Spammer's Bin / samsung gs3 vs gnexus

  1. boshi
    Date: Sun, Aug 12 2012 06:12:35

    my razr is pooping on me. bricks. so im getting a new phone. my friend is trying to convince me to get the gnex cuz it gets updates faster, but from what iv read, battery, reception, and just hardware in general is better on the s3. which do i get?

  2. SJ
    Date: Sun, Aug 12 2012 06:16:12

    get the s3.....but i havent read any reviews on it lol how bout the blaze? i have gnexus...battery life is pretty shitty, heats up often, 4g isnt that reliable (often times 3g which is slow as fuck or doesnt load at all), shitty camera. but its a pretty good phone overall having seen my friends' smartphones... above average build quality

  3. boshi
    Date: Sun, Aug 12 2012 06:17:29

    hey sounds like my razr. LOL. aight s3 it is then i guess.