Single Member & Tag Videos / Fang session: "Half an hour work"
Date: Fri, Nov 9 2012 13:51:23
Hey there, Let me show you an video of myselve. I made this video while I had a lunch break at school. I know it is crappy spinning, but I am going to try to make more of these video's. I want to have more control, so I want to try more of these video's where I make a session within half an hour (Spinning + edit). So these are complete freestyles. And some of them have a fail within them. But I know I can become beter in this. If I keep this up, I am sure I practice enough and I don't waist some hours to try some hard combo's. Means I don't waist time for school, drawing, guitar etc. in case I am busy. [B]Please give feedback for more control? [/B] [video=youtube;lSILyg9RTCU][/video] The actual reason there is no sound is because I didn't had enough time to edit. C'mon AN HALF AN HOUR!
Date: Fri, Nov 9 2012 13:59:56
Dat style, I LOVE IT!
Date: Fri, Nov 9 2012 14:04:20
Good idea :).
Date: Fri, Nov 9 2012 16:26:22
0:10 hahahaha