Off-topic / Minecraft Server - Feed the Beast - Whitelisted

  1. iColor
    Date: Thu, Nov 29 2012 00:15:54

    Alrighty, made the FTB server white-listed. IP: PM username if you want to be white-listed. You'll need the FTB client to be able to connect to the server:

  2. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Nov 29 2012 07:33:40

    ill film a video to show progress

  3. _ole_kristian
    Date: Mon, Mar 4 2013 20:17:49

    Server still up? And what modpack? IGN :_ole_kristian (Please Email me if u have read this)

  4. eduguy
    Date: Fri, Mar 8 2013 16:16:33

    Kind of unrelated but there is a clan in a game called FTB. Minecraft is pretty fun. :)