Fundamental Tricks / any sonic tips?
Date: Thu, Nov 15 2012 07:15:14
i've just started pen spinning and i can't seem to get the sonic down. When i release it, it doesn't fully go up over my middle finger. any tips?
Date: Thu, Nov 15 2012 21:06:39
What helped me learn was maintaining the finger position and "hitting" your index finger apon the release.
Date: Thu, Nov 22 2012 18:25:27
For me the Sonic just "clicked" in about 10 minutes. What you can do to help you master it is to bend your middle finger before you start, so that it will naturally float over it due to the momentum. Then, when you get that down, raise your middle finger and learn to bend it during the trick. This will help greatly for both sonic 32-21, and for sonic 43-32. -Nicho
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2012 03:44:27
penspinningnoobie wrote: i've just started pen spinning and i can't seem to get the sonic down. When i release it, it doesn't fully go up over my middle finger. any tips?
There are plenty of helpful people here if you know where to look. :) -
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2012 23:10:13
Well, when you do the charge motion, your going to lower you middle finger as much as you can (in that short period of time). At the same time you do this, you have to catch the pen in between 1 and 3. then the pen will naturally continue the rotation (because of all the momentum) into your 12 finger slots. And vwahlah you have a perfect sonic. If you are still having trouble with getting it down, look up ktrinh's tutorial or you can watch tons of slomo's. Good luck!
Date: Tue, Nov 27 2012 03:12:19
Lol its weird, I just ended up learning charge 43-21 :P... Its pretty cool :D :thumb:
Date: Tue, Nov 27 2012 14:44:12
try to bend your middle finger down as much as possible and stretch your index and ring finger like you could do a charge 13.and perhaps try to do it with your fingertips,it might be easier.
Date: Tue, Nov 27 2012 22:53:28
Learn it palm down first
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2012 05:17:23
Kam's original sonic tutorial was a good way for me to learn it. By using the thumb flap to stop the pen moving you apply pressure to it and then let it go and pretty much hope that you land it. After successfully lucking out and getting it a few times you can start to understand the motion and get it down everytime.
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2012 12:31:56
dont forget keep practising :) :sfsr:
Date: Thu, Nov 29 2012 17:10:15
It really doesn't matter if you learn it palm down first or not. You will want to know it palm down at some point though.
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2012 16:55:04
try it with an unsharpened pencil
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2012 00:09:08
Personally im not really able to give advice but how i learned the sonic was to get into the normal sonic position but put my pointer ( 1st finger) close to my middle finger and when i released it just followed the motion of my finger . This helps when doing the non thumb flap version aswell
---- picture
Date: Mon, Dec 10 2012 04:48:40
you should practice more with the charge..then sonic will come down naturally :)
Date: Wed, Jan 8 2014 04:34:25
You should understand the motion first, so maybe guide your pen with your hand slowly to get the feel of the sonic.
Date: Thu, Jan 16 2014 09:19:17
appreciate the suggestions and will follow .. as i am trying it for a while and it is not getting up to the mark .. hopefully, now it is going to get improved
Date: Mon, Feb 24 2014 22:07:03
Do it palm down, it's much easier to control and then transition to palm up.
Date: Mon, Feb 24 2014 22:12:33
MrTradeMarkMe wrote: Do it palm down, it's much easier to control and then transition to palm up.
Eh, That's all a matter of opinion. Personally i feel it is easier palm up as you get a sense of the motion and "What you are really doing". If you understand the trick i feel you are able to preform it better. For example let's say you were teaching someone, if you don't understand it well enough, you can't teach it. So like i said it's a matter of opinion. Get a sense of motion, this is key in any trick. Regards Zen -
Date: Mon, Feb 24 2014 22:17:04
Totally agree, I jumped the gun, should've said in my opinion :). (I'll keep that in mind next time).