Regular Pen Discussion / This might may put penspinning into the mainstream..
Date: Fri, Sep 7 2012 03:43:34
I found this in my universities shop.
Date: Fri, Sep 7 2012 04:02:36
probably not. remember if penspinnning can't get "mainstream" in walmart, it won't get mainstream at a university shop. psing is really just too hard to become mainstream I thought that was a balisong at first lol
Date: Fri, Sep 7 2012 04:12:36
To be honest I think pen spinning's made it... somewhat mainstream, it's just different how prevalent and to what extent it is. I've seen tons of people doing charges and thumbarounds and basically the fundamentals in all of my classes so far. They might not know what pen spinning is, but it spreads like cancer :). For instance, I know at least 100 people learned the fundies or already knew them in middleschool when I discovered pen spinning, your friend learns and they show their friends etc. etc. it diffuses quite rapidly. As for that... thing. Seems dangerous. :lol:
Date: Fri, Sep 7 2012 04:15:14
LOL Nooooooooope, Chuck Testa. As Penwish said, it's very hard for pen spinning to get mainstream here in the US. They tried with Spinz gear if you heard of that brand, but it failed. [video=youtube;IGPAQdC4aRo][/video] But you never know; pen spinning could suddenly become mainstream if it's associated with some fad and whatnot (e.g. viral videos).
Date: Fri, Sep 7 2012 04:19:14
I think the volkswagon commercials did quite a bit for it's notability, more people can relate to it when you try to describe it, and the fact that there are high quality / well produced videos you can direct them too now, like the galaxy tab commercial instead of low quality webcam collabs :p I found this,
So many things about this photo...
Date: Fri, Sep 7 2012 04:42:24
let's make pen spinning popular by making a Oppa Pen spinning Style MV
Date: Fri, Sep 7 2012 05:21:00
doing charge and sonic is what asians do that is not really psing since they don't know psing people were doing that 15 years ago. i knew those things well before actual psing. Taking it to the next step where people know the community actually exists till it gets on par with y0y0ing cup stacking or card tricks is the hard part
shoeman6 wrote: To be honest I think pen spinning's made it... somewhat mainstream, it's just different how prevalent and to what extent it is. I've seen tons of people doing charges and thumbarounds and basically the fundamentals in all of my classes so far. They might not know what pen spinning is, but it spreads like cancer :). For instance, I know at least 100 people learned the fundies or already knew them in middleschool when I discovered pen spinning, your friend learns and they show their friends etc. etc. it diffuses quite rapidly. As for that... thing. Seems dangerous. :lol:
Date: Fri, Sep 7 2012 07:31:22
Walkaz;223125]let's make pen spinning popular by making a Oppa Pen spinning Style MV[/QUOTE] we can do that!!!!! [QUOTE=shoeman6 wrote: I think the volkswagon commercials did quite a bit for it's notability, more people can relate to it when you try to describe it, and the fact that there are high quality / well produced videos you can direct them too now, like the galaxy tab commercial instead of low quality webcam collabs :p I found this, So many things about this photo...
LOL . 8.99USD for buying this shit . how much is a hgg ,rsvp + bic clic? below 5USD also!!! some more you can get a hobby . and relax yourself -
Date: Fri, Sep 7 2012 10:57:31
[video=youtube;Sy-f5Riolp4][/video] im pretty surprised that this didnt really help much with pen spinning popularity. haha, maybe people just think its one of those nerdy things that you waste your life doing. i guess they are kinda right in some aspect then...
Date: Fri, Sep 7 2012 14:11:35
Walkaz wrote: let's make pen spinning popular by making a Oppa Pen spinning Style MV
I was thinking the same too, because that oppa gangnam style is so popular. -
Date: Fri, Sep 7 2012 14:25:16
Walkaz;223125]let's make pen spinning popular by making a Oppa Pen spinning Style MV[/QUOTE] Op Op Op Op Oppa pen spin style. Heyyyyyy sexayyyy K-T Op Op Op Op Oppa pen spin style. Alternatively you could have it be like Oppa and then have a style of pen spinning. Oppa oldie style Oppa thailand style Oppa korean style [QUOTE=Reason wrote: [video=youtube;Sy-f5Riolp4][/video] im pretty surprised that this didnt really help much with pen spinning popularity. haha, maybe people just think its one of those nerdy things that you waste your life doing. i guess they are kinda right in some aspect then...
I've talked to a lot of people who've seen it and most people don't think it's real. -
Date: Fri, Sep 7 2012 14:30:30
well they super emposed a skinny asian hand on a white dude so yeah it looks kinda fake/superimposed. I'm not surprised. I i didn't know that was kam, i woulda thought it was something fishy
shoeman6 wrote: Op Op Op Op Oppa pen spin style. Heyyyyyy sexayyyy K-T Op Op Op Op Oppa pen spin style. Alternatively you could have it be like Oppa and then have a style of pen spinning. Oppa oldie style Oppa thailand style Oppa korean style I've talked to a lot of people who've seen it and most people don't think it's real.
Date: Fri, Sep 7 2012 14:39:30
shoeman6 wrote: I think the volkswagon commercials did quite a bit for it's notability, more people can relate to it when you try to describe it, and the fact that there are high quality / well produced videos you can direct them too now, like the galaxy tab commercial instead of low quality webcam collabs :p I found this, So many things about this photo...
[/SPOILER] fingerless index around:D -
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2012 19:07:03
You guys do realize you're sending messages through a universal pen spinning site. This seems a little mainstream to me....