Tutorials Pending Approval / Midnight CYL mod
Date: Wed, Aug 11 2010 19:21:25
Welcome to the Midnight CYL mod tutorial. The creator is Jan. This mod is double sided and non-retractable. [SIZE="6"] [COLOR="red"]HERE IS A COMBO WITH THE MOD:[/COLOR] [/SIZE] [COLOR="lime"]SOME STATS:[/COLOR] Length: longer than a buster CYL Weight: less than a buster CYL COG: COP
The supplies your going to need are:
2 flexgrip ultra 2 black super tips 1 bic round stick 1 black anyball/profile or sailor The tools your going to need are:
cutting pliers nose tipped pliers electric tape optional: sissors STEP 1: empty both super tip markers (pull back plug out, take out ink, and remove tip)
STEP 2: connect the two barrels with a 1 inch section from the bic pen
STEP 3: take the metal tips off of the flexgrips. then, put them on the tips of the crayolas and wrap electric tape around them so they are stuck in place and not loose.
STEP 4: cut the profile/anyball grip in half and put one on each side. You can add sailors for a sub or extra. STEP 5 (optional): take the sissors and scrape them on the barrel so that the gold letters come off. NOTICE: the grips that i used on my mod are not anyball or sailor. They are those grips that look like airfits but are black. THANK YOU =D
Date: Wed, Aug 11 2010 19:24:13
where are the stats? like cop, weight, length ?
Date: Wed, Aug 11 2010 19:50:35
Without cutting the barrels, that's waaaaay too long.
Date: Wed, Aug 11 2010 19:51:17
if its to long, you cut it and it becomes: shorter :clap:
Date: Wed, Aug 11 2010 20:13:16
well excuse me for asking. id like to know what the pen is like before i make it if i choose to do so.
Date: Thu, Aug 12 2010 02:04:52
looks like a grip aviaire but with super tip bodies
Date: Thu, Aug 12 2010 02:06:19
oh and no grip in the middle
Date: Thu, Aug 12 2010 02:23:14
wow this is a really long mod!
Date: Thu, Aug 12 2010 13:16:26
it is longer for begginers. if you want it shorter, just cut the barrel. If you want it hevier, stick a screw in the hole where the ink tip was supposed to be and then electric tape the top. :clap:
Date: Thu, Aug 12 2010 13:35:17
First of all you copied the "CYL" from a buster. Just because it uses super tips doesn't mean you have to use "CYL"... Also you basically connected 2 super tips (just like vicgotgame mod) and taped a tip on the end. Also if its longer than buster yet considerably lighter, it wont have enough momentum or something and will spin awful. Keep trying modding though. But don't piggy back off other mods. EDIT: You cant cut the barrels cause you have to tape that tip in. Unless you meant in the middle side. Then unless your pro at body cuts, it would turn out horrible.
Date: Thu, Aug 12 2010 15:16:42
using my yello plying cutters, i can cut nicely on barrels
Date: Thu, Aug 12 2010 15:36:23
Kirby wrote: it wont have enough momentum or something and will spin awful. Keep trying modding though. But don't piggy back off other mods.
firstly its possible tha tyour right, but im assuming you havent spun the mod yet and because of that you cant place definites on what a good mod is. and quite frankly lots of "accepted mods" that are "piggy backed" from other mods. Look at the G3 Hyper Jell combo. There are a ridiuclous amount of "accepted" and commonely collected mods that are based on that and use similar naming conventions. Its also better that he DOES include cyl, because it acknowledges the fact that this derives from the buster cyl. Its not against the rules, and its not like the modder is like "omg i just revolutionized pen modding" he is just saying "hey this is my mod, this is how you make it" -
Date: Thu, Aug 12 2010 17:21:29
neoknux_009 wrote: firstly its possible tha tyour right, but im assuming you havent spun the mod yet and because of that you cant place definites on what a good mod is. and quite frankly lots of "accepted mods" that are "piggy backed" from other mods. Look at the G3 Hyper Jell combo. There are a ridiuclous amount of "accepted" and commonely collected mods that are based on that and use similar naming conventions. Its also better that he DOES include cyl, because it acknowledges the fact that this derives from the buster cyl. Its not against the rules, and its not like the modder is like "omg i just revolutionized pen modding" he is just saying "hey this is my mod, this is how you make it"
he has a point! -
Date: Thu, Aug 12 2010 18:45:51
Kirby wrote: Also if its longer than buster yet considerably lighter, it wont have enough momentum or something and will spin awful
You sir, are an idiot. Just because something is lighter than a buster but longer, doesnt mean it doesnt have momentum ._. if you used your brain and realized it would actually have momentum due to the fact that it has fucking metal tips on the ends ._. i could use hgg tips on the ends and it would still probably spin well, you think because its not super heavy and is a little long, it has no momentum/will spin bad, but you are just way too used to using the super heavy mods. -
Date: Fri, Aug 13 2010 03:44:28
neoknux_009 wrote: firstly its possible tha tyour right, but im assuming you havent spun the mod yet and because of that you cant place definites on what a good mod is. and quite frankly lots of "accepted mods" that are "piggy backed" from other mods. Look at the G3 Hyper Jell combo. There are a ridiuclous amount of "accepted" and commonely collected mods that are based on that and use similar naming conventions. Its also better that he DOES include cyl, because it acknowledges the fact that this derives from the buster cyl. Its not against the rules, and its not like the modder is like "omg i just revolutionized pen modding" he is just saying "hey this is my mod, this is how you make it"
Actually I quickly made it but with full anyball grips. I had the parts right next to me. It sucks. Also it's not derived from buster CYL at all more of a vicgotgame mod (which I guess piggy backs off of a buster) I think he just copied the CYL name. With the g3 hypergel combo I agree, although I dislike it. Also with the naming most mods are named after the spinner or a combo of the pens used (and yes, you could say it uses CraYoLa markers), but I think he copied the CYL from buster even though it's not too similar to a buster. And I'm not saying its against the rules, I'm saying its not a good mod (IMO) and he copied the name. @ Wonder no you couldn't spin this well with HGG tips. This is hella long with not too much weight it has some momentum but not too much. Also since beginners (in general) like more momentum, this is "bad" for their taste even though he says it's long for beginners.... -
Date: Fri, Aug 13 2010 04:20:57
Kirby wrote: First of all you copied the "CYL" from a buster. Just because it uses super tips doesn't mean you have to use "CYL"... Also you basically connected 2 super tips (just like vicgotgame mod) and taped a tip on the end. Also if its longer than buster yet considerably lighter, it wont have enough momentum or something and will spin awful. Keep trying modding though. But don't piggy back off other mods. EDIT: You cant cut the barrels cause you have to tape that tip in. Unless you meant in the middle side. Then unless your pro at body cuts, it would turn out horrible.
Obviously he meant the middle side.. Also CYL stands for Crayola so writing CYL is no different from naming a mod "RSVP blahblah". Aside from that and the fact that this is pretty much a vic mod, your stats are worthless. Anyone can tell that this mod weighs less than a buster just from the materials. -
Date: Fri, Aug 13 2010 20:15:38
that mod is too long.............
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 00:07:12
Im gonna be straight out honest here, this mod sucks balls in my opinion its a beginners penspinning pen, and who requested this...
Date: Fri, Aug 20 2010 00:09:38
Honestly there are no such things as "beginner pens". We simply recommend what we liked as a beginner or what we think will suit a beginner the best.
Date: Wed, Aug 25 2010 15:28:46
i still think that the midnight cyl mod is too long..
Date: Thu, Aug 26 2010 16:32:20
OH AND WAIT A MINUTE, Jan made this piece of longass pen? thats kinda unbelieveable..
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 20:15:55
You could use zebra airfit tips and grips. that would make it very similar to a bustercyl
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 20:38:00
And make it the heaviest and longest stick out there. (besides the Buster CYL squared and the Crew mod)
Date: Mon, Jan 17 2011 21:19:18
RicLu98 wrote: You could use zebra airfit tips and grips. that would make it very similar to a bustercyl
wouldnt that make it a vicgotgame mod? -
Date: Tue, Jan 18 2011 04:01:54
Cloud wrote: wouldnt that make it a vicgotgame mod?
Vicgotgame mods have the tip removed, barrels cut, and uses dr grip grip and rsvp cap sections. -
Date: Tue, Jan 18 2011 05:11:37
too long and simple
Date: Tue, Jan 18 2011 16:32:17
Date: Tue, Jan 18 2011 17:37:10
i know right DR. Grip and airfit tip stack FTW