Tutorials Pending Approval / [DoS] Gigaimpact
Date: Sun, Aug 19 2012 00:43:55
Hi ! I present you the Gigaimpact, a Double sided who I made last week. Why Gigaimpact ? Cause of the original version, the white, black and red on the photo, I used the impact grip, and I like pokémon Ü The animal ..
Look what the modding did to my index ...
Do you keep the challenge to do it ? =P Click on the spoil if you are brave ...
Sorry for my bad english ... By Taeko from FPSB ~Spoiler
Ohoh, a reckless man =D Here we go for the tuto ;) [B]Mensurations :[/B] [B]Size :[/B] 18,5 cm [B]Weight :[/B] ~16g [B]COP=COG[/B] [B]Difficulty :[/B] Hight [B]Material :[/B] -[B]1 double cap Ullman eraser [/B](like for Le Mod Blanc, or Twim's mod) -[B]2 Pilot Dr.grip [/B](tip and ring) -[B]2 Pilot G3 [/B](cap) -[B]2 Impact RT [/B](grip) [B]or[/B] [B]a 4cm size grip like impact's grip [/B](like a criterium's grip for exemple, I use it for the blue/violet version) -[B]4 ring of anyball's grip[/B] Possiblly, a bit of tape and a very slim grip, you'll see what for in the next of the tuto ;)[B]1st stage :[/B] Keep out the ink of the eraser. For do that, do it with some class : use a pliers and a long stick. After, you need to clean up the writing with the guitrum technics for exemple.
[B]2nd stage :[/B] Take the white cap and cut it at 3cm. Do it again for the second cap. Put it on the eraser : if you listen to a *click*, it's okay =D Otherwise, you have juste to get ~1cm of the slim grip and put it around the lead, next use your yoda's strenght and push the white cap.
[B]3rd stage :[/B] Take the G3's cap and cut the sort of "ring". Next, cut il at 3,8cm ( /!\ don't forget to cut the ring of the G3's cap before !!) Do it two time.
[/URL] [B]4th stage :[/B] Put the Dr.grip's ring on the white cap, then the put the G3's cap. You can adjust the 1st ring of anyball's grip. Do it again for the other cap. If G3's cap doesn't want to stay on the other cap, [SIZE="1"]throw it in the windows ...[/SIZE] Put a bit of tape around the white cap.
[B]5th stage :[/B] The terrible stage. If you think you did all of the most horrible thing in moddage, you'll can really say it after this stage ... It's simple : Put the impact's grip (or more difficult, tje criterium's grip ...) on the G3's cap. DO it for the second cap (yes, it's inevitable ... :/) Good luck, and RIP your fingers.
[B]Final stage :[/B] Now, you just lost your fingers. No panic, you can use your tooth ! Just put the tip of Dr.grip in the G3's cap. Two times.
[/url] Double cap your mod. Congratulation, you have just finish the Gigaimpact, and you can't spin it because your fingers are owned =D
Family ;)
Enjoy it, Spin it, and put it where you want ...
Date: Sun, Aug 19 2012 00:52:47
Nice mod. Looks similar to kirrer comssa and tornadoes and nice idea with the inverted dr grip tip. 3 questions though 1. What does the eraser body spin like in terms with another body. 2. Is there a sub for it. 3. Do you wifi battle?
Date: Sun, Aug 19 2012 01:30:07
beautiful mod :D i just wish i knew where to get an ullman eraser...
Date: Sun, Aug 19 2012 01:42:21
I think ulmann erasers are only found in Germany or some parts of europe. Guitrum uses it for his CK Mod
Date: Sun, Aug 19 2012 02:06:05
Nice mod but lazy and no parts to do
Date: Sun, Aug 19 2012 02:16:18
the red/black/white version looks amazing. would make it if i had the parts
Date: Sun, Aug 19 2012 09:33:37
Thanks for all of your comments =D We can found Ullman erasers every where in France, Belgium and Germany, there is a very basic eraser (not good for erase by the way ...). For have one you have just to trade with an european ;) There is not a sub for it, because of the cap, they are unique and can be put only on this eraser =/ We can buy it in pack of 10, look at this weblink of the LMB : The body spin is very nice, as a com.ssa I think ... Wanna a wifi battle mister colored pseudo ? A classic spinner battle ? I keep the challenge ;)
Date: Sun, Aug 19 2012 09:44:32
Il est sympa mais ressemble assez au PPM bien que le moddage soit différent ;)
Date: Sun, Aug 19 2012 09:54:21
[QUOTE='Masahiro[FPSB];219919']Il est sympa mais ressemble assez au PPM bien que le moddage soit différent ;)[/QUOTE] And he is very different in term of spinning for sure ^^ PPM is longer and weighter (+1.5cm, +4g), the texture of grip part is totally different, the momentum to ... Probably they look similar, but as some of double cap with inversed dr.grip's tip ^^' Thx for your com' ;)
Date: Sun, Aug 19 2012 13:44:18
cool mod bro..maybe would make 1 sometimes :D EDIT: can i sub ulmann with Superpirat, caps with Comssa?
Date: Sun, Aug 19 2012 17:14:39
Erza wrote: cool mod bro..maybe would make 1 sometimes :D EDIT: can i sub ulmann with Superpirat, caps with Comssa?
Hum, you can I think, but you will adapt it ^^' for exemple with a com.ssa cap, you need to cut a part, and after you have to adapt the size of superpirat's body ! Fake are only for good modder I think, you can try, have fun ;) -
Date: Mon, Aug 20 2012 12:04:53
dat was a goodlooking mod