Trading / Buying / Have rare stuff and some mods
Date: Mon, Dec 24 2012 10:04:51
Hi ;) I'm Socus from PPP. I have more than 100+ on PPP and few here ;). Rules: I will send pens after received money [/COLOR] [B][COLOR="red"]I want only money, I akcept Paypal[/COLOR][/B] I have:
Comssa's (old V5, GPC, 2x new V2) - offer me
F1r3fly G3 Mod, last mod made by Alikebab: 15$
Cheat Comssa with pink color beifa's (in reality grips are pink, not orange. Dark light and my calculator who sucks). 7$
Product SC mod and White Gleib mod: 5$ for one, 7$ for two I have also White and Black PPP Wristbands
Date: Mon, Aug 5 2013 09:08:36