Off-topic / Gameboy Advance Games
Date: Thu, Aug 16 2012 21:48:47
does anyone know what to do if a gba game isnt saving and crashing?
Date: Thu, Aug 16 2012 21:51:25
restart it?
Date: Thu, Aug 16 2012 22:12:54
What game is it, or are you asking in general?
Date: Thu, Aug 16 2012 23:21:57
I believe those games have a small battery inside the game cart, that battery has something to do with the saves. That battery is probably dead.
Date: Fri, Aug 17 2012 02:04:16
You have to peel the sticker off thou :( Frog~
Date: Fri, Aug 17 2012 03:45:29
Yes, like Tentcell said already, GBA cartridges have these tiny little batteries in them that run the entire saving process on the cartridge. If the game is not saving and constantly crashing, then the battery is dead or about to die.
Date: Fri, Aug 17 2012 04:48:51
How old is the game? about 15 years old?
Date: Fri, Aug 17 2012 04:50:41
The internal battery has run dry.
Date: Fri, Aug 17 2012 05:33:20
Colbyy wrote: The internal battery has run dry.
Lol. ^_^ If it is a pokemon game you can revive it. -
Date: Fri, Aug 17 2012 07:23:10
except that your saved data will be lost and you'd have to restart
Date: Fri, Aug 17 2012 09:08:12
My childhood xD how old is ur game?
Date: Fri, Aug 17 2012 11:27:39
if you're playing with a simulator, change the Save Type category (just try everything in those options) if you're playing with a real GBA, go get another game cart and hopefully you can save (nothing to do with your GBA)
Date: Fri, Aug 17 2012 16:52:41
What game are you refering to? It's unlikely that the battery is the cause. Most games rely on EEPROM which does not require a powered battery to keep the savegame. Games like Pokemon that rely on SRAM or Flash for the RTC are mostly dry already but you can easily swap the battery.
Pic related, it's my GBA with a M3 Lite flashcard. The battery is dead and RTC events no longer work in Pokemon. However, I can still save in every game. /EDIT: Almost every game. There are a few that don't work. I should replace the battery some time.
Date: Sun, Aug 19 2012 01:58:30
no simulator not that old its just donkey kong country i can play it and stuff but it just wont save like i save it and stuff then turn it off then the file wont be there. i believe it is a little damaged Ps I have a sp
Date: Mon, Aug 20 2012 00:25:22
Donkey Kong Country (Every part and region) uses EEPROM, no battery needed.