Off-topic / Road Bike
Date: Tue, Oct 23 2012 10:11:23
So recently, I have gotten a sudden interest in road biking. So I got a new bike, the Trek Verve 1, which is a hybrid rather than an actual road since the road conditions in my area are pretty bad. Out of curiosity, I created this topic to see if other people also road biked, and their opinions about it, as well as tips on buying or riding. Feel free to discuss road bike topics such as, why don't more cities have a special lane for bike riding? Over in Europe, one gets around using a bike everywhere. Here in Michigan, its impossible. Cheap-ass state budget :angry:
Date: Tue, Oct 23 2012 11:08:43
I've been trying to find a roadbike to ride to uni. I havent really decided over a roadie or a ss/fixie. but its difficult to find a roadie on my budget. The road bike was more preferable as theres heaps of good riding around where I live. I've sort of given up looking for bikes now... If you just plan on riding around the city, i would definitely recommend a ss/fixie. So much cheaper and easier to maintain than a roadie. Something around the 40/13 gearing so you can still travel reasonably quickly yet climb smaller hills. if you're roads are so shit, maybe try upgrade to a carbon fork and a carbon seatpost. they will take up some of hte bumps for you.
Date: Tue, Oct 23 2012 19:19:20
Rees wrote: if you're roads are so shit, maybe try upgrade to a carbon fork and a carbon seatpost. they will take up some of hte bumps for you.
WTF? In the MTB work carbon = stiffer. Carbon seatpost? Ouch. Problem with the states is that everything is so spread out. For me biking to work is a 7 mile trip 1 each way, not bad I do ride every once in a while. But school is 40 round trip. Eff THAT. -
Date: Tue, Oct 23 2012 20:44:25
@UEDan fucking lazy stoner
Date: Tue, Oct 23 2012 22:54:35
UEDan wrote: WTF? In the MTB work carbon = stiffer. Carbon seatpost? Ouch. Problem with the states is that everything is so spread out. For me biking to work is a 7 mile trip 1 each way, not bad I do ride every once in a while. But school is 40 round trip. Eff THAT.
haha yeah thats pretty lazy... I want to ride to uni, thats a 21km ride each way. Carbon flexes. I dont really know how it all works. But lets say a carbon ht mtb, the seat/chainstays will flex. It provides a bit of give. same goes for hte seatpost. -
Date: Wed, Oct 24 2012 23:51:00
Fuck ya'll. I enjoy burning $4.50/22 miles too much. And you can't haul kegs/beer on a bike =P "[B]Want[/B] to ride to uni"? Rees is right, carbon flexes. I was getting mixed up with steel/alum/carbon. Durrr.
Date: Thu, Oct 25 2012 03:57:35
Only "want" because I dont yet have a bike. I've just found a great buy so hopefully ill be riding soon. The parents dont really want me riding though, mainly because it involves riding in heavy traffic and pretty much all drivers hate riders.
Date: Fri, Oct 26 2012 02:29:13
So yesterday, I went to uni in the morning and was bored so i was browsing ebay for bikes again. Found 2 bikes being sold by the same dude, one was at $2 the other at $13. They werent full bikes, both missing wheels and a few other parts. Came home at 1pm and sent him a message asking to come have a look. Went down there, liked what i saw, so i bought both bikes then and there for $40 beign the nice guy i am. i went to get cash out, came back and he asked if i wanted these wheels he had. so i took them for free. So after taking more free shit, this is what i came home with:
2 frames and parts, 2 wheels, pair of shoes, 2 spare seats and a wind trainer. This is what the bike looks like now, Ill be selling the other parts to try get my $40 back.
Absolute bargain. just needs a rear axle, freewheel and a front deraileur.
Date: Sat, Oct 27 2012 18:57:15
WHY ARE ROAD BIKE WHEELS SO EXPENSIVE!!! >:( Nice bike by the way @Rees
Date: Sun, Oct 28 2012 03:22:56
Axle, as in the skewer or the hub needs a rebuild? Damn, not a bad price for a carbon frame. Not at all.... what size is the KHS? It looks huge! @Jan like most things, quality parts aren't cheap =( Posted from a fone.
Date: Sun, Oct 28 2012 23:32:58
UEDan wrote: Axle, as in the skewer or the hub needs a rebuild? Damn, not a bad price for a carbon frame. Not at all.... what size is the KHS? It looks huge! Posted from a fone.
basically, i have a hub, and theres nothing inside it. I need spacers, bearings, free hub, seals and all that shit. So i'm going to see if i can sell it for $10 or something and ill buy a completely new wheel. Probably a shimano rs10 from CRC. KHS is a 58cm frame, same as the wheeler. I bought it all for $40 and Ive sold some of the spares for $80. haha. I should have sold the parts for a lot more though... they all sold in about an hour. -
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2012 00:03:43
revive. My parts from crc arrived today.
Its not much for $166. I've also done some painting.
next up is painting the spokes/nipples red, then build up the wheel and put all the parts on. Then its finished!