Serious Discussion / (R.I.P Amanda Todd) Bullying/Depression/Anxiety/Emotional Problems Discussion Thread
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2012 15:31:57
I do not know if you heard of this but just a few days ago a girl named Amanda Todd has committed suicide from 3 years of bullying. She was from the Vancouver-area and she was almost 16. Her story is very saddening and it angers me. She was threatened by students from multiple schools that she switched from and stalked by a cyber stalker that stalked her for 3 years. She was beaten up and filmed. She got diagnosed with Panic Disorder, and severe anxiety and depression and came to drugs, alcohol and cutting to cope with the pain. The stalker has not been found but is currently somewhere in the US. Please like the facebook page here: Here is the original video she made about her past 3 years, 1 month before she comitted suicide: [video=youtube;vOHXGNx-E7E][/video] This is a video of her singing. [video=youtube;DtEtFeaPoEw][/video] Also for Canadians if you want, head to an RBC bank and donoate to the Amanda Todd trust fund that goes under her name to support anti bullying. Please like and share for everyone to see. No one deserves to be bullied and take their own life for it. This thread is used for people who have problems similar to hers or any problems of the same nature no matter the degree of seriousness. Members can help each other by consulting their problems and make people more aware about the effects of Bullying. Thank you and I wish you guys all the best and as well as Amanda's family. R.I.P AMANDA TODD
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2012 15:33:20
Raos wrote: Please like the facebook page here:
No. -
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2012 15:50:05
she looks like the girl dancing in Rebecca Black's Friday music video
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2012 16:06:53
well her parents are really to blame, you shouldnt let your kids use your webcam like that, she was illegally doing underage porn. i think if she was only bullied at school it would have been ok, its the cyber stiff that pushed her over
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2012 16:09:43
The world is overpopulated.
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2012 16:27:03
Funny how people only start to care when it's too late.
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2012 16:29:14
Zombo wrote: she was illegally doing underage porn
tell me about it -
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2012 16:41:28
[B]4chan[/B] "Amanda Todd Ok, well let's just get this all out of the way so you all can stop your bitching about this dead girl. A lot of what is posted in her video and on her page is fabricated to make her look like she was an angel. Think again. 1. She was 15 years old when she flashed those guys. 2. She did it out of her own free will. She CHOSE to do it. 3. She already flirted with many guys before. 4. She got 'beat' up at school not because of the picture, but because she slept with another girl's boyfriend. (refer to #1) 5. The guy 'bullied' her once only about 6-8 months after she flashed online. Not multiple times over 2 years. 6. She was known to have slept with multiple men and to sell herself out. 7. Her home life wasn't the best. (family troubles) You people who are giving her sympathy and pity should all be ashamed of yourselves. Instead of giving pity to a girl who already commited suicide, how about you talk to that lonely kid at lunch? Yea, the one who sits all alone in the corner. But no, you'd rather sit with your friends and then come home and get on facebook and say shit like 'Oh, how come no one helped poor Amanda, she's so pretty, why did she have to die'. FUCK YOU! Go crawl back in your shell of safety while the ones who really need help are only an arms length away. We should be talking about the ones who were bullied and managed to survive through it all. The success stories. Because that's what gives kids hope, the ones who know what it's like to be in their shoes. The ones who have walked that road before and came out ok. What kind of message does it send to impressionable teens that if you go ahead and kill yourself that you will get thousands of likes on a facebook page and everyone will feel sorry for you and give you attention? If you have any self respect for the future then you'd stop and think about where your morals are. If you're too confused with your emotions and common sense, then just get off the internet entirely. No one wants to read your idiotic comments and your emotion filled rage tantrums. tl;dr Stop giving pity to a dead girl. Give it to the ones who deserve it."
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2012 16:48:51
Yamaguchi wrote: [B]4chan[/B] "Amanda Todd Ok, well let's just get this all out of the way so you all can stop your bitching about this dead girl. A lot of what is posted in her video and on her page is fabricated to make her look like she was an angel. Think again. 1. She was 15 years old when she flashed those guys. 2. She did it out of her own free will. She CHOSE to do it. 3. She already flirted with many guys before. 4. She got 'beat' up at school not because of the picture, but because she slept with another girl's boyfriend. (refer to #1) 5. The guy 'bullied' her once only about 6-8 months after she flashed online. Not multiple times over 2 years. 6. She was known to have slept with multiple men and to sell herself out. 7. Her home life wasn't the best. (family troubles) You people who are giving her sympathy and pity should all be ashamed of yourselves. Instead of giving pity to a girl who already commited suicide, how about you talk to that lonely kid at lunch? Yea, the one who sits all alone in the corner. But no, you'd rather sit with your friends and then come home and get on facebook and say shit like 'Oh, how come no one helped poor Amanda, she's so pretty, why did she have to die'. FUCK YOU! Go crawl back in your shell of safety while the ones who really need help are only an arms length away. We should be talking about the ones who were bullied and managed to survive through it all. The success stories. Because that's what gives kids hope, the ones who know what it's like to be in their shoes. The ones who have walked that road before and came out ok. What kind of message does it send to impressionable teens that if you go ahead and kill yourself that you will get thousands of likes on a facebook page and everyone will feel sorry for you and give you attention? If you have any self respect for the future then you'd stop and think about where your morals are. If you're too confused with your emotions and common sense, then just get off the internet entirely. No one wants to read your idiotic comments and your emotion filled rage tantrums. tl;dr Stop giving pity to a dead girl. Give it to the ones who deserve it."
I survived 7 years of suicidal depression and I agree with this highly. -
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2012 18:48:11
Her tits weren't that great anyway 2/10 wouldn't bury.
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2012 22:48:46
This page wasn't for Amanda todd it is meant for people on ups who have problems similar to Amanda Todd's problems. Amanda was only an example. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 2
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2012 23:33:15
Raos wrote: Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 2
stop bullying pls -
Date: Sun, Oct 14 2012 00:45:02
she deserves punishment but not this harsh imo
Date: Sun, Oct 14 2012 00:53:03
You gotta love how people in her community are coming up with all sorts of excuses (in this case, bullying) in order to avoid taking personal responsibility. If her community honestly did everything in its power to help then it would be different. But the failures are plain to see, from parents to friends to classmates, teachers, and counsellors. They shouldn’t be offering their condolences to the family; they should be offering their apologies to Amanda. I’m not trying to downplay bullying, because it is a serious social issue. However it’s delusional to think that harassment was the only reason the girl committed suicide. Unfortunately, the media only feeds into this distorted view by running the story as an anti-bullying call to arms. So many people have expressed their “deep sympathy” on social media and Twitter in particular has seen an outpouring of crocodile tears. I'm just wondering how you feel profound sadness over a complete stranger? Sure, tragic events can come and go, and every time we can offer sympathies to make us feel better about ourselves. But at the end of the day, words are meaningless if they aren’t accompanied by actions.
Date: Sun, Oct 14 2012 01:02:08 i cant believe people are getting angry at people for feeling sorry for someone dying. Yes we can have a moment and feel bad/feel sorry for Amanda thank you. Humans have a right to empathize with anyone. While sitting here and doing nothing forever wont do anything, sitting here thinking about what happened and using it to open our minds can result in an action that will. Whatever negative thing she did, i don't know the facts, sleeping other guys etc, it still does not cancel out that her death was a tragic event.
Date: Sun, Oct 14 2012 01:30:01
It is true that what she done was not wise but is it fair for her to receive such a treatment? Also even though I am only posting a thread, sharing and liking the page etc. I am only spreading awareness. Its not just about her its about people who are going through the same issues. Even the page is not fully dedicated to her and her only. It is the least I can do, by spreading the word and make people aware.
Date: Sun, Oct 14 2012 01:37:08
Raos wrote: It is the least I can do, by spreading the word and make people aware.
Big fucking deal. I hope you shared the Kony 2012 page as well because people like you stopped the recruitment of child soldiers. -
Date: Sun, Oct 14 2012 01:40:12
taichi1082 wrote: Big fucking deal. I hope you shared the Kony 2012 page as well because people like you stopped the recruitment of child soldiers.
Kony 2012 was a lie... Its better than doing nothing. Spreading the thought can cause action. Theres a direct relation. If no one knows about it, not much is going to be done. -
Date: Mon, Oct 15 2012 00:28:14
Raos wrote: Kony 2012 was a lie...
What. Do you even understand what you just posted? -
Date: Mon, Oct 15 2012 04:02:12
Supergirl wrote: Funny how people only start to care when it's too late.
I still don't care. -
Date: Mon, Oct 15 2012 04:14:07
get this shit off of here who fucking cares like really its her parents fault for not raising their child well enough to not go flashing her hoohas and dingdongs all over the internet and not knowing how to deal with "bullying" stop throwing around this "cyberbulling" nonsense and look at the source of the problem.
Date: Mon, Oct 15 2012 04:49:43
I've read every post on this page, and i just want to say, this makes me sick. People make mistakes, parents, kids, whoever. It doesnt give us the right to assume that they should get death or what not. Amanda Todd made mistakes, but so did the cyber bullies. Many of you seem to be very immature in your thinking. Some of you I agree with, but many of you I disagree with. Pray for her family or something. Don't hate on her parents. Imagine what they're going through. And don't give me some shit like "It's what they deserved for not raising their daughter right."
Date: Mon, Oct 15 2012 05:17:25
Quake wrote: I've read every post on this page, and i just want to say, this makes me sick. People make mistakes, parents, kids, whoever. It doesnt give us the right to assume that they should get death or what not. Amanda Todd made mistakes, but so did the cyber bullies. Many of you seem to be very immature in your thinking. Some of you I agree with, but many of you I disagree with. Pray for her family or something. Don't hate on her parents. Imagine what they're going through. And don't give me some shit like "It's what they deserved for not raising their daughter right."
a lot of people get bullied, what makes her so special? she didn't make a mistake, she made several [B]mistakes[/B] She did several shows showing off her nude body to people. She slept with another girl's boyfriend. Okay sure she made mistakes. If a guy did the exact same thing, showed his junk, slept with another guy's gf and got beat up, he would be called a creep and a loser.hurr duurr i am doing this to raise awareness. No, shut the fuck up. Liking a fucking facebook page isn't gonna do shit. Instead why not reach out to the kid at lunch who sits alone instead of commenting over how sad this is. But guess what, most of you faggots wont cause it would ruin your social image. Don't go on the internet and say how a suicide is sad when you aren't willing to do anything to prevent that shit in real life. Good night.
Date: Mon, Oct 15 2012 05:51:24
I'm not saying she's special. No one should get bullied for anything. I definitely agree that liking a facebook page isn't going to do much, but I don't think that there is anything wrong with liking the page to begin with. And swearing at everyone and calling them faggots isnt getting you anywhere either. This thread is supposed to be about anit-bullying, but you are actually bullying people by doing so. Genius. Not hating against your ideas, just saying. Oh and by the way, Good Night.
Date: Mon, Oct 15 2012 06:14:37
I think there is. It gives a false sense of accomplishment. Liking this page doesn't do shit. It doesn't even raise awareness properly because everyone is too busy crying over this weak bitch that chose the easiest path instead of fighting and setting an example. And the way how even people who participate(d) in bullying like the page and suddenly feel relieved because they did something called "raising awareness" just makes me sick. I once participated in bullying. It was the worst thing I've ever done in my life and it still haunts me to this day. But you know what this kid we bullied did? He stood up for himself. He taught as all a lesson and I remember myself begging on my knees for forgiveness.
Date: Mon, Oct 15 2012 17:51:20
Isn't bullying inherently a good thing? It's to weed out the weak specimen in the species? If a little bullying makes you commit suicide then we don't really need or want you. Life has been so glorified.
Date: Mon, Oct 15 2012 18:24:39
Reminds me of that Jonah Mowry BS
Date: Mon, Oct 15 2012 23:55:35
the world is overpopulated
Date: Tue, Oct 16 2012 01:50:10
neXus wrote: Isn't bullying inherently a good thing?
Do you honestly believe that? -
Date: Tue, Oct 16 2012 05:12:17
Quake wrote: Do you honestly believe that?
Kids life very simple lifes, you do not have many responsibilities. All you have do to is be in school on time, sit and obey the rules. School prepares you for mindless boring work, that's what it's there for. Well, the real world is not as bright as school makes you think it might be, many people are not ready for the real life when school ends. People are not nice, in school unless you are no one is probably rude to you, your teachers will always be nice to you. Well outside of school authority people aren't going to be nice all the time. Bullying prepares you for that. Unless you know how to react to people not being nice you'll have a hard time in life and if you deal with people being mean by spiraling into depression and killing yourself, you're not cut out for today's society. -
Date: Tue, Oct 16 2012 11:51:51
neXus wrote: Isn't bullying inherently a good thing? It's to weed out the weak specimen in the species? If a little bullying makes you commit suicide then we don't really need or want you. Life has been so glorified.
well, natural selection doesn't really apply to humans anymore, we've evolved beyond that. that's why we're able to take care of the weak, like the elders or the disabled. -
Date: Tue, Oct 16 2012 12:13:18
But should we?
Date: Tue, Oct 16 2012 12:42:02
neXus wrote: But should we?
lol you a neo-nazi or what? you're talking about eugenics here -
Date: Tue, Oct 16 2012 12:42:20
Raos wrote: It is true that what she done was not wise but is it fair for her to receive such a treatment?
yes it is fair. -
Date: Tue, Oct 16 2012 13:08:30
Zombo wrote: lol you a neo-nazi or what? you're talking about eugenics here
I wouldn't call it neo nazi because there's more to that than just eugenics but I think there's people we don't need to keep around. -
Date: Tue, Oct 16 2012 15:28:52
Date: Tue, Oct 16 2012 17:23:44
Tialys wrote: But at the end of the day, words are meaningless if they aren’t accompanied by actions.
Date: Tue, Oct 16 2012 23:29:49
RIP Hitler. Just because he made some bad decisions doesn't mean he deserved this. No one deserves this. I hate how people bully other people just because they make some bad decisions smh RIP
Date: Wed, Oct 17 2012 01:11:13
If she would have committed seppuku (TRANSLATION NOTE: 切腹 is a Japanese form of suicide. This type of a much more honorable death was born from culture that is not only superior to ours but also too much evolved to be comprehended by our stupid swag-infested western minds), she would have at least saved her and her families faces. Now they have to bully them too ._.
Date: Wed, Oct 17 2012 05:20:33
TheAafg wrote: a lot of people get bullied, what makes her so special? she didn't make a mistake, she made several [B]mistakes[/B] She did several shows showing off her nude body to people. She slept with another girl's boyfriend. Okay sure she made mistakes. If a guy did the exact same thing, showed his junk, slept with another guy's gf and got beat up, he would be called a creep and a loser. hurr duurr i am doing this to raise awareness. No, shut the fuck up. Liking a fucking facebook page isn't gonna do shit. Instead why not reach out to the kid at lunch who sits alone instead of commenting over how sad this is. But guess what, most of you faggots wont cause it would ruin your social image. Don't go on the internet and say how a suicide is sad when you aren't willing to do anything to prevent that shit in real life. Good night.
THANK YOU! Just like the Alyssa what's her face bullshit(murdered a toddler). "Ohhh she's too pretty, it can't be her fault". Blah blah. Amanda's fault for staying on Facebook after every move. Being online caused all your problems, get off it. Now, back to my dinner. Posted from a fone. -
Date: Wed, Oct 17 2012 05:58:03
TheAafg wrote: RIP Hitler. Just because he made some bad decisions doesn't mean he deserved this. No one deserves this. I hate how people bully other people just because they make some bad decisions smh RIP
:facepalm: Something about this made me want to laugh, but I won't. -
Date: Thu, Oct 18 2012 04:27:15
this thread is in serious discussion
Date: Fri, Oct 19 2012 07:32:51
UEDan wrote: THANK YOU! Just like the Alyssa what's her face bullshit(murdered a toddler).
Alyssa Bustamante. She is my guilty crush