Manipulative Arts / Longboarding
Date: Wed, Aug 18 2010 20:25:51
I know some people on v3 did it and there was a thread there, so since I'm curious who else longboards now, I'm continuing the thread.
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 03:08:59
YES! long boarding is wicked fun. im getting a board soon :] a ton of kids longboard at my school
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 04:15:46
i has a dervish with bear 852s and amber bigzigs :D longboarding is very fun^^
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 04:19:48
my bro's getting a long board so I wonder how it is :o kinda random, but how does skateboarding compare? cause my bro says longboard = speed, distance vs skateboard = tricks, and air?
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 04:30:58
ShadrCom3t wrote: my bro's getting a long board so I wonder how it is :o kinda random, but how does skateboarding compare? cause my bro says longboard = speed, distance vs skateboard = tricks, and air?
longboarding = speed comfy cruising carving relaxed bombing shortboard = tricks air noisy falloffbcofcracksinthesidewalk:/ -
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 04:59:40
lol maybe i should get one, it looked kinda fun when you were riding it james.
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 01:51:04
Simplex wrote: longboarding = speed comfy cruising carving relaxed bombing shortboard = tricks air noisy falloffbcofcracksinthesidewalk:/
oh... lol well I'll think about it xD -
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 03:09:46
miyat wrote: lol maybe i should get one, it looked kinda fun when you were riding it james.
did i get you to ride it? if so did i get you to ride it fast? if yes you already want a longboard. if not then im an idiot. -
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 04:40:13
Simplex wrote: did i get you to ride it? if so did i get you to ride it fast? if yes you already want a longboard. if not then im an idiot.
lol i rode it super slow and then fell off. -
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 05:12:40
ShadrCom3t wrote: my bro's getting a long board so I wonder how it is :o kinda random, but how does skateboarding compare? cause my bro says longboard = speed, distance vs skateboard = tricks, and air?
I think the best analogy is, a longboard is a skateboard as a milf is a mother. I'm getting into bombing and dh, but my board cant handle over 25 :( So I'm saving up for a rayne demonseed + randal downhills. -
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 16:45:38
poisoned;16112]I think the best analogy is, a longboard is a skateboard as a milf is a mother.[/QUOTE] I've heard that analogy before hmm [QUOTE=poisoned wrote: I'm getting into bombing and dh, but my board cant handle over 25 :( So I'm saving up for a rayne demonseed + randal downhills.
my friend has a demonseed. godly board xD its soooo much fun to ride :P -
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 17:01:41
Simplex wrote: I've heard that analogy before hmm
Somebody said it on Silverfish, I just thought it was memorable. -
Date: Sun, Aug 22 2010 19:16:22
what do you think of this board?
Date: Mon, Aug 23 2010 16:55:20
Ice Cobra wrote: what do you think of this board?
Imo original boards, as pretty as their pictures and videos are, aren't nearly as good as their hyped up to be. They're expensive and their trucks are a pain in the ass to maintain, plus they can barely handle speed. I would do some research in other companies and find a board you like, and for trucks I suggest you go with 50 degree randals. For your wheels, research different brands and find a wheel that fits to your liking, but make sure you find how big of a wheel the board you choose can handle before it gets wheel bite (wheel and edge of board touch together causing the board to stop and throw you forward) So the main thing you want to do is research, and find out what the averge user thinks about the product your interested in, because you don't want to dish out 150-250$ only to find out you'd much rather have a different board. Two good placed to buy your board from: and