Advanced Tricks / Combo Thread
Date: Sat, Jun 12 2010 14:38:07
Post whatever combos you want to share. Also post here if you have questions about what combos to make with whatever tricks you know. All other threads dealing with combos of any nature will be merged into this thread.
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 19:46:54
Post a few will you? ^-^ Continued from:
Date: Fri, Jun 25 2010 20:29:04
Does anyone have a few of their simple mini-combos or linkages to share? V3 thread. A nice linkage that I've been using recently is the rev twisted sonic 23-34 -> twisted sonic 34 23-> rev sonic 23-34 ~>pass 24- 12 -> rev twisted sonic 12 - 23
Date: Fri, Jul 16 2010 17:58:24
my favorite minicombo is Sonic 34-23 -> Devils Around 23-23 -> Sonic 23-12 -> Shadow 12-23 -> Twisted Sonic Bust -> TA Harmonic -> Bak Fall i saw a combo like that on youtube and thanks and the credit to whoever invented this combo. i changed it up a little bit so i get more practice with my Bak Fall. the original way is after the twisted sonic bust, TA, TA extended, Double thumbspin.
Date: Sun, Jul 18 2010 08:30:09
my first combo twist sonic n 23-12>ia r>pass n 12-23>inverse sonic n 23-13>neo sonic n 13-t1>sonic r t1-12>sonic r 12-23>ma n>twist sonic r 23-34>palm down pass n 34-23>palm down twist sonic n 23-12>palm down ia n>shadow r 12-t1>ch r t1>fl ta r>bak 1>pass n 12-23>mid bak 23-12>shadow still r 12>inverse sonic r 12-13>pass r 13-34>demon's sonic n 34-12>twist sonic r 12-23>palm down twist sonic n 23-12>pass r 12-23>pass r 23-12>twist sonic r 12-23>twist sonic n 23-12>palm down ia n>bak r>bak r
Date: Tue, Jul 20 2010 10:38:02
i thinking that TA palm down is very hard to use in a combo can anyone make combos with it? thanks be4
Date: Tue, Jul 20 2010 11:31:32
yeah its hard,you must push your palm to make it stay in ur palm. like giving it momentum. also it look bad in a combo
Date: Tue, Jul 20 2010 12:27:27
Demon's Sonic 34-12> Warped Sonic 12-23> Sonic Clip 23-13> Pass 13-34> Pass 34-23> Counter Sonic 23-13> Pass Reverse 13-34> Pass Reverse 34-23> Twisted Sonic Reverse 23-34 ~ to palm down> Pass normal 34-23> Charge normal 23-23 ~ Pass 0.5 23-12 ~ palm up> Twisted Sonic reverse 12-23> Counter Sonic Clip 23-24> Middle Around reverse 24-23> Twisted Sonic normal 23-12> Charge normal 12-12> Neo sonic 12-t1> Tf charge reverse> fl ta rev tf-12 to palm down> charge reverse 12-12> Pass reverse 12-23> to palm up> Sonic clip 23-13> Pass normal 13-34> to palm down> Pass normal 34-23> 23> Charge normal 23-23 ~ Pass 0.5 23-12 ~ palm up> Twisted Sonic reverse 12-23> Counter Sonic Clip 23-24> Middle Around reverse 24-23> Twisted Sonic normal 23-12> Twisted Sonic reverse 12-23> Middle around 23-23> Pass reverse 23-23> Ringaround 34-34> Inverse Demon's Sonic 34-12> Warped Sonic 12-23> Twisted Sonic 23-12> Neo SOnic 12-tf> tf charge reverse> fl ta rev tf-12> Backfall
Date: Tue, Jul 20 2010 13:51:25
extended ta->fl ta 2x->hia tua -or- devil sonic 34-> [around the wrist] (like in hia tua)->fl ta
Date: Tue, Jul 20 2010 15:05:40
inverse twisted sonic rise> charge 12> warped sonic 12-23> double charge x3> cardiod> sonic rise> shadow> fingerless TA sonic>TA harmonic> sonic> neo sonic> TF charge rev> TF charge> FL TA sonic 23-12> neo sonic 12-tf> tf charge rev> fl ta rev> rev palm spin inverse twisted sonic 34-23> twisted sonic 23-12> pass reverse 12-23> middle around 23-23>TA 1.5 23-12> TA rev 12-12> indexbak 12-12> FL pass 12-23> middlebak 23-23> pass 23-34> sonic clip 34-23>charge 23> inverse sonic 23-12> warped sonic 12-23> sonic 23-12> neo sonic 12-TF> TF charge rev> FL TA rev> palm spin rev> FL TA That's some old easy stuff from when i just started... Here is a break down. This combo is also simple, old school ftw! DaReKa-from ponkotu devil's sonic 23-23> pass rev 23-12> twisted sonic rev 12-23> pass 23-12> shadow 12-23> charge 23> twisted sonic bust 23-12> charge 12> shadow 12-23> TA Harmonic> index bak> mid bak> pass rev 23-12> index around> TA
Date: Tue, Aug 24 2010 00:40:15
can you guys share intermediate linkages/mini combos with, 'cause everytime I FS I find myself doing the same thing. p.s I already show wind's series
Date: Tue, Aug 24 2010 03:55:33
moogoo's "5 years ago" combo Demon's Sonic 34-12 > Scissor Spin 0.5 12-T1 > Indexaroundtap T1-12 (dunno how to notate, push like a halftap except pen does indexaround) > Pass Rev 12-T1 > Extended Thumbaround T1-12 > Pass Rev 12-23 > Pass Rev 23-34 > Sonic 34-23 > Sonic 23-12 > Bak 12-T1 ~ Fingerless Thumbaround Rev T1-23 > Fingerless Shadow Rev 23-12 ~ Baktap 0.5 12-23 > Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12 For more modernized version just add some Palmspins, many more variations of Sonic, multiple busts, maybe even a Neckaround, and end with a quadruple Hai Tua. I though still need lots of work learning new moves to add to the arsenal.
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 01:32:12
Yeah I haven't dived into a lot of advanced tricks yet. Combos/linkages with mostly fundamental or lower difficulty tricks pwease. Original thread on V3 -> [SPOILER="Wind's Beginner Linkage Videos"] [/SPOILER]
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 01:57:29
i would definitely suggest learning arounds/around reverses (not to be confused with baks, which are FINGERLESS around reverses) and charge rev. this would greatly expand your arsenal of linkages anyways: (im trying push you to get better; hope these aren't too hard and i hope you can understand lol :\) Ext. TA T1-12 > pass rev 12-23 > Middlearound 23-23 Twisted sonic 23-12 > Neosonic 12-T1 > fingerswitch T1-T2 (change directions here) > pass reverse T2-23 > Middlearound 23-23
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 02:21:21
Linkage that pretty much everyone learns at some point: twisted sonic rev 23-34 > pass 34-23 > twisted sonic 23-12
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 03:28:20
hyper sonic?
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 03:30:02
sonic rise?
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 03:33:23
I would be very disappointed if Nacho couldn't do a sonic rise
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 06:00:39
Yeah I can do those sonic linkages. Sonic rise is bleh tho :/
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 06:21:15
whats fingerswitch? :O
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 19:48:54
Here's one I came up with: Double Charge 23 > Pass Rev 23 34 > Twisted Sonic 34 12 > Pass Rev 12 T1 > Double Inifnity T1 T1 > Wiper Rev T1 > Pass T1 23 > Charge Rev 23 > Charge 23 > Pass 23 T2 > TA ext T2 34
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 00:43:48
Gr3gY wrote: whats fingerswitch? :O
i dunno how to break it down, but you just sub one finger out for another (kinda link how in sonic, you sub out ur middle finger for the index) -
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 03:36:18
Wind's Beginner Linkage Series... Learn from there?
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 04:05:27
Here's one I use (I'm a beginner too): Sonic 34-23 > Inverse Sonic 23-12 ~ Shadow 12-23 > Pass Rev. 23-12 > IndexAround
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 04:18:39
Oh shoot I completely forgot about posting Wind's vids >< Yeah those are a great place to go too. I've watched them already though
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 11:45:46
More than half of these combos I see involve tricks/minicombos that are NOT Fundamentals. Please use this thread:
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 18:45:12
Twisted sonic 34-12 > index around > shadow 12-12, fingerpass reverse 12-23-34-43-32-21 > indexaround. I'm proud of it because I have only been spinning for around 2 weeks. :)
Date: Fri, Sep 10 2010 14:49:45
Are there any tricks these combos? I've pretty much learned a BUNCH of individual tricks (almost systematically to bakfall, learning multiple busts), but have never been able to combo. Are there any tricks to make combos easier? And also, how do people switch from, say, infinity to TA? it seems impossible for me to switch from tip --> CoG.
Date: Sat, Sep 11 2010 05:04:33
REVERSAL wrote: Are there any tricks these combos? I've pretty much learned a BUNCH of individual tricks (almost systematically to bakfall, learning multiple busts), but have never been able to combo. Are there any tricks to make combos easier? And also, how do people switch from, say, infinity to TA? it seems impossible for me to switch from tip --> CoG.
i'm guessing you know the fundumental tricks (ta, sonic, charge, pass) and revs twisted sonic is always nice visually and useful just do one trick, link it with another one, and keep going. like playing a game of tack-on with ur self ie. sonic 23-12 sonic 23-12 -> sonic rev 12-23 sonic 23-12 -> sonic rev 12-23 -> tw sonic 23 12 sonic 23-12 -> sonic rev 12-23 -> tw sonic 23 12 -> ta etc. etc. also, anything to link to twisted sonic 23 12 -> pass rev 12 23 (palm goes from side to down between the tw sonic and pass) preferably a linkage that does involve a direction change (ie. not above combo -> tw sonic 23 12, or above -> pass rev 23-34 -> ra rev 0.5) -
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 11:17:44
Simple combo: Sonic rise -> Neosonic -> Thumbflap charge reverse -> Fingerless TA reverse It is repeatable and very easy. :bananalama:
Date: Tue, Sep 14 2010 05:04:05
I really love wiper tricks. They look so circular when you do it. So, could you give me a combo that only have wiper tricks in it? I have one. triple infinity >double infinity extended >infinity >sonic to inverse rev sonic back to sonic (does this trick have a name?) >figure 8 So, thats my combo, try it out. Give out yours WIPER TRICKS : 1. normal, double, triple, quad infinity 2. extended infinity 3. rev infinity 4. figure 8 5. rev figure 8 6. sonic > inv rev sonic >sonic (which i just named it the Wiper sonic if it does not have a name) So give out now. Thank you for reading this and posting on it. :)
Date: Tue, Sep 14 2010 14:10:01
Butterfly trick.
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 01:31:40
My current combo: Demon's Sonic 12-34 -> Halftap -> Extended Thumbaround -> Indexaround reverse -> Triple Infinity -> Sonic Reverse -> NeoSonic -> Tipped Sonic -> Sonic Rise -> Warped Sonic -> Twisted Sonic -> Extended Thumbaround -> Bust until I screw up I really like sonics. :D
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 03:15:07
What combos can I make with sonic, charge, TA, pass, twisted sonic, sonic rev, double charge, sonic rise, fingerpass rev?
Date: Sat, Sep 25 2010 12:36:42
My first ever combo twisted sonic to extended TA hehehehe that was my combo 2009! 2010 way way way way way BETTER
Date: Sun, Sep 26 2010 05:20:21
I dont know if this is the right spot, but is there a good linkage to connect an IA to Bak? I've tried to do a simple charge + hand rotation, but my fingers just get stuck.
Date: Sun, Sep 26 2010 18:27:26
my first combo might be weird for you but i can show you how to do a extended ta from neo sonic really easy i call it a snap ta >.< my combo is this : sonic 34-23 > tw sonic 23-12 > pass rev 12-23 > sonic 23-12 > neosonic 12-tf > ext ta t1-12
Date: Tue, Sep 28 2010 13:02:06
Nice combos^^^
Date: Mon, Oct 11 2010 04:46:19
Some Mini combos I am using when I FreeStyle are the following: Palm Down ~ Twisted Sonic 23-12 ~ Pass Rev 12-23 ~ Palm Up ~ Twisted Sonic Rev 23-34 ~ Angel Sonic 34-12 ~ NeoSonic 12-TF ~ FL TA REV. Devil's Around 23-23 ~ Devil's Sonic 23-12 ~ Shadow 12-23 ~ Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12 1.5 or something 2.0, it depends on the pen ~ Extended ThumbAround T1-T1 and the following is roughly not stopping ~ Extended ThumbAround T1-23 ~ Pass Normal 23-12 ~ Bust. Believe me, that's a cool one, you can add multiple busts there ;).
Date: Mon, Oct 11 2010 12:46:26
spread fall>palmspread>hai tua [nice combo finisher]
Date: Mon, Oct 11 2010 22:16:53
@Jan: palmspread? D: tutorial pl0x
Date: Mon, Oct 11 2010 22:40:51
[video=youtube;jla1_NyjYNM][/video] ill make one later but for now... the problem is, when i do palmspread, i hit the pen with more of my index finger although i have an open palm...
Date: Mon, Oct 11 2010 22:52:50
isn't that just a palm bounce?
Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 11:35:23
I just want all you people to share some combos to other penspinners to help them start out their hobby:applaud: :) I'll start: Sonic 43-32 -> Twisted sonic 32-21 ->TA harmonic -> catch 32 ->sonic 32-21 -> Neosonic -> fl ta rev :D
Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 12:37:03
Twisted sonic 32-21 -> Charge reverse T1 -> Fingerpass reverse T1-12 -> Sonic reverse 12-23 -> Sonic reverse 23-34 -> Sonic 34-23 -> Twisted sonic 32-21 -> Fingerless indexaround 12 -> Thumbaround The Twisted sonic 32-21 -> Fingerless indexaround 12 is basically a Twisted sonic bust IMO looks very nice when done I think you should have made this thread in the Advanced Tricks section
Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 13:04:20
Sonic 34-23 > Twisted sonic 23-12 > Pass reverse 12-23 > Charge 23-23 > Sonic 23-12 > Neosonic 12-T1 > FL TA reverse
Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 13:16:29
yah i know because when i clicked submit thread that was jus the time i realized my mistake....sorry about that :)
Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 21:07:35
Palm Down - Sonic 23 - 12 ~ PALM SIDE ~ Fingerpass reverse 12 - 23 ~ Twisted Sonic Bust 23 - 12 + Fingerpass 12 - 23 - 34 ~ Sonic Rise 34 - 12 ~ Neosonic 12 - T1 ~ Thumbflap Charge Rev ~ Fingerless TA Rev - 12 ~ Backaround 12 - 12 ~ Index Around 12 - 12 ~ Fake Double ~ Double TA :]
Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 23:38:34's already there... Devil's around 23-23>inverse sonic 23-12>Shadow 12-23>TA harmonic -12>bakfall!!!!!!
Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 00:31:00
twisted sonic 23-12 > TA harmonic > sonic 23-12 > neosonic > TF reverse charge> FL TA > reverse twisted sonic bust 12-23 > pinkybak. YAY!
Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 04:56:19
Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 05:01:23
well a common reply to that is practice.Which is true.its ok even if you dont put a charge to it but if you do its still alright.I can do it, actually i remember also struggling with this particular combo.Just keep practicing man you can do it!!:)
Date: Tue, Nov 2 2010 16:54:52
This is a pretty noobish combo but here goes. Twisted Sonic 32-21 Palm Down -> Thumbaround -> Double Infinity
Date: Sat, Nov 6 2010 12:27:27
Can anyone give me a good combo for me? I've been spinning for 6 months now.
Date: Sat, Nov 6 2010 15:53:05
Someone give me a long combo for me I have Bren spinning for a month!
Date: Sun, Nov 7 2010 02:22:41
Hidekyo;33248]Someone give me a long combo for me I have Bren spinning for a month![/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Night Fury wrote: Can anyone give me a good combo for me? I've been spinning for 6 months now.
you shouldn't focus on learning, memorising, performing perfectly one single combo that just results in when you want to film a combo, the same combo constantly coming out whats more useful is learning a bunch of mini combos and useful linkages, then working them into a combo when you film or freestyle as a helping hand, heres some of my most common mini combos i use (by most common, i mean the ones i end up spamming :S) sonic 34 23 ~ pass 24 12 tw sonic 23 12 > bak 12 12 (your palm is sideways for the tw sonic, then you force the bak motion by turning your hand palm down) devils shadow 34 34 (could be called just a pinky around, palm down) > pass rev 34 23 t2 > ta theres three to start you off look in the breakdown thread for some combos you like, copy bits of it with the help of breakdowns also experiment with what you can do with the fundamentals that you know all linkages are basically a combination of charge and sonic (baks and arounds added for some interest) -
Date: Mon, Nov 8 2010 23:44:17
I'm having trouble linking this combo: Thumbaround T1-34 -> Pinkyaround Reverse 34-23 -> Sonic 23-T1 -> Pass T1-12-23 -> Backaround 1.5 23-12 -> i-Sonic 12-34 -> Pass 34-23-12 -> Fingerless Thumbspin 2.0 Any ideas on what might help? Helpful excersizes to help?
Date: Tue, Nov 9 2010 00:24:08
figured this it the best place to share this
Date: Tue, Nov 9 2010 02:08:14
@blah now i crave penis for some unknown reason.... to me that kinda looks like a ta>palmspin>swivel with less palm spin and at this stage, its not smoothe enough for me to see it as appealing actually, i guess it could work in a slow combo....
Date: Tue, Nov 9 2010 21:45:19
i know it doesnt look much different from TA > swivel, but it's just an idea :dunno:
Date: Sat, Nov 13 2010 10:19:05
blahblahting wrote: figured this it the best place to share this
My god that was annoying music... Combo i do the most would be... sonic 34-23, inverse sonic 23-12, twisted sonic rev 12-23, pass 23-12, neosonic 12-t1, thumbflap charge, thumbaround rev - 12, bakfall. Yes im bad at notation but you should understand anyway. -
Date: Tue, Nov 16 2010 15:49:30
What do you think of this combo: [palm vertical] Sonic 23-12 > Neo Sonic 12-T1 > Thumbflap charge Rev > Fl TA Rev T1-12 >[palm down] Bak 12-12 > Inverse Tw. Sonic Rev. 12-23 > Tw. Sonic Rev. 23-34 > PinkyBak >[palm vertical] Sonic 34 ~ Double Charge 24-13-34 > PinkyBak > Sonic34 ~ Pass 24-12 > IndexAround Rev > Pass 12-23 > Sonic23~NeoSonic 13-T1 > Thumbflap Charge Rev > Fl TA Rev T1-12 >[palm down] Sonic Rev. 12-23 > Tw. Sonic Bust x2 > TA Ext.
Date: Sat, Nov 20 2010 06:04:08
[palm sideways] Reverse sonic reverse 23-34 ~ reverse pass 13 - 12 > pass 12-23 > charge 23 [palm down] > pass 12 > thumbaround > reverse thumbaround > reverse charge 23 > reverse pass 23-34 > [palm up] > reverse pass 34-23-12 > thumbaround lil bit fun, easy to spam and makes non pen spinners go WTF all the palm movement makes it look more impressive too and its all fundamentals!
Date: Sat, Nov 27 2010 00:10:23
angel's sonic 34-12>moonwalk sonic fall 12-34>pass reverse 34-23>twisted sonic 23-12>cobra bite 12-hand?>swivel hand-12>backaround>charge rev.>FL TA rev
Date: Sun, Nov 28 2010 14:50:41
Can anyone build me a combo with the following Tricks : ( having then all would be great ! ) Thumb Around Thumb Around Reverse Thumb Around Harmonic Thumb Around Extended Fingerless Thumb Around Fingerless Thumb Around Reverse Fingerless Thumb Around Harmonic Double Thumb Around Double Charge Infinity Figure 8 Sonic Sonic Rise Twisted Sonic Twisted Sonic Bust Warped Sonic Demon Sonic Charge Charge Cont. Fingerpass Fingerpass Reverse Index Around Fingerless Index Around Fake Double Thanks. ( and sorry if im not in the right thread )
Date: Wed, Dec 1 2010 05:54:57
here's one that i like to spam; devil sonic > hai tua-ish thing 23 the 'hai tua-ish thing' is kinda hard to describe its like a half of a TA but then you rotate your hand palm down, let it spin on top for .5 revolutions, then finish it like a shadow in 23.
Date: Wed, Dec 1 2010 06:54:23
im pretty sure thats an extended thumbaround, now i have never tried to do a hai tua but im pretty sure there is a hand around involved. Ive been working on some small combos that involve more and more passing. sonic 34-23, twisted sonic 23-12, warped sonic 12-23, inverse sonic 23-12, neobak 12-12, shadow rev 12-34, pass 34-23-12, neosonic 12-t1, fl thumbaround reverse t1-12, bak fall.
Date: Thu, Dec 2 2010 05:21:34
Here's my first combo
Charge 34>Sonic 34-23>Charge 23>Sonic 23-12>Reverse Sonic 12-23>Double Charge X2>Charge 23>Sonic 23-12>Neo Sonic T1> Thumbflap Charge Reverse>FL TA Reverse>Bakfall. Well guys, i've been psing for 3 months now. and finally made a combo. First combo! Criticism please. First combo, so dont expect much :D :happy:Spoiler
Date: Thu, Dec 2 2010 06:34:53
@Sam I've also been spinning for three months, and your combo is pretty good. I just don't like the sonic to reverse sonic because it doesn't flow. :/ Here's my 5th(ish) mini-combo after three months: Fake double T1 -> middle around 23-23 -> Reverse twisted sonic 23-34 -> (PD) pass reverse 34-23 -> twisted sonic (bust optional) 23-12 -> fake double 12-T1
Date: Thu, Dec 2 2010 09:06:53
Madmack25 wrote: Can anyone build me a combo with the following Tricks : ( having then all would be great ! ) Thumb Around Thumb Around Reverse Thumb Around Harmonic Thumb Around Extended Fingerless Thumb Around Fingerless Thumb Around Reverse Fingerless Thumb Around Harmonic Double Thumb Around Double Charge Infinity Figure 8 Sonic Sonic Rise Twisted Sonic Twisted Sonic Bust Warped Sonic Demon Sonic Charge Charge Cont. Fingerpass Fingerpass Reverse Index Around Fingerless Index Around Fake Double Thanks. ( and sorry if im not in the right thread )
No angel Sonic? or inverse warped sonic? If so... TA Rev - Sonic 23-12 - Pass 12-23 - Double Charge 23-23 - Warped Sonic 23-34 - Twisted sonic Rise 34-12(Turning Palm down to) - TA Harmonic - Extended Thumbaround - Pass 12-23-34 - Sonic 34-23(Palm down) - Twisted sonic 23-T12 - Infinity variations that you wish to do AND THEN re-do- Wiper to Sonic 34-23 - Twisted sonic Bust 23-12 - Extended TA - TA AS A FINISHER or Double TA ;). In the part where is the infinity variation I mean to put it back to 34. For example, in this video, I do an Extended Infinity only because it just looks good or sometimes a Figure 8 looks cool too. Paused the video exactly 0:14, you'll see the intersection or the pass from the wiper thing to 34. [video=youtube;16HeVVWZoTY][/video] Learn NeoSonic, that is really useful in combos, also the TF Charge Reverse, Inverse of warped and twisted sonic ;). -
Date: Thu, Dec 2 2010 10:46:35
:D Thanks I'm going to practice it... and i already learned Inverse warped and twisted sonic and their reverse, i also learned shadow :D And if you dont mind a video would be awesome :D EDIT: Im working on neosonic and TF Charge reverse, i got it but not fully mastered yet. What would be the combo be with those ? EDIT: k got those all, TF Charge rev. is not that smooth, well its only been like 20 min. maybe i can get those mastered in school :D Still waitin for the new combo breakdown :D Thanks.
Date: Fri, Dec 3 2010 08:01:27
my combo is sonic>thumbaround normal>thumbaround reverse>thumbaround normal>twisted sonic bust>fingerpass
Date: Fri, Dec 3 2010 11:08:06
My combo!!! Charge 23> Thumb Charge T2 > Pass Rev T2-23-34>Pass 34-23> Tw Sonic 23-12> Tw SOnic Rev 12-23>Pass rev 23-34>pass 34-23 Tw Sonic counter 23> pass rev 23-34>pass 34-23 > sonic 23-12> Neo Sonic > Thhum flp chrg rev > fl ta rev> ta > fl ta rev > bak > mid bak>Indexmidbak>Ring bak> pinky bak END!! xD
Date: Sat, Dec 4 2010 18:04:24
Can someone tell me what combo's i can do with the following tricks please? =] Thumbaround Thumbaround reverse Sonic Sonic rise Demon sonic Twisted sonic Sonic Reverse Double Charge Charge Charge reverse Infinity Figure of 8 Fingerpass Fingerpass reverse Triangle pass Triangle pass reverse Cardiod Double Infinity Thumbaround harmonic Triple infinity Weis backaround Korean backaround Warp sonic Sonic harmonic Extended thumbaround Index around Inverse twisted sonic Extended infinity Neosonic Fingerless thumbaround reverse
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 08:18:44
can anyone do a combo with these tricks ( sorry if they're a few, i'm still a noob ) charge rev sonic normal twisted sonic twisted sonic bust finger pass thumbaround / cont. thumbaround
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 08:40:48
@poptrops charge rev. -> Twisted sonic bust -> TA -> Pass T1 12 23 34 13 34 -> TA -> Pass T1 12 23 12 -> pass rev. 12 23 -> sonic 23 12 -> pass rev. 23 12 -> twisted sonic -> TA.
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 09:18:46
fang wrote: @poptrops charge rev. -> Twisted sonic bust -> TA -> Pass T1 12 23 34 13 34 -> TA -> Pass T1 12 23 12 -> pass rev. 12 23 -> sonic 23 12 -> pass rev. 23 12 -> twisted sonic -> TA.
thanks a bunch -
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 16:06:15
@poptrops is it okai?? or should I make a new one?
Date: Mon, Dec 6 2010 23:44:49
sonic 34-23 > twisted sonic 12 > warped sonic 23 > sonic 12 > ta extended 12 > shadow fall 34 > sonic rise 12 > wiper > twisted sonic bust im proud of it :) because i've only been spinning about a month
Date: Tue, Dec 7 2010 07:50:08
i can't do most of the passes, i can only do 12 23 34 for now then a TA after... but still ok for me
Date: Wed, Dec 15 2010 17:29:07
here is a combo that i have been trying lately twisted sonic 43-32 > twisted sonic 32-21 > warp sonic 21-23 > pass 23-21 > pass 12-23 > pass 23-34 > pass 34-23 > neosonic 32-10 > thumbflap charge reverse > fingerless thumbaround reverse 10-23 > twisted sonic bust > bakfall tell me what you think =D note: in this breakdown i used 0 for the slot from your thumb and your index, please correct me if i am wrong
Date: Sat, Dec 18 2010 10:40:39
My newb Combo: Figure 8 > Infinity Ext.-34 > Sonic Rise 34-12 > Shadow 12-23 > Devil's Sonic 23-12 > Devil's Shadow Bust 12-12 > Double TA or Ayatori Throw =_=
Date: Sat, Dec 18 2010 20:57:10
Combo I made(its pretty much a combination of other combos I've done): Warped sonic 12-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-13 > Inverse Sonice Impulse (warped sonic) 13-34 > Demons Sonic 34-12 > Reverse Twisted Sonic 12-23 > Pass Reverse 23-34 > Sonic 34-23 > Warped Sonic 23-34 > Sonice 34-23 > Twisted sonic 23-12 > Pass 12-T1 > Charge T1 > Pass Reverse T1-12 > TA T1-T1 > Ta Rev T1-23 > Inverse Sonic 23-13 > Neo Sonic 13-TF > TF Charge Rev > Ta Rev TF-12 > Bak 12-12 > Pass 12-23 > Midbak 23-23 Finish
Date: Sun, Dec 19 2010 21:34:45
This is my 1st combo please rate it inverse twisted sonic 23-12 ~ pass 12-23-34 ~ sonic rise 43-32-21 ~ pass12-23 ~ and this trick i dunno the name but it starts off as 23, goes around and over ur index finger and u catch with 12 or 23
Date: Sun, Dec 19 2010 21:41:21
@produmdum i dislike the pass going all the way from 12-23-34 more linkages would be great short linkage~ sonic 34-23>neoback 23-34>halftap> handaround> fl ta
Date: Sun, Dec 19 2010 21:50:48
Jan wrote: @produmdumsonic 34-23>NETBACK 23-34>halftap> handaround> fl ta
wtf is a netback? if you meant neobak, then that would be incorrect notation. it would be a neobackaround because a neobak that doesnt end in the same slot it started in isnt a neobak -
Date: Mon, Dec 20 2010 00:11:49
yeah wat is a netback
Date: Wed, Dec 22 2010 14:30:36
how come everytime when i do a combo some part of the combo keeps on repeating. help!!
Date: Wed, Dec 22 2010 22:35:38
muscle memory, most likely. you have that part of the combo down flat, and your hand wants to do the trick that it already knows rather than some other linkage. just work on the other part (the one that you dont do instinctively) and then practice both, one after the other.
Date: Thu, Dec 23 2010 18:11:37
here's one that i'm working on: TA>TA rev>twisted sonic>pass rev>pass rev>TA>rev TA>bakaround
Date: Tue, Jan 4 2011 23:06:22
Heres my combo: shadow 12-34 > sonic 34 -23 > twisted sonic bust 23-12 > TA 12-tf > pass reverse tf-12 > indexaround 12-12
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 04:20:08
akitaka wrote: Heres my combo: @akitaka shadow 12-34 ~ sonic 34 -23 ~ twisted sonic bust 23-12 ~ TA 12-tf ~ pass reverse tf-12 ~ indexaround 12-12
"~" stands for hybrid notatation, that is when a trick is composed of two tricks, the first "interrupted" by the second. When the tricks are completed you want to use ">" in between the tricks, to indicate the tricks are completed. If by chance it did mean it to be a hybrid, then by all means ignore this post. -
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 21:50:06
Sorry, I didn't know. :facepalm:
Date: Wed, Jan 5 2011 23:29:49
@akitaka haha, don't apologize, now you know :P
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 00:48:24
sonic 34-23 > tw. sonic 23-12 > shadow 12-23 > sonic 23-13 ~ charge X1 13 > pass(?) 13-23 > tw. sonic bust 23-12 > TA or variation.
Date: Thu, Jan 6 2011 16:56:50
browndog12 wrote: sonic 34-23 > tw. sonic 23-12 > shadow 12-23 > sonic 23-13 ~ charge X1 13 > pass(?) 13-23 > tw. sonic bust 23-12 > TA or variation.
pretty nice combo, just tried it -
Date: Fri, Jan 7 2011 23:31:20
Sonic 23-12 > NeoSonic 12-T1 > Fl TA Rev -34 > Sonic 34-23 > Inverse Sonic 23-12 > Shadow 12-23 > Tw Sonic Bust
Date: Fri, Jan 14 2011 06:05:59
Fake Double > Shadow 12-34> Sonic 34 > Charge 23> Sonic 23-12> Shadow 23 >tw sonic bust
Date: Fri, Jan 14 2011 08:15:53
my favourite is Palmspin>ia>tw sonic r>pass n 2334>sonic rise>neo sonic>tf ch r>fltar>Palmspin>Cont.
Date: Mon, Jan 31 2011 22:51:46
inverse sonic 23-12 > warped sonic 12-23 > twisted sonic 23-12 > thumbaround-23 > twisted sonic bust 23-12 > shadow 12-12 > thumbspin 1.5
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 15:31:19
I would like to know if there any good finishers for a noob (like me) with only about 3 months of experience. The finishers could look good but be easy to do. Any ideas?
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 15:58:54
Probably just use a thumbaround to finish. That's what I always did before Or if you can end with some kind of bust.
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 16:01:56
Thanks for the quick reply!!! OK... now I need to make a good combo...
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 16:02:15
Fingerless thumbaround , its easy try it
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 16:53:22
I used double bust I think. Then again my first vid was at 8 months. :p that or bakfall ;)
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 17:06:35
bust bust bust bust bust bust bust
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 17:54:24
bust? why always power stuff, I have alot endings with pinkyarounds. like: wiper T4 rev. to pinkybakaround. or inverse sonic rev. to pass 13 34 to pinkybakaround. or use a air trick, like TA to air.
Date: Tue, Feb 1 2011 18:28:47
Use TA release, very basic, easy and impressive.
Date: Thu, Feb 3 2011 11:39:22
You like this one? Twisted Sonic Bust>TA>sonic>neosonic>infinity>twisted sonic bust>shadow>sonic rise>double TA Tell me if i need to change anything...
Date: Thu, Feb 3 2011 12:30:30
some breakdowns of my little combos^^: devil around 23-23> tw sonic 23-12> bust 12-12> ext Ta 12-12> shadow 12-23> MA 23-23> sonic clip rev 23-34~ warped sonic 23-12> IA 12-12 inv sonic 23-12~ nepsonic 13-t1> tipped sonic t1-t3> TA t3-t1> TS 1.5 t1-t1> ext ta t1-12> devil shadow 12-12> bust 12-12 side sonic 23-12~pass 13-t3>tipped sonic t3-t4>sonic t4-23>shadow 23-34>pass 34-t34>ta t34-t2>pass rev. t2-23-12>indexbak rev.>pass 12-t12>fl. ta x2
Date: Fri, Feb 11 2011 16:52:03
devils around 23-23 > sonic clip 23-12 > charge 12 > extended thumbaround t1-12 > charge 12 > (palm up) pass rev 12-23-34-23-12 > rev sonic clip 12-13 > indexaround 13 > 12 > (palm down) charge 12 -> indexaround 12-12 > extended thumbaround t1-12 > shadow 2.0 12-12
Date: Fri, Feb 11 2011 21:27:51
TA rev->pass 23-34-23-12->Inverse sonic rev 12-23->pass rev 23-34-> pass34-23-12->Inverse sonic rev 12-23-> pass rev 23-34-23-12->TA->TA rev->Midbak->inverse sonic rev->Twisted sonic->Figure 8 T12-T23-T34->FL TA rev->bakriser->Inverse sonic rev 12-23->pass rev 23-34->Sonic 34-23->Twisted sonic 23-12->Fake double->TA to air (TA->Index spread) Is this too spammy?
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 02:50:58
Im looking for a linkage for K4LC combo to make a mini combo. I love K4LC cos ites so damn sooth
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 02:56:30
k4lc already is a mini combo wtf are you asking?
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 03:00:31
for a k4LC + something combo
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 03:09:33
Ok, let me just give you some advice. Don't make a new thread because you're asking for a linkage to a trick. If everyone made a new thread for a linkage to a trick, we would have hundreds of threads on hundreds of different tricks to link to. So, go learn some linkages from youtube like wind's beginner linkage series, or make your own linkages by applying tricks you know, then take the slot that a trick ends in, and try to apply a linkage. You have to learn to apply things on your own and not rely on others, or else nothing will be accomplished
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 03:21:43
and if you're having trouble linking Thumbspin 1.5 to anything, try a T1 charge or a fingerless fake double.
Date: Tue, Feb 22 2011 06:54:47
Alright. I've pretty much boiled it down to be my biggest problem next to finger independence. So, in spirit of all that nonsense, what say we get some nice mini-combos goin' for people who might appreciate them? I know I'd be very happy to learn some cool new stuff to filter into my combos. Any takers?
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 06:05:25
I need help with how to change the direction of my spinning. The only ways I do it are TA harmonic, bakfall to sonic (pd), or some weird tw. sonic. spam. The things I think up like Demon sonic 34-12 > pass 12-23 > middle around are kind of awkward, so I would like some help, or some ways you change direction. Thanks. note: I'm not sure if this needed a whole new thread for... sorry)
Date: Thu, Feb 24 2011 22:40:49
charge 1.0 leads into passes and around revs w/o direction change, charge .5 leads into pass revs and arounds normal, passes lead into around revs. you can reverse this and map it to different finger slots and stuff and also use interrupted sonics like charges. if you combine all this you can make an endless number of direction-change-less combos, for example sonic .5 34-24 > ma rev > twisted sonic 23-12 > neosonic > tf charge rev > fl ta rev > double charge > twisted sonic 23-12 > pass rev 12-23 > twisted sonic rev 23-34 > ra > pass rev 34-23-12 > twisted sonic rev 12-23 > pass 23-t2 > wiper > ta i dont know if that made any sense but i think theres a lot of pattern to what tricks link smoothly. the demon sonic > pass > ma could be altered to be smoother, for example by making the ma a ma rev or making the pass a pass rev
Date: Fri, Feb 25 2011 02:31:37
a decent finisher i think reverse twisted sonic 12-23 > middlearound > rev sonic 23-34~rev pass 32-12 > pass 12-23 > twisted sonic double bust
Date: Fri, Feb 25 2011 16:11:57
Stare wrote: a decent finisher i think reverse twisted sonic 12-23 > middlearound > rev sonic 23-34~rev pass 32-12 > pass 12-23 > twisted sonic double bust
pretty nice, but im not so smooth and i cant double bust so i probably made your combo look lame lol -
Date: Sat, Feb 26 2011 20:13:57
Soren Blade wrote: pretty nice, but im not so smooth and i cant double bust so i probably made your combo look lame lol
if you're using a fail angle, wiper/infinity/whatever that was into busts looks pretty neat too as a finisher mm as for my leg.. people have asked.. its called headphones.. -
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 06:26:36
Any combos from ta sonic and fingerpass others not completely mastered
Date: Mon, Mar 21 2011 07:30:43
Can someone create a simple korean style combo long enough for about 6~10 secs? Easy one please :D
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 03:43:29
I need to start working on finishers for my combos but not really ready for hai tua's and hard stuff like that >.> any suggestions. (I know no trick is necessarily " easy to learn", all takes practice, but which ones are the simpler ones?)
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 03:51:58
Palm down TA is pretty simple to learn, only took me 5 minutes, it looks pretty good too. A double or triple bust/FL TA is good too. Pinky baks too.
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 03:58:19
ext ta or fake double arent half bad
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 04:00:33
ThumbSpin 1.5 and the Index pointing sign is good ;). Also, Double TA for a beginner is not hard and it looks appealing. Also, Neobak 12-34 ~ Pinkybak looks cool and kind stylish :).
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 04:02:19
I don't know, I think doing a FL TA and finishing it with the index finger pointing looks pretty good.
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 05:09:20
fake double to ta with index finger pointing out. it's easy and looks pretty good.
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 05:42:26
Yeah, all these thumbaround type things with your index pointing looks pretty stylish and simple
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 05:55:13
Pass 23-34 -> Pinkybak, Inverse Sonic Rev. 12-13 ~ Pass Rev. 13-34 -> Pinkybak, Ext. TA. T1-12 -> Pass Rev. 12-T1 -> TA., Tw. Sonic Bust 23-12 -> Pass Rev. 12-T1 -> TA., Cont. Bak x3 -12-12
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 06:52:02
Pass rev 12-23-34 > ta t34
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 07:07:42
Ex Ta Bust
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 08:50:54
Jon wrote: Ex Ta Bust
This is all you need to know until you get good at other aspects of spinning. -
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 09:11:19
surprised there haven't been many scissorspin/corkscrew variations yet =__=" fake double > fl ext ta, fake double > fl ext ta bust, corkscrew > fl ext ta, corkscrew > fl ta, corkscrew > fl ts 1.5 > fl ta, ta ext ~ scissorspin > fl ta, mix and match fake double, ext ta, fl ext ta, bust and fl ta, fl ts 1.5 etc =__="
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 09:25:44
TA release is pretty good : And double thumbaround is also a good finisher and easy to learn.
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 17:41:07
Sonic Norm 34-23 ~ Sonic Norm 23-12 ~ Charge Norm 12-12 ~ Charge Norm 12-12 ~ TA Norm T2-T12 ~ Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 ~ Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12. Took me 10 minutes to master this finisher.
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 17:51:27
[SPOILER="Story Behind Challenge"]So my friend saw me spinning at school, I was just practicing my combo, and he asked how many tricks were in it, i said about 10. I counted and it was exactly 10. The problem was that the combo only consisted of about 4 different tricks: Thumbaround ; Pass ; Pass Rev ; Sonic Regular(I don't want to reveal how the combo went, because its my signature combo). So, he challenged me to do a combo that is over 10 moves, and not using the same move more than twice.[/SPOILER] Bottom line is, I need an easy to learn combo (like, I need to master it by tomorrow), that is 10 or more tricks, without using the same trick more than 2 times. Any help guys? :S Forgot to mention, he doesn't count the Pass or Pass Rev as tricks.
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 19:37:39
that is harsh, passes are tricks.... but I would say use passes between every move, sonic 34 23-> twisted sonic 23 12 -> backaround rev. 12 12 -> TA -> TA rev. -> backaround 12 12 -> thumbflat charge -> Fl. TA rev. -> middle around rev. -> pass 23 12 -> index around counter 12 T1 12 0.5 I don't know ur level, so I made a simple one!
Date: Wed, Mar 23 2011 08:26:09
Sonic 34-23 -> twisted sonic 23-12 -> Warped sonic 12-23 ->pass 23-12 -> Neosonic har -> pass rev 12 -23 ->twisted sonic rev 23-34 -> Inverse twisted sonic 34-23 ->twisted sonic bust 23-12 -> ta ->t1 charge -> pass t1 -12 ->neosonic 12-tf ->tf charge rev ->fl ta rev -> bakfall :) WANT TO SEE HOW IT LOOKS LIKE?click here he wont notice it so dont complain :P
Date: Wed, Mar 23 2011 17:29:09
fang wrote: that is harsh, passes are tricks.... but I would say use passes between every move, sonic 34 23-> twisted sonic 23 12 -> backaround rev. 12 12 -> TA -> TA rev. -> backaround 12 12 -> thumbflat charge -> Fl. TA rev. -> middle around rev. -> pass 23 12 -> index around counter 12 T1 12 0.5 I don't know ur level, so I made a simple one!
Yeah, thats perfect, nice and simple, and uses all the tricks that I love to use... And i think the tricks look really cool also. Thanks. Also thank you Rapid, Only problem is I can't do the neosonic. I don't know why, but i used to do it when i was a noob. -
Date: Thu, Mar 24 2011 06:43:26
No sweat lolol
Date: Mon, Mar 28 2011 05:16:03
Hey guyz i have a question about this tutorial how does he go to his thumaround so quick from sonic? did he practice or is there something else to it?
Date: Mon, Mar 28 2011 05:27:54
@YoPhagg It's basically ending the sonic at T12 It's hard to Half way through the sonic you have to move your thumb to the catch location to do the push. Takes a little practice
Date: Tue, Mar 29 2011 14:02:03
fake double 2x -> TA air T1 12, that is also going to look like bonkura finishers... [video=youtube;2ietINVFZBY][/video]
Date: Thu, Mar 31 2011 02:55:16
Thumbaround. I take after Sfsr in this aspect.
Date: Thu, Mar 31 2011 12:39:32
FL TA Rev>FL Indexaround Rev (Bak) ... Fake double>TA Double TA Fake Double Bust THumbspin>FL TA Shadow~FL TA>FL TA REV>FL Indexaround Rev (Bak) Neobak~Pinkybak Busts TA release (notice that these are all around tricks...) yeah... I can't do the neobak~pinkybak yet...
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 01:04:13
spinnerhui wrote: FL TA Rev>FL Indexaround Rev (Bak) ... Fake double>TA Double TA Fake Double Bust THumbspin>FL TA Shadow~FL TA>FL TA REV>FL Indexaround Rev (Bak) Neobak~Pinkybak Busts TA release (notice that these are all around tricks...) yeah... I can't do the neobak~pinkybak yet...
Shadow~FL TA>FL TA REV>FL Indexaround Rev (Bak) Neobak~Pinkybak Busts Fake Double Bust These are pretty advanced linkages. FL TA Rev>FL Indexaround Rev (Bak) In my opinion I don't think this is a very strong finisher -
Date: Sat, Apr 2 2011 16:07:57
Riley wrote: Palm down TA is pretty simple to learn, only took me 5 minutes, it looks pretty good too. A double or triple bust/FL TA is good too. Pinky baks too.
how are u supposed to do a palm down TA? =o -
Date: Sat, Apr 2 2011 17:24:19
I agree. How?!
Date: Sat, Apr 2 2011 17:41:23
spinnerhui wrote: FL TA Rev>FL Indexaround Rev (Bak) ... Fake double>TA Double TA Fake Double Bust THumbspin>FL TA Shadow~FL TA>FL TA REV>FL Indexaround Rev (Bak) Neobak~Pinkybak Busts TA release (notice that these are all around tricks...) yeah... I can't do the neobak~pinkybak yet...
these arent particularly easy, and i don't think FL TA Rev>FL bak looks good as a finisher tbh. my contributions ts 1.5 > fl ta [has it already been said? probably] and some pinkybak finishers! midbak 1.5 23-34 > pinkybak tipped sonic 23-34 > pinkybak shadow rev 0.5 34-34 > pinkybak -
Date: Sun, Apr 3 2011 18:48:27
Isn't your first finisher thing basicly a neobak from 23~pinkybak? :O?
Date: Mon, Apr 4 2011 00:50:56
Bleevlee wrote: Isn't your first finisher thing basicly a neobak from 23~pinkybak? :O?
hmm im not sure, i broke it down as it looks to my eyes when i perform it.. -
Date: Mon, Apr 4 2011 01:12:34
Date: Wed, Apr 6 2011 04:03:03
I just learned the double charge and something I'm starting to do is demon's sonic > double charge, or sonic rise > double charge, but I don't know what I should do after a few double charges, what should I transition that into?
Date: Wed, Apr 6 2011 09:28:00
@Mageta Warped sonic 23-34, sonic 23-12, pass 23-34, Inverse Tw. Sonic 23-12, Pass 23-12 to name a few.
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 19:12:07
Do you think my Combo is good enough for ~6 months? : Wiper rev T1-13 > Pass 13-34-23 > Devil's Sonic > Fl IA > Fake Double > Neobak 12-34 > Pinky bak > Pass 34-T1 > Wiper rev T1-12 > Backaround > Fl Ta Rev > Backaround > Double TA release
Date: Thu, Apr 7 2011 20:18:03
ChainBreak wrote: Do you think my Combo is good enough for ~6 months? : Wiper rev T1-13 > Pass 13-34-23 > Devil's Sonic > Fl IA > Fake Double > Neobak 12-34 > Pinky bak > Pass 34-T1 > Wiper rev T1-12 > Backaround > Fl Ta Rev > Backaround > Double TA release
Pretty good, but you could make it longer and add more things you know that will actually make a good combo. (aka: don't make it longer just to add a twisted sonic) But otherwise, pretty good. -
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 00:08:26
Ive been spinning for 4-5 months, sorry to ask the same thing but is this a good combo also? TA rev T1-34>Sonic 34-23> double charge > pass 23-12> charge 12> neoback 12-T1> FL TA to 34> sonic 34-23>twisted sonic 23-12> wiper T1-23>sonic 23-12>shadow 12-12>Fake double>infinity> wiper T1-34>twisted sonic 34-23> Pass rev 23-12>Twisted sonic rev 12-23>Pass 23-12>charge 12>TA aerial> pink spread x 1 I feel likes theres spamming o.0
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 03:24:46
if anyone could msg me a combo, that would be great. i know : TA, TA rev FL TA, FL TA rev double TA extended TA fake double TA harmonic sonic , sonic rev warped sonic twisted sonic neosonic sonic rise sonic clip TF charge demon's sonic devil's sonic demon's devil's sonic shadow fingerpass, fingerpass rev double charge cont. double charge infinity double infinity triple infinity weis backaround index bak middle bak twisted sonic bust sonic bust i may have missed a few.. thanks! :)
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 14:35:35
k thx for your opinion Riley :) I'll try to think of something good to add.
Date: Thu, Apr 14 2011 21:08:05
anyone got a good combo that i could start with?
Date: Fri, Apr 15 2011 19:44:25
Ta > Ta Rev > Bak > Pass 12-23-34 > Sonic > Tw Sonic > Figure 8 > Infinity ext ~ Pass 12-23-12 > Sonic Fall > Double Ta (by Dontknow92009)
Date: Fri, Apr 15 2011 21:24:48
Baktap Charge 12 Charge 23 Charge 34 Charge Reverse 12 Charge Reverse 34 Fingerpass Fingerpass Reverse Sonic 23-12 Sonic 34-23 Sonic Reverse 12-23 Sonic Reverse 23-34 Sonic Reverse 34-12 Shadow 12-12 Shadow 12-23 Twisted Sonic 23-12 Twisted Sonic 34-23 Twisted Sonic Reverse 12-23 Twisted Sonic Bust Thumbaround Thumbaround Reverse
Date: Mon, Apr 18 2011 16:20:52
Mini combos: Sonic Rise 34-12>Warped Sonic 12-23>MA 23-23 Inv Tw Sonic Rev 12-23>Pass Rev 23-34>Ringaround 34-34 For anyone who finds it useful. Also, it'll be nice if people share their mini combos more often, for noobs like me who have a hard time coming out with their own :p
Date: Wed, Apr 20 2011 17:05:01
One that I use too much recently : Tw sonic 23-12> T1 charge > ma 0.5 T2-23 > sonic rev 23-24 > pass rev 24-12-23 > ma 23-23
Date: Thu, Apr 21 2011 19:22:47
Yo so i havent spun a pen in more than a few years. im workin on the bak fall right now but its a pain in my shit, first time spinning the other night and i whipped my pen against the wall and went to bed angry lol.. weak. i was wonderin if someone could make me a mini combo to learn that would teach me some tricks and give me some ideas. a video would be nice so i can see what im about to learn. i dont remember all the tricks i can do but heres some: infinity: triple charge: all i think, some not so smooth, cant do Rev 13 sonic: lots including pseudo and moonwalk (i think its a moonwalk) ta: harmonic, fl, ts 1.5 fl ts 1.5 < revs some backarounds.. i dunno i think thats most of it, im down for a combo with tricks i dont know as well as tricks i do to work on smoothness and linkage. plus any tricks invented in the last few years would be nice, my style seems so.. old school lol hook me up!:antiboing:
Date: Thu, Apr 21 2011 19:29:15
Date: Fri, Apr 22 2011 04:20:02
sheiiiit my bad
Date: Fri, Apr 22 2011 12:44:16
Demon sonic 34-21 --> pass 12-23 --> sonic 23-12 --> neosonic 12-t1 --> fl rev charge --> bakfall this is a nice mini combo to use.
Date: Sat, Apr 23 2011 04:26:59
whats the best way to remember a combo that's really long
Date: Sat, Apr 23 2011 13:06:55
@darren split the combo up, 1 huge combo = 5 mini combo's just remember more minicombo's or just breakdown and write it up!!
Date: Tue, Apr 26 2011 15:12:09
I'm a beginner when it comes to penspinnig, and I am looking for a trick that can be linked into a twist and sonic bust. I have been looking for a trick that ends in the position required to perform a twist nad sonic, but they all seem to end up in the wrong position. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. PS: I wasnt sure if this type of thread should be posted in the combo thread mentioned in the rules, so if I posted wrong, please tell me and I will move it.
Date: Tue, Apr 26 2011 15:56:19
Shadow 12-23 Thumbaround Reverse Midbak Sonic 34-23 Twisted Sonic 34-23 There's plenty of them.
Date: Tue, Apr 26 2011 16:17:42
wrong thread ^^ also its called twisted sonic not twist and sonic :) @NoobsDeScroobs
Date: Tue, Apr 26 2011 17:35:04
Thanks, explosion. I will try to use the shadow as it is the one I can control the most. My pinky just will not bend properly yet. And it is twisted sonic! I will remember that, thanks jazz.
Date: Wed, Apr 27 2011 03:21:40
Here's a simple one: Sonic 34 23-twisted sonic 23 12-twisted sonic reverse 12 23-twisted sonic 23 12-twisted sonic reverse 12 23-sonic 23-12 fake double t12 t12-fl ta release
Date: Thu, Apr 28 2011 04:00:46
charge t1 rev neo sonic/pass/ ia 0.5 t1-12 rev. twisted sonic 12-23 twisted sonic 23-12 bak rev 12-12 ta
Date: Thu, Apr 28 2011 13:38:57
I would like to have palmspin thumbaround>pinky spread>mid spread>pinky spread>hai tua or pun kan.___.
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 07:07:27
cobra bite [extended? it does an extra half rotation in the air] > rev palmspin 0.5[pushed into spinning by the index finger]~palmspin 0.5[countered by ring finger] > swivel > fl thumbaround first did it at lunch the people around me went :wtf: and asked me to do it again for what it's worth, this was playing on my mp3 player at the time
Date: Thu, May 12 2011 06:58:53
This isnt a combo but i would like to know i important trick for doing popular combos. i see devil arounds alot and are there any combos on youtube for intermediate coz most are beginners.
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 08:15:26
what trick can i do after a bak, midbak, ringbak, or pinkybak? and what trick can i do before going into any of these baks?
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 10:07:10
@Supergirl I do a Inv Tw Sonic. But anything really to get into a position.
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 11:01:16
Can I ask a really stupid favor? From 1:01 - 1:02 [ish], can someone tell me what trick that is where it's just seemingly a series of passes from the index to the pinky? Also, can someone please break down G-ryzer's combo? :3 Thanks in advance.
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 13:26:51
Supergirl wrote: what trick can i do after a bak, midbak, ringbak, or pinkybak? and what trick can i do before going into any of these baks?
after a palmdown charge, you can do a palm up charge rev and after a palmdown charge rev you can do a palm up charge and vice versa ... so after baks that end with a palmdown charge rev you can do a trick that has a palm up charge... for example I like to do a demons sonic after pinkybak and before baks you can do tricks with a normal charge palm up -
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 11:39:14
Demon Sonic>Charge x1>Warped Sonic>Sonic>BAK>FL TA Rev>Fingerpass Rev 12-23>Twisted Sonic>Neo Sonic>Thumb Charge>FL TA Rev>BAK Fall>Sym BAK>Palmspin>FL TA Release>Aerial HaiTua>Index Air Bust>TA>Palmspin Haitua>Pinky BAK Rev. Some of the tricks could be found in VicGotGame's tutorial...I did it quite a few times in one day but not more than 5...Gd luck trying to do this combo.
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 14:21:46
can someone list me every possible trick to do after a pinky bak please
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 07:05:29
anyone got a good combo with sym bak in it? i'd like to practice it in combo.
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 11:49:03
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 15:12:17
Krypton wrote: @Supergirl
thanks mate -
Date: Sat, Jun 4 2011 12:40:36
can anyone tell me a few vital pen spinning combo tricks i have learnt: fundamentals Infinity -triple infinity twisted sonic + 1 bust only palm spin neo sonic fingerpass sonic rise ta harmonic charge all fingers
Date: Sat, Jun 4 2011 12:41:06
shadow as well just remembered
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 20:56:04
What makes a great combo? In other words, what do you look for in a good combo?
Date: Fri, Jun 24 2011 10:33:11
Fast flashy moves like warped sonics twisted sonic bust, Inverse variants, devils, demons sonics
Date: Fri, Jun 24 2011 22:46:46
lets see.... 1. (palm up) twisted sonic 23-12 > palmspin 2. twisted sonic bust 23-12 > ext thumbaround T12-12 > bak reverse 12-12 > bakriser 12-12 > reverse index spread 12-12 > catch. 3. flush sonic 23-23 > sonic clip 23 > pass reverse 13-34 4. ext TA T12-12 > bak 12-palm > ayatori trick palm-12
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 19:20:38
Here's a mini combo to try out twisted sonic bust > TA harmonic > sonic 23 - 12 > index backaround > middle backaround. It's one of winds beginner combos but it's started with a twisted sonic bust rather than starting withe the reverse TA. Unfortunately I cannot do middle backaround yet, and my normal backaround is still not that great so it will be a while before I can master this.
Date: Sun, Jul 10 2011 12:53:22
[video=youtube;Ob4YD9O3guo][/video] So, one of the few combos I'm actually proud of =P Is there an official name for it? If so, I have no idea....
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 05:35:15
wad is an fs?
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 20:57:22
Imitiate wrote: wad is an fs?
FS is short for FreeStyle. -
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 00:43:46
my favourite twisted cobra bite > Flta rev t1-12 > bakfall 12-34 > sonic 34-23 > devil around 23-23 > twisted sonic 23-12 > shadow 12-12 > TA ext 12 > Haitua or ayatori 12 > ta release 12-23 :)
Date: Sat, Jul 23 2011 01:02:08
tw sonic 23-12>rev index around 12-13>index middle around 13-13>ring around tw sonic 23-12>rev tw sonic 12-23>warpead sonic 23-34>pass rev 34-23>tw sonic bust>inv rev sonic 12-23>pass rev 23-34-34-23>tw sonic bust>IPBA :D
Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 12:35:15
demo's sonic > double charge 2x > neo sonic > TF charge > FL TA REV > FAKE Inverse sonic > neo SOnic > Tf chrge > FL TA Rev > BAk > Mid BAk > Shadow > FL TA ... :) } thats my COmbo I hoP e You LIKE it :) :)
Date: Wed, Sep 21 2011 11:43:09
sonic 34 to twisted sonic 23-t1 to triangle pass to TA to fingerpass t1-12-23 to sonic to bak my first combo(im a newb)
Date: Thu, Sep 22 2011 08:31:04
My first mini combo: Double charge x2 > pass 23-34 > demon's sonic 34-12 > warped sonic 12-23 > twisted sonic 23-12 > TA harmonic > sonic 23-12 > neo sonic 12-T1. I reckon it's a pretty good mini combo for my 1st :) ~AJ
Date: Thu, Sep 22 2011 11:32:29
Darkcore7 wrote: My first mini combo: Double charge x2 > pass 23-34 > demon's sonic 34-12 > warped sonic 12-23 > twisted sonic 23-12 > TA harmonic > sonic 23-12 > neo sonic 12-T1. I reckon it's a pretty good mini combo for my 1st :) ~AJ
The combo isn't bad, but ending a combo with a neosonic doesn't look very nice imo, for example you could add a "TF charge rev>FL TA rev" to it and continue ur combo so u can do a nice finisher for example u can do a bak>midbak after it or you can do this : FL TA rev TF-23 > sonic 23-12 [PU] > pass 12-23 [PU] > tw sonic 23-12 [PD] > TA (or a fake double), just try to find a nice finisher, good luck :) -
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 01:31:20
I started pen spinning a short time ago and obviously started with learning the fundamentals. Unfortunately I'm finding the charge reverse and sonic reverse really annoying. Can I bypass these tricks and focus on harder tricks that will be more useful in combos, or should I persevere because these tricks are needed for most combos?
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 01:35:24
It will be good to learn all your fundamentals and their reverses first and then move on to the others
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 02:09:36
you can move on but then you would be like me just going one way lol im still a noob cuz i never passes charge reverse or sonic rev
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 03:29:03
Demon Sonic 34-12 > Tip charge Twisted Sonic Rev 12-23 > Twisted sonic 23-12 > Pass Rev 12-23 > Warp Sonic Rev 23-34 > Sonic Rise 34-12 > Rev Twisted Sonic 12-23 > Sonic 23-12 > Hai Tua > Thumb Flat Charge T1-T1 > Fingless Rev Thumb Around T1-12 > Charge 12-12 > Rev Twisted Sonic 12-23 > Warp Sonic Rev 23-34 > Sonic Rise 34-12 > Rev Twisted Sonic 12-23 > Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12 > Bust release 12-4 > Pinky spread > Pass 12-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-T1 > Charge T1-T1 > Neo Sonic Rev T1-12 > Rev Warp Sonic 12-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-12> Thumb Around 12-T1 try it..... =)
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 03:34:08
learn all the fundamentals and their reverses. You will thank me in about 11 months if you stick around that long.
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 03:44:59
Personally I think that after you can do the 4 fundamentals in the normal direction okay (with the exception of the fingerpass, you don't have to be able to do whole thing smoothly just yet but as long as you can do each individual pass) you can start learning other harder tricks like index tw. sonics, wipers and all these but you should be working on those reverse fundamental tricks in the background, from time to time or after you learn a 2 or 3 tricks
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 03:55:45
i strongly recommend learning them... i put them off and my combos were bland and repetitive but as soon as i learned them, things just exploded and my combos got so much better it's always good to be able to spin in both directions or you get stuck spamming warped sonic to move the pen back down ur hand or something
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 04:07:42
i never learned my reverses.
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 04:50:00
Cheers guys. I do intend to stick with pen spinning into the future, it seems like a cool hobby. Which of the fundamentals are used the most in general? Also, are there any specific combos that you suggest starting with or do you just put your known tricks together? And how long will it take to 'master' the fundamentals so that I can move on to more advanced tricks?
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 06:15:34
The charge reverse should be learned before the sonic reverse for obvious reasons. But... Charge reverse is much harder to learn because you are used to going in one direction not the other. Just keep at it and you will do just fine. ^_^ As far as a simple short combo, try this: Sonic 34-24 > charge 24 > pass 24-12 > pass 12-23 > sonic 23-12 And if you want to complicate it a little more try starting with a fingerless thumb around rev into sonic 34. :p Best of luck to you. Feel free to ask if you have any other questions. (or if you want to see that combo^) And as far as starter combos, create your own. And when you can do a fundamental over and over again without dropping it, you can move on. You don't always have to wait that long but at least you will know you won't have any problems with them later. ^_^
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 06:56:22
Thank you very much, that is helpful advice for a prospective spinner :) I would like to take you up on that offer of seeing the combo you mentioned. I am relatively new to this stuff, and don't know how to visualise this stuff yet.
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 07:34:17
speedybugger1 wrote: Thank you very much, that is helpful advice for a prospective spinner :) I would like to take you up on that offer of seeing the combo you mentioned. I am relatively new to this stuff, and don't know how to visualise this stuff yet.
There you go. ^_^ -
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 09:34:21
Thank you, it helped a lot. I shall now learn it :)))
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 16:35:18
Record it and send me a link when you do it please and thank you. ^_^
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 21:32:50
Hi im new to pen spinning and i know some fundamentals i really want to learn pen spinning because its so cool lol and i want to know the fundamentals recommended for beginners like me i know FingerPass (norm and reverse), Thumbaround (LOL), Charge , And a little bit of Infinity The pen i use is
But without the grips at the end
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 22:16:04
First of all,there's already a thread for this.mod's will come soon. second,learn sonic
Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 23:16:22
Yeah, learn the Sonic next - it's probably the easiest fundamental, so you should have no problem learning it.
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 01:34:25
Yeah learn the sonic and next time search it up instead of making a new thread
Date: Sat, Oct 8 2011 03:53:26
there are 4 fundamentals. sonic, fingerpass, charge, and thumbaround and there reverses of course too
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 01:09:40
I'm a bit caught up with exams at the moment, but they'll all be over by next weekend so I'll start training this trick then. Thanks again for this, it is very helpful.
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 16:53:54
I'm very patient so take as much time as you need. I've been busy filming for something else right now so I'm not getting on here as much as I have lately. I'll check on you in maybe a week and a half to see if you are having any trouble with anything or if you want to add or remove anything from the combo. ^_^
Date: Sun, Oct 9 2011 17:01:36
I would recomend not putting off learning the reverses... it'll only become harder as you practice the normals. Also, I learned sonic reverse before charge rev and sonic normal before charge normal likewise, it doesn't really matter for that. I would say, learn charge reverse before anything else, just to force yourself to do it. If you find it becomes frustrating to the point you no longer want to spin, start learning a new trick as well, but the charge reverse becomes essential to decent spinning very early on. I put it off for more than a year, and i've suffered from it sense, it's just one of the things you[B] have[/B] to tackle.
Date: Thu, Oct 13 2011 04:49:12
This was made after a few versions I thought of. TA Rev > double charge 23-23 > sonic rev 23-34 > demon's sonic 34-T1 > FL TA T1-T1 > warped sonic T1-23 > (palm down) twisted sonic bust OR if twisted sonic bust isn't good enough for a finisher, use fake double after the twisted sonic bust
Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 00:19:46
so i decided to try to learn the mini combo neosonic, tf charge reverse to fingerless thumbaround reverse if u got any tips, help! please!
Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 01:16:20
learn the tricks separately. probably dont need to practice the tf charge as much. once you can do them all. practice getting the neosonic to tf smooth. the only way to make this combo smooth is to practice it just like everything else
Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 01:46:18
Learn how to search, SEARCH BEFORE YOU POST PLEASE. Don't get the moderators mad. ^_^
Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 03:01:33
Use the search bar next time. Anyways, just learn the neosonic seperatly and the thumbflap charge to FL TA as one linkage.
Date: Sun, Oct 16 2011 08:48:47
i cant do a shadow after a twisted sonic bust because the pen is sort of under my thumb after the twisted sonic bust, so it kind of traps it, help please?
Date: Sun, Oct 16 2011 20:24:47
Supergirl wrote: i cant do a shadow after a twisted sonic bust because the pen is sort of under my thumb after the twisted sonic bust, so it kind of traps it, help please?
The way it do it, I move my thumb away once the bust is almost finished, so then you can do a shadow afterwards. -
Date: Tue, Oct 18 2011 17:30:16
Sonic 23-12>Charge 12-12>Reverse Sonic 12-23>Twisted Sonic 23-12>Charge 12-12>Thumbaround T1-12
Date: Tue, Oct 18 2011 21:02:15
Try this: inv sonic 23-13 > pass 13-34 > sonic 34-24 ~ mid/index around rev 13-23 > twisted sonic 23-12 > neo sonic 12-tf > tf charge rev > fl ta rev > [pd] mid bak into 12 > inv twisted sonic rev 12-23 > [ps] pass 23-12 > [pd] inv sonic rev 12-13 > pass rev 13-34 > [ps] pass rev 34-t3 > charge t3 > pass rev t3-34 > [pd] pass 34-23 > twisted sonic double bust.
Date: Wed, Oct 19 2011 09:00:13
How do i do a combo with all the fundamentals + some advanced tricks? (i am a beginner)
Date: Wed, Oct 19 2011 09:26:47
tom19 wrote: How do i do a combo with all the fundamentals + some advanced tricks? (i am a beginner)
What I posted above is actually very basic. It looks complex but the tricks involved are simple and easy for beginners except the mid/index around and the double bust at the end but you can substitute that. -
Date: Thu, Oct 20 2011 01:39:54
:D All the fundamentals (Besides Sonic Rev, working on that) Neo Sonik-All Fingers Twisted Sonik Inverse Sonik Around-All Fingers FLTA Sonik Rise All Infinity Variations Wiper Variations :\ I have no idea what other tricks I know....
Date: Fri, Oct 21 2011 00:34:29
DarkSpin wrote: Hi im new to pen spinning and i know some fundamentals i really want to learn pen spinning because its so cool lol and i want to know the fundamentals recommended for beginners like me i know FingerPass (norm and reverse), Thumbaround (LOL), Charge , And a little bit of Infinity The pen i use is But without the grips at the end
you should use bic velocity grips and some velocity tips : D -
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 04:24:42
Can someone make a combo for me :(? Here are the tricks i learned in 5months: TA TA Rev TA Extended TA to air FLTA FLTA Rev Fingerpass Fingerpass Rev Charge Sonic Sonic Rev Sonic Rise Sonic Fall Fake Double Twisted Sonic Neo Sonic ISonic Thumbspin Wiper Figure 8 Infinity Extended Double Infinity Triple Infinity Quadruple Infinity Quinto Infinity Index Around Middle Around Shadow Shadow Still Shadow Moonwalk Shadow Hide Swivel Im a quick learner but im just not good on making combo's. Please help me...
Date: Mon, Oct 31 2011 07:33:16
@Kari thats a nice combo
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 02:44:55
Been spinning now for 2.5 months, and have gotten relatively good at the fundamentals. I am only focusing on those right now. Should I spend more time on mastering the fundamental tricks, or should I move on to more advanced tricks and combos, etc.?
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 02:49:13
I personally never got fingerpass down smoothly or learnt TA Rev before I moved onto learning other tricks. My fingerpass only became smooth after quite a lot of on off practice while I was practicing "harder" tricks. What you can do now, is kind of combine what you know now. Like maybe do something like Sonic 34-23 -> Sonic 23-12 -> Thumbaround (Index Push). The first non fundamental trick I learnt was Infinity. I think you should start moving on now, if you really think your pretty good at fundamentals. Other people might have different opinions though.
Date: Sun, Nov 6 2011 04:23:12
Thanks for the advice. I think I'll move on to other tricks and then become even better at the fundamentals 'in the background'.
Date: Mon, Nov 21 2011 05:32:15
can i get some tips on how to FS? like what tricks are mainly used (the fs videos i've seen look all pretty similar), but they spin too fast for me to figure out the breakdown. even better i would appriciate it if sum1 gave me a breakdown for a fs vid.
Date: Mon, Nov 21 2011 09:50:40
@Jeiipham, fs means freestyle it is what you do without thinking too much about your combo, so you just on your cam and film whatever you like :)
Date: Fri, Nov 25 2011 18:53:40
i am really confused about these three terms linkage ,combo and finisher ?can someone help me what they are cause they all seem a bit similar to me ?_?
Date: Fri, Nov 25 2011 19:12:17
Combos are made up of linkages. Linkages are made up of a couple of tricks. A finisher is the ending sequence to a combo.
Date: Fri, Nov 25 2011 19:12:54
Linkage is part of a combo, combo is a planned freestyle, freestyle is unplanned and do whatever you know, finisher is the end of the combo in which is the strongest/most appealing linkage you've got (for example, using a linkage of power tricks is one of the best finishers used). And search dude, this is like a noob-waiting-to-be-hated kind of question.
Date: Fri, Nov 25 2011 19:17:26
Combo: linkages>linkages>more linkages> ender (which is also linkages)
Date: Fri, Nov 25 2011 19:23:45
A linkage combines single tricks together, a combo uses linkages, and a finisher is the end of the combo. The finisher is usually something flashy and a hard trick to perform.
Date: Fri, Nov 25 2011 20:08:50
The best finisher is throwing the pen out of shot.
Date: Sat, Nov 26 2011 06:00:47
thx for the info a linkage itself is a combo?
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 09:40:19
guys i really need a good combo.. here are the list of tricks i know: TA+Rev FL TA+Rev Rev TF FL TA pass fingerpass neosonic sonic charge sonic rise twisted sonic+bust around double charge infinity+double infinity figure 8 extended TA demon's sonic tnx!!^_^
Date: Wed, Nov 30 2011 21:04:23
@penspinner_Terrence twisted sonic bust>TA Harmonic>double charge>Twisted Sonic>Infinity>Wiper Rev(might be normal I cant remember.)grab in 34 slot>Sonic rise>Devils Shadow Arial Bust. some might consider it noob but i just thought it up and tried
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 09:12:04
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 02:48:20
I like doing the rising soinc to a single charge in between the middle and index finger then a thubaround. what combos can i do with these thumbaround thumbaround air fingerless thumbaround soinc rising sonic
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 04:21:27
mini combo sonic34-13>neo sonic 13-t1> Rev. charge t1>fl ta rev>rev. palm spin to t1> fl ta rev t1-12 sorry my annotating sucks :P
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 22:38:55
please, can you post some simple combo like thumbarond > thumbaround reverse > backfall , just for training? i want do that for training and keep confident with combos. i would like make better the fundamentals trick also if i would do back fall, shadow , twisted sonic or twisted sonic bust (wich i can do) in the short combos... thanks :) (and sorry for the bad english)
Date: Tue, Dec 6 2011 23:02:14
lol just do any combos.
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 01:22:14
keilaf wrote: please, can you post some simple combo like thumbarond > thumbaround reverse > backfall , just for training? i want do that for training and keep confident with combos. i would like make better the fundamentals trick also if i would do back fall, shadow , twisted sonic or twisted sonic bust (wich i can do) in the short combos... thanks :) (and sorry for the bad english)
Devils Sonic(23-23)>Twisted sonic>infinity>Wiper>FL TA There are you happy thats about as simple im gonna make!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 07:27:08
Could I request for a good ~10sec beginner combo that is manageable to do with an MX for a beginner and involves mainly passes, sonics, twisted sonics and warped sonics? [normal/reverse/inverse/reverse inverse] I guess you could include index/midbaks, shadows and demon/devil around/sonic, but try to keep it to a minimum. EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot. Please try to make the combo end with twisted sonic bust > fake double. I really like how it looks :D
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 07:34:53
Boybandista wrote: Could I request for a good ~10sec beginner combo that is manageable to do with an MX for a beginner and involves mainly passes, sonics, twisted sonics and warped sonics? [normal/reverse/inverse/reverse inverse] I guess you could include index/midbaks, shadows and demon/devil around/sonic, but try to keep it to a minimum ;p
Some combos here might interest you. For example, K4LC, K7LC and Double Charge. -
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 08:29:22
Boybandista wrote: Could I request for a good ~10sec beginner combo that is manageable to do with an MX for a beginner and involves mainly passes, sonics, twisted sonics and warped sonics? [normal/reverse/inverse/reverse inverse] I guess you could include index/midbaks, shadows and demon/devil around/sonic, but try to keep it to a minimum. EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot. Please try to make the combo end with twisted sonic bust > fake double. I really like how it looks :D
ummm... (start palm side) reverse fingerpass 12-23-34>sonic rise>sonic fall>*turn palm down*sonic rise>warped sonic>double charge>devils around>twisted sonic bust>fake double This was one of my 1st newbie combos. Don't know how long you've been spinning for though... -
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 09:21:33
Wobster wrote: ummm... (start palm side) reverse fingerpass 12-23-34>sonic rise>sonic fall>*turn palm down*sonic rise>warped sonic>double charge>devils around>twisted sonic bust>fake double This was one of my 1st newbie combos. Don't know how long you've been spinning for though...
wasnt one of your first newbie combo the one with the triple bust> double haitua? :trollface: -
Date: Wed, Dec 7 2011 13:23:29
Boybandista wrote: Could I request for a good ~10sec beginner combo that is manageable to do with an MX for a beginner and involves mainly passes, sonics, twisted sonics and warped sonics? [normal/reverse/inverse/reverse inverse] I guess you could include index/midbaks, shadows and demon/devil around/sonic, but try to keep it to a minimum. EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot. Please try to make the combo end with twisted sonic bust > fake double. I really like how it looks :D
ok sonic rise -
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 03:30:51
Abyss wrote: wasnt one of your first newbie combo the one with the triple bust> double haitua? :trollface:
You do realise that newbies usually land their first combos off-camera? :trollface: They don't just battle straight away lol -
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 06:30:45
Wobster wrote: You do realise that newbies usually land their first combos off-camera? :trollface: They don't just battle straight away lol
i battled straight away lol. -
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 06:38:29
Abyss wrote: i battled straight away lol.
lol ur crazy -
Date: Fri, Dec 9 2011 11:38:39
Thanks to those who submitted their inputs and to those who provided combo BDs in the other thread, I finally made my first combo. It goes something like: Sonic 34-23 > Double Charge 23-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-12 > Rev. Twisted Sonic 12-23 > Warped Sonic 23-34 > Pass 34-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-12 > Pass Rev. 12-23 > Rev. Twisted Sonic 23-34 > Sonic 34-24 ~ Pass 24-12 > Pass 12-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-T12 > TA Harmonic 12-12 > Index Bak 12-12 > Pass 12-23 > Neobak 23-12 > Reverse Inverse Twisted Sonic 12-23-34 > Sonic Rise > Warped Sonic 12-23 > Devil's Around 23-23 > Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12 > Fake Double Now, if only I could make everything go smoothly. It's like a slideshow whenever I do it lol :P
Date: Tue, Dec 13 2011 19:06:45
[video=youtube;6riELgIAgH8][/video] Stalls mixed with a lot of fail spinning D:
Date: Wed, Dec 14 2011 14:35:34
without the stalls, it looks good ;D
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 11:49:33
[video=youtube;ALoAi1QADT8][/video] Merry Chirstmas UPSB x] (yeah I know the ending is crap D: )
Date: Wed, Dec 28 2011 11:21:54
My combo is Demon's Sonic 34-12 > Pass 12-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-12 > Moonwalk Sonic 12-23 > Inverse Sonic 23-12 > Neosonic 12-T1 > Thumbflap Charge Rev T1-T1 > Fingerless Thumbaround Rev T1-12 > BakFall 12-34
Date: Sat, Feb 25 2012 21:18:40
I'm 1 monthly spinner.I want to learn a combo.Please help me. I know thesee tricks FingerPass Charge Thumb around Sonic Twisted Sonic Thumb Around Reverse & Thumb Around Harmonic Index Around Wiper, Infinity & Figure 8 Cardiod Thumb Around Extended Sonic Rise Warped Sonic & Double Charge ------------------------
Date: Sat, Feb 25 2012 21:32:17
try this once you learn all fundamentals in reverse also: @leqend
Date: Sat, Feb 25 2012 21:34:50
@leqend you could also go on youtube and find videos with breakdowns
Date: Sat, Feb 25 2012 21:37:49
Karrot wrote: try this once you learn all fundamentals in reverse also: @leqend
I Need Breakdown -
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 00:01:26
@leqend Learn to search before you start a new thread
Date: Sun, Feb 26 2012 19:47:00
leqend wrote: I Need Breakdown
its in the comments -
Date: Wed, Feb 29 2012 02:41:37
instead of doing a pass rev. just do a twisted sonic bust
Date: Fri, Mar 2 2012 22:35:27
xCODYSANCHEZx wrote: instead of doing a pass rev. just do a twisted sonic bust
you dont have to, but I guess it could work... -
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 07:14:51
I did a sonic 34, double charge , thumb around. In what way can I improve in this. I know sonic,charge,double charge, finger pass, infinity 4loop kam , thumb around, twisted sonic. I not sure whether I can make my combo more longer. Please help
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 08:21:48
just keep connecting tricks. it may help to learn more tricks, but heres an easy combo that builds off of what you've said: sonic 34-23>double charge23-12>pass 12-23-34-23>sonic 23-12 just keep connecting tricks. it may help to learn more tricks, but heres an easy combo that builds off of what you've said: sonic 34-23>double charge23-12>pass 12-23-34-23>sonic 23-12>thumbaround there are MANY combos out there, but it would help ALOT if you learnt more tricks :D
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 08:38:53
Can I change the sonic into a twisted sonic?
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 08:47:06
Powerful91 wrote: Can I change the sonic into a twisted sonic?
ahah well thats the point of a combo, you can change it to whatever you want. i was just giving an example, and the fact that you came up with that shows you're capable of creating longer combos on your own, so just go and learn more tricks so you can add to your combo. -
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 08:51:01
What Should I learn shadow, neo sonic or background or others
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 13:16:28
@Powerful91 Its 'Backaround', haha. Well, imo learn whatever you want, you probably won't have any motivation learning something you don't want. But... I would say shadow would be nice to add to your combo. xD
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 15:36:54
With my Skill level I only have limited amount of combos to learn. Pen spinning need so many tricks to perform even a simple combo. That make pen spinning challenging
Date: Mon, Jun 4 2012 18:42:13
Just keep learning tricks and while you know some practice the passes/sonics/charges and make them into a combo. For example when i started psing i was learning new tricks and doing this combos/variations of this: Charge34>pass 34-23>charge23>pass 23-12>charge 12> neosonic 12-1T> ta and so on it was pretty much my first combo :D
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 02:02:55
Charge 34 to pass isn't that a twisted sonic? Charge plus pass
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 02:05:06
good combos have style, smoothness, no technical errors, variety, good filming and creativity. Working on these areas will help your combos.
Date: Wed, Jun 6 2012 10:51:45
Date: Wed, Jun 13 2012 13:07:26
Powerful91 wrote: Charge 34 to pass isn't that a twisted sonic? Charge plus pass
Well it could be if you pass it "under" your fingers what i mean is that passing it "over your fingers such as in a fingerpass if anyone has the notation for that then tell me if that isnt too much of a bother. -
Date: Thu, Jun 14 2012 08:13:18
BeyondEminence wrote: Well it could be if you pass it "under" your fingers what i mean is that passing it "over your fingers such as in a fingerpass if anyone has the notation for that then tell me if that isnt too much of a bother.
it would be charge 34 1.0>pass 34-23 it cant be twisted sonic since the plane the a twisted sonic spins on is almost parallel to the floor (assuming its palm down) where as a pass would be perpendicular to the ground. also, a pass from 34-23 will always go over your fingers unless it is pass reverse, in which case it would travel under your finger. -
Date: Tue, Jul 10 2012 01:04:50
My latest combo [video=youtube;syzphRRuBTA][/video] please leave feedback/suggestions. :D
Date: Fri, Jul 13 2012 05:05:57
can someone post the breakdown for Erioror's fundamental combo? thanks. the video link
Date: Fri, Aug 24 2012 06:04:00
can someone tell me if my mini combo (first one ive made) is good and what can be improved on, what changes i could make ect? sonic 34-23>tw sonic 23-12>TA reverse 12 (or t1)-34>sonic 34-23>sonic 23-12>FL TA
Date: Sun, Sep 2 2012 23:51:26
[video=youtube;yPUveGiDZcE][/video] İt's my combo video and breakdown: (pd) tw sonic 23-12 > tw sonic rev. 12-23 > pass rev. 23-34 > sonic 34-23 >tw sonic 23-12 > neo sonic 12-tf > thumpflap > backaround 12-12 > middle bak. 12-23 :) 2. Combo breakdown but there is no video:) tw sonic 23-12 > neo sonic 12-t1 > tipped charge t1-t1 > pass t1-12 > tw sonic rev. 12-23 :)
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2012 01:06:27
i like to use the first combo i ktrinh93s "simple mini combos" vid. demons sonic 34-12 > pass 12-23 > twisted sonic 23-12 > neosonic 12-TF > FL TA reverse TF-T12 a pretty fun mini combo
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2012 06:18:37
Here's one of my fav combos ^^ Sonic 34-23 -> Devil's around 23-23 -> sonic 23-12 -> shadow 12-23 Hope you like it >
Date: Sun, Sep 16 2012 00:53:35
I need some help in making a combo. Tricks I know: Backaround Index Backaround Middle Index around Fingerless index around Neo Sonic Thumbaround Thumbaround reverse Fingerless thumbaround Fingerless thumbaround reverse Charge Double charge Sonic Sonic inverse Twisted sonic Warped sonic Demon's sonic Devil's sonic Pass / Pass reverse Triangle pass Shadow Sonic bust Twisted sonic bust Infinity Would like to have Cont FL TA as finisher. Thanks a lot! :)
Date: Wed, Oct 3 2012 22:28:02
This is my first combo, it's not the best, but I like it :) : Sonic 34-23~>Inverse Sonic 23-12~>Rev Twisted Sonic 12-23~>Sonic 23-12~>Neosonic 12-T1~>FL TF charge reverse~> FL TA Rev to 23~>Sonic 32-21>BakFall Also TGN you can check this video: , I think you may be able to Cont. FL TA as a finisher, the combo is kind of short though.
Date: Mon, Oct 29 2012 22:53:41
Can I have help please with a combo? Here are the only tricks I know at the moment: Sonic, Reverse sonic, Charge, Reverse Charge, Twisted Sonic, Around 1-2, Thumbaround, Thumbaround Reverse, Thumbaround Harmonic, Inverse Sonic. Thanks!
Date: Thu, Nov 22 2012 09:01:28
Hey guys, i need some help. what tricks do i have to learn to get a good korean style combo? (im not sure where to post this so i just posted it here, sorry if i post this on the wrong thread.)
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2012 00:16:19 [video=youtube;UgYt4nbVFCU][/video] its not very controlled, but i'm just proud that I did it. ^^
Date: Fri, Dec 7 2012 10:56:08
One of the mini combos that I like because of its repetitive look is: Demon's Sonic 34-12 ~ Pass 12-23 ~ Twisted Sonic 23-12 ~ Pass 12-34 ~ Angel Sonic 34-12 ~ NeoSonic 12-T1. Here it is a demonstration of how it looks like for the ones that are wondering ;).
Date: Fri, Dec 7 2012 18:43:23
One of my favorite combos: Sonic 34-23 ~ Twisted sonic harmonic 23-12 ~ Twisted sonic bust ~ Thumbaround harmonic ~ neosonic ~ Charge rev T1 ~ Fingerless TA reverse ~Backaround :D
Date: Sat, Mar 16 2013 05:35:16
Shadow TA Pass and reverse pass charge neosonic sonic Double infinity what should i add more to make a noob combo also what does numbers have to do with combos ? This question is a bit out of topic but in twisted sonic do you really need to do pass or sonic after the .5 charge
Date: Tue, Mar 26 2013 16:29:14
What tricks are mandatory to learn before learning combos other than fundies
Date: Tue, Mar 26 2013 16:57:34
There are none. Learn what you want to learn and put everything together. Anybody who tells you you NEED to learn something first is wrong. If you sit down and think you might even be able to discover the tricks on your own.
Date: Tue, Mar 26 2013 17:15:25
Any recommended ones to learn first?
Date: Mon, Apr 8 2013 04:32:10
can someone make good combos at this Thumbaround Charge and reverse Sonic Tw sonic and Reverse Neo sonic Devils around Index around Infinity and double infinity Demon sonic Shadow thanks guys
Date: Mon, Apr 8 2013 05:02:29
Demons sonic- Indexaround- thumbaround- thumbaround reverse- devils around. @JoloPSPH
Date: Wed, Apr 10 2013 19:51:06
I'm not sure if there's a thread for this, but I can't really find anything... But how would I connect wiper tricks (say the infinity) to a general technical trick (say the sonic)? The only way I've been able to do this is to do the sonic or twisted sonic at the end/tip of the pen before or after the wiper.
Date: Wed, Apr 10 2013 20:08:16
as you spin the pen should 'automatically'(forced or not) move to the preferred side/end of the pen for the next trick like for example, you want to do a twisted sonic to infinity you start from the middle, and when you do the tw sonic you control the pen so that when it's time to link it to infinity, the tip of the pen should be at your fingers to experiment just try doing some tw sonics starting from the middle of the pen in slightly different ways 2 end results > your hand is at the tip of the pen > your hand is close to the middle of the pen
Date: Wed, Apr 10 2013 20:09:13
Infinity>wiper T1-23>Sonic
Date: Wed, Apr 10 2013 21:52:34
Arounds, shadows, sonics all combo from wipers pretty easy. also if you're a 2 handed spinner you can do a wiper with both hands for a hand transfer
Date: Wed, Apr 10 2013 22:36:05
yes common wiper transfers are spins and around since the hand should already be used to those and almost automatically catch them in a position that allows the execution of ''normal'' tricks.
Date: Wed, Apr 10 2013 23:35:41
i think you just kinda figure it out after some practice/experimentation. practice wipers in different finger slots (like infinity t1>13 or t2>24) and cardioids. after enough practice it doesnt seem like something you have to really have to think about doing...
Date: Thu, Apr 11 2013 00:57:05
Alright, thanks for all the feedback, I really appreciate it! :D
Date: Thu, Apr 11 2013 00:58:12
wipers can be linked to IPBA rev, fl ta ~ palmspin, PD arounds, PU baks, wiper release to hai tua, pun kan etc as well as the suggestions made by previous posters
Date: Thu, Apr 11 2013 23:09:40
wiper - spread or something maybe
Date: Fri, Apr 12 2013 05:55:12
Quadruple infinity its T1-12-24-34-24-12 to shadow lol 12-12
Date: Sun, Apr 14 2013 21:51:25
What should l add to my combo? Twisted sonic to t1 charge to 12charge to shadow.
Date: Thu, Apr 18 2013 00:08:11
Does anybody have any short combos or linkages that have no direction changes Such as FL TA Rev.>Neobak 12-23>Sonic rev. 23-34.
Date: Thu, Apr 18 2013 00:52:12
I find shadows, neobaks, and stuff like IPBA rev 1.5 are useful in these kinda combos since you can use them to get the pen on the other side of your hand while keeping the direction the same.
Date: Fri, Apr 19 2013 18:39:58
Are there any good combos with an infinity?
Date: Fri, May 31 2013 06:11:42
one of my first combos :D, Tw Sonic 23 - 12, Rev Tw Sonic 12 - 23, Sonic Inv 23 - 12, Rev Pass 12 - 23, Rev Tw sonic 23 - 34, Pass 34 - 23, Inv Wraped Sonic 23 - 34, Ring Around 34 - 34, TA 34 - T12
Date: Sat, Jun 8 2013 22:30:23
Wiper Reverse T1-13 -> Wiper 13-12 -> Wiper Reverse 12 -> Pass Reverse 12-T1 -> Figure 8 Bust. My favorite wiper combo ever.
Date: Sun, Jun 9 2013 04:36:17
Ta harmonic>figure 8 reverse>quad infinity. Starter combo
Date: Sun, Jun 9 2013 14:08:48
HurricaneKaktos wrote: Wiper Reverse T1-13 -> Wiper 13-12 -> Wiper Reverse 12 -> Pass Reverse 12-T1 -> Figure 8 Bust. My favorite wiper combo ever.
I want to see a video of this if possible :D -
Date: Mon, Jun 10 2013 02:22:22
XenoGeneiken wrote: I want to see a video of this if possible :D
[video=youtube;BwJAba2mD7s][/video] -
Date: Mon, Jun 10 2013 08:51:49
HurricaneKaktos wrote: [video=youtube;BwJAba2mD7s][/video]
Thanks so much :) -
Date: Wed, Jun 12 2013 02:09:18
Something I've been experimenting with, not mastered yet: Devil's Shadow 12-T12 -> FL TA -> Shadow T1-12. More of a mini-combo, really, but I'm still smoothing out the transition from FL TA to shadow.
Date: Tue, Oct 29 2013 17:02:39
I'm noob but I have been learning this beginner combo. *Palm Up* Tw Sonic 23-12 > TA Harmonic > Sonic 23-12 > NeoSonic 12-T1 >FL TA Rev > Ex TA> *Palm Down* Rev Pass 12-23-34 > Sonic Rise 34-12 > Shadow 12-12