Tutorials Pending Approval / H2-G3no1 v.1b
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2012 22:44:08
[B]=========================== Stats: ===========================[/B] H2-G3no1 v.1b COG = COG Length: ~21cm Weight: Seven < H2-G3no1 v.1b < Kuzu G3 Style: Single side G3 Writing-Mechanism: not Ink-Type: not Estimated-Cost: don’t know 8-} [B]=========================== Materials List: ==> needed things [picture of the pen] ===========================[/B] [B]x1[/B] Pilot G3 0.5mm METAL ==> [B]barrel + metal tip + cap[/B] [B]x1[/B] Pilot Hi-Tec C 0.4mm ==> [B]metal tip[/B] [B]x1[/B] Uni-ball Signo 0.5 ==> [B]metal tip[/B] [B]x1[/B] Pilot SUPER GRIP (pen or pencil) ==> [B]plastic tip + grip (optional)[/B]!Bu,cBOw!Wk~%24(KGrHqR,!iIEv1%2B0EquVBM!QK!e(t!~~_35.JPG [B]x1[/B] Faber Castell Grip-Matic Pencil 0.5mm ==> [B]metal tip + grip (optional)[/B] [B]x1[/B] Zebra Hyper Jell ==> [B]grip[/B] [B]x1[/B] RSVP Colors RT ==> [B]grip[/B] [B]x1[/B] Shachihata ArtlineSoftline 1700 - old version ==>[B]grip[/B] [B]or you can sub it with[/B] Metallic Gel (Penwish) [B]x1[/B] Anyball Grip ==> [B]1 ring[/B] [B]=========================== Tutorial: ===========================[/B] [SPOILER="1/. THE CAP"][B][SIZE="3"]1./[/SIZE][/B] [B]THE CAP[/B] -Take off the "clip" thing -Grind the rest of the "clip" so that the cap is completely smooth as show
-Put the Hi-tec C tip over the Signo tip, then put them in the G3 cap. To glue them together is optional.Spoiler
-Put the Anyball grip section to the cap, push it till it cannot go any farther. Tip: you guys can use Supertips barrel (old ver.) or the some similar barrel to push the Anyball grip in the cap more perfectly/Spoiler
-Cut out 2cm of HyperJell grip as show, then roll 2cm*4cm of insert over the cut grip, put them in the cap. (like Seven G3 mod) – you guys can use the “Supertip tip” showed above to put the HJ grip into the G3 cap.Spoiler
-Cut out (from the bigger side) 1.3cm of ArtlineSoftline grip (sub with Metallic Gel) as show.Spoiler
-Cut 2 rings of Supergrip grip (optional) then put it over the G3 cap to cover the Anyball stripe. -Put the ArtlineSoftline over the G3 cap then.[/SPOILER] [SPOILER="2/.THE BARREL AND FRONT"][B][SIZE="3"]2./[/SIZE][/B] [B]THE BARREL AND FRONT[/B] -Pur the insert into the G3 barrel. -Prepare a hybrid of tips like this: (bottom to top) G3 metal tip <= SuperGrip plastic tip <= Gripmatic metal tipSpoiler
-Put 0.7cm of HJ grip to the front of G3 barrel (optional) -Screw the hybrid of tips to the G3 barrel, then wrap the RSVP RT grip over the frontSpoiler
-Tape the end of G3 barrel, then put the barrel and the cap togetherSpoiler
-DONE H2G3no1bSpoiler
[/SPOILER] =========================== Q/A: …. ===========================
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2012 04:36:21
like your mod ! lol
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2012 04:40:10
Very beautiful mod! How it feels (weight) with other SC mods you got? I really want to know the weight :O
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2012 04:45:38
wow pretty cool mod. may make one if i ever get the materials. judging by the parts used in this, it seems relatively heavy.
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2012 07:05:57
@__H2__ it is possible that you can compared the weight to other mods... like it lighter/heavier that this mod.... so people can have a general idea
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2012 10:30:26
sexy but the name sucks imo
Date: Thu, Sep 20 2012 13:47:14
Walkaz wrote: sexy but the name sucks imo
hahaha, have no idea about the name =)).....i dont like flashy name, so i tried to make it as simple as possible 8-}.. ye, its really suck :)). and about the "no1". it doesnt mean my mod is the best thing 8-}, it means my 1st personal G3 mod, cause i have a no2 G3 personal one 8-} -
Date: Thu, Sep 20 2012 15:48:50
Sexy and detailed tutorial..nice one.. but dun hv rsvp rt grip or metallic gel smth :(