Off-topic / Work and shit
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 18:10:42
A discussion on work, education and stuff that you need in life that is related to those. I'm one of the oldest people on the forum and have quite a lot of life experience. Ask me jobs and education questions here and I will answer them. Some wages and shit in the UK -> Job // Wage (per year) Minimum wage job // ~£10 000 Teacher // £19 000 - 27 000 Programmer (junior or web) // ~£20 000 Programmer (general, reasonable level) // £25 000 - 35 000 Doctor // ~ £35 000 (possible to almost double if you specialist in something, like being a surgeon, for example. And in Germany job : gross income per year Project manager: 38 000 ~ 48 500 Euro Software developer: 36 000 ~ 45 000 Euro IT consulting: 38 000 ~ 48 000 Euro Database admin: 33 000 ~ 45 500 Euro Network admin: 29 000 and higher Mats' guide to life (tips): Don't get a job as a musician unless you're willing to put in huge amounts of hours and your heart and soul into it and still expect to be poor even if you do that. Working with computers is boring, but it generally pays well and it's reliable work. Do as well as you can in your education, or regret it for the rest of your life!
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 19:15:24
Germany has good wages for IT people. These are the wages for people starting their career: job : gross income per year Project manager: 38 000 ~ 48 500 Euro Software developer: 36 000 ~ 45 000 Euro IT consulting: 38 000 ~ 48 000 Euro Database admin: 33 000 ~ 45 500 Euro Network admin: 29 000 and higher
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 19:31:48
No, don't do work with computer. It'll slowly drain the life out of you. [COLOR="white"]And that is how I keep a stable job outlook[/COLOR]
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 19:41:14
k here goes , pls help: >want to do software engineering cause computers and parents want me to do engineering >have the marks for it >brother calls me a few months ago , tells me to drop all computer related courses >he's a chem eng, a person i look up to, my idol etc. >tells me to do mineral engineering cause a huge scope, a lot of moolah and ez to get in >marks go from 90% average to 70% cause not sure what i wanna do anymore. wat do.
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 20:12:37
no salaries for being a pHD like the zombo?
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 20:13:31
Do software engineering, it's a CONSTANTLY advancing market and incredibly stable for a career.
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 20:30:36
Ok so I want to learn animation. I haven't gotten really into it yet, for now I'm researching and looking for info on what software there is and I can use. But for now I really want to do traditional animation, which is drawing each frame by hand and making an animation the "traditional way". The problem is that traditional animation isn't used much anymore and it's all turning into computer animations, and it takes WAY too much time and effort to practice and master it. Has anybody done animation before? Any suggestions? lol thanks
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 20:36:25
TheAafg wrote: k here goes , pls help: >want to do software engineering cause computers and parents want me to do engineering >have the marks for it >brother calls me a few months ago , tells me to drop all computer related courses >he's a chem eng, a person i look up to, my idol etc. >tells me to do mineral engineering cause a huge scope, a lot of moolah and ez to get in >marks go from 90% average to 70% cause not sure what i wanna do anymore. wat do.
Do software engineering then. You are not your brother. Although we may look up to idols, you should not strive to become either them or what they want, follow the path you want to take. -
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 20:41:59
exclusive wrote: no salaries for being a pHD like the zombo?
There are plenty of poor professors. Though Zombo's Phd is fom U of T so iono. -
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 21:00:45
Ok ill ask you this.... Has pen spinning got a future ... Reason i started pen spinning is thAt i thought well if i can always be occupied at school/ work then thats a win win but were do j go from there it wud be great if u reply cheers UkPSkU ( british pen spinner)
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 21:09:37
There are no jobs that will earn you any living with penspinning. Penspinning is no more than a hobby that can occupy you when you are bored. Unless somehow it gets really popular around the globe and people all enjoy watching penspinning battles, companies do ads with famous spinners etc. But even then only the top world class would be able to make some money with just penspinning. Short: There's no money in penspinning. It's a hobby not a job.
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 21:11:17
ChainBreak wrote: There are no jobs that will earn you any living with penspinning. Penspinning is no more than a hobby that can occupy you when you are bored. Unless somehow it gets really popular around the globe and people all enjoy watching penspinning battles, companies do ads with famous spinners etc. But even then only the top world class would be able to make some money with just penspinning. Short: There's no money in penspinning. It's a hobby not a job.
Exactly. :thumb: -
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 21:15:25
Mats wrote: Don't get a job as a musician unless you're willing to put in huge amounts of hours and your heart and soul into it and still expect to be poor even if you do that.
Ha!, I am still going for it. I don't really care about money as long as I have enough to live on. But besides music I am going for design, camera/directing, illustration and artwork. I hope in the end to be able to live from this. ^_^ [edit] Come to think of, in these catagories is alot possible and besides this, I am already working in the planning for a creative company. I hope it will work out well. -
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 21:22:41
fang wrote: Ha!, I am still going for it. I don't really care about money as long as I have enough to live on.
Yes, this was my point. It's difficult even to make enough to live on. -
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 21:32:26
Mats wrote: Yes, this was my point. It's difficult even to make enough to live on.
Yeah, I am aware of that. Nothing ventured nothing gained. ;) -
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 21:35:13
fang wrote: Yeah, I am aware of that. Nothing ventured nothing gained. ;)
You won't even post your guitar videos cuz you think they "suck" how are you supposed to convince people to give you money for them? -
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 21:49:36
Awesome wrote: You won't even post your guitar videos cuz you think they "suck" how are you supposed to convince people to give you money for them?
You are right about that, and I am still working on that point. I don't concider myselve as a good guitar player and I am aware that I got a long way to go. It's completly new for me, I am playing for 10 years now and besides 3 stage preformes (with accoustic guitars are basicly just chords) I actualy never played for people. I played for 10 year in my room without someone that lisen to me. I currently started to preform and that takes some courage to play on stage in front of some people or in this case on internet. I do have some video's, but I don't think they are good enough to be watched by others. I think I am simply a coward. :unsure: -
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 21:52:01
I think its just as much about the musician as the actual skill a lot of the time. Mediocre skill can be passed of as amazing with the right appearance and confidence. Just film videos, post them, get feed back and improve. Its just like how spinners improve their spinning.
fang wrote: You are right about that, and I am still working on that point. I don't concider myselve as a good guitar player and I am aware that I got a long way to go. It's completly new for me, I am playing for 10 years now and besides 3 stage preformes (with accoustic guitars are basicly just chords) I actualy never played for people. I played for 10 year in my room without someone that lisen to me. I currently started to preform and that takes some courage to play on stage in front of some people or in this case on internet. I do have some video's, but I don't think they are good enough to be watched by others. I think I am simply a coward. :unsure:
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 21:54:49
Awesome wrote: I think its just as much about the musician as the actual skill a lot of the time. Mediocre skill can be passed of as amazing with the right appearance and confidence. Just film videos, post them, get feed back and improve. Its just like how spinners improve their spinning.
Yeah, you are right. Thanks for the advise. I am gonne take it. -
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 22:21:00
TheAafg wrote: k here goes , pls help: >want to do software engineering cause computers and parents want me to do engineering >have the marks for it >brother calls me a few months ago , tells me to drop all computer related courses >he's a chem eng, a person i look up to, my idol etc. >tells me to do mineral engineering cause a huge scope, a lot of moolah and ez to get in >marks go from 90% average to 70% cause not sure what i wanna do anymore. wat do.
Not gunna lie, it's a pretty good idea. Geologists are becoming hard to find now, and their salaries are breaching the 100k mark in the US. I'm thinking about getting into the field of Petroleum Geology. Once you've been in the workforce for about 5-10 years, and have a good company you're working for, half a million a year. I'm also going to minor in something computer sciences as a fallback/ translatable into anything I will ever do. But yeah, if science is the shit you don't like (lot of chemistry and earth sciences in mineral engineering) then why would you spend your life working at it? -
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 22:36:08
Is petroleum geology really that smart? How much petrol is there actually left and therefore, how long will you be needed for?
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 22:42:54
still not sure what i wanna do in life even though i am graduating college in 2013 something fun/interesting and decent $$. room for potential growth is quite important too orz
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2012 00:51:23
exclusive wrote: no salaries for being a pHD like the zombo?
phd students are poor because its not a job. you're paid like a scholarship, around 20-30k depending where you live and how good you are. in the USA, you may only get barely enough to cover your tuition, which sucks. but the biggest cost is "opportunity cost" because instead of doing a phd, you could be doing a 40k job easy. so essentially you're losing money. -------- about doing a job as pen spinner. it might be possible in the future to do it as a youtuber. youtube channels with 100k subscribers can make enough money to live. its not easy though and you'll able to raise some donations too or make some livestreams. -
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2012 01:30:18
I plan on joining the military to become a doctor. Hopefully I get into the Air Force Academy for college and they'll pay for my med school. Once i serve my years of active duty, ill obviously be out in the world.
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2012 01:44:40
Going to trade school is currently the best decision I've ever made. I have a stable career as an electrician making more than enough money for myself. I can basically go where ever and do what ever I want at this point. I will always have something to fall back on. I'm going to be going back to school to just take classes for fun. I have no obligations outside my 8 hours of work a day, nothing to bring home, no stress really. The only real downside is the stress I put my body under, if I'm not careful I could do something terrible to my back and complain about it for the rest of my life. I'm only 20 years old, own my own car, I can support myself and do basically what ever I want, in my second year of work I'm making $30k a year and I'm due for a raise. By the time I'm 23 I will be a fully licensed Journeyman electrician, I can pretty much only go up from there.
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2012 01:56:26
Zombo wrote: phd students are poor because its not a job. you're paid like a scholarship, around 20-30k depending where you live and how good you are. in the USA, you may only get barely enough to cover your tuition, which sucks. but the biggest cost is "opportunity cost" because instead of doing a phd, you could be doing a 40k job easy. so essentially you're losing money. -------- about doing a job as pen spinner. it might be possible in the future to do it as a youtuber. youtube channels with 100k subscribers can make enough money to live. its not easy though and you'll able to raise some donations too or make some livestreams.
Is your PhD in CS? Also, what are you doing now? Postdoc or something? Also:No engineering at Berkeley because they admit by college and I would have no chance of getting in. Same thing for UCLA, but I don't really care.
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2012 02:22:07
im still doing my phd in cs
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2012 04:01:28
Mats wrote: Mats' guide to life (tips): Don't get a job as a musician unless you're willing to put in huge amounts of hours and your heart and soul into it and still expect to be poor even if you do that.
Guess I'm gonna be poor forever. Already poor now. :D PoorFTW. -
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2012 00:43:56
Mats wrote: Doctor // ~ £35 000 (possible to almost double if you specialist in something, like being a surgeon, for example.
Isn't that amount too little for a doctor? Other things worth consideration are: * What is the long-term outlook for the field? * What about the potential for career growth? * Would you be passionate enough to work at the job for a long time? * Would you be motivated enough to fulfill the training and/or educational requirements? Sometimes it's difficult to answer these questions and others without first trying things out. This is where co-op or an internship can really help. Some people carve out their own niche by inventing their own jobs. Technically, any work that pays enough to sustain oneself is a viable option. I would have to agree that a job in PS is unrealistic because the market isn't there. -
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2012 03:03:37
No idea what i want to do.. 2.5 cumulative gpa, little above average act score, average sat score, mediocre extra curricular's. I hate this. I dont want to chose ONE thing, I want to do everything. Comp Sci, Game developing, software engineering, curating, teaching, graphic artist, firefighter, bio-engineering, photography, cinematography, anything else. choosing one career pathway is so l;kajkdsnmhbv
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2012 03:47:37
King wrote: No idea what i want to do.. 2.5 cumulative gpa, little above average act score, average sat score, mediocre extra curricular's. I hate this. I dont want to chose ONE thing, I want to do everything. Comp Sci, Game developing, software engineering, curating, teaching, graphic artist, firefighter, bio-engineering, photography, cinematography, anything else. choosing one career pathway is so l;kajkdsnmhbv
Join the military. -
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2012 04:03:28
King wrote: No idea what i want to do.. 2.5 cumulative gpa, little above average act score, average sat score, mediocre extra curricular's. I hate this. I dont want to chose ONE thing, I want to do everything. Comp Sci (Good money, stable, soul sucking), Game developing (Unless you have a game you've developed yourself and you're ready to sell it off to a bigger company don't even try, also prepare to be poor), software engineering( Similar to Comp Sci, good money, stable yet soul sucking), curating(I can't imagine there being much in then again, never looked in it), teaching (If you're in the United States prepare to be poor, unappreciated, and angry. Move to Germany they have good things for teachers), graphic artist,(Currently a highly over saturated field thanks to trade schools, unless you're absolutely amazing and already have something going for you, prepare to be poor, and probably sad) firefighter(Not a terrible choice, physically taxing, but the money is disappearing. Probably the most rewarding) , bio-engineering,( Not sure what this would bring, I'm assuming things like a ton of research, maybe things like meds? Lots of schooling, prepare to be in debt for a long time) photography, (Thank the trade schools once again, over saturated, either have something going for you now or just be amazing at it)cinematography(Prepare to be poor), anything else. choosing one career pathway is so l;kajkdsnmhbv
Or yeah you could join the military. Get in as much schooling as you can. Also forgot that everything in quotes are already in italics. I'm too lazy to fix that. -
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2012 07:43:48
King wrote: No idea what i want to do.. 2.5 cumulative gpa, little above average act score, average sat score, mediocre extra curricular's. I hate this. I dont want to chose ONE thing, I want to do everything. Comp Sci, Game developing, software engineering, curating, teaching, graphic artist, firefighter, bio-engineering, photography, cinematography, anything else. choosing one career pathway is so l;kajkdsnmhbv
go to a CC then transfer to a better school. most transfers i know try harder than regular ones cuz they tried hard to get there. and just focus on one or two things that are most interesting to you. no way you can do all that and still be good. just take some classes or explore the fields more and youll realize what you truly like/dislike -
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2012 07:59:29
@Tialys 35k is average for a doctor here and it's a good wage. It works out to around $56 000. You can make more than this as a doctor if you specialize too.
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2012 08:05:52
want to do: computer security, renewable energies, something to do with space like travel or develop shit, real estate. criteria: pay about 120k, able to go up to 250k?
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2012 08:07:19
boshi wrote: want to do: computer security, renewable energies, something to do with space like travel or develop shit, real estate. criteria: pay about 120k, able to go up to 250k?
120k? You better be getting some excellent grades and be graduating from Harvard. No joke, 120k (even in dollars) is a very very rare wage. -
Date: Wed, Dec 5 2012 01:10:42
Mats wrote: 120k? You better be getting some excellent grades and be graduating from Harvard. No joke, 120k (even in dollars) is a very very rare wage.
120k isn't as rare as you might think it is. In the software industry you can get it going that high by being a Project Manager or high up developer. 250k is ridiculous @boshi You're going to have to own your own successful business to start making money like that. After years upon years of work too. -
Date: Wed, Dec 5 2012 01:34:09
sangara wrote: 120k isn't as rare as you might think it is. In the software industry you can get it going that high by being a Project Manager or high up developer. 250k is ridiculous @boshi You're going to have to own your own successful business to start making money like that. After years upon years of work too.
It seems 120k + is about 4% of working Americans. Fairly low. 250k+ is 1.5% of working Americans. Here's the list of jobs you need to get into to make these wages:Unless you run your own (very successful) business or become some kind of high level celeb or sports star or something...Spoiler
1 Anesthesiologist 68 $290,000 2 General Surgeon 75 $260,000 3 Emergency Room Physician 25 $250,000 4 Obstetrician / Gynecologist 100 $210,000 5 Psychiatrist 29 $185,000 6 Primary Care Physician 34 $174,000 7 Nurse Anesthetist 13 $156,000 8 Product Management Director 15 $148,000 9 Software Engineering / Development Director 18 $144,000 10 Sales Director 8 $142,000 11 Dentist 12 $142,000 12 Actuary 11 $133,000 13 Senior Sales Executive 32 $127,000 14 Software Architect 1 $119,000 15 Attorney / Lawyer 55 $118,000 16 Management Consultant 3 $117,000 17 Research & Development Manager 39 $116,000 18 Computer and Information Scientist 35 $115,000 19 Accounting Director 69 $112,000 20 Optometrist 56 $108,000
Taken from: -
Date: Wed, Dec 5 2012 10:00:32
Mats;236061]@King Graphic artist - Really hard to get into. [COLOR="red"]^hows this hard to get into? i know quite a few graphic artists... you just gotta know how to use photoshop/indesign/make websites/ some coding/etc[/COLOR] 35k is average for a doctor here and it's a good wage. It works out to around $56 000. You can make more than this as a doctor if you specialize too.[/QUOTE] ^35k for a doctor in UK?!?! wtf? thats min salary in the US. why would anyone want to be a doctor for 35-55k? not worth nearly a decade of undergraduate+post grad studying [QUOTE=boshi wrote: want to do: computer security, renewable energies, something to do with space like travel or develop shit, real estate. criteria: pay about 120k, able to go up to 250k?
if youre really good at what you do, 120k is doable. 250k also possible with years of experience + promotion or owning your own business. if you have your own company, then salary increases like a mofo (considering it goes well) -
Date: Wed, Dec 5 2012 10:07:00
Mats wrote: You better be getting some excellent grades and be graduating from Harvard.
I think you mean Harvey Mudd. -
Date: Thu, Dec 6 2012 04:11:08
Rofl I know most of the details of all the fields i listed, the point is that I dont fucking know which one to choose. It pisses me off to no end.
Date: Thu, Dec 6 2012 13:21:57
Mats wrote: Don't get a job as a musician unless you're willing to put in huge amounts of hours and your heart and soul into it and still expect to be poor even if you do that.
Irronicly. My mother, grandpa, grandma and uncle all make(d) money with music!~ ;) -
Date: Thu, Dec 6 2012 13:25:17
fang wrote: Irronicly. My mother, grandpa, grandma and uncle all make(d) money with music!~ ;)
Are they poor? -
Date: Thu, Dec 6 2012 14:14:31
SJ wrote: ^35k for a doctor in UK?!?! wtf? thats min salary in the US. why would anyone want to be a doctor for 35-55k? not worth nearly a decade of undergraduate+post grad studying
35k GBP is more than 56k $ 55k GBP is more than 88k $ different country, different money. ;) -
Date: Thu, Dec 6 2012 14:26:43
SJ wrote: ^35k for a doctor in UK?!?! wtf? thats min salary in the US. why would anyone want to be a doctor for 35-55k?
I even put the equivalent amount of USDs in the post. :facepalm: -
Date: Thu, Dec 6 2012 15:06:24
Mats wrote: Are they poor?
Actualy no. My grandparants earned alot of money with it. My uncle is doing it very good (and is flying around the world sometimes) And my mother earned alot as well. I quess I can say that my familie is doing good with music!~ ;) -
Date: Thu, Dec 6 2012 17:32:06
fang wrote: Actualy no. My grandparants earned alot of money with it. My uncle is doing it very good (and is flying around the world sometimes) And my mother earned alot as well. I quess I can say that my familie is doing good with music!~ ;)
Will I know these people? -
Date: Thu, Dec 6 2012 20:57:45
sangara wrote: 120k isn't as rare as you might think it is. In the software industry you can get it going that high by being a Project Manager or high up developer. 250k is ridiculous @boshi You're going to have to own your own successful business to start making money like that. After years upon years of work too.
a triple digit salary as an entry-level job right after graduating is very hard to get.... -
Date: Sun, Dec 9 2012 17:16:05
Mats wrote: Will I know these people?
No, I don't think so. My grandparents and my mother where in the classic music and only known in the Netherlands. My unlce played in the Memories band, who played with famous dutch artist. -
Date: Sun, Dec 9 2012 18:42:13
Doctors in US maked 250k +. Also, it isn't difficult to get 100k +. My brother goes to one of the best universities in America and could easily get probably even 125k + after he finishes his undergrad
Date: Sun, Dec 9 2012 18:47:53
maked? lol
Date: Sun, Dec 9 2012 20:53:45
BictoryNoob wrote: Doctors in US maked 250k +. Also, it isn't difficult to get 100k +. My brother goes to one of the best universities in America and could easily get probably even 125k + after he finishes his undergrad
whats he doing? Just cause you attend one of the best universities doesn't really mean you'll 6 figures straight out of undergrad. My brother graduated from Columbia University, one of the top 5 schools in the US. he's only making $80k straight out. The only way i could see making 6 figures out of undergrad, if he lands a super high position in some business, or something else. Cause people who make 6 figures usually has to go through grad school first. -
Date: Sun, Dec 9 2012 21:01:44
Tetsip wrote: whats he doing? Just cause you attend one of the best universities doesn't really mean you'll 6 figures straight out of undergrad. My brother graduated from Columbia University, one of the top 5 schools in the US. he's only making $80k straight out. The only way i could see making 6 figures out of undergrad, if he lands a super high position in some business, or something else. Cause people who make 6 figures usually has to go through grad school first.
columbia is not quite in the top 5 in the us, sorry. more like top 10 i think. -
Date: Mon, Dec 10 2012 01:11:47
BictoryNoob wrote: Doctors in US maked 250k +. Also, it isn't difficult to get 100k +. My brother goes to one of the best universities in America and could easily get probably even 125k + after he finishes his undergrad
"could" all assumptions...... comment again when he actually gets paid 6 figures