Pen Modifications / Custom Pentel Pen & Steelseries UPSB mousepad
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 16:31:53
Thoughts on a premade pen by pentel that would be more customized for spinning. It would have a cap/clicker or have smooth or tapered body. They are really only trying one design to see if it even flies/gets popular so it maybe released in japan/hk/china first but we are trying to work on something that would work but would want recommendations on *cap or no cap. will have to be click mech. *tapered or non tapered body *length *weight. *thickness. they would like something close to something they already have like rsvp. As of now i have told them no grip since that may be preferred but that can change. On mousepads and sweat bands I'm somewhat in discussions with Steel Series on custom UPSB mousepads. Of course they are being a bit douchey and they want their logo on the mousepad still but perhaps a bit smaller than usual. Any recommendations on which one is best/most people prefer. I"m going to assume most everyone is relatively hip and no longer using ball mouses so lets stick with the lazer/optical pads. also working finishing some sweatbands and stuff just to mess around with.
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 16:43:11
i like the idea alot.
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 16:45:18
-_- input on specifications. the idea of course is solid. but need input on recommendaitons of size/length/girth of pen and steel series models
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 16:55:31
I like RSVP thickness, I think that it should have a cap, I like 15-17 grams as a length and I am not sure about the length. I don't use a webcam, so the mousepad doesn't concern me, but I really like the wristband idea.
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 17:28:46
I think some silicom wristbands would also be great (in some shiny colours lime green, yellow, orange, light blue, pink...) Pentel: The should be retractable and not to heavy, between comssa and mx, SC and they should also have a attractive design. Mousepad: I don't know if people really need this but if there are enought requests then it's ok Swearband: That's a good idea, maybe also in some shiny colours and the upsb logo should be made nice
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 17:41:20
That is awesome ! thx penwish. No cap will be better for me personally. if a clicker mechanism would have been used then i think the length can be as long as possible (may be 19 cm or longer) yes ,just like a modrod evo,but balanced. one important thing is it is hard to make a retra. pen balanced, so some additional weight on the back is preferred.
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 17:48:37
Nice :D I think I'll look into some drafts for the pen and maybe think about ideas for the mouse pad. The best I can think of now for the pad is two logos diagonally in the corners. One with the Steelseries and one with UPSB. So that you can turn it around to show the other logo. (sun)
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 19:33:37
Pentel mod: Has the body feeling, width and taper of a G3 with slightly more spinning room than a G3 mod (maybe 0.5cm more spinning space). Weight in between HGG tipped comssa and signo tipped comssa.
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 21:21:15
Retractable is a no no for spinning, put a damn cap on that thing, think something like an MX that is balanced such as a toro MX, with the hole at the backplug so the inktube can be reversed by simply unscrewing and flipping the tube. RSVP barrel is nice and feels better than a G3 mod as it feels lighter and smoother to spin. It would be pretty ideal. Retractable mechanisms cause rattling and bad weight distribution commonly. Weight of the pen should be signo tipped or toro MX as it's more balanced and isn't too heavy, so if they like spinning people can go and buy heavier mods in the future. Making the pen not too big helps as it looks more like an actual pen, think 17.5cm to 18.5cm
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 21:31:32
I think rsvp thickness and about 16g maybe for wieght?
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 21:52:21
i mean design right now is important whether you want like something straight no cap. cap straing. cap taper . remember this will be without grips or maybe a grip if its taper but you will be adding stuff to it so like 16g seems heavy just for body itself.
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 22:06:35
:facepalm: I thought it was an actual mod, but now that I read it more thoroughly I realize it is a pen. 7-10g is a good weight for a pen. I agree with Twine about spinning area.
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 22:16:52
it's a pen that's kinda more geared to be modded but instead of the lower quality items out there... hopefully pentel will do a better job at it than most.
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 23:12:56
Oh if this is just a barrel then I would say yes to cap and no taper. and have the barrel light as possible to reduce center weight?
Date: Tue, Oct 30 2012 23:13:45
well, for a SC mod, the barel should be like a RSVP, Same with the back cap rsvp. im honestly leaning towards a mod similar to the MX.
Date: Wed, Oct 31 2012 02:01:47
can it be mad so that its dc-able? if so then it could come with a dc like cap but be thin enough so a rsvp cap could still fit on. then it could be good for a sc or a dc. id like that, id like that a lot!
Date: Wed, Oct 31 2012 02:11:55
they want to make it sc or single sided. dc is kinda weird for ink as well i would assume
Date: Wed, Oct 31 2012 03:10:58
Pw i honestly think length should be something mx or impact kinda design like because think about it, who doesnt have some kinda mx variation? and length if its gonna be mx styled like which rsvp basically is it should be 16-19cm if dc styled 20-22 cm? you might want to make a poll and let people vote then add them up and find an avarage of the length liked and make the weight near impact mx weight? maybe slightly less than it? and color wise start with white and black always then maybe some fluro colors like modrod colored grips then later on add more colors if its working out hopefully that helped @PenwisH
Date: Wed, Oct 31 2012 03:20:11
just let steelseeries have their logo
Date: Wed, Oct 31 2012 06:18:20
a SC-MP Mod like..old RSVP RT style..with a better grip lol 15-17cm would be great\ 15~18gm yoo
Date: Wed, Oct 31 2012 06:22:09
So is this new custom pen something that's a material like the Modrod barrels? Or is it already a mod like the Spinz and Penzgear pens?
Date: Wed, Oct 31 2012 06:49:09
PenwisH wrote: As of now i have told them no grip since that may be preferred but that can change.
I think there should be a grip, if you need to, make it easily removable like an Anyball grip or something, so if people want to, they can easily remove the grip. -
Date: Wed, Oct 31 2012 10:29:39
I already have my own, "prototype design" that i had to do for a school assignment (Aspire engineering) So preety much the specs are: Using an extended rsvp barrel but with no indentation for grip. the tip section will be a screw on like with most standard pens and will be sporting the main spring infront The back cap will have not so much a regular clicker design but will have a plastic retractable rsvp cap with a shaved down clip and will cut off some plastic. What we really want is a pen that looks like a regular retractable pen but without making it look modified too much. Something that always comes to my attention is that they try to take off the metal tip in the front because they didnt know that the ink was reversed. In terms with an insert. I think we should just leave it out. Also we should make multiple plastics of bodys like clear and full colored. In terms of the grip i think that a grip is needed, just a generic grip thats slim and simple. Once again. what we should focus on is created a pen that spins like a mod but looks like a regular pen. Sure we have an mx but with all the bling and the inserts its just not the same as a regular pen.
Date: Wed, Oct 31 2012 14:29:59
Penwish please convince Pentel company to sell it in MY
Date: Wed, Oct 31 2012 14:59:36
@Nachoaddict It's going to be made and released by pentel but in asia first. If they ever release in usa it will be in select cities only since they know the nicheness of psing. so yeah. it's a new concept. It's nicer since it'd be pricey as hell to do it ourselves and hard to match quality of pentel
Date: Wed, Oct 31 2012 23:43:12
I made some drafts for the new pen:
The design drafts are not that well made, since I don't have any experience with designing stuff. I just tried to present my ideas as understandable as possible. (sun)Spoiler
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 02:12:59
PenwisH wrote: @Nachoaddict It's going to be made and released by pentel but in asia first. If they ever release in usa it will be in select cities only since they know the nicheness of psing. so yeah. it's a new concept. It's nicer since it'd be pricey as hell to do it ourselves and hard to match quality of pentel
Sooooo I take it it's going to be a conventional pen that's longer than usual to make it more useful to spinners? -
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 04:24:17
Nachoaddict wrote: Sooooo I take it it's going to be a conventional pen that's longer than usual to make it more useful to spinners?
From what I understand, it's going to be another regular pen like an RSVP but it will be easier to mod with. Correct me if I'm wrong. -
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 04:36:40
at this point it's just drafting and discussing design and feasibility. It could be more like a rsvp but it also could be something completely different
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 14:10:39
Here are my suggestions: *with cap. A G3 like cap with no nubs for convenience in modding or a jimnie like cap. *non-tapered body *the length is a bit longer than RSVP *the weight is lighter than RSVP *the thickness is the same of that with RSVP *I would also suggest having a grip so that it can be used for other modding purposes, with a metal tip similar to G-tech tip and non-retractable for more flexibility in modding. It's like a "no waste" pen. Every part can be used for modding.
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 14:43:04
maybe a COG=COP pen barrel is clear with metal tip the grip be silicone like dr one grip approximately 5cm the upper part with a big cap like jimnie//hyperjell/rsvp with a plastic insert like cubix [SIZE="6"]CONVINCE PENTEL TO SELL IT IN MALAYSIA[/SIZE]
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 14:49:06
right now they are focusing on china and japan and nowhere else for now until they see results. if it works out then they will expand based on certain major cities around world
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 15:02:39
I'd like to see something like an RSVP with a metal tip and something to balance it out in the back, perhaps make the cap heavier. I think they should look at the RSVP MX for inspiration.
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 16:22:41
Here are my two cents [COLOR="red"][B]Cap[/B][/COLOR] Yes, have a cap, [B]Non-tapered[/B] KT- styled with indent that fits signo tips snugly [B]No Clip[/B] and [B]No Nub[/B]. Having a cap will make the pen much more useful to pen spinners! Caps should have a "lip" and not just be a plastic cylinder, AKA caps have a limit to how far they can slide down the barrel. The cap should be able to be placed on the back of the pen snugly when writing. Any taper should be subtle, no whole barrel or whole cap taper, maybe at the opening of the cap (see RSVP caps). Having non-tapered back of the cap (see comssa caps) will make the caps more useful. Alternatively An RSVP style cap without the clip, Much like a jimnie with its nub shaven down, a cap of this style would be useful as well. Again, There should be some sort of lip, take for instance the RSVP cap and the old RSVPRT cap, the old RSVP RT cap is completely hollow inside and difficult to use, the lip inside the RSVP cap allows you to fit a grip and control how much of the cap is covering the barrel. [COLOR="red"][B]Tip[/B][/COLOR] Seeing as Pentel doesn't sell Signo, perhaps the pen itself could have a metal tip that is similar in weight and size to the Uni-Ball Signo tips. In any case a metal tip of some weight seems like a given. Signo tips are ~1.836 grams. [B]A [COLOR="red"]2[/COLOR] gram metal tip that is the size of a signo tip would be amazing.[/B] [COLOR="red"][B]Body[/B][/COLOR] [B]Non[/B]-Tapered! RSVP circumference is fine, no grip and no grip molding as well. A [B]thin barrel[/B] (From outside circumference to inner circumference) But still durable. RSVP bodies are heavy, but they're still prone to cracking. Flexible bodies (comssa, supertip) are lighter, and dont break as easily. Light and durable for the body. [COLOR="blue"]If using a Back Cap (threaded) as opposed to a Back Plug (friction / glue), consider making the back cap the same size threads as the tip, and the back cap metal[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][B]Length[/B][/COLOR] Length is dependent on material, and style.[COLOR="red"] 5[/COLOR] inches seems to be a good length for the body, as long as there is [COLOR="red"]3 - 4.5[/COLOR] inches of spinable space when double capped. [COLOR="red"]1.5 - 2.5[/COLOR] inches for cap length. [COLOR="red"][B]Grip[/B][/COLOR] No-grip is fine, but if HGG grips could be fit on this pen somehow, it would be even more valuable. ___________ I personally use a steelseries QCK mini, it's about the size of a normal mousepad. I wouldn't mind having the steelseries logo. I'm not sure if people still wear sweatbands, but I would still buy one. I might do some chainbreak style drafts later.
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 16:38:21
Well i asked them about signo like tip and they said something similar mabye okay but they don't want any trouble with rubbermaid since they are friendly competitors.
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 16:42:41
@PenwisH If they took something similar to a G3 tip and it made it a little bit heavier (it's about 1.5g), I feel like the [B]2g[/B] mark would be perfect. It would be slightly (.1~.2g) heavier than signo tips and if I'm not mistaken they fit the same kinds of caps. Edit: pentel doesn't make G3's X|
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 16:46:25
yeah i did mention to them to make slighgly longer g3 almost like needletip . They are a bit conflicted on whether to target only spinners or make a long weird pen that may interest normal peeps as well but if they are only targeting ps hot spots i figure targeting psers would be okay
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 16:49:24
A pen is a pen, I would hope it would be a pen non-psers would buy, otherwise I feel like the mark up would be high, or it would go out of production within a week. I'm sure they could find some way to market it to the masses. Bic sells stics ffs. :p
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 16:50:52
well tha'ts why it's not high scale production and released only in china and japan and only in certain cities. It's pretty much a case study for them
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 17:28:25
Ohya a smooth gel pen with needlepointed ink tip would be great.. The gel tech make it like Pentel Energel or Zebra Sarasa..and try to control the ink..not to like G2..Drop=buy a new refil
Date: Fri, Nov 2 2012 04:25:01
I think a grip is needed, it's useful not only for modding but also for writing. Maybe for a non-penspinner, a pen with a grip is more preferable.
Date: Sun, Nov 4 2012 03:19:36
RSVP Thickness is nice, I'd prefer grips. Other than that, not too picky. As for the mousepad, it's not that big of a deal to have there logo in the corner. Personally, I already have two QcKs one of which is signed by an SC2 pro, but I think it's a good idea still.
Date: Sun, Nov 4 2012 04:03:47
Just talk to them about doing a UPSB x Steelseries mousepad. Lots of companies do it. Fatlace x Illest for example.
Not too hard. They both have their logos on there. Hell, Ill even throw up a design idea if it needed.
Date: Mon, Nov 5 2012 00:13:42
well looks like the double logo isn't' an issue for most meh. okay
Date: Mon, Nov 12 2012 19:02:35
other than mousepads, u guyz should also make t shirts :D
Date: Mon, Nov 12 2012 19:04:26
also i think pen should be weight of waterfall, double sided and haz really comfy grips
Date: Mon, Nov 12 2012 20:11:21
is there already a alpha or betha version of the pen?
Date: Mon, Nov 12 2012 22:40:01
no we are in the planning stages. They are running numbers to see which countries to release it in and how much they want to invest.
Date: Mon, Nov 12 2012 23:12:32
Will this pen be available on your site? If so, about how long will it take to have it in stock after it's been put into production?
Date: Mon, Nov 12 2012 23:27:47
long ways away and no i won't have it teill after they try it out in asia.