Collaboration Videos / SPSO 1st
Date: Sun, Sep 30 2012 06:59:27
[video=youtube;rKtOgkp9XWI][/video] Greetings fellow spinners. As some of you might know, there is a group on UPSB called SPSO (Serious Pen Spinners Only) SPSO originated around 11 months when a bunch of relatively new spinners decided that something needed to be done about pen spinning on UPSB. Unfornutaely a lot of new spinners end up thinking this way and end up ignoring their own spinning. This is exactly the reason why SPSO was created, to create a more-pen spinning focused board. The intentions of SPSO have since then changed drastically. The main intentions of SPSO right now is to promote pen spinning on and off UPSB in an enjoyable way. So of course, you all are probably wondering wtf can SPSO do? Does TheAafg think of himself as a revolutionary? this guy is thinking he can change stuff on UPSB etc. etc.. In the next few months, these things will be taking process with the help and contribution of SPSO and UPSB as a community: -Beginner's Tournament -Modding for Spinning Tournament -Korean Style Tournament -Best Promo Video Tournament -Power Style Tournament Of course, not a whole lot of us are great spinners but what we do have is potential and idk about the rest of SPSO members but I will make sure that these tournaments do take place. Of course, criticism or help is welcomed.
Date: Sun, Sep 30 2012 07:03:09
gash has a nice ass
Date: Sun, Sep 30 2012 07:05:34
wow, I was filtered...
Date: Sun, Sep 30 2012 07:23:20
@i.suk isn't dat what u did for the UPSB FS?
Date: Sun, Sep 30 2012 07:40:46
agillitrhiz wrote: i.suk isn't dat what u did for the UPSB FS?
i used ass in upsb spinfest combo, yeah -
Date: Sun, Sep 30 2012 07:52:42
wotu the best catch
Date: Sun, Sep 30 2012 10:27:49
......@TheAafg i don't have to edit annymore ?
Date: Sun, Sep 30 2012 11:30:34
i had never even heard about this group... i like the idea. can anyone join or is this "awesome dudes only"? im interested now...
Date: Sun, Sep 30 2012 12:54:06
Might i suggest a best style contest?
Date: Sun, Sep 30 2012 15:26:17
Reason wrote: i had never even heard about this group... i like the idea. can anyone join or is this "awesome dudes only"? im interested now...
best style contest would be pretty cool -
Date: Sun, Sep 30 2012 16:12:18
Zkhan wrote: wow, I was filtered...
. -
Date: Mon, Oct 1 2012 01:12:35
Best promo video tournament is a must, that'll be boss on so many levels
Date: Mon, Oct 1 2012 20:09:27
@King you both need to watch the video again :D
Date: Mon, Oct 1 2012 21:49:17
I would like to join this one day, but at the moment I don't have any good pens. I'll try to join this group if I ever get a chance.
Date: Tue, Oct 2 2012 04:24:07
Reason wrote: i had never even heard about this group... i like the idea. can anyone join or is this "awesome dudes only"? im interested now...
anyone can join but like you need to have been around the community for some time, don't want to crowd up the group with random people who are gonna stop being active after a week or two. -
Date: Tue, Oct 2 2012 04:29:17
i think wotu's combo was the best out of all of them
Date: Tue, Oct 2 2012 04:38:29
Wtf colin. Posting in a non offtopic thread like this? Madness i say.
Date: Tue, Oct 2 2012 13:05:02
Date: Tue, Oct 2 2012 22:04:32
honry yes pls
Date: Wed, Oct 10 2012 12:04:16
Weeeets wow . :P
Date: Fri, Oct 19 2012 06:55:39
awesome :D