Advanced Tricks / [HELP]: Inverse backaround/bakfall

  1. Demetrius
    Date: Sat, Sep 1 2012 17:44:34

    Chainbraak told me he did inverse bakfall when people told me there was no such thing. If there is an inverse bak/bakfall could you please tell me how to do it or give a link to a tutorial that teaches how to do it....THX

  2. Obstracized
    Date: Sat, Sep 1 2012 18:01:28

    There is but it is harder than the regular BakFall, obviously. There is no Tutorial on it yet, but there is a video on how to looks like. [video=youtube;yXbdLYQhGWo][/video]

  3. ChainBreak
    Date: Sat, Sep 1 2012 18:02:25

    I can make a tut. Will take some time though. [Wait 1 or 2 days x3] <-- forget that @Demetrius I made a somehow crappy tut with my imba uber super mega ultra 1337 editing skillz *cough* note: The tut is for the inv bakfall s777 did in his video click here There are people who say it's not really an inv bakfall, because they say the pen has to go the other way around. I like doing it this way though so I do it like this and the tutorial I made is for this version of the inv bakfall. The tutorial is rendering atm. When it's done I'll put the link here: Link to my tut [video=youtube;9ibDX1W2Bds][/video] PS : yes I suck at editing and making tuts, but me not cares ! ~(o_o~)

  4. spenpinner
    Date: Sat, Sep 1 2012 22:29:42

    Wouldnt inv bak be like a bak using a foward charge rather than a backwards charge to execute trick. And then a rev inv bak would be a rev bak using a rev charge or would those two be switched around to where an inv bak would be a rev bak with a backwards charge and an inv rev bak would be a bak using a foward charge? Heres a vid on what im talking about:

  5. ChainBreak
    Date: Sun, Sep 2 2012 13:26:16

    For me what I do is a inv bakaround. If you look at shadow which goes counter-clockwise and inv shadow that goes clockwise it's logical for me that the pendant to the clockwise bakaround is a counter-clockwise inv bakaround. I understand your explanation as it is logical, but I will stick to my version. @spenpinner