Pen Brands Discussion / original modrod thread (closed nov 2012)
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 04:10:43
[B][COLOR="magenta"]iBox[/COLOR][/B] [SPOILER="Additional info plus photos"]
[COLOR="magenta"]Website Update[/COLOR]: moved from to Currently being optimized by our one and only iColor. :-) [COLOR="magenta"]Product Launch Update[/COLOR]: modrod Grips and Barrel available for purchase only on PenWish. [COLOR="magenta"]modrod "GET A GRIP" contest update[/COLOR] modrod Grips and Barrels are going to go on sale starting Jan 31st, 2012. modrod "GET A GRIP!" contest will run from March 1st to April 15th. [COLOR="lime"] [B]**Note regarding future grip colors**[/B]"[/COLOR]Spoiler
When the modrod pen was posted on the UPSB a few years ago, the mod was HEAVILY criticised (and rightly so!) for it's lack of serious attention to the grip design. For that reason, modrod has decided to be the first company to make grips especially designed for pen spinning. This is the first glimpse of the design. Please post all feedback here on this thread, as we are trying to decide two things: #1. What colors are the most desireable. #2. Should we even have these made in the first place. Please feel free to post your opinions, as they certianly matter!!! modrod-cris [COLOR="magenta"]**UPDATE**[/COLOR] Thank you for all of your feedback. We did, in fact, move forward with the grips, and now have four colors in stock: Sky Blue, Pink, Apple Green, Orange.EXAMPLE Photos of the grips in use. We ARE NOT selling these mods. They are just EXAMPLES from a weak modder like me. :-) Zebra Tipped modrod DS
This is a photo of the method I used to put Zebra Tips on the new barrel.
Here are two photos of clear modrod grips. These are not in stock at this time.
Also, we decided to make a custom barrel made to be light, but strong. Should not crack easily, dispite a very thin wall. This (in theory, lol) should make for some good physics. Now, the body was intentionally made long. It can be cut very easily. Heck, you can even use scissors, but I do not recommend it since it's just not a square cut. The wall thickness is about as thin as it gets. This should make inserts really stand out, because of increased surface area. Now, bear in mind that other than the Zebra Tipped DS I posted, this barrel really has not been explored, thus I am expecting to see many other ways to apply tip and/or caps, or whatever else. It's unwritten. :-) Here are the barrel's measurements: Barrel lenght = 175mm Barrel Weight= 5.5g Outer Diameter=10.2mm Inner Diameter=8.4mm Average Wall thickness=0.9mm Sexy, huh? lol
We have been receiving a lot of requests for different grip colors - especially black and white. We really appreciate the feedback, and hope that it will continue. Please send all requests via PM. We are compiling a list of requested colors, and beginning the process to acquire new colors in the order of preference. Please be very patient during this process, because it is just that - a process. There are several steps that must be taken to actually make it happen. Unfortunately, it can be very time consuming so please be patient as we try to stock more colors. Also please submit via PM any requested changes that you would like to see in the grip. The changes have to be minor in scope, for example: hardness, groove depth, wall thickness, etc. We REALLY appreciate your feedback, and we hear your voice. We sincerely want to deliver to you the best materials for you to make the mods that you envision. Please support our effort by the patronage of our products. Thanks and Happy Spinning!!! -
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 04:17:06
#1. For the colours, you should follow the 'criteria' that we have for all mods we make. Colours that contrast well with each other, colours that look well together and are appealing. #2. There is always room for improvement, maybe the grip can be altered in away that can be used on many future + present mods.
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 04:23:12
Im a noob in the grand scheme of things, so post a pic of the original modrod.
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 04:33:59
Photo #1: Transparent modrod Grip with Grooves
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 04:37:34
Photo #2: Transparent modrod Grip with out grooves.
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 04:38:13
How does the grip feel?
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 04:40:58
modrod-cris wrote: Photo #2: Transparent modrod Grip with out grooves.
I meant post one of the entire mod. Sorry for not being clear. -
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 04:41:09
Photo #3: Photo of Zebra Tipped modrod DS and old eVo with modrod Grip on Tip only.
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 04:42:31
eehnat wrote: How does the grip feel?
Like a Dr Grip. -
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 04:43:06
modrod-cris wrote: Photo #3: Photo of Zebra Tipped modrod DS and old eVo with modrod Grip on Tip only.
I hate to break it to you, but its not that attractive of a mod. If you had to make it, use unringed grips and smaller tips like the one in the 2nd mod(bottom one) -
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 04:43:38
What's a modrod?
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 04:44:15
grooves have less aesthetic appeal, so i prefer the grooved ones in a solid color
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 04:45:01
Photo #4. eVo modded with Red Grooved modrod Grips.
BTW - Grips turned out kinda a rose color that I really don't like too much.
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 04:51:21
Again, you won't create a mod that makes everyone happy. it was more that you didn't listen to feedback and most spinners felt alienated. Also PSH people and pendolsa has had custom made just for modding for years so saying first company is a bit off. 1.)any color will work. orange-lg, red-black, sb-pink. You have to have younger mentality. Colors that looks good to you do not really appeal to young people. 2.)yes For the grips, having the modrod on the grip detracts from the grip. unless it is consistent around the grip it leaves some parts of the grip rougher than other. you would have been better off not having that there
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 04:52:17
hoiboy wrote: grooves have less aesthetic appeal, so i prefer the grooved ones in a solid color
may be true, but with grooves it's much easier to make cuts - especially if you want to mix colors. but yeah, all colors will have both grooved and ungrooved. What colors do you like? -
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 04:56:21
PenwisH wrote: Again, you won't create a mod that makes everyone happy. it was more that you didn't listen to feedback and most spinners felt alienated. Also PSH people and pendolsa has had custom made just for modding for years so saying first company is a bit off. 1.)any color will work. orange-lg, red-black, sb-pink. You have to have younger mentality. Colors that looks good to you do not really appeal to young people. 2.)yes For the grips, having the modrod on the grip detracts from the grip. unless it is consistent around the grip it leaves some parts of the grip rougher than other. you would have been better off not having that there
Hey penwish, the pens are not for sale - it was just for demo purposes for the grips. re "modrod" - it's only on one side so modders can choose to leave it off. The modrod grip is symetrical, so you can use either side. re "first to make grips" - can you name another grip that is especially manufactured for the express purpose of modding? All the grips I can think of are scavanged off of other pens. -
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 05:09:23
the whole point of modding and pen spinning is scavenging pen parts to create a work of art. The dr.grip grip sub by PDS is custom made, there are broad like grips on chinese board that are made for spinning. Anyballs, sailors, dr.grip grips are "scavanged" from pens but they will probably be better than anything we create. pen spinnining connects the world. People talk to other people around the world, make friends, trade pens, even travel across the world to hang out so getting parts from the pens is a big and important part of psing.
modrod-cris wrote: Hey penwish, the pens are not for sale - it was just for demo purposes for the grips. re "modrod" - it's only on one side so modders can choose to leave it off. The modrod grip is symetrical, so you can use either side. re "first to make grips" - can you name another grip that is especially manufactured for the express purpose of modding? All the grips I can think of are scavanged off of other pens.
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 05:36:07
You should try using the ungrooved grips on that top mod. Or get grooves that are wider kind of like tornado grips. held a contest a while back. A lot of very good modders participated. Maybe you should try to get ideas from the entries.
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 06:23:09
its like Dr.Grip sub
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 08:51:29
^yeah i agree
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 13:19:16
PenwisH wrote: the whole point of modding and pen spinning is scavenging pen parts to create a work of art. The dr.grip grip sub by PDS is custom made, there are broad like grips on chinese board that are made for spinning. Anyballs, sailors, dr.grip grips are "scavanged" from pens but they will probably be better than anything we create. pen spinnining connects the world. People talk to other people around the world, make friends, trade pens, even travel across the world to hang out so getting parts from the pens is a big and important part of psing.
That's fucking deep bro. BTW id like a clear, yellow(flouro if possible) and lime green version of the grip. Is it made with silicone just like a dr grip grip? -
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 13:42:25
TBH, what i loved most from when you were selling Modrods were your glow in the dark rings. They were the coolest things ever. :rofl:
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 16:21:47
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 16:22:37
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 16:23:14
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 17:49:32
Date: Mon, Sep 26 2011 21:49:11
You could just edit your previous post you know...? Frog~
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 02:53:25
I've been waiting for a year and a half on UPSB and on your youtube channel (which I just noticed your last visit was quite a while back) for some news on the modrod .___. I also think that it should be customizable. Like a stripped-down modrod for those that want to create their own, or a modrod pre-loaded with a design+grips.
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 03:20:04
Hey MystiKSun, sorry for the long wait. Soon as I get the grips from the factory I plan on doing another contest here on the UPSB. Thing is this time, all you have to do is use modrod grips. You can use any type of mod you want. Will probably have three winners: Best Original Mod, Best Classic Mod, and Best Modder. Three cash prizes with three different winners. cris
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 03:28:56
modrod-cris wrote:
this is actually a pretty sexy look for the modrod. -
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 03:30:44
edit Frog~
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 03:39:34
What are the stats for a mod rod? Length, weight, etc.
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 03:42:31
That depends on how you mod it :P Frog~
MickChickenn wrote: What are the stats for a mod rod? Length, weight, etc.
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 03:45:17
FrogPrinceXD wrote: That depends on how you mod it :P Frog~
I see. As I said before, I came in to Psing AFTER the modrod, so this is all new to me. Before this, I had heard the term modrod, but never actually seen one. -
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 03:48:43
well modrod is just a long barrel with IRT tip and bic click stic part at the back (+ extended ink tube) the main feature is that the everything is literally one piece.. like the extended barrel.. so parts dont fly around etc.. and its just.. adding grips combination and insert to create a pro looking mod. p.s. the modrod dr.grip sub grip is new IIRC.
MickChickenn wrote: I see. As I said before, I came in to Psing AFTER the modrod, so this is all new to me. Before this, I had heard the term modrod, but never actually seen one.
@modrod-cris lol i totally missed out that u're asking for color choice in grips.. so i shall contribute >=D fluro yellow, fluro pink, fluro lime green, white, black, clear and should u make them? dunno.. never get to "feel" them.... Frog~ -
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 03:50:12
FrogPrinceXD wrote: well modrod is just a long barrel with IRT tip and bic click stic part at the back (+ extended ink tube) the main feature is that the everything is literally one piece.. like the extended barrel.. so parts dont fly around etc.. and its just.. adding grips combination and insert to create a pro looking mod. Frog~ p.s. the modrod dr.grip sub grip is new IIRC.
hence the "rod" part of modrod. -
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 03:53:04
those modrods look fucking sexy
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 05:53:14
Send me a modrod and some grips and I'll do a promoting day session for you ;)
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 08:27:51
Good to see you're back. But, as a friend, what needs to happen is that the body needs to taper outward toward the front and back (which the part it leads into is thinner) so distance from the barrel to the grip doesn't feel on a different level. That would also solve the weight distribution issues you were having in the past. Now, in terms of color combos. The following are the standards for most spinners. Red and Sky blue Pink and Sky Blue Orange and Light Green Black and Yellow Red and Black Red, black, and white Lime Green and Black All White All Black My advice would be to use stripes of color sparingly as they are used to accent the pen or add a spinning effect. If you use too many, it blurs together and it loses it's aesthetic spinning appeal. Hope that helps. Regards, iMatt
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 16:07:34
As for the colours, stick with the popular ones. • Fluorescent yellow • " green • " orange • " pink • Normal orange • Black • White (people will be all over you if you get white) • A somewhat deep-toned skyblue (refer to Colortwins) And you're not the first to make custom grips, as Penwish stated.. Shoot, Penwish gets his grips custom made, as well as pen tips. His HGG substitute is custom made for him, as are his gold Dr.Grip tips, and his Sailor Gel grips. HOWEVER..the first company to design and have them manufactured, that's another story. And while the grips are cool..what you should've done is redesign your clicker mechanism..let's face it, it's a little..ugly. Just saying :p
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 18:18:49
Is there any way to make them less slippery? IIRC one of the main complaints was that they were too slippery last time.
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 18:53:45
woah that's why my PW sailor looks different from the real sailor. real sailor is out of stock or something? i like sky blue and light pink. light green and orange. I would say make different type of length and width of grip. EX: different barrel like g3 and rsvp need diffrerent size and length. Transparent or semi-transparent. Thickness of the grip.
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 20:34:23
Hey Hoiboy, funny you should ask. Was just about to post a photo of the new modrod barrel. Much lighter and thin walled than the first one. That makes it less slick and heavy because the durometer (hardness) is MUCH smaller.
Here is a mod made with that barrel.
Here is a screw off zebra tip that is on the mod. Very easy to do. Think we were the first to discover it.
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 20:46:42
modrod-cris wrote: Hey Hoiboy, funny you should ask. Was just about to post a photo of the new modrod barrel. Much lighter and thin walled than the first one. That makes it less slick and heavy because the durometer (hardness) is MUCH smaller. Here is a mod made with that barrel. Here is a screw off zebra tip that is on the mod. Very easy to do. Think we were the first to discover it. Here is the barrel only.
wah!!!! where can i get that barrel? I have f-402 but don't know what to do with it. now is the perfect chance!! -
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 20:47:42
Looks like the Zebra F402 pen tip? EDIT: Whoaa..nice going Gee, we both recognized it. And he hasnt had em in production yet, apparently its the demo version
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 21:18:25
Thanks for your all your comments. re "clicker" - AGREE ON THE CLICKER!!!!! The old eVo is just a prototype that is no longer in production. I have about 7 or 8 left and that is all. Hopefully we will be blessed with the opportunity to do another pen, and do it right. Till then we have decided to design mod parts, and see where that takes us. cris
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 21:44:26
i find the tip a bit too "tall" for my taste... any chance there will be different tips to choose from? i prefer the standard tip sizes (signo, hgg, htc.. etc) Frog~
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 21:50:52
GeeGeeGee wrote: wah!!!! where can i get that barrel? I have f-402 but don't know what to do with it. now is the perfect chance!!
Only through . May be a few days before they are for sale. Also thinking about doing a quick contest using that barrel. re f-402 - GREAT tip. LOTS of weight. To use the threads, all you need to do is remove the metal sleeve from the pen so that you have the plastic tube left - its the one with the threads. Then get some scissors and work it around the barrel so that you can cut it about 1/2 inch from the end of the threads. Then just screw that piece back on the tip. Now just place it inside of the barrel (new modrod barrel will work, and so will G2 barrel. That means it's now a little easier to make a Firefly.). Either glue it in. or for better effect, size an insert so that it's just the right amount of paper (which is what you see in the photo). Now you have a removable tip. There you have it. Zebra tipped ala the "modrod method". :-) -
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 21:57:53
Thats actually very genius. Never heard of anything like that before.
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 22:20:58
I think that PW should sell em :trollface: Kidding.Very great idea.but,i think that you should make the Grips look more like a Dr. grip and a Tornado grip.
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 22:21:42
re "different tips" - not real sure. Have only worked with those new barrels just a bit. I figure that once the real modders get a hold of it, they will find several different tips that work - at least that's my hope! :-)
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 22:26:07
Thank you!!! Think I was overdue for something actually useful..! :-)
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 23:25:55
How about the size of the barrels compared to Comssa, ACs, Miffys, etc?
Date: Wed, Sep 28 2011 01:10:07
Just a little wider than a miffy. A G3 cap fits on it perfectly - which makes it a tad wider than a G3 body.
Date: Wed, Sep 28 2011 01:12:24
tat will be quite thick. i think comssa size would be nice. @modrod-cris Please let us send cash to you by mail when you are selling them because that would make sale much easier as some of us dont have Paypal.
Date: Wed, Sep 28 2011 07:04:31
Can som1 post a pic of the original modrod?
Date: Wed, Sep 28 2011 07:30:25
lol is google that hard to use?
hoyeesuan wrote: Can som1 post a pic of the original modrod?
Date: Wed, Sep 28 2011 19:17:45
Thanks Krispy Kreme. Should be able to get some of those on Penwish soon.
Date: Wed, Sep 28 2011 19:23:14
@modrod-cris don't doublepost please
Date: Thu, Sep 29 2011 04:29:07
modrod-cris wrote: Only through . re f-402 - GREAT tip. LOTS of weight.
but not everyone likes heavy pens? =( but i'm guessing the length isn't really that customizable? like it can't really be made shorter? -
Date: Thu, Sep 29 2011 04:55:11
Kari-Chan wrote: but not everyone likes heavy pens? =( but i'm guessing the length isn't really that customizable? like it can't really be made shorter?
Well, you could saw it off. -
Date: Thu, Sep 29 2011 12:21:54
Hey kari-chan, yes you can easily cut the new barrel. Heck you can even use a pair of scissors. modrod Another picture I have using the new grips. Old modrod eVo with the new modrod grips, o-rings, and black anyballs.
Date: Sat, Oct 1 2011 18:48:59
I think you should have less colors on your mod. Keep it simple. 3 colors maximum.
Date: Sun, Oct 2 2011 05:45:44
People like mods that look as close as they can to normal pens, and retractable
Date: Sun, Oct 2 2011 06:25:17
Hm, I don't really like the grooved clear grips... the ungrooved looks fine. For the grooved grips, brighter colors might help, rather than that dull red. Maybe a standard black, as well as lime green, sky blue, or fluorescent yellow.
Date: Sun, Oct 2 2011 06:31:46
modrod-cris wrote: Hey kari-chan, yes you can easily cut the new barrel. Heck you can even use a pair of scissors.
cut? but that's permanent~ :whut: -
Date: Sun, Oct 2 2011 06:59:51
loving the flat grips.spoko sub much?
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 23:56:30
really cool that you ahve not given up even after many years of work, you are sticking with it Cris. Im impressed that you made not just one custom grip but it looks like lots of different colors and the different texture style. Can you post some specs of your new barrel also please (length, O.D., I.D., weight) I remember the crazy mods that came about from last modrod contest, TEKs looked the best to me and he did a crazy video for it. One last question, how does the new barrel style work with the retractable does the ink cartridge rattle and what cartridge did you use? (sorry if it was already posted but I read through and didnt see it). Keep up the good work man. btw +1 the modrod imprint for me, because it makes it look more custom.
Date: Wed, Oct 12 2011 00:26:44
Hey fletch, very good to "see you"....! Thanks for the words of encouragement. It's been a very long road. VERY ready to have something to launch. Should be about 4 weeks out now, as I just the first official grip order. The colors selected are Orange, Pink, Blue, and Green. Penwish helped me select the correct shades. Now lets just hope that the factory gets it right, or at least something that we love just as much. re the barrel - If you can believe it, I don't even know the specs off the top of my head. Let me take a look and I will get the info. Also, I have not modded it as a writable. Looking very forward to seeing what all can be done with it. As soon as the grips get here, I will zip them out to pen wish, and we will launch a contest using the barrel and the grips. Looking very forward to seeing what you can do with it, as I am sure that LEDS will work very well. :-) modrod
Date: Wed, Oct 12 2011 01:35:47
Where can I get that pens ?
Date: Wed, Nov 2 2011 19:22:31
I'm waiting on the modrod stuff, you guys should also get your website back up and running. Will you be selling evo's when it comes back?
Date: Tue, Nov 8 2011 18:04:28
Good news. The new modrod Grips are almost ready to be shipped from the manufacturer. Should mean that we should be ready for a contest by the first of December......! re old eVo's - doubt those will be offered by us again any time soon (aside from maybe a few given away as prizes). They were very expensive and time consuming to produce. If the modrod Grips do well, then it may open the door for to take another shot at making another writable mod in the future. Till then we are going to focus on grips and barrels. re website - the website will certainly be brought back online soon as we are able to get some good content. Will probably use some of our own photos, as well as photos created here on UPSB in response to the contest. THEREFORE, rock out this contest and take great pictures in the hopes that your designs get even more exposure!!! ***UPDATE**** Grip shipment scheduled to arrive on Dec 28th. Get ready for a contest first or second week in January!! modrod
Date: Mon, Dec 26 2011 12:24:49
Can you post a tutorial for a modRod?
Date: Mon, Dec 26 2011 17:51:09
will the modrod be restock by that time or just grips? @modrod
Date: Mon, Dec 26 2011 19:46:10
he will have the new body and grips sometimes in january. there is no tutorial for old rod. you won't be able to create that one yourself.
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 04:38:43
Alright. Grips and barrels on the way to penwish. AMEN!!!!! Wanted to give a quick glimpse of the new grips so I did some quick modding today. Modded up the previously seen Zebra Tipped modrod DS as well as what I call a modrod mini-firefly. I believe these are both original creations, but feel free to correct me if I am wrong. :-) Please take it easy on me regarding my grip cuts. The exacto knife I was using is very old and very dull, so the cuts are far from perfect. Also please consider the lighting and photo quality not too great since the photos are snapped with my smart phone. This mod is the Zebra Tipped modrod DS. It's made with the modrod barrel and grips, and IMVHO is a lot of fun to spin. The physics are excellent and has a very unique feel because of the new barrel.
The second mod is a Papermate modrod SS RT aka mini-firefly. It is something I created about a year ago, but never posted because I did not like the look of the grips. Now I really like it. Regarding the mod, its again a very different experience. Not high performance because its on the light side (like 13g), short, and writeable (which is a telling sign that there has to be a little more barrel weight than optimum). Thankfully there still is a decent amount of weight on the ends and is center balanced so you still pull off plenty of tricks for a mini. Also the barrel is super grippy which I did not like at first, but then came to appreciate the difference.
Last thing, I need to put a little tape under the grips on the tip to tighten them up a tad, since the Papermate barrel is on the skinny side. Just could not waaaaait any longer to get something for you to see. Hope you like the mods and grips. modrod
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 05:55:04
Is there a picture of the new grips in their unmodded state?
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 17:50:11
@modrod I like the double sided one. I'd like to see a pic of the grips in their unmodded state like what sangara said. It's a shame you won't be selling the eVos anymore, but things change, i guess. lol
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 20:02:30
Oh sure. Here are the grips. Again taken with smart phone. Hopefully the photos on penwish will be much better.
Here is the new barrel.
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 20:12:55
And how do the grips feel? Are they like Anyball, HGG or G2 ?
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 21:24:47
Feel is just a tad firmer than a Dr Grip. I wanted something that was not too sticky. The grips can be made softer or harder so we tweak it if want to when we re-order.
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 21:33:21
They look GREAT. How thin/thick are they? Looks pretty thin though.
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 21:54:14
Thanks! The middle third is pretty flat and thin on purpose so that it could be used by itself. The "modrod" end is pretty much the exact same thickness as a Dr Grip. The other end is a little thinner. This is done to accommadate for different barrel thickness, which means a perfectionist would actually need two of the same end to be the exact same. The grips are not as thin as they appear in the photos. The ends are intentionally concave to try to achieve a very clean look.
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 23:22:58
How long are those grips and the barrel itself? What caps can be placed on the barrel? I love the look of the grips, they're HUGE compared to normal grips that you can buy.
Date: Sat, Jan 7 2012 23:27:30
caps some of them maybe little small. this barrell is slightly thicker than a g3.
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 00:23:43
:wub: Looks gewwwwwwwwwdd. so these will be available on penwish? yay :D
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 02:26:22
eurocracy wrote: How long are those grips and the barrel itself? What caps can be placed on the barrel? I love the look of the grips, they're HUGE compared to normal grips that you can buy.
Re: clear barrel Here you go, bro. Barrel lenght = 175mm Barrel Weight= 5.5g Outer Diameter=10.2mm Inner Diameter=8.4mm Average Wall thickness=0.9mm Re: grips ONe modrod grip uncut is 3.1g. Remember that is uncut. Very unlikely you would use the whole grip without cutting it. Total length is 60mm. For reference, that is 10mm longer than a Dr Grip. Thanks a bunch for the positive feedback. @PenwisH - you are right. Caps won't work. May make the new set of barrels designed to fit a specific cap if that's what modders want. @ miku - thanks! BTW, did someone ask if I am a cuber? YES I am! :-) -
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 02:42:12
[QUOTE=modrod;166015]Re: clear barrel Here you go, bro. Barrel lenght = 175mm Barrel Weight= 5.5 Outer Diameter=10.2mm Inner Diameter=8.4mm Average Wall thickness=0.9mm Re: grips ONe modrod grip uncut is 3.1g. Remember that is uncut. Very unlikely you would use the whole grip without cutting it. Total length is 60mm. For reference, that is 10mm longer than a Dr Grip. Thanks a bunch for the positive feedback. @modrod that is a good idea because then people could have thier liking of idk emboss bodies rsvp and g3 ect then we could make all clear super epic pens XD hahah all clear VGG emboss
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 02:53:44
@modrod are you a cuber?
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 10:09:31
The barrel is too thick and grip is not that useful compared to other grips i can find. why dont you produce eVo any more ? cause it really takes effort to mod with a single barrel which is thicker than a g3. And if i buy it , i will rather mod it into a D.S. mod not a S.S. retra. pen,
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 10:17:27
imo i liked the modrod eVo better :/ But this new one isn't too bad either.
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 10:24:48
@modrod how are the insides of the grip? do they taper along with the outside of the grip, or is it straight and consistent throughout? e.g. Dr Grip Any chance for Black/white grips?
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 10:55:46
how about making grips of different diameters/sizes that fit inside/outside of each other. A) Larger clear grip that fits over a smaller colored one. The colored inside one could have a design cut into it which is visible through the colored grip over it. B) Larger colored grip that could have a design cut into it, which fits over a smaller contrasting/complementary colored grip for added effect.
Date: Sun, Jan 8 2012 22:33:21
i liked modrod when i came out. A. colors, start with the basics, red, blue, green, purple, yellow and orange. and also black and white/transparent B. yes side notes. its not about the grips i was worried about but some parts of the pen. i didn't really like the click as when i drop it, it would destory the clicker. (just a opinition) but i don't like the clicker on the pen. and the ink of the pen is utter crap (not attented of offend anyone) but it is. ink in the tube is not as quantitative. I take notes with most pen i make, much easier when in school. Just some feedback you might wanted to hear. Cheers on starting the grip business, will support
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 22:56:57
I have a couple questions. Is there somewhere I can view just pictures of the mod without there being all the comments? Could I get info on the body of the pen? Is it possible to sub the body with that of a miffy for a KT? How long is the body of the pen in cm instead of mm? And if my calculations are correct, that is a long body. What does the body alone look like? Also, would the grips be a sub for sailor grips? Basically what I am asking is could I get a Dr. Grip tip in them? If you could answer all of these, that would be fantastic. ^_^ ~Karilynn~
Date: Tue, Jan 10 2012 23:17:04
@Kari check page 8 and 9
Date: Wed, Jan 11 2012 00:07:35
@modrod: It would be nice if you could add pictures to the first-post ;) And thanks for sponsoring UPSB-Modding Tournament!
Date: Wed, Jan 11 2012 01:15:57
Kari wrote: I have a couple questions. Is there somewhere I can view just pictures of the mod without there being all the comments? Could I get info on the body of the pen? Is it possible to sub the body with that of a miffy for a KT? How long is the body of the pen in cm instead of mm? And if my calculations are correct, that is a long body. What does the body alone look like? Also, would the grips be a sub for sailor grips? Basically what I am asking is could I get a Dr. Grip tip in them? If you could answer all of these, that would be fantastic. ^_^ ~Karilynn~
Hey Kari, very nice to see you here. guess as suggested I should edit the first post of the thread and insert some photos. re the body - it is custom made to be light, but strong. Should not crack easily, dispite a very thin wall. This (in theory, lol) should make for some good physics. Now, the body was intentionally made long. It can be cut very easily. Heck, you can even use scissors, but I do not recommend it since it's just not a square cut. The wall thickness is about as thin as it gets. This should make inserts really stand out, because of increased surface area. Now, bear in mind that other than the Zebra Tipped DS I posted, this barrel really has not been explored, thus I am expecting to see many other ways to apply tip and/or caps, or whatever else. It's unwritten. :-) Here are the barrel's measurements: Barrel lenght = 175mm Barrel Weight= 5.5g Outer Diameter=10.2mm Inner Diameter=8.4mm Average Wall thickness=0.9mm Sexy, huh? lol re grips - you can definitely put a Dr Grip in them. They fit, function, and feel a whole lot like a Dr. Grip. I was actually thinking of making a DR KT myself by shortening the barrel, and then applying the tips, but then I remembered that really I am not that good a modder. :-) re "GET A GRIP" contest Oh, not sure if you saw this or not, but there is going to be a whole category in the upcoming contest that is going to pertain to classic mods (mods that already have a tutorial somewhere), that incorporate some part of a modrod grip or barrel. @ syrti - great suggestions and you are very welcome! -
Date: Wed, Jan 11 2012 05:06:15
Interesting. I was actually interested in making a KT with both the grips and the body of the Modrod. ^_^
Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 00:08:23
@ chobi - actually the very slight taper is on the inside of the grip. The outside is consistent. @ all readers - the first post has been updated. iBox @ Kari - that's what I was hoping you would say. Will probably have to cut the barrel down, so there is not so much spinning area. [COLOR="magenta"]**UPDATE**[/COLOR] New photos added to iBox to show the grip ends
Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 01:17:08
Too hard for me to get. No clear grip so i dont even care about the price. and i think i rather use other pens like g3 to mod unless you bring eVo back. grips and barrels are easy to find, and the material i can find will be much cheaper than what you produced. however, the grips is good in its weight and size.
Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 11:36:25
@modrod Any chance of Red/Blue and Black/White in the near future? Gonna do what Kari said, making a KT out of this :)
Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 19:18:35
@ chob - I am looking to add more colors in the very near future. May very well go with those colors, but need to get more feedback first to know for sure. Can't wait to see what you can make.
Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 20:10:45
Black and white is always nice to have. Atm most spinners prefer a full white pen, so white would definetely a "must produce". Black is going along that step definetely to have black accents at your pen at the same height-level as the white grip. Furthermore it just'd be awesome to use black or white griprings as finisher on colored pens. You definetly should produce them! @modrod P.S. don't use space between @ and the nick when you want to mention someone ;)
Date: Thu, Jan 12 2012 21:42:47
[QUOTE=Syrti;167171]Black and white is always nice to have. Atm most spinners prefer a full white pen, so white would definetely a "must produce". Black is going along that step definetely to have black accents at your pen at the same height-level as the white grip. Furthermore it just'd be awesome to use black or white griprings as finisher on colored pens. You definetly should produce them! @Syrti - agree 100%. Black and white are definitely tops on the list, and feedback has already been very positive. I think it highly likely we will have them by spring.
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 03:12:17
@modrod thanks Cris, my grips and barrels arrived today! Thank you for providing lots of them since I'm going to try gluing something and I might screw it up haha. I have some ideas to try with this... its going to be sweet :D
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 03:29:01
You are very welcome. If you recall almost two years ago I promised modrod swag to everyone that entered the previous "Mod the Rod" contest. That package you received was to make good on that promise. :-) Threw in a few extra barrels for you since I know that is your forte. Looking very forward to seeing what you do with them.
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 03:53:34
where do we post the finished modrod product
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 04:08:34
Whoa...... a Guitrum sighting! Welcome to the thread. Very good to see you. Good question. When the contest starts a new contest thread will be opened. In the mean while you can post it here, or on the SOYP thread, but it would have to be reposted on the contest thread to count. If you (or anyone else, for that matter) want to post preliminary mods I don't see any problem with it as it can only help to give other modders ideas. Modders will be allowed to make as many mods as they would like, Btw.
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 16:27:05
So excited for when these are released. I think I can make some really great mods.
Date: Sat, Jan 14 2012 17:06:02
Thank you very much for saying that. What we want to do is create exciting new possibilities for pen spinners. If when you see our grips and barrels you suddendly start envisioning all kinds of new mods then we have accomplished our goal.
Date: Mon, Jan 16 2012 04:19:11
Got my stuff yesterday. Looking forward to mod this.
Date: Mon, Jan 16 2012 04:34:38
Date: Mon, Jan 16 2012 15:15:20
Hey Nacho, thanks for making the video. May end up making the grips softer in the future if that's what the majority wants. It's a very easy fix, as the hardness is set when the material is ordered. Just wanted to make sure they were not too soft and sticky. In the mean while, what will help to get the grips on is a little bit of alcohol. I always keep a box of alcohol wipes on hand to clean my mods when they need it. They are very cheap, and easy to use. If you will apply some to the cap or barrel before you slide on the grip, it will be much easier. Should stay moist under the grip long enough that you can pull it off if you don't like it. Thanks for all the feedback.
Date: Mon, Jan 16 2012 23:08:06
I was also pleasantly surprised by the package of bodies + grips. I really like the new body. More grip and quite light. I'm already modding something right now and it's turning out quite well. I do find the grips to be too stiff though. Something more profile-like would be preferrable. The clear grips also seem very nice. I find dr. grip grips to be too large in radius and smaller ones would be great for modding. Are you also planning on introducing white grips?
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 00:04:34
Mage In Black wrote: I was also pleasantly surprised by the package of bodies + grips. I really like the new body. More grip and quite light. I'm already modding something right now and it's turning out quite well. I do find the grips to be too stiff though. Something more profile-like would be preferrable. The clear grips also seem very nice. I find dr. grip grips to be too large in radius and smaller ones would be great for modding. Are you also planning on introducing white grips?
re hardness - pretty safe to say the next order of grips will definitely be softer. :-) re colors - black and white on deck. May sneak in clear and another color as well. re barrels - thanks a lot for the positive comments. Cannot wait to see what you create. -
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 00:54:21
Those pens look pretty awesome :) I keep hearing the name modrod, and I'll be placing a penwish order within the next month or so, so I should hope to get something modrod related while I'm there. I love skinny pens haha so that thinner barreled one sounds really up my alley :D
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 00:57:56
Any word yet on price?
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 00:59:07
All these mods are exactly the same, just different colors, I think it would be good to just make grip come in a tube and you can pay for it by the foot or by the inch or cm because when you pay so much attention to the shape of the grip you don't cut it up leading to all mods looking the same. If you could buy it as an unshaped tube then people could buy however much they like, and cut it to whatever shape and length they want. You could also make different diameters, or just make it small diameter just stretchy, or flexible so it would fit any body or cap nicely. Also I hate it when you have air space under the grip because the grip is too loose for the body or cap it is on and when the end flares up like bell bottom pants it creates that feeling. The good thing to having the whole grip the same diameter would be so you could cut sections like done with anyball and sailor grips except that you dint have to worry about cutting at the right spot, if you cut an anyball grip at a bad angle you see the line and it looks really bad. Also having it as one long section tube would make it so any length you wanted could have a smooth look, imagine an RSVP MX except the hgg grip would just be a smooth tube instead of having dimples like a golf ball. You asked for feedback so you got it, lots of it and un filtered. I hope you take some of this into consideration because this took forever to type on my iPad.
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 01:03:38
I would like to see a bonkura colored modrod. I also started psing after the first modrod so this thread confuses me. Are there any scavaged pens used to make the modrod, or is it all original? Comments: I like the look of the grips. I'd rather use a pen body (ct or something). Just my opinion. Smaller tip. I can't wait to see this selling.
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 04:25:43
so, i've finished my mod... do i post it? if so where? i also have my own opinions on the grips and barrels if you are interested in hearing them. i'd prefer a PM modrod, cuz i am to busy to be checking this thread constantly. thanks!
Date: Tue, Jan 17 2012 04:51:29
Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 04:46:56
modrod wrote: .
lol is that our new update? XD it sure does tell us how much you've done so far [video=youtube;p7JsWGODowE][/video] lol my review for your stuff -
Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 05:26:00
Got my kit. I'll be doing an in depth look at the stuff. Not just Grip/barrel reviews, but more of modding possibilities/concepts/potential features that could be coming out essentially a resizable barrel and grips. In the mean time, to the lab batman!
Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 05:48:14
@iMatt Nice batman joke. Anyways, looking foward to this.
Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 05:49:13
flame sivics wrote: lol is that our new update? XD it sure does tell us how much you've done so far [video=youtube;p7JsWGODowE][/video] lol my review for your stuff
good job on the video. i just got my package today too and to tell you the truth the grips are insanely easy to cut when making rings (with the grooves). i use a pipe cutter (mini version) when i cut my ring to get a precise cut each time and it cuts much better then most grips i tried. now to make custom grips design is a different story, ya i don't recommend doing grip design cuts into this. i personally love the way the rings are on the grip, when i combined it matches near closely with the size of the rings of a G2. minor problem the thickness of modrod's grip is a bit bigger then a G2 ring. and by fixing this you can add electric tape where the G2 rings sit and it will fix the problem. oh and the size of the O rings are the same thickness with the grips. and the medal ring on the airfit pen is the same size. a word of warning, i found out that when you stretch out the grip, it dose not retract into its previous form. my ring remain stretch out when i accidentally try to move it over another grip to get it into my desired position. [i don't how out to use this barrel yet :3] [this is my review of the grips, i don't make videos sorry] -
Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 14:57:42
Furloy wrote: All these mods are exactly the same, just different colors, I think it would be good to just make grip come in a tube and you can pay for it by the foot or by the inch or cm because when you pay so much attention to the shape of the grip you don't cut it up leading to all mods looking the same. If you could buy it as an unshaped tube then people could buy however much they like, and cut it to whatever shape and length they want. You could also make different diameters, or just make it small diameter just stretchy, or flexible so it would fit any body or cap nicely. Also I hate it when you have air space under the grip because the grip is too loose for the body or cap it is on and when the end flares up like bell bottom pants it creates that feeling. The good thing to having the whole grip the same diameter would be so you could cut sections like done with anyball and sailor grips except that you dint have to worry about cutting at the right spot, if you cut an anyball grip at a bad angle you see the line and it looks really bad. Also having it as one long section tube would make it so any length you wanted could have a smooth look, imagine an RSVP MX except the hgg grip would just be a smooth tube instead of having dimples like a golf ball. You asked for feedback so you got it, lots of it and un filtered. I hope you take some of this into consideration because this took forever to type on my iPad.
Hey Furloy, lol - yeah, I know that typing on an iPad can be tough. Thanks for the great effort. re grip length - the modrod grips are actually made with a mold. The mold is quite expensive, and while minor tweaks can be made (like deeper grooves, or different inner diameters), big changes (like significantly lengthening the grip) cannot be done with starting a completely new mold. I will say that we do have a 3D CAD already of a grip that is long and thin, and has no grooves. The idea for this grip was specifically for grip cuts. We may eventually make this grip if there is a definite demand. re grip flair - personally, I like the flared look. I thought it was one of the reasons that the Dr Grip looks so good. Of course, it was taken into account that some will not want the flair. That is one of the reasons the grip is so long. All someone has to do that does not want the flair is just cut the tip off a few grooves back. There will still be a small amount of flair remaining, but since most pens and caps taper, the flair will be negligible. re air space - I agree. Hopefully that is one problem we wont have because they are so tight. In the event you do have the problem, I suggest building the area up under where the grip will go. I was even wondering if this could be done to make a Seven mod using modrod grips. Not sure as I have never made one. :unsure: Thanks again for your thoughts. They are very much appreciated, and will certainly be taken into account as we charge into the future. modrod-cris P.S. Just want to say this.... modrod does not wish for anyone to feel that modrod grips are barrels are limiting their options - just the opposite. The modrod materials can be used in conjunction with each other - or not. Just because you use a modrod grip does not mean you have to use a modrod barrel - or vice versa. It's the modders choice what to use, and what to throw away. If someone wants to just use a single band of a modrod grip because they think it makes their mod better then by all means do so! [COLOR="magenta"]modrod "GET A GRIP" contest update[/COLOR] Contest starts Feb 14th. It's a combined contest. You can spin, or mod, or both. The contest will run until March 31st. At that time the UPSB will vote on [B]NINE[/B] different categories. The winner of each category will win [COLOR="magenta"][B]$50.oo USD[/B][/COLOR]. Here are the categories: Best overall mod Best use of color Best use of modrod grips Best use of modrod barrel Best classic mod * Best original mod ** Best use of grip cuts *** Best spinner Best modder * A classic mod is mod where a tutorial already exists, but where modrod grips or barrel have been utilized in whole or in part - which would certainly not constitute a new mod. ** An original mod is a mod where no tutorial can be found. If there is some disagreement here, it will be settled by UPSB vote. *** The grip that is cut does not have to be a modrod grip - of course, that might be very impressive considering they where not designed for that purpose! RULES are going to be very simple. #1. Has to have at least some part of a modrod grip or barrel on the mod you are displaying or spinning for it to count. #2. One spinner or modder can win up to two categories. #3. As many entries allowed per contestant as they desire. #4. There will be one vote once the contest is complete to determine the winners. #5. By placing entry on the modrod thread, you agree to give free license to modrod for the use of all photos and videos that you post in exchange for the opportunity to win cash prizes. #6. All spinners please include a still photo (or video close up) of the mod that you used in the video. #7. All modders please include parts list of your mod. Lengths and weights are appreciated, but not mandatory. modrod grips and barrels to be available on penwish Jan 31st, 2012. These rules/categories are not 100% final, and are subject to change prior to launch of the contest. iBox updated as well - [COLOR="magenta"] CONTEST UPDATE[/COLOR] modrod Grips and Barrels are going to go on sale starting Jan 31st. modrod "GET A GRIP!" contest will run from March 1st to April 15th. Sorry for the confusion. -
Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 21:02:11
I think making grips especially for cutting would be fantastic! Not only could you do sections like with anyball or sailor grips, but cut designs like on ayatori mod. It would be up to you to find the right balance of hard, soft, stretchy, firm, but it could prove to be well worth the effort. And on the flared look, I agree that Dr. Grip flair is nice but the thing about air space is how the inside doesn't follow the flair, these grips do so if you made it so the inside doesn't flair it might look weird but idk. Looking forward to the finishes product of these!!!!
Date: Wed, Jan 18 2012 21:24:38
Love the fact that the barrel is easy to cut, definitely something a lot of other barrels suffer from (cracking, thickness etc.) Also, nice modrod swag! ^_^.
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 02:44:33i used to modrod evo as the body -G2 grips are the black ones and i use electric tape under the G2 areas to have them be -the same thickness (now its one smooth surface with the grooves in it) -O rings white, 5 of them and 1 black -a metal airfit ring near the back, covering the G2 ring not a Modrod ring -a default aqua blue insert (i have no good printer :( )
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 03:20:09
@modrod how long will the judging period be? And you mentioned that a modder or spinner can win two categories but does that mean they need to submit twice or more? Or does that mean that one submission can win multiple categories?
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 03:40:00
For modrod, do you give samples of the grips and barrel only to reviewers, experienced spinners, and modders? Or do you sell samples?
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 06:24:59
[QUOTE=Nachoaddict;169121]@Penz3160 - all samples have been sent out at this time, and we are not seling any through our site or "out the back door". Therefore you would have to wait till the 7th and get them from penwish. Thank you for inquiring. Sorry they are not available sooner. :sorry: And for the record, samples were sent to modders for a promised reward from the last contest, or being paid for a service (like icolor is building the modrod website). A few spinners also received samples in order to jump start a category that did not exist in the last contest. No one was selected arbitrarily (well, except for frog prince who I inadvertently promised samples to thinking he was "Prince" from the last competition. Had to still keep the promise. lol). So, let me say that I know there are some really awesome spinners and modders who got left out of the swagathon. NO DOUBT. For that I apologize, and promise you this.... If you enter this contest, and modrod is able to make the next step of our business plan, then [B]YOU[/B] will be in line for the next free something and It will be something [B]DARN GOOD!!![/B] :hmm: cris
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 07:10:10
Also, will there be any regulations on editing pictures and will they be submitted in the thread? Just wondering I know it may be too early to have decided these things but yeah aha ^_^ Thanks for holding the competition. I'm excited :D
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 17:15:21
Nachoaddict wrote: Also, will there be any regulations on editing pictures and will they be submitted in the thread? Just wondering I know it may be too early to have decided these things but yeah aha ^_^ Thanks for holding the competition. I'm excited :D
No regs that I can think of at the moment. I think that if anyone goes overboard with enhancing the colors, or anything like that it can only hurt their chances. I'm very excited as well. This is a new chapter for modrod. We spent over two years of time and thousands of dollars to make this a reality. It is our prayer that modrod grips and barrels do well, so that we can make even better spinning swag in the future. -
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 18:40:35
this is exciting. -wants to join-
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 19:31:18
gwar want to join, but I don't thin I would get the modrod parts in time from Nacho =/ If you could send them in time (thinking of long shipping time to Germany) it would be so freakin' awesome @Nachoaddict
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 20:19:49
@Syrti - this problem has been brought to my attention by PenWish, who would certainly know about international shipping times. Therefore, the contest launch date is going to have to be pushed back, or there is no way some modders or spinners would have time to get the packages. Will provide additional info shortly.
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 21:02:00
nice mod zu! it looks great. you have my vote so far! Cris, one question, hopefully this is not taken as criticism, but the original "mission statement" of modrod was to make a commercially available pen that can actually write and spin well. do you still have plans to release a robust retractable product, or has the business model shifted to the grips/barrel market? Interested to hear your response because I want a really good retractable and my blueprint Evo is running out of ink haha. and I suck at modding myself so I would prefer to be able to buy a handful of finished pens... I think there are probably people out there in the same boat as me.
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 21:17:20
fletch i'm sure that something he will look into in the future. as someone who designs those lights this should be pie for you. electrical tape and two retractable ink put together at correct length is all you really need just empty out one of the inks cut the tube to whatever length the ink is now.
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 21:27:41
modrod wrote: @Syrti - this problem has been brought to my attention by PenWish, who would certainly know about international shipping times. Therefore, the contest launch date is going to have to be pushed back, or there is no way some modders or spinners would have time to get the packages. Will provide additional info shortly.
[COLOR="magenta"] CONTEST UPDATE[/COLOR] modrod Grips and Barrels are going to go on sale starting Jan 31st. modrod "GET A GRIP!" contest will run from March 1st to April 15th. Sorry for the confusion. -
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 21:48:47
Thanks for the update, I can get modrod earlier! This is great, going to look forward to the stock on penwish.
Date: Thu, Jan 19 2012 21:54:45
@Fletch - had to "take a step backwards, in order to take a step forwards". We actually started all over on our business plan and rewrote it. Instead of focusing on making a RT pen, we decided the best thing to do was make grips and barrels, and let the modders do the rest. Even went so far as to secure as a part of that new plan (this was before through an unbelievable chain of events we finally secured So yeah, for now we are solely focused on building the brand, and adding new grip colors, and new barrel sizes. Now, that is not to say there is not an intense desire to take another stab at making an RT mod. We certainly do. Problem is that now I see what it would take to do it right: a whole lot of research, a whole bunch of engineering, a ton of money (at least $750,000 but more like $1,000,000 to $2,000,000), and then a modest portion of luck (blessing). Can only imagine how much money Spinz lost when they made their attempt. I certainly don't want that to happen to modrod, but it would be a very distinct possibility as so many things have to go right at once for it to have the kind of sales that you need to actually turn a profit on an investment that large. Regarding the ink, it's an easy fix. Just go down to the closest Office Max and buy the longest refill they have (should come in a pack of two). That refill will not be long enough, so what you have to do is make it longer. All you have to do is take another ink refill from a pen you don't care about. Cut it off about 2 inches of it. Then blow the ink residue out of the tube. Put the end you did not cut against the refill you purchased. Use just a little bit of masking tape to hold those ends together. Then take some heat shrinking tubing (can get it real cheap at Home Depot in the electrical supply area) of the appropriate size and slide it well over what you just taped. Then take a lighter and run it back and forth over the heat shrinking tubing (this is the fun part!) until it shrinks around the tape (it should all be covered). Then use the old ink cartridge are a guide to cutting the new one. Be careful here as you can always cut more if it's too long. I usually just trim a little and then put it in the barrel and check it. And that's it! Now hopefully your bulletproof eVo's can stand up until we are able to come up with a couple million bucks. ;) cris
Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 04:04:22
Regarding the ink, it's an easy fix. Just go down to the closest Office Max and buy the longest refill they have
i found that the rsvp ink fits through the tip of Modrod Evo. and it writes like a babe (fine tip, not sure of the rest). all you need to do is wrap electric tape where the spring goes, and the tape adds up quick so you won't need a lot. then take "a ink tube not used" or i find best is the paper stick from a Tootsie Pop Miniature, its very strong and you get a treat out of the deal. I posted this because i know the rsvp is used a lot in this world, so many of you must have tons of extra tubes laying around! (oh and the electric tape adds to the cushion for when you spin, decrease the rattle in the barrel) Edit: it would be nice if you release the clicker you developed so we can get the choice of adding it to the barrel if we wanted to (just something to think about) -
Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 04:08:06
use any clicker that fits. bic stic clicker works fine. plenty various clicking mechanisms out there so find one that fits.
Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 13:41:47
Just made my first Dr Kt - ever! Have to say I now see why it is so beloved - it spins like a dream! The smart phone photos are a bit on the fuzzy side, but gonna post it anyway. Nothing overly fancy. Just tried to keep it simple. Have to say I was amazed the grips were such a spot on match for the green CT caps.
Tip not perfect, but you can see what I did.
Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 16:05:28
What on earth did you use for the tips? those don't look like Dr Grips, they look like airfits! The mod is pretty good though, but the pink rings seemed to be absorbed in by the green. The thing I've noticed with modrod grips is that, side by side, they don't seem to work well with eachother but are stunning when on their own. I trust we're going to see the transparent grips come out after or are they going to be released on the date? How they map to mod colour schemes is also essential, for example black mods often use dark blue or red as powerful colours that seep into the darkness. Light mods on the other hand tend to be rather bright and contrast with the spinning blur given off by white and colourful mods so that they are more visible when the mod is actually spinning. I do think black grips would be a safe move, however, white grips, could also work on black mods and would also be a safe future move.
Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 16:19:11
american ball point dr.grip tips is my best guess
Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 16:42:52
eurocracy wrote: What on earth did you use for the tips? those don't look like Dr Grips, they look like airfits! The mod is pretty good though, but the pink rings seemed to be absorbed in by the green. The thing I've noticed with modrod grips is that, side by side, they don't seem to work well with eachother but are stunning when on their own. I trust we're going to see the transparent grips come out after or are they going to be released on the date? How they map to mod colour schemes is also essential, for example black mods often use dark blue or red as powerful colours that seep into the darkness. Light mods on the other hand tend to be rather bright and contrast with the spinning blur given off by white and colourful mods so that they are more visible when the mod is actually spinning. I do think black grips would be a safe move, however, white grips, could also work on black mods and would also be a safe future move.
Penwish is correct - they are American Dr Grip pen tips. But yeah, it would be nice if I already had black modrod grips so that I could have easily separated the green and pink. I threw it together while I was watching American Idol last night, so I guess it is what it is. :D Regarding more colors, I am waiting to place an order for black, clear, and a couple of others, but first I am waiting for feedback to see if any changes need to be made (most specifically hardness). Thanks for the feedback. -
Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 17:27:21
So flourecent colours for now?
Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 17:31:17
if he would of had more, he woulda posted it by now so yes
Date: Fri, Jan 20 2012 17:50:32
Zu wrote: i found that the rsvp ink fits through the tip of Modrod Evo. and it writes like a babe (fine tip, not sure of the rest). all you need to do is wrap electric tape where the spring goes, and the tape adds up quick so you won't need a lot. then take "a ink tube not used" or i find best is the paper stick from a Tootsie Pop Miniature, its very strong and you get a treat out of the deal. I posted this because i know the rsvp is used a lot in this world, so many of you must have tons of extra tubes laying around! (oh and the electric tape adds to the cushion for when you spin, decrease the rattle in the barrel) Edit: it would be nice if you release the clicker you developed so we can get the choice of adding it to the barrel if we wanted to (just something to think about)
re RSVP ink - oh, saw a very easy solution to the spring problem. Found this on the UPSB Wiki about a year ago: Re clickers - the bic one is the only one that i know of that fits. -
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 04:21:53
when is this selling? and @modrod u say the iBox contest must use modrod?
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 04:42:29
@PenwisH on January 31st.
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 05:54:41
i know its going on sale on penwish and all on jan 31, but can you give us the prices so we can know what to expect when it dose come out?
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 09:10:17
Agree to @Zu and in some stock to malaysia hahax
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 19:21:20
Zu wrote: i know its going on sale on penwish and all on jan 31, but can you give us the prices so we can know what to expect when it dose come out?
@Zu - The barrel will be about the cost of a Keityo and the grip will about the cost of a Dr. Grip grip. Also, bundled sets will be provided at a discount. -
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 19:38:57
I'm just gonna bring this up... Why would people purchase modrod barrels and grips, when I can pay a few cents more for a KT marker and a Dr.Grip grip? KT markers and Dr.Grip grips are pretty common mod parts... Will people actually order modrod items just to save those few cents? Frog~
modrod wrote: The barrel will be about the cost of a Keityo and the grip will about the cost of a Dr. Grip grip. Also, bundled sets will be provided at a discount.
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 20:18:01
Hopefully the color variation will help the grip standout. clear, white, and black are the only dr.grips available so this will allow for more vibrant colors.
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 20:26:37
@Froggy - think that's kinda an apples to oranges comparison. I could break down the multitude of differences, but I think that it will be more obvious once they are actually in play. The whole idea here is to give more modders more options. If someone wants to make a classic mod, in the classic manner, then I would expect them to buy classic parts. On the other hand, if someone wants to make something new (or give a classic mod a new look), then I would expect them to select newer materials.
Date: Wed, Jan 25 2012 22:48:58
When black and white modrod grips will be avaiable? If you are thinking of creating a modrod-pen for sale I'd like to help you creating it by the way! ^^
Date: Thu, Jan 26 2012 04:50:40
Syrti wrote: When black and white modrod grips will be avaiable?
i support this question, 90% if "modrod" of mine will use black grips to contrast the bright colors! -
Date: Thu, Jan 26 2012 18:18:32
Zu wrote: i support this question, 90% if "modrod" of mine will use black grips to contrast the bright colors!
Please see iBox spoiler for update. [COLOR="lime"] [B]**Note regarding future grip colors**[/B]"[/COLOR] - [COLOR="magenta"]iBox Link[/COLOR] -
Date: Thu, Jan 26 2012 19:02:24
I don't think people are quite understanding the point of this. Having modrod here allows us to stop using production made pens. This means that penspinning will become ever cheaper (as opposed to it's already cheap nature compared to other hobbies), and the quality of parts will become even better. If we keep supporting modrod and Penwish, then eventually we'll probably use their parts exclusively completely cutting out the middle man. We'll be in direct contact to the manufacturer who will be able to fulfill our needs. This is something absolutely beautiful, it's what the cubing community has done, and as far as I know what the yo-yo community has done too. It's about time for us to follow suit. Just my 2 cents.
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 06:04:42
I saw TEK's promo video for modrod on his youtube. Can't wait to get my hands on modrod products :D
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 09:44:10
inb4-another-firefly ;) Frog~
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 17:11:04
Modrod released today! I added a grip onto my order, should be interesting to use it in my personal SC mod and then release it ;)
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 23:36:21
Hi modrod, do you know the insert and outsert dimensions?
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 23:46:45
shoeman6 wrote: Hi modrod, do you know the insert and outsert dimensions?
That depends on the length you decide to make the barrel. -
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 00:55:21
do signos fit in the barrel?
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 01:07:58
Miku wrote: do signos fit in the barrel?
they can litterly go in it lol and you'd probably have to use signo threads and use some method to keep them in or somethin quick reasons to buy modrod are 1. super easy to cut 2. great for alot of subs. 3. makes more mods to be clear body 4. lets your imagination flow larger -
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 02:04:24
no keep in mind this is thicker than a ct and st so only really af, dr.grip tip, impact or silicon gel will fit
Miku wrote: do signos fit in the barrel?
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 02:08:29
PenwisH wrote: no keep in mind this is thicker than a ct and st so only really af, dr.grip tip, impact or silicon gel will fit
could i add tape to make it fit in snugly? not on the barrel, but inside rather. thanks though^^ -
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 02:12:11
sure you could
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 02:12:46
PenwisH wrote: sure you could
mkay, thanks :D -
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 16:20:16
MystikSun wrote: I saw TEK's promo video for modrod on his youtube. Can't wait to get my hands on modrod products :D
Did he make a new one? I saw the one frmo the first contest and he did a really long palmspin with a evo body mod. Please link if there is a new one :) -
Date: Wed, Feb 1 2012 17:09:00
TEK and Nachoaddict both made videos. They both did an excellent job. Will have both videos available on the modrod site soon. Split Mod Promo [video=youtube;QFxjofHn_pA] s26lRdApGvo&feature=g-user-c[/video] [ModRod] New Grips and Barrel Promo [video=youtube;Mq0PxgaPp9E][/video] New modrod logo
Date: Thu, Feb 9 2012 18:52:29
Will we be expecting clear modrod grips, straight and grooved, in the near future?
Date: Thu, Feb 9 2012 22:09:15
@modrod u should make a waterfall mod with clear modrod grips!
Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 06:29:02
Hi there.. I made a Metal Comssa using ModRods. I will edit this post with pics in 12-14 hours. Edit: in about 2-3 hours I will take a Pic. I was going to put a outsert on it... but nvm, other day I will put because my printer run out of ink -.- Edit: I will post again the mod in this thread. Go to "newer" posts. And there I will give my feedback about the grips!
Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 14:39:59
I just got my modrod set from PW, I have to say, very easy to cut perfectly, if there were ribbed and smoth clear grips, & clean white grips (not off yellow) I would def buy them instead of dr.grips. Would probably boost sales if they were cheaper than dr.grips clear tornado grips as well. A little hard, but not as bad as I thought it might be.
Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 15:18:08
I also got my set, but unfortunately the barrels are too big for Reynoldcaps. :/ But the grips are nice. -having no idea about modding at all-
Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 15:39:44
Supergirl wrote: Will we be expecting clear modrod grips, straight and grooved, in the near future?
Clear is near the top of the list. Hope to have 2 more colors by the summer, and 2 more before the end of the year. @Nashi - glad you like the grips. Think you would perhaps like to make the mod that TEK made in the promo video? Looks pretty easy to make. -
Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 15:54:59
Uhm, yeah, i guess I see what i´ll find on my desk and create something usual. (sun) regarding the new logo, I read Mödrod all the time and that sounds funny. -being random german-
Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 16:21:29
Post deleted.
Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 18:05:44
The grips are harder, and have lips on both sides (the lips like Dr grip). I bought one segment Sky Blue and a Lime Green. And using these I made Metal Comssa with a "Complementary harmony" color scheme. (Orange and blue, Red and Green, -not used- Yellow and Purple). My printer ran out of ink, so I couldn't make a outsert yet. The mod itself is 22,5 cm, The one with Dr Grips is 21,5 I will comapre the Modrod grips to the Dr Grip so you can have some base of what I'm talking about. Modrod grips are lighter. As the same size. It's harder. But way easier to cut (using X-acto). Here is a album with both mods.
Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 18:49:58
Nashi wrote: Uhm, yeah, i guess I see what i´ll find on my desk and create something usual. (sun) regarding the new logo, I read Mödrod all the time and that sounds funny. -being random german-
@HashBR - love your mods. Thanks a bunch for posting them already. Wish some of the photos weren't so fuzzy. -
Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 18:52:24
Yeah i figured that it was for decoration, just wanted to mention my german..thoughts or something. ^_^ Very fancy tho. (:
Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 18:54:44
@modrod I will repost the mods with outserts and better quality. I took pics in a hurry :X
Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 19:24:51
@Nashi Can't you use another pen to fit inside the modrod barrel and then you can put the caps onto that?
Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 19:28:48
If i had one that would fit..and if it would be still big enough so that the caps fit on it. The Superpirat body i use with the reynold caps is only slightly smaller than the modrod barrels. Sure, i could tape the smaller pen so that the caps fit on it but I think the mod would get too heavy for me then too.
Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 20:44:20
@modrod I took more pics with a webcam now. See if looks better.
Date: Fri, Feb 10 2012 21:02:26
those r some good lookin mods if i put modrod grips (lik dr.grip grip kt) on my kt wut color should they be?
Date: Mon, Feb 13 2012 16:55:18
@modrod will there be modrod tips anytime?
Date: Mon, Feb 13 2012 17:02:59
@modrod, how do we submit for the comp?
Date: Mon, Feb 13 2012 20:25:52
[QUOTE=Pendragon;175847]@shoeman6 - there will be a new thread created on Feb 29th to post the mods and the videos. This will stay the discussion thread.
Date: Mon, Feb 13 2012 22:38:00
modrod wrote: I certainly hope so, as tips have already been discussed. As a start-up company, modrod has to just take it one step at a time. We are getting close to releasing some shirts, hoodies, and hats. We would love to also be able to produce more grip colors. We also aspire to make such items such as: caps, tips, barrels, etc. Just going to depend upon how well we do over the next few months. [B][COLOR="lime"]Therefore, when making a mod, choose to make it a modrod!![/COLOR][/B]
Already done :D but not good enough for modrod Tourney ;) -
Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 04:13:07
Nashi wrote: If i had one that would fit..and if it would be still big enough so that the caps fit on it. The Superpirat body i use with the reynold caps is only slightly smaller than the modrod barrels. Sure, i could tape the smaller pen so that the caps fit on it but I think the mod would get too heavy for me then too.
If you only used a little bit of the barrels at the ends I don't think it would be TOO heavy. Maybe the weight of an HGG tip on each side. -
Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 05:18:35
Really missed the modrod EVO...
Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 17:57:24
@Shinji - it's not too late to get one. There is aTEK eVo+ being auctioned right here on the UPSB.
Date: Wed, Feb 15 2012 21:08:07
Yeah shinji just win the auction, cut the shrink wrap off and bam old modrod ^_^ Frog~
Date: Thu, Feb 16 2012 01:29:52
Did I mention we are also going to host a frog leg cooking competition? Times and dates to be announced.
Date: Thu, Feb 16 2012 01:58:48
damn tasty! i look forward to it!!! Frog~ p.s. frogs are tasty. LEGITLY tasty.
modrod wrote: Did I mention we are also going to host a frog leg cooking competition? Times and dates to be announced.
Date: Sun, Feb 19 2012 04:07:49
Only about 10 days until the modrod "GET A GRIP" contest starts. One minor tweak to the rules for clarity.
Just wanted to provide some clarity on rule 5. When you post an entry for the contest, you are giving modrod free license to use your inserts, and mod designs in whole or in part by modrod in future mods that may be offered for sale. That does not mean that you do not still have the right to also use your design for sale, trade, or personal use. It just means that modrod may use it as well. Also, rule 8 was added. If you believe your mod is an original then please make the claim when posting your entry. This category is no doubt going to spark some serious debate. Hopefully that will be part of the fun...!Spoiler
modrod "GET A GRIP" contest update Contest will begin March 1st. It's a combined contest. You can spin, or mod, or both. The contest will run until April 15th. At that time the UPSB will vote on NINE different categories. The winner of each category will win $50.oo USD. Here are the categories: Best overall mod Best use of color Best use of modrod grips Best use of modrod barrel Best classic mod * Best original mod ** Best use of grip cuts *** Best spinner Best modder * A classic mod is mod where a tutorial already exists, but where modrod grips or barrel have been utilized in whole or in part - which would certainly not constitute a new mod. ** An original mod is a mod where no tutorial can be found. If there is some disagreement here, it will be settled by UPSB vote. *** The grip that is cut does not have to be a modrod grip - of course, that might be very impressive considering they where not designed for that purpose! RULES are going to be very simple. #1. Has to have at least some part of a modrod grip or barrel on the mod you are displaying or spinning for it to count. #2. One spinner or modder can only win up to two categories. #3. As many entries allowed per contestant as they desire. #4. There will be one vote once the contest is complete to determine the winners. [B]#5. By placing entry on the modrod thread, you agree to give free license to modrod for the use of all photos, videos, and mod designs that you post in exchange for the opportunity to win cash prizes.[/B] #6. All spinners please include a still photo (or video close up) of the mod that you used in the video. #7. All modders please include parts list of your mod. Lengths and weights are appreciated, but not mandatory. #8. When posting an entry that you believe to be an original, please designate it as such. These rules/categories are not 100% final, and are subject to change prior to launch of the contest. -
Date: Sun, Feb 19 2012 12:32:08
And what if one used noname stuff eg tips and grips from a random ballpoint pen that was around
Date: Sun, Feb 19 2012 20:14:44
That's fine. There just needs to be some part of a modrod grip or barrel on the mod to be qualified to enter.
Date: Sun, Feb 19 2012 20:29:12
This question should have been raised before... Not exactly sure.. So if I only used 1 ring of modrod grip.. can it enter the contest? If yes... If that ring is hidden under another grip (like seven g3's case where there are grips stuffed inside another grip).. can it enter the contest? If yes... Why? Frog~
Date: Mon, Feb 20 2012 02:59:38
Well, sure. You would just have to in some way show the grip is on the mod. Of course, not sure how many votes that would get you. :-)
Date: Mon, Feb 20 2012 04:44:24
I'm just asking... Cuz there's clearly a flaw in the rules regarding the use of parts. Doesn't mean I'm doing it, nor am I planning to. But now u raised another question. Why do you think a mod with hidden modrod grip would be less likely to be voted? Wouldn't most people just for the most 'pretty' mod? Frog~ p.s. Just some discussions ;)
modrod wrote: Well, sure. You would just have to in some way show the grip is on the mod. Of course, not sure how many votes that would get you. :-)
Date: Mon, Feb 20 2012 06:22:37
Just my opinion but I agree with Froggy. I think entries should use the modrod parts in a major way. Like it doesn't make sense to allow a F1r3fly mod with no modrod parts except for a ring inside the cap to be accepted as an entry. It doesn't demonstrate a modder's use of the parts nor does it really help modrod advertise since you won't even be able to see any of the modrod parts used. I think the modrod grips or barrel need to be seen clearly and be used to a significant extent. Not just like 2 rings on a cap.
Date: Mon, Feb 20 2012 20:43:10
@Nachoaddict - yeah, I debated this issue quite a bit. At the end of the day I think it's an issue that will take care of itself, since after all this is the [B]modrod[/B] contest, and there is no second or third place in any of the categories. Therefore I seriously doubt that some modder or spinner is going to take the top spot by just sticking a single band around the end of a Firefly. Personally, I give the modders and spinners of the UPSB a whole lot of credit. As a group I have found them to be brutally honest - which is a actually a very good thing. They are also very perceptive. No way do I think anyone is going to just trick them into voting for some Firefly with one modrod ring on it. I believe they will see right through it for what it is, and vote accordingly. Now I will say, I know it's impossible to eliminate all bias, and sometimes it can turn into a popularity contest. That is the reason there is a limit to how many categories one person can win.
Date: Tue, Feb 21 2012 20:18:39
i have a question to the original mods if you will take the mod to the store.... is the person allowed to post a tutorial for that?
Date: Tue, Feb 21 2012 20:25:01
Respect the creator yo. Frog~
Pendragon wrote: i have a question to the original mods if you will take the mod to the store.... is the person allowed to post a tutorial for that?
Date: Wed, Feb 22 2012 05:46:07
@Pendragon - Sure, it's still your mod. You can do whatever you wish. Heck, modrod could even offer to help you sell the mod through the modrod website. Never really know. We are making this up as we go along. :) [COLOR="magenta"]** EDIT **[/COLOR] I'm not a great modder, but wanted to have a little fun today, so I took TEK's modrod from the YouTube promo video, and tweaked it just a tad. See what you think.
Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 03:44:33
this mod better contain Spree...
Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 04:24:26
Zu wrote: this mod better contain Spree...
@Zu - Lol - nope. They all got ate up today. :) Funniest thing is that I actually did not set out to make a Spree mod. I just got a shipment of air fits today and set out to make that same mod that TEK used in his promo. I did not have an insert and was in the middle of making a generic black and white one when the Spree roll caught my eye. Turns out the length was almost perfect. After a few snips the insert was ready to go. Oh, and if anyone wants to buy 10 air fit grips send me a PM. I want to sell them in bulk. -
Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 05:34:16
O i checked out the website its very cool looking. its just that the page takes a bit long to load. (i didn't know where to post this so i put it here) Grats on the website Edit: forgot to mention i was using internet explorer
Date: Thu, Feb 23 2012 15:31:19
@Zu - when you say "long" do you mean more than few seconds? Thanks for the good words. iColor actually built the site, so the credit all goes to him.
Date: Fri, Feb 24 2012 21:35:30
modrod wrote: [/MENTION] - when you say "long" do you mean more than few seconds?
its not much of a problem but compared opening the website with Firefox and internet explorer, IE takes a bit longer then Firefox. it is about a 20 sec different for me. its not much of a problem -
Date: Sat, Feb 25 2012 07:39:45
Work has been annihilating my spare time, BUT Expect a comprehensive review and some new mod showcases relatively soon, I'll keep you guys posted.
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 22:18:27
Hey @iMatt - Looking very forward to seeing your mods and review.
Date: Mon, Feb 27 2012 01:03:24
Zu wrote: internet explorer
There's your problem. jk. I'm still waiting for more colors before I get some modrod grips. -
Date: Wed, Feb 29 2012 20:42:34
Just a few more hours to launch of the contest. FINALLY! :) Here is the link for the contest thread. Please post comments here on this thread, and the photos on the new thread.
Date: Sun, Mar 11 2012 10:26:32
What's insert size for Modrod barrel?
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 14:30:01
@Globock - 177mm x 35mm seems to work well. GIves you a little room to trim the edges, and well as a little overlap. re contest - Well, we are two weeks into the contest now. That means we have exactly one month left. Good luck to all.
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 19:52:50
Modrod, post the entries on your website as they occur :P
Date: Thu, Mar 15 2012 22:03:25
They should appear on the modrod Facebook Fanpage as they appear. If you do not see your there, please contact VAAN here on the UPSB.
Date: Sat, Mar 17 2012 04:30:37
@Vaan I don't see the submissions.
Date: Sat, Mar 17 2012 05:51:24
@Epic Holiday It's here
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 15:38:10
Here is my newest mod, Modrod 301-x. I combined M 301-x writing mechanism with modrod barrel and grips. It became my favorite pen for use in school! I don't like cuting plastic, so I kept original size of barrel, so pen have lenght of double capped mods (21.3cm). I hope you like it. ;]
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 18:14:42
Hello, @Globock - please repost your mod on the contest photo thread. Thanks!!! cris
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 18:36:46
@modrod - I don't want to participate ^^ but thank you for offer
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 19:40:01
@Globock - oh ok. Really like that mod. Very nice. How does it spin?
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 19:47:46
@modrod - Spins like some ok DC mod. I can feel a little difference on both sides, but it's pretty close to DC-like spinning. Still there are many better pens, this one is made to look good and be able to write with in school, so spinning is just secondary use ^^' I gotta tell, Modrod grips are just awesome, soon buying more, but I'm a bit sad - I want more colours! ;p
Date: Tue, Mar 20 2012 20:38:44
@Globock - very good to hear that! re new colors - we are working on that. Hope to have more options for you before the end of the year.
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 01:38:37
I am thinking of getting modrod stuff and making a mod but i have no clue on what tips I should use. I need relatively cheap tips so not dr grip tips or airfit tips. :? any help would be greatly appreciated. ^^
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 01:40:31
thing is, those are the tips that best fit into the modrod grips. make a metal comssa using modrod grips?
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 01:42:24
Fuse wrote: thing is, those are the tips that best fit into the modrod grips. make a metal comssa using modrod grips?
nah I want to have the modrod body and stuff just need to find tips that fit nice. -
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 01:45:02
I really don't know, sorry, most big tips are heavy. :/
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 01:48:43
Fuse wrote: I really don't know, sorry, most big tips are heavy. :/
ya too bad :( i might see if i can get reynolds caps on the modrod body and screw in signo tips and put half of a modrod over each side. -
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 01:49:57
that may work, but you will have to cut the modrod body.
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 01:54:53
tadeadliest wrote: I am thinking of getting modrod stuff and making a mod but i have no clue on what tips I should use. I need relatively cheap tips so not dr grip tips or airfit tips. :? any help would be greatly appreciated. ^^
you can make a modrod minwoo, modrod firefly, or personal modrod mod -
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 01:54:54
To make it shorter? oh and do you know if reynolds will fit on the body or would i have to sand it down?
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 01:58:11
Fryuo wrote: you can make a modrod minwoo, modrod firefly, or personal modrod mod
ya but do you know what tips i should use that'd fit in the grips well? -
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 02:18:48
no reynolds will not fit. did you read the description of the barrel it's thicker than ct and slightly under emboss. Silicon gel tips from daiso is your best bet but haven't seen those in a while. only tips that fit are dr.grip, airfit. or gripmatic but that fits inside barrel not outside
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 03:22:50
Just not that many pens in the world that use real metal tips anymore. As we all know, most of them are plastic with just a thin metal coating. Completely "craptastic" as you would say. :)
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 05:20:13
Do like I did to put a Signo Tip in. Take 2 rings from the small part of a anyball/profile (or a rsvp grip) and put inside the Modrod and then the tip. The left one is Dr grip.. But better to see (btw, the dr grip cut is 2.5 cm.. and modrod cut was bigger, that's why the dr grip is different) I cut the Modrod in a half. :) @tadeadliest
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 13:13:56
Epic Holiday wrote: Do like I did to put a Signo Tip in. Take 2 rings from the small part of a anyball/profile (or a rsvp grip) and put inside the Modrod and then the tip. The left one is Dr grip.. But better to see (btw, the dr grip cut is 2.5 cm.. and modrod cut was bigger, that's why the dr grip is different) I cut the Modrod in a half. :) @tadeadliest
Do you mean stick the 2 rings of the anyball in the modrod grip or modrod barrel? -
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 15:38:52
tadeadliest wrote: Do you mean stick the 2 rings of the anyball in the modrod grip or modrod barrel?
I mean... in the grip. :) The grip is a bit smaller than the modrod. So it will fit and make the tip very tight on this. It has never got loose. :D -
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 19:09:49
Or you could tape up a comssa backplug, stick it in the body and then put the reynolds on that.
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 19:12:28
PenwisH wrote: no reynolds will not fit. did you read the description of the barrel it's thicker than ct and slightly under emboss. Silicon gel tips from daiso is your best bet but haven't seen those in a while. only tips that fit are dr.grip, airfit. or gripmatic but that fits inside barrel not outside
Gripmatic tips do NOT fit inside modrod barrels. Damnit, I double posted, just realized, sorry! -
Date: Fri, Mar 23 2012 23:43:10
Epic Holiday wrote: I mean... in the grip. :) The grip is a bit smaller than the modrod. So it will fit and make the tip very tight on this. It has never got loose. :D
awesome thanks man i think imma do that ^^ -
Date: Sat, Mar 24 2012 00:50:21
@Epic Holiday, that is a great idea. Makes it a good mod without being too heavy.
Date: Mon, Mar 26 2012 13:02:42
tadeadliest wrote: awesome thanks man i think imma do that ^^
A stripe of RSVP works too, there's less taper inside the grip since RSVP's thinner. But some people like the look of what Epic Holiday did, so whatever floats your boat really lol -
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 17:25:19
Nacho posted the split mod. Riiiiight. I was keeping my mouth shut about those clear grips because he said he wouldn't enter that split mod to make it a little fairer on us in return for using those clear grips. Now I just feel a little bit cheated. I don't think it's really fair on the other contestants that you literally gave out a whole bunch of stuff to nacho and stuff, I mean, modrod products can be quite expensive and you gave A LOT to these people. Especially with the clear modrod grips, tapered or not nobody else was able to use them. I'm not going to kid, LOOK at guitrums grip in barrel mods. The pure COST of putting those grips in for a design wouldn't be done if he had to buy those things, it's a nice concept but it's also expensive and otherwise he probably would have used an insert. When it comes to people whom you gave a HELL of a lot of modrod products (Four barrels and a lot of grips) to for free, it ruins the chances of the people who actually spent money on buying your products and making their own mod. To put this into scale, last time I checked your free stuff sets consisted of two T-Shirts, Four modrod barrels and 2 sets of both the lined and smooth grips. For the modrod barrels and grips that's 48$ at cheapest. If the T-shirts were a dollar each, you would have given out 50$ in stuff to these guys. And this gives them free entry into the competition.
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 17:55:29
eurocracy wrote: Nacho posted the split mod. Riiiiight. I was keeping my mouth shut about those clear grips because he said he wouldn't enter that split mod to make it a little fairer on us in return for using those clear grips. Now I just feel a little bit cheated. I don't think it's really fair on the other contestants that you literally gave out a whole bunch of stuff to nacho and stuff, I mean, modrod products can be quite expensive and you gave A LOT to these people. Especially with the clear modrod grips, tapered or not nobody else was able to use them. I'm not going to kid, LOOK at guitrums grip in barrel mods. The pure COST of putting those grips in for a design wouldn't be done if he had to buy those things, it's a nice concept but it's also expensive and otherwise he probably would have used an insert. When it comes to people whom you gave a HELL of a lot of modrod products (Four barrels and a lot of grips) to for free, it ruins the chances of the people who actually spent money on buying your products and making their own mod. To put this into scale, last time I checked your free stuff sets consisted of two T-Shirts, Four modrod barrels and 2 sets of both the lined and smooth grips. For the modrod barrels and grips that's 48$ at cheapest. If the T-shirts were a dollar each, you would have given out 50$ in stuff to these guys. And this gives them free entry into the competition.
That means that he got 50 dollaras already. -
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 21:21:13
@eurocracy, modrod is a start-up company. That means funds are very tight, and thus sometimes it's easier to pay out of inventory than it is out of pocket. Nacho and several others were selected to help launch the product. The promo video was part of the deal. Same thing could be said of TEK, and Supawit127. Now if you will notice, this contest is being judged by the UPSB, and not modrod. We did not have to do it that way, but instead chose to go that route to be as fair as possible. Therefore, in light of what you are saying, getting "free entry" could actually hurt their chances. Who really knows how it will shake out. I'm sorry if you (or anyone else) is not happy with the way we jump started this launch. All I can say is that anyone that is entered in this contest will be in line for more future swag from us. We came through this time, so no reason to think we won't do it again. Hopefully it will be a lot sooner than two years. cris
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 22:19:43
Globock wrote: @modrod - I don't want to participate ^^ but thank you for offer
You should definitely have participated. That mod is amazing. :D -
Date: Tue, Mar 27 2012 22:20:58
I should submit my mod soon too. >.> Still have to take decent pictures of it. Although I know that I won't stand a chance against Syrti and co. ^^
Date: Wed, Mar 28 2012 17:06:50
modrod;187144]@eurocracy, modrod is a start-up company. That means funds are very tight, and thus sometimes it's easier to pay out of inventory than it is out of pocket. Nacho and several others were selected to help launch the product. The promo video was part of the deal. Same thing could be said of TEK, and Supawit127. [/QUOTE] Uh, funds are tight, I understand you sending out packs, but then them taking part in the competition seriously makes it pretty unfair on anyone who is actually supporting you by buying them. [QUOTE=modrod;187144]Now if you will notice, this contest is being judged by the UPSB, and not modrod. We did not have to do it that way, but instead chose to go that route to be as fair as possible. Therefore, in light of what you are saying, getting "free entry" could actually hurt their chances. Who really knows how it will shake out.[/QUOTE] This sounds good in theory but if you put up a poll for best modder, best spinner etc, nobody is going to check if they were given free packs and had an unfair advantage, they'll just pop in a vote and go. [QUOTE=modrod wrote: I'm sorry if you (or anyone else) is not happy with the way we jump started this launch. All I can say is that anyone that is entered in this contest will be in line for more future swag from us. We came through this time, so no reason to think we won't do it again. Hopefully it will be a lot sooner than two years. cris
This is nice though, haha. -
Date: Tue, Apr 3 2012 02:36:22
Just a reminder..... [B]The contest will run until April 15th[/B].
Date: Tue, Apr 10 2012 10:11:43
@modrod A little suggestion if you would like to look at a nice little modding product that everyone wants. The Reynolds 094 caps cap take signo tips and have a very distinct, clean look with a long length. The reynold caps are used in one of the most popular mods in pen spinning, the Waterfall mod, popular for it's popularity among intermediate and beginner-intermediate spinners. The reynolds also have 3 colored variants called Neon caps, you only get 3 neon caps, one of each colour of pink, green and yellow, in a 20 pack of 094 reynolds. The 20 pack of reynolds like that is also incredibly rare, this makes the neon caps very valuable. So what I would suggest is a modrod 'cap' that can fit signo tips in and is about as long as a reynolds cap, to give you an idea how popular neon caps are, Penwish listed 10 $25 Waterfalls with those colored caps and within about a day 7 were sold, this is incredible considering that the normal waterfall is about 10$ cheaper. Colored options of the modrod cap would be a huge hit among the modding community, especially in the colors that you currently use for modrod grips. The waterfall is usually bought, not made from the parts from penwish, so you could have Penwish mod colored waterfalls with your custom caps and sell them off in the waterfall section, making them much more noticed and popular.
Date: Tue, Apr 10 2012 15:49:55
i listed 4 not 10 lol. and all of them were raosed except 1. they do sell but not at the rate euro is saying.
Date: Tue, Apr 10 2012 16:35:56
PenwisH wrote: i listed 4 not 10 lol. and all of them were raosed except 1. they do sell but not at the rate euro is saying.
The stock went back up though? Didn't you restock them again? Eh, odd. -
Date: Tue, Apr 10 2012 16:35:58
"Raosed" LOL!
Date: Tue, Apr 10 2012 18:01:34
Just because it says 5 doesn't mean he has 5 total left.
Date: Tue, Apr 10 2012 18:12:16
i agree with @modrod you should consider this, you could be more known and would provide more products!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Date: Tue, Apr 10 2012 18:57:03
Nachoaddict wrote: Just because it says 5 doesn't mean he has 5 total left.
Shouldn't the store automatically deplete stock to ensure people don't overpurchase them? -
Date: Tue, Apr 10 2012 22:52:57
I think nacho meant: just because he listed 5, doesnt mean his total stock left is 5.. meaning he may have some not listed out incase shit happens?
eurocracy wrote: Shouldn't the store automatically deplete stock to ensure people don't overpurchase them?
Also, I dont think reynold caps are really "that" popular. list 5 popular mods that uses them. I think the winning factor for reynold caps are the ability to hold signo tips tightly, just like old namaes. and old namaes are in high demand due to that reason (maybe + rarity). So length and shape wise it depends on what modrod wants to do but it better work with the mostly used tip: signo tips. Frog~ -
Date: Sat, Apr 14 2012 13:23:13
@eurocracy - Thanks for the suggestion. Caps are one of the things we are wanting to do, since it would work nicely with the barrels and grips we already carry. @upsb - [B]Don't forget.... Contest ends tomorrow at midnight CST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/b] FYI - That is 10pm for those of you in Pacific Time.
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 04:59:50
@modrod [video=youtube;8Vav9DC-xAU][/video] my spinning entry, sorry for lame combos since i'm busy with WC12 atm =\ ^^
Date: Mon, Apr 16 2012 14:55:09
Alright, the contest is officially over. After some consideration, Flame your entries will be allowed since I did not post the CST deadline on both threads. Thanks to all entrants for some excellent mods, and some great spinning. Please allow a day or two to get all the polls organized. cris/modrod
Date: Mon, Apr 16 2012 15:09:16
Does a modrod mod is a mod that modify own self and no original tutorial? If yes then ok .I think modrod make a metal tip is better . Because modders will not feel boring with airfit, dr grip, hgg, needle point , hgr , signo tips as well. If there are a new tip available modders will try it on their personal mod ... Modrod the clear grip looks like plastic . If you can make it looks like rubber is better. It will more attracting modders Sorry , my English is baddd hope you understand
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 17:28:50
Oh my, going up on Best Original Mod with Guitrum and Syrti equall on a score of 1-1-1 altogether now, whatever happens, it's gonna be daaaaaamn close. (Though between me and you Syrti, I think guitrum has other categories to win, so it may just be between you and me)
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 18:15:56
Well, good luck then ^_^ @eurocracy (I'll cry when I loose gripcut-theme :'()
Date: Tue, Apr 17 2012 23:07:07
Thanks again towards all those that entered the contest. The voting has begun, and will run till the end of the month. [B]Also, I want to announce that everyone that entered the contest will be awarded a free modrod GET A GRIP! contest t-shirt. This shirt has never before been seen, and is getting the finishing touches put on at present. If you want a shirt, please submit your name, adult t-shirt size, and mailing address to me via pm as soon as possible. Oh, and in the event that you, your parents, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your priest, or your whomever does not approve of the shirt, modrod will allow you to send it back to us to swap for any other modrod t-shirt, provided that you return it promptly!![/B] [B][COLOR="magenta"]**UPDATE**[/COLOR][/B] In order to show special appreciation for those of you who actually purchased modrod products via penwish, we are going to send you an additional surprise. Please send me a PM if you actually purchased the modrod products you used in the contest. I will then verify the purchase via penwish, and will include the additional surprise when we ship your shirt.
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 16:57:47
@xmanmat By the way, that KT that nacho made for his first entry is a classic mod not an original, because it's a KT lol.
Date: Thu, Apr 19 2012 09:34:54
You don't need to count this as an entry, but more of a preview of what I came up with. [video=youtube;IaEmeQjzJOE][/video] More to come later Basic stats: The Core Length: 20.3 cm Weight: ??? (lightweight) Price: $7.00 + modrod barrel
Date: Sat, Apr 21 2012 16:51:16
Here is a look at the new modrod logo on a black t-shirt.
Date: Sat, Apr 21 2012 16:59:10
modrod wrote: Here is a look at the new modrod logo on a black t-shirt
Will there be white shirts? -
Date: Sat, Apr 21 2012 17:04:41
Yeah, here is a photo - please xcuse the wrinkles. :-)
Date: Sat, Apr 21 2012 17:08:21
Look nice. See if people like the red logo. I personally prefer blue or green, or yellow or orange. Something with a nicer mood. Just my 2 cents. But awesome shirt! (btw did you get my pm?)
Date: Sat, Apr 21 2012 17:13:10
@modrod looks very good
Date: Sat, Apr 21 2012 17:13:46
Hey penz, Thanks a bunch for the feedback. Can do it in many different colors. Can also just leave it one color, which would mean the "o" would be same color as shirt. Did not get pm, btw, @sopi - thank you!
Date: Sat, Apr 21 2012 18:29:04
modrod wrote: Here is a look at the new modrod logo on a black t-shirt.
Oooh I like this, not so blatantly pen spinning as the first one, but I like the simple design, I'll be able to wear this hehe. -
Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 02:38:20
@modrod will the older grips eventually be silicone-ish then? or only the black/white (and future color) ones? Frog~ p.s. read PM :D
Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 02:51:04
Hey Froggy, Not 100% sure yet. We are real happy with the vibrant colors that can be achieved with the polyurethane. Will have to see how good the colors are in the silicone. Also want to hear what the modders think.
Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 05:44:30
Looks like a nice shirt :)
Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 10:16:21
Silicone is the way to go about the grips, it is really comfy for wipers and holding. As for the vibrant colours, personally I think I'd be using modrod clear, black and white for grips I'm going to be grabbing and the more vibrant grips for decoration, but that's just me. Silicon modrod clear grips with double lip = you only need 1 grip to make a waterfall.
Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 12:56:43
modrod wrote: Here is a look at the new modrod logo on a black t-shirt.
Is this the "never before seen" modrod shirt that contestants will get in the mail? @modrod -
Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 13:07:02
and it's liquid silicone not silicone just to correct everyone. normal silicone will smell putrid. Either keep this or get liquid silicone. from feedback I'm getting surprisingly most people like the current material almost all due to the fact it's dust free
Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 15:05:51
Fuse wrote: Is this the "never before seen" modrod shirt that contestants will get in the mail? @modrod
It is not. I asked him -
Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 15:34:37
Oh. I am really looking forward to getting the never before seen shirt! :D
Date: Sun, Apr 22 2012 23:11:36
@PenwisH - when I ordered the grips I did not specify LSR. Thankfully they must be since I do not notice any odor. I figured they would have to use whatever type silicone would work in their molding process. Re "current material" - that's interesting feedback - other side of the coin I suppose. The new material is more sticky, but I think perhaps not so much as a dr grip. Not real sure. Of course, the white doesn't show anything. The black does pick up some lint. Hopefully it's no biggie. Thanks again for all the feedback. God willing we will be releasing many more items over the course of the rest of the year. It is our hope that you all like the new items so that we can really expand modrod and make lots more stuff for our mutual passion - pen spinning! [B]** UPDATE **[/B] modrod Black and White || AUCTION ||
Date: Mon, Apr 23 2012 05:10:22
Finally!!! It looks really nice. I was expecting green like the previous logo but regardless it looks awesome. I want one. :D And I'm really hoping you can get black and yellow Modrod grips because I have an idea that I want to try out. I'm really looking forward to that. ~Karilynn~
Date: Mon, Apr 23 2012 11:22:55
modrod wrote: (lol, somebody ask Syrti for his poetic description)
"I like the umlauts combined with a pen going through them. It's piercing through a modder's heart making his wishes come true (lol I should become a poet!)" :D -
Date: Tue, Apr 24 2012 10:13:42
Best overall mod- nahoaddict entry 2 Best use of color- chobi entry 1 Best classic mod- syrti entry 1 Best original mod-eurocracy entry 2 Best spinner- i.suk
Date: Tue, Apr 24 2012 10:44:47
Wrong thread. Please post it here. @FRspinner
Date: Fri, Apr 27 2012 17:51:57
(from the modrod Facebook Fanpage)
Wanna be a part of modrod? Make and post your modrod on the UPSB modrod thread, and it may be used in our new fanpage cover photo. Special thanks to Jolly this time. That is her snowflake mod on the far left, middle row. -
Date: Fri, Apr 27 2012 19:04:59
@Jolly ^ Nice mod Jolly. :D
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 07:42:12
a German review about modrod :] @Nachoaddict [video=youtube;3YLBlH8C9uU][/video]
Date: Sat, Apr 28 2012 22:16:56
@modrod When will Black and White grips hit the market?
Date: Sun, Apr 29 2012 01:48:05
@eurocracy - hard to say exactly. The next batch of samples should arrive soon. Those samples should be pristine (at least they are supposed to be - never really know till you get them!). If they are, then hypothetically they could be put up for sale. Thing is there will be less than 100 of them. That makes them very scarce and very expensive when taken on cost per piece basis (always is in small quantities). So, as you can see its not clear cut. Only thing that is certain is that as long as they are decent, modrod patrons like yourself (who actually paid to enter the contest), will be getting one of each for free. modrod always takes care of those that take care of modrod. :) Guess I just ruined the surprise. Figured it was pretty obvious anyways.
Date: Tue, May 1 2012 23:56:47
:O so we get a free white grip?
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 00:25:19
Personally, I dont think modrod is in a situation where it can do limited edition products yet. It doesnt contribute much in long term. But that is just always my opinion ;) Frog~
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 02:02:07
And the winners are..... Best overall mod - @Fuse - Yes..! Everyone who entered will get a contest shirt. Those that actually bought the product will be also be receiving the full line of black and white grips (4 grips total).
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 02:33:38
Wow I didn't expect to get two of them after seeing some of the other mods D: Congratz everyone. A lot of the entries were really nice and thank you to those of you who voted for me ^_^
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 02:37:39
Yes, thank you to all who voted for me too. I was also shocked that I won two of the categories, but also very happy that the two that I won were the two geared towards Modrod (the heart of the contest). Congratulations to everyone
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 02:51:59
Congrats to the winners!
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 03:02:06
Re-opening I think iMatt closed this by accident xD
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 10:22:55
4 grips? You rock modrod. Congrats to the winners also. I predicted that Guitrum would win 2 categories with his awesome mods :P
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 10:43:51
Wow thanks to every1 who voted for me :o Very close contest indeed :P I really enjoyed all the mods that were published during the contest, awesome job @all participants!
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 12:06:41
thanks @Froggy for giving me the modrod barrel and grips (sun) and to all those who voted for me :D
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 15:12:25
Congrats to everyone on their wins, especially Syrti and Nacho, well deserved!
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 17:45:40
eurocracy wrote: Congrats to everyone on their wins, especially Syrti and Nacho, well deserved!
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 17:59:57
+Guitrum+ wrote:
Sorry guitrum, Haha! I liked your concepts, they were very creative, but I was singling them both out because I liked their overall mods. Also, a hasty video on the contest: [video=youtube;ybutQYJzSpE][/video] -
Date: Thu, May 3 2012 22:53:38
wait what? 4 GRIPS? BRACK AND WRITE?! MOTHER OF GOD! DAMN! I need to buy modrod barrels!
Date: Thu, May 3 2012 22:54:58
@modrod when will clear modrod grip be released?
Date: Fri, May 4 2012 00:30:20
@sopi - probably in the fall.
Date: Thu, May 10 2012 02:44:55
@modrod did you send it already:O I'm checking mailbox every day.
Date: Thu, May 10 2012 04:42:54
@Epic Holiday - unfortunately not quite yet. When we received the grip samples the black was exactly what we ordered, but the white was not right. Therefore we requested another run. They will be expressed so should be here by the 15th or 16th. Sorry for keeping you hanging. Just don't want to make a bad first impression with the v2 grips.
Date: Thu, May 10 2012 06:46:43
O.o when will v2 grips be out for sale?? fall again?
Date: Thu, May 10 2012 21:14:50
@flaming oracle - should be ready sometime this summer. :)
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 00:48:06
I want to buy modrod clear grips, do you have it ?
Date: Mon, May 14 2012 15:17:31
Shin2901 wrote: I want to buy modrod clear grips, do you have it ?
They are not going to be released for quite a while. -
Date: Wed, May 23 2012 23:40:01
Just illustrating that a very large weight difference can be achieved by just changing the tips. Inverted tips are Impact RT, and the regular tips are Airfit. The spinning area is 10.9 cm, which is just a tad larger than a buster. Uses modrod v1 (green) and v2 grips (black).
Here is the same mod made with the black and white non-grooved (foreground). Notice the weight increase from the v1 grips pictured above.
Date: Sun, Jun 3 2012 17:49:21
Turn the volume up, ignore the shaking camera and enjoy the review! [video=youtube;Fysvcbo596E][/video]
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 04:41:53
Wait. is it squishier than before?! Mother of God I am so happy waiting for it!
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 14:23:05
Epic Holiday wrote: Wait. is it squishier than before?! Mother of God I am so happy waiting for it!
yes, a LOT squisher, very easy to work with! -
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 15:47:51
Hey Fryuo, thanks a bunch for taking the time to do the review. Was very helpful. So glad to learn that the grips are easy to clean. Hate to say it, but that's not even something we considered. We just wanted the [B]BRIGHTEST WHITE[/B] grips that we could find. We went through SO MANY test runs before we were happy with the colors. Unreal how many different types of silicone are on the market. cris
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 15:51:58
modrod wrote: Hey Fryuo, So glad to learn that the grips are easy to clean. cris
yes, i really like that they are easy to clean. if they wernt, it would be bad, becuse it is a very white grip. -
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 17:44:48
My god! If those grips were any whiter, they'd be Richard Hammond's teeth!
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 20:10:45
lmao! Right you are.! When we went into the Black and White project we decided that if we were going to do it, then let's not be outdone. The black is like pitch and the white is like the driven snow. That way you will get maximum contrast on your mods. Can't wait for you to get the grips.! cris
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 21:48:58
God! This grips are indeed WHITE! O.o I mean, VEEEEEEEEEEERYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY WHITE! @modrod thank you modrod ! I recieved it today and have no idea what do to with it yet! I just don't want to waste it. :P btw, what happened to the shirts?
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 05:14:56
White grips will come in handy since there aren't a lot of easy to get sectioned white grips out there. The closest thing is bleached grey anyballs which usually doesn't work out very well.
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 20:46:46
You are very welcome! So glad you like them! The shirts are still in the works. Don't worry, you will still get them. Just have to wait a little longer.
Date: Mon, Jun 11 2012 15:23:00
The feel of the white and black grips is pretty much perfect, it's more smooth than grippy, but I kinda like it like that, it makes wipers smoother. There is a reason I combined them with the best spinning mod I own! Black grips pick up some visible dust as they are black but that's to be expected. If your transparent grips have the same feel as this, the fact that they will be longer than dr grip grips and have the lip on both sides may very well remove the need for dr grip grips.
Date: Mon, Jun 11 2012 17:34:39
Hey Eurocracy, wow, you got them pretty quickly. Excellent. Thanks for the great review. We agree, but still it's the modders opinion that really counts! Oh, and regarding the clear grips, they also felt great. Just a tad harder, but not near as hard as the v1. Hope to make some more clear in the very near future. One other color in the way first. :)
Date: Mon, Jun 11 2012 17:56:13
I really can't wait to mess around with these grips, from all the comments so far they sound amazing! :p
Date: Mon, Jun 11 2012 22:54:18
shoeman6 wrote: I really can't wait to mess around with these grips, from all the comments so far they sound amazing! :p
thye are. -
Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 19:19:32
Found a new way to use the modrod-grips!
Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 19:20:42
Oh de noez! A wild alien appeared.
Date: Tue, Jun 12 2012 20:35:18
Syrti wrote: Found a new way to use the modrod-grips!
Suddenly all modrod mods you make become hard to sell! Haha! -
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 19:53:13
Oh man - it took forever but I think I finally finished my modrod idea. I just ordered the circuit boards and should get them in on this friday. This pen will sense when you spin it and use a motor to retract the ink. It also has a rechargeable battery pack that you can charge from any computer via micro-USB . To quote borat "I am very excite!"
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 20:54:26
Fletch, that is amazing. I request in depth videos and HQ pictures. :P
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 22:37:55
Hey Fletch! Very glad to know it's gonna happen. Cannot wait to see this mod!
Date: Tue, Jun 19 2012 22:52:25
@Fletch that is the most amazing thing ever...will it throw off the balance and momentum though? lol it seems like the engineering is well thought out, but im curious about the physics
Date: Fri, Jun 22 2012 14:09:36
New modrod store coming soon.
Date: Fri, Jun 22 2012 19:17:28
modrod wrote: New modrod store coming soon.
No longer selling through penwish? -
Date: Fri, Jun 22 2012 22:28:48
first world problem THe modrod grips are so white I don't want to make it dirty!
Date: Sat, Jun 23 2012 00:38:17
Right. We really appreciate the opportunity to distribute through penwish, but many things have changed. modrod is no longer just a guy with a trademark and an idea to make some grips. We are now an official LLC, and have three equal partners who bring very specialized skill sets to the table. We have many, many ideas for PS products and gear and have the capacity to deliver them. Some of them will be revealed on July 10th (God willing! Lol) and others will be revealed every few weeks. Needless to say, we are very excited!!!! ** PLEASE SEE POLL AT TOP OF THREAD ** Thanks!
Date: Sat, Jun 23 2012 03:27:59
Hm, what is up with the poll?
Date: Sat, Jun 23 2012 03:47:08
Just interesting data for marketing purposes since sooner or later we will want to have male and female models for our gear.
Date: Sat, Jun 23 2012 04:35:56
Sounds cool with the new website Cris, I can't wait to see the new products hit the store. I received the circuit boards today!
Surprisingly everything fit the modrod barrel perfectly.
I need to order some electronics and might have it working by next weekend.
Date: Sat, Jun 23 2012 04:45:06
Looks pretty sick Fletch ^_^
Date: Sat, Jun 23 2012 04:46:07
looks nice although going to have to be modded in a way to balance weight. Guessing this is more for the coolness factor rather than actual spinning but looks nice
Fletch wrote: Sounds cool with the new website Cris, I can't wait to see the new products hit the store. I received the circuit boards today! Surprisingly everything fit the modrod barrel perfectly. I need to order some electronics and might have it working by next weekend.
Date: Sat, Jun 23 2012 10:07:53
[QUOTE="modrod"]we will want to have male and female models for our gear. [/QUOTE] Well dat sounds interesting, eh.
Date: Sat, Jun 23 2012 12:36:23
Dude, you are a genius. So impressive. Any plans to sell any of them? Re new store - thanks. I was really blessed to team up with my new business partners. They have really re-energized me after several years of trial and error while trying to make the grips a reality. Cannot tell you how many times I almost just gave up on modrod completely. Now I am very glad I did not, as I am so very happy with them. Couple more tweaks coming but for the most part it's done. What a relief! Now we can just develop more colors - which is the fun part! @Nashi - are you ready to do some modeling? Got tattoos? :)
Date: Sat, Jun 23 2012 13:53:01
Lol, naah, i got no tattoos. Someday maybe... ^_^
Date: Sat, Jun 23 2012 13:58:13
@modrod selling some would be great except - the only problem is cost, I estimate around 40 bucks in materials right now per pen :-( But maybe next version can be designed cheaper. If I could get the cost down would you be willing to sell them on your store? That would be so cool...
Date: Sat, Jun 23 2012 14:47:43
That would be a unique design for a tattoo. I have thought many times about getting one but never actually got one. Someday though. :p
Date: Fri, Jul 6 2012 10:23:13
Or modrod you could make an LED mod that runs on replaceable batteries and is simple, just needs to be clicked to turn it on. Wouldn't be too hard to design and would make a fine addition to sell.
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2012 01:12:02
[video=youtube;IkiNVjXu9aI][/video] I just want to say you [B]really[/B] should buy a set of these grips. They are extremely pleasant, and some of the best grips I've ever felt. I personally feel like they're superior to dr.grips, and on par with tornado grips, (without being complete lint magnets!). To give you an idea of the feeling I've come up with a better comparison, if you own a dr.grip COG, the inner soft-grip has the same texture as these grips, except these are less gel-y and stretchy. The super soft feeling is almost identical though. Edit: Since I've talked about how great these grips are, (and they are!), I've come up with a negative, the molding of the grips isn't perfect. Dr.grip grips are seamless and nearly flawless, modrod grips have seams (but they aren't noticeable, and you can't feel them). And the molding isn't perfect which results in minor flaws sometimes, aka, tiny differences in thickness. That being said, many grips we use already have seams, and they are invisible from a foot away. I'm not exaggerating when I say these are some amazing grips, the white of the grip is almost whiter than the body and caps of my waterfall mod, and show no sign of getting dirty, if they do end up yellowing I'll be sure to post here and let you know.
Date: Mon, Jul 9 2012 17:48:19
Hey Shoeman, thank you for the review. So glad to hear so many nice comments - especailly considering how wrong we had it when modrod first began. [B] RULE #1: NOBODY LIKES O-RINGS FOR GRIPS! LMAO.[/B] Also, regarding the negatives, I wanted to say that we do realize that there are some slight imperfections with the wall thickness, and that they have been addressed. This first group of V2 (PRO) grips are from the test mold. The next batch will be from the real mold, and that will make them even better. Now, that said, the very thin lines you see running down the length of the grips are called "parting lines". It's part of the process that was used to make the grips. You will see those same lines in virtually every other grip on the market, with the exception of the Dr Grip. They do not have parting lines because they were made in a slightly different manner. We could have choosen to make our grips without parting lines, but that would have meant that we would have have made one end of the grip flat - just like you see in a Dr Grip. At the end of the day we decided that symmentry was more important. Regarding the barrel in the video, we actually only have less than 10 of those. You and Gland are the only modders with them at this point. Guess that makes them a collectors item. Not sure if we are going to offer them on the site or not. May do so if the demand is there. Thanks again, Shoe. Look for more colors of the V2 in the very near future! cris
Date: Tue, Jul 10 2012 09:17:01
Open up that store!
Date: Tue, Jul 10 2012 12:51:25
Hey Euro, I'm not the one actually developing the new site, but a little birdie told me they are having some technical difficulties. I'm also not even in Memphis at the moment, but on a family vaction on the coast. Therefore I am just as curious as you are to see if by the end of this day there is actually a new site open or not! Maybe we should just watch the new CV over and over till it happens. :)
Date: Wed, Jul 11 2012 03:48:28
Wikero's review: [video=youtube;7t7Yc1DRy3A][/video]
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 09:05:19
Website still not up, this is disappointing :/
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 11:45:06
Be patient it will come. Good things should take their time! Just received my package @modrod It's so awesome, the grips are so squishy :o
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 17:36:04
@Syrti That's the shirt O.O?! :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 19:05:14
@Epic Holiday have you like never been to the off. website. shirt design has been there for like quarter year already....
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 19:22:24
Just wondering, will those modrod desk mats/mouse pads be for sale on the new site? My old place mat faded already xD
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 19:30:22
@PenwisH but he said the design of the shirt to people that participated n the contest would be different.
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 19:54:27
eurocracy wrote: Website still not up, this is disappointing :/
sorrry euro. I'm out of town right now, but I have heard they had some technical difficulties and actually had to start over with a whole new program. I'm disappointed as well, but I know they are working hard on it. Hopefully will be ready in the next few days. @ShadrCom3t - yes they will. We have two different designs and several colors to choose from. BTW, we are debating calling them "Impact Pads" or "rodmats". Which to you like better? :-) cris -
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 19:57:52
Mats for pen spinning, I'm sold already. Next month is modrod order I think, not penwish.
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 20:17:57
@eurocracy - like the vote of approval on the mats. We made them because it seemed a natural thing to do. Figured it really cleaned up the background when filming (Kari NAILED it in the CV, imo. Awesome spinning and awesome presentation. Double winner). It also dampens the noise factor, and protects your table from dents. Last of all, it makes for a very clean surface for photography. Lots to love, we think, but then again you never know if something is going to catch on or not. Hope so.
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 21:22:44
modrod wrote: @eurocracy - like the vote of approval on the mats. We made them because it seemed a natural thing to do. Figured it really cleaned up the background when filming (Kari NAILED it in the CV, imo. Awesome spinning and awesome presentation. Double winner). It also dampens the noise factor, and protects your table from dents. Last of all, it makes for a very clean surface for photography. Lots to love, we think, but then again you never know if something is going to catch on or not. Hope so.
Has it got a smooth or fabric feel? I'm wonderinf abkut the use as a mouse mat as well. -
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 21:33:24
It's the exact same feel as a mouse pad.
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 21:46:47
modrod wrote: It's the exact same feel as a mouse pad.
What kind of mouse pad, a smooth plastic mouse pad or a fabric based pad? -
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 21:58:17
It's like steelseries. It's awesome (couldn't try it yet though since I must clean my desk to have enough space for it :D)
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 22:14:48
Syrti wrote: It's like steelseries. It's awesome (couldn't try it yet though since I must clean my desk to have enough space for it :D)
I don't have steelseries, can you just say if it's fabric or not x.x -
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 22:19:28
fabric where the flexible ones, correct? If so it is fabric :D @eurocracy
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 22:22:09
Syrti wrote: fabric where the flexible ones, correct? If so it is fabric :D @eurocracy
Both are flesible. One if you run your finger on it is a perfectly smooth surface and is plastic The other is fabric on top and usually spongy. Also known as "Hard" and "soft" mousemats, they have different performance effects. -
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 22:26:02
So it's a soft, fabric mousepad :)
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 22:27:18
Syrti wrote: So it's a soft, fabric mousepad :)
Okay lol -
Date: Thu, Jul 12 2012 23:56:15
modrod wrote: @eurocracy... [B]Figured it really cleaned up the background when filming [/B](Kari NAILED it in the CV, imo. Awesome spinning and awesome presentation. Double winner). It also dampens the noise factor, and [B]protects your table from dents[/B]. ...
EXACTLY I wondered why not many penspinners used mats or cloths in their videos O.o -
Date: Fri, Jul 13 2012 00:17:34
I'm guessing they just don't think about how important presentation is? New modrod BUSTER by Syrti. He is unreal good, imo.
Date: Fri, Jul 13 2012 03:59:48
@modrod it's ok :D Just wondering here. How many people are modrod? You always say "we".
Date: Fri, Jul 13 2012 04:06:40
it's three people. take a look at the cv and subtract all the people you recognize in the credits and you haz 2.2+1=3
Date: Fri, Jul 13 2012 04:50:53
Yeah there are three of us @ Modrod in the design and business end of modrod products. However, anyone who spins a mod with modrod parts is also MODROD. All of us love watching the modrod vids you post on youtube. Sorry it is taking me a bit longer than estimated to get the new website and store opened, but we promise to make it up to all of you! We will b offering you some ball'n swag and very special deals. To all of those involved in the modrod cv.... all i can say is thank you for all of your efforts and were glad your part of the modrod army. Modrod Fossil...AKA...Brett
Date: Mon, Jul 30 2012 14:06:41
I brought some modrod grips to the TWPS gathering and everyone there thought they were great. :) Comments were all positive, about the length and texture, I gave some away and people were asking where they could get them. Just thought I'd let you know. :D
Date: Sat, Sep 22 2012 14:21:43
modrod store should be open very soon. We are weighing each item now to set up shipping.
Date: Mon, Sep 24 2012 19:22:25
Great, I'm looking forward to it.
Date: Tue, Sep 25 2012 17:19:11
Couldn't come at a better time - I just dropped my ModRod Rasta behind a huge row of filing cabinets, the second it happened I was like "well that's gone forever... dang" I think I still have one or two left but that sucked, it was my favorite pen to spin at work!
Date: Mon, Oct 29 2012 01:00:49
Hello to all. First look at the yellow v2 grips.
Date: Mon, Oct 29 2012 16:05:37
Welcome back, It's been a while. Looks really nice!
Date: Mon, Oct 29 2012 20:26:16
It's been a while since I was very busy :D Shop's gonna open very soon (when things work out as they should and that should be the case this time :))
Date: Mon, Oct 29 2012 23:38:49
Looks great, I hope there are plans to offer fully built pens? does the mission plan of ModRod still include the idea of a pen that spins great and actually writes? Because I would really like some of those, I'm down to my last "Jade"
Date: Mon, Oct 29 2012 23:43:13
those are some sexy grips. :D Imma have to pick some up.
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 15:02:48
@shoeman6 - glad to be back, and good to see you as well. I have been lurking but not much to say or add as I am admittedly frustrated with our own progress (or lack I should say!) in getting the site launched. I'm very hopeful it will be done soon so we can get this show on the road!!! Sincerely, cris
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 15:48:17
looks like metallic gell O,O but great work. Good to have u back
modrod wrote: Hello to all. First look at the yellow v2 grips.
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 17:25:45
modrod wrote: @shoeman6 - glad to be back, and good to see you as well. I have been lurking but not much to say or add as I am admittedly frustrated with our own progress (or lack I should say!) in getting the site launched. I'm very hopeful it will be done soon so we can get this show on the road!!! Sincerely, cris
How do the new yellow grips feel? Are they hard like the V1 grips or soft like the V2? -
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 18:48:49
@eurocracy the yellow grips are v2
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 21:34:07
modrod wrote: @Fletch, And speaking of unique, how is your mod coming? Is it still in the works? cris
Hi, Yes, I'm still poking at it every now and then... I made some layout errors in the battery charging circuit so that was frustrating enough to make me want to shelve it for a while, haha. I'm setting up a new work area now and making that my first project. I plan on adding it to my resume if I need to get a new job! -
Date: Fri, Nov 9 2012 15:37:15
Here is the second mod made using the the "Dart Frog" yellow grips. It is a KT made by Kari. @Kari - how do you like the yellow we selected?
Date: Fri, Nov 9 2012 16:23:29
Wow, those grips look great!
Date: Fri, Nov 9 2012 18:30:41
@shoeman6 - thanks!
Date: Fri, Nov 9 2012 20:05:04
@modrod these grips are amazing. Exactly the yellow I was hoping for. :D
Date: Sat, Nov 10 2012 09:28:16
I see your site has been launched, thus I have a question. Will you ever be selling premade mods based on your products? I'm particularly interested in modrod GM.
Date: Sat, Nov 10 2012 09:44:05
Yes they will. Otherwise I never would've written "soon avaible" in my presentations. Some modders and I will be given materials to build some mods! And modrod himself will mods himself I asume. So be patient ;D
Date: Sat, Nov 10 2012 10:06:10
Who spelled the stuff on your site??? Collaboration is not spelt colaberation! In fact there are a lot of errors and stuff that could do with fixing, and some of the site images look kinda cheesy.
Date: Sat, Nov 10 2012 13:37:44
Why does he need help making a modrod gm? o.O I'm pretty sure he can make that o.O. Isn't it insert....then grips? and maybe tips? Unless it's for a purely marketing perspective to have made by "so and so" it makes no sense logistically for majority of the modrod mods since the best ones are tiped and tipless kt derivatives. What happened to your last website? o.O the last store's store was a lot cleaner/easier to use/flowed better(guessing you used yahoo stores which is pretty good). Are you using a template for the site because there are tons better templates out there.
Date: Sat, Nov 10 2012 20:19:25
I am not only talking about modrod GM's and KT's ;) Would YOU like to do a gripcut with those modrod-grips ;)
Date: Sun, Nov 11 2012 04:34:11
@eurocracy - Regarding the spelling, thanks for the catch. Please let me know any more that you see. I would also like to know exactly what you find as "cheesy" so that it can taken into consideration. We welcome any and all feedback. Thanks P.S. the store is actually not open quite yet. Should officially be able to take orders by next Friday.
Date: Sun, Nov 11 2012 04:52:24
modrod wrote: P.S. the store is actually not open quite yet. Should officially be able to take orders by next Friday.
I'll be the first one there. ;) -
Date: Sun, Nov 11 2012 05:05:27
Also, gallery not functioning. When you click a picture it reverts to the Supawit video rofl.
Date: Sun, Nov 11 2012 05:11:14
[email][email protected][/email] send feedback there to be more efficient and more private. i will send email about spelling/grammar etc etc and the cheesy stuff euro is talking about is the text for the store lol that one is pretty obvious Also understand the part of wanting to be original but unless you have someone who has a lot of knowledge(which it seems is meh at best) building a website with functions is tough. Getting a template and changing crap outta it to fit what you want would be better unless you have a master coder. or you can hire a master designer/developer off odesk or freelancer to finish it off. Even completely custom shop with less than 50 items should take no longer than 2 weeks max.
Date: Sun, Nov 11 2012 09:20:45
If you have a template, I can mod the living shit out of it. I've been using photoshop for 7 years and know CSS and HTML.
Date: Mon, Nov 12 2012 20:16:03
Alright, I think all spelling errors are fixed. If you see anymore then please let me know. Regarding the store, we hope to have the paypal issue fixed in the next few days. Should be open for a business a short time after that.
Date: Mon, Nov 12 2012 20:27:53
modrod wrote: Alright, I think all spelling errors are fixed. If you see anymore then please let me know. Regarding the store, we hope to have the paypal issue fixed in the next few days. Should be open for a business a short time after that.
I think you may need to change the shipping fee cause it is the same when i have only 1 grip to check out or i have a hundred , it does not vary. -
Date: Mon, Nov 12 2012 20:44:23
@qinkuangan - our shipping rates will be flat rate for either US or international so shipping on 11 grips would be the same as shipping on 100 grips. There will be a minimum order of $10.00. [COLOR="magenta"][B]** modrod is FINALLY OPEN for business!! **[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR="magenta"]99 cents grips all day everyday![/COLOR][/B] Also, we have many more products that we will be releasing periodically, so keep on eye on modrod!! Thanks
Date: Fri, Nov 16 2012 16:48:08
Going to set my order later today, can't wait :).
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2012 02:08:11
@shoeman6 Congrats on being the first order! For your prize it looks like you got free shipping due to some a technical glitch! No worries, it's on us! We think it may be fixed but not really sure. Anyone else want to try their luck? :) [B]++++ ANNOUNCEMENT ++++[/B] To mark a new beginning, we have stared a new modrod store thread in the trade section. This thread will be closed soon, so please set your new subscription here: SEE YOU THERE!
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2012 03:54:02
[B]Announcement! The modrod store is open for business![/B] Featuring the [B][COLOR="#2e8b57"]99 cent grips [/COLOR][/B]all day everyday! Stay tuned for more many more modrod PS products!!!