Tutorials Pending Approval / Twistable Metal Comssa
Date: Wed, Nov 21 2012 18:27:11
TMC and TDCC mods I was messing around with my Metallic Comssa and I realized that if you don’t tape it, one cap can spin freely. Later I was looking at tutorials and I saw quinkuangan’s matic-G3 twistable mod. I had extra Grip-Matic parts and I thought that if I put the eraser assembly into the body of a Comssa, I could make it twistable. TMC stands for Twistable Metallic Comssa and TDCC stands for Twistable DC Comssa. If anyone has already made these mods, I sincerely apologize, and I also apologize to the Two Door Cinema Club for taking their acronym. And, judging by the number of replies, this is a horrible mod. I assume no responsibility if you are careless and sustain eye damage or dismember your finger/hand from trying to follow my tutorial to make this pen mod. Remember, you can’t spin pens without fingers.-K4S
Statistics: COG: Depends, may be slightly back heavy Length: 18.3 CM (no HGG tips), 21 CM (HGG tips) Weight: 0.4 oz, 11 g, > Metallic Comssa Style: Double-sided Writing Mechanism: Twistable Ink Type: ballpoint (RSVP) ---------------------------------------------------------- MATERIALS LIST 2x Dong-A Comssa 1x Pentel RSVP 2x Pentel HGG ( if you are making the TMC, if you are making the TDCC, you only need one.) Grips (I used Sailors, Anyballs might be a better option) Cost from Penwish, including 2x sailor grips: $12.98 USD plus shipping. However, Penwish does not give you cool Korean writing on the side. Jetpens does. ----------------------------------------------------------Spoiler
Q&A Q: How do I get it to stop rattling? A: Add tape to where the inktubes go through openings and add more tape to the Comssa body tip as in step 9. Q: How do I balance it? A: I don’t know, that would be hard. Q: Is there a way I can center the cool Korean writing? A: The twisting Comssa cap changes positions; you want moveable writing? Q: If you have any questions or comments, or people I copied, feel free to do so below. A: OK IF I LEFT STEPS OUT, YELL AT ME BELOW!Spoiler
1. Clean your Comssa. I suggest cutting off the thin part at the tip and removing the felt tip. Then shove a coat hanger through (into an old sock) to push the backplug (and ink sponge/tube) out. This avoids damage to the backplug. 2. If you haven’t already cut the thin part off the tip, then do so.3. Widen the front so an HGG inktube can slide freely.
4. Make a hole in the Comssa backplug so that the RSVP inktube can slide freely.
5. Remove the eraser assembly and eraser from the Grip-Matic.
6. Use an inktube to get the screw out of the GM eraser assembly.
7. Wrap tape on the GM eraser assembly body and shove into Comssa body as far as you can using an inktube.
8. Get ~6 cm of empty RSVP inktube. 9. Wrap tape on the end and insert into the GM screw as shown. It should be firmly secured.
10. File down rings that hold the cap on Comssa tip, then wrap with 1-2 layers of tape.
11. Put inktube-screw assembly into Comssa body. It will go into the GM eraser assembly body. Screw in fully. 12. Put ~2 cm of HGG inktube onto the end of the empty inktube as shown. I used less, but that is probably just my measurements.
13. Stick the HGG inktube, which is attached to the other stuff, into the tube inside the Comssa cap as shown.
14. Now it is time to see if your twisting mechanism works. You will want to change the lengths of your inktubes and the thickness of the tape to get the Comssa cap to twist optimally. This may take a long time… *15 minutes later* 15. Use up half of the RSVP inktube. Cut to ~11.5 cm and wrap 1-2 layers of tape on the non-tip end.
16. Insert into Comssa body and into GM eraser assembly. 17. Put Comssa backplug onto the Comssa body over RSVP inktube.
18. Take your second Comssa cap and poke a hole in the end of it so that the RSVP tip can slide through.
19. Apply some tape to the Comssa backplug and put the second Comssa cap on.
CONTINUE ON WITH THESE DIRECTIONS TO MAKE THE TMC 1. Remove the Comssa caps and RSVP inktube (with ink) from your completed TDCC.
2. Widen the hole in the Comssa cap with the hole so that the whole RSVP inktube can slide through.
3. Screw or push on the HGG tips onto both of the Comssa caps. (I’ve always found that screwing anything on doesn’t work. How are you supposed to get a grip on the HGG tip?! Even rubber bands don’t work.)
4. Extend the RSVP inktube by ~1 cm. 5. Reattach the Comssa caps. Only the twisting one is shown in the picture, you can attach both.
Congratulations, you are not done. Chances are that it doesn’t work. Change the measurements and layer your tape differently. Even if you followed my instructions exactly, I probably did something subconsciously that I have not included in the tutorial.
Date: Wed, Nov 21 2012 19:33:03
this is so cool!
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2012 06:03:10
Cool Mod :)
Date: Fri, Dec 7 2012 14:01:27
whyi it is so light.. just wondering?
Date: Fri, Dec 7 2012 20:48:16
It looks cool!
Date: Sat, Dec 8 2012 03:29:09
@FingerNotPen: It is light because I didn't want to change the basic shape/looks of a metal comssa/DC Comssa. Metal and DC Comssas are light to begin with. :XD:
Date: Sat, Dec 8 2012 14:08:35
11g is too light almost like rsvp mx :/