Off-topic / Soundcloud!
Date: Mon, Nov 19 2012 23:30:01
I'm now on Soundcloud. Comments on the musics are greatly appreciated. : )
Date: Tue, Nov 20 2012 02:13:03
What do you use to compose on?
Date: Tue, Nov 20 2012 02:14:43
Awesome wrote: What do you use to compose on?
Half these pieces start on a piano or on my keyboard, but when I'm not composing using those, I'm using Reason (version 5 atm, but version 6 when I have more monies, perhaps at Christmas times *hopes*). -
Date: Tue, Nov 20 2012 02:55:37
Cool, I didn't know you compose. The strings in Song 6 sound really good. The style reminds me of Yanni. Piano Solo 4 sounds improvised and is very relaxing to listen to. Add me on Soundcloud, username is Tialys86.
Date: Tue, Nov 20 2012 03:05:23
Tialys wrote: Piano Solo 4 sounds improvised and is very relaxing to listen to. Add me on Soundcloud, username is Tialys86.
Most of the piano ones do come from improvisations. Improvising lovely melodies is the best thing to do on a piano! Adding you right now... :) -
Date: Tue, Nov 20 2012 04:01:52
Mats wrote: Half these pieces start on a piano or on my keyboard, but when I'm not composing using those, I'm using Reason (version 5 atm, but version 6 when I have more monies, perhaps at Christmas times *hopes*).
How do you like Reason's interface? I use Ableton but have heard good things about Cubase and FL Studio as well. -
Date: Tue, Nov 20 2012 04:10:05
Tialys wrote: How do you like Reason's interface? I use Ableton but have heard good things about Cubase and FL Studio as well.
A friend of mine swears by Ableton, but I really like Reason... It depends what you're making and what you're used to I guess. Reason suits me for what I do and I can use it well. The interface is fine, in fact, I think it's pretty simple and intuitive. FL Studio I don't know much about. Most people seem to like Logic, I would say that's the most popular choice. As for Cubase I have only seen used by Ferry Corsten. I have no idea how he uses that thing! We had to use it in college and I thought it was horrible. What are you using at the moment? -
Date: Tue, Nov 20 2012 23:09:06
Mats wrote: What are you using at the moment?
My current setup is Ableton Live 8.2.2 with an M-Audio Oxygen 61 as my MIDI controller. I've come to enjoy Ableton due to its simple interface. I actually don't use very many of the plug-ins included with the program. The help and tutorial section is superb, making Ableton very beginner-friendly. Wish it supported polyphonic aftertouch though. I tried Cubase once and the layout seemed confusing. -
Date: Mon, Nov 26 2012 00:50:42
I have started throwing up some music on Soundcloud. The style is euphoric trance. Comments and criticism are very much appreciated. : )
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2012 20:34:57
Mats wrote: I have started throwing up some music on Soundcloud. The style is euphoric trance. Comments and criticism are very much appreciated. : )
i guess its good? sounds up to par with other stuff of that type, but to me it all sounds the same lol not really qualified to comment -
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2012 21:13:30
Anyone who listens to music is qualified to comment! And thanks for the feedback @Zombo. It's invaluable to get feedback, because you hate and love your own music day to day...
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2012 21:51:56
hmm yeah i will often rewrite a section im not satisfied with of a song constantly lol ESPECIALLY for transitions, they're always tricky
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2012 21:56:53
Zombo wrote: hmm yeah i will often rewrite a section im not satisfied with of a song constantly lol ESPECIALLY for transitions, they're always tricky
I find transitions are really easy and natural. It's the chord sequences and melodies I'm always faffing about with. I guess everyone is different! It's amazing how many methods there are for composing and how people find different parts the hardest or easiest part! -
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2012 03:21:00
transitions are hard because you may be moving from one tempo to another, or one scale to another. there's always a break somewhere, which may annoy you
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2012 01:52:41
Zombo wrote: transitions are hard because you may be moving from one tempo to another, or one scale to another. there's always a break somewhere, which may annoy you
Most transitions I hear just create so much tension at the end of the rhythmic phrase they can just switch at the start of the new bar. Either the beat goes from eighths to sixteenths or the melody just goes up. After the tension is created any change is welcomed. I never hear true tempo switches; only a larger subdivision of the tempo already present. -
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 04:57:18
If anyone is still following, I put a ton of new shit up:
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 07:12:23
Awesome wrote: Most transitions I hear just create so much tension at the end of the rhythmic phrase they can just switch at the start of the new bar. Either the beat goes from eighths to sixteenths or the melody just goes up. After the tension is created any change is welcomed. I never hear true tempo switches; only a larger subdivision of the tempo already present.
true, but it doesn't ahve to be that way. i welcome innovative transitions check out this song by darkane. [video=youtube;-GlgnIpmaUU][/video] its not that great of a song, but i love the transition at 2:58. It's a totally different beat/rhythm, but they sneak in the opening riff unto the rhythm guitar and it progressively becomes the dominant riff, it sounds awesome. -
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 07:34:39
How about these transitions? 00:29 - Huge drop 00:57 - Insane transition - Change of everything - Tempo, feel etc 01:13 - Woah transition 02:11 - Woah! Love the piano in this piece. Great piece of music all round. Another great transition: 0:21 - Suddenly aggressive! 0:35 - Into immediate beauty.
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2012 00:15:31
What is everyone's perspective on composing? I find it nearly impossible to construct a melody. I start by playing around on the piano and what inevitably happens is that I play some notes that sound similar to something I've already heard. Then the remembered song gets stuck in my head instead. :pullhair: I suppose composing is something that takes a lot of practice and creative genius, along the lines of writing a compelling novel or drawing a captivating picture. My best ideas occur just as I'm about to drift off to sleep, at which point I have no inclination of getting out of bed and expanding on them. I listen to classical music and sometimes think the composers of that era had to be savants, in some sense, in order to create such masterpieces.
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2012 00:25:48
Tialys wrote: I start by playing around on the piano and what inevitably happens is that I play some notes that sound similar to something I've already heard. Then the remembered song gets stuck in my head instead. :pullhair:
Lol this is basically why I never compose anything. "Steal like an artist" is a great mindset though haha. I'm just not much of an artist. -
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2012 00:50:40
I've been making music for a while now but not actually released anything because I want my sounds to be on par with the pros before I release anything. Unfortunately I'm not the greatest at making the synths and basses and shit I want but I'm working on it. I'm using FL studio as my DAW with extra VSTs. Also, inb4 "FL studio is for noobs". Three of my favorite producers use it and make top quality music. Varien, Ephixa and Savant. Check them out. [video=youtube;n2doT97hax0][/video]
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2012 08:27:20
I still think almost everyone would say other programs are better than FL Studio, because they are more developed and versatile and a better all round package (though, they do cost more than FL Studio).
Date: Fri, Dec 7 2012 04:20:02
You should use whatever DAW you are comfortable with. Functionality can always be added through VSTs. Speaking of which, does anyone know where to find a good, realistic-sounding piano VST?
Date: Sat, Dec 8 2012 10:55:18
Tialys wrote: You should use whatever DAW you are comfortable with. Functionality can always be added through VSTs. Speaking of which, does anyone know where to find a good, realistic-sounding piano VST?
I'm searching out good pianos right now. Will let you know if I come across a good one in the next few days. -
Date: Sun, Dec 9 2012 01:46:16
I made a little melodic idea from this guy's piece. What do you think of it? The original piece is here: About six or so pieces down the page. It is called 'L'Empereur'.
Date: Sun, Dec 9 2012 02:50:44
I guess I'll put my music up as well.. LOL I make house and electro house music :) .. ohh and I use FL Studio for everything.. its a great DAW, very versatile ;) Feedback would be appreciated...
Date: Sun, Dec 9 2012 02:53:32
Native Instruments Komplete 8 has the best realistic sounding VSTs i know of.. but its suuuper expensive. Komplete 8 Ultimate is a must have for any serious producer... i wish I had money to get it tho LOL
Date: Sun, Dec 9 2012 03:12:41
When I have the available funds, I will be getting Reason Pianos methinks. They get good reviews and seem most useful as production pianos.
Date: Sun, Dec 9 2012 03:25:00
ohh thats cool... i checked out your music Mats.. you have some good stuff. Your sounds are nice and polished.. I'm more into big room synths but I liked it :)
Date: Sun, Dec 9 2012 03:25:19
All DAWs are good. I use Ableton right now. Personally, my fav VST is Sylenth. Here's my music.
Date: Sun, Dec 9 2012 03:28:52
Your dada life remix is not bad Vortechs
Date: Sun, Dec 9 2012 03:51:51
Thanks !!! I could have done better but my project file got corrupted and I couldn't open it anymore to change some stuff :(
Date: Sun, Dec 9 2012 03:57:10
Vortechs wrote: Thanks !!! I could have done better but my project file got corrupted and I couldn't open it anymore to change some stuff :(
Always make a new save when you save something. Do not save over an old version, but keep them instead. -
Date: Sun, Dec 9 2012 04:11:44
yeahh... I know now, you learn from your mistakes ...
Date: Sun, Dec 9 2012 16:08:54
Mats wrote: I'm searching out good pianos right now. Will let you know if I come across a good one in the next few days.
These are a couple of really good ones I've found, but they are very expensive: Right now I'm using Native Instrument's Akoustik Piano but it sounds too artificial. I'm also looking for a pipe organ VST if you know of any good ones. If only software were more affordable. <_< -
Date: Fri, Dec 14 2012 01:18:22
Mats wrote: I made a little melodic idea from this guy's piece. What do you think of it?
What piano VST are you using there? It sounds really good. As for the piece itself, I thought the opening - with the notes in the left hand - was well done. It reminded somewhat of Moonlight Sonata 1st Mvt, albeit sped-up. You might consider repeating the part of the theme from 0:13 to 0:27. I thought the melody took an interesting turn at 0:27, or is this the bridge? If so, it doesn't feel like the bridge has a conclusion. I thought a secondary theme was going to kick in at 0:41. But if this is an improvisation then I don't know if you'd necessarily be concerned with structure. Aside from the rhythm in the left hand, your version sounds distinct from the original. Overall, I think you have a good starting point. -
Date: Fri, Dec 14 2012 06:56:41
Tialys wrote: What piano VST are you using there? It sounds really good. As for the piece itself, I thought the opening - with the notes in the left hand - was well done. It reminded somewhat of Moonlight Sonata 1st Mvt, albeit sped-up. You might consider repeating the part of the theme from 0:13 to 0:27. I thought the melody took an interesting turn at 0:27, or is this the bridge? If so, it doesn't feel like the bridge has a conclusion. I thought a secondary theme was going to kick in at 0:41. But if this is an improvisation then I don't know if you'd necessarily be concerned with structure. Aside from the rhythm in the left hand, your version sounds distinct from the original. Overall, I think you have a good starting point.
Thanks, that's excellent feedback! I will be working on this piece more in the coming weeks. The piano is a built in one with Reason (5 metre concert grand), with a little reverb and an 8 band limiter on top of it, which has been slightly tweaked. -
Date: Fri, Dec 14 2012 16:04:44 Putting my keyboard to use finally.
Date: Sat, Dec 15 2012 23:28:38
@Mats: Do you mind if I download your music? Or should I pay?
Date: Mon, Dec 17 2012 22:36:00
hoiboy wrote: @Mats: Do you mind if I download your music? [B]Or should I pay?[/B]
You should know that Mats charges $500 a track. -
Date: Tue, Dec 18 2012 21:22:45
Working on a dubstep track. Here's a snippet of the buildup. Excuse the horrible mixing and whatnot at the moment, I'll get onto that after I've finished the full track.
Date: Wed, Dec 19 2012 22:11:19
hoiboy;238209]@Mats: Do you mind if I download your music? Or should I pay?[/QUOTE] Sure man, download them away. [QUOTE=Tialys wrote: You should know that Mats charges $500 a track.
haha -
Date: Sun, Jan 6 2013 02:16:14
@Mats check out the music for Hotline Miami, great music for a great indie game
Date: Sun, Jan 6 2013 02:42:54
Zombo wrote: @Mats check out the music for Hotline Miami, great music for a great indie game
Will do. Thanks. :) -
Date: Sun, Jan 6 2013 04:14:59
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2013 20:53:49
Made this FM bass from scratch. Not really sure about it :/ Also, excuse the horrible strings haha. Really need to get some good ones :p
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2013 22:55:59
Twine wrote: Made this FM bass from scratch. Not really sure about it :/ Also, excuse the horrible strings haha. Really need to get some good ones :p
You can often use some detuned synths with chorus + reverb + EQ boosting appropriate sections to good effect in place of strings. I won't comment on the bass, since I only have earphones or a laptop speaker to listen to it on today. -
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2013 23:09:05
Mats wrote: You can often use some detuned synths with chorus + reverb + EQ boosting appropriate sections to good effect in place of strings. I won't comment on the bass, since I only have earphones or a laptop speaker to listen to it on today.
Yeah I wanted more of an orchestral feel though than a house feel but the strings are not actually sampled, they're a sytrus stock preset which is why they already kind of sound electronic haha. -
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2013 01:17:13
Pretty sick bass. Mind voting for this, a contest my bro and I entered?
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2013 02:07:45
BictoryNoob wrote: Pretty sick bass. Mind voting for this, a contest my bro and I entered?
Holy shit, seriously good job. Voted. -
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2013 03:56:28
Thanks so much!
Date: Thu, Jan 24 2013 07:08:22
OMG @BictoryNoob i made a clarity remix too xD I'm not looking to win haha just need feedback :)
Date: Thu, Jan 24 2013 07:20:36
Also some feedback on my recent remix would be awesome too.. thanks !!! :)
Date: Fri, Jan 25 2013 01:40:48
@Vortechs Pretty nice intro man. Drops weren't amazing, no offence I hope. But yeah, i love the intro
Date: Fri, Jan 25 2013 03:06:19
aha thanks !!! none taken :) I think I would have done way better if I actually had the stems in the first place... haha I didn't know there was a competition so I only had a DIY acapella and piano sheet music xD
Date: Fri, Jan 25 2013 03:47:18
I broke my headphones AND my speakers this week, but at the weekend, I will replace them. Then I shall give you all feedback on your tracks. I'm looking forward to hearing them! :thumb:
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2013 01:48:57
hmmm the track I have been working on this month: Still not finished. But we're getting somewhere, I think. :S Aiming to finish this before February finishes. lol
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2013 02:15:41
Twine wrote: Yeah I wanted more of an orchestral feel though than a house feel but the strings are not actually sampled, they're a sytrus stock preset which is why they already kind of sound electronic haha.
Yo that bass. Have you tried making it into a dubstep style? Do you know how to do that? Try it if you know how. : ) -
Date: Wed, Jan 30 2013 17:09:43
A track I have worked on all month, pretty much finished!!! Later this evening, I'm going to take a listen through this thread at all the stuff I missed while I had no headphones... Looking forward to it. :thumb:
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2013 04:58:04
Sounding pretty nice Mats. I could imagine it being in a PS video
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2013 04:59:27
Also forgot to add this. My dubstep song i slowly making progress. Also yes I know, I'm pushing the kicks too hard :/ Each bass was made from scratch :D Also, finally got some good string samples lol
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2013 05:26:02
Twine wrote: Also forgot to add this. My dubstep song i slowly making progress. Also yes I know, I'm pushing the kicks too hard :/ Each bass was made from scratch :D Also, finally got some good string samples lol
Could you send me the stems of this track? If you wouldn't mind me having a little go at it, of course. Edit: Oh and it's sounding quite good so far. :thumb: Just think this in your mind when you think dubsteb - BASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS -
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2013 05:30:55
It uses a lot of sample packs for the drums, strings and atmosphere but you should be able to see whats going on in the bass fine. Also, don't judge my absolutely minimal mixing.
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2013 05:38:44
Twine wrote: It uses a lot of sample packs for the drums, strings and atmosphere but you should be able to see whats going on in the bass fine. Also, don't judge my absolutely minimal mixing.
This is a Fruity Loops file? I don't gots FL. I meant stems i.e. the bass, lead synth etc as a sound file. ;) meh DLing FL Studio free just to open your damn track. :P EDIT: Sample packs are gay. ;) -
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2013 05:44:39
Vortechs wrote: Also some feedback on my recent remix would be awesome too.. thanks !!! :)
Same problem. MORE BASS! BASS BASS BASS BASS BASS. @2:57 - The high frequency on that synth needs fixing. The piano sounds bad when it comes in. Use a synth for that part. -
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2013 05:48:42
Mats wrote: This is a Fruity Loops file? I don't gots FL. I meant stems i.e. the bass, lead synth etc as a sound file. ;) meh DLing FL Studio free just to open your damn track. :P EDIT: Sample packs are gay. ;)
Oh shit, sorry haha. I don't know how to export them each as a sound file :( -
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2013 05:52:54
@Twine - Here is my 'blow by blow' assessment as my friend calls it (I have a friend who is very good at electronic music who does this on my tracks). First synth (square wave high thing), is weak. It's like old video game music sound. It needs to be hmm. Have some low frequencies probably and another synth played alongside it. Not enough is going on here either. Put some glitches and shit. 0:15 - This bit hasn't got enough happening and the build up to the drop is almost nothing. Make the build up immense. It should make your brain fizzle like coke with menthols in, if you get what I mean. 0:56 - Strings - Replace with a big synth. Bass for the whole track - Okay, dubstep bass is well hard. You gotta go in there and automate the shit outta that bass and make it bigger. BASS (To do this, I have now listened to your track 6 times lol) I have very slow internet here, so it's going to be hours for FL to DL. Will probably take a look at this track waaaay late tonight or tomorrow...
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2013 07:14:00
Mats you are a scholar and a gentleman. Thank you for your opinion
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2013 07:22:43
Twine wrote: Mats you are a scholar and a gentleman. Thank you for your opinion
I'll show you musically what I mean when FL Studio finally finishes downloading... The joys of countryside internet. lol Oh and keep it up man! Making music is fantastic. I look forward to hearing more of your tracks and seeing your progress! Edit: WOOT!!! -
Date: Sat, Feb 2 2013 07:38:19
@Mats Thanks for the feedback !!! I'll remember for my next track... and nice song btw !!! I like the synth strings however i do prefer a bit punchier/bassier kick.. just my preference. I made another remix :D I know the highs need to be equed at the end half a bit and prob needs more bass haha but lemme know what u think.. thanks !!! :)
Date: Tue, Feb 5 2013 15:59:46
Mats wrote: Edit: WOOT!!!
Good stuff man, I enjoy trance as well as classical. Have you been composing trance since 2005 as well? How's the L'Empereur track going? I'm looking to post something up soon that I'd appreciate your opinion on. -
Date: Tue, Feb 5 2013 17:20:03
Tialys wrote: Good stuff man, I enjoy trance as well as classical. Have you been composing trance since 2005 as well? How's the L'Empereur track going? I'm looking to post something up soon that I'd appreciate your opinion on.
I've been composing trance since about 2009 and I haven't done any piano music this month. Thanks for reminding me! L'Empereur will have some work done this evening. Looking forward to hearing your piece. ^_^ -
Date: Fri, Feb 8 2013 07:02:28
Hey guyz !! Mind checking out my new remix?? I couldn't find the real acapella fer the song so the vocals are a tad muddy at times T_T ... Anyway, feedback would be nice and also how do u guys normally master ur tracks?? I i think my mastering is a bit off sometimes lol ... Thanks :)
Date: Fri, Feb 8 2013 10:39:28
Vortechs wrote: Hey guyz !! Mind checking out my new remix?? I couldn't find the real acapella fer the song so the vocals are a tad muddy at times T_T ... Anyway, feedback would be nice and also how do u guys normally master ur tracks?? I i think my mastering is a bit off sometimes lol ... Thanks :)
I just master in Reason, but that's not a good enough master for a commercial track. You really have to take things down to studio to get proper mastering done. Mastering is an art in itself. -
Date: Sun, Feb 10 2013 21:02:41
sup guyz... sorry fer bothering again. I feel like i post here too much xD I'm working on my first serious original track and need some feedback/suggestions... I was looking for an epic club banger feel so yeahh... Thanks !!! :)
Date: Sun, Feb 10 2013 21:18:15
Vortechs wrote: sup guyz... sorry fer bothering again. I feel like i post here too much xD I'm working on my first serious original track and need some feedback/suggestions... I was looking for an epic club banger feel so yeahh... Thanks !!! :)
No way man. You can't post here too much. My blow by blow analysis: Don't like this analogue feel synth at the start of the track. No suggestions on how I think you might be able to improve it sorry. Same for that square synth that comes in afterwards. It's so square and boring. Then some fairly good synths come in,but still with that annoying square... The noise sweeps are really good though! 1:16 Great! Apart from the claps. They sound out of place. Mess about with them a bit. Love the kick drum booming in and that lead is niiiiice. Dancey grime cool. Great noise sweep and then into a weird section that is pretty cool. Clap is weird again. Tweak it good. Quite like the dubstepesque bit after that. Good ending. I'm jealous of your noise sweeps man! :p @Tialys - When is your new piece coming on? -
Date: Sun, Feb 10 2013 23:27:27
@Mats Thanks man !! Quick question... which one is the annoying one lol... the first plucky synth(0:30) or the square after that(0:46) ??... and with the beginning bass i tried to do sorta a Deadmau5-Some Chords style but i guess some might find it a bit weird xD
Date: Mon, Feb 11 2013 20:44:25
Mats wrote: @Tialys - When is your new piece coming on?
Mats, I should clarify some things. I just started working with MIDI late 2012 and have probably not even logged 30 hours with Ableton yet. My goals are, in the following order: 1) Transcribe pieces: for ear training and to learn more about MIDI/DAW techniques to create a realistic-sounding virtual orchestra. 2) Create piano/string arrangements of songs. 3) Compose my own music. I'm still at #1, so everything I release at this stage are purely transcriptions. Here's one: The other one is "Cold Steel Coffin", which I'm making good progress on. Hopefully I can post it sometime this week. Cheers. Edit: Any way to embed the SC widget here? -
Date: Fri, Feb 15 2013 03:08:37
@Mats Aite, this is what I have so far. I'm nearly done as far as MIDI is concerned - I just need to add the drums. But how to add more realism and cohesiveness to the track? That is, instead of sounding like an ensemble, it sounds like a bunch of solo instruments playing simultaneously. Or does all this fall under mixing and mastering? Any other critiques?
Date: Fri, Feb 15 2013 04:51:45
To make more realism in the track (I'm talking about Nier - Grandma), the piano needs more depth, reverb, damper pedal and also, higher quality samples. I don't know how much more you can progress from the sound you have in MIDI. Percussion is very difficult. I have realized each separate drum is another instrument... Each one needs to be given its own special attention. Just realized... I thought you were working in Ableton and now these are MIDI, what's going on? lol I'll take a further listen shortly... Edit: I just remembered I arranged a piece for a panto in December and it's still on my Soundcloud, how useful! It's not great, as I only had a few days to do it in, but maybe it can help you out? (original track: This is what I did on each instrument: Glockenspiel - Added reverb, used varying velocities through out to get harsh/less harsh sounds. Strings - Used sampled strings and added a compressor and some reverb. Piano - Left as is, since the glock doubles it or nearly doubles it throughout at the high end and the strings fill out the middle, it doesn't need too much doing. Used varying velocities throughout. Pedaled throughout. Percussion (just an open hi-hat lol) - Cut the middle frequencies a little (they interfere with other instruments) and put a small amount of reverb on it. Double bass - Just a pizzicato bass with nothing done to it. Flute - Added a big amount of reverb. I am becoming a fan of flute + strings, with the flute having vast amounts of reverb on them. Don't know if that helps. :dunno: @Tialys
Date: Fri, Feb 15 2013 05:23:15
Vortechs wrote: @Mats Thanks man !! Quick question... which one is the annoying one lol... the first plucky synth(0:30) or the square after that(0:46) ??... and with the beginning bass i tried to do sorta a Deadmau5-Some Chords style but i guess some might find it a bit weird xD
Sorry, my internet has been too slow to listen to Soundcloud (or do almost anything) for a few days... The synth at 30 seconds just sounds too basic. It needs distorting or some other synths with it or something... At the moment, that is just a pure square? The square at 0:46 sounds just a little too much video game. The stuff going on at 1:20 are good synths. :thumb: -
Date: Fri, Feb 15 2013 16:40:27
Mats;247892]To make more realism in the track (I'm talking about Nier - Grandma), the piano needs more depth, reverb, damper pedal and also, higher quality samples. I don't know how much more you can progress from the sound you have in MIDI. Percussion is very difficult. I have realized each separate drum is another instrument... Each one needs to be given its own special attention. Just realized... I thought you were working in Ableton and now these are MIDI, what's going on? lol[/QUOTE]Ableton is the DAW where I'm inputting the MIDI notes. I do have some reverb on the piano in Grandma:
Of course it helps! Any advice and constructive criticism help a lot.Have not tried tweaking the damper pedal yet. Like you said, I probably need to look into another sample library. I was impressed by the piano you used in L'Empereur, which I hope you're able to finish up. Pls give Cold Steel Coffin a listen too, when you have faster internet. [QUOTE=Mats;247892]Edit: I just remembered I arranged a piece for a panto in December and it's still on my Soundcloud, how useful! It's not great, as I only had a few days to do it in, but maybe it can help you out? (original track:[/QUOTE] The link doesn't work. Do you have the track on private? [QUOTE=Mats wrote: Don't know if that helps. :dunno
Date: Fri, Feb 15 2013 18:26:34
Tialys wrote: Ableton is the DAW where I'm inputting the MIDI notes. I do have some reverb on the piano in Grandma: Have not tried tweaking the damper pedal yet. Like you said, I probably need to look into another sample library. I was impressed by the piano you used in L'Empereur, which I hope you're able to finish up.
Are there other reverb modules you can add for more reverb options? L'Empereur will be finished... Sometime. I keep looking at it and the harmony is very complex and the melody is all over the place and I just sit looking confused for a while then give up. One day, an idea will come...Pls give Cold Steel Coffin a listen too, when you have faster internet.
I'll listen tonight. Internet is looking reasonable!The link doesn't work. Do you have the track on private?
It should work if you have the link. Private means it won't show up on my profile i.e. Is only accessible via the link: :dunno: I put it on private in case Soundcloud try to remove my account for copyright infringement. The panto payed the license fee to use the piece, but I guess Soundcloud would just assume immediate infringement and I don't feel like losing my account over a random track for a panto. :lol: -
Date: Sat, Feb 16 2013 00:11:06
Thanks for the feedback @Mats !! I finished the whole track btw... i tried changing things up a bit but i couldn't find a clap that fit just right... lol anyway I think its a solid first track fer me :) I'll try to work on some better pluck synths for the future ;)
Date: Sat, Feb 16 2013 23:44:25
@Vortechs - Yeah this is a very solid first track!!! What an amazing start! I started on this today... Not my usual style. I'm not really digging the sound of it. Should I even continue with it? I have a feeling this one is just terrible. lol
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 00:23:13
epic first track! @Vortechs
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 00:31:46
Thanks so much @LightSpinner !!! :D Mats.. I really like the groove of that track. I think it has potential to be a huuge song but maybe that's just my style lol ... I kinda like it tho haha.. just needs some tweaking like maybe layer some more different synths with the lead :)
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 02:16:01
im working on a remix of Zedd - Spectrum right now as my debut to soundcloud. Im approximately 15% done, and if you want to listen to it the link is here. Also help me think of a soundcloud username hopefully something short rememberable and if you want extra points, it relates to "Light" 34 MB
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 02:24:55
I know this isn't about SoundCloud but the livestream for Armin Van Buuren's ASOT 600 - Mexico City is on right now !!! Soo excited for it ... LOL! and LightSpinner I'll check it out :)
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 02:36:00
Vortechs wrote: I know this isn't about SoundCloud but the livestream for Armin Van Buuren's ASOT 600 - Mexico City is on right now !!! Soo excited for it ... LOL! and LightSpinner I'll check it out :)
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 02:59:37
LOOOL .. 1 min to go yesssss :)
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 03:03:52
AWESOME START. For me and you Vortechs, this is a good lesson. ;)
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 03:10:04
Mats wrote: AWESOME START. For me and you Vortechs, this is a good lesson. ;)
HAHA yeeep !!! -
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2013 20:16:39
Just started this song yesterday... not sure where I wanna take it lol. Is the melody even that good or should it be improved ?
Date: Mon, Feb 18 2013 01:47:53
hows my remix? @Vortechs
Date: Mon, Feb 18 2013 02:13:56
You remix is nice !! I like the intro a lot. The vocals don't seem to be in time with the beat tho... they kinda drift in and out of time.. also the lead could use some more layers or eq-ing to it cuz it is a little harsh by itself ;) Good start tho !!! :D
Date: Mon, Feb 18 2013 08:14:01
Vortechs wrote: Just started this song yesterday... not sure where I wanna take it lol. Is the melody even that good or should it be improved ?
I could totally hear some syncopated claps about to come in... And then it ended. lol Yeah see what happens with this one! -
Date: Tue, Feb 19 2013 00:17:33
Date: Wed, Feb 20 2013 07:35:12
HAHA... It's funky but cool lol. Sounds like it would be good for like a chill warm up set or something xD
Date: Fri, Mar 1 2013 03:12:26 heres a draft of my song. i dont know how to continue o_O and i also played the main melody in the drop one time too many.
Date: Fri, Mar 1 2013 03:35:57
Thatfirst 16 seconds is absolutely magical. Like, super good.
Date: Fri, Mar 8 2013 08:45:14
I'm working on a new remix ! :D I'm not sure whether to go with a more progressive house feel and finish it with the chords being the chrous oorrr build up to some electro bass part.. wut do u guys think ??
Date: Sat, Mar 9 2013 10:45:27
The latest thing I am working on. I've never done something in this style before, so thoughts are doubly appreciated. ^^ @LightSpinner - From the beginning that you have gone for, I think you have absolutely no choice but to make the tune a big room belter. Make it massive. I would consider massive to be something like: @3:56 - @1:59 - @1:05 - I realize they are a slightly different style, but this is just what massive is. If you can get in that direction, I think you will have a good remix on your hands. Just my two cents though. Take it or leave it; do your own thing man. : ) This post took so long to write cos I just had to be listening to those tracks I quoted parts from to give examples... Soooooooooooooooooooo good. lol
Date: Sun, Mar 10 2013 03:10:24
Thanks for the feedback.. i think ima go with the house feel haha. Nice track too !!! LOL I was thinking W&W and then i read the description xD Definitely has that W&W- Moscow feel to it. I like it :D I think the intro lead at 0:56 would be nice if it was a little cleaner. Noisy/aggressive and pleasant at the same time ;) also i usually prefer the chords and melody to be a bit louder.. but maybe that's just me lol great stuff :D EDIT: Finished the remix btw !! I think I'm starting to develop a style haha :) Does anyone look at the waveform of their tracks to check on their mastering?? I always put my finished songs into something like Traktor or audacity to make sure it looks "pro" LOL idk, its a habit of mine.
Date: Sun, Mar 10 2013 14:32:29
@Vortechs - I have a dance track me and a friend of mine did, that I would very much like to see a remix of. Do you fancy remixing it? And if you do, what do you need to remix it? Just a selection of stems? I like your remix of Bourke Vegas. :thumb: Thanks for the feedback on Amphetamine too. :)
Date: Sun, Mar 10 2013 16:20:38
@Vortechs (netherlands cats is amazing)
Date: Sun, Mar 10 2013 18:03:52
@LightSpinner Thanks !!!
Date: Sun, Mar 10 2013 21:54:58
Vortechs wrote: Also send me the track, I'd love to listen to it first :)
Take a listen and see if you want to remix it still. I'll ask the other guy who I did the track with if it's okay for you to remix it. I'm sure he will have no problem with that. : ) I basically kind of love some of the sounds in the track, but the track as a whole, I don't like. lol -
Date: Mon, Mar 11 2013 04:47:32
@Mats umm is the link broken?? or is the track private lol its not working for me
Date: Mon, Mar 11 2013 04:49:21
Vortechs wrote: @Mats umm is the link broken?? or is the track private lol its not working for me
Fixed the link. :facepalm: -
Date: Wed, Mar 13 2013 05:07:37
Mats wrote: I'm now on Soundcloud. Comments on the musics are greatly appreciated. : )
Amazing !! -
Date: Thu, Mar 14 2013 06:14:35
I had this idea for a mashup bubblin around in my head all day so i made it !! :D Its not on soundcloud cuz of copyright lol :/ [video=youtube;6vaRvRIYsRA][/video] Used some massive club bangers xD @Mats .. idk if i could remix your song lol... idk i keep thinking dubstep would work well with that lead but i suck at making it LOL
Date: Sun, Mar 17 2013 13:16:13
This track feels like it's getting a bit much lol. Not finished and it's a weird track. I don't know what to make of it now. :rolleyes:
Date: Mon, Mar 18 2013 07:02:10
yahh.. sorta in the middle the melodies sorta get lost :/ ... maybe stick with one melody at a time so there's not too much goin on at one time. LOL kinda confused right now xD But the song is good !!
Date: Sun, Mar 24 2013 04:38:20
A new track I am making with Karyn Roberts - Put speaker volume to 100% before playing it. ;) A pretty much final version of this uplifter. Feedback, as always, much appreciated! I listened to your mashup Vortechs, but tbh, I don't really know the original tracks very well. The mash up sounded
finereally good though. :thumb: -
Date: Mon, Mar 25 2013 04:14:02
OMG guyyyzzz... tomorrow is my first DJ gig at my school !!! So excited .. I'll upload a vid after :D
Me prepin earlier today xD
Date: Mon, Mar 25 2013 20:39:47
Date: Wed, Mar 27 2013 03:27:47
[video=youtube;y0aQ6wYMthc][/video] Here ya go guys !! LOL, no crowd but everyone was eating lunch anyway xD. And don't mind my awkwardness on stage HAHA :P
Date: Wed, Mar 27 2013 04:52:40
I started a new song !!! Do you guys think it sounds too "commercial" idk how to fix it :O
Date: Sun, Mar 31 2013 22:00:14
Decided to make Dubstep this time :) Feedback is welcome...
Date: Mon, Apr 1 2013 07:52:00
Vortechs you're seriously cool and I hope you get famous. Imma tour the world with you one day dude. About your dubstep song (don't take anything I say offensively.. Trying to be constructive.) It felt a bit empty. There weren't really enough things happening. BUT I did love that bass at the drop. How did you make it? Also, were you nervous before doing your first set? Did you have a playlist all ready or did you just do it off the top of your head? Also damn, that DJ deck is pretty pricey lol Now a bit about myself. I've been getting way more into producing now so hopefully I'll pump out some tunes some time soon. Also, I finally got a job so now I have $150 a week. Only 2 more weeks and I can get my KRK rokit 6's. Also I'm building a home studio from scratch that should take approx 3 - 4 months to save up for (buying fl studio, massive and sylenth legit). pretty excited.
Date: Mon, Apr 1 2013 17:09:49
@Twine aha thanks , hopefully I will :D and yeah... I tend to fail at making dubstep exciting. I'll try to add more synths and stuff next time cuz I plan to make a complextro track soon. About the bass drop.. I used a couple of things layered on top of each other: - A synth saw that plays a strong chord. - A grimey wobble sound that is set for two bars - A Sub-bass kick drum - A noise impact - White noise - Kick drum ^^ so yeahh thats all lol annndd Yeah I was pretty nervous xD.. my first set I had a playlist since I made a whole bunch of mashups and edits before I played. haha yeah its pret expensive. But its really awesome u actually have a job. I only produce with my comp and cheap computer speakers xDD Hope to see listen to ur music soon :)
Date: Tue, Apr 2 2013 01:49:09
Ahh awesome! I'm looking forward to your complextro track! I don't have any DJ equipment yet but damn... I think I would be sooo nervous! I'm assuming they gave you speakers t use? :p
Date: Tue, Apr 2 2013 02:18:52
aha kewwl.. LOL my physics teacher owns a band and he lent me his PA system and mixing board :D ohh btw .. made a new mashup. its pretty simple but it works xD [video=youtube;SeVeiKp1IaQ][/video] Soundcloud dl link is in the description ;)
Date: Wed, Apr 3 2013 05:37:49
so yeahhh... I tried my best but WOW is complextro difficult to make :O it came out more houseish than dubstep haha.. feedback would be kewwl thanks :D
Date: Wed, Apr 3 2013 09:49:57
Yeah I think the hardest thing about complextro is to get sounds which all work really well together. I think you did pretty well but to be honest, I'm more amazed at how fast you made this! Insane. How many hours did you spend on it?
Date: Wed, Apr 3 2013 16:48:20
LOL thanks !! umm well I started at like 10 am yesterday and finished it around 9 pm with long breaks in between HAHA ... so maybe around 5-7 hours. Once i get the chords and melody down everything goes super fast after that xD
Date: Thu, Apr 4 2013 21:14:25
I knew i wanted to make something really emotional and awesome... here's what I have started :) Still needs a huge amount of work but this is just the beginning :D Be sure to listen with alooot of bass to get the full effect ^_^ Edit: Soo yeahh.. i finished the track sorta... putting on the finishing touches... and suggestions ?? is it ready to release ?? idk LOL
Date: Sun, Apr 7 2013 02:35:41
Soo yeahh.. i finished the track :) Check it out, feedback plz..
Date: Sat, Apr 27 2013 23:17:22
Currently working on an uplifting trance track: @Vortechs - Unfortunately, I haven't got my decent headphones to listen to your track on. :'( But I took a listen on my friend's headphones and yeah even on these headphones, that track has got some dope sounds in! :thumb:
Date: Sun, May 12 2013 17:05:12
Nice man !! I like it. haha yeahh... the track has alot of bass to it but thanks ! btw.. I finished my One Republic remix :)
Date: Mon, May 27 2013 18:05:23
New remix guys.... decided to go for a really dirty drum n bass track. Hope ya'll like it :)
Date: Tue, May 28 2013 08:15:50
Vortechs wrote: New remix guys.... decided to go for a really dirty drum n bass track. Hope ya'll like it :)
Yeah it seems pretty cool. : ) Are you doing anymore performing anytime soon? -
Date: Fri, Jun 7 2013 08:22:38
So I made this track. Unfortunately, it had to be loaded to Youtube (sorry if it destroyed the sound quality) as Soundcloud doesn't seem to let me upload anymore. :rolleyes: Feedback appreciated!
Date: Tue, Jun 11 2013 06:28:32
Thanks !! I don't have any gigs soon but after summer I'll be doing a bunch ;) I like ur track btw !! Love the dreamy synth lead :D
Date: Sat, Jul 6 2013 15:56:54
Is it possible to embed the Soundcloud widget/player in posts?
Date: Mon, Jul 15 2013 06:01:34
I tried and it didn't work :( oh yah so i'm challenging myself to make a new track ever week so i can get better at producing and possible get somewhere with my music :) My blog where I will keep my progress: My new track i just finished :D
Date: Tue, Jul 23 2013 22:05:57
@Vortechs I like it man. Pretty cool sound and intro chord progression was really nice! Anyway, my setup:
Computer: Intel I7 3770k 3.5ghz quad hyperthreaded 16gb ram FL studio and all plugins are on SSD while samples are on HDD. Things a beast.
Date: Wed, Jul 24 2013 12:51:55
Nice setup. The Rokit 6's are a good choice.
Date: Tue, Jul 30 2013 16:57:52
@Twine damn that setup is sexy af !!! :o LOL here is my setup: Computer: i7 2600 3.6 Ghz 16 Gb RAM FL Studio 10 and yeah... thats it D: , no monitor speakers(i use cheap comp speakers and headphones) and no keyboard HAHA i need to get some real speakers :( __________________ update on le musicz: I've been workin my arse off on music so I have quite a few tracks. 2 original and 2 remixes ;) Originals: Remixes: Krewella - Lana Del Rey -
Date: Mon, Sep 16 2013 08:23:38
So I know this is kinda dead but I made a dubstep track with a pulsing pad if anyone wants a listen? ;-; @Vortechs
Date: Mon, Sep 30 2013 00:05:44
oh, i just saw this :( the link is broken ~
Date: Mon, Sep 30 2013 00:08:05
hey, btw maybe we should make a Music Producer thread where we can share all types of music/equipment setups/producer tips etc... since this one is sorta dying.
Date: Mon, Sep 30 2013 01:12:57
Vortechs wrote: hey, btw maybe we should make a Music Producer thread where we can share all types of music/equipment setups/producer tips etc... since this one is sorta dying.
Ahhh. That's because I changed my name when I found someone else had it lol. It's kinda lame though. And yeah maybe we should -
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2014 09:18:52
No one comes here anymore but if someone sees this, it would mean the world to me if you could listen and give feedback. [video=youtube;NZEx9g7Zlic][/video]
Date: Tue, Mar 11 2014 06:07:37
@Twine this is an awesome track!! Really good movement just maybe work on the mastering as I think those chord synths can be brightened up. Overall i think is a great track and definitely not too far from one a record label might like. great work, keep it up!
Date: Tue, Mar 11 2014 06:12:14
What i've been up to lately :) feeback is much appreciated as well! Tritonal & Paris Blohm ft Sterling Fox - Colors [Aquathyst REMIX] Aquathyst - In This Moment (Original MIX) Syn Cole - "Miami 82" [Aquathyst REMIX]
Date: Wed, Jul 23 2014 06:58:59
I'm pretty late to the party (like really late), but I'm on SoundCloud too! I play hard rock/metal for the most part and write all my own stuff, but I veer away from that occasionally. My mixing is shit though, and mastering is nonexistent, so apologies there. Any feedback would be great!
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2014 21:29:06
*casually bumps the thread* I would really appreciate if you guys took a minute to listen to my work :3 I produce EDM: :D