Approved Tutorials / MagykFawks' Retractable R.S.V.P.
Date: Mon, Sep 3 2012 01:56:13
A retractable RSVP that spins quite nicely, made from parts that almost everyone has if you live in America.
=========================== Stats: =========================== MagykFawks' Retractable R.S.V.P. COG:Cop Length:20.2cm Weight:16.4g Style: Single Sided Writing-Mechanism:Retractable Ink-Type:Ballpoint Estimated-Cost:10$ =========================== Materials List: =========================== Pens: Pentel R.S.V.P Crayola SuperTip Zebra Telescopic Pilot G2 Zebra Z-Grip Piot BPS Pilot G3 Parts: R.S.V.P. - Body SuperTip - Cap Telescopic - Tip G2 - Grip, Clicker Z-Grip - Grip, Clicker Mechanism BPS - Tip G3 - Cap Toothpick =========================== Tutorial: ===========================
=========================== Q/A: Q. Clicker doesn't work -.-" A. The mechanism is fine, but may not work perfectly the first time, fiddle around with how much you screw the g2 clicker into the BPS tip, how much you screw on the back of the SuperTip cap, how far you push the Z-Grip into the Super Tip Cap, how long the ink tube is, and where you crimp it. It won't take all of these things, usually just messing around with how far you shove things in will make it work.Spoiler
1.) Shave the bumps on your RSVP and cut enough off the tip so that an ink tube can freely move through it2.) Make an ink tube of your choice 15.2 cm by putting a tooth pick in the end and breaking it to 15.2 cm, next crimp your ink tube 7.2 cm measured from the tip
3.) Cut a section of the front of the Super Tip cap .7 cm long, and a back section or 1.6 cm long. Next hollow out both of them. For the front section you can just use an exacto and cut the little grooves away, and when you cut the back section, a smaller ring of plastic should just fall out. Put the smaller section onto the RSVP and then wrap teflon tape around the front of the RSVP.
4.) Cut the clicker mechanism of the Z-Grip to 2.7 cm, then declip and shave down the clip. Take out all the pieces inside and set them aside. Next you will have to sand/file/shave down with an exacto knife the smaller section so it can fit into the Super Tip cap, and then the larger section until the diameter is small enough to slide in and out of the G3 cap with ease. Cutting the larger section is the only thing that is visible from the outside that can very on how it looks. The smaller section won't really matter how neat it is cuz it's all inside the ST cap. If you want it done fast i would recommend sanding it down and then using an exacto to scrape off the whitish plastic so it all becomes its natural color, and if you wanna go super careful use an exacto to slowly shave down the whole thing.
5.) Cut the back part of the Z-Grip clicker mechanism 2.7 cm long
6.) File down the nubs on the G2 clicker
7.) Cut the front section of the Z-Grip grip
8.) Construct the mod as follows
Date: Mon, Sep 3 2012 01:59:10
Uses a lot of spare parts. I like it good job ^^
Date: Mon, Sep 3 2012 02:09:44
i have all materials. thanks for posting. but i don't know why you use zt tip. signo or something could've been better i think.
Date: Mon, Sep 3 2012 09:01:27
Trinity Mod insert :facepalm:
Date: Mon, Sep 3 2012 11:38:07
Nice mod ^^. and Erza, I dont think there's anything wrong with that, If he's found an insert he likes I think he can use it for his mod .__.
Date: Mon, Sep 3 2012 13:31:41
It seems that my penwish-order will be bigger than expected ^-^ Nice mod, will build it as soon as possible!
Date: Mon, Sep 3 2012 14:40:34
Ty on all the positive feed back @Syrti to know that you will be building my mod is amazing, all your mods look so clean and the grip cuts on your G3s are jaw dropping. Also Erza trinity is boss
Date: Tue, Sep 4 2012 14:05:03
nice mod^_^ wanna make one but i don't have parts:(
Date: Wed, Sep 5 2012 04:14:48
I think I found my next mod.
Date: Sun, Nov 4 2012 13:29:56
I can't see the pics. 404 not found error. don't know if it's my internet or the link is just broken. I would like to make the mod with all the good feedback from great modders :) hope it will be fixed soon :)
Date: Fri, Feb 22 2013 06:08:12
Same, if someone could re-upload this that would be great. c:
Date: Sat, Feb 23 2013 15:25:45
can u post with the pics next time? i hope u can :D
Date: Wed, Apr 3 2013 09:28:12
cool mechanism
Date: Thu, Aug 15 2013 17:43:03
for the cap of supertips do you use the new one or another version ?
Date: Mon, Aug 19 2013 22:26:22
New Supertip
Date: Wed, Aug 21 2013 18:44:47
ok thanks
Date: Tue, Sep 24 2013 03:31:24
is there a sub of the bps? I cant find bps ANYWHERE lol