Pen Modifications / Pen Modding World Tournament: Round 1

  1. Saurkk
    Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 18:46:38

    Hi guys! Here the rules for the PMWT tournament!! Each round will be a system of points. There will not be losers. The last will be the guy who had less points than others. The rules are like that because we don't have many participants... The theme for the first round is: Best looking mod! The deadline is the 16 december! Notes:

    SpoilerOriginality /5 Aestheticism: /6 Innovation: /4 Best looking mod /10 Preference /1
    SpoilerFPSB: Taeko V-T PPP: CRiS MYPSC: Wilsonouh D.vide VNPSB: LNTPhat GPC: Syrti Vento Kerskuri
    Good luck to all!! ^^

  2. Soren
    Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 18:56:16

    Oh yeah, the tournament is back!

  3. sopi
    Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 19:52:09

    sad that there aren't any upsb modder D:

  4. LightSpinner
    Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 21:04:38

    yea were is guitrum and stuff

  5. Mats
    Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 21:15:15

    Can I make a mod for this?

  6. TheAafg
    Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 21:53:29

    I was planning to do something similar to this using Visionaries D:

  7. GeeGeeGee
    Date: Mon, Dec 3 2012 00:25:18

    theme: best looking mod... good luck to all of the participants.

  8. Wilsonouh
    Date: Mon, Dec 3 2012 00:56:36

    This tournament is made by Saurkk and V-T but why V-T can participate?

  9. Raos
    Date: Mon, Dec 3 2012 04:24:09

    PMWT will never be as good as the first one :/

  10. shoeman6
    Date: Mon, Dec 3 2012 04:46:25

    Good luck to all! too bad no UPSB participants this time around, glad you guys are organizing this though.

  11. Syrti
    Date: Mon, Dec 3 2012 10:52:06

    Good luck every1!!!

  12. Saurkk
    Date: Mon, Dec 3 2012 18:18:35

    @Wilsonouh, he doesn't know the judges ;). He have just helped for translation and 2-3 things ^^.

  13. vento
    Date: Fri, Dec 14 2012 12:18:21

    To whom should I send the pictures of my mod? Saurkk in UPSB or an E-Maila address?

  14. 20%
    Date: Fri, Dec 14 2012 23:59:37

    Good luck everyone!, i hope to see awesome mods from you guys (sun)

  15. Taeko
    Date: Sun, Dec 16 2012 14:48:43

    Bonjour, je suis désolé d annoncer que je ne pourrai pas rendre pour ce tour. J'ai des douleurs abdominales depuis lundi dernier qui ce sont poursuivies par un aller-retour aux urgences mercredi matin et jeudi soir. Vendredi je suis retourné aux urgences pour les mêmes douleurs que seule une dose maximale de morphine et un flux continu d analgésiques en perfusion ont pu momentanément soulager. Je suis actuellement toujours à l hôpital en attendant de faire des analyses qui pourront enfin indiquer quelle est ma maladie, encore inconnue à ce jour. Je ne suis de fait pas en état pour assurer mon engagement, et je n'ai pas non plus connaissance de ma date de sortie d hospitalisation. Je présente mes plus sincères excuses auprès des participants, de l organisateur et des juges. je tiens énormément à ce tournoi et suis fier d avoir été choisi pour représenter la FPSB, et suis d autant plus déçu de ne pouvoir honorer mon engagement. Please ask a french for have a traduction, I m too tired for write a post in english. Message rédigé depuis un smartphone.

  16. ChainBreak
    Date: Sun, Dec 16 2012 15:58:48

    Basivcally taeko is saying that he's sorry, but he wont be able to organise stuff for fpsb, because he's ill and in hospital. They still cant say what he is suffering from and he's waiting for the results of the analysis. Get well soon taeko! I hope you can recover quickly.

  17. LNT_Phat
    Date: Sun, Dec 16 2012 17:14:40

    Hope you can recover quickly....

  18. Syrti
    Date: Sun, Dec 16 2012 19:39:30

    That means no mods from Taeko?! 8( Hope you'll recover quickly! edit/ sent/

  19. Zeta
    Date: Sun, Dec 16 2012 20:58:30

    That why he was absent for 3 days in FPSB, Yaemgo is going far first in postcount! :troll: Hope you recover soon.

  20. Syrti
    Date: Mon, Dec 17 2012 20:44:13

    When are the mods going to be released? :3

  21. +Kerskuri+
    Date: Tue, Dec 18 2012 16:39:14

    this was on the homepage: December: Beginning of R1. 16 December: Deadline for R1. 23 December: Deadline of judges for R1. 24 December: Beginning of R2. 6 January: Deadline for R2. 13 January: Deadline of judges for R2. 14 January: Beginning of R3. 27 January: Deadline for R3. 3 February: Deadline of judges for R3. 4 February: Beginning of R4. 17 February: Deadline for R4. 24 February: Deadline of judges for R4. 25 February: Beginning of R5. 17 March: Deadline for R5. 24 March: Deadline of judges for R5 25 March: FINAL RESULTS. ;)

  22. Syrti
    Date: Tue, Dec 18 2012 19:47:43

    Of course, but releasing the mod's pictures won't affect judging in general. Last time they were released saying: Modder 1, Modder 2, ... and after judging they released who was Modder 1 etc.

  23. LNT_Phat
    Date: Mon, Dec 24 2012 02:53:14

    waiting ............................................

  24. Wilsonouh
    Date: Mon, Dec 24 2012 04:46:14


  25. 20%
    Date: Mon, Dec 24 2012 04:52:06

    No neptune :o

  26. Saurkk
    Date: Mon, Dec 24 2012 08:40:31

    Sorry, got computer problems... The tournament is delay by 1 week, i'll change the dates soon and post the mods today. Sorry for that, got 2 weeks without computer :/...

  27. Wilsonouh
    Date: Mon, Dec 24 2012 13:20:28


  28. Kiiro
    Date: Tue, Dec 25 2012 05:37:51

    Where's upsb?!!?!? Kam is amazing and I wanted to see tek back

  29. qinkuangan
    Date: Tue, Dec 25 2012 06:05:27

    post the mods plz

  30. Saurkk
    Date: Tue, Dec 25 2012 20:37:40

  31. Syrti
    Date: Tue, Dec 25 2012 22:17:47

    Awesome mods! Really like Mr.Circuit, Mr.Tron's Metallic Outsert and Mr.Twistable!!

  32. LNT_Phat
    Date: Tue, Dec 25 2012 22:43:34

    Oh ye............ nice mods

  33. Nachoaddict
    Date: Wed, Dec 26 2012 00:29:17

    Wow really interesting stuff first round. Was there a theme? Gonna pick Mr. Tron and Mr. Twistable for my favs this round xD. Tron looks unbelievably clean with a great tape cut on the barrel. Twistable looks very clean and combines good modding with functionality. Would pick Mr. Circuit as a close third as it's got some decent tape and grip cuts as well. Overall, I'm impressed already xD

  34. Wilsonouh
    Date: Thu, Dec 27 2012 09:43:16

    @Nachoaddict theme for r1 is Best Looking Mod

  35. RPD
    Date: Thu, Dec 27 2012 22:42:24

    Mr Tron is just lovely. But one thing, the caps bounce like in nautilus mod or its only for decoration? mr twistable also looks great, and clean. The metal in the front gives a stylish look, and also functional. A video showing the mech. and how it spins would be great~ Mr. circuit need a better modding (even thought that the one it had is really good, if the gripcuts are solid and they dont break.) but I like the idea. The switch mod is also reaally good, but for the R1 theme, I would have chosen a simpler color scheme (1 or 2 smooth colors + white and black) and a computer made insert. Really good job ^^

  36. 20%
    Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 00:39:50

    Amazing, amazing! :clap: i really like mr circuit and mr tron! :clap:

  37. vento
    Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 01:09:46

    Hm, there´s something I am not happy with here. Let me quote a PM from me to Saurkk [QUOTE="vento"] Sup saurkk! [...] Further, am I allowed to edit the pictures? Like adding my name, a stroke etc.? [...] vento [/QUOTE] Respond by Saurkk: [QUOTE="Saurkk"]Hi! [...] You not allowed to edit the picture, so no name on it. [...] See ya! [/QUOTE] Well, now I am the derp that did not edit his picture (now you may be able to know which of the mods is mine... but only if you´re a very very smart and intellligent person *wink*) and all of the others did, what makes them stack up a lot better than my mod. If I would have known, that all of the others are editing their pictures I would have done the same, but how would I know. I expected them to have no editing too. Quite nasty situation here.

  38. GeeGeeGee
    Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 01:09:55

    I thought modder 1 was Nachoaddict. haha You don't see mod like Mr.Tron everyday. So my first choice is Mr.Tron. Mr.Twistable is really good too. The color theme and the insert go perfectly together and the mod itself is clean. Mr.Circuit is not bad either. Combine G3 and RSVP body is really tough. Plus the overall look is unique. Killer Gel Mechanical Pencil....and Tricap MX...don't go with the theme if you know what I'm saying. But I do know why it call TRIcap. :] Good job guys! @vento I feel ya bro.

  39. Nachoaddict
    Date: Fri, Dec 28 2012 02:11:13

    Haha nah I'm not in this tourney xD

  40. Pendragon
    Date: Sun, Dec 30 2012 19:54:09

    for this round i think the Tron mod is definetly an outstanding mod. something like this is worth to call itself winner of round 1

  41. ChainBreak
    Date: Mon, Dec 31 2012 02:12:24

    don't like mr tron. I'd go with mr circuit

  42. Valentin
    Date: Mon, Dec 31 2012 08:48:46

    Mr Twit is my favorite.

  43. hoang_spin
    Date: Tue, Jan 1 2013 08:43:34

    Mr.Tron no1