....any suggestions? any pros n cons i should consider?
MPFX, it's easier to make and easier to click, also it's balanced and really nice to spin. -
Date: Thu, May 26 2011 18:30:30
Thinking about buying this mod Can any of you give me a review?
Date: Thu, May 26 2011 21:51:13
I don't have THAT mod, but I do have a normal KT. They're awesome, and is my favorite mod. Spinning space isn't that large, but you'll be fine if you spin RSVP or G3 mods in the past. idk about the sticker, but it should feel alright. Weight is perfect. Just enough for powertricking and best for flow of combos.
Date: Thu, May 26 2011 22:02:12
Holypie wrote: MPFX, it's easier to make and easier to click, also it's balanced and really nice to spin.
Is there a written tutorial anywhere with measures of where to cut, because the only thing i seem to come across is Teks video tutorial. -
Date: Thu, May 26 2011 22:13:30
You don't need precise measurements, just test it out to see if it works. It's a pretty easy mod to make IMO.
Date: Thu, May 26 2011 23:03:48
juggalo666666 wrote: Thinking about buying this mod Can any of you give me a review?
my friend has that mod, its a KT with a CT body and an outsert. it feels just like a normal KT, except a mm thicker from the outsert. -
Date: Sat, Jun 4 2011 04:49:58
I would like somebody to suggest to me a pen mod that's about the weight of a Waterfall Mod, maybe slightly heavier, and double capped. As long as it's not a Buster CYL, because then I'll be called a Buster noob repeatedly by Van. I also would like it to be double capped. Hopefully this is in the right section... Suggest and discuss, I guess? Also, I have been spinning for about 5 months. And the mod can't be a waterfall mod. Hopefully, it's also good for handbusting. :O.
Date: Sat, Jun 4 2011 04:54:42
ck mod, flying panda, dr kt,
Date: Sat, Jun 4 2011 05:12:57
Dr.mod is always my main mod.
Date: Sat, Jun 4 2011 05:17:21
I'll suggest getting a Dr. KT or Joey's DC.
Date: Sat, Jun 4 2011 05:42:15
Right now it looks like Dr. Kt... but reasons plox!
Date: Sat, Jun 4 2011 05:42:47
stuhl mod, riley comssa, minovate dc
Date: Sat, Jun 4 2011 06:32:21
Cheat Comssa, TEK's Yelo mod, Dr Kt, Grip Aviaire. Couple I could think of right now. But IMO Waterfall is your best bet.
Date: Sat, Jun 4 2011 06:35:13
Date: Sat, Jun 4 2011 14:34:56
kt all the way
Date: Sat, Jun 4 2011 15:39:22
What about J-Vic DC? :lol:
Date: Sat, Jun 4 2011 16:33:19
Can I get some reasons why these mods are good for me and stuff? D:
Date: Sat, Jun 4 2011 20:13:01
Lol, your mod. I would say kt, cheat commsa, Pirat Ks (stuhl mod), and flying panda.
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 01:00:58
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Can anyone make anything out of this? 3x Zebra Z-Grip 2x Zebra F-301 2x Pentel RSVP (1 grip broke) 2x Bic Round Stic If I'm close, than suggest to add another pen(s) Thanks[/FONT]
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 01:07:10
f301x bictory
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 02:32:39
extended z-grip, but those don't have much momentum, and imo are crappy...
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 02:36:10
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 05:11:02
Hey guys, I am looking for my first mod to make and it has to b easy and has to include very little parts. I have a small hand so it cant be big. medium size. I might not make it right away, but when i do i want to be able to make it. Any suggestions? TNR:antiboing:
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 06:11:20
A Metal Comssa? Double capped Comssa, HGG/Signo tips and grips of your choice. Cost less than $5 and it's very nice to spin.
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 06:33:13
Krypton wrote: A Metal Comssa? Double capped Comssa, HGG/Signo tips and grips of your choice. Cost less than $5 and it's very nice to spin.
yeh i will try it thanks any other suggestions? -
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 06:50:02
Dr KT/AC/CT double capped kt/ac/ct body choice of colors for caps. single color (both red) or double colored (red & blue, green & orange) with 3 sailor grips. color of your choice once again. amd two dr grip tips Tut: worls for Dr AC's and CT's
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 07:08:21
RSVP MX, only requires 2 pens :)
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 07:12:28
my bro made a bictory for me. And which to pens @Ian? oh i have a bic round stick, and some other stuff.
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 07:17:08
you need an rsvp and an hgg. i suggest you trade with some australian spinners @THENICKRULZ
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 07:18:11
Cloud wrote: you need an rsvp and an hgg. i suggest you trade with some australian spinners ie Krispy Kreme, i.suk. blah blah blah @THENICKRULZ
nope sry have to buy them myself i cant trade. thanks and i will make it sometime soon -
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 07:46:54
does anyone know the difference in weight/length etc between the waterfall and an MSXA?
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 07:57:50
Signo Tipped bictory with G2 grips from Pilot supergrip (M) < those pens are in NZ im sure htey are in Aus
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 08:02:40
Flash wrote: Signo Tipped bictory with G2 grips from Pilot supergrip (M) < those pens are in NZ im sure htey are in Aus
yeh i have already made this mod...... anything else? -
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 08:34:42
THENICKRULZ wrote: yeh i have already made this mod...... anything else?
Ivan mod sub Airfit grip and tip for G2 grip and Signo tip Or you could go to a Japanese store and find some PC2 and make a PC2 mod -
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 08:36:10
k i will think about it
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 08:49:06
i start with personal mod
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 09:03:15
THENICKRULZ wrote: my bro made a bictory for me. And which to pens @Ian? oh i have a bic round stick, and some other stuff.
it uses RSVP, and HGG (NOT HGG DX) -
Date: Tue, Jun 28 2011 05:35:43
So guys i'm pretty new at PSing and i need help picking 3 mods to order. I'm thinking: 1st Pen: Metal Comssa (To Start) 2nd Pen: Waterfall (Switch To This Once I Get Better) 3rd Pen: .....? (If I Get Really Good) Let me know what you guys think!
Date: Tue, Jun 28 2011 05:41:33
dont think you should plan it like that since changing mods should be actually a smooth process not something like "shit I got all the fundamentals, lets change mods" you can technically stick to metallic comssa during your whole PSing life.. And I can see why you pick those 2 mods because of what other people rated? Although those 2 mods are highly recommended, you wont know if its your "cup-of-tea" until you spinned a lot of mods and actually tested out which mod suits you best. PrinceXD
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 00:21:53
Hi i just built an any-x mod and was wondering if it is good for a beginner? Anyone can post if there not sure if there pen is for beginners to. :) Regards Kerbecks
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 00:24:51
Probably an MX or a BiCtory The Any-X is also good for a beginner, it's light, retractable so it's a perfect school mod, and not insanely hard to mod
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 00:26:45
Metallic Commsas are good too. :)
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 00:29:33
Hello? It's red and posted at the top of this section of the forum :/ Any-X is okay for beginner modders and it's decent at best to spin.
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 01:01:09
technically a stable Any-X is not easy to mod. you also need quite a lot of "tools" to mod one (and yes im talking about the original one..) school mod.. its alright but there are other mods which are more stable too.. RSVP MX, metallic comssa... etc.. i actually prefer a beginner to spin a "stabler" mod, since u wont really experience flying parts everywhere when u drop ur mod. PrinceXD
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 01:38:52
A Dr. KT with Zebra Gr8Gel tips.
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 01:53:13
a dr grip gripped comssa(american dr grips, japanese shaker grips are too heavy), has decent momentum and if you want it to be longer use a crayola twistable pencil.
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 01:58:41
a lot of these are so true, if ur looking for something cheap, and easy to find and mod, maybe a dc supertip with american dr grip grip and wooden pencil erasers (pink ones) in the outside of the caps, where you could fit like a tip or sumthing
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 03:48:35
Thankyou everybody for great advice but im from Australia so im really limited to the mods i can make without buying online.
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 03:54:14
kerbecks wrote: Thankyou everybody for great advice but im from Australia so im really limited to the mods i can make without buying online.
A lot of people are limited too, but trading is part of the PS experience ;D Penwish is pretty good too -
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 04:07:47
get a buster cyl. its a great for starters .
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 04:10:24
Only mod you'll ever need is a Buster CYL Best $15 you'll ever spend.
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 04:33:39
Krispy Kreme wrote: Only mod you'll ever need is a Buster CYL Best $15 you'll ever spend.
+1 -
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 05:34:14
Beginner mods I suggest are the rsvp mx, metallic comssa/metal comssa, namae mod, waterfall, metallic ballsign, anything with MX, coulumb, key3, flying panda, product sc, seven mod, tornado and maybe MXSA.
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 06:15:49
i would say probably comssa or bictory w/ signo grips(or a similar grips) if you wanna spin SC mods i guess MX or just an inkless RSVP would do fine :)
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 15:27:49
I really prefer to spin mods that use the Crayola ST. I want to upgrade to the MinWoo, but it doesn't appear to be a good writable mod. What would be great, if someone would invent a mod that would let you twist the pen tips and have a writable ink tip appear.
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 16:02:34
Buster isnt writable, and a twist and write=Twistable MX
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 16:11:55
Most mods aren't writable. Basically no mods using Crayola Supertips are writable, unless you mod it to write. In my experience, it doesn't work too well. Good Pencil Mods: GJH M301-X Good Pen Mods: Twistable MX [COLOR="red"](I have one, pm me if you're interested.)[/COLOR] Reeder G2-CTE Evo MonAmi Retract @pchutton
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 16:43:32
You can mod the buster to write, cut 1cm off an rsvp inktube and stick it in the front end, put an hgg tip onto it and voila
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 17:11:35
pchutton wrote: I really prefer to spin mods that use the Crayola ST. I want to upgrade to the MinWoo, but it doesn't appear to be a good writable mod. What would be great, if someone would invent a mod that would let you twist the pen tips and have a writable ink tip appear.
Minwoo doesn't use ST body :facepalm: -
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 17:46:50
make a twistable firefly g3
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 21:20:23
If you have a mod with a cap on the front of an ST body (where the felt tip of the marker would have been), You can take a Bic Stic inktube and put it in there and it fits pretty well. Thats how I made my personal mod writable for school
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 21:47:36
There's a mod called the buyran mod, or something along the lines of that. It uses a ST body, and is writable. The tutorial is on thespyre, which isn't loading for me right now. I'll edit this pots witha link if thespyre starts to work for me.
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 22:35:29
buhryan sc
Date: Thu, Jul 7 2011 00:50:43
You can make a variation of the G2 CTE using the ST body.
Date: Thu, Jul 7 2011 01:09:52
if you want twist'n write mods, you're gonna end up with a.........24ish gram buster cyl if you actually make one. trust me, you can..... -.-'
Date: Thu, Jul 7 2011 01:42:22
lol just use a bictory
Date: Thu, Jul 7 2011 04:51:21
A Buster is writable, however, you've to attach the writing part of a BICtory Stic Grip to one end of the ST body ... (including the inktube and the part holding the grip) And that BC will rattle when you spin ...
Date: Thu, Jul 7 2011 17:46:27
I would be interested in the Twistable MX. I also would really like a Reeder adn G-2CTE
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 04:41:59
flying panda or waterfall mod?
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 02:55:21
[video=youtube;m5QTJztIYBc][/video] Aha!!! So the one in the wiki is fake, but the one in ponkotu's blog is real! :D
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 03:12:19
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 03:46:50
yeah i know it's hard to believe bro XD
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 00:43:48
hey does anyone know the name of a long but thin mod i could use? but not too long, i dnt wanna be called a noob cuz im not. and btw what i mean by thin, i want them to be rly balanced. like the ones eriror uses. can anyone also give me the names of some of the mods tht eriror uses? thanks...
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 01:07:23
uhhh. i know u can make a thin mod out of a commsa v2 pen. there thinner than normal commsa.
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 01:23:55
Bictory? cheap easily modable. Skinny
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 01:41:19
emboss mod :trollface:
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 01:47:10 us this... anws Marvy Marker Mod is awesome.
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 02:36:43
extended bictory
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 03:37:09
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 04:39:21
Flex MX (its not like an MX at all. Its perfectly symmetrical) G-Ryzer mod Marvy mod Bictory Simple Bictory KT DC Comssa V2 mod
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 05:09:29
Hey guys, I'm looking for a mod that's 20 - 22 cm long. Please post the name, weight, length, and maybe some of your opinions on the mods. Currently, I have: Dr. ST - 21 cm Waterfall - 21 cm MSXA - 21 cm Seven G3 - 20 cm S.S.S. - 20 cm F1r3fly g3 - 21 cm SX (G3 cap) - 21 cm Minnovate DC - 20.5 cm The Emboss Mod is a bit too fat for me, otherwise it's a great pen. Buster, Minwoo, Ivan, VGG, they're too heavy for my taste. 20 cm pens fit my hand almost perfectly, and 21 cm pens are my favorite. However, my hand is still growing, so I'm pretty sure I'll grow into 22 cm pens. Thanks :D
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 05:39:12
pitt mod grip avire buster with gripmatic tips ck mod vgg with gripmatic tips
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 05:43:09
DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: pitt mod grip avire buster with gripmatic tips ck mod vgg with gripmatic tips
never thought of putting gripmatic tips on buster befor....... superBIC and uhhhh compurat mayube -
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 05:48:11
Pitt Mod and Grip Aviare are pretty much impossible for me to get right now. Gripmatic tips are costly, but they're a good idea. Any other subs? Like Dr. Grips, Signo tips, ZT tips, etc. The CK mod interests me, though. Stats? I also heard you or someone else talk about using Dr. Grips only?
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 05:53:48
long mods for power tricks. but kills your style ~_~
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 06:00:57
I'm not a huge fan of power tricks, the most I'm gonna use are Cont Bak Rev, Cont Bak, Cont FL TA. I'm not saying I won't learn them at all, but I won't use them very often, if not at all.
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 06:27:51
zt tips or zt screws are good ck mod is like a kt
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 06:42:00
minwoo v2? PrinceXD
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 06:48:39
Stats? And I thought there was no tutorial...
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 10:29:40
@Vaan did u read the the first post? hes not asking if long mods are good or not hes asking if anyone knows any long mods
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 12:00:02
Seven mod is not 20cm (probably about 19.5?) if seven mod is confterble to you, try other G3 mods
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 15:13:34
No, Seven G3 is 20 cm long and 14 grams, I'm positive.
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 16:16:42
F1r3fly G3 (21 cm) Vicgotgame Mod (customizable) (neither are easy to make) The Breaker (21cm) Guitrum's RSVP mod (20.5 cm) Buster CYL (I think 20 cm) Waterfall (21 cm-21.5 cm) SX (22 cm) Shift Mod (21 cm) G2-E2B (22.5 cm) V2 Mod (21.5 cm)
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 16:54:31
Vaan wrote: long mods for power tricks. but kills your style ~_~
You meant heavy, and you dont have to use all long mods for power tricks.... -
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 18:11:44
Oh come on.. Its just comssa caps together.. You could go infinitely long with that! :trollface: PrinceXD
Rogersbored wrote: Stats? And I thought there was no tutorial...
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 18:12:28
why has nobody taken this to the mod recommendation/comparison thread?
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 18:16:55
@browndog12 I just assume it will be sooner or later anyways :P PrinceXD
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 18:57:35
I thought you were referring to the Minnovate DC, which I am going to make, thanks to your post :3
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 19:00:10
Thank you so much, Explosion. I just remembered that I had a F1r3fly G3. I'm definitely making an SX and V2.
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 19:01:15
Noodles wrote: flying panda or waterfall mod?
waterfall -
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 02:13:12
Vic's personal Emboss mod
[/IMG] Or you can use Nachoadictt's Buster 9000...
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 06:25:03
no. i mean long mods for easy power tricks!! ^_^ can you do a continues ta>palm spin cont. using a heavy short mod easily? @Kiiro i know. i just mention . ^_^ anyway
Date: Thu, Jul 21 2011 02:23:40
thanks :)
Date: Fri, Jul 22 2011 06:55:14
@Vaan ok i know what u mean its so hard to do palmspin to fl ta cont. with short mod
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 02:43:59
I wan to make a pen mod, but I have no idea which to choose ..... Can anyone help me out? I've been spinning cheap pens which require little or no modding such as.... ->Pencil with 2 faber castel rubbers attached to either side ->Lots of cheap pens with faber castell rubbers attacked to either side ->And a Firefly G3 that I've destroyed (Failed to Improve, last weight 70< grams, because I actually put screws inside the barrels):stupid: ->Zhi Gao pens (both the RM 6 one and the RM 15 one) The pen I'm using now is the RM 15 Zhi Gao and i love it BUT I feel like I'm am incomplete as a pen spinner without an official pen mod I love long and heavy pens because I need the stability that long and heavy pens provide because i mostly do palm down tricks (shadows of all sorts and of all slots) and top spins, preferably >22cm and as heavy, or as heavy as a Zhigao. Oh, and preferably with pens that can be found in Malaysia So.... Any suggesions?
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 03:27:51
Well if you're looking for long and heavy a VicGotGame mod or a Buster CYL seems like just the pens for you. I'm not sure if you can find those parts in Malaysia though because I'm unfamiliar with the pen stores there. There should be a resource in the Regular Pens area that can tell you about that. Also, there is a thread already about pen mod recommendations so you should probably try posting in there next time ;)
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 03:41:27
@Nachoaddict ZhiGao Pens are Pen from china,
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 03:45:09
Yes I'm aware of that lol.
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 14:34:46
Waterfall mod or ryo cheated cossa??Pros and cons, please...
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 19:43:35
I prefer waterfall over cheat comssa
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 19:46:00
Cloud wrote: I prefer waterfall over cheat comssa
Not cheat comssa...Ryo cheated comssa! -
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 19:46:47
uh... thats a cheat comssa?
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 20:00:54
Cloud wrote: uh... thats a cheat comssa?
Yeah,but in a Ryo cheat comssa,signo tips go outside,like this: signo-Hgg-Cap i think this provides more momentum... -
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 20:13:57
... dude i know what a cheat comssa is. Its called a cheat comssa. NOT a cheated comssa. theres a huge difference. signo - hgg - comssa cap vs signo - dr grip grip - 094 cap. the weight of the waterfall feels perfect. The momentum feels flowing... not sure how to describe. the weight of the cheat comssa feels ok. The momentum feels kinda weird, i dont really like it. If you want to get technical, there's no such thing as a Ryo cheated comssa. see? CHEAT comssa. so i'm not sure why you're correcting me @DArKT
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 20:28:16
Cloud wrote: ... dude i know what a cheat comssa is. Its called a cheat comssa. NOT a cheated comssa. theres a huge difference. signo - hgg - comssa cap vs signo - dr grip grip - 094 cap. the weight of the waterfall feels perfect. The momentum feels flowing... not sure how to describe. the weight of the cheat comssa feels ok. The momentum feels kinda weird, i dont really like it. If you want to get technical, there's no such thing as a Ryo cheated comssa. see? CHEAT comssa. so i'm not sure why you're correcting me @DArKT
Wow,wow,wow....Easy there! I just thought you didnt knew it... I've never had ANY of them,that's why i'm asking... you dont need to correct me too,I know perfectly the diference(visualy)bettewen a Ryo cheated comssa(why not cheated?) to a cheat comssa...'-' -
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 21:53:39
O.o whats the difference? @DArKT
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 21:59:30
Tell me,you@Cloud
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 22:47:35
@DArKT what do you think it is? a cheat comssa was created by ryo, has signo tips on top of hgg tips. i have no idea what a "cheated" comssa is.
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 23:15:44
Cloud wrote: @DArKT what do you think it is? a cheat comssa was created by ryo, has signo tips on top of hgg tips. i have no idea what a "cheated" comssa is.
...-_O*Yeah,you're right...a cheated comssa is a cheat comssa...cheat comssa sounds like,hack...cheated comssa,because the signo tips are hide inside the caps...Metal cheat comssa=metal comssa(you cant see the signos inside the caps... -
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 23:33:13
hm... idunno AFAIK Cheat Comssa = Signo --> Hgg --> Cap Metal Comssa = Hgg --> Cap i'm not sure about the Hgg --> Cap --> Signo one... never heard of it. though its possible that it does exist. link? @DArKT
Date: Sun, Jul 31 2011 00:49:36
Cloud wrote: @DArKT what do you think it is? a cheat comssa was created by ryo, has signo tips on top of hgg tips. i have no idea what a "cheated" comssa is.
Ryo cheated comssa:Body:any comssa(cartoon,white or black)Grip:originally PSG grip Tips: Signo on top of the hgg Cheat comssa:Body:Any comssa body Grip:any grip,normally anyball and sailor...Tips:signo inside the comssa cap,and hgg on top -
Date: Sun, Jul 31 2011 00:53:19
Cloud wrote: hm... idunno AFAIK Cheat Comssa = Signo --> Hgg --> Cap Metal Comssa = Hgg --> Cap i'm not sure about the Hgg --> Cap --> Signo one... never heard of it. though its possible that it does exist. link? @DArKT
Signo-Hgg-Grip-cap=Ryo cheated comssa... Hgg-grips-cap-signo=Cheat comssa...metal thats all I know so far... -
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 13:40:00
Hi,i am a Malaysian.I need a pen mod for spinning.I have see more videos about pen mod. But,i cant find the ingredients of some pen............. example:faber castle mod.....<
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 14:25:47
go to awesome website
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 14:54:38
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 15:01:08
:trollface: buster
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 15:37:30
BICtory :) search on youtube how to make one!! :) Happy spinning hehehehe
Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 15:49:57
soonyang97 wrote: But,i cant find the ingredients of some pen............. anyone help..:unsure:
Flour, Eggs, Milk, Sugar. Mix that shit up and cook it you got a cake. Get an ink eraser with double caps and put tape or other pen grips on the caps. -
Date: Tue, Aug 2 2011 04:42:27
Vicgotgame mod.
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 03:23:38
i started out with a bictory first, and then made an rsvp mx and metallic comssa.
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 10:04:25
Super buster 9000:ilulz:
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 12:42:15
Baaron DC ;)
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 16:17:44
soonyang97 wrote: Hi,i am a Malaysian.I need a pen mod for spinning.I have see more videos about pen mod. But,i cant find the ingredients of some pen............. example:faber castle mod.....< Faber Castle medium is a really easy pen to find...if you live in Brazil,of cant get it anywhere else...
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 01:32:22
Hey, I started pen spinning about 4 months ago. So far, I have been using a normal pencil with erasers on both side. It's time to get a better pen and i'm asking the UPSB for recommandations. First of all, I would like a pen that looks like a normal pen, not some sort of stick. Preferably, it should be possible to write with the pen. I have read that the RSVP MX is good for beginners and looked up some pre-modded pens from Penwish (too lazy to mod myself). Maybe one of these? Are those pens writeable? As I mentioned I'm a total noob, so any recommandations is appreciated.
Date: Thu, Aug 4 2011 01:34:10
Krible wrote: Hey, I started pen spinning about 4 months ago. So far, I have been using a normal pencil with erasers on both side. It's time to get a better pen and i'm asking the UPSB for recommandations. First of all, I would like a pen that looks like a normal pen, not some sort of stick. Preferably, it should be possible to write with the pen. I have read that the RSVP MX is good for beginners and looked up some pre-modded pens from Penwish (too lazy to mod myself). Maybe one of these? Are those pens writeable? As I mentioned I'm a total noob, so any recommandations is appreciated.
all of those are writable but they are unbalanced -
Date: Fri, Aug 5 2011 02:10:33
hey guys whats better, a dr kt, bonkura kt, dr ac or s360 kt? thanks
Date: Fri, Aug 5 2011 02:16:26 use this... but i answered you in the sb already
Date: Fri, Aug 5 2011 02:27:50
bonkura kt! ALWAYS wanted to have one since the last one and a half year.
Date: Mon, Aug 8 2011 16:23:59
The first three are all pretty similar performance wise just with switched grips and caps. Albeit the Dr. Grip grip on a Bonkura KT will be heavier than Sailor grip. Never tried an s360 KT myself though but personally I don't like the look.
Date: Wed, Aug 10 2011 20:56:10
what's heavier, the lakubo jell mod or the seven mod? i've been spinning for 6-7 months and i'm looking for something heavier than my bictory, while being one sided and preferably writable for school.
Date: Wed, Aug 10 2011 21:21:03
@kydd lakubo jell being ayatori mod (which is 16g)? seven g3 is 14g. almost everything is heavier than a BICtory >_> PrinceXD
kydd wrote: what's heavier, the lakubo jell mod or the seven mod? i've been spinning for 6-7 months and i'm looking for something heavier than my bictory, while being one sided and preferably writable for school.
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 05:47:25
Lol yeah bictory is pretty light. Thx for the reply, I thought seven might be a little heavier since it uses lots of parts XD
Date: Sun, Aug 14 2011 14:55:17
I've been PSing for about a month now, and got a package from Penwish and got materials to make a Buster CYL. I've been spinning the Buster for about a week now and i soon found out that this is not the pen that i should be spinning. I heard that this pen will strain my fingers, ruin my style, and overall make it harder for me to spin in the future because there won't be a heavier pen to spin. So should i just stick to my Buster since i already have it or set it aside and spin another mod. And if i should spin another mod, then which one and why?
Date: Sun, Aug 14 2011 14:58:48
spin another mod, like the rsvp mx if you can get 1. IMO the best pen for a begginer :)
Date: Sun, Aug 14 2011 15:41:40
i think u should use metal comssa (hgg tipped comssa double caps) or RSVP mx like @Spin4fun said or maybe u should use ballsign mod (the mod of Bonkura).......because these mods are light mods (~10 - 15g), it wont strain ur fingers and u can spin well with it.......and 'bout the Buster Cyl....use it when u reach the level of 5 months and it's very good idea.......:):)
Date: Sun, Aug 14 2011 15:45:38
if you can switch from heavy mods to light mods then its okay to continue to spin your buster, if not, then get a lighter mod such as a waterfall mod
Date: Sun, Aug 14 2011 19:46:12
Waterfall, metal comSsa, Mx, Bictory, are all GREAT beginner mods. Once you are done learning new tricks, then switch to a buster.
Date: Sun, Aug 14 2011 20:32:58
stick with the buster try adding some extra weight at the end (more airfit tips)
Date: Sun, Aug 14 2011 20:41:07
Metal Comssa and RSVP MX are perfect for starters.
Date: Sun, Aug 14 2011 20:50:04
Van wrote: stick with the buster try adding some extra weight at the end (more airfit tips)
yeah,I personally use five on each side...PERFECT! but seriously,use an MX -
Date: Sun, Aug 14 2011 23:28:45
Thx for the responses. I guess i'll make an RSVP MX and a Metal comssa. Anyone know how to make a waterfall?
Date: Sun, Aug 14 2011 23:55:39
:google: This
Date: Mon, Aug 15 2011 01:04:53
Cloud wrote: :google: This
:thumb: :clap: -
Date: Mon, Aug 15 2011 02:33:18
mx IS THE BEST!! Than using other shits. ~_~
Date: Mon, Aug 15 2011 03:18:08
a VGG mod would probably suit you :trollface: but seriously, metal comssa is really nice for beginners :)
Date: Mon, Aug 15 2011 04:21:18
Get three more bustercyls, a comssa cap, dr. grip tip, and some dr. grip grip and make nachoaddicts buster9000
Date: Mon, Aug 15 2011 07:28:35
how could i forget buster9000!!!!! :lol:
Date: Mon, Aug 15 2011 07:47:12
RSVP Mx! Bec. it will let you understand the importance of COG and if you master it, spinning other mods will be easier :D
Date: Mon, Aug 22 2011 00:44:19
kuzu g3 mod vs soschie g3 mod in terms of spinability @L-in @ soemone idk
Date: Mon, Aug 22 2011 00:56:32
I don't have a soschie g3 so I don't know. Sorry >_<
Date: Mon, Aug 22 2011 01:44:16
Nachoaddict wrote: I don't have a soschie g3 so I don't know. Sorry >_<
Nacho+1~ -
Date: Mon, Aug 22 2011 02:10:54
@DrakeOhMeteor007 - kUzu, IMO
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 07:17:55
I am deciding whether to get a minwoo mod or a seven g3 mod and I need some help. :o
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 08:28:30
Minwoo mod
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 08:38:31
Seven g3, I like it more mainly because its one of the few single sided mods that have a balanced body. A single sided mod may be balanced, but the spin space itself may not be. This is also why many Taiwanese spinners prefer this for beginners, as they do not have MXs. Hope I helped!
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 08:41:53
if you're a beginner get a seven mod
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 08:52:02
seven g3 mod. Frog~
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 08:54:34
Do you like heavier or lighter mods? Do you like thinner or thicker barrels? Do you like Dr. Grip or Laknock grips?
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 09:09:18
just get seven g3. . . .
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 09:14:21
SEVEN MOD. 'nuff said.
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 10:43:06
obliviously the seven g3 is the better choice
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 10:47:37
why do you guys think that the seven mod is better? I need reasons, I need to spend my $25 wisely :)
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 12:31:29
if u like mods that are light get a seven mod if u like heavy and long get minwoo warning penwish miunwoo mods are unbalanced. If u want to balance it you have to get a metal g3 tip
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 12:32:19
Seven G3, just the best known single cap
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 12:38:44
I remember back when I got infractions for making comparison threads.
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 13:41:17
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 19:34:16
Seven, lighter mods are more suitable more beginners. Plus, the seven is sexier (IMO)
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 19:46:53
seven. nuff said
Date: Tue, Aug 30 2011 15:52:49
seven g3 is da shiet
Date: Tue, Aug 30 2011 15:56:42
Nope. I'm pretty sure you got it because it's you. Frog~
walrus wrote: I remember back when I got infractions for making comparison threads.
Date: Tue, Aug 30 2011 16:43:44
You're a begginer? so none of them,get a metal comssa,or a Rushon Seven mod suck's,brokes easy,and it's ugly,plus,if you wanna mod it,it uses a G3 body,so it's harder to mod Minwoo mod is one of the beatifull mods in the world(my opininon),easier to make,good to spin. BUT...if you're looking for a heavy mod,Buy a Buster or a KT
Date: Tue, Aug 30 2011 17:07:57
seven g3 = insert .... minwoo = no insert which one you like i perfer seven g3
walrus wrote: I remember back when I got infractions for making comparison threads.
people just hating on you cuz you not popular or some shit. -
Date: Tue, Aug 30 2011 17:43:33
Lets stick with that ;) Frog~
GeeGeeGee wrote: seven g3 = insert .... minwoo = no insert which one you like i perfer seven g3 people just hating on you cuz you not popular or [B]some shit[/B].
Date: Sun, Sep 4 2011 23:35:01
Hey looking for suggestions on which pen mod i should get off penwish, is there a certain mod that's good for beginners? - Currently able to: Sonic, Twisted Sonic, Charge, crappy fingerpass Thanks for your input TerceraEspada
Date: Sun, Sep 4 2011 23:46:24
don't get a mod. spin a normal pentel rsvp (put cap on back)
Date: Mon, Sep 5 2011 00:01:09
rsvp mx will make you pro. .
Date: Mon, Sep 5 2011 00:30:07
dont get a mod till you learn the Thumb around :trollface:
Date: Mon, Sep 5 2011 00:35:58
yeaaaahh well im getting one regardless just wanted suggestions on which would be good ones :P
Date: Mon, Sep 5 2011 00:45:36
Yeah probably a RSVP Mx or a dc commsa
Date: Mon, Sep 5 2011 00:55:49
rsvp mx, metalic comssa, bictory, ballsign, g3 mx etc
Date: Mon, Sep 5 2011 01:27:48
you probably dont need to use penwish at this point in you spinning journey, greenman11 covered the ones i would suggest. im 5 months spinning zt tipped bictory. i suggest it because it's cheap and you most likely have access to it without using penwish. also if you get the ultra round stic grip ones you can put inserts and make it look smexy :)
Date: Mon, Sep 5 2011 01:55:52
i cant find a tut for bictory .. any chance u could link me :P
Date: Mon, Sep 5 2011 02:52:59
TerceraEspada wrote: i cant find a tut for bictory .. any chance u could link me :P -
Date: Mon, Sep 5 2011 03:07:34
i would say metallic commsa or bictory because rsvp mx is a bit unbalanced which make some tricks to learn a bit harder to learn such as bakfall. Since metallic comssa and bictory is double sided it's completly balanced which makes it a bit easier for learning trick :).That's from what i experience when i started pen spinning. :)
Date: Mon, Sep 5 2011 05:03:12
Bictory was my first pen. Just make it and add g2 grips on the ends.
Date: Mon, Sep 5 2011 05:09:31
Metal Comssa is good. Although I would try experimenting with personal mods first. Those will develop your own unique style because it's your own unique pen.
Date: Mon, Sep 5 2011 06:38:06
Thanks for all the input, looking like ill probably go with Bictory but for now this is my personal setup: Prang Drawing 3B pencil with newbie mod eraser grips
Date: Wed, Sep 7 2011 16:15:00
Hi all :D just bought a RSVP Tribal MX from penwish. Was it a good choice(i hope so ><)? im quite new to pen spinning :/ Anyway, can i write with RSVP Tribal MX ? does it have ink inside?
Date: Wed, Sep 7 2011 16:16:36
Welcome :) Yeah it is, and yes you can write with it..reversed direction tho, you don't write from the tip lol take off the cap and you will see the inktube poking out of the backplug.
Date: Wed, Sep 7 2011 17:06:31
i would say it was an okay choice, a better choice would of been a double side comssa mod
Date: Wed, Sep 7 2011 17:12:11
This is a question not thread-worthy, ask the shoutbox next time. Anyway yes it does write. :welcome:
Date: Thu, Sep 8 2011 01:21:21
Yes, it writes. It's a really nice pen which is good for building style and learning fundamentals. I got a Sakura MX which is the same thing and I love it. I told my friends to get tribal MX as their first pen, but they hated it cause it was too "short". But I think it's perfect.
Date: Thu, Sep 8 2011 01:26:42
all i can say is welcomE! ^^
Date: Thu, Sep 8 2011 01:43:16
you cna get these if you find taking of cap is too troublesome
Date: Thu, Sep 8 2011 03:30:39
I love you.
Date: Mon, Sep 12 2011 07:26:36
I would recommend a bictory and as you become more pro add grips (profile/anyball or g2) then if you want you can add tips
Date: Thu, Sep 15 2011 11:16:46
[COLOR="darkred"]I started PS using a pencil. I learned Thumb Around, Charge, Finger Pass, and Sonic using it. I recommend you an RSVP MX. :) [/COLOR]
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 16:29:33
Hi everyboddy, I've already asked this question, but I'm still wondering what mod is the best. So which one should I get, the MSXA or the Waterfall mod? Merci :)
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 16:49:47
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 16:51:20
i'm not a fan of MSXA. so waterfall.
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 16:53:39
definitely the waterfall mod
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 16:58:36
if you are an eriror fan boy then msxa
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 17:00:41
Waterfall Comssa
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 17:17:46
another comparison thread? -_-
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 17:24:33
You could ask these kind of shit on the sb .___. But you asked for it so id give you something. If you want mods with more weight on the center then go for msxa and if vice versa go for the waterfall. Id go for the waterfall IF i were you tho.
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 18:01:08
Waterfall comssa
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 18:03:53
Waterfall doubtless.
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 18:46:27
Waterfall all the way. DONT GET THE WATERFALL COMSSA. Waterfall comssa sucks dick.
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 18:56:06
The Waterfall mod is the better choice IMO.
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 19:44:45
isnt the choice oblivious the waterfall is superior in every way
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 19:49:57
msxa is still a decent mod
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 11:36:34
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 11:54:22
Buster CYL :trollface: gogogogogo
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 12:27:36
Waterfall, aye.
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 12:55:24
MickChickenn wrote: Waterfall all the way. DONT GET THE WATERFALL COMSSA. Waterfall comssa sucks dick.
I think the same way. Original waterfall FTW -
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 22:46:40
So its been a week, went ahead with a few of your suggestions, I've made RSVP MX, Bictory with g2 grips, and i still use my drawing pencil with eraser tips (super light) sometimes. I've now got TA, Ta/rev, Sonic, Twisted Sonic, Warped Sonic, FingerPass, FP/rev, Charge, Infinity, in my arsenal... I definitely prefer the Bictory as a beginner, often i will float back between Bictory and my light pencil mod, but im not feeling the RSVP just yet, its a bigger pen (wider) and much heavier compared to other two, great pen but ill work my way up to it. Thanks for all input guys
Date: Mon, Sep 19 2011 01:01:27
i would recommend metallic comssa
Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 22:24:46
What should I make with my last yellow hyper jell? I'm thinking either Kuzu G3 or Key3 G3. The thing about the Kuzu is that I've never done a gripcut before, and I'm missing a few materials that I won't be able to get in a very, very long time. Other recommendations are fine, too.
Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 22:39:36
MystikSun wrote: What should I make with my last yellow hyper jell? I'm thinking either Kuzu G3 or Key3 G3. The thing about the Kuzu is that I've never done a gripcut before, and I'm missing a few materials that I won't be able to get in a very, very long time. Other recommendations are fine, too.
key3 is very short and light, If you liek to spin them sure Kuzu is basically a sc kt. Other suggestion i have is ayatori (similar to kuzu) mesi g3 mod soschie g3 mod -
Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 23:32:40
DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: key3 is very short and light, If you liek to spin them sure Kuzu is basically a sc kt. Other suggestion i have is ayatori (similar to kuzu) mesi g3 mod soschie g3 mod
Thanks :) I'm still leaning towards the Key3 since its specs are similar to the Single Sided Sky Mod. Thanks for the other suggestions. I like the Ayatori, but I think I prefer another color HJ for it. -
Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 23:37:36
Lol you spin my mod? :D Anyways Ayatori you'll need a gripcut as well. I'd go with Key3 as well if you like something closer to the SSS. You can also try a Seven G3 mod but those parts are also kind of hard to get in the U.S. so if Kuzu parts are hard, Seven parts will probably be similar.
Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 23:45:29
Nachoaddict wrote: Lol you spin my mod? :D Anyways Ayatori you'll need a gripcut as well. I'd go with Key3 as well if you like something closer to the SSS. You can also try a Seven G3 mod but those parts are also kind of hard to get in the U.S. so if Kuzu parts are hard, Seven parts will probably be similar.
'Aight. Key3 it is. Thanks to both of you :P Yeah, I just made an SSS two days ago. It's sexy and spins like a beast. -
Date: Wed, Sep 21 2011 04:24:21
MystikSun wrote: 'Aight. Key3 it is. Thanks to both of you :P Yeah, I just made an SSS two days ago. It's sexy and spins like a beast.
Ok just to warn you key 3 is like 15cm very short and light. -
Date: Wed, Sep 21 2011 04:48:13
Most G3 mods are short because of the short G3 barrel and the fact a lot of G3 mods are kind of just tip stack + grip scheme + G3 barrel + grip scheme + tip stack + cap
Date: Fri, Sep 23 2011 23:14:46
Well, I have made a BIXtory. Here's some pictures:
I made it with a BIC Ultra Round Stic Grip Pen. It has the two ink cartridges in it still. It's about 20.1cm with the caps and 18.8cm without the caps. It's kind of light. And the two plastic grips they have with the original pen is still there and not cut. Is this good for me? I'm a beginner.
Date: Fri, Sep 23 2011 23:20:12
i think it's nice. you should use white body so something. it looks weird without insert. But nice. :)
Date: Fri, Sep 23 2011 23:53:14
BICtory is a great beginner pen.
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 01:45:49
Bictory works when you are still learning/ perfecting the basics. Once you get more intermediate-y go for something in the 12-15 gram range, but I'm not suggesting getting into KTs, Busters or any other heavies just yet. Also: SOYP before making another thread.
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 03:08:30
I believe he should mod an RSVP next. KT is too much and can be expensive to get the materials for. But it is his choice, but I say make an RSVP MX next.;)
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 04:53:08
i haz that same mat xD
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 05:02:48
Good choice. Put some G2 grips on the caps, and your set. Also, use the Show off Your Pens thread next time.
Date: Sun, Sep 25 2011 02:03:29
Wow,i've never had a Key3,but i'm pretty sure it's NOT like 15 cm...that would be like...a normal pen lenght...impossible to spin with
Date: Sun, Oct 2 2011 04:53:51
Anyone can gimmie a comparison on kuzu g3 firefly g3 and minwoo mod? Thanks. Basically, more on spinnability and looks.
Date: Sun, Oct 2 2011 23:01:09
So I wan wondering what the best mod is(in your personal opinion) cuz im going to get some new pens very soon, so what do you recommend, i already have a waterfall comssa and a buster cyl and a rsvp mx. thanks!!
Date: Tue, Oct 4 2011 01:44:43
Hi guys, just wondering whether or not the SEVEN mod is worth buying from Penwish. I'm trying to get use to SC mods since I always and only spin DC's. No I don't want an ayatori, RSVP MX because I have one, nor a Minwoo (too heavy). I'm not much of a modder myself so......thanks in advance. ^_^
Date: Tue, Oct 4 2011 01:46:41
spgoel06 wrote: So I wan wondering what the best mod is(in your personal opinion) cuz im going to get some new pens very soon, so what do you recommend, i already have a waterfall comssa and a buster cyl and a rsvp mx. thanks!!
Play around with more DC Comssa's. Make your own personal mods out of them too. You noobs and your busters. <_< -
Date: Tue, Oct 4 2011 01:51:41
lynkesis wrote: Anyone can gimmie a comparison on kuzu g3 firefly g3 and minwoo mod? Thanks. Basically, more on spinnability and looks.
Firefly G3 is horrible to spin; I think people get it for aesthetics and looks. Kuzu G3 is aesthetically appealing too but very heavy. Not sure about spinnability though. Minwoo G3 is perfect for spinning and the striping effect is nice. But the down side is that it's too heavy as well. -
Date: Tue, Oct 4 2011 02:06:07
triple post much? ^ :P
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 02:41:26
So when i started pen spinning i knew i needed a better pen than a #2, so i used random pens around my house (Pilot G-2 05 grips, FRIXION caps and pens bodies, and a BIC tip). I ended up making a mod that was pretty long and heavy (1 inch longer than my CYL), then after awhile i bought parts for a Buster CYL and put them together and it was alot lighter and shorter than im used to. Now im looking for a long and heavy mod. THanks in advance!
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 02:59:16
vicgotgame mod? idk. but if ur still under a year, i'd recommend using a LIGHTER pen.
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 03:27:47
If a buster CYL feels light to you, something's wrong with you. Use a waterfall, or something 12-16 grams.
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 03:28:54
maybe its becuz i used HGG tips? if i got airfits wud it make it heavier? EDIT: i just put a full ink cartridge or whatevr into my CYL now its pretty heavy so probrem solved :Dthanks guys
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 04:12:26
:facepalm: like 80% of CYLs weight is from airfit tips..
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 04:16:36
Jeiipham wrote: maybe its becuz i used HGG tips? if i got airfits wud it make it heavier? EDIT: i just put a full ink cartridge or whatevr into my CYL now its pretty heavy so probrem solved :Dthanks guys
I lol'd through this whole post. -
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 04:18:01
Jeiipham wrote: maybe its becuz i used HGG tips? if i got airfits wud it make it heavier? EDIT: i just put a full ink cartridge or whatevr into my CYL now its pretty heavy so probrem solved :Dthanks guys
I AM NOOB!!!!! HEAR ME ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 04:24:48
I suggest a comssa or bictory. Why the hell do you have a buster?
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 05:26:30
don't even think about buster. if you just started penspinning, keep on using your no. 2 pencil.
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 09:41:41
Your kinds of people make me sick.
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 11:13:39
Rapid wrote: Your kinds of people make me sick.
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 03:42:43
Using HGG tips? THAT IS NOT A BUSTER CYL AT ALL. It's just a subbed metal comssa, which has only about 60% of the weight of a Buster CYL. Geez, you have no idea about heaviness of mods, learn more. Any subbed material will lead to a TOTALLY DIFFERENT mod.
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 03:55:41
man,this guy deserves a +1 :trollface:
Date: Thu, Oct 13 2011 13:11:00
hey guys sry if i posted 2 threads in a row, but i have to ask some question(sorry if my questions are long.. but please read it ><).. im planning to mod Nachoaddict's Rsvp, Yelo Mod, Stuhl mod variation A.K.A pirate ks.. in your opinion guys.. do you think its worth modding these few mods?.. P/S: im Not good at cutting grips.. but modding gives me a ''Victory sign'' when i Sucessfully moded a mod.. besides that, Im thinking of getting 3 dr series, Bonkura kt (From pw.. Dr grip grip), Emarald KT, Orange KT.. I love dr series mods :P .. do you think its worth getting so much dr mods?.. and Im not gonna Buy the whole mod.. im going to mod the 3 dr pens.. and another question.. what color will be matching to the KTs? (AC body).. ( CT caps).. I love the colour emarald on the CT caps.. so im definitely going to get that color.. bonkura KT is original so im going to get that too.. but for the Orange KT im not sure Should i get Orange or other colors? or should i combine the colors? ex. Green,Orange .. etcetc.. and is there any other medium weighted mod you guys can recommend me from pw? except waterfall,seven,Dr series.... and is the Flying panda mod worth to get? The reviews in Pw looks decent! But the only problem of the mod is.. The mod is Really plain.. all white.. which i dislike :/ :: THANK YOU FOR READING GUYS!! HOPE THAT YOU GUYS CAN REPLY MY QUESTION IN FULL FORM ^^ ::
Date: Thu, Oct 13 2011 13:55:35
=.= theres a thread for this!
Date: Thu, Oct 13 2011 14:14:55
There is a thread for this. Also, every mod in pw has a good review. They are made to have good reviews.
Date: Thu, Oct 13 2011 14:48:39
make all those mods that you said you are going to make, and make a few KTs, and also i think you should get a waterfall mod, it is way better than a flying panda mod
Date: Thu, Oct 13 2011 15:03:14
huh? there is a thread for this? :O ... @Supergirl ok, but the colors that i mention For KTs Emarald,Orange and bonkura(black) .. or should i change the Orange color to something else?.. or should i combine the color ex. Green,Orange?.. and i already have a waterfall >:D , so should i get the Flying panda?
Date: Thu, Oct 13 2011 15:14:53
DoubleBlackDB wrote: huh? there is a thread for this? :O ... @Supergirl ok, but the colors that i mention For KTs Emarald,Orange and bonkura(black) .. or should i change the Orange color to something else?.. or should i combine the color ex. Green,Orange?.. and i already have a waterfall >:D , so should i get the Flying panda?
imo i dont like the flying panda mod, and not alot of ppl use it anyways, so what does that tell you? use whatever colors you like for your kt, i like blue and pink, or green and orange, but you could try your own color combinations, you might prefer and makes it more unique -
Date: Thu, Oct 13 2011 23:18:53
i use flying panda mod. i love it.
Date: Thu, Oct 20 2011 10:43:27
Just suggest please... Thanks! :)
Date: Thu, Oct 20 2011 11:37:09
[video=youtube;S7zD75HVyrY][/video] Nuff said!~
Date: Thu, Oct 20 2011 16:22:07 this doesnt need its own thread
Date: Thu, Oct 20 2011 19:24:35
Buster cyl :trollface: lol @ signature above
Date: Sat, Oct 22 2011 18:59:17
Do you think these two mods spin the same? there kinda the same concept but way different still.
Date: Sat, Oct 22 2011 19:11:50
lets see...CK mod is heavier and its barrel is thicker...i've never had a CK mod dut it doesn't sound...BAD
Date: Sat, Oct 22 2011 19:56:54
ive owned/spun both of these mods. and Cheat Comssa > CK mod, but CK is still good.
Date: Tue, Oct 25 2011 05:10:09
hi guys i use a buster CYL and im looking for a mod that can write (single or double sided idrc) thats similar to buster cyl (weight, momemtum,,yah) ...dont ask why, just suggestions pl0x ty!
Date: Tue, Oct 25 2011 05:16:03
Buster cyl. Stick an ink tube into that sucker.
Date: Tue, Oct 25 2011 05:18:58
then id have to cut a hole in the cossma cap?
Date: Tue, Oct 25 2011 05:26:20
uhm, or you could take the cap off...
Date: Tue, Oct 25 2011 08:33:28
Go find Guitrum.. =3=
Date: Tue, Oct 25 2011 08:53:48
ZGMX writes, has good momentum, but isn't that heavy.
Date: Tue, Oct 25 2011 10:49:59
signo tipped rsvp mx?
Date: Tue, Oct 25 2011 22:09:01
Ryo cheat Comssa
Date: Thu, Oct 27 2011 20:25:15
this isn't really relevant, but does anybody know any mods besides a g3, rsvp mx, and a clear body kt that has a clear body? i want to customize my pens :P
Date: Thu, Oct 27 2011 20:26:25
this isn't really relevant, but does anybody know any mods besides a g3, rsvp mx, and a clear body kt that has a clear body? i want to customize my pens :P
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 20:31:22
So, you guys recommended me a few mods and I really liked the BICtory mod. Was searching in penwish and find this. Since I'm new in this, can you tell me if this items are viable for this mod ? Or what should I get instead ? Thanks in advance :D
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 20:37:26
@Stavenger they're perfect for a bictory :D i used stic grips for mine, too. as for the anyball grips, i recommend adding them once you get better, it's recommended that beginners start with lighter mods. have fun and good luck :D
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 20:41:30
Wow that was fast haha. Thanks, the grips just wanted to order now so I can use them later, you know, I hate waiting for shipping xD So that's it, I'm trying meanwhile with a pencil till my order arrives. Thanks again! :D
Date: Fri, Oct 28 2011 21:04:29
You don't have click stics where you live? they're really cheap and common too..... Bictory is a really simple mod for people just, just starting. But, a good mod for beginners (start to around 2 months at least, maybe more if you like it's feel) is a metal comssa, that or an RSVP MX
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 10:06:52
hey guys i looked around and i didnt see any topics on this (if im mistaken my b point me in the right direction haha) but i was wondering.. What are some easy to make mods with pens you can get in your local staples officemax walmart etc? (in the US :P) i already have a health stock of pentel RSVPs and i have several with the ink reversed but im looking for something a little bit more.. and if it could still write that would be awesome as well :P i know demanding newby huh? -Matt
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 12:54:51
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 13:26:11
here let me help u. Frog~
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 13:34:52
thank you, and thank you :P
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 22:58:41
I'm having the same problem, and is pen'z gear any good? also, how much heavier is the rushon to the metallic comssa and is it worth it considering the body is thinner on the rushon? -thx
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 03:29:08
I live in the US and I can't order online so what kind of good modding pens should I ask for?:spin: :Afro: :reindeer: :whut:
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 03:40:43
Uhh, what? wait... do you "believe" in santa?
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 03:40:49
you can always mail order. but if not, you can get rsvp and g2 and a signo of somekind for a mx variation
Date: Sun, Nov 13 2011 12:09:25
No I killed santa
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 19:43:26
sorry to bother you guys again but which do you prefer?
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 19:58:07
I prefer that you post it in the mod comparrison thread,instead of creatying a new one. BTW,Waterfall
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 20:36:50
[B]Pen Mod Recommendation / Comparison:[/B] Frog~
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 23:04:11
hai gaiz. okay, i have about 1 and 1/2 months of exp and I can do all the fundamentals except the charge rev and sonic rev. fp rev is choppy but i'm working on it xD i can also do twisted sonic, infinity, double infinity, double charge (and prerequisites of it). i've been practicing with a bictory, comssa, and an mx. i also have a waterfall but i know i'm definitely not intermediate yet. what pen mod should i be using? thanks in advance :3
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 23:16:14
srry guys was doing this in a rush at school...
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 23:21:34
cant you just stick with comssa? too light? make it metallic then.. its a great mod, u dont have to change to anything else IMO. Frog~
wee~ wrote: hai gaiz. okay, i have about 1 and 1/2 months of exp and I can do all the fundamentals except the charge rev and sonic rev. fp rev is choppy but i'm working on it xD i can also do twisted sonic, infinity, double infinity, double charge (and prerequisites of it). i've been practicing with a bictory, comssa, and an mx. i also have a waterfall but i know i'm definitely not intermediate yet. what pen mod should i be using? thanks in advance :3
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 23:26:34
waterfall mod for an all around mod. If yuor goign to focus on cont tricks, power tricks etc use the buster cyl. waterfall is my main mod anyway.
Date: Wed, Nov 16 2011 01:03:55
start out with a lighter mod, NOT like a buster... waterfall mod is a great mod for all-around tricks, like neoknux_009 said
Date: Wed, Nov 16 2011 01:39:20
I personally use a buster, but I'm a year old spinner, so that's...hopefully okay. Haha, if it isn't then woopsies, because I'm starting to warm up to power tricks. If you aren't a year old spinner or if you're not an Advanced spinner, definitely get a Waterfall. I used a Waterfall mod, it was very smooth, medium weight, and a bit long, but it's heavily recommended - lots of advanced spinners use it.
Date: Wed, Nov 16 2011 02:08:16
I'm lookin' for a mod that is... Around 20-22 cm Around 14-17g is DC Something that can be customized aesthetically. I feel kinda picky 'bout this, but yah. XD Thanks.
Date: Wed, Nov 16 2011 04:55:59
Waterfall, since you are new. DO NOT USE THE BUSTER. Buster is only for more experianced spinners. Trust me, waterfall is a ton better.
Date: Wed, Nov 16 2011 15:52:15
Waterfall EVER, is the best choice
Date: Thu, Nov 17 2011 18:39:47
@wee~ Stick to the mods you have until you learn more tricks, you don't need to consider new ones. I would recommend your bictory/comssa and then move onto the waterfall when you feel you're ready. Whichever mod you use is your preference really, which of those three mods of the bictory comssa and MX do you like most? Also, I'm looking at the Buster CYL and an AirComssa(Airfit tipped Comssa) to use in power tricks once I have mastered them. Is there really a difference between the two?
Date: Thu, Nov 17 2011 18:44:07
Makin KT.
Manee;150783]I'm lookin' for a mod that is... Around 20-22 cm Around 14-17g is DC Something that can be customized aesthetically. I feel kinda picky 'bout this, but yah. XD Thanks.[/QUOTE] buster uses ST barrel, which is thicker than comssa barrels.. personal preference IMO, but people did say that buster with comssa barrels + power tricks = barrel snaps easily I never tried that myself Frog~ [QUOTE=eurocracy wrote: Stick to the mods you have until you learn more tricks, you don't need to consider new ones. I would recommend your bictory/comssa and then move onto the waterfall when you feel you're ready. Whichever mod you use is your preference really, which of those three mods of the bictory comssa and MX do you like most? Also, I'm looking at the Buster CYL and an AirComssa(Airfit tipped Comssa) to use in power tricks once I have mastered them. Is there really a difference between the two?
Date: Thu, Nov 17 2011 22:25:02
@eurocracy thank you :D
Date: Sat, Nov 19 2011 14:27:35
@FrogPrinceXD Thanks! I think I'll go for a buster then when I finally get around to it.
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 12:24:51
Which better to spin ?
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 12:47:54
one is SC, one is DC one is unbalanced, one is balanced one is light, one is heavy one is cheap, one is expensive one is classic, one is modern one is made by Kam, one is made by HAL get it?! Frog~
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 13:07:54
shit thread. Also,
SuiXidaL wrote: Less newbies from Singapore, Malaysia ad Philippines making shit threads. Yes, i deliberately singled out those three.
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 14:08:32
theres mod comparison for this...
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 15:15:12
there's a thread for this
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 18:01:44
Search before you post bro.
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 19:12:44
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 20:02:51
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 21:49:55
HAL KT, but next time search first. PLEASE.
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 11:56:25
You're making a comparison between 2 very different pen mods T_T
Date: Tue, Nov 29 2011 00:35:59
definitely waterfall mod i dislike the buster, made it, spin it, got bored of it i digress but you can take the awesome and adventurous (and can be a little pricey) route and invest the time and effort into a personal mod xD enjoy your mods and spinning!
Date: Tue, Nov 29 2011 00:40:29
Waterfall. Nuff said
Date: Sun, Dec 4 2011 05:07:26
My main mod is the waterall, but recently i have actually been spinning with a buster. I prefer it over the waterfall just because i tend to do things smoother and to me it has more of a "spinning look", because sometimes i think the super pirat body is to skinny. Anyway, Buster all the Way
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 04:26:59
I have to say buster is my main pen and my favorite Buster all the way
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 22:04:22
Ive been spinning for about 1 year now. If waterfall comssa uses tape does waterfall mod use tape as well, and if so how often do i have to change it? And is flying panda any good? Also considering Buster CYL. pls answer
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 22:14:31
Lets just say, Get a RSVP MX. Feels good and if you can spin with that, you can spin with almost every mod. Flying panda mod is okai, I don't think it is great. and NO BUSTER CYL!~
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 22:20:43
[B][Help] Pen Mod Recommendation / Comparison:[/B] Frog~
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 23:45:51
no busters, ayatori mod!!!! better yet, invest the time and money for a personal mod x) EDIT: that reminds me, i should post a pic of my personal mod in SOYP p.s. ironic how my personal mod is buster weight LOL
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 00:30:46
BeN1o wrote: Ive been spinning for about 1 year now. If waterfall comssa uses tape does waterfall mod use tape as well, and if so how often do i have to change it? And is flying panda any good? Also considering Buster CYL. pls answer
Waterfall Comssa tends to break apart. The original Waterfall is perfect. ^_^ Buster CYL is all up to you but I strongly do not suggest it. -
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 01:17:11
I strongly recommend the bustercyl. If you have been spinning for a year, it will be great for your style.
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 01:32:53
lol at everyone telling him to use or not use a CYL. anyways, use watever mod suits ur style. if ur a powertricker than the cyl might be a good choice, but if ur not a powertricker, than i really dont suggest it. :) best of luck finding a mod. :)
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 02:05:09
Killer Gel Mod vs Waterfall Mod please? I have never held one, so don't flame =3
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 02:20:22
personally I like the waterfall better, the killer gel is also a good mod but its much more expensive and harder to make.
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 02:22:42
Waterfall ftw~ XD
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 02:27:23
@DrakeOhMeteor007 =3 I'm not making it, I'm trading for it
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 02:29:36
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 02:46:16
i still suggest waterfall
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 04:49:44
Best one sided pen? I don't like the waterfall because its harder to do some tricks
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 05:14:12
RSVP mx, seven g3
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 06:01:05
Bister cyl is main mod but if just starting rsvp mx
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 06:07:07
You can start using a Metal Comssa or Namae Mod. Trust me. The best.
Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 15:00:23 I was thinking about purchasing this pen after half a year of spinning with a cheap modded pencil. What are your thoughts on it and am i ready to spin it yet?
Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 15:14:59
Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 15:34:57
get a waterfall mod from
Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 16:43:00 all the way. Maybe mx or metallic comssa or you can make a BicTory
Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 20:49:07
that thing looks pointy. so i wouldn't sping it. just get waterfall from Penwish. promise you, you will love it. :]
Date: Mon, Dec 12 2011 00:01:49
A waterfall mod from Penwish would be nice for Intermediate spinner
Date: Mon, Dec 12 2011 01:18:19
Yeah stay with the waterfall
Date: Mon, Dec 12 2011 02:24:19
[B]Pen Mod Recommendation / Comparison[/B] Frog~
Date: Tue, Dec 13 2011 13:45:00
Waterfall's pretty expensive for an "intermediate" spinner imo. Get a Namae mod or just a Metallic Comssa instead :)
Date: Tue, Dec 13 2011 15:07:10
imho busters r waaay too heavy...i mean, they're great for power tricks, but it takes practice to get used to the weight. i like lighter mods, like the namememory dc or waterfall mod
Date: Sun, Dec 18 2011 05:14:46
Date: Sun, Dec 18 2011 05:21:42
hapopo wrote: hmm i feel like some new mods i gots waterfall, mx, comssa, ayatori prolly gunna make kt, buster any1 think of something else
Waterfall, Mx, Comssa and ayatori are more than enough mods for you to spin :) Stay away from a buster and dr kt -
Date: Thu, Jan 5 2012 00:10:55
he only knows twisted sonic and charge, and you want him to use a waterfall mod?
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 22:56:11
I've been looking to building/buying a new mod and was wondering if the waterfall mod would be a good investment as my pen to spin for the next several months. If yes then I'd like to know why, thanks =)
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 23:09:19
Yes. Many use it to learn more intermediate tricks. There's so many threads that went over this. Look at the top 5 best pen mods thread. A lot of people's favorite. My favorite too.
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 23:11:35
it's THE BEST mod to practice with. It has nice momentum and weight. idk what to say because to mod is speechless. you gotta spin it to know it. :]
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 23:16:36
Is it longer than a usual metallic comssa? That's something I'd like to consider.
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 23:19:19
It ~ 20-21 cm depending if the body is cut.
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 23:45:32
Well, for a simple question like this plz post in shoutbox or general pen mod help thread...but anyways yeah...I like the waterfall mod
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 00:21:53
@MrBenjiHao Search before you post! :facepalm:
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 00:56:04
Most of those posts have no reasoning in that thread about the waterfall. I feel a thread with new opinions would be alright.
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 00:58:29
@JackyMacky if you READ this thread it said [B]"No more 'post in the right section Newfag' comments"[/B] by posting this I felt like I violate the rule but I want to put it out there. IT'S THE MODERATOR'S JOB TO TELL THE NEWBIE WHAT TO DO...[B]NOT YOU[/B] I hope this is the last time I need to say this.
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 01:03:56
GeeGeeGee wrote: @JackyMacky if you READ this thread it said [B]"No more 'post in the right section Newfag' comments"[/B] by posting this I felt like I violate the rule but I want to put it out there. IT'S THE MODERATOR'S JOB TO TELL THE NEWBIE WHAT TO DO...[B]NOT YOU[/B] I hope this is the last time I need to say this.
Everyone has the right to correct someone else's mistakes BUT they're not meant to do it while flaming or in a forceful way. It usually helps when you're nice, and not telling them they're a newfag. -
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 01:08:32
For such a popular mod there aren't many videos of it on YouTube.
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 01:24:19
it's a solid mod with which you can practice due to its relatively centered momentum, but it limits your style with its heavy feel i usually started a trick with a waterfall, then slowly moved on to mods that suited my style for that trick once i got good at it which is probably why people dont use the waterfall that much in videos since its so styleless
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 01:25:21
@SuiXidaL Alright, I'll be a lot nicer next time. :)
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 01:52:57
I don't understand what you mean by style.
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 02:02:46
MrBenjiHao wrote: I don't understand what you mean by style.
The way you spin. Differ Vicgotgame's combos to S777's, notice the different ways they spin? And I'm sure the moderators beg to differ from your reason to post a new thread. <_< -
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 02:04:52
Hmm okay, so how would the waterfall affect that though?
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 02:18:17
it's really controlled as in heavy all-around so it's hard to make your spinning have more extravagance/douchiness
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 02:39:03
Would it make your penspinning more smooth though?
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 02:50:06
yes, waterfall has tons of momentum and therefore will smooth your spinning. I don't believe that it will cancel out your style but oh well everybody has diff opinions.
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 03:26:19
Hopefully I'll enjoy spinning it. I've spent the last. ear spinning comssa mods exclusively so its time for a change.
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 04:38:36
What is the main difference between the two? I have tried looking it up but I couldnt find anything of use to me. Is one heavier than the other? I would like opinions from someone who has spun one or the other or both. Thanks!
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 05:29:22
This video mentions both mods, as well as some others. [video=youtube;S7zD75HVyrY][/video]
Date: Tue, Feb 28 2012 07:24:40
metal comssa is probably the best pen for starters. It's inexpensive, semi light weight in today's terms and spins well. Waterfall is a good mod ' as well but much heavier and little longer. It really depends on what you prefer to spin. Waterfall also uses a pirat body whcih has a unique feel that's hard to describe. Both are fine choices.
Honda1616 wrote: What is the main difference between the two? I have tried looking it up but I couldnt find anything of use to me. Is one heavier than the other? I would like opinions from someone who has spun one or the other or both. Thanks!
Date: Fri, Mar 16 2012 22:11:59
If I usually spin a waterfall, would you recommend a namae mod or ck mod (I like the feel of the namae body but I'm told it is light) Also @Honda1616 If you are just starting then metal comssa if you have been spinning for 4 months to 6 months then waterfall mod
Date: Sat, Mar 17 2012 01:34:16
would go namae mod over ck mod. ck mod is extremely fked up heavy, IMO that is. Frog~
midniteferret wrote: If I usually spin a waterfall, would you recommend a namae mod or ck mod (I like the feel of the namae body but I'm told it is light) Also @Honda1616 If you are just starting then metal comssa if you have been spinning for 4 months to 6 months then waterfall mod
Date: Sat, Mar 17 2012 03:53:23
@Froggy If I want to progress to heavier mods would you still not recommend the ck mod if so what other mods would you recommend
Date: Sat, Mar 17 2012 04:09:14
midniteferret wrote: @Froggy If I want to progress to heavier mods would you still not recommend the ck mod if so what other mods would you recommend
you can try a gripmatic tipped and dr gripped comssa mod g2 cte vortex stuhl mod minovate dc -
Date: Sat, Mar 17 2012 04:16:36
Just go for a Dr.CT then lol.. CK is not exactly stable IMO.. but that depends on how you mod it too Dr.CT on the other hand is almost 100% stable LOL. Frog~
midniteferret wrote: Froggy[/MENTION] If I want to progress to heavier mods would you still not recommend the ck mod if so what other mods would you recommend
Date: Sat, Mar 17 2012 13:50:17
How about dr grip tiped namae mod
Date: Sun, Mar 18 2012 01:34:25
It's possible. But when it's a heavy mod... I always feel that it needs a thick barrel to accompany it.. But that's just me ofcourse :) Frog~
midniteferret wrote: How about dr grip tiped namae mod
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 12:11:32
I have been spinning for about two months. What pen mod would be recommended for me? I like slightly heavy and long mods. I have also mastered fundamentals and going on to stuff like shadows, infinities
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 12:52:23
midniteferret wrote: If I usually spin a waterfall, would you recommend a namae mod or ck mod (I like the feel of the namae body but I'm told it is light) Also @Honda1616 If you are just starting then metal comssa if you have been spinning for 4 months to 6 months then waterfall mod
ep comssa i guess. it's longer and taste so fking good. -
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 12:52:59
Waterfall mod Cheat Comssa Ayatori Kuzu G3 (and extended) Frog~
Shadows wrote: I have been spinning for about two months. What pen mod would be recommended for me? I like slightly heavy and long mods. I have also mastered fundamentals and going on to stuff like shadows, infinities
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 18:13:31
Which is smoother to spin, an hgg tipped comssa or a signo tipped comssa?
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 18:46:42
Both mods can be spun smoothly.... ... its about your skills and controls of the mod Frog~
DaJankyOne wrote: Which is smoother to spin, an hgg tipped comssa or a signo tipped comssa?
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 20:02:10
Agree with Froggy, but if you are used to heavy mods go for signo tipped, it will make the transition easier and you will become smoother quicker.
Date: Tue, Apr 3 2012 20:59:56
After my waterfall and killergel mod, I want to move on to a mod that is heavy-medium weight and has a good amount of momentum. Are dr.kt or bonkura kt good for me? Or should I just keep using previous, medium weight mods?
Date: Tue, Apr 3 2012 21:09:23
What's are some good DC mods for a spinner with 17 cm hands......? T_T
Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 06:03:35
I am a six-month spinner. While in the shout box someone asked me how long I had been spinning and I told them I had been spinning for six months (somewhere around six months) and then they asked me what mods I had. I told him I had a BICtory and a Buster CYL. He told me to not use a buster until I'm around 1 year because it would ruin my style. So my question is: What pen mods could I buy? I don't just want to spin a BICtory but I want to use light mods. If using a specific pen that has a specific weight when you're a noob affect you're style, then which mods could I use to get a style like the one vic or supawit has. I want a smooth style so when I'm a pro when people see me spin I want to make it look effortless. So which pen mods should I get?
Date: Tue, Apr 10 2012 15:33:39
Hello Everyone I had been using a mod whose name is "Macquiuim Mod" for a bit . But I lost my mod. I want to buy a new mod. But I can't decide a mod which I buy. I need your help at this topic. The mods of which I think to buy "Ivan Mod,Finemax" and more. Which mod should I buy for you? I know theese tricks: Charge T.A Fingerpass Sonic Twisted Sonic Thumb Around Reverse & Thumb Around Harmonic Index Around Wiper, Infinity & Figure 8 Cardiod Thumb Around Extended Sonic Rise Warped Sonic & Double Charge Inverse Sonic Twisted Sonic Bust Inverse Twisted Sonic Sonic Clip Moonwalk Sonic Fingerless Thumb Around (FL TA) Fingerless Thumb Around Reverse (FL TA Rev) Neo Sonic Tipped Charge & Tipped Sonic Infinity Extended, Double Infinity, Extended Double Infinity Shadow Middle Around & Ring Around Double Thumbaround Devil's Sonic Devil's Around (Devil's Spin) Charge Reverse
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 21:29:27
Well I found a mod that i like alot and i want to make it. (waterfall) I just need a sub for the Reynolds caps and maybe the signo tips because I cant find those in America. Any responses are appreciated. :banana:
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 21:31:51
Cant do it, reynolds are the only pens outside with that looks. Of course u can always mod a cheat comssa with dr.grip grips and super pirat body and ur gonna have something alike.
There are ways to attach signo tips to comssa caps.
yes, and the best one is to make hgg+signo tip, aint that called cheat comssa?^^ -
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 22:11:24
One of the only other caps that holds signos well is the old Namae cap, very hard to find. There are ways to attach signo tips to comssa caps. TUL tips are a signo tip substitute.
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 22:35:27
...just order online?
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 22:39:19
wait how can you not find signo tips in america? I believe officemax sells signos. And as for a reynolds cap sub, good luck. You're not going to find a good sub. Even if you find a look-alike cap, most likely it won't fit a signo tip.
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 22:46:56
I have never seen METAL signos in Michigan, but it is possible that there are some elsewhere in the US. Reynolds are almost impossible to sub, just order from If you aren't allowed, get a friend to do it.
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 22:58:26
which one do u prefer? dr sunburst or impact mx?
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 23:13:39
What is a Dr. Sunburst?
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 23:23:33
Fuse wrote: What is a Dr. Sunburst?
You take a sunburst body cut the front part and but a backplut on it. Then you but kt caps on it and voila -> Dr Sunburst -
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 23:24:52
Impact mx is hard to make. A regular kt is best.
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 23:25:12
In that case, it depends on whether you like SC or DC. I think the weights are pretty similar. Whichever style you have, spin the mod that corresponds to it.
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 23:37:16
Im not allowed to order online and none of my friends ps seriously like me...
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 23:43:38
well... if you have a friend with a paypal account and you pay him i don't really see where it could be much of a problem... or do you just not have money?
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 23:59:31
Parents are the problem.... Dont ask why...
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 00:04:20
Well you may have seen in my last post that I was looking for subs for the reynolds caps in a Waterfall, cant find those... So basically I made this post because i want a dc mod that I can make with materials found in America, with out ordering online. Also it should be for intermidiate-beginner psers. Dont ask why I cant order online... If you can find a mod that fits my specifications i bowdown to you:bowdown:
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 00:11:28
there are none. there's nothing even close to reynolds cap in terms of fit/quality.
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 00:14:49
trade with someone if you can't order online. what you are asking for doesn't really exist. that's why psing is an international community/hobby since most good parts/pens come from a variety of countries. Also please post in one thread. I merged your other thread. thx
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 00:26:48
BeyondEminence wrote: If you can find a mod that fits my specifications i bowdown to you:bowdown:
You can make a vicgotgame mod but without the tips. It uses: 2x Crayola supertip 2x RSVP 1x Dr. Grip Alternatively, bictories are extremely simple to make, but they can be quite nice if you kit them out with grips/tips. I'm partial to RSVP grips and anyball/profile grips. If you want a great DC, you could also spring for a ballsign mod The best way to "Ameri-mod" this is to cut the ringed section of a G2 grip and throw it on each end rather than a Dr. Grip. You can then take a small ring of G2 grip to put on the top of it in place of a super grip. If you're looking to make the ballsign, you should look for them under their American name, Gelly Roll. They're not easy to find in convenience store-type shops but you *can* find them. They're fairly common in stationary and art shops (Michael's and the Hallmark Store have been quite successful for me.) That's all I got for now. Let me know if you have other questions -
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 01:01:40
Penwish is a double post noob! just kidding :D. Try a bictory, I have a tutorial on one. [video=youtube;2fcfVdnBEe0][/video]
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 01:08:09
If I could choose only one, I would hands down choose impact mx. dr.sunburst is not a very good option in my honest opinion
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 01:21:57
There are metal signo tips in the US. Just the other day at my school's book store I found 2 different types of signo pens with the metal signo tips.
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 01:30:40
i would prefer a normal KT. although a Dr sunburst looks like a nice mod. @Nachoaddict please close this thread
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 06:48:45
Okay, so I'm a beginner - intermediate-ish spinner, and a relative of mine agreed to buy me some mods. Which should I get? -Macquium mod -Science Lumilion mod (I like this cuz it glows) -Majasty mod: -Methric MX: -And a Buster. I know I shouldn't be buying so early but I don't think my money will last long.
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 06:58:46
@Unique_Little_Git trade with people in the phils.... and get a decent medium sized mod Ram, chobi all can trade with you. Those are horrible mods to start out with. Make a MX or mx variation and go from there. No need to jump to 20+g mods off the bat. Most intermediate ish spinners would never consider those you selectee. If you want to get somethere there get a simple mx or metal comssa pack. Then move up later. again i recommend trading in the phils. Much cheaper and probably better mods for you.
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 07:13:02
@Unique_Little_Git trade with people in the phils.... and get a decent medium sized mod Ram, chobi all can trade with you. Those are horrible mods to start out with. Make a MX or mx variation and go from there. No need to jump to 20+g mods off the bat. Most intermediate ish spinners would never consider those you selectee. If you want to get somethere there get a simple mx or metal comssa pack. Then move up later. again i recommend trading in the phils. Much cheaper and probably better mods for you.
Actually I was going to put those away until I got better. And I can't trade because of reasons. (main one is that I don't have anything good to trade since the most I have access to is RSVP, and that's already the rarest one around here. Oh, and there are no Comssas here too.) Am I allowed to get a Waterfall? -
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 07:34:33
Have you considered trading money for pens? That's still a trade. One thing for another. Frog~
Unique_Little_Git wrote: Actually I was going to put those away until I got better. And I can't trade because of reasons. (main one is that I don't have anything good to trade since the most I have access to is RSVP, and that's already the rarest one around here. Oh, and there are no Comssas here too.) Am I allowed to get a Waterfall?
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 07:39:50
I haven't thought of that... But I don't think sending money via mail is allowed here.
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 07:46:35
it's not allowed anywhere but everyone does it. Put it in a security envelope (basically cannot see through it) and it is fine. Chobi and ram should be able to help you out. It's probably more reliable mail system inside phils than stores like pw or pds international shipping is always ghetto sometimes to phils. phils customs = terribad
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 07:47:41
waterfall is probably a better choice but something simpler would be better to start out with. being more advanced doesn't really mean heavier pen ala bonkura
Unique_Little_Git wrote: Actually I was going to put those away until I got better. And I can't trade because of reasons. (main one is that I don't have anything good to trade since the most I have access to is RSVP, and that's already the rarest one around here. Oh, and there are no Comssas here too.) Am I allowed to get a Waterfall?
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 08:03:10
My relative is in the States and would bring what I asked him to buy for me here when he comes home. I'll try trading though~ Hopefully it'll work. *needs to find a way to get there* Thanks for your help :D Oh and what double capped mods do you think I can use?
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 08:08:21
that's fine. that would work. What are you spinning now? what are you used to? it all really depends. well I always say start out with a metal comssa which is cheap and considered by many pros the best starting dc pen . you can modifty weight by changing grips from anyball, sailor to dr.grip. hgg tips is fine to start off with.
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 08:09:46
Anything you like. All DC have even weight distribution, so they spin pretty much the same. Just difference in weight and momentum. So just pick whatever it pleases your eyes, and go for it. Frog~
Unique_Little_Git wrote: My relative is in the States and would bring what I asked him to buy for me here when he comes home. I'll try trading though~ Hopefully it'll work. *needs to find a way to get there* Thanks for your help :D [B]Oh and what double capped mods do you think I can use?[/B]
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 08:19:31
The ones that I like have parts that aren't available here :/ if they were I could live with a Metallic Comssa for the rest of my life XD the only mods I have are RSVP MX (4 of them) and a BICtory made from two BIC Round Stic Grips with Pilot tips shoved up the caps. (too thin D:) (Yeah I complain a lot XD;;)
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 08:22:54
Well what do you have access to? Frog~
Unique_Little_Git wrote: The ones that I like have parts that aren't available here :/ if they were I could live with a Metallic Comssa for the rest of my life XD the only mods I have are RSVP MX (4 of them) and a BICtory made from two BIC Round Stic Grips with Pilot tips shoved up the caps. (too thin D:) (Yeah I complain a lot XD;;)
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 08:38:09
Hmm... The ones that are useful in modding? Pilot G2, G3, RSVP (Razzle Dazzle and the plain one), BIC Round Stic Grips, Pilot Better Retractable, Supergrips, Lacknock, HGR, Anyballs. I don't have access to Zebra pens, and all the Uni pens are those gripless, tipless things. The Monami pens here are just the Love Pets ones. I can't even get Supertips.
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 08:45:16
yeah i would trade with ram or chobi. they have a ton of random crap for trade
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 08:50:51
Oh and about that. This ( is Ram, right?
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 09:11:49
yup him and chobi would be the two peeps i'd talk to. there are people like yamaguchi too but not sure how many pens they have
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 09:34:33
Unique_Little_Git wrote: My relative is in the States and would bring what I asked him to buy for me here when he comes home. I'll try trading though~ Hopefully it'll work. *needs to find a way to get there* Thanks for your help :D Oh and what double capped mods do you think I can use?
comssa? -
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 12:25:26
OKay, thank you guys so much of your time and help c:
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 09:32:15
Which one is better for power tricks, buster cyl or Hal kt?
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 09:38:45
ivan ST. Frog~
Dragon wrote: Which one is better for power tricks, buster cyl or Hal kt?
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 20:19:30
The KT is also good, but I think it's more multipurpose (? bad english google trad)
Date: Sat, May 12 2012 20:45:32
Ivan/Buster since I only see Peem and Supawit spin with those mods and I think it has more momentum than HAL KT.
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 11:08:20
Ok so it was a fair while ago that I bought my buster and I used to love spinning it but since then my hands have grown like heaps and now it's really hard to spin because it is really short compared to my hand :/ Does anyone know any longer mods that I could use? Oh and I'd prefer them to be heavy coz I do power tricks
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 11:32:35
Supawit DC. (u can cut barrel size to your liking) Ivan mod ( cut barrel to your liking) Saturn mod How long are your hands?(cm)
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 12:00:36
RSVP mx < metal comssa < buster cyl < my hand < waterfall comssa mod Sox that's the best I could do... I don't have a ruler with me
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 12:32:31
Ok from what I've heard I'm not gonna get an Ivan mod So I'm stuck between Saturn mod supawit dc and vgg mod, can anyone who has spun any of these give me their thoughts on them
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 12:46:57
Dimension wrote: RSVP mx < metal comssa < buster cyl < my hand < waterfall comssa mod Sox that's the best I could do... I don't have a ruler with me
dahhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm son. u have some big as hands. -
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 13:51:43
VGG buster??
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 14:57:37
funnky wrote: dahhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm son. u have some big as hands.
Yes very true ^^ Well my hand is bigger than my buster if I go from grip to grip. But if I go from tip to tip the buster is like .5 of a cm bigger lol -
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 15:12:17
Ok im pretty much set on a Saturn mod ;) I was tempted to attempt to make a vgg emboss but It looks like a pain to mod plus it would be pretty expensive and also I've heard that thing is like spinning a metal rod that it's that heavy xD
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 16:24:53
Dimension wrote: Ok im pretty much set on a Saturn mod ;) I was tempted to attempt to make a vgg emboss but It looks like a pain to mod plus it would be pretty expensive and also I've heard that thing is like spinning a metal rod that it's that heavy xD
The original VGG mod can be bought from penwish, and the emboss is also plenty long enough. Eurocracy DC v1, v2 and v3 will also have their length bonuses and are heavy. -
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 19:54:30
supawit DC with AC bodies (if you want it white) :P just like an ivan, but thicker and A LOT more safe than a ivan mod ^^.. since its made with KT/CT/AC and backplugs are bigger and fits almost perfectly :) just a bit of tape ;D, oh, and instead of sailor gel, do that AC body and put airfit grips and tips, like an ivan mod, ><
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 20:49:02
Sekai wrote: supawit DC with AC bodies (if you want it white) :P just like an ivan, but thicker and A LOT more safe than a ivan mod ^^.. since its made with KT/CT/AC and backplugs are bigger and fits almost perfectly :) just a bit of tape ;D, oh, and instead of sailor gel, do that AC body and put airfit grips and tips, like an ivan mod, ><
yeah, like my personal supawit DC mod uses AC bodies, sailors, airfit tips i really like it. i recommend making a supawit DC air art color bodies. It is the best(feel, fits nicely, easier to cut unlike the other, and the body doesnt warp easily.) its pretty much my main mod i had a saturn mod, its nice, i really liked it, then i broke it, but its not really worth spending like 6$ (unless ur @Roas ) and the time to wait to get them for playcolors to repair it, there are better mods out there! -
Date: Thu, May 17 2012 23:37:55
That sounds good but the only thing I don't like about art colors is the writing on the barrel is there any different bodies i could use ? that's the main reason I was leaning towards Saturn mod Damn I coulda ordered one instead of my yellow waterfall mod ahahs Oh and how long is the mod you were talking about? ^o^
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 01:34:00
i had my personal supawit mod for somewhere around 5-7 weeks, and first now the writing is starting to fade away, i think its becsue of my friend, because i never make writing fade, but he faded the writing on his buster within like 2 days(not including spinnig it @ school) i really like AC feel, if you want black you can get color twin(which are the cheapest @ $2.90), but dont get keityo bodies. Even those the chinese writing is cool, the body get warped before you complete the mod. the KT body is very flexy, easy to break. and my personal supawit mod is around 22cm. you can make it any length you want, range is like 20cm-27 maybe, or you can get VGG mod, which i dont like super tip bodies as much.
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 03:34:24
I personally prefer Buster CYL, because i think Ivan Mod feels to light, the Supertip body + comssa caps have a really good weight distribution and feels very nice for me, also i think Ivan Mod is a really unsafe mod D: .. so.. Ivan is longer and Buster feels heavier. Sometimes people say Ivan is just a stick! So, which one do you think is better? Why? Buster Cyl
Ivan Mod
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 03:48:33
i use the two mods for totally different reasons... theyre both too heavy for me regularly, so i replaced my buster tips with the jell tips and its still barely spinnable for me. i usually only use it when im bored and doing some power linkages. and the ivan mod weight distribution feels off if i use jell tips, so i only use my ivan mod when im trying to do like triple punkan or something stupid like that...
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 03:53:20
From what I've heard Ivan mod requires a lot of glue which would be a pain if it breaks Although my buster is getting too small so I'm not sure :/
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 03:56:16
None, they aren't heavy enough. Since I am Peem, I no longer spin such mods. I spin these now.
I will be making a new tut on this mod soon. (sun) :trollface:
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 03:57:00
Dimension wrote: From what I've heard Ivan mod requires a lot of glue which would be a pain if it breaks Although my buster is getting too small so I'm not sure :/
ivan mod doesnt require glue... -
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 04:08:47
Ok, enough fun. Well let's see, Ivan mod's construction is made on supertip bodies and airfit parts whereas a buster, you'll need the backplug and caps. So Ivan mod sort of saves money and hassle to get another different pen. On the other hand, some modders hate cutting bodies/barrels for Ivan mod. :/ Some people may have problems with Busters because it may be back heavy if the spinner/modder didn't correctly construct it but the Ivan mod is fairly balanced. Ivan mod is indeed lighter so some people prefer it. It also has a lot of spin space as opposed to a buster. It's all according to your preferences. Sorry for the long paragraph, lol.....I'm bored. -____-
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 04:12:24
I mean how the body isn't completely smooth... Well at least my dr acs body has the writing engraved in it . I'll just wait till my next penwish order and get both of them to see which one I like better :)
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 04:15:45
Yeah I must have been either reading an old or crappy tutorial lol
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 06:17:26
i like buster moar
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 07:44:20
Buster cos i never spun an ivan? XD
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 08:39:43
Ivan Mod, because the "caps" dont stretch or fall off like Busters. Ivan mods dont need glue lol... But that's the only difference between the two mods, or they're both identical.
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 09:52:10
for me, Ivan mod is better because The Bumps of the Buster irritates me XD. when I do 'grippy' tricks, sometimes I feel it when I spin. And I spin better? lol . My bust record using buster is only 5 , while my ivan mod record of busts is 8 lol. imo only
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 12:07:03
for me buster LOL :) cause i have 1 =.=
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 12:29:36
i prefer buster for the same reasons like you
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 12:45:28
Get a Zhigao v6. XD its 24 cm.
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 15:27:39
Buster. ----------------------------- Just waiting for this thread to be merged with the other thread.
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 18:45:48
For spinning, I like the ivan mod a lot more, but I just hate the way it looks, since the barrel is the same as the caps, it does just look like a rod. :/ I like the look of the buster though.
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 19:38:07
You do realize that you can save the hassle of cutting and just connect the two STs VGG style, right?
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 20:09:47
Buster FTW!! i made an Ivanmod few months ago..i disassembled it Cons: cap easy fly off not original feel weirdo
Date: Fri, May 18 2012 23:29:06
I think I prefer Ivan than Buster.....Ivan is longer....but the problem with Ivan is u need the old supertips body( the big one)...I did Ivan mod with the new supertips body( the small one) and after spinning for a while, the caps are out of the body....:| It is kind of uncomfortable with the new supertips body if u make Ivan with it
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 00:43:12
Wait now I'm confused...I thought it worked better with the new super tips...either that or I was confused between the old and the new this whole time :P
Date: Sat, May 19 2012 01:37:24
ugggg there are 3 kinds of supertips heres the diffrence version 1 (the one you want to use) which are the old ones with a big backplug. the back plug goes in and not round like v2 v2 new super tips that are no diffrent just you cant use the cap to cut a bar off of it to make cob ect ect with ROUND backplugs v3 the ones that look like v1 but are completely, the whole marker is SMALLER where you can fit a comssa cap without anything at all. should fit perfectly and body is smaller than v1 not only that but the back plug is super tiny here tou could barely pull it off maybe i will do some example vid soon sick and tired of people using v3 supertips oh and i prefer buster since i use the caps to hit a nice spot to bust
Date: Sat, May 26 2012 21:27:58
JackyMacky wrote: @MrBenjiHao Search before you post! :facepalm:
I love on how almost every thread that I read I see you.... Telling people to ''search''.... You're not even a mod so you really can't tell people how to use UPSB.... Just saying. -
Date: Sun, May 27 2012 17:29:09
@BeyondEminence I feel that I have to. ^_^ So what if I'm not a mod. Oh and uh, don't revive old threads either. LOLOL jk jk.
Date: Sun, May 27 2012 17:48:57
''I feel that I have to. ^_^ So what if I'm not a mod.'' That really is sad.... Not looking to start a flame war or anything but it's sad to see that someone thinks that they are higher than another member of UPSB when you're really just another spinner... (not a moderator)
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 05:19:17
I 've been using zhigao pens for quite a long time and a UPSB member told me that mods are better than spinning pens. Any pen to recommend for a 8 month long spinner ? :dog: :ghost:
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 05:50:45
rushon or f*3000(rare like hell) or dc comssa is good too
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 06:23:24
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 07:02:10
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 07:19:01
What funnky said.
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 07:20:05
and this thread is in the video section why...?
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 09:22:33
Buster CYL is literally all you need for your entire Pen Spinning career. But the downside is UPSB will rage at you for using it =____="
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 09:54:53
Lol IMO buster is not suitable for you yet. Maybe waterfall, metallic comssa will suit u better
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 14:01:08
Shadows wrote: Lol IMO buster is not suitable for you yet. Maybe waterfall, metallic comssa will suit u better
no buster will be just fine ha -
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 22:23:04
I have 30 bucks, do not know what to buy, plzz help. I already have a buster and metal comssa. what should i buy now????:O:O:O:O
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 23:00:07
Well at 8 months he could start with a buster...
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 23:02:23
@Accuru 30 bucks is a bit vague. What shipping will u use and are you including shipping
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 23:26:53
I started from 0 with a buster :) Enviado desde mi GT-I5800 usando Tapatalk
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 23:27:53
Since it says that he lives in the US, he'll probably go for the free shipping over $25 option. You should get a waterfall mod with an extra (or two) Reynolds 094 caps just in case they crack. If you have experience in modding, it would be better if you bought the parts for a waterfall and made it yourself (get the rubbed super pirat if you don't have acetone).
Date: Tue, May 29 2012 23:59:27
imma go make a ZG vid post on upsb forums >.<
Date: Wed, May 30 2012 00:07:29
Buy what you want really. Popular mods: Buster, comssa, waterfall.
Date: Wed, May 30 2012 00:43:52
buy a product sc. you wont regret it.
Date: Wed, May 30 2012 04:26:34
get a vicgotgame mod
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 04:55:12
My pen is goody ghost but the design all come out and i think I should Buy pen like waterfall something like that. Pen that is bright in Colour that would make your pen look nicer when executing the tricks.
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 11:53:10
Wait what is goody ghost in the first place??
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 11:32:55
Or you could use a DR KT.
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 05:06:59
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 05:49:10
Use a metal comssa. But make it look pretty
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 20:50:28
BICtory or RSVP MX?
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 21:01:54
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 21:13:53
Get both and see what you like best. Bictory is more balance, but RSVP barrel feels nicer in my opinion. Also, there is a thread for this.
Date: Thu, Jun 7 2012 21:15:36
mx <3
Date: Sun, Jun 10 2012 22:56:58
I was wondering if replacing airfit grip and tips for Dr.Grip and tips better or not on buster cyl?
Date: Sun, Jun 10 2012 23:22:28
no dont ever do that. jk, it's subjective..
Date: Mon, Jun 11 2012 00:14:23
bustercyl wrote: I was wondering if replacing airfit grip and tips for Dr.Grip and tips better or not on buster cyl?
cant say its good or bad, but dr grip tips are a bit longer and i believe the grips are a bit heavier, but the tips are a bit lighter than airfit tips -
Date: Mon, Jun 11 2012 20:52:49
hey guys. if any of you remember way back when i asked what mod i should get you guys recomended a waterfall i got just that. immiadiately when i got it i felt that it was pretty light and i knew that i should've gotten something heavier. so now after like a year of spinning should i get a buster or something heavier then a waterfall but lighter than a buster. although i really do want a buster now more than before. Thanks for any responses
Date: Mon, Jun 11 2012 20:56:03
no get a mx
Date: Mon, Jun 11 2012 21:30:37
Busters only help with continuous fingerless tricks and linkages.
Date: Mon, Jun 11 2012 21:56:50
if u want something heavy but lighter than buster than go for buster with airfit gel tips. but if u want heavy go for buster with airfit ballpoint tips.
Date: Mon, Jun 11 2012 22:28:05
no if u want weight get kt or a modrod body with modrod gips on body then shove dr grip tips in there
Date: Mon, Jun 11 2012 22:32:40
And if you want to make it slightly lighter you could cut the grips a little smaller like on peem's buster. I think on the wiki it said like 1.5/4 of the grip instead of 1/2
Date: Mon, Jun 11 2012 23:30:43
well... i would suggest not getting a buster, but thats from past experience. i bought a buster after about 1.5 years of spinning and i liked it at the time but i really dont like it anymore. i realized that i enjoy the weighting of a waterfall much more and it really works better with my style. my suggestion is an ivabra mod or dr kt. i suppose its all up to you though. it would be easier if you could go test mods to see which ones you like before you bought them. (maybe penwish should get on that)
Date: Mon, Jun 11 2012 23:39:02
Actually buster is awesome for hard tricks such as rare 1.5 baks combinations or fingerless and continuous or air tricks in general.. so if you like it and you think your style fits buster's (like peem wt09, josh_pr, i.suk, etc..) just get it ;D
Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 00:10:02
Date: Thu, Jun 14 2012 12:04:40
Hi guys Raptor here, I was shopping off pen wish and I can't decide if I should get the Original Dr.KT or the Golden Dr.KT. I really need it i'm shopping from penwish. I have a KT myself but mine looks ugly because I traded my real RSVP MX (complete parts with hgg parts) for some kt tips form my friend's collection and I used keiyto subs and sailor subs. Thanks guys and PEACE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="7"][COLOR="red"]R A P T O R[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] :sfsr:
Date: Thu, Jun 14 2012 12:39:23
Date: Fri, Jun 15 2012 12:17:03
Date: Fri, Jun 15 2012 15:29:37
Really it's mostly up to you to decide because they are the same thing... But here's a quick comparison you might already know Original dr kt costs $1 more than golden diamond IMO Golden diamond looks better than the original + it has gold dr grip tips and a cool outsert. However I'm not too sure about the outsert because it might peel off or whatever, but I would choose the golden diamond mainly because of outsert and tips. Anyway, you can always take off te outsert if you don't like it... Sorry for long post :p -
Date: Fri, Jun 15 2012 16:06:57
Raptor wrote: Hi guys Raptor here, I was shopping off pen wish and I can't decide if I should get the Original Dr.KT or the Golden Dr.KT. I really need it i'm shopping from penwish. I have a KT myself but mine looks ugly because I traded my real RSVP MX (complete parts with hgg parts) for some kt tips form my friend's collection and I used keiyto subs and sailor subs. Thanks guys and PEACE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="7"][COLOR="red"]R A P T O R[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] :sfsr:
Well this is only a preference of what color you like more...personally I prefer the original colors, bonkura colors, or Hal kt. But it's really just up to you to decide what color looks best -
Date: Fri, Jun 22 2012 02:01:57
I got a friend to star spinning. Any suggestions on nooby mods? I don't think he would like anything too light such as the Metallic ComSSa.
Date: Fri, Jun 22 2012 02:03:25
rsvp MX @Kupo
Date: Fri, Jun 22 2012 02:20:36
signo tipped ballsign mod? :D Frog~
Date: Fri, Jun 22 2012 04:08:56
@Froggy Thanks.
Date: Fri, Jun 29 2012 12:20:42
Buster CYL and RSVP MX or an Emboss mod for a intermediate spinner which one should i choose
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 22:43:31
do i need a special pen to get good? what pen should i buy? how ez do they break?
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 23:01:36 try searching around the forum before starting a new thread :P our "special" pens are mods that we make ourselves. durability varies depending on the mod
Date: Sat, Jun 30 2012 23:22:26
not only it depends on the mod itself, but also on whos modding it ;) Frog~
Kyoflow wrote: try searching around the forum before starting a new thread :P our "special" pens are mods that we make ourselves. [B]durability varies depending on the mod[/B]
Date: Fri, Jul 6 2012 02:24:16
How do the Turndont and Mesi G3's spin? If I had to choose one, which one would you pick? What's so great about the Coulomb mod? I could be biased cause I really liked my Key3.... xD If anyone has any G3 mod recommendations though, lemme know. I have a left over G3. I don't know about any mods after 2010 :rofl:
Date: Fri, Jul 6 2012 02:27:32
Not sure bout 1st line as I never tried turndont. Coulomb is just a standard g3 mod, good weight distribution and is HGG gripped. its heavier than key3 thou, since key3 is like the lighter side of 14g, while coulomb is at the heavier side of 14g. Frog~
Date: Tue, Jul 10 2012 14:05:47
Hey guys i was thinking about buying a buster cyl and i was just wondering if i should get a kearing body b/c i hear it has an amazing "feel". So would you recomend getting a kearing body and switch that out with an st or keep the st on a buster?
Date: Tue, Jul 10 2012 14:12:50
Please post in quick modifications thread. Also kearing is completely different pen class. unless you heavily mod it with two backplug system ala ck mod commsas will not fit on it without modification. Also the feel comes with the kearing after it has been rubbed down. Before rubbage it feels like a semi ordinary pen
Date: Sat, Jul 14 2012 08:09:27
ShadrCom3t wrote: How do the Turndont and Mesi G3's spin? If I had to choose one, which one would you pick? What's so great about the Coulomb mod? I could be biased cause I really liked my Key3.... xD If anyone has any G3 mod recommendations though, lemme know. I have a left over G3. I don't know about any mods after 2010 :rofl:
I really like my key3, and I loved my Turndont G3 as well. Takes up too many parts though, but you can sub most of the grips in front with other random grips anyway -
Date: Sat, Jul 14 2012 17:26:50
Key3 G3 mod is my favorite, besides Seven's G3 (too many parts). I think its the easiest one to make and doesn't require many pens and you can sub the tapli clip grip :)
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 03:39:38
@Colbyy The Seven is a little unbalanced for me but I'll admit I used to LOVE it haha. Still like my Key3 more than the others.
Does anyone have the Tonnam G3 mod tut? I can't find it anymore. I would like to make another one.nvm I just disassembled mine. -
Date: Mon, Jul 16 2012 04:39:57
I broke one of my key3 g3s because I dropped it and the HGG tip pushed back and cracked the g3 barrel. After that I cut part of the barrel off and made a riason g3 :P
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2012 17:30:15
Who has a Springfield SC Replica? I'd recommend putting HGG tips on both ends and it spins awesomely. ^_^ Or it could just be me.
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2012 20:32:37
I'm about to make a pw order and I really can't decide between Saturn mod and pixels cheat so could you guys. Help me decide ? Select one, of you select other, please list another mod. I'm looking for something heavy and medium length. Thanks! :D
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2012 21:00:20
What mods are you arleady getting?
Date: Mon, Jul 23 2012 19:49:11
rsvp all the way
Date: Mon, Jul 23 2012 23:53:56
we already told you on your other thread you made, or was the thread merged with this one?
Date: Fri, Jul 27 2012 02:17:49
I can do:Thumb around, thumb around rev, thumb around harmonic, fingerless thumb around, fingerless thumb rev, sonic, sonic rise, sonic rev, charge, charge rev, shadow, twisted sonic bust, and finger pass. And if you can also suggest any trick for me to learn i would greatly appreciate. :)
Date: Fri, Jul 27 2012 02:43:50
Maybe metallic comssa? Its a pretty decent mod for your current level. Frog~
Leonardlnx wrote: I can do:Thumb around, thumb around rev, thumb around harmonic, fingerless thumb around, fingerless thumb rev, sonic, sonic rise, sonic rev, charge, charge rev, shadow, twisted sonic bust, and finger pass. And if you can also suggest any trick for me to learn i would greatly appreciate. :)
Date: Fri, Jul 27 2012 03:33:51
kk thx:)
Date: Tue, Jul 31 2012 00:59:10
For Impact MX's, they spin better with a SUNBURST cap and ONLY 3 washers. You may have to shove a 2 section sailor or something in the cap, though, since 4 washers is too many. You can also try a bigger screw. This spins so smoothly/softly compared to the original. So awesome it could be one of my daily carries. The original is still nice, though. :thumb: edit: although mine had a spoko, it doesn't matter what grip you have. (I tested it)
Date: Fri, Aug 3 2012 09:18:37
Hi i was wondering if any one would be able to give me a pen for free to learn with. But strapped for cash right now, but would really appreciate a beginners pen.
Date: Fri, Aug 3 2012 12:25:40
you can make a bic mod. it cost less than a dollar and its fairly common
Date: Fri, Aug 3 2012 12:40:24
y nt save up and buy a better one?
Date: Fri, Aug 3 2012 12:45:16
Pixels wrote: you can make a bic mod. it cost less than a dollar and its fairly common
any help on doing this? i am very new to this lol -
Date: Fri, Aug 3 2012 14:07:18 Frog~
danielmarriott wrote: any help on doing this? i am very new to this lol
Date: Fri, Aug 10 2012 01:23:57
Someone sent me Old Namae CAPS instead of the whole pen. I have asked for the bodies and he claims they're useless (thus he does not have any). I was wondering if I should just make a DC Namae with a pirat body, or actually get a Namae body. I also wanted to make an SX but that seems impossible right now. Suggestions?
Date: Fri, Aug 10 2012 02:00:48
If the trade did indeed asks for old namaes, barrels should be included then. It's not up to the seller to decide if it's useless or not. But pirats does spin better than namaes, but that's IMO only. Frog~
Date: Fri, Aug 10 2012 03:31:28
Froggy wrote: If the trade did indeed asks for old namaes, barrels should be included then.
That's what I thought lol. There are few mods that ask for Namae caps ONLY. Even the ION SC asks for a Namae back plug. It does spin well with a pirat though. -
Date: Tue, Aug 14 2012 07:02:43
Could someone recommend a suitable mod for a beginner such as myself that is a) writable and b) balanced?
Date: Tue, Aug 14 2012 07:19:11
magic_claws wrote: Could someone recommend a suitable mod for a beginner such as myself that is a) writable and b) balanced?
Make a BICtory or Signo Tipped MX -
Date: Thu, Aug 30 2012 23:33:42
Hi all! I'm new at pen spinning and i want to buy pen mod. Could you help me? To facilitate you helping me, i can say that i already do a smooth fingerpass, because i played piano for 6 years, and i have great agility on my fingers. So, before i knew that pen spinning existed, i already did fingerpass. After i discovered this "hobby" i started learning a few tricks, like thumb around, sonic, and easy tricks... Now, i want to buy a modded pen at So, what pen sould i buy? and... are there other sites where i can buy modded pens? Thank you for your attention P.S.: sorry for my english, it could be better :(
Date: Fri, Aug 31 2012 00:38:16
well this is the sort of thing that you should ask in the shout box... also there is really no need to make a new thread just so you can find a good pen to use. try reading forum rules. (sorry if i sound mean) i would suggest getting a metal comssa or rsvp mx :D i find that penwish is sufficient for pen spinning needs.
Date: Fri, Aug 31 2012 18:06:02
Hi! I'm going to make a PW order. Which pens i have to buy? I spinning about 2 months. I want to buy 2 pens - 1 single sided and 1 double sided. I think that Pixels Cheat DC Comssa and RSVP MX is good choice. What is your opinion? Thanks. :)
Date: Fri, Aug 31 2012 18:11:52
NeoN wrote: Hi! I'm going to make a PW order. Which pens i have to buy? I spinning about 2 months. I want to buy 2 pens - 1 single sided and 1 double sided. I think that Pixels Cheat DC Comssa and RSVP MX is good choice. What is your opinion? Thanks. :)
Those are good choices however since you're a beginner you might want to try pens that are more similarly weighted to each other. The MX is much lighter than the Pixels Comssa. Instead of the Pixels Comssa, get a metal Comssa OR instead of the RSVP MX get a heavier SC mod such as a Seven G3 Mod or Coulomb or Ayatori G3. Even possibly a Minwoo SC Mod. Of course keeping in mind your budget. -
Date: Fri, Aug 31 2012 18:15:36
A nice double sided mod would be the Waterfall Mod.
Date: Fri, Aug 31 2012 20:22:29
Those are good choices however since you're a beginner you might want to try pens that are more similarly weighted to each other. The MX is much lighter than the Pixels Comssa. Instead of the Pixels Comssa, get a metal Comssa OR instead of the RSVP MX get a heavier SC mod such as a Seven G3 Mod or Coulomb or Ayatori G3. Even possibly a Minwoo SC Mod. Of course keeping in mind your budget.
Thank you. I'm going to buy Ayatori mod and Pixels Cheat DC Comssa (IMHO Metal Comssa looks ugly). @Supergirl Sure. But i think it's better for advanced spinners. -
Date: Sat, Sep 1 2012 06:59:09
Is it outlay on the PenWish Metal Comssa and can I remove it?
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2012 09:16:17
I got a Buster CYL from Penwish yesterday, and my friens were all "No! don't get a Buster yet!". Why do many people dislike the Buster? I mean, isn't more weight better?
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2012 09:20:25
Almost everyone is against Buster because of its weight and length. Its very heavy compared to other mods and also very long. People think beginners cant use these heavy mods because 'they would ruin your style' and such. But there isn't really reason to not use it. Unless you dont like it or have small hands.
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2012 10:00:52
IMO, it still depends on your preference. Whether you like heavier or lighter mods, it's up to you. I think the reason why people dislike buster for beginners is that you will have a hard time to switch to lighter mods than using lighter mods then switch to heavier mods and some says that using lighter mods will improve smoothness. For me, I don’t dislike heavy mods, it’s just that I can’t use them for too long compare to light mods thus more time for practice :)
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2012 10:08:11
Don't listen to 'Beginners must use light mods' crap. Spin whatever you want. Spin a straw if you want. Spin a ruler if you want lol. It's all about what you feel what is best for you.
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2012 10:08:20
psh jelly friends are jelly LOL they're just envy haha
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2012 10:11:11
Apocalyptic Shadows wrote: Almost everyone is against Buster because of its weight and length. Its very heavy compared to other mods and also very long. People think beginners cant use these heavy mods because 'they would ruin your style' and such. But there isn't really reason to not use it. Unless you dont like it or have small hands.
How would it "ruin your style"? Are there tricks you can't do with a Buster? -
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2012 10:16:49
Buster CYL is very good for beginners. It doesn't ruin your style :) In fact its the only pen mod you need for life :P
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2012 10:17:24
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2012 10:18:51
Date: Sat, Sep 22 2012 21:16:04
So I just started spinning a couple days go and I have learned all the fundamental tricks on an unsharpened #2 pencil and I really liked it, but as the title suggests I was wondering if there are any good pencil mods that are easy to do with little parts (I live in a hotel and I don't have many resources and I'm thinking about also making a BICtory) If you could give me some suggestions and maybe some pros cons that would be so helpful! Thank you my fellow spinners(: Also, I use it so much the eraser has worn almost all the way done:/ not that it's a major issue I just don't like it. Suggestions to stop that?
Date: Mon, Sep 24 2012 23:41:50
NeoN wrote: Thank you. I'm going to buy Ayatori mod and Pixels Cheat DC Comssa (IMHO Metal Comssa looks ugly). @Supergirl Sure. But i think it's better for advanced spinners.
I have heard the pixels Cheat DC comssa is heavier than the regular pixels comssa. this says it does at least So my question, I also bought the pixels dc cheat comssa and i am scared it would mess up my hands, not allowing me to not use lighter mods, What should i not spin it? -
Date: Sun, Sep 30 2012 22:11:26
Hello all, new here. Anyway, I'm fairly new to penspinning, and I looked at the Starter's Guide to Pen Mods. I'm interested in making a Rushon Comssa, because I have fairly large hands (~23 cm). I also want something that's good for beginners. However, I haven't been able to find any guides/tutorials on making one. If anyone can help me out with a link or some info, that would be great. If you have a different suggestion for a beginner mod, double capped, for large hands, I'd welcome that too. Thanks!
Date: Sun, Sep 30 2012 23:17:25
I would just say buy the pen here since you live in the usa and the parts are from Japan
Date: Mon, Oct 1 2012 00:47:42
If you really want to make it, just buy the parts
Date: Mon, Oct 1 2012 01:28:56
Problem is I don't know how to make it... (I want to make it myself because that's much more fun) And I've looked for tutorials but having trouble finding any. Although I think I can get the basic idea from pics.
Date: Mon, Oct 1 2012 07:37:47
PlayerZero wrote: Problem is I don't know how to make it... (I want to make it myself because that's much more fun) And I've looked for tutorials but having trouble finding any. Although I think I can get the basic idea from pics.
Most mods should have tutorials somewhere here. -
Date: Tue, Oct 2 2012 00:38:42
Mod usually have should find some here
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2012 20:54:41
So I've been pen spinning for a few months now and I'm looking for a new pen that is not too heavy and is good for the long run. I've been looking into the waterfall mod, but can anyone out there give some recommendations? I'm using a personal Bictory mod atm and can someone give me any ideas on a pen for medium-sized hands (somewhere around 19cm or less)? Thanks for any information if given!
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2012 21:30:22
going from any mod from bictory is going to seem pretty darn heavy. even though waterfall isn't that heavy by today's standards it will bee heavy if you are using bictory
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2012 22:02:14
I would personally recommend a RSVP MX, MSXA(if you don't like the unbalance of the MX), or a metallic comssa.
Date: Thu, Dec 6 2012 18:19:11
As Jantosh said, I would also recommend a com.ssa metallic.
Date: Thu, Jan 10 2013 06:59:51
I was wondering what the major differences are while spinning, I know the physical differences, just looking for some insight. Thanks! :)
Date: Thu, Jan 10 2013 07:42:33
Hey invalid~! First of all. :welcome2: to UPSB. Well the differences are really in what you like. I remember when i got my first waterfall and Buster. I felt invincible. The differences between a waterfall and the buster are really the weight and the type of spinner you are, If you are full on about power doing busts like 20 + than a is for you. However in personal experience and alot of people will agree, a waterfall mod is great enough for a all around spinner. The waterfall mod has a great body feel and great length and momentum to give you style, difficulty and enough power. So imo its a no brainer, the waterfall mod is one of the most popular mods for a reason. Its a great mod. I suggest you use a waterfall mod. Don't forget. Its up to you in the end. If you are going to get a buster than get it after you get a waterfall. Hope this helps. - Tommy.
Date: Thu, Jan 10 2013 08:15:29
Wow thanks for the fast and awesome reply! :D I shall have to pick up some 094 caps from penwish and make a waterfall, then. Now another question! After looking on penwish, I found that Dr Grip grips and Airfit grips look quite a bit similar, although the Dr Grips are around 4x more in cost... Is there a difference? Are they heavier? Do they have a more desirable texture or something? Or is it simply inflation due to the popularity with them? Thanks!
Date: Thu, Jan 10 2013 08:38:52
Dr grip grips aren't that much for how good they are. Airfit grips are very common, get dusty INSIDE and feel hard and terrible. Dr grip mechanical pencil has won awards for ergonomics, it's the best grip. You CAN sub it with clear tornado but it is not as good. Using the buster before the waterfall won't ruin anything, it's up to you. I started with extremely heavy mods myself (Minwoo, menowa busters, VGG emboss replica, 24-25cm personal busters)
Date: Thu, Jan 10 2013 09:02:38
Heres one tip, if you a are going to use a superpirat or comssa body make sure you empty out the ink, it will make it spin a lot nicer
Date: Thu, Jan 10 2013 09:02:51
Bah, both are ok i guess Sucks i havent spun both yet lol :hah: But i do recommend waterfall more ^_^, even if you need a good amount of money :rofl: Btw welcome invalid :welcome:
Date: Fri, Jan 11 2013 02:57:09
Thank you all for the warm welcome, this is the kind of community I could get used to! :D ONE LAST QUESTION! Does anyone know if there's a noticable difference between the Comssa, Super Pirat, and Supertips bodies? I have tons of Comssas lying around, but I'd like to do the mod properly if there's actually a noticeably difference. Thanks again for all the info, guys!
Date: Fri, Jan 11 2013 03:55:38
I'm pretty sure the Super Pirat feels the nicest between all of them ... and barrel thickness too
Date: Fri, Jan 11 2013 04:48:52
Thanks, man, just ordered the parts on penwish! Can't wait to put it together! :D
Date: Thu, May 9 2013 22:41:34
What mods are similar to waterfall mod?(in terms of the weight etc) Thanks in advance
Date: Thu, May 9 2013 23:08:05
NoName wrote: What mods are similar to waterfall mod?(in terms of the weight etc) Thanks in advance
Flying panda mod -
Date: Fri, May 31 2013 02:28:06
I'm wondering what the weight is of most of the pens that you guys use to help determine what I want to use right now.
Date: Fri, May 31 2013 05:07:42
I don't spin anything heavier than a flying panda mod currently. All my other mods are a lot lighter. Though, i'm still a beginner, don't rlly have the need for a heavy mod anyways.
Date: Fri, May 31 2013 05:40:02
Please search before posting , these types of threads are everywhere. Thread merged
Date: Tue, Jun 4 2013 15:17:35
Hello. Should I get a buster cyl? Here are the tricks I can do: Sonic - Twisted Sonic - NeoSonic - Warped Sonic - Sonic Rise - Sonic Reverse - Twisted Sonic Reverse - NeoSonic Reverse Gunman TA - TA Reverse - TA Harmonic - FLTA - FLTA Reverse - Thumbaround to Air Tw Sonic Bust - Tw Sonic Double Bust Pinky Spread Hai Tua Thumb spin 3.0 and lower Charge - Double Charge Palm Spin Swivel Infinity - Double Infinity Figure 8 And many more. I also have played guitar for 6 years, so my fingers are very strong. Let me know if you think I'm ready for a buster cyl, and what category I would be in. Thanks! ( Maybe Buster CYL with signo tips?)
Date: Tue, Jun 4 2013 15:28:42
Ibanezez wrote: Hello. Should I get a buster cyl? Here are the tricks I can do: Sonic - Twisted Sonic - NeoSonic - Warped Sonic - Sonic Rise - Sonic Reverse - Twisted Sonic Reverse - NeoSonic Reverse Gunman TA - TA Reverse - TA Harmonic - FLTA - FLTA Reverse - Thumbaround to Air Tw Sonic Bust - Tw Sonic Double Bust Pinky Spread Hai Tua Thumb spin 3.0 and lower Charge - Double Charge Palm Spin Swivel Infinity - Double Infinity Figure 8 And many more. I also have played guitar for 6 years, so my fingers are very strong. Let me know if you think I'm ready for a buster cyl, and what category I would be in. Thanks! ( Maybe Buster CYL with signo tips?)
First i think you're in the wrong thread Second its your choice if you want to buy one because its your money not ours also don't trust those guys who call you buster noob or shit -
Date: Tue, Jun 4 2013 15:42:14
You look like you're entering 'intermediate spinner territory', but those categories don't really exist. You can get a buster whenever you want, it makes no difference to your spinning skill.
Date: Tue, Jun 4 2013 15:54:37
eurocracy wrote: You look like you're entering 'intermediate spinner territory', but those categories don't really exist. You can get a buster whenever you want, it makes no difference to your spinning skill.
True that sire you are my god now :applaud::applaud::applaud: -
Date: Tue, Jun 4 2013 16:00:31
It's all just a myth. I have no idea how this belief got on in first place. If you spin and you think you like it, then just keep it
Date: Tue, Jun 4 2013 16:13:56
I changed the random super pirat mod (it waight ~13g) to buster and i'm really happy with it. I haven't got any problems with spinning
Date: Tue, Oct 1 2013 20:14:17
Everyone knows the RSVP MX, or the Dr. KT or the Buster CYL. But how bout some of the less known ones? Provide some pics too! Personally, I think the CX is pretty underrated. It's simple, highly customizable, and pretty balanced. The only downside is the weight.
Date: Tue, Oct 1 2013 20:40:58
Rsvp mx spins alot better than cx. You will find that when you progress through pen spinning that the MX is a much superior mod.
Date: Tue, Oct 1 2013 20:43:25
I think JC is
Date: Tue, Oct 1 2013 20:43:48
I have both the MX and the CX. Maybe its cus of the weight that I added to my cx that i like it more. Anyway, could we stick to the topic of the thread please?
Date: Tue, Oct 1 2013 21:57:29
@Nachoaddict move this to this
Date: Sun, Oct 6 2013 08:13:57
I heard MX spinners are rare... why?
Date: Sun, Oct 6 2013 09:53:13
Adolf wrote: I heard MX spinners are rare... why?
It's hard to master, if you are interested in a good MX spinner, Check @sopi :wub: -
Date: Sun, Oct 6 2013 09:59:19
The swiss guy? hes an mx spinner? Is it hard cus its back heavy?
Date: Sun, Oct 6 2013 11:50:44
Adolf wrote: The swiss guy? hes an mx spinner? Is it hard cus its back heavy?
Check out a lot of Jeb spinners, such as mind, toro etc that spin mx, mx spinning is really something that looks amazing Check out Kin as well -
Date: Thu, Oct 17 2013 05:21:36
Total noobie here. Never made a pen mod before. I'm looking to make a pen mod with a clear body so I can put an insert in it. I like the balanced kind doubletipped kind. Don't think I want anything too heavy yet. Can anybody help point me to a good tutorial for this? And also for making inserts.
Date: Thu, Oct 17 2013 05:48:18
Clearbody KT Clear Bictory Next time post here?
Date: Thu, Oct 17 2013 19:59:47
I want to buy one of them but unsure. What are the differences? I'm planning to get a new pen from pen wish because I can't stand how bad my bictory is. Even though I'm beginner I sorta hate the 1 cap and double cap pens in the beginning. My friend let me try his commssa or something such like that name. Which one is better? My hands are middle sized btw.
Date: Thu, Oct 17 2013 20:52:30
It's a matter of preference. Which do you like better? When a spinner finds a "Dream mod" in term of spinning he usually sticks with it. A buster CYL is for advanced spinners, so if that is you then by all means go ahead, but don't spin heavy mods if you are a beginner, this is an established fact. You should get a MX or RSVP MX by Kam. This is a prestigious mod, that many people have. I think in your case this is perfect for you. It is single sided, and single capped. The metallic Comssa is also pretty decent, but again it is preference. I suggest you spin a MX, as it builds style, which not many noobs have or develop in the beginning. You can also try a ballsign mod. If you need any of these mods, Penwish is the way to go. But if you want cheaper. Regards Zen
Date: Thu, Oct 17 2013 23:28:53
Thanks zen, but i think I'm going for an intermediate pen. :) Waterfall maybe
Date: Sat, Oct 19 2013 14:27:13
Hello friends. I've been spinning bictory for a year now, and it's time to upgrade. I want to buy/make on that: has ink, long, medium weight, looks clean, and fairly symmetrical/balanced. Every time I see one that I like, it doesn't have ink. I'd love some advice!!
Date: Mon, Nov 11 2013 03:13:26
I'm a beginner and all I can do right now is the charge and the thumbaround. Thumbaround I learned using a really light cheap BIC mechanical pencil, but for the sonic I finally learned it by using the RSVP MX. However when I try it on a lighter pencil it just flings out of my hand. So is the RSVP MX considered heavy or just moderate? Should I stick with it or choose a lighter pen? Thanks in advance
Date: Mon, Nov 11 2013 03:27:57
BlueFingers wrote: I'm a beginner and all I can do right now is the charge and the thumbaround. Thumbaround I learned using a really light cheap BIC mechanical pencil, but for the sonic I finally learned it by using the RSVP MX. However when I try it on a lighter pencil it just flings out of my hand. So is the RSVP MX considered heavy or just moderate? Should I stick with it or choose a lighter pen? Thanks in advance
No it is not a heavy mod. In fact this is one of the lighter mods. The reason you cannot do the sonic on a normal pen is simply because your fingers have not mastered the sonic trick yet. Practise it with everything, once you achieve this I believe then you have mastered it, although some have different views on mastery. Anyway, please refrain from creating a thread, just for a question. Uh, @Zkhan sorry can one of you move this? Stay safe, Don't do dope Regards Zen -
Date: Mon, Nov 11 2013 04:12:35
Sorry about that. If I were to ask a question though, where would I say it? Thanks for the answer, glad to know I'm not addicted to heavy pens :)
Date: Sun, Dec 1 2013 03:24:08
Not sure if this the correct place to ask but I have been casually spinning for 3 years but I haven't really used a pen mod I have made random ones from stuff around the house but nothing really heavy I can do a good variety of tricks with a normal pacer or pen like the fundamentals, a lot of intermediates ones. But I'm thinking of finally buying a pen mod. What should I get? My friend is offering to sell his drkt for cheap but I'm not sure if I can handle it. Thanks in advance
Date: Sun, Dec 1 2013 03:32:10
Kuroyuki wrote: Not sure if this the correct place to ask but I have been casually spinning for 3 years but I haven't really used a pen mod I have made random ones from stuff around the house but nothing really heavy I can do a good variety of tricks with a normal pacer or pen like the fundamentals, a lot of intermediates ones. But I'm thinking of finally buying a pen mod. What should I get? My friend is offering to sell his drkt for cheap but I'm not sure if I can handle it. Thanks in advance
Try the KT before you buy it. If the KT is too heavy, get a lighter pen (Waterfall mod, a G3 mod, emboss mod, MX variations, etc.) If the KT is too light, get a heavier pen (not many heavier pens than a KT, a macquim mod is one). If the KT is just right, then get it. Also, it's crucial to do research on a pen mod before you obtain it, just so you have an idea of what you're getting yourself into. -
Date: Sun, Dec 1 2013 03:38:26
PERSIST wrote: Try the KT before you buy it. If the KT is too heavy, get a lighter pen (Waterfall mod, a G3 mod, emboss mod, MX variations, etc.) If the KT is too light, get a heavier pen (not many heavier pens than a KT, a macquim mod is one). If the KT is just right, then get it. Also, it's crucial to do research on a pen mod before you obtain it, just so you have an idea of what you're getting yourself into.
Thanks I did a bit of research on it That it doesn't have much spinning room, but compared to the stuff I spin now I think anything is bigger. Is it hard to learn/execute power tricks on? Thanks again -
Date: Sun, Dec 1 2013 05:03:51
Kuroyuki wrote: Thanks I did a bit of research on it That it doesn't have much spinning room, but compared to the stuff I spin now I think anything is bigger. Is it hard to learn/execute power tricks on? Thanks again
I think it's safe for you to just get a waterfall -
Date: Sun, Dec 1 2013 07:12:07
Kuroyuki wrote: Thanks I did a bit of research on it That it doesn't have much spinning room, but compared to the stuff I spin now I think anything is bigger. Is it hard to learn/execute power tricks on? Thanks again
Oh, I'm assuming you don't know that friend in real life. Deciding on your first pen mod is very complicated since it's ultimately a gambol. You choose a pen, buy it, then spin it. This goes 1 of 2 ways: you either live happily ever after with that pen or the pen isn't really your speed and your money is completely wasted on a pen that's not right for you. I would recommend getting a KT and a Waterfall mod, both are very well-known and popular mods with differing weights. By doing this, you have 2 different weight options: the KT or the Waterfall mod, both have notable weight differences, to see which weight is right for you. You could even throw in more pens with varying weights to try out (10 grams, 15 grams, 18 grams, 20 grams, etc). If you don't really have the money for numerous pen mods then you could just take a gambol by getting the pen that sounds the best to you and assume it will serve you well. -
Date: Mon, Dec 16 2013 22:13:50
I've been looking at the zhigao v11, but don't know what I should look for in a pen. How should I determine the size and weight of the pen that I use, or is it all a matter of preference? What pens would you recommend for a beginner? Also where can I buy pens made for spinning?
Date: Tue, Dec 17 2013 00:16:27
Its really personal preference, but try not to go for for something too heavy, as that might put a lot of strain on your hand and may hurt it. You could try spinning an RSVP MX if you are a beginner. A metallic comssa is also nice if you prefer prefer balanced mods.
Date: Tue, Dec 17 2013 03:46:52
the zhigao is a pen manufacturaed for spinning. ive never owned one, but i dont really perfer to spin pre-manufactured spinning pens. they lack customizability TT_TT... If you are a beginner, i would recommend making your own pen mods. that way, it would be easier to play around with the length and weight however you like. try looking through the SOYP thread for a simple-ish pen you like the look of and try making it yourself. just my 2 cents: the length and weight of a pen you make yourself doesnt matter, it always feels better to spin a pen you spent time on and made yourself rather then a premade mod or manufactured pen. xD
Date: Tue, Dec 17 2013 04:56:36
MrMOABy wrote: I've been looking at the zhigao v11, but don't know what I should look for in a pen. How should I determine the size and weight of the pen that I use, or is it all a matter of preference? What pens would you recommend for a beginner? Also where can I buy pens made for spinning?
Zhigao v11 is basically just something like a buster. Its not recommended for beginners. To start, you can order MX or metallic comssa from Penwish. Or you can make ur own random mods. But just make sure they arent too heavy. Heavy pens dont suit beginners like the both of us. -
Date: Tue, Dec 24 2013 00:19:52
Hey I had some questions about what mods I should buy and the ones that I have asked for for Christmas lol. What I had asked for (I definitely don't expect to get them all lol): Waterfall (mine broke) Buster CYL MinWoo mod HC MX Seven Mod RSVP parts Now I'm pretty sure that I'll get money and such from other relatives and my parents, so here are some mods that I'm questionable about. Yelo Mod: I like the look, but I don't know if it will be too heavy. You noticed that I have a buster on my list as I want to try something with more momentum, but I don't think I would like heavy mods. A Good G3 Mod or SC mod?: I don't know what would be a good G3 mod to buy. Also, I want a good Mechanical pencil mod or writable mod, I spin every minute in school, and I would like something that spins well and can write. Anything else that anyone wants to suggest to me? What I like in pens: Good Momentum A length of 20 cm or more (hands are 19.6cm) Customability Soft Plastic Challenging/Semi-Challenging to Mod Honestly, I'm just starting to perform longer combos, so I'm definitely not a experienced spinner at all, I just really like creating and spinning different pen mods. Thanks so much! :beer:
Date: Tue, Dec 24 2013 02:05:37
@LifeIsGood Don't suggest getting the heavier mods yet, but you can try them if you would like. Yelo mod feels like a slipperier and longer waterfall. Seven mod is a good SC mod. You can try the Ajisai SC as well and Cyan G3. Maybe product sc. s777 mx too, might be too short for you. For DC mods on penwish I recommend Tornado/Acid DNA tornado Black Mod Namemory CK mod its a little heavy Now for mods you can make with parts from penwish Mesi G3 Sytri G3 G2 CTE Vortex. A variation of the stuhl mod. Signo/Gripmatic tips Variation of ck mod (Comssa body/caps, gripmatic/signo tips and dr grip grip)
Date: Tue, Dec 24 2013 02:09:58
Raos wrote: @LifeIsGood Don't suggest getting the heavier mods yet, but you can try them if you would like. Yelo mod feels like a slipperier and longer waterfall. Seven mod is a good SC mod. You can try the Ajisai SC as well and Cyan G3. Maybe product sc. s777 mx too, might be too short for you. For DC mods on penwish I recommend Tornado/Acid DNA tornado Black Mod Namemory CK mod its a little heavy Now for mods you can make with parts from penwish Mesi G3 Sytri G3 G2 CTE Vortex. A variation of the stuhl mod. Signo/Gripmatic tips Variation of ck mod (Comssa body/caps, gripmatic/signo tips and dr grip grip)
Thanks so much, one more question, do you know anything about the S360 KT mod? I'm pretty sure the KT is short and heavy, and I was wondering if the S360 Kt is longer? (It has a pentel S360 body) -
Date: Tue, Dec 24 2013 02:18:17
Raos wrote: @LifeIsGood Variation of ck mod (Comssa body/caps, gripmatic/signo tips and dr grip grip)
Can't I use a CT / AC / KT body? or is the comssa body just better? -
Date: Tue, Dec 24 2013 02:34:18
LifeIsGood;274301]Thanks so much, one more question, do you know anything about the S360 KT mod? I'm pretty sure the KT is short and heavy, and I was wondering if the S360 Kt is longer? (It has a pentel S360 body)[/QUOTE] Its longer [QUOTE=LifeIsGood wrote: Also: Can't I use a CT / AC / KT body? or is the comssa body just better?
Its cheaper, not necessarily better. -
Date: Sun, Jan 12 2014 06:58:35
Hi, I recently put an order for SpinSticks from pendolsa and I would like to inquire about a couple questions. I would like to know if anyone tried them? How did the body feel? Is there enough momentum like VGG mod? Is the weight distribution on the ends or is it something like spinZ pens. and if anyone would recommend spin sticks. Thank you. ~Aras
Date: Sun, Jan 12 2014 10:39:10
I don't understand, if you already ordered it why not just wait and answer these questions. This thread really didn't need to be created. Just learn some patience. Cmon, i know you're new and all but questions like these can be answered on the shoutbox
Date: Sun, Jan 12 2014 11:05:51
Tommy wrote: questions like these can be answered on the shoutbox
/closed -
Date: Sun, Jan 12 2014 20:37:10
The reason why is that, were still Sunday, I can still cancel the order, and I have tried the shout box many times before making a thread, so if u didn't have anything useful to say , please just don't, save yourself the time.
Date: Sun, Jan 12 2014 21:42:49
Aras wrote: The reason why is that, were still Sunday, I can still cancel the order, and I have tried the shout box many times before making a thread, so if u didn't have anything useful to say , please just don't, save yourself the time.
I've already given you my honest advice and the most realistic option -
Date: Wed, Jan 22 2014 07:48:54
Can anyone reccommend a kod for me. Im arcane intermediate stage in PS and like my pens on the heavier side. Thanks
Date: Fri, Jan 31 2014 19:32:19
Hey there, I was just wondering when someone should use a Acid DNA Tornado mod. Is it best for beginner, intermediate, or advanced levels? please help ^_^
Date: Fri, Jan 31 2014 19:40:31
it's heavy,so i don't thing it's good for beginners..just for someone who love the heavy mod ^ ^
Date: Fri, Jan 31 2014 20:48:35
Anyone can use any mod. If you like the mod then get it and try it out for yourself.
Date: Fri, Jan 31 2014 20:59:25
its a heavy mod so it would be advanced, but its up to you if you want to use it. also please ask these types of questions in the shout box instead of making a new thread for it.
Date: Fri, Jan 31 2014 22:22:01
when i read thread title, i thought it was 'what level is Acid DNA' and expected an interesting discussion on level of contspam then and now clicks on thread.....oh....boringgggg -._-. on topic - i dislike this mod, body is too thin and has weird texture, anyone can use it though...
Date: Sat, Feb 1 2014 02:13:49
i.suk wrote: when i read thread title, i thought it was 'what level is Acid DNA' and expected an interesting discussion on level of contspam then and now clicks on thread.....oh....boringgggg -._-. on topic - i dislike this mod, body is too thin and has weird texture, anyone can use it though...
LOL that would've been cool :( -
Date: Thu, Feb 6 2014 06:26:20
I'm looking to get a new pen but not sure what pen to get... I don't even have an idea what to get. I've spun a dr kt (now it's all banged up) and some type of buster with weird tips that are pretty heavy (not sure exactly what it's called but it was $7 and I've been spinning it since fall of 2013). Like I said, I have no idea what to get. Waterfall seems good, dr kt or bonkura kt sounds good, flying panda... I need some input from the community. What are your favorite mods to spin? I'd be considered an intermediate spinner. So I'm looking for something to help me step up and learn more advanced tricks. What will be best for learning and becoming a better spinner? Thanks in advanced
Date: Thu, Feb 6 2014 07:28:54
Hopper wrote: I'm looking to get a new pen but not sure what pen to get... I don't even have an idea what to get. I've spun a dr kt (now it's all banged up) and some type of buster with weird tips that are pretty heavy (not sure exactly what it's called but it was $7 and I've been spinning it since fall of 2013). Like I said, I have no idea what to get. Waterfall seems good, dr kt or bonkura kt sounds good, flying panda... I need some input from the community. What are your favorite mods to spin? I'd be considered an intermediate spinner. So I'm looking for something to help me step up and learn more advanced tricks. What will be best for learning and becoming a better spinner? Thanks in advanced
( ° ͜ʖ ͡°)mod -
Date: Wed, Feb 26 2014 02:12:58
Hey Guys, I've been spinning for a few months now with a pencil I weighted down a tiny bit on the ends. I want to buy a proper Pen Mod now, and am thinking of buying the Metal Comssa w/ hoops off of Penwish. My hand are 17cm, do you think that this own mod would be a good "fit" for my hands? Apologies if this should be posted in another sub-forum, But since my question was related to Pen Mods, I thought it might go here.
Date: Wed, Feb 26 2014 02:29:28
Here this might help!
Date: Wed, Feb 26 2014 02:31:59
There are any threads like this I think but the Metal Comssa is a nice option to try out better pen spinning. It is cheap and good quality. It might limit you in the future and you will probably want a heavier pen (although people use RSVP mxs) As for hand size, i think you will find it likable. May take some time to get comfortable spinning something longer that a pencil. My hands are 17.5 cm and I use the yelo mod which is about 21 ish cm
Date: Thu, Mar 20 2014 03:09:48
What's the best single sided mod besides rsvp mx to learn tricks with for medium sized hands and a beginner-intermediate skill level (~3 months)? Also, which single sided mod spins closest to a double sided one?
Date: Thu, Mar 20 2014 03:50:19
quadrennium wrote: What's the best single sided mod besides rsvp mx to learn tricks with for medium sized hands and a beginner-intermediate skill level (~3 months)? Also, which single sided mod spins closest to a double sided one?
I like the s777 mx. Great cheap and comes in many colors. It will be kinda hard to get since you like in america. The wiki has some single sided mods that are variation of the rsvp mx. Most single sided pens are back heavy but some are COP=COG (Center of pen = Center of gravity). Those mods usually feel somewhat close to a double sided mod. My favorite single-sided mod is the key 3 mod or the mesi g3 mod. -
Date: Thu, Mar 20 2014 04:28:13
If I'm ordering from Penwish should I get the Key3 or the s777 mx?
Date: Thu, Mar 20 2014 04:42:38
quadrennium wrote: If I'm ordering from Penwish should I get the Key3 or the s777 mx?
s777mx. you should also consider the g3 cyl. it has medium weight and spins quite well, roughly the same as the key3 and is great for intermediate level spinners. Key3 might break if you drop it directly on the tip. i think you can buy all the parts on penwish and should get you to the $26 free shipping point -
Date: Thu, May 8 2014 01:09:32
NOOO I MEANT Z-STIC I was looking through Penwish and stumbled across this. I originally planned to get a Waterfall, but there's 4 bucks saved if I get the Z-Stic thing. It seems promising enough. Anyone have opinions on this? Thanks Sorry if this is in the wrong section
Date: Thu, May 8 2014 03:28:46
super sick mod actually. the metal barrel is a little goofy at first, especially if youre used to flexy plastic, but the length and weight is perf. its a tiny bit lighter than the waterfall iirc, but if youre tryna save money go for it. PW's grip cuts are also like impossibly perfect, so it looks way nice spinning with the stripes.
Date: Mon, May 12 2014 00:55:35
I am an intermediate spinner and I want to get a new mod. I was deciding between the waterfall and the waterfall comssa and I am leaning towards the original, but I still have one question: I've heard that you have to keep replacing the Teflon tape on the waterfall comssa, would I have to do this as well on the original waterfall?
Date: Mon, May 12 2014 01:15:50
Maelstrom wrote: I am an intermediate spinner and I want to get a new mod. I was deciding between the waterfall and the waterfall comssa and I am leaning towards the original, but I still have one question: I've heard that you have to keep replacing the Teflon tape on the waterfall comssa, would I have to do this as well on the original waterfall?
You already asked this i believe. In any case, no you do not have to keep replacing the Teflon tape. Even if you did have to you should consider investing in some. It is an inexpensive tool that all households and modders should have. -
Date: Tue, May 13 2014 01:18:03
So, hey guys, I've been spinning personal mods all my life (except for the brief period of time when i own an RSVP MX, took it apart to make an F-301 tipped MX). For some odd reason, i feel the MX had a little too much momentum for my taste and even with the HGG tip, the MX is still my heaviest mod (i have like 8). Now with the F-301 tip, it feels more balanced, but it still has too much momentum for my taste (or rather the extra weight i have to drag around when im spinning pen, the momentum that i dont need) I want to know if you guys spin light mods better than heavy mods or am i the weird one. I also want to know what a buster feels like... also, do you guys prefer hard barrels like the RSVP barrel or softer ones like the comssa and the supertip barrel? just want your opinion guys, thanks!
Date: Tue, May 13 2014 01:29:47
just spin whatever suits you... really xD but i personally wont go back to spinning G3s because I experienced supertips. Softer barrels is just... softer for my fingers mmmmmmm. Frog~
Date: Mon, May 19 2014 00:52:34
My mom agreed to buying me a new pen mod, as long as it's under 10 dollars. It can't go over that, it took a long time of negotiating to secure that price :P Can anyone recommend pen mods for me (on penwish) that are under 10 dollars? I'm currently thinking of the Tornado mod or Metal SG Comssa, but I'm open to opinions and stuff. Currently, I'm spinning Zhigao Angle Knight (V. 11), but it's slightly too heavy for me. I guess around 15-16 grams will be a nice weight, and anything under 19 cm is probably too short for me :P Thanks, and sorry if I put this in the wrong section; this is my first thread.
Date: Mon, May 19 2014 01:56:38
emboss mod. less fragile than the other two you mentioned. and its exactly 10 bucks lol Frog~
lykarg44 wrote: My mom agreed to buying me a new pen mod, as long as it's under 10 dollars. It can't go over that, it took a long time of negotiating to secure that price :P Can anyone recommend pen mods for me (on penwish) that are under 10 dollars? I'm currently thinking of the Tornado mod or Metal SG Comssa, but I'm open to opinions and stuff. Currently, I'm spinning Zhigao Angle Knight (V. 11), but it's slightly too heavy for me. I guess around 15-16 grams will be a nice weight, and anything under 19 cm is probably too short for me :P Thanks, and sorry if I put this in the wrong section; this is my first thread.
Date: Mon, May 19 2014 02:05:49
@Froggy I think he wants a mod with grips.
Date: Mon, May 19 2014 02:09:57
@kchspinna16 I find that soft barrels just feel good on the fingers. Especially something like miffy body. Also about your conundrum. I find that the lighter it is the better i can spin it. It is better to be versatile. I can spin both light and heavy mods equally well, while my friends can only spin heavy double signo tipped mods. I can spin pencils to a decent degree. In turns of momentum you might want to "tip stack" hggs to get the desired momentum you want. Try modding the MMX NXMMT These are longer and have more momentum. If you have a g2 available these might be ideal for you
Date: Mon, May 19 2014 02:12:15
@Zen i said i think. I'm not positive but he most likely does.
Date: Mon, May 19 2014 02:14:19
*she :P Anyway, I looked at the pictures, and it looks pretty cool. I just have some questions. First off, is it writable? And can I have the weight, length, COG and stuff? Thanks. EDIT: Wait, I just noticed that there were no grips D: Will this affect my ability to do wipers and infinities and stuff?
Date: Mon, May 19 2014 02:40:28
lykarg44 wrote: *she :P Anyway, I looked at the pictures, and it looks pretty cool. I just have some questions. First off, is it writable? And can I have the weight, length, COG and stuff? Thanks. EDIT: Wait, I just noticed that there were no grips D: Will this affect my ability to do wipers and infinities and stuff?
*Edited lol If you are talking about the emboss mod, yes it can write but it is a marker. There are no grips but yeah you should get a mod that has a grip It affects how well or how easily you can preform wipers. It also feels good on the fingers. If you are talking about MY pictures, the ones i posted then it is the same thing. It CAN write but it would be easier to do wipers on a pen with a grip. If you want a grip i suggest go with the RSVP MX which was the original one. The MMX is just a extension. -
Date: Mon, May 19 2014 02:47:54
Zen wrote: *Edited lol If you are talking about the emboss mod, yes it can write but it is a marker. There are no grips but yeah you should get a mod that has a grip It affects how well or how easily you can preform wipers. It also feels good on the fingers. If you are talking about MY pictures, the ones i posted then it is the same thing. It CAN write but it would be easier to do wipers on a pen with a grip. If you want a grip i suggest go with the RSVP MX which was the original one. The MMX is just a extension.
Oh, sorry, I was talking about the ones on Penwish. My bad, I should have specified. Would you happen to know the approximate weight/length of the Emboss mod? -
Date: Mon, May 19 2014 02:56:13
lykarg44 wrote: Oh, sorry, I was talking about the ones on Penwish. My bad, I should have specified. Would you happen to know the approximate weight/length of the Emboss mod?
Oh uh here you go Length: 21cm Weight: 16g COG: COP Insert: N/A Difficulty: Easy -
Date: Mon, May 19 2014 20:07:47
Zen wrote: Oh uh here you go Length: 21cm Weight: 16g COG: COP Insert: N/A Difficulty: Easy
Alright, thanks! This looks like a really great pen for me :) -
Date: Mon, May 19 2014 21:12:05
Save up and buy a waterfall mod. It'll be worth it, the lenght and the weight plus the grips are allmost exactly what you're looking for. I'd recommend that you specify in your order aswell that he cuts them so they cover the whole part of the raynolds caps that are octagnoal/pentagnoal, whatever it's called. If you absolutly can't afford that I'd recommend the rsvp mx that zen suggested for a single sided and the metal comssa as a double sided. Good luck on your choice and I hope you'll like whichever mod you decide to buy. /x~~
Date: Thu, May 22 2014 21:13:21
Hello fellow pen spinners. I have been spinning this ghetto RSVP that I made myself. Instead of it being like an PSVP MX and having the grip and signo tip or whatever on the one side i just used another RSVP cap and managed to balance the weight quite well. But to be honest I am frankly getting sick of spinning it because I dropped it a few times and one of the caps now has a large crack in it and I had to tape it. Long story short : sick of my home made mod; looking for a new one to take its place, I will buy it from penwish. I can't decide between the Flying Panda Mod or the Waterfall Comssa... I saw a video by SuperVValrus saying that the Flying Panda is the best intermediate mod. What do you guys think? Which one should I buy? I would just buy both but I'm poor af. Thanks - Aryah
Date: Thu, May 22 2014 21:32:59
I believe that the Flying Panda mod is better than the Waterfall Comssa, but a regular waterfall is the best out of the three.
Date: Thu, May 22 2014 21:43:11
Waterfall mod and seven g3. If you like heavy mods get buster.
Date: Thu, May 22 2014 21:44:37
Does the Waterfall mod stay together well? Will I have to purchase tephlon tape or glue or anything? I just want a solid pen that will spin well and wont break on me.. Thanks for the replies though guys. Last time I posted on here some guy just made fun of me. I cant stand those rude spinners >.<
Supergirl wrote: If you like heavy mods get buster.
I thought about the buster but I feel like I'm not ready to spin such a heavy mod... -
Date: Thu, May 22 2014 21:52:54
i disagree about flying panda being the best. i suggest original waterfall, but if you want a longer mod go for waterfall comssa. the waterfall usually stays together ok if you put some teflon tape underneath the cap, but i suggest purchasing extra reynolds 094 caps with it since they tend to break easily. (also people might be making fun of you because you are making a few common "noobie" mistakes with your post...)
Date: Fri, May 23 2014 17:47:03
Date: Fri, May 23 2014 19:18:50
Aryah wrote: Well idgaf if Im making "noobie" mistakes, see thats the sht im talking about, thats so gay of you to even mention that. I mean seriously who cares what those stuck up "pros" think? When i get that good im never going to criticize a noob. Does that make them feel superior or something? Lmao. Sorry to sound complacent about that it just bothers me. I feel segregated because of my skill level like a black man. Anyways thanks for the advice about which pen to buy, i think ill go for the waterfall.. Not really stoked about having to buy extra sht but whatevs. Thanks ! ^_^
Go with the original waterfall or the Comssa one. Either one is fine though. And this "rant" really pissed me off. First of all you ARE making "noobie" mistakes and it is your job to acknowledge that. You are triple posting for absolutely no reason. You are new so it is alright. Second no one was actually attacking you for being a new member. Third who are you talking about when you say "stuck-up pro"? Like i said no one here is "stuck-up" and for your information, the "pros" have a lot of influential power on this board. So people DO care what the pros think. I digress. And finally Fourth, "I feel segregated because of my skill level like a black man." WOW. This seems really racist for some reason. For your information, black people are no longer segregated from society. In fact make up a large part of the majority of the US. The analogy here is weak. You may feel segregated but there are a lot of other spinners that are new. Now i AM NO PRO. But do not start DISSING on the pros. They have been there for us time and time again. If you disregard their advice, well nothing good can come of it. We are trying to HELP you. So don't COMPLAIN. -
Date: Fri, May 23 2014 23:36:51
You know what you're right. I apologize for my insolence oh great powerful pen spinning master. I have no idea what im doing on here and I am wrong. Please teach me your ways of correctly posting on this prestigious domain.
Date: Fri, May 23 2014 23:38:22
Btw not dissing on all pros just the mean ones, and yes i was previously harassed by a rude pro on the shout box. I was just being weary because i was mad about the shout box thing. Sorry.
Date: Fri, May 23 2014 23:40:54
Again I am apologizing. No sarcasm. Sorry for my "rant". It was more or less just because i found it funny but if i offended Im sorry.
Date: Sat, May 24 2014 00:53:16
Date: Sat, May 24 2014 02:16:17
OH. SHE. MY BAD. Anyway, a mod without wipers does affect those types of tricks. It's why i didn't want you to get it.
Date: Wed, Jun 18 2014 21:19:55
Currently, I have a BICtory. It is my own version. I know the fundamentals of penspinning(fingerpass, thumbaround, sonic, and charge), and would like to get a mod from penwish. I know the shadow, and am currently learning the infinity. I was thinking about the Metal Commsa, and the Waterfall. I have really small hands for a teenager. Can you reccomend some mods for me UPSB community? Thank you! :hmm:
Date: Wed, Jun 18 2014 22:30:22
hi, well first of all, ask these kind of questions in the shoutbox, PM a member or search for a thread Anyways, answering your question, I would recommend an RSVP MX, really good mod for beginers and even advanced. The metal comssa is pretty good as well, although I would probably hold off getting a waterfall for later when you're more experienced, you don't really need a mod like a waterfall for learning regular tricks. An MX is a good pen and IMO it kinda teaches you to have more control over the pen. Hope I could help, Have fun :)
Date: Sun, Jul 6 2014 22:44:34
Hey Guys, I know that there are already a few threads on this topic, but I've looked through them all and none of them are quite my situation. I know that by reading them the Buster CYL is not a good pen to use when you start spinning because of it's weight and if you rely too heavily on the weight to master your basic tricks, then who knows what you'll need to master the more advanced tricks. But, I've been spinning for a while now and have already mastered the 4 fundemental tricks + fingerless thumbaround, reverse fingerless thumbaround, single/double/triple infinity, shadow, figure 8 and double thumbaround. I don't consider myself to be all that much of a beginner, even though I've only been spinning for about 1.5 weeks... My friends are really good spinners and have given me great advice and I've learnt all these tricks on my BICtory and I'm capable of doing them on other better pens such as Waterfall and RSVP. The reason why I want this Buster CYL so bad is because they started doing small competitions against each other just to see who of them is the best. I wanted to compete with them, but by their rules you have to use your own pen if you wanted to challenge someone and my BICtory is too light for spinning fast and doing big combos. I've already ordered my Buster CYL from pw and it will take about 3 weeks to get here. My thinking is that if I've already mastered all those tricks in 1.5 weeks, imagine what another 3 weeks will allow me to do. So by the time it gets here, I believe that I definitely won't be a beginner. I just want to know what everyone else's view is on this. I also ordered a Comssa 153 Retractable along with my Buster CYL, so if the package does come and I decide not to use my buster for a while, then I can just use that... Thanks, Hamilation
Date: Sun, Jul 6 2014 23:08:52
I didn't read the post, but yes, buster is good for beginners
Date: Sun, Jul 6 2014 23:11:55
I wouod say stick with the bictory. Bictory is a very hard pen to spin, but if you can spin that you can spin anything. But since you bought the buster there is nothing to be done. Other people will tell you that the buster cyl is a good mod and that the mod you spin at the beginning does not matter. Do not take their advice Hell you don't even have to take mine, just spin what you think is best. Keep in mind that in the future you may be paying metaphorically speaking. Here is the advice I give myself, if you can't spin a pen mod and then a regular pen, you are not really pen spinning. I can spin pencils if I want, but I can also spin waterfalls. The best mod I think is the rsvp mx. Great mod. The very first pen mod .
Date: Sun, Jul 6 2014 23:13:00
Date: Sun, Jul 6 2014 23:20:05
Hey Zen, Thanks for the advice. I won't actually be learning any of the tricks on the Buster CYL, it's just there for me to use during competitions and showing off, I'll be spending about 80% of my time either on the Comssa 153 Retractable or on my BICtory. I do know that heavy pens aren't all that good for beginners, I've seen the effect of that on one of my friends, which is why I'm going to continue using my BICtory for the most part. I've tried spinning a pencil, but my favourite tricks are wiper tricks which are a bit hard :P Thanks, Hamilation
Date: Sun, Jul 6 2014 23:22:56
Hamilation wrote: I do know that heavy pens aren't all that good for beginners
You don't know shit -
Date: Sun, Jul 6 2014 23:25:53
pls no
Date: Sun, Jul 6 2014 23:45:51
Hey Sekai, I do know that the really heavy pens aren't good for beginners. It's better for a beginner to start off with a lighter pen and learn to master all the of the fundemental tricks on that and then move onto a heavier pen. My friend started off spinning a Vic Got Game mod and he mastered all the essential mods on that. But the consequences are that he used to get cramps and bad pains in his hands because of its weight and he couldn't move down onto lighter pens. He couldn't spin waterfall, flying panda, emboss, bictory or rsvp mx at all because he was so reliant on the weight of the pen to carry itself through the tricks. He then bought a waterfall and it took him ages for him to adjust to the lighter pen. He now can spin just about any pen no matter the weight, but it took him a lot of effort...
Date: Mon, Jul 7 2014 00:09:02
Hamilation wrote: Hey Sekai, I do know that the really heavy pens aren't good for beginners. It's better for a beginner to start off with a lighter pen and learn to master all the of the fundemental tricks on that and then move onto a heavier pen. My friend started off spinning a Vic Got Game mod and he mastered all the essential mods on that. But the consequences are that he used to get cramps and bad pains in his hands because of its weight and he couldn't move down onto lighter pens. He couldn't spin waterfall, flying panda, emboss, bictory or rsvp mx at all because he was so reliant on the weight of the pen to carry itself through the tricks. He then bought a waterfall and it took him ages for him to adjust to the lighter pen. He now can spin just about any pen no matter the weight, but it took him a lot of effort...
Hasty generalization, no thanks -
Date: Mon, Jul 7 2014 01:03:52
Hamilation wrote: Hey Guys, I know that there are already a few threads on this topic, but I've looked through them all and none of them are quite my situation. I know that by reading them the Buster CYL is not a good pen to use when you start spinning because of it's weight and if you rely too heavily on the weight to master your basic tricks, then who knows what you'll need to master the more advanced tricks. But, I've been spinning for a while now and have already mastered the 4 fundemental tricks + fingerless thumbaround, reverse fingerless thumbaround, single/double/triple infinity, shadow, figure 8 and double thumbaround. I don't consider myself to be all that much of a beginner, even though I've only been spinning for about 1.5 weeks... My friends are really good spinners and have given me great advice and I've learnt all these tricks on my BICtory and I'm capable of doing them on other better pens such as Waterfall and RSVP. The reason why I want this Buster CYL so bad is because they started doing small competitions against each other just to see who of them is the best. I wanted to compete with them, but by their rules you have to use your own pen if you wanted to challenge someone and my BICtory is too light for spinning fast and doing big combos. I've already ordered my Buster CYL from pw and it will take about 3 weeks to get here. My thinking is that if I've already mastered all those tricks in 1.5 weeks, imagine what another 3 weeks will allow me to do. So by the time it gets here, I believe that I definitely won't be a beginner. I just want to know what everyone else's view is on this. I also ordered a Comssa 153 Retractable along with my Buster CYL, so if the package does come and I decide not to use my buster for a while, then I can just use that... Thanks, Hamilation
No one can judge whether a pen will be good or not for you lol. That's like asking someone if they like a certain type of food. They can tell you what THEY think about it but ultimately it's your opinion that counts because you're the one eating the food/spinning the pen. It's very much so personal preference. If you haven't already, you can ask your friends to try out their busters and if you like how it spins, by all means go for it. Edit: If you do have pains or medical issues with spinning a heavier pen then obviously slow down and practice less or practice with a lighter pen. If the pain persists with the heavy pen stop altogether and rest for a few days and then go back and see if its still there. It may not be the pen itself but the amount of spinning you're doing that is hurting you. -
Date: Mon, Jul 7 2014 01:05:49
@Hamilation I recommend just spinning a heavy mod as a beginner. I've seen far too many beginners stubbornly only spin light mods just because a few people on these forums recommended it, only to get discouraged at how slowly they are learning compared to other beginners who spin heavy mods and then quit. The reason why heavy mods for beginners were frowned upon at one point was because beginners often get carried away with how much easier heavier mods make their learning process of supposedly 'difficult' tricks/linkages that they go on a learning spree of trendy world class linkages and don't bother mastering easier tricks/linkages, causing their spinning to become unbalanced. But that really isn't the fault of the mod, it's more the fault of the spinner for not being disciplined enough to sit down and practice their fundamentals more. As for the whole 'it's difficult to transition from a heavy mod to light mod' thing, that's true, but it's part of the learning process of ps anyways. People who started with light mods struggled no less trying to spin their light mods. You're a beginner so of course you'll struggle. And it's not like the transition from a light mod to a heavy mod is automatic either. People who are used to light pens do have difficulty controlling the momentum of heavier mods usually, without practice. So neither transition is easier than the other.
Date: Fri, Jul 18 2014 05:13:19
Can anyone recommend any and all pens that would be good for intermediate spinners?