General Discussion / Intermediate&Advance tricks...
Date: Mon, Dec 10 2012 08:41:27
What are tricks that are more suitable for intermediate and adavance spinners?
Date: Mon, Dec 10 2012 09:20:16
What is an intermediate and advanced spinner?
Date: Mon, Dec 10 2012 11:25:22
Inverse reverse hai tua, pd punkan reverse, head around
Date: Mon, Dec 10 2012 12:23:21
The McTwist 780 and the Flipster.
Date: Mon, Dec 10 2012 12:45:14
Thumbaround and pass 12-23 :jk: You should just ask what trick to learn next in this thread.
Date: Mon, Dec 10 2012 13:52:01
pass 12-23? "Ets that you make a single reverse handback 1.5 but you cut abruptly by hybridization intradiegetic movement. I mean that the stimulus resulting from the rotation of the pen started to arrive at the final action potential that triggers the reverse movement stop extension of the tendon. This cohesion indenture between the control and the pen will must lead to a non ataraxia aporetic as the research of Eastern philosophy. Far no prolèmes, if not qu'espisémologiquement this judgment is amphibological: it is a reverse movement but also an affirmation of the will to power to be on nothing. Stop the esoteric honoris causa in the pen 23. This asceticism thus denying any occult hedonism stigmatizes ineptitude spinologique in favor of a cause against a rave idisoynchrasie tending naturally towards anti-Nietzschean nihilism. Synesthesia spinologique of itself enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Fratleym happy. Good despite the facticity of the for-itself, knowledge is seen as a type of relationship between the for-itself and the in-itself Where the 12-23 pass as intuitive knowledge, the presence of the "thing" in person at the consicence by Husserl. And bam you have a pass." (source: ) Just s777 :D [SPOILER="original text"] C'ets simple tu fais un handback reverse 1.5 mais tu coupes brutalement le mouvement par une hybridation intradiégétique. J'entends par là que le stimulus issu de la rotation du pen commencée doit aboutir au final au potentiel d'action qui déclenchera le mouvement inverse d'arrêt de l'extension du tendon. Cette cohésion synallagmatique entre le contrôle du pen et la volonté doit mener à une ataraxie non aporétique telle que le recherche la philosophie orientale. Jusque là pas de prolèmes, si ce n'est qu'espisémologiquement cet arrêt est amphibologique : c'est un mouvement inverse mais également une affirmation de la volonté de puissance de l'être sur le néant. De la un arrêt ésotérique honoris causa du pen en 23. Cette ascèse occulte reniant ainsi tout hédonisme stigmatise l'ineptie spinologique au profit d'une cause dithyrambique envers une idisoynchrasie tendant naturellement vers l'anti-nihilisme nietzschéen. La synesthésie spinologique d'elle même suffit à remplir un coeur d'homme. Il faut imaginer Fratleym heureux. Bon malgré la facticité du pour-soi, la connaissance se voit comme type de relation entre le pour-soi et l'en-soi D'où le pass 12-23 intuitif comme connaissance, la présence de la "chose" en personne à la consicence selon Husserl. Et paf on a un pass.[/SPOILER]
Date: Mon, Dec 10 2012 15:07:56
Let's see, thumbaround and sonic are pretty advance tricks. It took thousands of years before it was discovered and developed.
Date: Mon, Dec 10 2012 19:59:50
What's Intermediate and what's not is somewhat subjective, so i'll give you my opinion. Probably Inverse sonics and inverse shadows, bak revs, flush sonic and other sonic variations like side sonic etc... :dog:
Date: Mon, Dec 10 2012 20:04:37
An intermediate spinner is some one who doesn't have to post such threads. Stick with fundamentals for now.